Asme BPVC 2023 Section III Sub Nca

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R ules for Construction of
Nuclear Facility Components

ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code
An International Code
S ubse ct ion N CA
Gen eral Req u iremen ts fo r
Division 1 a n d Division 2
Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME,” ASME logos,
or the ASME Single Cer�fica�on Mark shall not be used on any item that is not constructed in
accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code or Standard. Use of the ASME
Single Cer�fica�on Mark requires formal ASME cer�fica�on; if no cer�fica�on program is
available, such ASME markings may not be used. (For Cer�fica�on and Accredita�on Programs,
see h�ps://�fica�on-accredita�on.)

Items produced by par�es not formally possessing an ASME Cer�ficate may not be described,
either explicitly or implicitly, as ASME cer�fied or approved in any code forms or other document.

2023 ASME Boiler &

Pressure Vessel Code
2023 Edition July 1, 2023

(ACI Standard 359-23)

Subsection NCA
General Requirements for
Division 1 and Division 2
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee
on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components

ACI-ASME Joint Technical Committee

Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA

Date of Issuance: July 1, 2023

This international code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards and it is an American National Standard. The standards committee that approved
the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from competent and concerned interests had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and
comment, which provided an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies,
and the public-at-large.
ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any
items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for
infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor does ASME assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard
are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such
rights, is entirely their own responsibility.
Participation by federal agency representatives or persons affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as
government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.
ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the estab-
lished ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.
The endnotes and preamble in this document (if any) are part of this American National Standard.

ASME Collective Membership Mark

ASME Single Certification Mark

“ASME” and the above ASME symbols are registered trademarks of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic

retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934

Adopted by the Council of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1914; latest edition 2023.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright © 2023 by
All rights reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

List of Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Statement of Policy on the Use of the ASME Single Certification Mark and Code Authorization in Advertising viii
Statement of Policy on the Use of ASME Marking to Identify Manufactured Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Correspondence With the Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxi
The American Concrete Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiii
Organization of Section III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiv
Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxviii
Cross-Referencing in the ASME BPVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xl

Article NCA-1000 Scope of Section III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

NCA-1100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
NCA-1200 General Requirements for Items and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Article NCA-2000 Classification of Components and Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
NCA-2100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Article NCA-3000 Responsibilities and Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
NCA-3100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
NCA-3200 Responsibilities of the Certificate Holder or Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
NCA-3300 Material Organization's Quality System Program; Metallic Material,
Nonmetallic Material Manufacturers, Constituent Suppliers, and
Polyethylene Material Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
NCA-3800 Metallic Material Organization's Quality System Program . . . . . . . . . . 27
NCA-3900 Metallic Material Organization's Quality System Program . . . . . . . . . . 27
Article NCA-4000 Quality Assurance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
NCA-4100 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
NCA-4200 Metallic Quality System Program Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
NCA-4300 Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer's and Constituent Supplier's Quality
System Program Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
NCA-4400 Polyethylene Material Organization‘S Quality System Program . . . . . . 44
Article NCA-5000 Authorized Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
NCA-5100 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
NCA-5200 Duties of Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
NCA-5300 Responsibilities of the Authorized Inspection Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Article NCA-7000 Reference Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
NCA-7100 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Article NCA-8000 Certificates, Nameplates, Certification Mark, and Data Reports . . . 63
NCA-8100 Authorization to Perform Code Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

NCA-8200 Nameplates and Application of Certification Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
NCA-8300 Certification Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
NCA-8400 Data Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
NCA-8500 Work on Stamped Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Article NCA-9000 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
NCA-9100 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
NCA-9200 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

NCA-8212-1 Form of Stamping With Certification Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

NCA-3200-1 Responsibilities of the Certificate Holder or Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
NCA-3200-2 Document Distribution for Division 2 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
NCA-3300-1 Responsibilities of the Material Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
NCA-4134.17-1 Lifetime Quality Assurance Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
NCA-4134.17-2 Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
NCA-7100-1 Dimensional Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
NCA-7100-2 Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
NCA-7100-3 Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
NCA-8100-1 Certificates and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for Construction of
Nuclear Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Endnotes .................................................... 79



I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers

II Materials
• Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications
• Part B — Nonferrous Material Specifications
• Part C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals
• Part D — Properties (Customary)
• Part D — Properties (Metric)
III Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components
• Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2
• Appendices
• Division 1
– Subsection NB — Class 1 Components
– Subsection NCD — Class 2 and Class 3 Components
– Subsection NE — Class MC Components
– Subsection NF — Supports
– Subsection NG — Core Support Structures
• Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments
• Division 3 — Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level
Radioactive Material
• Division 4 — Fusion Energy Devices
• Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors
IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
V Nondestructive Examination
VI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
VII Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers
VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
• Division 1
• Division 2 — Alternative Rules
• Division 3 — Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels
IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
XI Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Reactor Facility Components
• Division 1 — Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants
• Division 2 — Requirements for Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Programs for Nuclear Reactor
XII Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
XIII Rules for Overpressure Protection


In 1911, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers established the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to
formulate standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. In 2009, the Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Committee was superseded by the following committees:
(a) Committee on Power Boilers (I)
(b) Committee on Materials (II)
(c) Committee on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components (III)
(d) Committee on Heating Boilers (IV)
(e) Committee on Nondestructive Examination (V)
(f) Committee on Pressure Vessels (VIII)
(g) Committee on Welding, Brazing, and Fusing (IX)
(h) Committee on Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (X)
(i) Committee on Nuclear Inservice Inspection (XI)
(j) Committee on Transport Tanks (XII)
(k) Committee on Overpressure Protection (XIII)
(l) Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC)
Where reference is made to “the Committee” in this Foreword, each of these committees is included individually and
The Committee’s function is to establish rules of safety relating to pressure integrity, which govern the construction** of
boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks, and nuclear components, and the inservice inspection of nuclear components
and transport tanks. For nuclear items other than pressure-retaining components, the Committee also establishes rules of
safety related to structural integrity. The Committee also interprets these rules when questions arise regarding their
intent. The technical consistency of the Sections of the Code and coordination of standards development activities of the
Committees is supported and guided by the Technical Oversight Management Committee. This Code does not address
other safety issues relating to the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks, or nuclear components, or the
inservice inspection of nuclear components or transport tanks. Users of the Code should refer to the pertinent codes,
standards, laws, regulations, or other relevant documents for safety issues other than those relating to pressure integrity
and, for nuclear items other than pressure-retaining components, structural integrity. Except for Sections XI and XII, and
with a few other exceptions, the rules do not, of practical necessity, reflect the likelihood and consequences of deteriora-
tion in service related to specific service fluids or external operating environments. In formulating the rules, the
Committee considers the needs of users, manufacturers, and inspectors of components addressed by the Code. The
objective of the rules is to afford reasonably certain protection of life and property, and to provide a margin for deteriora-
tion in service to give a reasonably long, safe period of usefulness. Advancements in design and materials and evidence of
experience have been recognized.
This Code contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construction
activities and inservice inspection and testing activities. The Code does not address all aspects of these activities
and those aspects that are not specifically addressed should not be considered prohibited. The Code is not a handbook
and cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judgment. The phrase engineering judgment refers
to technical judgments made by knowledgeable engineers experienced in the application of the Code. Engineering judg-
ments must be consistent with Code philosophy, and such judgments must never be used to overrule mandatory re-
quirements or specific prohibitions of the Code.
The Committee recognizes that tools and techniques used for design and analysis change as technology progresses and
expects engineers to use good judgment in the application of these tools. The designer is responsible for complying with
Code rules and demonstrating compliance with Code equations when such equations are mandatory. The Code neither
requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constructed to the requirements of
the Code. However, designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are
The information contained in this Foreword is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and has not been processed in accordance with
ANSI's requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this Foreword may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In
addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Code.
Construction, as used in this Foreword, is an all-inclusive term comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certifica-
tion, and overpressure protection.

responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs they use and the application of these programs to their
The rules established by the Committee are not to be interpreted as approving, recommending, or endorsing any
proprietary or specific design, or as limiting in any way the manufacturer’s freedom to choose any method of design or any
form of construction that conforms to the Code rules.
The Committee meets regularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules as dictated by technological development,
Code Cases, and requests for interpretations. Only the Committee has the authority to provide official interpretations of
this Code. Requests for revisions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing
and shall give full particulars in order to receive consideration and action (see Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees). Proposed revisions to the Code resulting from inquiries will be
presented to the Committee for appropriate action. The action of the Committee becomes effective only after confirmation
by ballot of the Committee and approval by ASME. Proposed revisions to the Code approved by the Committee are
submitted to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and published at
to invite comments from all interested persons. After public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published at
regular intervals in Editions of the Code.
The Committee does not rule on whether a component shall or shall not be constructed to the provisions of the Code.
The scope of each Section has been established to identify the components and parameters considered by the Committee
in formulating the Code rules.
Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specific component with the Code rules are to be directed to the ASME
Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiries concerning the interpretation of the Code are to be directed to the
Committee. ASME is to be notified should questions arise concerning improper use of the ASME Single Certification
When required by context in this Section, the singular shall be interpreted as the plural, and vice versa, and the feminine,
masculine, or neuter gender shall be treated as such other gender as appropriate.
The words “shall,” “should,” and “may” are used in this Standard as follows:
– Shall is used to denote a requirement.
– Should is used to denote a recommendation.
– May is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation.


ASME has established procedures to authorize qualified organizations to perform various activities in accordance with
the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. It is the aim of the Society to provide recognition of
organizations so authorized. An organization holding authorization to perform various activities in accordance with the
requirements of the Code may state this capability in its advertising literature.
Organizations that are authorized to use the ASME Single Certification Mark for marking items or constructions that
have been constructed and inspected in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certificates
of Authorization. It is the aim of the Society to maintain the standing of the ASME Single Certification Mark for the benefit of
the users, the enforcement jurisdictions, and the holders of the ASME Single Certification Mark who comply with all
Based on these objectives, the following policy has been established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles of the
ASME Single Certification Mark, Certificates of Authorization, and reference to Code construction. The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, or activity and there shall
be no statements or implications that might so indicate. An organization holding the ASME Single Certification Mark and/
or a Certificate of Authorization may state in advertising literature that items, constructions, or activities “are built
(produced or performed) or activities conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code,” or “meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.”An ASME corporate logo shall not
be used by any organization other than ASME.
The ASME Single Certification Mark shall be used only for stamping and nameplates as specifically provided in the Code.
However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the use of such construction. Such usage may be by an
association or a society, or by a holder of the ASME Single Certification Mark who may also use the facsimile in advertising
to show that clearly specified items will carry the ASME Single Certification Mark.



The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides rules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear
components. This includes requirements for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, and stamping. Items
constructed in accordance with all of the applicable rules of the Code are identified with the ASME Single Certification
Mark described in the governing Section of the Code.
Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME” or the ASME Single Certification
Mark shall not be used on any item that is not constructed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the
Items shall not be described on ASME Data Report Forms nor on similar forms referring to ASME that tend to imply that
all Code requirements have been met when, in fact, they have not been. Data Report Forms covering items not fully
complying with ASME requirements should not refer to ASME or they should clearly identify all exceptions to the ASME

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees, ð23Þ

Subgroups, and Working Groups

January 1, 2023


R. E. McLaughlin, Chair W. M. Lundy R. E. McLaughlin, Chair M. J. Pischke
N. A. Finney, Vice Chair D. I. Morris N. A. Finney, Vice Chair M. D. Rana
S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary T. P. Pastor S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary S. C. Roberts
G. Aurioles, Sr. M. D. Rana J. Cameron R. R. Stevenson
R. W. Barnes S. C. Roberts R. B. Keating R. W. Swayne
T. L. Bedeaux F. J. Schaaf, Jr. B. Linnemann M. Wadkinson
C. Brown G. Scribner B. K. Nutter
D. B. DeMichael W. J. Sperko
R. P. Deubler D. Srnic
J. G. Feldstein R. W. Swayne
G. W. Galanes J. Vattappilly
J. A. Hall M. Wadkinson
T. E. Hansen B. K. Nutter, Ex-Officio Member
G. W. Hembree M. J. Pischke, Ex-Officio Member MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP
R. B. Keating J. F. Henry, Honorary Member
B. Linnemann J. Oh, Staff Secretary H. N. Patel
J. G. Hungerbuhler, Jr. N. Prokopuk
G. Nair J. D. Reynolds
Subgroup on Research and Development (TOMC)
S. C. Roberts, Chair R. B. Keating
S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary R. E. McLaughlin
R. W. Barnes T. P. Pastor
N. A. Finney D. Andrei, Contributing Member
R. D. Troutt — Texas, Chair J. LeSage, Jr. — Louisiana
Subgroup on Strategic Initiatives (TOMC) J. T. Amato — Ohio, Secretary A. M. Lorimor — South Dakota
W. Anderson — Mississippi M. Mailman — Northwest Terri-
N. A. Finney, Chair M. H. Jawad R. Becker — Colorado tories, Canada
S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary R. B. Keating T. D. Boggs — Missouri W. McGivney — City of New York,
R. W. Barnes R. E. McLaughlin R. A. Boillard — Indiana New York
T. L. Bedeaux T. P. Pastor D. P. Brockerville — Newfoundland S. F. Noonan — Maryland
G. W. Hembree S. C. Roberts and Labrador, Canada C. L. O’Guin — Tennessee
R. J. Bunte — Iowa B. S. Oliver — New Hampshire
J. H. Burpee — Maine J. L. Oliver — Nevada
Task Group on Remote Inspection and Examination (SI-TOMC) M. Carlson — Washington P. B. Polick — Illinois
T. G. Clark — Oregon J. F. Porcella — West Virginia
S. C. Roberts, Chair M. Tannenbaum B. J. Crawford — Georgia B. Ricks — Montana
P. J. Coco J. Cameron, Alternate E. L. Creaser — New Brunswick, W. J. Ross — Pennsylvania
N. A. Finney A. Byk, Contributing Member Canada M. H. Sansone — New York
S. A. Marks J. Pang, Contributing Member J. J. Dacanay — Hawaii T. S. Seime — North Dakota
R. Rockwood S. J. Rossi, Contributing Member R. DeLury — Manitoba, Canada C. S. Selinger — Saskatchewan,
C. Stevens C. A. Sanna, Contributing Member A. Denham — Michigan Canada
C. Dinic — Ontario, Canada J. E. Sharier — Ohio
D. A. Ehler — Nova Scotia, Canada R. Spiker — North Carolina
Special Working Group on High Temperature Technology (TOMC) S. D. Frazier — Washington D. Srnic — Alberta, Canada
D. Dewees, Chair B. F. Hantz T. J. Granneman II — Oklahoma D. J. Stenrose — Michigan
F. W. Brust R. I. Jetter S. Harder — Arizona R. J. Stimson II — Kansas
T. D. Burchell P. Smith M. L. Jordan — Kentucky R. K. Sturm — Utah
P. R. Donavin R. Kamboj — British Columbia, D. K. Sullivan — Arkansas
Canada J. Taveras — Rhode Island
E. Kawa — Massachusetts G. Teel — California
A. Khssassi — Quebec, Canada D. M. Warburton — Florida
D. Kinney — North Carolina M. Washington — New Jersey
K. S. Lane — Alaska E. Wiggins — Alabama

INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REVIEW GROUP Subgroup on General Requirements and Piping (BPV I)
V. Felix C. Minu D. E. Tompkins, Chair B. J. Mollitor
Y.-G. Kim Y.-W. Park M. Wadkinson, Vice Chair Y. Oishi
S. H. Leong A. R. Reynaga Nogales M. Lemmons, Secretary E. M. Ortman
W. Lin P. Williamson R. Antoniuk D. E. Tuttle
O. F. Manafa T. E. Hansen J. Vattappilly
M. Ishikawa R. V. Wielgoszinski
R. E. McLaughlin W. L. Lowry, Contributing Member

R. E. McLaughlin, Chair J. Vattappilly

E. M. Ortman, Vice Chair M. Wadkinson
Subgroup on Locomotive Boilers (BPV I)
U. D’Urso, Staff Secretary R. V. Wielgoszinski
D. I. Anderson F. Zeller J. R. Braun, Chair S. A. Lee
J. L. Arnold H. Michael, Delegate S. M. Butler, Secretary L. Moedinger
K. K. Coleman D. L. Berger, Honorary Member G. W. Galanes G. M. Ray
J. G. Feldstein P. D. Edwards, Honorary Member D. W. Griner M. W. Westland
S. Fincher D. N. French, Honorary Member M. A. Janssen
G. W. Galanes J. Hainsworth, Honorary Member
T. E. Hansen J. F. Henry, Honorary Member
J. S. Hunter W. L. Lowry, Honorary Member Subgroup on Materials (BPV I)
M. Ishikawa J. R. MacKay, Honorary Member
M. Lemmons P. A. Molvie, Honorary Member K. K. Coleman, Chair F. Masuyama
L. Moedinger J. T. Pillow, Honorary Member K. Hayes, Vice Chair L. S. Nicol
Y. Oishi B. W. Roberts, Honorary Member M. Lewis, Secretary M. Ortolani
M. Ortolani R. D. Schueler, Jr., Honorary Member S. H. Bowes D. W. Rahoi
A. Spangenberg J. M. Tanzosh, Honorary Member G. W. Galanes F. Zeller
D. E. Tompkins R. L. Williams, Honorary Member P. F. Gilston B. W. Roberts, Contributing Member
D. E. Tuttle L. W. Yoder, Honorary Member J. S. Hunter J. M. Tanzosh, Contributing Member
E. Liebl

Executive Committee (BPV I)

Subgroup on Solar Boilers (BPV I)
E. M. Ortman, Chair U. D’Urso
R. E. McLaughlin, Vice Chair P. F. Gilston P. Jennings, Chair J. S. Hunter
D. I. Anderson K. Hayes R. E. Hearne, Secretary P. Swarnkar
J. L. Arnold P. Jennings S. Fincher
J. R. Braun A. Spangenberg
K. K. Coleman D. E. Tompkins
H. Dalal M. Wadkinson Task Group on Modernization (BPV I)
T. Dhanraj D. I. Anderson, Chair T. E. Hansen
U. D’Urso, Staff Secretary R. E. McLaughlin
J. L. Arnold E. M. Ortman
Subgroup on Design (BPV I) D. Dewees D. E. Tuttle
D. I. Anderson, Chair N. S. Ranck G. W. Galanes J. Vattappilly
L. S. Tsai, Secretary J. Vattappilly J. P. Glaspie
P. Becker M. Wadkinson
L. Krupp D. Dewees, Contributing Member
C. T. McDaris J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member Germany International Working Group (BPV I)
A. Spangenberg, Chair R. A. Meyers
P. Chavdarov, Secretary H. Michael
Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (BPV I) B. Daume F. Miunske
J. L. Arnold, Chair P. Jennings J. Fleischfresser M. Sykora
P. F. Gilston, Vice Chair M. Lewis C. Jaekel R. Helmholdt, Contributing Member
P. Becker, Secretary C. T. McDaris R. Kauer J. Henrichsmeyer, Contributing
K. K. Coleman R. E. McLaughlin D. Koelbl Member
S. Fincher R. J. Newell S. Krebs B. Müller, Contributing Member
G. W. Galanes Y. Oishi T. Ludwig
T. E. Hansen R. V. Wielgoszinski

India International Working Group (BPV I) Subgroup on International Material Specifications (BPV II)
H. Dalal, Chair S. Purkait M. Ishikawa, Chair F. Zeller
T. Dhanraj, Vice Chair M. G. Rao P. Chavdarov, Vice Chair C. Zhou
K. Thanupillai, Secretary G. U. Shanker A. Chaudouet O. Oldani, Delegate
P. Brahma D. K. Shrivastava H. Chen H. Lorenz, Contributing Member
S. Chakrabarti K. Singha A. F. Garbolevsky T. F. Miskell, Contributing Member
A. Hantodkar R. Sundararaj D. O. Henry E. Upitis, Contributing Member
A. J. Patil S. Venkataramana W. M. Lundy

COMMITTEE ON MATERIALS (BPV II) Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (BPV II)

J. Cameron, Chair L. S. Nicol E. Shapiro, Chair J. A. McMaster
G. W. Galanes, Vice Chair M. Ortolani W. MacDonald, Vice Chair D. W. Rahoi
C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary D. W. Rahoi J. Robertson, Secretary W. Ren
A. Appleton W. Ren R. M. Beldyk R. C. Sutherlin
P. Chavdarov E. Shapiro J. M. Downs R. Wright
K. K. Coleman R. C. Sutherlin J. F. Grubb S. Yem
D. W. Gandy F. Zeller J. A. Hall D. B. Denis, Contributing Member
J. F. Grubb O. Oldani, Delegate D. Maitra D. T. Peters, Contributing Member
J. A. Hall A. Chaudouet, Contributing Member
D. O. Henry J. D. Fritz, Contributing Member
K. M. Hottle W. Hoffelner, Contributing Member Subgroup on Physical Properties (BPV II)
M. Ishikawa K. E. Orie, Contributing Member
K. Kimura D. T. Peters, Contributing Member P. K. Rai, Chair R. D. Jones
M. Kowalczyk B. W. Roberts, Contributing Member S. Neilsen, Vice Chair P. K. Lam
D. L. Kurle J. M. Tanzosh, Contributing Member G. Aurioles, Sr. D. W. Rahoi
F. Masuyama E. Upitis, Contributing Member D. Chandiramani E. Shapiro
S. Neilsen R. G. Young, Contributing Member P. Chavdarov D. K. Verma
H. Eshraghi S. Yem
J. F. Grubb D. B. Denis, Contributing Member
B. F. Hantz
Executive Committee (BPV II)
J. Cameron, Chair W. Hoffelner
C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary M. Ishikawa Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (BPV II)
A. Appleton M. Ortolani
K. K. Coleman P. K. Rai M. Ortolani, Chair M. Osterfoss
G. W. Galanes J. Robertson L. S. Nicol, Secretary D. W. Rahoi
J. F. Grubb E. Shapiro G. W. Galanes S. Rosinski
S. Guzey J. A. Hall M. Ueyama
M. Ishikawa F. Zeller
S. W. Knowles F. Abe, Contributing Member
F. Masuyama R. G. Young, Contributing Member
Subgroup on External Pressure (BPV II)
S. Guzey, Chair M. H. Jawad
E. Alexis, Vice Chair S. Krishnamurthy Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (BPV II & BPV IX)
J. A. A. Morrow, Secretary D. L. Kurle
L. F. Campbell R. W. Mikitka K. K. Coleman, Chair J. Penso
H. Chen P. K. Rai K. L. Hayes, Vice Chair D. W. Rahoi
D. S. Griffin M. Wadkinson S. H. Bowes, Secretary W. J. Sperko
J. F. Grubb M. Denault J. P. Swezy, Jr.
G. W. Galanes M. Ueyama
D. W. Gandy P. D. Flenner, Contributing Member
M. Ghahremani B. W. Roberts, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (BPV II)
W. F. Newell, Jr.
A. Appleton, Chair S. G. Lee
K. M. Hottle, Vice Chair W. C. Mack
C. Hyde, Secretary J. Nickel Working Group on Materials Database (BPV II)
D. Amire-Brahimi K. E. Orie
G. Cuccio D. Poweleit W. Hoffelner, Chair J. Cameron, Contributing Member
O. Elkadim E. Upitis C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary J. F. Grubb, Contributing Member
D. Fialkowski L. Watzke F. Abe D. T. Peters, Contributing Member
J. F. Grubb J. D. Fritz, Contributing Member W. MacDonald W. Ren, Contributing Member
D. S. Janikowski C. Meloy, Contributing Member R. C. Sutherlin B. W. Roberts, Contributing Member
Y.-J. Kim D. Andrei, Contributing Member E. Shapiro, Contributing Member
J. L. Arnold, Contributing Member

