Analytical Design of Double-Chirped Mirrors With Custom-Tailored Dispersion Characteristics
Analytical Design of Double-Chirped Mirrors With Custom-Tailored Dispersion Characteristics
Analytical Design of Double-Chirped Mirrors With Custom-Tailored Dispersion Characteristics
Abstract— We present a theory for the analytical design of do not answer important questions such as “Is it possible to
double-chirped mirrors with special dispersion characteristics. design chirped mirrors with some arbitrarily chosen dispersion
A simple analytical equation takes an arbitrarily desired group characteristics?” or “What is a good starting structure for a
delay dispersion (that also includes possible higher order disper-
sion) as an input function and gives the chirp law as an output. chirped mirror that can be used for computer optimization,
The chirp law determines the local Bragg wavelengths in the given the desired reflectance and GDD of the mirror?”
mirror. It allows the calculation of the thicknesses of the high- Recently, we developed a theory for chirped mirror analysis
and low-index layers if the double chirp of the layers in the front that resulted in the double-chirped mirror (DCM) design
part of the mirror is taken into account. We use this method to technique [7], [8]. The theory, which is based on an exact
design a highly dispersive double-chirped semiconductor Bragg
mirror and a double-chirped TiO2 –SiO2 mirror for higher or- coupled-mode analysis [9], allows for an easy and still pre-
der dispersion compensation in optical parametric oscillators cise calculation of the group delay and GDD by using the
operating in the visible spectral range. The design formulas are WKB approximation. In the case of weakly index-modulated
applicable to general chirped Bragg gratings and provide insight nonuniform grating structures (e.g., chirped fiber gratings), the
into the reasons why certain dispersion characteristics might be usefulness of the WKB approach has been already demon-
impossible to achieve.
strated by Poladian and Sipe et al. [10], [11]. In this paper, we
Index Terms—Chirped mirrors, coatings, coupled-mode analy- use our analytical expressions and derive the chirp law for the
sis, dielectric films, dispersion control, thin-film devices, ultrafast design of mirrors with an arbitrary dispersion characteristic.
optics, WKB analysis.
This paper widely uses the notation and results derived
in [8] and is organized as follows. In Section II, the main
I. INTRODUCTION results of [8] are summarized in a self-contained manner. In
Section III, a differential equation for the chirp law, given
R APID advances in ultrashort pulse generation have re-
sulted in sub-10-fs pulses from Ti:sapphire lasers [1]–[4].
It became evident that the main limitation to short pulse
a desired GDD, is derived within certain approximations.
Subsequently, in Section IV, we use the analytical solution
generation is given by higher order dispersion. Chirped mirrors of this differential equation and explicitly determine the chirp
[5] provide a powerful and compact technique for disper- law for some analytically and some numerically solvable cases.
sion compensation. Additionally, they exhibit a broader high- Finally, in Section V, the applicability and use of the derived
reflectance range than standard quarter-wave Bragg mirrors. formulas is demonstrated by investigation of two examples,
A chirped mirror introduces a controlled negative group delay a semiconductor Bragg mirror with a constant negative GDD
dispersion (GDD) by increasing the local Bragg period of the and a dielectric mirror for dispersion compensation in optical
mirror along the grating. parametric oscillators (OPO’s). We discuss the final design of
However, so far there were no analytical laws for the the dispersion compensating OPO mirrors obtained from the
chirping of the layer thicknesses for mirrors with a given theoretical starting design after numerical refinement. These
dispersion characteristic. Therefore, the mirrors are often de- DCM’s have the potential to support 6-fs pulses from an OPO
signed by time-consuming numerical optimization. The reason in the visible [12].
