SBI Mutual Fund
SBI Mutual Fund
SBI Mutual Fund
LD24G SBI Equity Hybrid Fund Direct Growth NAV as on 22/04/2024 : 277.7703
Amount NAV Price Number of
Date Transaction Type Balance Units
in INR in INR in INR Units
Opening Balance 0.000
23-Apr-2024 ***Change / Regn of Nominee*** 899.979
22-Apr-2024 Purchase 249,987.50 277.7703 277.7703 899.979 899.979
Gross Amount: Rs.250000/-; Stamp Duty Charges Levied 12.50
Current Load Structure : Entry Load: N.A; Exit Load (w.e.f. 16-OCT-2015): NIL for 10% of investment and 1.00% exit load for remaining investment if redeemed/switched
within 12 month from the date of investment; NIL if redeemed/switched after 12 month from the date of investment. For applicability of load
structure, please refer to SAI/SID/ KIM/Addendum issued from time to time. **Scheme name of SBI Magnum Balanced Fund has been changed to
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund with effect from 16th May 2018. W.e.f. 1st July 2020, Stamp Duty @ 0.005% is applicable on allotment of units. As per
SEBI guidelines, w.e.f. February 01, 2021, applicable NAV for allotment of units shall be based on time of receipt of transaction and funds available
for utilization upto the cut-off time. TDS shall be deducted (wherever applicable) as per rates under New Tax Regime. Differential tax if any, should
be evaluated by investor(s), basis relevant tax provisions.
Change of Address can be processed only by KYC Registration Agency (KRA).
Please verify your Name & Address,Broker details,Bank details and other information printed in this statement.
In case of any discrepancy,please inform us by E-mail to [email protected] or contact us at the number mentioned below.
This is a system generated statement hence does not require signature ...continued on next page
For any queries call us on Toll Free No:18002093333/18004255425; (022)27786501/62511600; (080)25512131/67741500; SMS 'SBIMF' to 7065611100
Give a missed call on 8010968318 from your registered Mobile No in SBIMF Folio/s to get your portfolio valuation via SMS.
Transaction Slip (For existing unit holders only-please read the Instructions and terms & conditions overleaf) SBI MUTUAL FUND
Bank Details : SB 32944290369 / STATE BANK OF INDIA / HRIDAYPUR / BARASAT / IFSC : SBIN0014538 / IFSC : SBIN0014538
Scheme Name :
Option: Growth IDCW Payout IDCW Reinvestment (*please refer instruction no.6 overleaf)
Scheme Unit Balance NAV as on NAV Current Value(INR) Cost of Investment IDCW Earned
LD24G SBI Equity Hybrid Fund Direct Gr 899.979 22-Apr-2024 277.7703 249,987.50 250,000.00 0.00
2nd Holder Not applicable Not Applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
3rd Holder Not applicable Not Applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Guardian ** Not applicable Not Applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Transaction Slip (For existing unit holders only-please read the Instructions and terms & conditions overleaf) SBI MUTUAL FUND
Bank Details : SB 32944290369 / STATE BANK OF INDIA / HRIDAYPUR / BARASAT / IFSC : SBIN0014538 / IFSC : SBIN0014538
Scheme Name :
Option: Growth IDCW Payout IDCW Reinvestment (*please refer instruction no.6 overleaf)