Working Group on Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steels (BPV II) Executive Committee (BPV III)
M. Ortolani, Chair T. Melfi R. B. Keating, Chair K. A. Manoly
G. W. Galanes, Vice Chair W. F. Newell, Jr. A. Maslowski, Secretary D. E. Matthews
P. Becker, Secretary J. J. Sanchez-Hanton T. M. Adams S. McKillop
S. H. Bowes J. A. Siefert P. R. Donavin J. McLean
K. K. Coleman W. J. Sperko J. V. Gardiner T.-L. Sham
K. Kimura F. Zeller J. Grimm W. K. Sowder, Jr.
M. Lang F. Abe, Contributing Member D. W. Lewis K. A. Kavanagh, Alternate
S. Luke P. D. Flenner, Contributing Member
F. Masuyama J. M. Tanzosh, Contributing Member
Argentina International Working Group (BPV III)
M. F. Liendo, Chair A. J. Dall’Osto
Working Group on Data Analysis (BPV II)
J. Fernández, Vice Chair J. I. Duo
J. F. Grubb, Chair M. J. Swindeman O. Martinez, Staff Secretary M. M. Gamizo
W. Ren, Vice Chair F. Abe, Contributing Member O. A. Verastegui, Secretary I. M. Guerreiro
K. Kimura W. Hoffelner, Contributing Member E. H. Aldaz I. A. Knorr
F. Masuyama W. C. Mack, Contributing Member G. O. Anteri D. E. Matthews
S. Neilsen D. T. Peters, Contributing Member A. P. Antipasti A. E. Pastor
M. Ortolani B. W. Roberts, Contributing Member D. O. Bordato M. Rivero
G. Bourguigne M. D. Vigliano
M. Brusa P. Yamamoto
China International Working Group (BPV II) A. Claus M. Zunino
R. G. Cocco
T. Xu, Secretary S. Tan
W. Cai C. Wang
W. Fang Jinguang Wang
China International Working Group (BPV III)
Q. C. Feng Jiongxiang Wang
S. Huo Q.-J. Wang Y. Wang, Chair C. Peiyin
F. Kong X. Wang H. Yu, Secretary Z. Sun
H. Leng H.-C. Yang L. Feng G. Tang
Hli Li J. Yang J. Gu L. Ting
Hongbin Li L. Yin L. Guo F. Wu
J. Li H. Zhang C. Jiang C. Yang
S. Liu X.-H. Zhang D. Kang P. Yang
Z. Rongcan Y. Zhang Y. Li W. Yang
H. Lin H. Yin
S. Liu D. Yuangang
K. Mao Z. Zhong
R. B. Keating, Chair K. Matsunaga D. E. Matthews Q. Zhou
T. M. Adams, Vice Chair B. McGlone J. Ming H. Zhu
D. E. Matthews, Vice Chair S. McKillop W. Pei
A. Maslowski, Staff Secretary J. McLean
A. Appleton J. C. Minichiello
S. Asada M. N. Mitchell
Germany International Working Group (BPV III)
R. W. Barnes T. Nagata
W. H. Borter J. B. Ossmann J. Wendt, Chair C. Kuschke
M. E. Cohen S. Pellet D. Koelbl, Vice Chair H.-W. Lange
R. P. Deubler E. L. Pleins R. Gersinska, Secretary T. Ludwig
P. R. Donavin T.-L. Sham P. R. Donavin X. Pitoiset
A. C. Eberhardt W. J. Sperko R. Döring M. Reichert
J. V. Gardiner W. Windes C. G. Frantescu G. Roos
J. Grimm C. Basavaraju, Alternate A. Huber J. Rudolph
S. Hunter C. T. Smith, Contributing Member R. E. Hueggenberg L. Sybertz
R. M. Jessee W. K. Sowder, Jr., Contributing C. Huttner I. Tewes
R. I. Jetter Member E. Iacopetta R. Tiete
C. C. Kim M. Zhou, Contributing Member M. H. Koeppen F. Wille
G. H. Koo E. B. Branch, Honorary Member
D. W. Lewis G. D. Cooper, Honorary Member
M. A. Lockwood D. F. Landers, Honorary Member
K. A. Manoly C. Pieper, Honorary Member

India International Working Group (BPV III) United Kingdom International Working Group
R. N. Sen, Chair R. Kumar
S. B. Parkash, Vice Chair S. Kumar C. D. Bell, Chair G. Innes
A. D. Bagdare, Secretary M. Lakshminarasimhan P. M. James, Vice Chair S. A. Jones
S. Aithal T. Mukherjee C. B. Carpenter, Secretary B. Pellereau
S. Benhur D. Narain T. M. Adams C. R. Schneider
N. M. Borwankar A. D. Paranjpe T. Bann J. W. Stairmand
M. Brijlani J. R. Patel M. J. Chevalier J. Sulley
H. Dalal E. L. Pleins A. J. Cole-Baker J. Talamantes-Silva
S. K. Goyal T. J. P. Rao M. Consonni A. J. Holt, Contributing Member
A. Johori V. Sehgal M. J. Crathorne
A. P. Kishore S. Singh
D. Kulkarni B. K. Sreedhar
Special Working Group on New Plant Construction Issues (BPV III)
J. B. Ossmann, Chair R. E. McLaughlin
Korea International Working Group (BPV III)
A. Maslowski, Staff Secretary E. L. Pleins
G. H. Koo, Chair Y.-S. Kim M. C. Buckley, Secretary D. W. Sandusky
O.-S. Kim, Secretary D. Kwon M. Arcaro M. C. Scott
H. Ahn B. Lee A. Cardillo R. R. Stevenson
S. Cho D. Lee P. J. Coco H. Xu
G.-S. Choi S. Lee K. Harris J. Yan
M.-J. Choi S.-G. Lee J. Honcharik J. C. Minichiello, Contributing
S. Choi H. Lim M. Kris Member
J. Y. Hong I.-K. Nam
N.-S. Huh C.-K. Oh
J.-K. Hwang C.-Y. Oh Special Working Group on Editing and Review (BPV III)
S. S. Hwang E.-J. Oh
C. Jang C. Park D. E. Matthews, Chair S. Hunter
I. I. Jeong H. Park R. P. Deubler J. C. Minichiello
S. H. Kang Y. S. Pyun A. C. Eberhardt J. F. Strunk
J.-I. Kim T. Shin J. V. Gardiner C. Wilson
J.-S. Kim S. Song
M.-W. Kim W. J. Sperko
S.-S. Kim J. S. Yang Special Working Group on HDPE Stakeholders (BPV III)
Y.-B. Kim O. Yoo
S. Patterson, Secretary D. P. Munson
S. Choi T. M. Musto
C. M. Faidy J. E. O’Sullivan
Seismic Design Steering Committee (BPV III) M. Golliet V. Rohatgi
T. M. Adams, Chair G. H. Koo R. M. Jessee F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
F. G. Abatt, Secretary A. Maekawa J. Johnston, Jr. R. Stakenborghs
G. A. Antaki K. Matsunaga M. Kuntz M. Troughton
C. Basavaraju J. McLean M. Lashley B. Lin, Alternate
D. Chowdhury R. M. Pace K. A. Manoly
R. Döring D. Watkins

Special Working Group on Honors and Awards (BPV III)

Task Group on Alternate Requirements (BPV III) J. C. Minichiello, Chair R. M. Jessee
J. Wen, Chair D. E. Matthews A. Appleton D. E. Matthews
R. R. Romano, Secretary S. McKillop R. W. Barnes
P. J. Coco B. P. Nolan
P. R. Donavin J. B. Ossmann
J. V. Gardiner E. C. Renaud Special Working Group on International Meetings and IWG Liaisons
J. Grimm M. A. Richter (BPV III)
R. S. Hill III I. H. Tseng D. E. Matthews, Chair P. R. Donavin
M. Kris Y. Wang A. Maslowski, Staff Secretary E. L. Pleins
M. A. Lockwood T. M. Adams W. J. Sperko
R. W. Barnes

Joint ACI-ASME Committee on Concrete Components for Nuclear Subcommittee on Design (BPV III)
Service (BPV III)
P. R. Donavin, Chair B. Pellereau
J. McLean, Chair J. F. Strunk S. McKillop, Vice Chair T.-L. Sham
L. J. Colarusso, Vice Chair G. Thomas R. P. Deubler W. F. Weitze
J. Cassamassino, Staff Secretary A. Varma M. A. Gray C. Basavaraju, Alternate
A. Dinizulu, Staff Secretary S. Wang R. I. Jetter G. L. Hollinger, Contributing Member
C. J. Bang A. Istar, Alternate R. B. Keating M. H. Jawad, Contributing Member
A. C. Eberhardt A. Adediran, Contributing Member J.-I. Kim W. J. O’Donnell, Sr., Contributing
B. D. Hovis S. Bae, Contributing Member K. A. Manoly Member
T. C. Inman J.-B. Domage, Contributing Member D. E. Matthews K. Wright, Contributing Member
C. Jones P. S. Ghosal, Contributing Member M. N. Mitchell
T. Kang B. B. Scott, Contributing Member
N.-H. Lee M. R. Senecal, Contributing Member
J. A. Munshi Z. Shang, Contributing Member Subgroup on Component Design (SC-D) (BPV III)
T. Muraki M. Sircar, Contributing Member
J. S. Saini C. T. Smith, Contributing Member D. E. Matthews, Chair T. Mitsuhashi
P. Vock, Vice Chair D. Murphy
S. Pellet, Secretary T. M. Musto
T. M. Adams T. Nagata
Special Working Group on Modernization (BPV III-2)
D. J. Ammerman G. Z. Tokarski
S. Wang, Chair A. Varma G. A. Antaki S. Willoughby-Braun
J. McLean, Vice Chair F. Lin, Contributing Member J. J. Arthur C. Wilson
A. Adediran J. A. Pires, Contributing Member S. Asada A. A. Dermenjian, Contributing
S. Malushte I. Zivanovic, Contributing Member J. F. Ball Member
J. S. Saini C. Basavaraju P. Hirschberg, Contributing Member
D. Chowdhury R. B. Keating, Contributing Member
N. A. Costanzo O.-S. Kim, Contributing Member
Task Group on Steel-Concrete Composite Containments (BPV III-2) R. P. Deubler R. J. Masterson, Contributing
M. Kassar Member
A. Varma, Chair J. A. Pires D. Keck H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member
S. Malushte J. S. Saini T. R. Liszkai I. Saito, Contributing Member
J. McLean K. A. Manoly J. P. Tucker, Contributing Member
J. C. Minichiello

Working Group on Design (BPV III-2)

N.-H. Lee, Chair G. Thomas Task Group to Improve Section III/XI Interface (SG-CD) (BPV III)
S. Wang, Vice Chair A. Istar, Alternate P. Vock, Chair C. A. Nove
M. Allam P. S. Ghosal, Contributing Member E. Henry, Secretary T. Nuoffer
S. Bae S.-Y. Kim, Contributing Member G. A. Antaki J. B. Ossmann
L. J. Colarusso J. Kwon, Contributing Member A. Cardillo A. T. Roberts III
A. C. Eberhardt S. E. Ohler-Schmitz, Contributing D. Chowdhury J. Sciulli
B. D. Hovis Member J. Honcharik A. Udyawar
T. C. Inman B. B. Scott, Contributing Member J. Hurst S. Willoughby-Braun
C. Jones Z. Shang, Contributing Member J. Lambin
J. A. Munshi M. Shin, Contributing Member
T. Muraki M. Sircar, Contributing Member
J. S. Saini
Working Group on Core Support Structures (SG-CD) (BPV III)
D. Keck, Chair M. D. Snyder
Working Group on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination R. Z. Ziegler, Vice Chair R. Vollmer
(BPV III-2) R. Martin, Secretary T. M. Wiger
G. W. Delport C. Wilson
C. Jones, Chair Z. Shang L. C. Hartless Y. Wong
A. Eberhardt, Vice Chair J. F. Strunk T. R. Liszkai H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member
C. J. Bang A. A. Aboelmagd, Contributing M. Nakajima
B. Birch Member
J.-B. Domage P. S. Ghosal, Contributing Member
T. Kang B. B. Scott, Contributing Member
Working Group on Design of Division 3 Containment Systems
N.-H. Lee I. Zivanovic, Contributing Member
D. J. Ammerman, Chair D. Siromani
S. Klein, Secretary R. Sypulski
G. Bjorkman X. Zhai
V. Broz X. Zhang
D. W. Lewis C. R. Sydnor, Alternate
J. M. Piotter J. C. Minichiello, Contributing
A. Rigato Member
P. Sakalaukus, Jr.

Working Group on HDPE Design of Components (SG-CD) (BPV III) Working Group on Valves (SG-CD) (BPV III)
T. M. Musto, Chair K. A. Manoly P. Vock, Chair H. O’Brien
J. B. Ossmann, Secretary D. P. Munson S. Jones, Secretary J. O’Callaghan
M. Brandes F. J. Schaaf, Jr. M. C. Buckley M. Rain
S. Choi R. Stakenborghs A. Cardillo K. E. Reid II
J. R. Hebeisen M. T. Audrain, Alternate G. A. Jolly J. Sulley
P. Krishnaswamy J. C. Minichiello, Contributing J. Lambin I. H. Tseng
M. Kuntz Member T. Lippucci J. P. Tucker
C. A. Mizer Y. Wong, Alternate

Working Group on Piping (SG-CD) (BPV III)

G. A. Antaki, Chair J. O’Callaghan
G. Z. Tokarski, Secretary K. E. Reid II
C. Basavaraju D. Vlaicu
J. Catalano S. Weindorf
F. Claeys T. M. Adams, Contributing Member
C. M. Faidy R. B. Keating, Contributing Member Working Group on Vessels (SG-CD) (BPV III)
R. G. Gilada T. B. Littleton, Contributing Member D. Murphy, Chair T. J. Schriefer
N. M. Graham Y. Liu, Contributing Member S. Willoughby-Braun, Secretary M. C. Scott
M. A. Gray J. F. McCabe, Contributing Member J. J. Arthur P. K. Shah
R. J. Gurdal J. C. Minichiello, Contributing C. Basavaraju D. Vlaicu
R. W. Haupt Member M. Brijlani C. Wilson
A. Hirano A. N. Nguyen, Contributing Member L. Constantinescu R. Z. Ziegler
P. Hirschberg M. S. Sills, Contributing Member J. I. Kim R. J. Huang, Alternate
M. Kassar N. C. Sutherland, Contributing O.-S. Kim B. Basu, Contributing Member
J. Kawahata Member D. E. Matthews R. B. Keating, Contributing Member
D. Lieb E. A. Wais, Contributing Member T. Mitsuhashi W. F. Weitze, Contributing Member
I.-K. Nam C.-I. Wu, Contributing Member

Working Group on Pressure Relief (SG-CD) (BPV III)

K. R. May, Chair K. Shores
R. Krithivasan, Secretary I. H. Tseng
M. Brown B. J. Yonsky
J. W. Dickson Y. Wong, Alternate Subgroup on Design Methods (SC-D) (BPV III)
S. Jones J. Yu, Alternate S. McKillop, Chair W. D. Reinhardt
R. Lack S. T. French, Contributing Member P. R. Donavin, Vice Chair P. Smith
D. Miller D. B. Ross, Contributing Member J. Wen, Secretary R. Vollmer
T. Patel S. Ruesenberg, Contributing Member K. Avrithi W. F. Weitze
L. Davies T. M. Adams, Contributing Member
M. A. Gray C. W. Bruny, Contributing Member
Working Group on Pumps (SG-CD) (BPV III) J. V. Gregg, Jr. S. R. Gosselin, Contributing Member
D. Chowdhury, Chair K. B. Wilson K. Hsu H. T. Harrison III, Contributing
J. V. Gregg, Jr., Secretary Y. Wong R. Kalnas Member
B. Busse I. H. Tseng, Alternate D. Keck W. J. O’Donnell, Sr., Contributing
M. D. Eftychiou X. Di, Contributing Member J. I. Kim Member
R. A. Fleming C. Gabhart, Contributing Member B. Pellereau K. Wright, Contributing Member
K. J. Noel R. Ladefian, Contributing Member
J. Sulley

Working Group on Supports (SG-CD) (BPV III)

N. A. Costanzo, Chair G. Thomas
U. S. Bandyopadhyay, Secretary G. Z. Tokarski Special Working Group on Computational Modeling for Explicit
K. Avrithi L. Vandersip Dynamics (SG-DM) (BPV III)
N. M. Bisceglia P. Wiseman
R. P. Deubler R. J. Masterson, Contributing G. Bjorkman, Chair D. Siromani
N. M. Graham Member D. J. Ammerman, Vice Chair C.-F. Tso
Y. Matsubara J. R. Stinson, Contributing Member V. Broz, Secretary M. C. Yaksh
S. Pellet S. Kuehner U. Zencker
D. Molitoris X. Zhang
W. D. Reinhardt Y. Wong, Contributing Member

Working Group on Design Methodology (SG-DM) (BPV III) Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel and
High-Level Radioactive Material (BPV III)
B. Pellereau, Chair J. Wen
R. Vollmer, Secretary T. M. Wiger D. W. Lewis, Chair R. Sypulski
K. Avrithi K. Hsu, Alternate D. J. Ammerman, Vice Chair J. Wellwood
C. Basavaraju G. Banyay, Contributing Member S. Klein, Secretary X. J. Zhai
F. Berkepile D. S. Bartran, Contributing Member G. Bjorkman X. Zhang
C. M. Faidy R. D. Blevins, Contributing Member V. Broz D. Dunn, Alternate
Y. Gao M. R. Breach, Contributing Member A. Rigato W. H. Borter, Contributing Member
M. Kassar C. W. Bruny, Contributing Member P. Sakalaukus, Jr. E. L. Pleins, Contributing Member
J. I. Kim D. L. Caldwell, Contributing Member D. Siromani N. M. Simpson, Contributing Member
T. R. Liszkai H. T. Harrison III, Contributing D. B. Spencer
D. Lytle Member
K. Matsunaga C. F. Heberling II, Contributing
S. McKillop Member Subgroup on Fusion Energy Devices (BPV III)
S. Ranganath P. Hirschberg, Contributing Member
W. D. Reinhardt R. B. Keating, Contributing Member W. K. Sowder, Jr., Chair C. J. Lammi
P. K. Shah A. Walker, Contributing Member A. Maslowski, Staff Secretary S. Lawler
S. Wang K. Wright, Contributing Member M. Ellis, Secretary P. Mokaria
W. F. Weitze M. Bashir D. J. Roszman
J. P. Blanchard F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
T. P. Davis P. Smith
B. R. Doshi Y. Song
Working Group on Environmental Fatigue Evaluation Methods
L. El-Guebaly C. Vangaasbeek
G. Holtmeier I. J. Zatz
M. A. Gray, Chair B. Pellereau D. Johnson R. W. Barnes, Contributing Member
W. F. Weitze, Secretary D. Vlaicu I. Kimihiro
S. Asada K. Wang
K. Avrithi R. Z. Ziegler
R. C. Cipolla S. Cuvilliez, Contributing Member Special Working Group on Fusion Stakeholders (BPV III-4)
T. M. Damiani T. D. Gilman, Contributing Member
C. M. Faidy S. R. Gosselin, Contributing Member T. P. Davis, Chair S. C. Middleburgh
A. Hirano Y. He, Contributing Member R. W. Barnes R. J. Pearson
P. Hirschberg H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member V. Chugh W. K. Sowder, Jr.
K. Hsu K. Wright, Contributing Member S. S. Desai D. A. Sutherland
J.-S. Park F. Deschamps N. Young
M. Hua J. Zimmermann
S. Lawler
Working Group on Fatigue Strength (SG-DM) (BPV III)
P. R. Donavin, Chair J. I. Kim Working Group on General Requirements (BPV III-4)
M. S. Shelton, Secretary S. H. Kleinsmith
R. S. Bass B. Pellereau D. J. Roszman, Chair P. Mokaria
T. M. Damiani S. Ranganath M. Ellis W. K. Sowder, Jr.
D. W. DeJohn Y. Wang
C. M. Faidy W. F. Weitze
P. Gill Y. Zou Working Group on In-Vessel Components (BPV III-4)
S. R. Gosselin S. Majumdar, Contributing Member M. Bashir, Chair M. Kalsey
R. J. Gurdal H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member Y. Carin S. T. Madabusi
C. F. Heberling II W. J. O’Donnell, Sr., Contributing T. P. Davis
C. E. Hinnant Member
P. Hirschberg K. Wright, Contributing Member
K. Hsu
Working Group on Magnets (BPV III-4)
W. K. Sowder, Jr., Chair D. S. Bartran
Working Group on Probabilistic Methods in Design
Working Group on Materials (BPV III-4)
M. Golliet, Chair A. Hirano
R. Kalnas, Vice Chair K. A. Manoly M. Porton, Chair P. Mummery
K. Avrithi P. J. O’Regan T. P. Davis
G. Brouette B. Pellereau
J. Hakii M. Yagodich
D. O. Henry R. S. Hill III, Contributing Member Working Group on Vacuum Vessels (BPV III-4)
I. Kimihiro, Chair D. Johnson
L. C. Cadwallader Q. Shijun
B. R. Doshi Y. Song

Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV III) Subgroup on High Temperature Reactors (BPV III)
J. V. Gardiner, Chair E. C. Renaud T.-L. Sham, Chair A. Mann
N. DeSantis, Secretary T. N. Rezk Y. Wang, Secretary M. C. Messner
V. Apostolescu J. Rogers M. Ando X. Wei
A. Appleton R. Spuhl N. Broom W. Windes
S. Bell D. M. Vickery F. W. Brust R. Wright
J. R. Berry J. DeKleine, Contributing Member P. Carter G. L. Zeng
G. Brouette H. Michael, Contributing Member M. E. Cohen D. S. Griffin, Contributing Member
G. C. Deleanu D. J. Roszman, Contributing Member W. J. Geringer X. Li, Contributing Member
J. W. Highlands C. T. Smith, Contributing Member B. F. Hantz W. O’Donnell, Sr., Contributing
E. V. Imbro W. K. Sowder, Jr., Contributing M. H. Jawad Member
K. A. Kavanagh Member W. T. Jessup L. Shi, Contributing Member
Y.-S. Kim G. E. Szabatura, Contributing R. I. Jetter R. W. Swindeman, Contributing
B. McGlone Member K. Kimura Member
G. H. Koo

Special Working Group on General Requirements Consolidation

(SG-GR) (BPV III) Special Working Group on High Temperature Reactor Stakeholders
J. V. Gardiner, Chair E. C. Renaud
J. Grimm, Vice Chair J. L. Williams M. E. Cohen, Chair G. H. Koo
G. C. Deleanu C. T. Smith, Contributing Member M. C. Albert N. J. McTiernan
A. C. Eberhardt M. Arcaro T. Nguyen
R. W. Barnes K. J. Noel
N. Broom T.-L. Sham
Working Group on General Requirements (SG-GR) (BPV III) R. Christensen B. Song
V. Chugh X. Wei
B. McGlone, Chair Y. K. Law W. Corwin G. L. Zeng
J. Grimm, Secretary D. T. Meisch G. C. Deleanu T. Asayama, Contributing Member
V. Apostolescu E. C. Renaud R. A. Fleming X. Li, Contributing Member
A. Appleton T. N. Rezk K. Harris L. Shi, Contributing Member
S. Bell J. Rogers R. I. Jetter G. Wu, Contributing Member
J. R. Berry B. S. Sandhu Y. W. Kim
G. Brouette R. Spuhl
P. J. Coco J. F. Strunk
N. DeSantis D. M. Vickery
Task Group on Division 5 AM Components (SG-HTR) (BPV III)
Y. Diaz-Castillo J. L. Williams
O. Elkadim J. DeKleine, Contributing Member R. Wright, Chair M. McMurtrey
J. Harris S. F. Harrison, Jr., Contributing R. Bass, Secretary M. C. Messner
J. W. Highlands Member M. C. Albert T. Patterson
E. V. Imbro D. J. Roszman, Contributing Member R. W. Barnes E. C. Renaud
K. A. Kavanagh G. E. Szabatura, Contributing F. W. Brust D. Rudland
Y.-S. Kim Member Z. Feng T.-L. Sham
S. Lawler I. J. Van Rooyen
X. Lou X. Wei
Working Group on General Requirements for Graphite and Ceramic
Composite Core Components and Assemblies (SG-GR) (BPV III)
Working Group on Allowable Stress Criteria (SG-HTR) (BPV III)
W. J. Geringer, Chair M. N. Mitchell
A. Appleton J. Potgieter R. Wright, Chair W. Ren
J. R. Berry E. C. Renaud M. McMurtrey, Secretary T.-L. Sham
C. Cruz R. Spuhl R. Bass Y. Wang
Y. Diaz-Castillo W. Windes K. Kimura X. Wei
J. Lang B. Lin, Alternate D. Maitra M. Yoo, Alternate
R. J. McReynolds R. W. Swindeman, Contributing
M. C. Messner Member
J. C. Poehler