for this lack in appropriate design formulas is that the standard
design methods for optical interference coatings were mostly II. WKB DESCRIPTION OF A DOUBLE-CHIRPED MIRROR
focused on their reflection and transmission properties but According to Fig. 1, a DCM is an optical interference
not on the phase properties of the coatings. There exist only coating that in general consists of four multilayer subsections
a few papers concerning the phase properties of multilayer deposited on a substrate. For dispersion-compensating broad-
coatings by analytical means (see, for example, [6]). Most of band high reflectors, the layer materials are dielectrics such
these results are only of a qualitative nature and give little as SiO and TiO . The first section of a DCM is a broad-
analytical insight into the design problem. Additionally, they band antireflection (AR) coating, which typically consists of
8–14 layers and matches the subsequent optical coating to the
Manuscript received June 5, 1998; revised October 20, 1998. This work ambient medium [7], [8]. Here, we do not consider the problem
was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. of finding a proper high-quality AR coating (see, for example,
The authors are with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), [13]). We start to design the phase and amplitude properties
Institute of Quantum Electronics, Ultrafast Laser Physics Laboratory, ETH
Hönggerberg-HPT E9, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland. of the mirror under the assumption of perfect matching to
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9197(99)00857-X. the ambient medium. Therefore, we count the layers starting
0018–9197/99$10.00 1999 IEEE
A. Approximation of the WKB Formulas where is the velocity of light in vacuum with the
angular frequency . Note that the second equality holds
Generally, it is not possible to derive analytical expressions because the integrand (3) vanishes at the classical turning point
for the GDD due to the complicated integrand according to (4). Thus, we first built the derivative of (2) with
in (2). Therefore, we expand the square root in a respect to wavenumber, and afterwards we applied the zeroth-
Taylor series according to order approximation (5). The approximate group delay (10) has
a simple physical interpretation. It is the optical path length
for a wave traveling from the mirror surface to the classical
(5) turning point and back. From (10), we obtain the GDD
(7) (12)
where we have used the equation for the classical turning point to (9), the optical thickness as a function of the index step. At
first, (17) might look surprising, since it contains the product
(13) and not only because that would
relate to the change of the group delay over a distance of the
index steps, if each step would have equal optical length. But
which follows from condition (4) with the approximations (6) this is not the case, and the optical thickness of the th step
and (7). Equation (13) shows that, for negligible coupling is proportional to the inverse of .
coefficients, the incident wave is reflected at the point where
the wavenumber equals the Bragg wavenumber. This happens IV. ANALYTICAL EXAMPLES
where the approximate detuning coefficient vanishes according
In this section, we analytically discuss examples for using
to (7).
The general solution of the differential equation (12) is given
A. Analytically Invertible Examples
(14) For some simple cases of the desired GDD, the chirp law
can be derived explicitly. This is the case for a GDD that
obeys a power law of the form
where is an arbitrary integration constant. This equation
determines the classical turning point for a given wavenumber
. By using (13), which connects the Bragg wavenumber at
the classical turning point with the wavenumber the classical
Here, is the absolute value of the desired GDD at
turning point can be written as a function of the corresponding
wavenumber . For such a GDD, the third-order dispersion
Bragg wavenumber. Thus, we get the following inverse law
(TOD) is given by
for chirping the Bragg wavenumber with position in the
One can see that the TOD is positive for negative for
(15) and vanishes for . If we substitute (13) into (18),
the calculation of the integral in (17) results in
Note that the index at the variable is no longer necessary,
since we consider as an independent variable. The inte-
gration constant is determined by a boundary condition—for
example, the Bragg wavenumber at the beginning of the
mirror. Hence, we have a condition of the form
Fig. 6. Chirp law for a dielectric DCM with a desired GDD, as summarized
in Table I. The minimum Bragg wavelength was chosen to be 500 nm. At
j j 24; the inverse chirp law is not invertible due to the increase of the
desired GDD for longer wavelengths [see Fig. 7(b)]. Also shown are the 23
discrete points at which the chirp law was evaluated in order to generate the
theoretical designs shown in Fig. 7. The dashed vertical line symbolizes the (a)
position in the mirror where all wavelengths around the Bragg wavelength are
reflected, when a quarter-wave section follows after the simple-chirp section.
dielectric DCM. As has been shown, the analytical designs Nicolai Matuschek was born in Biberach an der
achieved by this method are very close to the desired design Riß, Germany, in 1968. He received the diploma
degree in physics from the University of Ulm,
goals and can be used as excellent starting designs for a Ulm, Germany in 1995. He is currently working
subsequent computer optimization. toward the Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Quantum
Electronics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
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