Working Group on Analysis Methods (SG-HTR) (BPV III) Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination (BPV III)
M. C. Messner, Chair T.-L. Sham J. Grimm, Chair M. Kris
H. Mahajan, Secretary X. Wei S. Hunter, Secretary D. W. Mann
R. W. Barnes S. X. Xu W. H. Borter T. Melfi
J. A. Blanco J. Young M. Brijlani I.-K. Nam
P. Carter M. R. Breach, Contributing Member G. R. Cannell J. B. Ossmann
W. T. Jessup T. Hassan, Contributing Member A. Cardillo J. E. O’Sullivan
R. I. Jetter S. Krishnamurthy, Contributing S. Cho M. C. Scott
G. H. Koo Member P. J. Coco W. J. Sperko
H. Qian M. J. Swindeman, Contributing R. H. Davis J. R. Stinson
T. Riordan Member D. B. Denis J. F. Strunk
B. D. Frew W. Windes
D. W. Gandy R. Wright
Working Group on Creep-Fatigue and Negligible Creep S. E. Gingrich S. Yee
(SG-HTR) (BPV III) M. Golliet H. Michael, Delegate
L. S. Harbison A. L. Hiser, Jr., Alternate
Y. Wang, Chair M. C. Messner R. M. Jessee R. W. Barnes, Contributing Member
M. Ando T. Nguyen C. C. Kim
P. Carter J. C. Poehler
M. E. Cohen H. Qian
J. I. Duo R. Rajasekaran
Task Group on Advanced Manufacturing (BPV III)
R. I. Jetter T.-L. Sham
G. H. Koo X. Wei D. W. Mann, Chair T. Melfi
H. Mahajan J. Young D. W. Gandy, Secretary E. C. Renaud
M. McMurtrey M. Yoo, Alternate R. Bass W. J. Sperko
D. Chowdhury J. F. Strunk
P. J. Coco J. Sulley
Working Group on High Temperature Flaw Evaluation B. D. Frew S. Tate
(SG-HTR) (BPV III) J. Grimm S. Wolbert
A. L. Hiser, Jr. H. Xu
C. J. Sallaberry, Chair H. Qian J. Lambin D. W. Pratt, Alternate
F. W. Brust D. A. Scarth T. Lippucci S. Malik, Contibuting Member
P. Carter D. J. Shim K. Matsunaga
S. Kalyanam A. Udyawar
B.-L. Lyow X. Wei
M. C. Messner S. X. Xu
Joint Working Group on HDPE (SG-MFE) (BPV III)
J. C. Poehler M. Yoo, Alternate
M. Brandes, Chair K. Manoly
T. M. Musto, Chair D. P. Munson
Working Group on Nonmetallic Design and Materials J. B. Ossmannn, Secretary J. O’Sullivan
(SG-HTR) (BPV III) G. Brouette V. Rohatgi
M. C. Buckley F. Schaaf, Jr.
W. Windes, Chair M. N. Mitchell S. Choi S. Schuessler
W. J. Geringer, Vice Chair J. Parks M. Golliet R. Stakenborghs
J. Potgieter, Secretary T.-L. Sham J. Hebeisen M. Troughton
G. Beirnaert A. Tzelepi J. Johnston, Jr. P. Vibien
C. Chen G. L. Zeng P. Krishnaswamy J. Wright
A. N. Chereskin M. Yoo, Alternate M. Kuntz T. Adams, Contributing Member
V. Chugh A. Appleton, Contributing Member B. Lin
C. Contescu R. W. Barnes, Contributing Member
N. Gallego A. A. Campbell, Contributing Member
S. T. Gonczy S.-H. Chi, Contributing Member
K. Harris Y. Katoh, Contributing Member
M. G. Jenkins A. Mack, Contributing Member M. Wadkinson, Chair C. Dinic
J. Lang J. B. Ossmann, Contributing Member J. L. Kleiss, Vice Chair J. M. Downs
M. P. Metcalfe C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary J. A. Hall
B. Ahee M. Mengon
L. Badziagowski D. Nelson
T. L. Bedeaux H. Michael, Delegate
B. Calderon D. Picart, Delegate
J. P. Chicoine P. A. Molvie, Contributing Member

Executive Committee (BPV IV)

M. Wadkinson, Chair J. P. Chicoine
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary J. A. Hall
L. Badziagowski J. L. Kleiss
T. L. Bedeaux

Subgroup on Cast Boilers (BPV IV) Subgroup on General Requirements/Personnel Qualifications and
Inquiries (BPV V)
J. P. Chicoine, Chair J. A. Hall
J. M. Downs, Vice Chair J. L. Kleiss C. Vorwald, Chair F. B. Kovacs
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary M. Mengon D. Bajula K. Krueger
T. L. Bedeaux N. Carter C. May
P. Chavdarov S. J. Akrin, Contributing Member
T. Clausing N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Materials (BPV IV) C. Emslander J. F. Halley, Contributing Member
N. A. Finney D. I. Morris, Contributing Member
J. A. Hall, Chair T. L. Bedeaux G. W. Hembree J. P. Swezy, Jr., Contributing Member
J. M. Downs, Vice Chair Y. Teng
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary M. Wadkinson
L. Badziagowski
Project Team on Assisted Analysis (BPV V)
K. Hayes, Chair C. Hansen
Subgroup on Water Heaters (BPV IV) J. Aldrin G. W. Hembree
J. Chen R. S. F. Orozco
J. L. Kleiss, Chair B. J. Iske N. A. Finney E. Peloquin
L. Badziagowski, Vice Chair M. Mengon V. F. Godinez-Azcuaga T. Thulien
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary Y. Teng
B. Ahee T. E. Trant
J. P. Chicoine P. A. Molvie, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (BPV V)
C. Dinic
C. May, Chair K. Krueger
P. T. Hayes, Vice Chair E. Peloquin
Subgroup on Welded Boilers (BPV IV) D. Adkins C. Vorwald
P. L. Brown S. J. Akrin, Contributing Member
T. L. Bedeaux, Chair J. L. Kleiss N. A. Finney N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary M. Mengon A. F. Garbolevsky J. F. Halley, Contributing Member
B. Ahee M. Wadkinson R. W. Hardy R. W. Kruzic, Contributing Member
L. Badziagowski M. J. Melita, Alternate G. W. Hembree L. E. Mullins, Contributing Member
B. Calderon D. Nelson, Alternate F. B. Kovacs F. J. Sattler, Contributing Member
J. P. Chicoine P. A. Molvie, Contributing Member
C. Dinic
Working Group on Radiography (SG-VM) (BPV V)

Europe International Working Group (BPV IV) C. Vorwald, Chair T. R. Lerohl

D. M. Woodward, Vice Chair C. May
L. Badziagowski, Chair E. Van Bruggen J. Anderson R. J. Mills
D. Picart, Vice Chair G. Vicchi P. L. Brown J. F. Molinaro
R. Lozny A. Alessandrini, Alternate C. Emslander T. Vidimos
A. F. Garbolevsky B. White
R. W. Hardy S. J. Akrin, Contributing Member
COMMITTEE ON NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (BPV V) G. W. Hembree T. L. Clifford, Contributing Member
N. A. Finney, Chair B. D. Laite F. B. Kovacs N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member
C. May, Vice Chair P. B. Shaw B. D. Laite R. W. Kruzic, Contributing Member
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary C. Vorwald
D. Bajula S. J. Akrin, Contributing Member
P. L. Brown J. E. Batey, Contributing Member Working Group on Ultrasonics (SG-VM) (BPV V)
M. A. Burns A. S. Birks, Contributing Member K. Krueger, Chair D. Tompkins
N. Carter N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member D. Bajula, Vice Chair D. Van Allen
T. Clausing J. F. Halley, Contributing Member D. Adkins J. Vinyard
C. Emslander R. W. Kruzic, Contributing Member C. Brown C. Vorwald
A. F. Garbolevsky L. E. Mullins, Contributing Member C. Emslander C. Wassink
P. T. Hayes F. J. Sattler, Contributing Member N. A. Finney N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member
G. W. Hembree H. C. Graber, Honorary Member P. T. Hayes J. F. Halley, Contributing Member
F. B. Kovacs T. G. McCarty, Honorary Member G. W. Hembree R. W. Kruzic, Contributing Member
K. Krueger B. D. Laite P. Mudge, Contributing Member
T. R. Lerohl L. E. Mullins, Contributing Member
C. May M. J. Quarry, Contributing Member
Executive Committee (BPV V) E. Peloquin F. J. Sattler, Contributing Member
C. May, Chair G. W. Hembree J. Schoneweis J. Vanvelsor, Contributing Member
N. A. Finney, Vice Chair F. B. Kovacs
C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary K. Krueger
N. Carter E. Peloquin
V. F. Godinez-Azcuaga C. Vorwald
P. T. Hayes

Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (SG-VM) (BPV V) India International Working Group (BPV V)
V. F. Godinez-Azcuaga, Chair N. F. Douglas, Jr. P. Kumar, Chair G. R. Joshi
J. Catty, Vice Chair R. K. Miller A. V. Bhagwat A. Relekar
S. R. Doctor N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member J. Chahwala V. J. Sonawane
S. Jobanputra D. B. Tanpure
D. Joshi
Working Group on Full Matrix Capture (SG-VM) (BPV V)
E. Peloquin, Chair G. W. Hembree
Italy International Working Group (BPV V)
C. Wassink, Vice Chair K. Krueger
D. Bajula M. Lozev D. D. Raimander, Chair E. Ferrari
D. Bellistri R. Nogueira O. Oldani, Vice Chair M. A. Grimoldi
J. Catty D. Richard C. R. Ramcharran, Staff Secretary G. Luoni
N. A. Finney M. Sens P. Campli, Secretary U. Papponetti
J. L. Garner D. Tompkins M. Agostini P. Pedersoli
R. T. Grotenhuis J. F. Halley, Contributing Member T. Aldo A. Veroni
P. T. Hayes L. E. Mullins, Contributing Member F. Bresciani M. Zambon
N. Caputo V. Calo, Contributing Member
M. Colombo G. Gobbi, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Inservice Examination Methods and Techniques P. L. Dinelli A. Gusmaroli, Contributing Member
(BPV V) F. Ferrarese G. Pontiggia, Contributing Member

P. T. Hayes, Chair G. W. Hembree

E. Peloquin, Vice Chair K. Krueger
M. A. Burns C. May
M. Carlson D. D. Raimander S. C. Roberts, Chair C. D. Rodery
N. A. Finney C. Vorwald M. D. Lower, Vice Chair J. C. Sowinski
V. F. Godinez-Azcuaga S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary D. Srnic
G. Aurioles, Sr. D. B. Stewart
S. R. Babka P. L. Sturgill
Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (BPV V) R. J. Basile K. Subramanian
P. Chavdarov D. A. Swanson
N. Carter, Chair P. B. Shaw D. B. DeMichael J. P. Swezy, Jr.
B. D. Laite, Vice Chair R. Tedder J. F. Grubb S. Terada
R. M. Beldyk C. Vorwald B. F. Hantz E. Upitis
P. L. Brown C. Wassink M. Kowalczyk A. Viet
T. Clausing D. M. Woodward D. L. Kurle K. Xu
C. Emslander S. J. Akrin, Contributing Member R. Mahadeen P. A. McGowan, Delegate
N. Farenbaugh N. Y. Faransso, Contributing Member S. A. Marks H. Michael, Delegate
N. A. Finney J. F. Halley, Contributing Member P. Matkovics K. Oyamada, Delegate
A. F. Garbolevsky R. W. Kruzic, Contributing Member R. W. Mikitka M. E. Papponetti, Delegate
K. Hayes L. E. Mullins, Contributing Member B. R. Morelock A. Chaudouet, Contributing Member
G. W. Hembree F. J. Sattler, Contributing Member T. P. Pastor J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member
C. May D. T. Peters K. T. Lau, Contributing Member
M. J. Pischke U. R. Miller, Contributing Member
M. D. Rana K. Mokhtarian, Contributing Member
Germany International Working Group (BPV V) G. B. Rawls, Jr. G. G. Karcher, Honorary Member
P. Chavdarov, Chair D. Kaiser F. L. Richter K. K. Tam, Honorary Member
C. Kringe, Vice Chair S. Mann
H.-P. Schmitz, Secretary V. Reusch
K.-H. Gischler Executive Committee (BPV VIII)
M. D. Lower, Chair S. A. Marks
S. J. Rossi, Staff Secretary P. Matkovics
G. Aurioles, Sr. S. C. Roberts
C. W. Cary J. C. Sowinski
J. Hoskinson K. Subramanian
M. Kowalczyk K. Xu

Subgroup on Design (BPV VIII) Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV VIII)
J. C. Sowinski, Chair M. D. Rana J. Hoskinson, Chair F. L. Richter
C. S. Hinson, Vice Chair G. B. Rawls, Jr. M. Faulkner, Vice Chair S. C. Roberts
G. Aurioles, Sr. S. C. Roberts N. Barkley J. Rust
S. R. Babka C. D. Rodery R. J. Basile J. C. Sowinski
O. A. Barsky T. G. Seipp T. P. Beirne P. Speranza
R. J. Basile D. Srnic D. B. DeMichael D. Srnic
D. Chandiramani D. A. Swanson M. D. Lower D. B. Stewart
M. D. Clark S. Terada T. P. Pastor D. A. Swanson
M. Faulkner J. Vattappilly I. Powell J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member
B. F. Hantz K. Xu G. B. Rawls, Jr. Y. Yang, Contributing Member
C. E. Hinnant K. Oyamada, Delegate
M. H. Jawad M. E. Papponetti, Delegate
S. Krishnamurthy P. K. Lam, Contributing Member Task Group on Fired Heater Pressure Vessels (BPV VIII)
D. L. Kurle K. Mokhtarian, Contributing Member
K. Kuscu T. P. Pastor, Contributing Member J. Hoskinson, Chair R. Robles
M. D. Lower S. C. Shah, Contributing Member W. Kim J. Rust
R. W. Mikitka K. K. Tam, Contributing Member S. Kirk P. Shanks
B. Millet E. Upitis, Contributing Member D. Nelson E. Smith
T. P. Pastor D. Srnic

Working Group on Design-by-Analysis (BPV VIII)

Task Group on Subsea Applications (BPV VIII)
B. F. Hantz, Chair S. Krishnamurthy
T. W. Norton, Secretary A. Mann M. Sarzynski, Chair C. Lan
D. A. Arnett C. Nadarajah A. J. Grohmann, Vice Chair P. Lutkiewicz
J. Bedoya P. Prueter L. P. Antalffy N. McKie
S. Guzey T. G. Seipp R. C. Biel S. K. Parimi
C. F. Heberling II M. A. Shah J. Ellens R. H. Patil
C. E. Hinnant S. Terada J. Hademenos M. P. Vaclavik
M. H. Jawad R. G. Brown, Contributing Member J. Kaculi R. Cordes, Contributing Member
S. Kataoka D. Dewees, Contributing Member K. Karpanan D. T. Peters, Contributing Member
S. Kilambi K. Saboda, Contributing Member F. Kirkemo J. R. Sims, Contributing Member
K. D. Kirkpatrick

Subgroup on Heat Transfer Equipment (BPV VIII)

Working Group on Elevated Temperature Design (BPV I and VIII) P. Matkovics, Chair R. Mahadeen
A. Mann, Chair T. Le M. D. Clark, Vice Chair S. Mayeux
C. Nadarajah, Secretary M. C. Messner L. Bower, Secretary S. Neilsen
D. Anderson M. N. Mitchell G. Aurioles, Sr. E. Smith
D. Dewees P. Prueter S. R. Babka A. M. Voytko
B. F. Hantz M. J. Swindeman J. H. Barbee R. P. Wiberg
M. H. Jawad J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member O. A. Barsky J. Pasek, Contributing Member
R. I. Jetter N. McMurray, Contributing Member T. Bunyarattaphantu D. Srnic, Contributing Member
S. Krishnamurthy B. J. Mollitor, Contributing Member A. Chaudouet Z. Tong, Contributing Member
D. L. Kurle

Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (BPV VIII)

Working Group on Plate Heat Exchangers (BPV VIII)
S. A. Marks, Chair B. F. Shelley
D. I. Morris, Vice Chair D. Smith D. I. Morris, Chair P. Matkovics
T. Halligan, Secretary P. L. Sturgill S. R. Babka M. J. Pischke
N. Carter J. P. Swezy, Jr. J. F. Grubb P. Shanks
J. Lu E. Upitis V. Gudge E. Smith
B. R. Morelock C. Violand R. Mahadeen D. Srnic
O. Mulet K. Oyamada, Delegate S. A. Marks S. Sullivan
M. J. Pischke W. J. Bees, Contributing Member
M. J. Rice L. F. Campbell, Contributing Member
J. Roberts R. Uebel, Contributing Member
C. D. Rodery

Subgroup on High Pressure Vessels (BPV VIII) Argentina International Working Group (BPV VIII)
K. Subramanian, Chair S. Terada A. Dominguez, Chair M. Favareto
M. Sarzynski, Vice Chair Y. Xu R. Robles, Vice Chair M. D. Kuhn
A. Dinizulu, Staff Secretary A. M. Clayton, Contributing Member G. Glissenti, Secretary F. P. Larrosa
L. P. Antalffy R. Cordes, Contributing Member M. M. Acosta L. M. Leccese
J. Barlow R. D. Dixon, Contributing Member R. A. Barey C. Meinl
R. C. Biel Q. Dong, Contributing Member C. Alderetes M. A. Mendez
P. N. Chaku T. A. Duffey, Contributing Member F. A. Andres J. J. Monaco
L. Fridlund R. M. Hoshman, Contributing A. Antipasti C. Parente
D. Fuenmayor Member D. A. Bardelli M. A. A. Pipponzi
J. Gibson F. Kirkemo, Contributing Member L. F. Boccanera L. C. Rigoli
R. T. Hallman R. A. Leishear, Contributing Member O. S. Bretones A. Rivas
K. Karpanan G. M. Mital, Contributing Member A. Burgueno D. Rizzo
J. Keltjens M. Parr, Contributing Member G. Casanas J. C. Rubeo
A. K. Khare M. D. Rana, Contributing Member D. H. Da Rold S. Schamun
G. T. Nelson C. Romero, Contributing Member D. A. Del Teglia G. Telleria
D. T. Peters C. Tipple, Contributing Member J. I. Duo M. M. C. Tocco
E. D. Roll K.-J. Young, Contributing Member
J. R. Sims D. J. Burns, Honorary Member
E. Smith G. J. Mraz, Honorary Member China International Working Group (BPV VIII)
F. W. Tatar
X. Chen, Chair C. Miao
B. Shou, Vice Chair L. Sun
Z. Fan, Secretary C. Wu
Subgroup on Materials (BPV VIII)
Y. Chen J. Xiaobin
M. Kowalczyk, Chair E. Upitis J. Cui F. Xu
P. Chavdarov, Vice Chair K. Xu R. Duan G. Xu
S. Kilambi, Secretary S. Yem J.-G. Gong F. Yang
J. Cameron A. Di Rienzo, Contributing Member B. Han Y. Yang
J. F. Grubb J. D. Fritz, Contributing Member J. Hu Y. Yuan
D. Maitra M. Katcher, Contributing Member Q. Hu Yanfeng Zhang
D. W. Rahoi W. M. Lundy, Contributing Member H. Hui Yijun Zhang
J. Robertson J. Penso, Contributing Member K. Li S. Zhao
R. C. Sutherlin D. Luo J. Zheng
Y. Luo G. Zhu

Subgroup on Toughness (BPV VIII)

Germany International Working Group (BPV VIII)
K. Xu, Chair D. A. Swanson
T. Halligan, Vice Chair J. P. Swezy, Jr. R. Kauer, Chair S. Krebs
T. Finn S. Terada M. Sykora, Vice Chair T. Ludwig
C. S. Hinson E. Upitis A. Aloui R. A. Meyers
S. Kilambi J. Vattappilly P. Chavdarov H. Michael
D. L. Kurle K. Oyamada, Delegate A. Emrich S. Reich
T. Newman L. Dong, Contributing Member J. Fleischfresser A. Spangenberg
J. Qu S. Krishnamurthy, Contributing C. Jaekel C. Stobbe
M. D. Rana Member D. Koelbl G. Naumann, Contributing Member
F. L. Richter K. Mokhtarian, Contributing Member
K. Subramanian
India International Working Group (BPV VIII)
D. Chandiramani, Chair A. Kakumanu
Subgroup on Graphite Pressure Equipment (BPV VIII)
D. Kulkarni, Vice Chair V. V. P. Kumar
C. W. Cary, Chair J. D. Clements A. D. Dalal, Secretary T. Mukherjee
A. Viet, Vice Chair H. Lee, Jr. P. Arulkumar P. C. Pathak
G. C. Becherer S. Mehrez B. Basu D. Prabhu
F. L. Brown T. Rudy P. Gandhi A. Sadasivam
R. J. Bulgin A. A. Stupica U. Ganesan M. P. Shah
S. K. Goyal R. Tiru
V. Jayabalan V. T. Valavan
V. K. Joshi M. Sharma, Contributing Member

A. Teli, Chair M. Guglielmetti M. J. Pischke, Chair M. B. Sims
M. Millefanti, Vice Chair A. F. Magri P. L. Sturgill, Vice Chair W. J. Sperko
P. Campli, Secretary P. Mantovani R. Rahaman, Staff Secretary J. P. Swezy, Jr.
B. G. Alborali L. Moracchioli M. Bernasek A. D. Wilson
P. Aliprandi P. Pacor M. A. Boring E. W. Woelfel
A. Avogadri S. Sarti D. A. Bowers D. Pojatar, Delegate
A. Camanni V. Calo, Contributing Member N. Carter A. Roza, Delegate
N. Caputo G. Gobbi, Contributing Member J. G. Feldstein M. Consonni, Contributing Member
M. Colombo A. Gusmaroli, Contributing Member P. Gilston P. D. Flenner, Contributing Member
P. Conti G. Pontiggia, Contributing Member S. E. Gingrich S. A. Jones, Contributing Member
D. Cortassa D. D. Raimander, Contributing K. L. Hayes D. K. Peetz, Contributing Member
P. L. Dinelli Member R. M. Jessee S. Raghunathan, Contributing
F. Finco J. S. Lee Member
W. M. Lundy M. J. Stanko, Contributing Member
D. W. Mann P. L. Van Fosson, Contributing
Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joints (BPV VIII) S. A. Marks Member
T. Melfi R. K. Brown, Jr., Honorary Member
W. Brown, Chair W. McDaniel W. F. Newell, Jr. M. L. Carpenter, Honorary Member
M. Osterfoss, Vice Chair R. W. Mikitka E. G. Reichelt B. R. Newmark, Honorary Member
G. Aurioles, Sr. D. Nash M. J. Rice S. D. Reynolds, Jr., Honorary Member
D. Bankston, Jr. M. Ruffin
H. Bouzid R. Wacker
A. Chaudouet E. Jamalyaria, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Brazing (BPV IX)
H. Chen J. R. Payne, Contributing Member
D. Francis G. Van Zyl, Contributing Member S. A. Marks, Chair M. J. Pischke
H. Lejeune J. Veiga, Contributing Member E. W. Beckman P. L. Sturgill
A. Mann A. F. Garbolevsky J. P. Swezy, Jr.
N. Mohr

Subgroup on Interpretations (BPV VIII)

Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV IX)
G. Aurioles, Sr., Chair J. C. Sowinski
J. Oh, Staff Secretary D. B. Stewart N. Carter, Chair P. L. Sturgill
S. R. Babka K. Subramanian P. Gilston, Vice Chair J. P. Swezy, Jr.
J. Cameron D. A. Swanson J. P. Bell E. W. Woelfel
C. W. Cary J. P. Swezy, Jr. D. A. Bowers E. W. Beckman, Contributing
B. F. Hantz J. Vattappilly M. Heinrichs Member
M. Kowalczyk A. Viet A. Howard A. Davis, Contributing Member
D. L. Kurle K. Xu R. M. Jessee D. K. Peetz, Contributing Member
M. D. Lower R. J. Basile, Contributing Member S. A. Marks B. R. Newmark, Honorary Member
S. A. Marks D. B. DeMichael, Contributing H. B. Porter
P. Matkovics Member
D. I. Morris R. D. Dixon, Contributing Member
D. T. Peters S. Kilambi, Contributing Member Subgroup on Materials (BPV IX)
F. L. Richter R. Mahadeen, Contributing Member
S. C. Roberts T. P. Pastor, Contributing Member M. Bernasek, Chair M. J. Pischke
C. D. Rodery P. L. Sturgill, Contributing Member T. Anderson A. Roza
T. G. Seipp L. Constantinescu C. E. Sainz
E. Cutlip P. L. Sturgill
M. Denault C. Zanfir
S. E. Gingrich V. G. V. Giunto, Delegate
L. S. Harbison D. J. Kotecki, Contributing Member
M. James B. Krueger, Contributing Member
R. M. Jessee W. J. Sperko, Contributing Member
T. Melfi M. J. Stanko, Contributing Member
S. D. Nelson

Subgroup on Plastic Fusing (BPV IX)

K. L. Hayes, Chair S. Schuessler
R. M. Jessee M. Troughton
J. Johnston, Jr. C. Violand
J. E. O’Sullivan E. W. Woelfel
E. G. Reichelt J. Wright
M. J. Rice

T. Melfi, Chair E. G. Reichelt
A. D. Wilson, Vice Chair M. J. Rice B. Linnemann, Chair D. H. McCauley
K. L. Hayes, Secretary M. B. Sims D. Eisberg, Vice Chair N. L. Newhouse
M. Bernasek W. J. Sperko P. D. Stumpf, Staff Secretary G. Ramirez
M. A. Boring P. L. Sturgill A. L. Beckwith J. R. Richter
D. A. Bowers J. P. Swezy, Jr. F. L. Brown B. F. Shelley
R. Campbell C. Violand J. L. Bustillos G. A. Van Beek
R. B. Corbit D. Chandiramani, Contributing B. R. Colley S. L. Wagner
L. S. Harbison Member T. W. Cowley D. O. Yancey, Jr.
M. Heinrichs M. Consonni, Contributing Member I. L. Dinovo P. H. Ziehl
J. S. Lee M. Dehghan, Contributing Member J. Eihusen D. H. Hodgkinson, Contributing
W. M. Lundy P. D. Flenner, Contributing Member M. R. Gorman Member
D. W. Mann T. C. Wiesner, Contributing Member B. Hebb D. L. Keeler, Contributing Member
W. F. Newell, Jr. L. E. Hunt

A. Burgueno, Chair M. Favareto R. W. Swayne, Chair T. Nuoffer
A. R. G. Frinchaboy, Vice Chair J. A. Gandola D. W. Lamond, Vice Chair J. Nygaard
R. Rahaman, Staff Secretary C. A. Garibotti A. T. Roberts III, Vice Chair J. E. O’Sullivan
M. D. Kuhn, Secretary J. A. Herrera D. Miro-Quesada, Staff Secretary N. A. Palm
B. Bardott M. A. Mendez J. F. Ball G. C. Park
L. F. Boccanera A. E. Pastor W. H. Bamford D. A. Scarth
P. J. Cabot G. Telleria M. L. Benson F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
J. Caprarulo M. M. C. Tocco J. M. Boughman S. Takaya
C. Brown D. Vetter
S. B. Brown T. V. Vo
Germany International Working Group (BPV IX) T. L. Chan J. G. Weicks
R. C. Cipolla M. Weis
A. Roza, Chair T. Ludwig D. R. Cordes Y.-K. Chung, Delegate
A. Spangenberg, Vice Chair S. Wegener H. Do C. Ye, Delegate
R. Rahaman, Staff Secretary F. Wodke E. V. Farrell, Jr. B. Lin, Alternate
P. Chavadarov J. Daldrup, Contributing Member M. J. Ferlisi R. O. McGill, Alternate
B. Daume E. Floer, Contributing Member T. J. Griesbach L. A. Melder, Alternate
J. Fleischfresser R. Helmholdt, Contributing Member J. Hakii A. Udyawar, Alternate
P. Khwaja G. Naumann, Contributing Member M. L. Hall E. B. Gerlach, Contributing Member
S. Krebs K.-G. Toelle, Contributing Member P. J. Hennessey C. D. Cowfer, Honorary Member
D. O. Henry R. E. Gimple, Honorary Member
K. Hojo F. E. Gregor, Honorary Member
Italy International Working Group (BPV IX) S. D. Kulat R. D. Kerr, Honorary Member
D. D. Raimander, Chair L. Moracchioli C. Latiolais P. C. Riccardella, Honorary Member
F. Ferrarese, Vice Chair P. Pacor J. T. Lindberg R. A. West, Honorary Member
R. Rahaman, Staff Secretary P. Siboni H. Malikowski C. J. Wirtz, Honorary Member
M. Bernasek V. Calo, Contributing Member S. L. McCracken R. A. Yonekawa, Honorary Member
A. Camanni G. Gobbi, Contributing Member S. A. Norman
P. L. Dinelli A. Gusmaroli, Contributing Member
M. Mandina G. Pontiggia, Contributing Member
A. S. Monastra Executive Committee (BPV XI)
D. W. Lamond, Chair S. L. McCracken
R. W. Swayne, Vice Chair T. Nuoffer
Spain International Working Group (BPV IX) D. Miro-Quesada, Staff Secretary N. A. Palm
F. J. Q. Pandelo, Chair F. Manas M. L. Benson G. C. Park
F. L. Villabrille, Vice Chair B. B. Miguel M. J. Ferlisi A. T. Roberts III
R. Rahaman, Staff Secretary A. D. G. Munoz S. D. Kulat B. L. Lin, Alternate
J. T. Lindberg
F. R. Hermida, Secretary A. B. Pascual
C. A. Celimendiz S. Sevil
M. A. F. Garcia G. Gobbi, Contributing Member
R. G. Garcia Argentina International Working Group (BPV XI)
O. Martinez, Staff Secretary F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
A. Claus F. M. Schroeter
I. M. Guerreiro P. Yamamoto
L. R. Miño

China International Working Group (BPV XI) Working Group on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation
Containment Systems (BPV XI)
J. H. Liu, Chair S. Shuo
J. F. Cai, Vice Chair Y. Sixin K. Hunter, Chair K. Mauskar
C. Ye, Vice Chair Y. X. Sun M. Orihuela, Secretary R. M. Meyer
M. W. Zhou, Secretary G. X. Tang D. J. Ammerman R. M. Pace
H. Chen Q. Wang W. H. Borter E. L. Pleins
H. D. Chen Q. W. Wang J. Broussard M. A. Richter
Y. Cheng Z. S. Wang C. R. Bryan B. Sarno
Y. B. Guo L. Xing T. Carraher R. Sindelar
Y. Hongqi F. Xu S. Corcoran M. Staley
D. R. Horn S. X. Xu D. Dunn J. Wellwood
Y. Hou Q. Yin N. Fales K. A. Whitney
S. X. Lin K. Zhang R. C. Folley X. J. Zhai
Y. Nie Y. Zhe G. Grant P.-S. Lam, Alternate
W. N. Pei Z. M. Zhong B. Gutherman G. White, Alternate
L. Shiwei M. W. Joseph J. Wise, Alternate
M. Keene H. Smith, Contributing Member
M. Liu
Germany International Working Group (BPV XI)
R. Döring, Chair N. Legl
Task Group on Mitigation and Repair of Spent Nuclear Fuel
M. Hagenbruch, Vice Chair T. Ludwig
Canisters (WG-SNFS & TCS) (BPV XI)
R. Piel, Secretary X. Pitoiset
A. Casse M. Reichert J. Tatman, Chair M. Kris
C. G. Frantescu L. Sybertz D. J. Ammerman M. Liu
E. Iacopetta I. Tewes J. Broussard K. Mauskar
S. D. Kulat R. Tiete C. R. Bryan S. L. McCracken
H.-W. Lange J. Wendt G. R. Cannell M. Orihuela
K. Dietrich M. Richter
D. Dunn K. E. Ross
India International Working Group (BPV XI) N. Fales B. Sarno
R. C. Folley R. Sindelar
S. B. Parkash, Chair N. Palm D. Jacobs J. Wellwood
D. Narain, Vice Chair D. Rawal N. Klymyshyn A. Williams
K. K. Rai, Secretary R. Sahai
Z. M. Mansuri R. K. Sharma
M. R. Nadgouda
Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SG-ES) (BPV XI)
N. A. Palm, Chair Y. S. Li
Special Working Group on Editing and Review (BPV XI) S. X. Xu, Secretary R. O. McGill
W. H. Bamford K. Miyazaki
R. W. Swayne, Chair M. Orihuela M. Brumovsky R. M. Pace
R. C. Cipolla D. A. Scarth H. D. Chung J. C. Poehler
D. O. Henry R. C. Cipolla S. Ranganath
C. M. Faidy D. A. Scarth
M. M. Farooq D. J. Shim
Task Group on Inspectability (BPV XI) B. R. Ganta A. Udyawar
J. T. Lindberg, Chair J. Honcharik T. J. Griesbach T. V. Vo
E. Henry, Secretary C. Latiolais K. Hasegawa G. M. Wilkowski
A. Bushmire G. A. Lofthus K. Hojo M. L. Benson, Alternate
A. Cardillo S. Matsumoto D. N. Hopkins H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member
K. Caver D. E. Matthews D. R. Lee
D. R. Cordes P. J. O’Regan
P. Gionta J. B. Ossmann
D. O. Henry C. Thomas Task Group on Evaluation of Beyond Design Basis Events
R. M. Pace, Chair K. Hojo
S. X. Xu, Secretary S. A. Kleinsmith
F. G. Abatt S. M. Moenssens
G. A. Antaki T. V. Vo
P. R. Donavin G. M. Wilkowski
R. G. Gilada H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member
T. J. Griesbach T. Weaver, Contributing Member
M. Hayashi

Working Group on Flaw Evaluation Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (BPV XI)
D. A. Scarth, Chair Y. Kim
R. C. Cipolla, Chair Y. S. Li S. Kalyanam, Secretary V. Lacroix
S. X. Xu, Secretary C. Liu K. Azuma Y. S. Li
W. H. Bamford M. Liu W. H. Bamford R. O. McGill
M. L. Benson G. A. Miessi M. L. Benson G. A. Miessi
M. Brumovsky K. Miyazaki M. Brumovsky K. Miyazaki
H. D. Chung S. Noronha F. W. Brust S. M. Parker
N. G. Cofie R. K. Qashu H. D. Chung S. H. Pellet
M. A. Erickson S. Ranganath R. C. Cipolla C. J. Sallaberry
C. M. Faidy D. A. Scarth N. G. Cofie W. L. Server
M. M. Farooq W. L. Server C. M. Faidy D. J. Shim
B. R. Ganta D. J. Shim M. M. Farooq S. Smith
R. G. Gilada S. Smith B. R. Ganta M. F. Uddin
C. Guzman-Leong M. Uddin R. G. Gilada A. Udyawar
P. H. Hoang A. Udyawar S. R. Gosselin T. V. Vo
K. Hojo T. V. Vo C. E. Guzman-Leong K. Wang
D. N. Hopkins K. Wang K. Hasegawa B. Wasiluk
S. Kalyanam B. Wasiluk P. H. Hoang G. M. Wilkowski
Y. Kim G. M. Wilkowski K. Hojo S. X. Xu
V. Lacroix H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member D. N. Hopkins Y. Zou
D. R. Lee E. J. Houston K. Gresh, Alternate
R. Janowiak H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member
K. Kashima
Working Group on Flaw Evaluation Reference Curves
Task Group on Code Case N-513 (WG-PFE) (BPV XI)
A. Udyawar, Chair V. Lacroix
D. A. Scarth, Secretary K. Miyazaki R. O. McGill, Chair E. J. Houston
W. H. Bamford B. Pellereau S. M. Parker, Secretary R. Janowiak
M. L. Benson S. Ranganath G. A. Antaki S. H. Pellet
F. W. Brust D. J. Shim R. C. Cipolla D. Rudland
R. C. Cipolla S. Smith M. M. Farooq D. A. Scarth
M. M. Farooq M. Uddin K. Gresh S. X. Xu
A. E. Freed T. V. Vo
P. Gill G. White
K. Hasegawa S. X. Xu Task Group on Evaluation Procedures for Degraded Buried Pipe
K. Hojo H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member (WG-PFE) (BPV XI)
R. O. McGill, Chair R. Janowiak
S. X. Xu, Secretary M. Kassar
Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-ES) (BPV XI)
F. G. Abatt M. Moenssens
N. A. Palm, Chair A. D. Odell G. A. Antaki D. P. Munson
A. E. Freed, Secretary R. M. Pace R. C. Cipolla R. M. Pace
W. H. Bamford J. C. Poehler R. G. Gilada S. H. Pellet
M. Brumovsky S. Ranganath K. Hasegawa D. Rudland
M. A. Erickson W. L. Server K. M. Hoffman D. A. Scarth
T. J. Griesbach C. A. Tomes
M. Hayashi A. Udyawar
R. Janowiak T. V. Vo Task Group on Flaw Evaluation for HDPE Pipe (WG-PFE) (BPV XI)
M. Kirk H. Q. Xu
S. A. Kleinsmith H. S. Mehta, Contributing Member S. Kalyanam, Chair D. J. Shim
H. Kobayashi P. Krishnaswamy M. Troughton
M. Moenssens J. Wright
D. P. Munson S. X. Xu
D. A. Scarth
Task Group on Appendix L (WG-OPC) (BPV XI)
N. Glunt, Chair C.-S. Oh
R. M. Pace, Secretary H. Park Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI)
J. I. Duo S. Ranganath
A. E. Freed A. Scott J. T. Lindberg, Chair S. E. Cumblidge
M. A. Gray D. J. Shim D. O. Henry, Vice Chair K. J. Hacker
T. J. Griesbach S. Smith T. Cinson, Secretary J. Harrison
H. Nam A. Udyawar M. Briley D. A. Kull
A. Nana T. V. Vo C. Brown C. Latiolais
A. D. Odell A. Bushmire F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
T. L. Chan R. V. Swain
D. R. Cordes C. A. Nove, Alternate

Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface Visual and ASME/JSME Joint Working Group on RIM Processes and
Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI) System-Based Code (SG-RIM) (BPV XI)
C. Brown, Chair D. O. Henry S. Takaya, Chair R. Meyer
M. Orihuela, Secretary J. T. Lindberg R. J. McReynolds, Vice Chair T. Muraki
J. Bennett C. Shinsky M. T. Audrain S. Okajima
T. Cinson R. Tedder K. Dozaki A. T. Roberts III
S. E. Cumblidge T. Thulien J. T. Fong C. J. Sallaberry
A. Diaz J. T. Timm J. Hakii F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
N. Farenbaugh K. Harris R. Vayda
M. Hayashi D. Watanabe
S. Kalyanam H. Yada
Working Group on Procedure Qualification and Volumetric D. R. Lee K. Yamada
Examination (SG-NDE) (BPV XI) H. Machida T. Asayama, Contributing Member

J. Harrison, Chair C. Latiolais

D. A. Kull, Secretary C. A. Nove
Subgroup on Repair/Replacement Activities (SG-RRA) (BPV XI)
M. Briley D. R. Slivon
A. Bushmire R. V. Swain S. L. McCracken, Chair L. A. Melder
D. R. Cordes D. Van Allen E. V. Farrell, Jr., Secretary S. A. Norman
K. J. Hacker J. Williams J. F. Ball G. T. Olson
R. E. Jacob B. Lin, Alternate M. Brandes J. E. O’Sullivan
W. A. Jensen S. B. Brown G. C. Park
R. Clow R. R. Stevenson
S. J. Findlan R. W. Swayne
Subgroup on Reliability and Integrity Management Program M. L. Hall D. J. Tilly
(SG-RIM) (BPV XI) J. Honcharik J. G. Weicks
A. B. Meichler B. Lin, Alternate
A. T. Roberts III, Chair P. J. Hennessey
D. Vetter, Secretary S. Kalyanam
T. Anselmi D. R. Lee
Working Group on Design and Programs (SG-RRA) (BPV XI)
M. T. Audrain R. J. McReynolds
N. Broom R. Meyer S. B. Brown, Chair H. Malikowski
F. W. Brust M. Orihuela R. A. Patel, Secretary A. B. Meichler
V. Chugh C. J. Sallaberry O. Bhatty G. C. Park
S. R. Doctor F. J. Schaaf, Jr. R. Clow M. A. Pyne
J. D. Fletcher H. M. Stephens, Jr. R. R. Croft R. R. Stevenson
J. T. Fong R. W. Swayne E. V. Farrell, Jr. K. Sullivan
R. Grantom S. Takaya K. Harris R. W. Swayne
K. Harris R. Vayda B. Lin

Working Group on MANDE (SG-RIM) (BPV XI) Task Group on Repair and Replacement Optimization
H. M. Stephens, Jr., Chair J. T. Fong
S. R. Doctor, Vice Chair D. O. Henry S. L. McCracken, Chair M. L. Hall
M. Turnbow, Secretary R. J. McReynolds S. J. Findlan, Secretary D. Jacobs
T. Anselmi R. Meyer T. Basso H. Malikowski
M. T. Audrain M. Orihuela R. Clow T. Nuoffer
N. A. Finney K. Yamada K. Dietrich G. C. Park
E. V. Farrell, Jr. A. Patel
M. J. Ferlisi R. R. Stevenson
Task Group on Nonmetallic Component Degradation and Failure R. C. Folley J. G. Weicks
Monitoring (SG-RIM) (BPV XI)
M. P. Metcalfe, Chair W. J. Geringer
Working Group on Nonmetals Repair/Replacement Activities
A. Tzelepi, Secretary K. Harris
M. T. Audrain J. Lang
G. Beirnaert J. Potgieter J. E. O’Sullivan, Chair T. M. Musto
C. Chen S. Schuessler, Secretary A. Pridmore
M. Brandes F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
D. R. Dechene R. Stakenborghs
M. Golliet P. Vibien
J. Johnston, Jr. M. P. Marohl, Contributing Member
B. Lin

Task Group on HDPE Piping for Low Safety Significance Systems Task Group on High Strength Nickel Alloys Issues (SG-WCS) (BPV XI)
H. Malikowski, Chair H. Kobayashi
M. Brandes, Chair T. M. Musto C. Waskey, Secretary S. E. Marlette
J. E. O’Sullivan, Secretary F. J. Schaaf, Jr. E. Blackard G. C. Park
M. Golliet S. Schuessler T. Cinson C. Wax
B. Lin R. Stakenborghs J. Collins G. White
K. Dietrich K. A. Whitney
P. R. Donavin
Task Group on Repair by Carbon Fiber Composites
Working Group on Containment (SG-WCS) (BPV XI)
J. E. O’Sullivan, Chair C. A. Nove
S. F. Arnold R. P. Ojdrovic M. J. Ferlisi, Chair P. Leininger
S. W. Choi A. Pridmore R. Thames, Secretary J. A. Munshi
D. R. Dechene S. Rios P. S. Ghosal M. Sircar
M. Golliet C. W. Rowley H. T. Hill P. C. Smith
L. S. Gordon J. Sealey S. Johnson S. Walden
P. Krishnaswamy R. Stakenborghs A. E. Keyser M. Weis
M. Kuntz N. Stoeva B. Lehman S. G. Brown, Alternate
H. Lu M. F. Uddin
M. P. Marohl J. Wen
L. Nadeau B. Davenport, Alternate Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components
H. Q. Do, Chair J. Howard
Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes
M. Weis, Secretary A. Keller
I. A. Anchondo-Lopez S. D. Kulat
J. G. Weicks, Chair D. Jacobs R. W. Blyde E. Lantz
G. T. Olson, Secretary M. Kris K. Caver A. Maekawa
D. Barborak S. E. Marlette C. Cueto-Felgueroso T. Nomura
S. J. Findlan S. L. McCracken M. J. Ferlisi J. C. Nygaard
R. C. Folley L. A. Melder M. L. Garcia Heras S. Orita
M. L. Hall J. E. O’Sullivan K. W. Hall A. W. Wilkens
J. Honcharik D. J. Tilly

Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-WCS) (BPV XI)

Task Group on Temper Bead Welding (WG-W&SRP) (BPV XI)
J. M. Boughman, Chair D. W. Lamond
S. J. Findlan, Chair S. L. McCracken S. A. Norman, Secretary M. Moenssens
D. Barborak N. Mohr T. Anselmi R. A. Nettles
R. C. Folley G. T. Olson M. J. Homiack C. Thomas
J. Graham J. E. O’Sullivan A. E. Keyser K. Whitney
M. L. Hall A. Patel
D. Jacobs J. Tatman
H. Kobayashi J. G. Weicks Working Group on Risk-Informed Activities (SG-WCS) (BPV XI)
M. A. Pyne, Chair M. J. Homiack
S. T. Chesworth, Secretary S. D. Kulat
Task Group on Weld Overlay (WG-W&SRP)(BPV XI)
G. Brouette D. W. Lamond
S. L. McCracken, Chair C. Lohse C. Cueto-Felgueroso E. Lantz
S. Hunter, Secretary S. E. Marlette R. Haessler P. J. O’Regan
D. Barborak G. T. Olson J. Hakii N. A. Palm
S. J. Findlan A. Patel K. W. Hall D. Vetter
J. Graham D. W. Sandusky
M. L. Hall D. E. Waskey
D. Jacobs J. G. Weicks Working Group on General Requirements (BPV XI)
T. Nuoffer, Chair T. N. Rezk
J. Mayo, Secretary A. T. Roberts III
Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SG-WCS) (BPV XI)
J. F. Ball S. R. Scott
M. J. Ferlisi, Chair S. D. Kulat T. L. Chan D. Vetter
J. Nygaard, Secretary D. W. Lamond P. J. Hennessey S. E. Woolf
J. M. Boughman T. Nomura K. A. Kavanagh B. Harris, Alternate
S. T. Chesworth T. Nuoffer G. Ramaraj R. S. Spencer, Alternate
J. Collins M. A. Pyne
H. Q. Do H. M. Stephens, Jr.
K. W. Hall R. Thames
P. J. Hennessey M. Weis
A. E. Keyser I. A. Anchondo-Lopez, Alternate

COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TANKS (BPV XII) Subgroup on Nonmandatory Appendices (BPV XII)
N. J. Paulick, Chair M. Pitts T. A. Rogers, Chair R. C. Sallash
M. D. Rana, Vice Chair J. Roberts S. Staniszewski, Secretary D. G. Shelton
J. Oh, Staff Secretary T. A. Rogers P. Chilukuri D. D. Brusewitz, Contributing
A. N. Antoniou R. C. Sallash N. J. Paulick Member
K. W. A. Cheng M. Shah M. Pitts Y. Doron, Contributing Member
P. Chilukuri S. Staniszewski T. J. Rishel
W. L. Garfield A. P. Varghese
P. Miller R. Meyers, Contributing Member
B. K. Nutter, Chair R. W. Barnes, Contributing Member
Executive Committee (BPV XII)
A. Donaldson, Vice Chair R. D. Danzy, Contributing Member
M. D. Rana, Chair T. A. Rogers C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary A. Frigerio, Contributing Member
N. J. Paulick, Vice Chair R. C. Sallash J. F. Ball J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member
J. Oh, Staff Secretary S. Staniszewski J. Burgess S. F. Harrison, Jr., Contributing
M. Pitts A. P. Varghese B. Calderon Member
D. B. DeMichael A. Hassan, Contributing Member
J. W. Dickson P. K. Lam, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Design and Materials (BPV XII) J. M. Levy M. Mengon, Contributing Member
D. Miller J. Mize, Contributing Member
R. C. Sallash, Chair S. Staniszewski T. Patel M. Mullavey, Contributing Member
D. K. Chandiramani A. P. Varghese B. F. Pittel S. K. Parimi, Contributing Member
K. W. A. Cheng K. Xu T. R. Tarbay J. Phillips, Contributing Member
P. Chilukuri Y. Doron, Contributing Member D. E. Tompkins M. Reddy, Contributing Member
S. L. McWilliams A. T. Duggleby, Contributing Member Z. Wang S. Ruesenberg, Contributing Member
N. J. Paulick R. D. Hayworth, Contributing J. A. West K. Shores, Contributing Member
M. D. Rana Member B. Engman, Alternate D. E. Tezzo, Contributing Member
T. J. Rishel B. E. Spencer, Contributing Member H. Aguilar, Contributing Member A. Wilson, Contributing Member
T. A. Rogers J. Zheng, Contributing Member
M. Shah
Executive Committee (BPV XIII)

Subgroup on Fabrication, Inspection, and Continued Service A. Donaldson, Chair D. B. DeMichael

(BPV XII) B. K. Nutter, Vice Chair K. R. May
C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary D. Miller
M. Pitts, Chair T. A. Rogers J. F. Ball
K. W. A. Cheng R. C. Sallash
P. Chilukuri S. Staniszewski
M. Koprivnak Y. Doron, Contributing Member
Subgroup on Design and Materials (BPV XIII)
P. Miller R. D. Hayworth, Contributing
O. Mulet Member D. Miller, Chair J. A. West
T. J. Rishel G. McRae, Contributing Member T. Patel, Vice Chair A. Williams
J. Roberts T. K. Acharya D. J. Azukas, Contributing Member
C. E. Beair R. D. Danzy, Contributing Member
W. E. Chapin A. Hassan, Contributing Member
Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV XII) J. L. Freiler R. Miyata, Contributing Member
B. Joergensen M. Mullavey, Contributing Member
S. Staniszewski, Chair M. Pitts V. Kalyanasundaram S. K. Parimi, Contributing Member
A. N. Antoniou R. C. Sallash R. Krithivasan G. Ramirez, Contributing Member
P. Chilukuri Y. Doron, Contributing Member B. J. Mollitor K. Shores, Contributing Member
H. Ebben III T. J. Hitchcock, Contributing Member T. R. Tarbay
J. L. Freiler S. L. McWilliams, Contributing
W. L. Garfield Member
O. Mulet T. A. Rogers, Contributing Member
B. F. Pittel D. G. Shelton, Contributing Member

Subgroup on General Requirements (BPV XIII) US TAG to ISO TC 185 Safety Devices for Protection Against
Excessive Pressure (BPV XIII)
A. Donaldson, Chair D. E. Tezzo
B. F. Pittel, Vice Chair D. E. Tompkins D. Miller, Chair B. K. Nutter
J. M. Levy, Secretary J. F. White C. E. Rodrigues, Staff Secretary T. Patel
R. Antoniuk B. Calderon, Contributing Member J. F. Ball J. R. Thomas, Jr.
D. J. Azukas P. Chavdarov, Contributing Member T. J. Bevilacqua D. Tuttle
J. F. Ball T. M. Fabiani, Contributing Member D. B. DeMichael J. A. West
J. Burgess J. L. Freiler, Contributing Member J. W. Dickson J. F. White
D. B. DeMichael J. P. Glaspie, Contributing Member
S. T. French G. D. Goodson, Contributing Member
C. Haldiman C. Lasarte, Contributing Member ASSESSMENT (CBPVCA)
J. Horne M. Mengon, Contributing Member
R. Klimas, Jr. D. E. Miller, Contributing Member R. V. Wielgoszinski, Chair T. P. Beirne, Alternate
Z. E. Kumana R. Miyata, Contributing Member G. Scribner, Vice Chair N. Caputo, Alternate
P. K. Lam B. Mruk, Contributing Member G. Moino, Staff Secretary P. Chavdarov, Alternate
D. Mainiero-Cessna J. Phillips, Contributing Member M. Blankinship J. M. Downs, Alternate
K. R. May M. Reddy, Contributing Member J. P. Chicoine P. D. Edwards, Alternate
J. Mize S. Ruesenberg, Contributing Member T. E. Hansen Y.-S. Kim, Alternate
L. Moedinger R. Sadowski, Contributing Member W. Hibdon B. Morelock, Alternate
M. Mullavey A. Swearingin, Contributing Member B. L. Krasiun M. Prefumo, Alternate
K. Shores A. P. Varghese, Contributing Member L. E. McDonald R. Rockwood, Alternate
N. Murugappan K. Roewe, Alternate
I. Powell B. C. Turczynski, Alternate
D. E. Tuttle J. Yu, Alternate
Subgroup on Nuclear (BPV XIII)
E. A. Whittle D. Cheetham, Contributing Member
K. R. May, Chair K. Shores P. Williams A. J. Spencer, Honorary Member
J. F. Ball, Vice Chair I. H. Tseng
R. Krithivasan, Secretary B. J. Yonsky
J. W. Dickson Y. Wong, Alternate
S. Jones J. Yu, Alternate R. R. Stevenson, Chair T. Aldo, Alternate
R. Lack S. T. French, Contributing Member M. A. Lockwood, Vice Chair M. Blankinship, Alternate
D. Miller D. B. Ross, Contributing Member S. Khan, Staff Secretary G. Brouette, Alternate
T. Patel A. Appleton M. Burke, Alternate
J. F. Ball P. J. Coco, Alternate
G. Claffey Y. Diaz-Castillo, Alternate
N. DeSantis P. D. Edwards, Alternate
Subgroup on Testing (BPV XIII)
C. Dinic J. Grimm, Alternate
B. K. Nutter, Chair C. Sharpe G. Gobbi K. M. Hottle, Alternate
J. W. Dickson, Vice Chair J. R. Thomas, Jr. J. W. Highlands P. Krane, Alternate
R. Houk, Secretary Z. Wang K. A. Kavanagh S. J. Montano, Alternate
T. P. Beirne D. Nelson, Alternate J. C. Krane I. Olson, Alternate
M. Brown J. Mize, Contributing Member T. McGee L. Ponce, Alternate
B. Calderon M. Mullavey, Contributing Member E. L. Pleins M. Wilson, Alternate
V. Chicola III S. Ruesenberg, Contributing Member T. E. Quaka S. Yang, Alternate
B. Engman K. Shores, Contributing Member T. N. Rezk S. F. Harrison, Jr., Contributing
R. J. Garnett A. Strecker, Contributing Member D. M. Vickery Member
R. Lack A. Wilson, Contributing Member E. A. Whittle
M. Mengon


ASME codes and standards are developed and maintained by committees with the intent to represent the consensus of
concerned interests. Users of ASME codes and standards may correspond with the committees to propose revisions or
cases, report errata, or request interpretations. Correspondence for this Section of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (BPVC) should be sent to the staff secretary noted on the Section’s committee web page, accessible at
NOTE: See ASME BPVC Section II, Part D for guidelines on requesting approval of new materials. See Section II, Part C for guidelines on
requesting approval of new welding and brazing materials (“consumables”).

Revisions and Errata

The committee processes revisions to this Code on a continuous basis to incorporate changes that appear necessary or
desirable as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Code. Approved revisions will be
published in the next edition of the Code.
In addition, the committee may post errata and Special Notices at Errata and Special
Notices become effective on the date posted. Users can register on the committee web page to receive e-mail notifications
of posted errata and Special Notices.
This Code is always open for comment, and the committee welcomes proposals for revisions. Such proposals should be
as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons
for the proposal, including any pertinent background information and supporting documentation.

(a) The most common applications for cases are
(1) to permit early implementation of a revision based on an urgent need
(2) to provide alternative requirements
(3) to allow users to gain experience with alternative or potential additional requirements prior to incorporation
directly into the Code
(4) to permit use of a new material or process
(b) Users are cautioned that not all jurisdictions or owners automatically accept cases. Cases are not to be considered
as approving, recommending, certifying, or endorsing any proprietary or specific design, or as limiting in any way the
freedom of manufacturers, constructors, or owners to choose any method of design or any form of construction that
conforms to the Code.
(c) The committee will consider proposed cases concerning the following topics only:
(1) equipment to be marked with the ASME Single Certification Mark, or
(2) equipment to be constructed as a repair/replacement activity under the requirements of Section XI
(d) A proposed case shall be written as a question and reply in the same format as existing cases. The proposal shall also
include the following information:
(1) a statement of need and background information
(2) the urgency of the case (e.g., the case concerns a project that is underway or imminent)
(3) the Code Section and the paragraph, figure, or table number(s) to which the proposed case applies
(4) the edition(s) of the Code to which the proposed case applies
(e) A case is effective for use when the public review process has been completed and it is approved by the cognizant
supervisory board. Cases that have been approved will appear in the next edition or supplement of the Code Cases books,
“Boilers and Pressure Vessels” or “Nuclear Components.” Each Code Cases book is updated with seven Supplements.

Supplements will be sent or made available automatically to the purchasers of the Code Cases books until the next edition
of the Code. Annulments of Code Cases become effective six months after the first announcement of the annulment in a
Code Case Supplement or Edition of the appropriate Code Case book. The status of any case is available at An index of the complete list of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Cases and
Nuclear Code Cases is available at

(a) Interpretations clarify existing Code requirements and are written as a question and reply. Interpretations do not
introduce new requirements. If a revision to resolve conflicting or incorrect wording is required to support the inter-
pretation, the committee will issue an intent interpretation in parallel with a revision to the Code.
(b) Upon request, the committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Code. An interpretation can be
rendered only in response to a request submitted through the online Interpretation Submittal Form at Upon submitting the form, the inquirer will receive an automatic e-mail
confirming receipt.
(c) ASME does not act as a consultant for specific engineering problems or for the general application or understanding
of the Code requirements. If, based on the information submitted, it is the opinion of the committee that the inquirer
should seek assistance, the request will be returned with the recommendation that such assistance be obtained. Inquirers
may track the status of their requests at
(d) ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional information that might
affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME
committee or subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary
device, or activity.
(e) Interpretations are published in the ASME Interpretations Database at as they
are issued.

Committee Meetings
The ASME BPVC committees regularly hold meetings that are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting
should contact the secretary of the applicable committee. Information on future committee meetings can be found at


The American Concrete Institute was organized in 1905 to provide industry standards in the field of concrete usage.
The organization, which was formed as a result of meetings begun during the Engineering Congress at the Louisiana
Purchase Exposition in St. Louis in 1904, was initially entitled the National Association of Cement Users. In 1913, the name
of the Society was changed to the American Concrete Institute to better fit the actual scope of its activities and aims, which
are to further engineering education, scientific investigation, and scientific research by organizing the efforts of its
members for a nonprofit, public service in gathering, correlating, and disseminating information for the improvement
of the design, construction, manufacture, use, and maintenance of concrete products and structures.
The day-to-day operation of ACI is administered by an Executive Director, under general supervision of its 18-member
Board of Direction, which assigns a part of its administrative duties to standing committees, the ACI Standards Board, and
various technical committees.


The Technical Activities Committee, which is appointed by the Board of Direction, is responsible for Institute technical
publications, review of standards, the technical program at conventions, and continuing studies of technical committees,
from which arise recommendations for the activities, and the formation or discharge of these groups. TAC members are
selected by the ACI Board to represent ACI’s varied interests.


The Standards Board, also appointed by the Board of Direction, is responsible for matters of policy, procedure, and
appeal pertaining to ACI Standards. All proposed new standards or revisions to existing standards, including minority
reports from sponsoring technical committees, are forwarded to the Standards Board through the Technical Activities
Committee. On release by the Standards Board, these are published, and after ratification by letter ballot of the ACI
membership at large are then available for public use. The primary functions of the Standards Board are to verify that
proper standardization procedures have been followed and to rule on matters of policy as related to standards.


Much of the important work of the American Concrete Institute is performed by technical committees that prepare
committee reports and standards. Technical committees, composed of volunteer personnel, develop ACI recommen-
dations in their respective fields. Their work, subject to review and approval by the Board of Direction through the
Technical Activities Committee and the Standards Board, forms the basis for Institute Standards.
Educational committees, also composed of volunteer personnel, develop seminars, workshops, curriculum guides, and
student manuals to further ACI’s involvement in education. Their work, subject to review and approval by the ACI
Educational Activities Committee, forms the basis for Institute manuals and training programs.


Section III consists of Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4, and Division 5. These Divisions are broken down into
Subsections and are designated by capital letters preceded by the letter “N” for Division 1, by the letter “C” for Division 2,
by the letter “W” for Division 3, by the letter "F" for Division 4, and by the letter “H” for Division 5. Each Subsection is
published separately, with the exception of those listed for Divisions 2, 3, 4, and 5.

• Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2

• Appendices
• Division 1
– Subsection NB — Class 1 Components
– Subsection NCD — Class 2 and Class 3 Components
– Subsection NE — Class MC Components
– Subsection NF — Supports
– Subsection NG — Core Support Structures
• Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments
– Subsection CC — Concrete Containments
• Division 3 — Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level
Radioactive Material
– Subsection WA — General Requirements for Division 3
– Subsection WB — Class TC Transportation Containments
– Subsection WC — Class SC Storage Containments
– Subsection WD — Class ISS Internal Support Structures
• Division 4 — Fusion Energy Devices
– Subsection FA — Fusion Energy Device Facilities
– Subsection FB — Pressure Boundary Components
• Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors
– Subsection HA — General Requirements
Subpart A — Metallic Materials
Subpart B — Graphite Materials
Subpart C — Composite Materials
– Subsection HB — Class A Metallic Pressure Boundary Components
Subpart A — Low Temperature Service
Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service
– Subsection HC — Class B Metallic Pressure Boundary Components
Subpart A — Low Temperature Service
Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service
– Subsection HF — Class A and B Metallic Supports
Subpart A — Low Temperature Service
– Subsection HG — Class SM Metallic Core Support Structures
Subpart A — Low Temperature Service
Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service
– Subsection HH — Class SN Nonmetallic Core Components
Subpart A — Graphite Materials
Subpart B — Composite Materials

Subsections are divided into Articles, subarticles, paragraphs, and, where necessary, subparagraphs and

Articles are designated by the applicable letters indicated above for the Subsections followed by Arabic numbers, such
as NB-1000. Where possible, Articles dealing with the same topics are given the same number in each Subsection, except
NCA, in accordance with the following general scheme:

Article Number Title

1000 Introduction or Scope
2000 Material
3000 Design
4000 Fabrication and Installation
5000 Examination
6000 Testing
7000 Overpressure Protection
8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Reports

The numbering of Articles and the material contained in the Articles may not, however, be consecutive. Due to the fact
that the complete outline may cover phases not applicable to a particular Subsection or Article, the rules have been
prepared with some gaps in the numbering.

Subarticles are numbered in units of 100, such as NB-1100.

Subsubarticles are numbered in units of 10, such as NB-2130, and generally have no text. When a number such as NB-
1110 is followed by text, it is considered a paragraph.

Paragraphs are numbered in units of 1, such as NB-2121.

Subparagraphs, when they are major subdivisions of a paragraph, are designated by adding a decimal followed by one
or more digits to the paragraph number, such as NB-1132.1. When they are minor subdivisions of a paragraph, subpar-
agraphs may be designated by lowercase letters in parentheses, such as NB-2121(a).

Subsubparagraphs are designated by adding lowercase letters in parentheses to the major subparagraph numbers,
such as NB-1132.1(a). When further subdivisions of minor subparagraphs are necessary, subsubparagraphs are desig-
nated by adding Arabic numerals in parentheses to the subparagraph designation, such as NB-2121(a)(1).

References used within Section III generally fall into one of the following four categories:
(a) References to Other Portions of Section III. When a reference is made to another Article, subarticle, or paragraph, all
numbers subsidiary to that reference shall be included. For example, reference to Article NB-3000 includes all material in
Article NB-3000; reference to NB-3100 includes all material in subarticle NB-3100; reference to NB-3110 includes all
paragraphs, NB-3111 through NB-3113.
(b) References to Other Sections. Other Sections referred to in Section III are the following:
(1) Section II, Materials. When a requirement for a material, or for the examination or testing of a material, is to be in
accordance with a specification such as SA-105, SA-370, or SB-160, the reference is to material specifications in Section II.
These references begin with the letter “S.”
(2) Section V, Nondestructive Examination. Section V references begin with the letter “T” and relate to the nondes-
tructive examination of material or welds.
(3) Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. Section IX references begin with the letter “Q” and relate to
welding and brazing requirements.
(4) Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. When a reference is made to inser-
vice inspection, the rules of Section XI shall apply.
(c) Reference to Specifications and Standards Other Than Published in Code Sections
(1) Specifications for examination methods and acceptance standards to be used in connection with them are
published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). At the time of publication of Section III,
some such specifications were not included in Section II of this Code. A reference to ASTM E94 refers to the specification
so designated by and published by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
(2) Dimensional standards covering products such as valves, flanges, and fittings are sponsored and published by
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and approved by the American National Standards Institute.* When a
product is to conform to such a standard, for example ASME B16.5, the standard is approved by the American National
Standards Institute. The applicable year of issue is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NCA-7100-1, for
example ASME B16.5-2003. Standards published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers are available from
(3) Dimensional and other types of standards covering products such as valves, flanges, and fittings are also
published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry and are known as Standard
Practices. When a product is required by these rules to conform to a Standard Practice, for example MSS SP-100, the
Standard Practice referred to is published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings
Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180. The applicable year of issue of such a Standard Practice
is that suffixed to its numerical designation in Table NCA-7100-1, for example MSS SP-58-2009.
(4) Specifications for welding and brazing materials are published by the American Welding Society (AWS), 8669
NW 36 Street, No. 130, Miami, FL 33166. Specifications of this type are incorporated in Section II and are identified by the
AWS designation with the prefix “SF,” for example SFA-5.1.
(5) Standards applicable to the design and construction of tanks and flanges are published by the American Petro-
leum Institute and have designations such as API-605. When documents so designated are referred to in Section III, for
example API-605–1988, they are standards published by the American Petroleum Institute and are listed in Table
(d) References to Appendices. Section III uses two types of appendices that are designated as either Section III Appen-
dices or Subsection Appendices. Either of these appendices is further designated as either Mandatory or Nonmandatory
for use. Mandatory Appendices are referred to in the Section III rules and contain requirements that must be followed in
construction. Nonmandatory Appendices provide additional information or guidance when using Section III.
(1) Section III Appendices are contained in a separate book titled “Appendices.” These appendices have the potential
for multiple subsection applicability. Mandatory Appendices are designated by a Roman numeral followed, when appro-
priate, by Arabic numerals to indicate various articles, subarticles, and paragraphs of the appendix, such as II-1500 or
XIII-1210. Nonmandatory Appendices are designated by a capital letter followed, when appropriate, by Arabic numerals
to indicate various articles, subarticles, and paragraphs of the appendix, such as D-1200 or Y-1440.

* The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was formerly known as the American Standards Association. Standards approved by the
Association were designated by the prefix “ASA” followed by the number of the standard and the year of publication. More recently, the
American National Standards Institute was known as the United States of America Standards Institute. Standards were designated by the prefix
“USAS” followed by the number of the standard and the year of publication. While the letters of the prefix have changed with the name of the
organization, the numbers of the standards have remained unchanged.

(2) Subsection Appendices are specifically applicable to just one subsection and are contained within that subsec-
tion. Subsection-specific mandatory and nonmandatory appendices are numbered in the same manner as Section III
Appendices, but with a subsection identifier (e.g., NF, NH, D2, etc.) preceding either the Roman numeral or the capital
letter for a unique designation. For example, NF-II-1100 or NF-A-1200 would be part of a Subsection NF mandatory or
nonmandatory appendix, respectively. For Subsection CC, D2-IV-1120 or D2-D-1330 would be part of a Subsection CC
mandatory or nonmandatory appendix, respectively.
(3) It is the intent of this Section that the information provided in both Mandatory and Nonmandatory Appendices
may be used to meet the rules of any Division or Subsection. In case of conflict between Appendix rules and Division/
Subsection rules, the requirements contained in the Division/Subsection shall govern. Additional guidance on Appendix
usage is provided in the front matter of Section III Appendices.


Changes listed below are identified on the pages by a margin note, (23), placed next to the affected area. In addition,
gender pronouns have been eliminated throughout this Subsection.

Page Location Change

v List of Sections (1) Under Section III, Division 4 added
(2) Title of Section XI and subtitle of Section XI, Division 2 revised
(3) Information on interpretations and Code cases moved to “Correspondence
With the Committee”
ix Personnel Updated
xxxi Correspondence With the Committee Added (replaces “Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Standards Committees”)
xxxiv Organization of Section III In para. 1, Division 4 added
xl Cross-Referencing in the ASME BPVC Updated
1 NCA-1110 (1) First and last paragraphs revised
(2) Former endnotes 1 and 2 incorporated into opening paragraph and deleted
from Endnotes
(3) Subparagraph (d) redesignated as (e) and new subpara. (d) added
1 NCA-1130 Former endnote 3 incorporated into subpara. (a) and deleted from Endnotes
2 NCA-1140 (1) In subparas. (e)(3) and (h), cross-references to former NCA-3800 updated
(2) In subpara. (a)(2)(-a), “authority” corrected by errata to “authority, or”
3 NCA-1221 Former endnote 4 incorporated into NCA-1221 and deleted from Endnotes
4 NCA-1224 Added
4 NCA-1225 Added
14 Table NCA-3200-1 Rows “NCA-3211.19” and “NCA-3211.39” revised
13 NCA-3211.1 In subpara. (d), last sentence revised
15 NCA-3211.2 In first line, “Certificate Holder” corrected by errata to “Owner, Certificate
16 NCA-3211.12 In subparas. (a) and (b), last sentence revised
17 Table NCA-3200-2 (1) For “Shop and field drawings,” cross-reference updated
(2) For “Construction Report,” last cross-reference added
16 NCA-3211.13 Lead-in sentence corrected by errata
17 NCA-3211.19 (1) Former endnotes 7 and 8 incorporated into subparas. (b) and (b)(1)(-c),
respectively, and deleted from Endnotes
(2) Subparagraph (b)(3)(-a)(-1) revised and subpara. (b)(3)(-c) added
19 NCA-3211.24 Revised
19 NCA-3211.25 In second sentence, “shop or facility” corrected by errata to “shop or field
19 NCA-3211.26 Revised
20 NCA-3211.28 Title and subpara. (b)(15) revised
20 NCA-3211.31 (1) Title revised, and lead-in sentence deleted
(2) In subpara. (a), last sentence revised
21 NCA-3211.36 Cross-references updated
21 NCA-3211.40 Former endnote 10 incorporated into subpara. (b) and deleted from Endnotes
24 NCA-3300 Added
25 Table NCA-3300-1 Added
27 NCA-3800 Deleted
27 NCA-3900 Deleted
28 NCA-4110 (1) In subpara. (a), cross-references updated
(2) Subparagraph (b) revised

Page Location Change
28 NCA-4131 Cross-reference to former NCA-3800 updated
28 NCA-4132 Cross-references to former NCA-3800 and NCA-3900 updated
28 NCA-4133 NCA-4133.3 and NCA-4133.4 revised
29 NA-4134.7 In subpara. (f), cross-references updated
31 NCA-4251.2 In subpara. (a)(4), cross-reference updated
32 Table NCA-4134.17-1 Note (3) added
33 Table NCA-4134.17-2 Note (1) added
34 NCA-4255.2 Revised
NCA-4255.5 In subpara. (a)(4), first cross-reference updated
36 NCA-4256.3 Cross-references updated
37 NCA-4256.4 Cross-references updated
43 NCA-4361 Subparagraph (b) revised
43 NCA-4362 In subpara. (b), cross-reference updated
44 NCA-4470 In subpara. (f), cross-references to former NCA-3800 updated
45 NCA-4472 Several cross-references updated
46 NCA-4473 In subpara. (b)(6), cross-reference to former NCA-3800 updated
48 NCA-5110 Subparagraph (b) revised
49 NCA-5210 Former endnotes 1 and 2 incorporated into subpara. (a) and deleted from
49 NCA-5220 (1) In subpara. (i), “NCA-3211.19(c)” corrected by errata to “NCA-3211.29,
NCA-3211.40, NCA-3211.42, and NCA-3211.49”
(2) Subparagraph (m) revised, and “NCA-3211.19(c)” corrected by errata to
50 NCA-5243 Revised
54 Table NCA-7100-1 Revised
56 Table NCA-7100-2 Revised
58 Table NCA-7100-3 Revised
69 NCA-8200 Title revised
69 NCA-8212 Revised in its entirety
69 NCA-8213 In subpara. (b), last sentence added
70 NCA-8321 Former endnote 15 incorporated into NCA-8321 and deleted from Endnotes
73 NCA-9200 (1) Definitions of approved supplier; Material Organization, Certified; Material
Organization, Qualified; qualified source material; Quality System
Certification Holder (Metallic); and unqualified source material revised
(2) Definition of monitoring and nondestructive examination (MANDE) added


Paragraphs within the ASME BPVC may include subparagraph breakdowns, i.e., nested lists. The following is a guide to
the designation and cross-referencing of subparagraph breakdowns:
(a) Hierarchy of Subparagraph Breakdowns
(1) First-level breakdowns are designated as (a), (b), (c), etc.
(2) Second-level breakdowns are designated as (1), (2), (3), etc.
(3) Third-level breakdowns are designated as (-a), (-b), (-c), etc.
(4) Fourth-level breakdowns are designated as (-1), (-2), (-3), etc.
(5) Fifth-level breakdowns are designated as (+a), (+b), (+c), etc.
(6) Sixth-level breakdowns are designated as (+1), (+2), etc.
(b) Cross-References to Subparagraph Breakdowns. Cross-references within an alphanumerically designated para-
graph (e.g., PG-1, UIG-56.1, NCD-3223) do not include the alphanumerical designator of that paragraph. The crossrefer-
ences to subparagraph breakdowns follow the hierarchy of the designators under which the breakdown appears. The
following examples show the format:
(1) If X.1(c)(1)(-a) is referenced in X.1(c)(1), it will be referenced as (-a).
(2) If X.1(c)(1)(-a) is referenced in X.1(c)(2), it will be referenced as (1)(-a).
(3) If X.1(c)(1)(-a) is referenced in X.1(e)(1), it will be referenced as (c)(1)(-a).
(4) If X.1(c)(1)(-a) is referenced in X.2(c)(2), it will be referenced as X.1(c)(1)(-a).



NCA-1100 GENERAL (b) Division 2. Requirements for Reliability and Integ-

rity Management (RIM) Programs for Nuclear Power
ð23Þ NCA-1110 SCOPE Plants
NCA-1111 Rules of Section III NCA-1120 DEFINITIONS
The rules of this Section constitute requirements for the Definitions of key terms used in Subsection NCA are
design, construction, stamping, and overpressure protec- included in Article NCA-9000.
tion of items used in nuclear power plants and other
nuclear facilities. Tubes or other forms of sheathing NCA-1130 LIMITS OF THESE RULES ð23Þ
used only for cladding nuclear fuel or neutron control
material are excluded from this Section. Refer to (a) The rules of this Section provide requirements for
Article NCA-9000 for definitions. This Section consists new construction and include consideration of mechanical
of the following five Divisions: and thermal stresses due to cyclic operation. They do not
(a) Division 1. Metallic vessels, heat exchangers, storage cover deterioration that may occur in service as a result of
tanks, piping systems, pumps, valves, core support struc- environmental effects such as radiation, corrosion,
tures, supports, and similar items. erosion, or instability of the material. For consideration
(b) Division 2. Concrete containment vessels. of environmental effects resulting from these conditions,
(c) Division 3. Metallic containment systems for storage see Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix W for
or transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high level guidance. These effects shall be taken into account with a
radioactive materials and waste. view to realizing the design or the specified life of the
(d) Division 4. Fusion-energy-related components such components and supports. The changes in properties
as vacuum vessel (vacuum or target chamber), cryostat of materials subjected to neutron radiation can be
and superconductor structures and their interaction checked periodically by means of material surveillance
with each other. Other related support structures, programs. These rules provide requirements for new
including metallic and nonmetallic materials, containment construction of concrete containments. They are applica-
or confinement structures, fusion-system piping, vessels, ble only to those components that are designed to provide
valves, pumps, and supports examination, inspection, a pressure-retaining or pressure-containing barrier. They
certification, and stamping will also be covered. are not applicable to other concrete structures in the
(e) Division 5. Metallic vessels, heat exchangers, storage nuclear facility, as for example to concrete shield and
tanks, piping systems, pumps, valves, core support struc- support structures, except as they directly affect the
tures, supports, and similar items and graphite and components.
composite core components and assemblies for High (b) The rules are not intended to be applicable to valve
Temperature Reactors. operators, controllers, position indicators, pump impel-
Except as specifically referenced in Division 3 and lers, pump drivers, or other accessories and devices,
Division 5, the General Requirements of Subsection unless they are pressure-retaining parts or act as core
NCA apply to Division 1 and Division 2. General Require- support structures or supports. If such items are in a
ments for Division 4 are in Subsection FAA. General Re- support load path, the provisions of NF‐1100 apply.
quirements for Division 5 are in Subsection HA. (c) The rules of this Section do not apply to instru-
ments, or permanently sealed fluid filled tubing
NCA-1112 Rules of Section XI systems furnished with instruments, but do apply to
instrument, control, and sampling piping when specified
Section XI contains rules for inservice inspections and in Design Specifications.
testing of items used in nuclear power plants, in two (d) Auxiliary systems for concrete containments that
Divisions: are required to assure functional adequacy of the
(a) Division 1. Rules for Inspection and Testing of vessels in accordance with the requirements of the
Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants Design Specification, including but not limited to concrete
cooling systems, thermal insulation, corrosion protection,


leakage monitors, and strain monitoring systems, must be (1) The material (see NCA-1220) meets the applica-
delineated fully by appropriate performance, reliability, ble requirements of a material specification permitted by
and test requirements. These rules are not intended to paragraph 2121 of the applicable Subsection of the Section
otherwise be applicable to auxiliary systems. III Edition and Addenda specified for construction.
(2) The material meets all the requirements of
ð23Þ NCA-1140 USE OF CODE EDITIONS, ADDENDA, Article 2000 of the applicable Subsection of the Section
AND CASES III Edition and Addenda specified for construction.
(3) The material was produced under the provisions
(a) See (1) and (2) below.
of a Quality System Program that had been accepted by the
(1) Under the rules of this Section, the Owner or its
Society or qualified by a party other than the Society (see
designee shall establish the Code Edition and Addenda to
NCA-3211), in accordance with the requirements of the
be included in the Design Specifications. All items of a
latest Section III Edition and Addenda issued at the
nuclear power plant may be constructed to a single
time the material was produced. Material exempted
Code Edition and Addenda, or each item may be
from portions of the provisions of NCA-3300 by paragraph
constructed to individually specified Code Editions and
2610 of the applicable Subsection of Section III may be
used, provided the requirements of (1) and (2) above
(2) In no case shall the Code Edition and Addenda
are met.
dates established in the Design Specifications be
(f) Table NCA-7100-1 lists editions of dimensional
earlier than:
standards for standard products referenced by Section
(-a) 3 yr prior to the date that the nuclear facility
III, and earlier editions considered by Section III to be
construction permit application is docketed or filed with
acceptable for Section III construction.
the regulatory authority, or
(g) Code Editions, Addenda [including the use of spe-
(-b) the latest edition and addenda endorsed by
cific provisions of Editions or Addenda permitted by (b),
the regulatory authority having jurisdiction at the
(e), and (f) above], and Cases used shall be reviewed by the
nuclear facility at the time the construction permit appli-
Owner or its designee for acceptability to the regulatory
cation is docketed or filed with the regulatory authority, or
and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the
(-c) the edition and addenda endorsed for a design
nuclear power plant site.
certified or licensed by the regulatory authority
(h) The latest Code Edition shall become mandatory for
(b) Code Editions and Addenda later than those estab-
Quality System Program (see NCA-3300) and Quality
lished by (a) above, including any referenced Code Edition
Assurance (see Article NCA-4000) requirements 6
and Addenda, may be used by mutual consent of the Owner
months after the date of issuance.
or its designee and Certificate Holder. For Division 2
For all other requirements of Subsection NCA, the latest
design and construction, the consent of the Designer
Edition, or the Edition and Addenda (if applicable) iden-
shall also be obtained. Specific provisions within an
tified in the Design Specification, may be used. The process
Edition or Addenda later than those established in the
for using requirements from the Edition and Addenda (if
Design Specifications may be used, provided that all
applicable) identified in the Design Specification shall be
related requirements are met. Code Editions and
addressed in the quality program.
Addenda other than those established by (a) above
(i) As an alternative to the requirements of (h), a Certi-
may be used for materials or dimensional standards
ficate Holder may use the requirements of an earlier
provided the requirements of (e) for materials or (f)
Edition and Addenda (if applicable) if stipulated in the
for dimensional standards are met.
Scope of its certificate.
(c) Code Cases are permissible and may be used begin-
ning with the date of approval by the ASME Council (and NCA-1150 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT
the American Concrete Institute for Division 2 design and
construction). Only Code Cases that are specifically iden- U.S. Customary units, SI, or any local customary units
tified as being applicable to this Section may be used. may be used to demonstrate compliance with all require-
(d) Code Cases may be used by mutual consent of the ments of this edition (e.g., materials, design, fabrication,
Owner or its designee, and the Certificate Holder on or examination, inspection, testing, certification, and over-
after the date permitted by (c) above. For Division 2 pressure protection).
design and construction, the consent of the Designer In general, it is expected that a single system of units
shall also be obtained. shall be used for all aspects of design except where unfea-
(e) Materials produced and certified in accordance sible or impractical. When components are manufactured
with Code Editions and Addenda other than the one speci- at different locations where local customary units are
fied for construction of an item may be used, provided all different from those used for the general design, the
of the following requirements are satisfied: local units may be used for the design and documentation
of that component. Similarly, for proprietary components
or those uniquely associated with a system of units


different from that used for the general design, the alter- NCA-1200 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR
nate units may be used for the design and documentation ITEMS AND INSTALLATION
of that component.
For any single equation, all variables shall be expressed NCA-1210 COMPONENTS
in a single system of units. When separate equations are
provided for U.S. Customary and SI units, those equations Each component of a nuclear power plant shall require a
must be executed using variables in the units associated Design Specification (see NCA-3211.19), Design Report
with the specific equation. Data expressed in other units (see NCA-3211.29 and NCA-3211.40), and other design
shall be converted to U.S. Customary or SI units for use in documents specified in Article NCA-3000. Data Reports
these equations. The result obtained from execution of and stamping shall be as required in Article NCA-8000.
these equations may be converted to other units.
Production, measurement and test equipment, draw- NCA-1220 MATERIALS
ings, welding procedure specifications, welding proce- NCA-1221 Metallic Materials ð23Þ
dure and performance qualifications, and other
fabrication documents may be in U.S. Customary, SI, or Metallic materials shall be manufactured to an SA, SB, or
local customary units in accordance with the fabricator’s SFA Specification, or any other material specification
practice. When values shown in calculations and analysis, permitted by this Section. SA or SB Specifications listed
fabrication documents, or measurement and test equip- under the heading Bars, Rods, Shapes, Forgings may be
ment are in different units, any conversions necessary for used as material for any of these product forms even
verification of Code compliance and to ensure that dimen- though not all product forms are listed in the SA or SB
sional consistency is maintained shall be in accordance Specification. Such material shall be manufactured, iden-
with the following: tified, and certified in accordance with the requirements of
(a) Conversion factors shall be accurate to at least four this Section. Tubular products and fittings welded with
significant figures. filler metal require Certification Mark with NPT Desig-
(b) The results of conversions of units shall be nator but do not require nameplates.
expressed to a minimum of three significant figures. NCA-1221.1 Metallic Material, ASTM Specification.
Conversion of units, using the precision specified above, Metallic materials produced under an ASTM designation
shall be performed to assure that dimensional consistency may be accepted as complying with the corresponding
is maintained. Conversion factors between U.S. Customary ASME Specification, provided the ASME Specification is
and SI units may be found in Section III Appendices, Non- designated as being identical with the ASTM Specification
mandatory Appendix AA, Guidance for the Use of U.S. for the grade, class, or type produced and provided that the
Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler and Pressure material is confirmed as complying with the ASTM Spec-
Vessel Code. Whenever local customary units are used, the ification by a Certified Material Test Report or Certificate
manufacturer shall provide the source of the conversion of Compliance from the Material Organization. When a
factors that shall be subject to verification and acceptance material does not have a corresponding ASME Specifica-
by the Authorized Nuclear Inspector. tion, it may be accepted for Section III, Division 2 construc-
Material that has been manufactured and certified to tion if it is specified in the Design Documents, provided all
either the U.S. Customary or SI material specification materials comply with all of the requirements of Article
(e.g., SA-516M) may be used regardless of the unit CC‐2000 for concrete containments.
system used in design. Standard fittings (e.g., flanges,
elbows, etc.) that have been certified to either U.S. NCA-1221.2 Welding Material, AWS Specification.
Customary units or SI units may be used regardless of Welding material produced under an AWS designation
the units system used in design. may be accepted as complying with the corresponding
All entries on a Manufacturer’s Data Report and data ASME Specification, provided the latter Specification is
for Code‐required nameplate marking shall be in units indicated to be identical with the AWS Specification
consistent with the fabrication drawings for the compo- and provided the welding material is confirmed
nent using U.S. Customary, SI, or local customary units. as complying with the AWS Specification by a Certified
It is acceptable to show alternate units parenthetically. Material Test Report or Certification from the Material
Users of this Code are cautioned that the receiving Juris- Organization.
diction should be contacted to ensure the units are
NCA-1222 Nonmetallic Materials — Division 2
NCA-1222.1 Concrete and Grout. Plastic concrete and
grout shall be manufactured to material specifications
permitted by this Section. Plastic concrete and grout
shall be manufactured and identified in accordance
with the requirements of this Section.


NCA-1222.2 Concrete and Grout Constituents. The suppliers. The Certificate Holder shall certify that the
constituents of plastic concrete and grout shall be manu- contents of the report are correct and accurate and
factured to material specifications permitted by this that all test results and operations performed by the Certi-
Section. Constituents shall be manufactured and identified ficate Holder or its approved suppliers are in compliance
in accordance with the requirements of this Section. with the requirements of the material specification and
this Section. Alternatively, the Certificate Holder shall
NCA-1223 Nonmetallic Materials — Division 1 provide a Certified Material Test Report for the operations
NCA-1223.1 Polyethylene Compound and Polyethy- it performed and at least one Certified Material Test
lene Material. Polyethylene compound and polyethylene Report from each of its approved suppliers for the opera-
material shall be manufactured to material specifications tions they performed.
permitted by this Section. Polyethylene compound and
NCA-1225 Certification of Material ð23Þ
polyethylene material shall be manufactured and identi-
fied in accordance with the requirements of ASTM poly- NCA-1225.1 Material Certification
ethylene materials standards, Plastics Pipe Institute TR-3
(a) The Certified Material Test Report shall include the
and TR-4 (see Table NCA-7100-2), and this Section.
actual results of all required chemical analyses, tests, and
NCA-1223.2 Polyethylene Source Material. Products examinations.
used for conversion to polyethylene material, including (b) When required chemical analyses (including
natural compound and pigment concentrate compound, melting mill heat analysis report, except as provided in
shall be manufactured and identified in accordance NCA-4255.5), heat treatment, tests, examinations, or
with the requirements of ASTM materials standards, Plas- repairs are subcontracted, the approved supplier’s certi-
tics Pipe Institute TR-3 and TR-4 (see Table NCA-7100-2), fication for the operations performed shall be furnished as
and this Section. an identified attachment to the Certified Material Test
Report. For welding materials (see NCA-1221.2 and
ð23Þ NCA-1224 Certification Requirements WA-1223) only, when permitted by the material specifi-
NCA-1224.1 Certification Requirements for Material cation and the rules of this Section [see NB/NCD/NE/NF/
Organizations NG-2400, HBB-2121(g), CC-2600, and WB/WC-2400], the
Material Organization or Certificate Holder may provide a
(a) The Material Organization whose scope of activities chemical analysis of the welding material in lieu of
includes NCA-3313 shall provide a Certified Material Test furnishing the melting mill heat analysis. When operations
Report or Certificate of Compliance, as applicable (see other than chemical analysis, heat treatment, tests, exam-
NCA-1225), for the material. ination, or repairs that require maintenance of traceability
(1) The certification affirms that contents of the are subcontracted, these operations and the approved
report are correct and accurate and that all test results suppliers performing them shall be listed on the Certified
and operations performed by the Material Organization Material Test Report, or the approved supplier's certifica-
or its subcontractors are in compliance with the material tion for the operation may be furnished as an attachment
specification and the specific applicable material require- to the Certified Material Test Report.
ments of this Section. (c) The Certified Material Test Report shall also include
(2) Chemical analyses, tests, examinations, and heat a report of all weld repairs performed on the material as
treatments required by the material specification that required by this Section. Radiographic film required for
were not performed shall be listed on the Certified Mate- the examination of material repair welds shall be included
rial Test Report or Certificate of Compliance, as applicable, as a part of the Certified Material Test Report, except for
or may be listed on an identified attachment. those radiographs required for the testing of welding or
(3) When the Material Organization’s scope of activ- brazing materials.
ities includes product form conversion, the Material Orga- (d) When specific times or temperatures (or tempera-
nization shall also certify that the material conforms to the ture ranges) of heat treatments are required by material
applicable dimensional requirements. specifications, they shall be reported. For austenitic stain-
(b) Except where Certificates of Compliance are accept- less steels and high nickel alloys, a statement of the
able [see NCA-1225.1(g)], the Material Organization shall minimum solution annealing temperature is a sufficient
transmit all certifications required by NCA-1225.1(b), statement of heat treatment. When specific times and
received from other Material Organizations or approved temperatures (or temperature ranges) are not required
suppliers in accordance with (a) above, to the purchaser at by the material specification, a statement of the type of
the time of shipment. heat-treated condition shall be reported. Additionally,
(c) The Certificate Holder shall complete all operations the times and temperatures of postweld heat treatments
not completed by the Material Organization and shall of weld repaired materials as required by the fabrication
provide a Certified Material Test Report for all operations requirements of this Section shall be reported.
performed by the Certificate Holder or its approved


(e) Reporting of actual dimensions and visual exami- NCA-1233 Supports

nation results is neither required nor prohibited by
this paragraph. The Design Conditions for supports shall be included in
(f) Notarization of the Certified Material Test Report is either the component or piping Design Specifications (see
not required. NCA-3211.19) or in a separate Design Specification. A
(g) A Certificate of Compliance with the material spec- Design Report, Load Capacity Data Sheet, or Design
ification, grade, class, and heat-treated condition, as ap- Report Summary (see NCA-3211.40) for each support
plicable, may be provided in lieu of a Certified Material or group of supports shall be furnished. Certification docu-
Test Report for material NPS 3 ∕ 4 (DN 20) and less ments shall be as required by Article NCA-8000.
(pipe, fittings, flanges, materials for valves and tubes Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix CC
except heat exchanger tubes), bolting 1 in. (25 mm) contains alternative rules for Linear Piping Supports
and less, as applicable. that can be used as an alternative to the requirements
(h) Material identification shall be described in the of Subsection NCA and Subsection NF when permitted
Certified Material Test Report or Certificate of Compli- by the Owner’s Design Specification.
ance, as applicable. Heat or lot traceability to the Certifi-
cate of Compliance is not required.
The design conditions for appurtenances shall be
NCA-1225.2 Quality System Program Statement included in either the component Design Specification
(a) When the Material Organization holds a Quality (see NCA-3211.19) or a separate Design Specification.
System Certificate, the Material Organization’s Quality A Design Report [see NCA-3211.40(f)] for each appurte-
System Certificate number and expiration date shall be nance or group of identical appurtenances for each
shown on the Certified Material Test Report or Certificate component shall be furnished, if not included in the
of Compliance, as applicable, or on a certification included component Design Report. The Owner, directly or
with the documentation that accompanies the material. through its designee, shall be responsible for the
(b) When the Material Organization has been qualified overall correlation of the component and appurtenance
by a party other than the Society, the revision and date of Design Reports (see NCA-3211.20). Data Reports and
the applicable written Quality System Program shall be stamping shall be as required by Article NCA-8000.
shown on the Certified Material Test Report or Certificate
of Compliance, as applicable, or on a certification included NCA-1270 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS
with the documentation that accompanies the material. NCA-1271 Control Rod Drive Housings
(c) The inclusion of the Quality System Certificate
number and expiration date or reference to revision Control rod drive housings attached to a reactor vessel
and date of the applicable written Quality System shall be considered in the Design Specification as a part, as
Program shall be considered the Material Organization’s an appurtenance, or as a separate vessel. The rules of
certification that all activities have been performed in Subsection NB shall apply to those portions of the hous-
accordance with the applicable requirements of this ings forming a pressure-retaining boundary.
NCA-1272 Heater Elements
NCA-1230 PARTS, PIPING SUBASSEMBLIES, AND That portion of heater elements forming a pressure-
SUPPORTS retaining boundary of a nuclear power system shall be
considered in the Design Specification either as a part
NCA-1231 Parts
or as an appurtenance.
The Design Specifications (see NCA-3211.19) and
Design Report, Load Capacity Data Sheet, or Design NCA-1273 Fluid Conditioner and Flow Control
Report Summary (see NCA-3211.29 and NCA-3211.40) Devices Other Than Valves
for components and supports shall apply to the parts
That portion of fluid conditioners or flow control
of such components and supports. Data Reports and
devices, such as filters, demineralizers, traps, strainers,
stamping shall be as required in Article NCA-8000.
flow nozzles, flow restrictors, venturis, orifice plates
NCA-1232 Piping Subassemblies (except orifice plates connecting piping of the same
design pressure that are clamped between flanges), educ-
The Design Specifications (see NCA-3211.19) and tors, and similar devices that form the pressure boundary,
Design Report [see NCA-3211.40(b)] for the piping shall be considered as a piping subassembly, part, appur-
system shall apply to the piping subassemblies of that tenance, component, or material in accordance with the
system. Data Reports and stamping shall be as required rules of this Section.
in Article NCA-8000.


NCA-1274 Penetration Assemblies ments shall govern, except that connections between
piping and other components shall be considered part
Penetration assemblies shall be considered in the of the piping. Data Reports and stamping shall be as
Design Specification to be either parts or appurtenances. required in Article NCA-8000.
NCA-1275 Rupture Disk Devices NCA-1282 Support Installation
The inlet and outlet portions of a rupture disk holder Installation of supports consists of those activities
shall be considered as material, a part, or an appurtenance, required to attach supports to the building structure
and are considered to be part of the pressure-retaining and join parts and materials by welding or mechanical
boundary. The rupture disks and attachments to the means by the NA Certificate Holder at the location author-
rupture disk holder associated only with rupture disk ized by its Certificate. Attachment of supports to building
device assembly or disk function are not required to structure may also be performed during support fabrica-
be considered as material, a part, or an appurtenance, tion by the NS Certificate Holder at the location authorized
and are not considered to be part of the pressure-retaining by its Certificate. The requirements pertaining to installa-
boundary. tion governing materials, fabrication, examination,
inspection, stamping, and reporting shall be in accordance
with the rules applicable to the classification and type of
NCA-1281 Activities and Requirements support involved.
The requirements pertaining to installation governing NCA-1283 Services
materials, fabrication, examination, testing, inspection,
stamping, and reporting shall be in accordance with Services such as handling, rigging, setting, and
the rules applicable to the classification and type of temporary bolting and temporary aligning may be
component involved. When joining components of performed by organizations who are non‐Certificate
different classifications, the more restrictive require- Holders as provided for in NCA-3125.




NCA-2131 Code Classes and Rules of Division 1
(a) Division 1 specifies rules for
(1) nuclear power system metal components, parts, (a) Division 1 provides rules for the construction of
and appurtenances items in the following Code classes:
(2) metal containment vessels (1) Class 1 — items constructed in accordance with
(3) supports the rules of Subsection NB
(b) Division 2 specifies rules for concrete contain- (2) Class 2 or Class 3 — items constructed in accor-
ments. dance with the rules of Subsection NCD
(c) While providing for several classes of construction (3) Class MC — metal containment vessels
(see NCA-2120 and NCA-2130), this Section does not constructed in accordance with the rules of Subsection NE
provide guidance in the selection of a specific classification (4) Class CS — core support structures constructed
to fit a component in a given system. Such guidance is in accordance with the rules of Subsection NG
derived from systems safety criteria for specific types (b) Division 1 also provides rules for
of nuclear power systems, such as pressurized water reac- (1) supports constructed in accordance with the
tors, boiling water reactors, or high temperature gas- rules of Subsection NF
cooled reactors, and may be found in engineering stan- (2) internal structures constructed in accordance
dards or in the requirements of regulatory and enforce- with the rules of Subsection NG
ment authorities having jurisdiction over the nuclear
NCA-2132 Rules of Division 2
(d) The Owner of a nuclear facility shall be responsible Division 2 of this Section provides rules for concrete
for applying system safety criteria to classify the equip- containments designed and constructed in accordance
ment in the nuclear facility to be constructed in accor- with the rules of Subsection CC.
dance with the rules of this Section (see NCA-2120 and
NCA-2130). Classification shall be included in the NCA-2133 Multiple Code Class Components
Design Specification.
(a) Compartments in components consisting of
NCA-2120 PURPOSE OF CLASSIFYING ITEMS OF A multiple compartments such as heat exchangers may
be assigned different Code classes, provided any interac-
tions between compartments produced by service condi-
Construction rules are specified for items that are desig- tions are taken into account and these conditions are
nated Code Classes 1, 2, 3, CS, MC, and CC. These Code specified in the Design Specifications.
classes are intended to be applied to the classification (b) Supports for multiple Code class components shall
of items of a nuclear power system and containment be constructed in accordance with the rules of Subsection
system. Within these systems the Code recognizes the NF for the more restrictive class.
different levels of importance associated with the function
of each item as related to the safe operation of the nuclear NCA-2134 >Optional Use of Code Classes
power plant. The Code classes allow a choice of rules that
(a) Items classified as Class 2 in their Design Specifica-
provide assurance of structural integrity and quality
tions may be constructed and stamped in accordance with
commensurate with the relative importance assigned
the rules of Subsection NB.
to the individual items of the nuclear power plant.
(b) Items classified as Class 3 in their Design Specifica-
tions may be constructed and stamped in accordance with
the rules of Subsection NB or NCD.


(c) Containment vessels classified as Class MC in their or support Design, Service, or Test Loadings, the combi-
Design Specification may be constructed and stamped in nations thereof, and the corresponding acceptable Limits,
accordance with the rules of Subsection NB, provided the may be derived from systems safety criteria documents
rules of Article NE‐7000 are applied in lieu of the rules of for specific types of nuclear power systems and may be
Article NB‐7000 for protection against overpressure. found in the requirements of regulatory and enforcement
(d) When an item is optionally classified to a higher authorities having jurisdiction at the site.
class, the Design Specifications shall identify the
minimum required class as well as the optionally selected NCA-2142 Establishment of Design, Service, and
higher class. Test Loadings and Limits
(e) Those items designated as parts (Division 1) or
In the Design Specification, the Owner or its designee
appurtenances (Division 1) when used in a Division 2
shall identify the loadings and combinations of loadings
component, if stamped as parts (Division 1), may be
and establish the appropriate Design, Service, and Test
used without further stamping under Division 2 require-
Limits for each component or support.
ments, provided
(a) Loadings. The Design, Service, and Test Loadings
(1) the Designer identifies the parts to be stamped
shall be identified considering all plant or system oper-
under Division 1 requirements in the Construction Spec-
ating and test conditions anticipated or postulated to
occur during the intended service life of the component
(2) the Designer separately establishes that the use
or support. Service Loadings are not required to be iden-
of such parts satisfies the requirements of the Design Spec-
tified for Class 2 and 3 components, Class 2 and 3 compo-
ification, the Construction Specifications, and the Design
nent supports, and Class MC supports, when the Design
Pressure and Design Mechanical Loads result in stresses of
NCA-2135 Code Cases for Division 2 Parts greater magnitude, relative to the allowable stress or
stress intensity at the Design Temperature, than would
Parts specified to meet the requirements of Division 1 the Service Loadings relative to the allowables for the
for material, design, fabrication, and examination may be appropriate Service Level. When this is not the case,
stamped CC in accordance with Division 2 when used in a and for piping and its supports, Service Loadings shall
Division 2 component (see Article CC‐1000). For these be identified in the Design Specification. For the Class
parts, Division 1 Code Cases that are applicable for mate- MC containment vessel, loadings associated with the
rial, design, fabrication, and examination may be used for containment function shall be identified as Design Load-
Division 2 construction in accordance with NCA-1140. ings, except as provided in Article NE‐3000.
(b) Limits. The selection of Design, Service, and Test
NCA-2140 DESIGN BASIS Limits for each item shall be established in accordance
NCA-2141 Consideration of Plant and System with NCA-2142.4. The rules of this Section do not
assure operability of components in which mechanical
Operating and Test Conditions1
motion is required. The selection of limits for Design,
(a) Components and supports of a nuclear power Service, or Test Loadings to assure operability is
system (see NCA-1110) may be subjected to plant and beyond the scope of this Section. However, the rules of
system operating and test conditions that are required this Section do require operability of pressure relief
to be considered in the design and overpressure protec- valves. When assurance of operability is required, it is
tion of the components and the design of supports in order the responsibility of the Owner to define the appropriate
to satisfy applicable systems safety criteria. The signifi- limiting parameters by referring to documents that
cance of plant and system operating and test conditions specify the requirements for operability. Such parameters
upon design may vary from item to item within a system are outside the scope of this Section [see NCA-1130,
for a specific operating or test condition experienced by NCA-2160, and NCA-5210(b)].
the plant or system. The temperatures, pressures, and
NCA-2142.1 Design Loadings. Design Loadings for
mechanical loads to which components and supports
components and supports shall be in accordance with
are subjected in consequence of plant or system operating
(a), (b), and (c) below and the additional requirements
and test conditions are referred to in this Section as
of the applicable Subsections of this Section.
component or support Design, Service, or Test Loadings.
(a) Design Pressure. The specified internal and external
(b) The definition of plant and system operating and
Design Pressure shall not be less than the maximum differ-
test conditions, and the determination of their significance
ence in pressure between the inside and outside of the
to the design and operability of components and supports
item, or between any two chambers of a combination
of a nuclear power system, are beyond the scope of this
unit, that exists under the most severe loadings for
Section. Appropriate guidance for the selection of plant or
which the Level A Service Limits are applicable. The
system operating and test conditions, that may be deter-
Design Pressure shall include allowances for pressure
mined to be of significance in the selection of component


surges, control system error, and system configuration or support must withstand these loadings without damage
effects such as static pressure heads. requiring repair.
(b) Design Temperature. The specified Design (3) Level C Service Limits. Level C Service Limits are
Temperature shall not be less than the expected those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all Level C
maximum mean metal temperature through the thickness Service Loadings identified in the Design Specifications for
of the part considered for which Level A Service Limits are which these Service Limits are designated. These sets of
specified. Where a component is heated by trace heating, limits permit large deformations in areas of structural
such as induction coils, jacketing, or by internal heat discontinuity that may necessitate the removal of the
generation, the effect of such heat input shall be consid- component or support from service for inspection or
ered in establishing the Design Temperature. The Design repair of damage to the component or support. Therefore,
Temperature shall consider control system error and the selection of this limit shall be reviewed by the Owner
system configuration effects. for compatibility with established system safety criteria
(c) Design Mechanical Loads. The specified Design (see NCA-2141).
Mechanical Loads shall be selected so that when combined (4) Level D Service Limits. Level D Service Limits are
with the effects of Design Pressure, they produce the those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all Level D
highest primary stresses of any coincident combination Service Loadings identified in the Design Specifications for
of loadings for which Level A Service Limits are designated which these Service Limits are designated. These sets of
in the Design Specification. limits permit gross general deformations with some
consequent loss of dimensional stability and damage
NCA-2142.2 Service Loadings. When the Design Spec-
requiring repair, that may require removal of the compo-
ification or applicable Subsection of this Section requires
nent or support from service. Therefore, the selection of
computations to demonstrate compliance with specified
this limit shall be reviewed by the Owner for compatibility
Service Limits, the Design Specification shall provide
with established system safety criteria (see NCA-2141).
information from which Service Loadings can be identified
(c) Alternative Service Limits. Components or supports
(pressure, temperature, mechanical loads, cycles, or tran-
may be alternatively designed using more restrictive
sients). The Design Specification shall designate the
Service Limits than specified in the Design Specification.
appropriate Service Limit (see NCA-2142.4) to be asso-
For example, Level B Service Limits may be used where
ciated with each Service Loading or combination of Load-
Level C Service Limits have been specified.
(d) Test Limits
NCA-2142.3 Test Loadings (1) The limits for Test Loadings shall meet the re-
quirements of the appropriate Subsection of this Section.
(a) Test Loadings include pressure tests required by (2) The selection of Limits for other tests defined by
this Section. the Owner [see NCA-2142.3(b)] shall be included in the
(b) Loads due to other types of tests as may be required Design Specification.
by the Owner shall be included in the Design Specification.
NCA-2143 Acceptance Criteria
NCA-2142.4 Design, Service, and Test Limits
(a) Components and supports shall comply with the
(a) Design Limits. The limits for Design Loadings shall
design rules established for Design, Service, and Test
meet the requirements of the appropriate Subsection of
Loadings in the appropriate Subsections.
this Section.
(b) It is the responsibility of the Owner to define accep-
(b) Service Limits. The Design Specification may desig-
tance criteria for the Service Level Loading for which
nate Service Limits as defined in (1) through (4) below.
acceptance criteria are not contained in this Section.
(1) Level A Service Limits. Level A Service Limits are
(c) Design documentation shall be completed in accor-
those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all Level A
dance with the requirements of the Subsection applicable
Service Loadings identified in the Design Specifications to
to the component or support.
which the component or support may be subjected in the
performance of its specified service function. NCA-2144 Concrete Containments
(2) Level B Service Limits. Level B Service Limits are
those sets of limits that must be satisfied for all Level B Concrete containments, in addition to satisfying the
Service Loadings identified in the Design Specifications for structure design allowables (see CC‐3400), shall be eval-
which these Service Limits are designated. The component uated for load categories in CC‐3200.


NCA-2160 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS APPLIED TO be applied, provided such requirements do not negate
CODE CLASSES any rules of this Section. Such special contractual require-
ments are beyond the scope of this Section and shall not
Contractual arrangements between the Owner and apply as conditional requirements for Code construction
Certificate Holder that specify requirements in addition of items.
to or more restrictive than those specified by the rules
of this Section for the applicable class of an item may



NCA-3100 GENERAL NCA-3126 Subcontracted Calibration Services

As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers
of subcontracted services, a Certificate Holder, Material
LIABILITIES Organization, or approved supplier may accept accredita-
The various parties involved in the construction of a tion by accrediting bodies recognized by the International
nuclear facility or items that come under the jurisdiction Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual
of this Section have specific responsibilities for complying Recognition Arrangement (MRA), provided the require-
with these requirements. The responsibilities set forth ments of (a) through (d) are met:
herein relate only to Code compliance and are not to (a) A documented review of the supplier’s accredita-
be construed as involving contractual or legal liabilities. tion shall be performed and shall include verification
(1) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025,
NCA-3120 CERTIFICATION “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing
and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accredited body
NCA-3121 Types of Certificates
recognized by the ILAC MRA and
Table NCA-8100-1 lists the types of certificates issued (2) that the published scope of accreditation for the
by the Society and indicates the responsibilities assumed calibration laboratory covers the needed measurement
by each Certificate Holder. Further details of these respon- parameters, ranges, and uncertainties.
sibilities are contained in this Article. (b) The procurement documents shall specify
(1) that the service must be provided in accordance
NCA-3125 Subcontracted Services with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and scope of
accreditation, and
(a) Services may be subcontracted that are both within
(2) that the calibration certificate/report shall
and beyond the scope of this Section. There are no require-
include identification of the laboratory equipment/stan-
ments for the subcontracting of services beyond the scope
dards used, and
of this Section. Services covered by this Section may be of a
(3) that the calibration certificate/report shall
type for which the Society issues certificates, or may be of
include as-found calibration data when calibrated
the type for which the Society does not issue a certificate.
items are found to be out-of-tolerance, and
Subcontracts for activities for which certificates are
(4) that the service supplier shall not subcontract the
required shall be made only to Certificate Holders. A Certi-
service to any other supplier, and
ficate Holder may subcontract to another organization the
(5) that the Certificate Holder, Material Organiza-
surveying and auditing of subcontractors and Material
tion, or approved supplier must be notified of any condi-
Organizations, but must retain the responsibility for
tion that adversely impacts the laboratory’s ability to
these activities and for the qualification of these subcon-
maintain the scope of accreditation, and
tractors and Material Organizations.
(6) additional technical and quality requirements, as
(b) It is the right of an N Certificate Holder to subcon-
necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of
tract stress analysis or complete design of all or a portion
services, including, but not limited to, tolerances, accura-
of a component. However, the N Certificate Holder is
cies, ranges, and industry standards.
responsible for the design of the component and for
(c) At receipt inspection, the Certificate Holder, Mate-
the design output documents.
rial Organization, or approved supplier shall be respon-
(c) The Quality Assurance Manual shall describe the
sible for validating that the supplier’s documentation
manner in which the Certificate Holder controls and
accepts the responsibility for the subcontracted activities.
(1) that the subcontracted calibration was
performed in accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC
17025 program and scope of accreditation and
(2) conformance to the procurement document’s


(d) This activity shall be documented in the Certificate NCA-3130 WELDING2 AND SUBCONTRACTING
Holder’s Quality Assurance Program, the Material Orga- DURING CONSTRUCTION
nization’s Quality System Program, or the approved
supplier’s quality program. NCA-3131 Welding During Construction
For Divisions 1 and 2, it is required that all shop and field
NCA-3127 Subcontracted Testing Services welding during Code construction be done only by a Certi-
As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of ficate Holder holding a certificate appropriate to the scope
subcontracted services, a Certificate Holder, Material of welding to be performed. A Certificate Holder may
Organization, or approved supplier may accept accredita- engage individuals by contract for services as welders
tion by accrediting bodies recognized by the International or welding operators at the site location shown on the
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual certificate, provided conditions of (a) through (g)
Recognition Arrangement (MRA), provided the require- below are met. This is an acceptable method of complying
ments of (a) through (d) are met. with Section IX requirements concerning responsibility
(a) A documented review of the supplier’s accredita- for welding.
tion shall be performed and shall include verification (a) The work to be done by such welders and welding
(1) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025, operators is within the scope of the certificate.
“General Requirements for the Competence of Testing (b) The use of such welders and welding operators
and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accredited body is contained in the Quality Assurance Program of the
recognized by the ILAC MRA and Certificate Holder. The Quality Assurance Program [see
(2) that the published scope of accreditation for the NCA-3211.1(a)] shall include a requirement for direct
testing laboratory covers the needed testing services supervision and direct technical control of the welders
including test methodology and tolerances/uncertainties. and welding operators by the Certificate Holder during
(b) The procurement documents shall specify such welding operations, and this program shall be accept-
(1) that the service must be provided in accordance able to the Certificate Holder’s Authorized Inspection
with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and scope of Agency (see NCA-5121) performing the inspections.
accreditation, and (c) The welding procedures have been properly qual-
(2) that the service supplier shall not subcontract the ified by the Certificate Holder, and Code responsibility for
service to any other supplier, and such procedures is retained by the Certificate Holder.
(3) that the Certificate Holder, Material Organiza- (d) The welders and welding operators are qualified by
tion, or approved supplier must be notified of any condi- the Certificate Holder to perform such procedures.
tion that adversely impacts the laboratory’s ability to (e) The Certificate Holder shall have contractual
maintain the scope of accreditation, and control of the welding operation, including authority to
(4) additional technical and quality requirements, as assign or remove welders and welding operators at its
necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of discretion.
services, including, but not limited to, tolerances, accura- (f) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for Code
cies, ranges, and industry standards. compliance of the completed item or installation including
(c) At receipt inspection, the Certificate Holder, Mate- Certification Mark and providing the completed appro-
rial Organization, or approved supplier shall be respon- priate Data Report Form.
sible for validating that the supplier’s documentation (g) Exceptions to the requirements of this paragraph
certifies for furnace brazing operations are specified in
(1) that the subcontracted testing was performed in NCA-3211.1(g).
accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC 17025 program
and scope of accreditation and NCA-3132 Subcontracted Construction Services —
(2) conformance to the procurement document’s Division 2
requirements. A Certificate Holder may engage individuals or organi-
(d) This activity shall be documented in the Certificate zations not holding a certificate to provide subcontracted
Holder’s Quality Assurance Program, the Material Orga- construction services other than welding at the site loca-
nization’s Quality System Program, or the approved tion shown on the certificate, provided all of the following
supplier’s quality program. conditions are met:
(a) The activities, such as placement of concrete or
reinforcing steel, to be performed by subcontracted indiv-
iduals or organizations are included within the Scope of
the certificate of the Certificate Holder, and a description
of the subcontracted activities is contained in the Certi-
ficate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program.


(b) The Quality Assurance Program [see (c) This Quality Assurance program shall be evaluated
NCA-3211.1(a)] shall include requirements for direct and accepted by the Society. The Certificate Holder shall
technical control of such individuals or organizations. file the Quality Assurance Manual with the Authorized
Technical control by the Certificate Holder includes Inspection Agency (see NCA-5121), and a copy shall be
controlling the performance of all Code-required exami- made available to the Inspector (see NCA-5123) and
nations, inspections, and tests including documentation the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (see
and record retention. The Quality Assurance Program NCA-5123).
shall be acceptable to the Society (see NCA-8120) and (d) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible
to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (see for surveying, qualifying, and auditing suppliers of
NCA-5122). subcontracted services (see NCA-3125), including
(c) The construction procedures have been approved nondestructive examination contractors and Material
by the Certificate Holder, and Code responsibility for such Organizations. Material Organizations holding a Quality
procedures is retained by the Certificate Holder. System Certificate (Materials) and Certificate Holders
(d) Splicers for sleeve filler metal splices or mechanical whose scope includes supply or furnishing material
reinforcing bar splices are qualified as required by this need not be surveyed nor audited for work or material
Section, provided their qualifications are reviewed and covered by the scope of their certificate. Subcontractors
approved by the Certificate Holder. holding a Certificate of Authorization or NS Certificate do
(e) The Certificate Holder shall have contractual not need to be surveyed or audited by the NPT Certificate
control of the construction operation, including authority Holder for work within the scope of the subcontractor's
to assign or remove individuals or organizations at its certificate.
discretion. (e) An N or NV Certificate Holder may qualify vendors
(f) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for Code of subcontracted services (see NCA-3125) other than
compliance of the completed item including Certification those requiring a Certificate, such as Material Organiza-
Mark and providing the completed, applicable Data Report tion, for another Certificate Holder doing work for that
Form. N or NV Certificate Holder. The qualification documenta-
(g) Provisions shall be made by the Certificate Holder tion shall be supplied to the other Certificate Holder prior
for the Authorized Inspector to have access to all areas and to their use of the subcontracted service or Material
functions required to perform the Inspector's duties, Organization.
including those of procedure development and qualifica- (f) For NS Certificate Holders, the qualification of orga-
tion performed by a subcontractor for the Certificate nizations not certified by the Society shall be limited to the
Holder. furnishing of material and subcontracted services to the
NS Certificate Holder doing the qualifying.
NCA-3200 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE (g) An N, NPT, NA, or NV Certificate Holder may
subcontract furnace-brazing operations involving
uniform heating to an organization not holding a certifi-
DESIGNER cate, provided the following requirements are met:
(1) The work performed shall be within the scope of
activities of the Certificate Holder’s Certificate of Author-
Table NCA-3200-1 identifies the types of Certificate ization.
Holder or Designer and paragraph numbers. Where an (2) The Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance
“X” appears in the column under the type of Certificate Program shall provide for the subcontracting of
Holder, the paragraph reference on the left side of the furnace-brazing operations, including Authorized Inspec-
Table is required for the associated Certificate of Author- tion, and these provisions shall be acceptable to the Certi-
ization. ficate Holder’s Authorized Inspection Agency.
(3) The Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance
NCA-3211 Responsibilities Program shall provide for surveillance by the Certificate
ð23Þ NCA-3211.1 Establishing, Documenting, and Main- Holder at their subcontractor’s facility during the brazing
taining a Quality Assurance Program operation.
(4) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for
(a) The Owner is responsible for documenting a Quality
surveying and accepting the Quality System Programs
Assurance Program (see NCA-4133).
of the subcontractor.
(b) Certificate Holders are responsible for establishing,
(5) The Certificate Holder shall ensure that the
documenting, and maintaining a Quality Assurance
subcontractor uses written procedures and brazing
Program in accordance with NCA-4134 for N, NV, NPT,
operators that have been qualified as required by the
NS, and NA Certificate Holders.


Table NCA-3200-1
ð23Þ Responsibilities of the Certificate Holder or Designer
N Certificate N Certificate NPT NS NA NV
Paragraph Designer Holder Holder Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate
Number Owner (Division 2) (Division 2) (Division 1) Holder Holder Holder Holder
NCA-3211.1 X X X X X X X
NCA-3211.2 X X X X X X X X
NCA-3211.3 X X X X X X X
NCA-3211.4 X X X X X X X
NCA-3211.5 X X X X X X X
NCA-3211.6 X X X X X X
NCA-3211.7 X X X X X X
NCA-3211.8 X X X X X X
NCA-3211.9 X X X X X X
NCA-3211.10 X X X X X
NCA-3211.11 X X
NCA-3211.12 X X
NCA-3211.13 X
NCA-3211.14 X
NCA-3211.15 X
NCA-3211.16 X
NCA-3211.17 X
NCA-3211.18 X
NCA-3211.19 X X X
NCA-3211.20 X
NCA-3211.21 X
NCA-3211.22 X
NCA-3211.23 X
NCA-3211.24 X
NCA-3211.25 X
NCA-3211.26 X
NCA-3211.27 X
NCA-3211.28 X
NCA-3211.29 X
NCA-3211.30 X
NCA-3211.31 X X
NCA-3211.32 X
NCA-3211.33 X
NCA-3211.34 X X X
NCA-3211.35 X
NCA-3211.36 X
NCA-3211.37 X
NCA-3211.38 X
NCA-3211.39 X X
NCA-3211.40 X X
NCA-3211.41 X
NCA-3211.42 X
NCA-3211.43 X
NCA-3211.44 X
NCA-3211.45 X
NCA-3211.46 X


Table NCA-3200-1
Responsibilities of the Certificate Holder or Designer (Cont’d)
N Certificate N Certificate NPT NS NA NV
Paragraph Designer Holder Holder Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate
Number Owner (Division 2) (Division 2) (Division 1) Holder Holder Holder Holder
NCA-3211.47 X
NCA-3211.48 X
NCA-3211.49 X
NCA-3211.50 X

(6) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for (d) The NA Certificate Holder has responsibility for
controlling the quality and for ensuring that all materials those activities required to place and attach components
and parts that are submitted to the Inspector for accep- to their support structures or join items in accordance
tance, including those brazed by subcontractors, conform with the applicable requirements of this Section.
to all applicable requirements of this Section.
NCA-3211.4 Obtaining a Certificate. The appropriate
(h) The N or NV Certificate Holder may supply replace-
Certificate (see NCA-8100) shall be obtained for
ment material without material supply being shown in the
(a) the Owner, after an application for a construction
scope of their certificate, provided the following apply:
permit or combined license for a specific nuclear facility is
(1) Supply of replacement material is included in
docketed or filed with the regulatory authority, shall
their Quality Assurance Program.
obtain an Owner’s certificate from the Society for each
(2) The replacement material conforms to all appli-
unit or facility to be constructed prior to beginning
cable requirements of this Section.
field installation. The information to be supplied by the
(3) The replacement material is provided exclusively
Owner when making applications is given in forms
for incorporation into items originally manufactured or
issued by the Society. A written agreement with an Author-
fabricated and furnished by the Certificate Holder
ized Inspection Agency (see NCA-8130) is required prior
under their certificate.
to application.
(4) Certified Material Test Reports or other docu-
(b) the construction of any concrete containment
mentation shall identify that replacement material is
intended to be in compliance with the requirements of
intended exclusively for incorporation into items origin-
this Section and to be stamped with a Certification
ally manufactured by the Certificate Holder.
Mark with N Designator.
ð23Þ NCA-3211.2 Making Documents Available to the AIA. (c) the construction of any item intended to be in
The Owner, Certificate Holder, or Designer is responsible compliance with the requirements of this Section and
for making documents specified by this Section available to be stamped with a Certification Mark with N Designator.
to the AIA (the Inspector or the Authorized Nuclear An N Certificate Holder may do all of the work of an NPT,
Inspector Supervisor) including those requested by the NS, or NA Certificate Holder at the location shown on their
Inspector to ensure compliance with Code requirements certificate, provided that the scope of work is included in
and, for NS Certificate Holders, the performance of the this certificate.
annual audit (see NCA-5242). (d) the construction of any item intended to be in
compliance with the requirements of this Section and
NCA-3211.3 Compliance With this Section to be stamped with a Certification Mark with NPT Desig-
(a) For Division 2 construction, the N Certificate Holder nator.
has the responsibility for constructing the concrete (e) an NS Certificate shall be obtained for the construc-
containment in accordance with the Design Drawings tion of any support intended to be in compliance with the
and Construction Specification and in accordance with requirements of this Section.
this Section. The N Certificate Holder’s responsibilities (f) the installation of any item intended to be in compli-
do not include design of the component. ance with the requirements of this Section and to be
(b) The N and NV Certificate Holder have the respon- stamped with the Certification Mark with NA Designator.
sibility for the structural integrity using the Design Spec- (g) the construction of any item intended to be in
ification as a basis of design, complying with this Section, compliance with the requirements of this Section and
and furnishing a Design Report if required. to be stamped with a Certification Mark with NV Desig-
(c) The NPT and NS Certificate Holders shall have all nator. An NV Certificate Holder may do all of the work of an
work performed in accordance with the applicable re- NPT or NA Certificate Holder at the location shown on
quirements of this Section. their certificate, provided that the scope of work is
included in this certificate.


NCA-3211.5 Obtaining a Written Agreement With an dures will include test procedures to be performed by
Authorized Inspection Agency (see NCA-8130) the Certificate Holder that are needed to establish confor-
mance with the requirements of the documents listed in
(a) The Owner and Certificate Holder are responsible
this Article. Distribution of Division 2 contstruction proce-
for obtaining a written agreement with an Authorized
dures is shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
Inspection Agency (see NCA-8130) prior to application.
(b) The Certificate Holder shall provide shop and field
(b) After receipt of notification from the regulatory
drawings. Distribution of Division 2 shop and field draw-
authority that an application for a construction permit
ings is shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
or combined license for a specific nuclear facility has
been docketed, the Owner shall obtain an Owner’s certi- NCA-3211.13 Certifying and Filing of the Owner’s Data ð23Þ
ficate from the Society for unit(s) docketed concurrently Report. The Owner shall certify the N-3 Data Report
for each site prior to beginning field installation. The infor- (Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V).
mation to be supplied by the Owner when making appli-
NCA-3211.14 Establishing the Code Editions,
cations is given in forms issued by the Society.
Addenda, and Code Cases to Be Used. The Owner is
NCA-3211.6 Filing of the Quality Assurance Manual. responsible for establishing the Code Editions,
The Certificate Holder shall file with the Authorized Addenda, and Code Cases to be used in Design Specifica-
Inspection Agency (see NCA-5121) copies of the tions, and determining that they are acceptable to the
Quality Assurance Manual. The Certificate Holder shall regulatory and enforcement authorities having jurisdic-
keep a copy on file available to the Inspector (see tion over the nuclear facility (see NCA-1140).
NCA-5123) or the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Super-
NCA-3211.15 Verifying Code Editions, Addenda, and
visor (see NCA-5123).
Code Cases. The Owner is responsible for verifying
NCA-3211.7 Certified Material Test Reports and Certi- through a review of the required documentation that
ficates of Compliance. The Certificate Holder is respon- the Code Editions, Addenda, and Code Cases used for
sible for review of Certified Material Test Reports and completed components and supports, and materials
Certificates of Compliance for materials (see satisfy NCA-1140 and are acceptable to the regulatory
NCA-1220) used by them. and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction over
the nuclear facility.
NCA-3211.8 Control of Records. The Certificate Holder
is responsible for the preparation, accumulation, control, NCA-3211.16 Classifying Equipment. The Owner,
and protection of required records while in their custody either directly or through their designee, shall establish
(see NCA-4134.17). the Code classification of the items that comprise the
nuclear facility.
NCA-3211.9 Approval of Material. The Certificate
Holder is responsible for the documentation of review NCA-3211.17 Designating the Designer, Constructor,
and approval of material used by them as permitted and Fabricators for Division 2 Construction. The
by NCA-1140(e). Owner is responsible for designating the Designer,
Constructor, and Fabricators for Division 2 construction
NCA-3211.10 Data Report. The N, NPT, NA, and NV
and verifying through a review of the required documen-
Certificate Holder shall certify compliance with this
tation that the Designer has fulfilled their responsibilities
Section by signing the appropriate Data Report Form
for Division 2 construction.
and applying the appropriate stamping (see
Article NCA-8000). NCA-3211.18 Providing Adequate Structures, Founda-
tions, and Auxiliary Systems for the Items Covered by
NCA-3211.11 Subcontracted Services. The Certificate
Divisions 1 and 2 of This Section. It is the responsibility
Holder is responsible for subcontracting (see
of the Owner to ensure that intervening elements, founda-
NCA-3125) for materials, design, fabrication, installation,
tions and building structures adequate to support the
examination, testing, and inspection. The Certificate
items covered by this Section are provided, and to
Holder shall retain overall responsibility, including certi-
ensure that jurisdictional boundary interfaces for Code
fication and stamping.
items are defined and compatible. Loads imposed upon
ð23Þ NCA-3211.12 Preparing Construction Procedures, and structures outside the scope of this Section by items
Shop and Field Drawings covered by this Section shall be defined in the Design Spec-
ification. Concrete reactor vessels or concrete contain-
(a) Construction procedures shall give sufficient ments bearing on soil, rock, caissons, or piles require
detailed information about the methods of construction an allowable bearing pressure or allowable load per
and fabrication to enable those reviewing the procedures caisson or pile to be determined by the Owner and furn-
to determine whether the requirements of the Design ished to the Designer.
Specification, the Construction Specification, and the
Design Drawings will be satisfied. Construction proce-


Table NCA-3200-2
Document Distribution for Division 2 Construction ð23Þ

Prepared Reviewed Certified Approved Provided to Available on

Document by by by by [Note (1)] Request
Design Specification (see NCA-3211.19) O O O … D, C, I, J …
Construction Specification (see NCA-3211.28) D O D O O, C, F, M I, J
Design Drawings (see NCA-3211.28) D O D O O, C, F, M I, J
Design Report (see NCA-3211.29) D O D O O I, J
Construction procedures [Note (1)] (see NCA-3211.31) C, F D … D D, O I, J
Certified Material Test Reports or Certificates of M C, F M … C, F, O I, J, D
Compliance [Note (1)] (see CC‐2130)
Shop and field drawings [Note (1)] (see NCA-3211.31) C, F D … D C, F I
Construction Report (see NCA-3211.23, NCA-3211.31, and C O, D D O D, O, J I, J
Data Report Form C‐1 (see NCA-8410) C … D, C, I … O I, J
Data Report Form N‐2 (see NCA-8410) F … F, I … C I, J
Data Report Form N‐3 (see NCA-8420) O I O, I … … I, J
O — Owner or its designee
D — Designer
C — Constructor
F — Fabricator
M — Material manufacturer
I — Inspector
J — Enforcement authority

NOTE: (1) Information provided to the indicated participants when required to satisfy their designated responsibilities under this Section. Other
information provided only by specific arrangement with the Owner. Participants are required to furnish only such information as is necessary to
permit the recipient to perform its duties in conformance with this Section. Other information may be furnished at the discretion of the responsible

ð23Þ NCA-3211.19 Provisions of the Design Specifications (-a) the functions and boundaries of the items
covered [see NCA-3211.19(d)]
(a) Provision and Correlation. It is the responsibility of
(-b) the design requirements [see NCA-2110(a),
the Owner to provide, or cause to be provided, Design
NCA-2110(b), and NCA-2140] including all required over-
Specifications for components, supports, and appurte-
pressure protection requirements [see NCA-3211.21]
nances. The Owner, either directly or through their
(-c) the environmental conditions that would have
designee, shall be responsible for the proper correlation
an effect on material deterioration, including radiation.
of all Design Specifications. Separate Design Specifications
For consideration of environmental effects resulting
are not required for parts, piping subassemblies, appur-
from these conditions, see Section III Appendices, Non-
tenances, or supports when they are included in the
mandatory Appendix W for guidance.
Design Specification for a component (see NCA-1210).
(-d) the Code classification of the items covered
However, the applicable data from the component
(see Article NCA-2000)
Design Specification (Division 1) or the Construction Spec-
(-e) material requirements including impact test
ification and Design Drawings (Division 2) shall be
provided in sufficient documented detail to form the
(-f) additional fracture mechanics data for base
basis for fabrication in accordance with this Section.
metal, weld metal, and heat-affected zone required to
(b) Contents of Design Specifications. (See Section III
use Section III Appendices
Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix B.)
(-1) Nonmandatory Appendix G, Figure
(1) The Design Specifications shall contain sufficient
G-2210-1 in accordance with Section III Appendices
detail to provide a complete basis for Division 1 construc-
(-2) Nonmandatory Appendix G, G-2110(b),
tion or Division 2 design in accordance with this Section.
when the methods of Section III Appendices
Such requirements shall not result in construction that
(-3) Nonmandatory Appendix G are used to
fails to conform with the rules of this Section. All
provide protection against nonductile fracture for mate-
Design Specifications shall include (-a) through (-h)
rials that have specified minimum yield strengths at room


temperature greater than 50.0 ksi (345 MPa) but not (-c) the structural characteristics of the attached
exceeding 90.0 ksi (620 MPa) components or structures, whether or not they are within
(-4) where these materials of higher yield this Section’s jurisdiction when such components or struc-
strengths are to be used in conditions where radiation tures provide constraints to the movement of components
may affect the material properties, the effect of radiation or appurtenances
on the Klc curve shall be determined for the material prior (-d) when the foundation support is constructed
to its use in construction as an integral part of the concrete containment, it shall
(-g) when operability of a component is a require- be included within this Section’s Division 2 jurisdiction
ment, the Design Specification shall make reference to to the extent required by NCA-2132
other appropriate documents that specify the operating (2) Definition of Division 1 Boundaries.
requirements (-a) The boundaries for Class 1 components are
(-h) the effective Code Edition, Addenda, and Code given in NB-1130.
Cases to be used for construction (-b) The boundaries for Class 2 or Class 3 compo-
(2) A Design Specification shall be provided for nents are given in NCD-1130.
each concrete containment serving in a single power- (-c) The boundaries for metal containment vessels
generating unit or for multiple concrete containments are given in NE-1132.
at the same site. In addition to the requirements of (a) (-d) The boundaries for supports are given in
above, the Design Specifications for Division 2 items NF-1130.
shall include (-a) through (-g) below. (-e) The boundaries for core support structures
(-a) design life are given in NG-1130.
(-b) corrosion effects (3) Definition of Division 2 Boundaries. The Design
(-c) structural acceptance testing requirements Specification shall define the boundaries of Division 2
(Division 2, Article CC-6000) in accordance with the limits defined in CC-1140; it
(-d) shielding requirements shall also show the external boundaries of the component
(-e) construction surveillance required by the with respect to its supporting structures. Where the
Designer support is constructed as an integral part of the concrete
(-f) foundation type and allowable loading, if ap- containment, it shall be included within the jurisdiction of
plicable (see NCA-3211.18) Division 2 to the extent required by CC-1140. The Design
(-g) loads from internal structures (see Specification shall include the specific dimensional loca-
NCA-2132) tion of each boundary, including the boundaries for parts
(3) The Design Specification shall identify those and appurtenances designated to meet the requirements
components and/or parts that require a preservice exam- of Division 1.
ination and shall include the following: (d) Certification of the Design Specifications. The Design
(-a) examination Specifications shall be certified to be correct and complete
(-1) Division and Edition of Section XI to be used and to be in compliance with the requirements of
(-2) category and method NCA-3211.19 by one or more Certifying Engineers, on
(-3) qualifications of personnel, procedures, behalf of the Owner or their designee. The Certifying Engi-
and equipment neers shall be competent in the applicable field of design
(-b) welds and related nuclear facility requirements and qualified by
(-1) surface conditioning requirements the Owner or their designee in accordance with the re-
(-2) identification/marking system to be used quirements of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appen-
(-c) When Section XI, Division 2 is applicable for dix XXIII. These Certifying Engineers are not required to be
preservice monitoring and NDE (MANDE), the Design independent of the organization preparing the Design
Specification shall identify each feature requiring Specifications. Document distribution for Division 2
MANDE, the type and method of MANDE required, and construction is shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
the applicable acceptance standards. (e) Filing of Design Specifications
(c) Boundaries of Jurisdiction3 (1) The Design Specifications in their entirety shall
(1) In order to define the boundaries of components become a principal document governing design and
with respect to adjacent components, intervening construction of items. A copy of the Design Specification
elements, and other structures, the Design Specifications shall be made available to the Inspector at the manufac-
shall include turing site before fabrication begins, and a copy shall be
(-a) the locations of each such boundary filed at the location of the installation and made available
(-b) the forces, moments, strains, or displace- to the regulatory and enforcement authorities having
ments that are imposed at each such boundary jurisdiction over the nuclear facility before components
or appurtenances are placed in service. In the case of parts,
piping subassemblies, appurtenances, and supports, the


Design Specifications need not be made available to the able to the regulatory and enforcement authorities having
Inspector at the fabrication site [see NCA-3211.19(a)]. jurisdiction over the nuclear facility.
However, the applicable data from the Design Specifica-
NCA-3211.21 Designating Overpressure Protection
tions that form the basis for fabrication shall be made
Requirements. The Owner is responsible for designating
available to the Inspector at the fabrication site. Document
the overpressure protection requirements for each
distribution for Division 2 construction is shown in Table
component or system, including the Class of overpressure
protection rules assigned to each component or system
(2) For pumps and valves 4 in. nominal pipe size (DN
and the location of the overpressure protection devices.4
100) and less, for linear supports used as mechanical
snubbers, and for standard supports, the Certificate NCA-3211.22 Providing and Filing the Overpressure
Holder may provide their own Design Specification in Protection Report
accordance with NCA-3211.19(b) as a basis for construc-
tion. Prior to installation, the Owner or their designee shall (a) It is the responsibility of the Owner to provide, or
be responsible for reconciling the Certificate Holder’s cause to be provided, an Overpressure Protection Report
Design Specification with their own Design Specification. for each component or system (NB-7200, NCD-7200, or
NCA-3211.20 Reviewing Design Reports (b) The report shall be certified as specified in
NB-7230, NCD-7230, or NE-7230.
(a) The Design Report that the Certificate Holder or the
(c) The report shall be filed as specified in NB-7250,
Designer provides shall be reviewed by the Owner or their
NCD-7250, or NE-7250.
designee to determine that all the Design and Service
Loadings as stated in the Design Specification have NCA-3211.23 Division 2 Construction. The Owner is
been evaluated, and that the acceptance criteria explicitly responsible for reviewing and approving the Construction
provided for in this Section, or additional acceptance Specification, Design Drawings, and Construction Report
criteria permitted by this Section when established in for Division 2 construction (see Table NCA-3200-2).
the Design Specification, associated with the specified
NCA-3211.24 Section XI Accessibility. The Owner is ð23Þ
Design and Service Conditions, have been considered.
responsible for providing for the design and arrangement
The responsibility for the method of analysis and the accu-
of components to permit accessibility in accordance with
racy of the Design Report remains with the Certificate
Section XI, Division 1, or when Division 2 is applicable, as
Holder or the Designer.
established in the Owner's Reliability and Integrity
(b) Except as provided for in (c) below, documentation
Management (RIM) Program.
shall be provided by the Owner or their designee to indi-
cate that the review required by (a) above has been NCA-3211.25 Designating Records to Be Maintained ð23Þ
conducted. Prior to the stamping of the component, a and Providing for Their Maintenance. The Owner shall
copy of this documentation shall be attached to the be responsible for designating the records to be main-
copy of the Design Report that is made available to the tained (see NCA-4134.17). The Owner shall also be
Inspector. A copy of this documentation shall be included responsible for continued maintenance of the records
with the Design Report that is filed at the location of the required by this Section and Section XI at the nuclear
installation in accordance with NCA-4134.17 and made facility, the Certificate Holder’s shop or field facility, or
available to the regulatory and enforcement authorities other locations determined by the Owner. The Owner
having jurisdiction over the nuclear facility. Document shall advise the regulatory and enforcement authority
distribution for Division 2 construction is shown in having jurisdiction over the nuclear facility in writing
Table NCA-3200-2. regarding the location of the records.
(c) When a Certified Design Report Summary [see NCA-3211.26 Performing or Assigning a Designee for ð23Þ
NCA-3211.40(d)] is furnished in lieu of a Design Other Division 2 Duties as Defined Throughout this
Report [see NCA-3211.40(b)], for standard supports, Section. The activities necessary to provide compliance
documentation shall be provided by the Owner or the with responsibilities assigned to the Owner by this
Owner’s designee to indicate that the Certified Design Section, except for NCA-3211.1(a), NCA-3211.4(a),
Report Summary has been reviewed in accordance NCA-3211.5(a), and NCA-3211.13, may be performed
with (a) above. Prior to stamping of the component, on the Owner’s behalf by a designee. The responsibility
including piping systems, a copy of this documentation for compliance remains with the Owner. When the Owner
shall be attached to the Certified Design Report assigns any responsibilities, such assignment shall
Summary that is made available to the Inspector. A contain, as a minimum, the name and address of the
copy of this documentation and the Certified Design designee, the responsibilities being assigned, and the ap-
Report Summary shall be filed at the location of the instal- plicable nuclear facility or facilities.
lation in accordance with NCA-4134.17 and made avail-


NCA-3211.27 Structural Design Preparation. The and this Section. Distribution of the Design Report is
Designer is responsible for preparing the structural shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
design of the component in conformance with this
NCA-3211.30 Surveillance of Construction. The
Section and the Design Specification (see NCA-3211.19).
Designer is responsible for performing surveillance of
ð23Þ NCA-3211.28 Preparation of Division 2 Design Draw- construction to the extent designated by the Owner in
ings and Construction Specification. The Designer is the Design Specification (see Table NCA-3200-2).
responsible for the preparation of Design Drawings
and the Construction Specification. NCA-3211.31 Preparation and Distribution of ð23Þ
(a) Design Drawings. The Design Drawings shall Construction Documents as Specified in the Construction
contain the following: Specification
(1) concrete and steel liner thickness (a) Construction Procedures. Construction procedures
(2) size and location of reinforcing steel give sufficient detailed information about the methods
(3) size and location of prestressing tendons of construction and fabrication to enable those reviewing
(4) size and location of penetrations the procedures to determine whether the requirements of
(5) all other details necessary to construct the item in the Design Specification, the Construction Specification,
accordance with the requirements of the Design Specifi- and the Design Drawings will be satisfied. Construction
cation, the Construction Specification, and this Section procedures will include test procedures to be performed
(b) Construction Specification. The Construction Spec- by the Certificate Holder that are needed to establish
ification shall contain the following: conformance with the requirements of the documents
(1) material specifications listed in this Article. Responsibilities for the preparation,
(2) material shipping, handling, and storage require- review, approval, and distribution of Division 2 construc-
ments tion procedures are shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
(3) inspection requirements (b) Shop and Field Drawings. The Division 2 N Certifi-
(4) appropriate Code references cate Holder shall provide shop and field drawings. Distri-
(5) requirements for personnel or equipment quali- bution of shop and field drawings is shown in Table
fication NCA-3200-2.
(6) material or part examination and testing require- (c) Material Documentation. The Division 2 N Certifi-
ments cate Holder shall collect records to verify that materials
(7) acceptance testing requirements comply with the requirements of this Section and the
(8) leak testing requirements Construction Specification.
(9) requirements for shop drawings (d) Contents of the Construction Report. The Division 2 N
(10) requirements for batching, mixing, placing, and Certificate Holder shall provide a Construction Report.
curing concrete The report shall include the following:
(11) requirements for the fabrication and installa- (1) a summary of construction progress showing key
tion of the prestressing system, reinforcing steel, embed- dates of major construction activities
ments, and all other parts (2) a complete and detailed record of all containment
(12) identification of parts requiring a Certification acceptance testing
Mark (3) a summary of quality control records for compo-
(13) design life for parts and materials where nec- nents and parts
essary to establish compliance with the Design Specifica- (4) a list of as-built, design, field, and shop drawings
tion showing the latest revision used for construction and date
(14) construction surveillance to be performed by (5) a summary of deviations (nonconformances)
the Designer as required by the Design Specification giving a brief description of the nature of the deviations
(15) construction documents that require review by (nonconformances) and the corrective actions and the
the Designer and those that require both review and date when the corrective actions were taken
approval by the Designer. As a minimum, these documents (6) distribution and approvals as shown in Table
shall meet the requirements of Table NCA-3200-2. NCA-3200-2.
NCA-3211.29 Prepare and Submit the Design Report.
NCA-3211.32 Modifications of Design Drawings and
The Designer shall prepare a Design Report in sufficient
Construction Specification
detail to show that the applicable stress limitations are
satisfied when the component is subject to the loading (a) Revision of Design Drawings and Construction Spec-
conditions specified in the Design Specification and ification. Design Documents issued for use in construction
this Section. The Design Report prepared by the Designer shall be revised to reflect any change in the Design.
shall contain calculations and sketches substantiating that Changes to Design Documents shall be reviewed and certi-
the design is in accordance with the Design Specification fied in accordance with (b).


(b) Certification of the Construction Specification, (c) a summary of quality control records for compo-
Design Drawings, and Design Report nents and parts
(1) The Construction Specification, Design Drawings, (d) a list of as-built, design, field, and shop drawings
and Design Report shall be reviewed and certified to be showing the latest revision used for construction and date
correct and in accordance with the Design Specification (e) a summary of deviations (nonconformances) giving
and this Section by one or more Certifying Engineers, a brief description of the nature of the deviations (noncon-
on behalf of the Designer. The Certifying Engineers shall formances) and the corrective actions and the date when
be competent in the field of design of concrete components the corrective actions were taken
and qualified by the designer in accordance with the (f) distribution and approvals as shown in Table
requirements of Section III Appendices, Mandatory NCA-3200-2
Appendix XXIII. These Certifying Engineers are not
NCA-3211.38 Structural Integrity Testing. The Divi-
required to be independent of the organization designing
sion 2 N Certificate Holder is responsible for structural
the component. Distribution of Construction Specification,
integrity testing in accordance with Article CC-6000.
Design Drawings, and the Design Report is shown in Table
NCA-3200-2. NCA-3211.39 Contributing Information to the
(2) In order for the Certifying Engineer to certify the Constructor Needed for the Preparation of the Construc-
Construction Specification and Design Drawings, it is nec- tion Report for Division 2 Construction. The N Certificate
essary that the Design Specification has been certified. For Holder shall provide a Construction Report. The report
the Constructor or Fabricator to do work in accordance shall include
with Construction Specifications and Design Drawings, it (a) a summary of construction progress showing key
is necessary that these documents have been certified. dates of major construction activities
(b) a complete and detailed record of all containment
NCA-3211.33 Certification of the Construction Report.
acceptance testing
The Construction Report shall be evaluated by the
(c) a summary of quality control records for compo-
Designer, who shall certify that the Construction
nents and parts
Report conforms to the requirements of Division 2 and
(d) a list of as-built, design, field, and shop drawings
the Design Specification. They shall also provide any
showing the latest revision used for construction and date
supplemental analysis needed to substantiate this evalua-
(e) a summary of deviations (nonconformances) giving
tion. Prior to certification, they shall review the file of as-
a brief description of the nature of the deviations (noncon-
built, design, shop, and field drawings to establish that the
formances) and the corrective actions and the date when
list provided by the Constructor in the Construction
the corrective actions were taken
Report corresponds to the as-built, design, shop, and
(f) distribution and approvals as shown in
field drawings that will be maintained as a file by the
Table NCA-3200-2
Owner. Distribution of the Construction Report is
shown in Table NCA-3200-2. NCA-3211.40 Provision of a Design Report When One Is ð23Þ
Required. The Division 1 N Certificate Holder is respon-
NCA-3211.34 Document Distribution. The Owner,
sible for the following:
Designer, and N-2 Certificate Holder are responsible
(a) The Preparation of Drawings. The drawings used for
for document distribution as shown in Table NCA-3200-2.
construction shall comply with the Design Specifications
NCA-3211.35 Construction of Components and Parts. and the rules of this Section and shall be in agreement with
The Division 2 N Certificate Holder is responsible the other design output documents.
for constructing the components and parts in accordance (b) The Design Report. The drawings used for construc-
with the Design Drawings and Construction tion shall be in agreement with the Design Report before it
Specification(s) and in accordance with this Section. is certified and shall be identified and described in the
Design Report. See Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory
ð23Þ NCA-3211.36 Qualification of Material Organizations.
Appendix C. It is the responsibility of the N Certificate
The Division 2 N Certificate Holder is responsible for quali-
Holder to furnish a Design Report for each component
fication of Metallic Material Organizations (see NCA-3300)
and support, except as provided in (b) and (c). The
and manufacturers of nonmetallic material (see
Design Report shall be certified on behalf of the N Certi-
ficate Holder by a Certifying Engineer when it is for Class 1
NCA-3211.37 Preparing the Construction Report. The components and supports, Class CS core support struc-
Division 2 N Certificate Holder shall provide a Construc- tures, Class MC vessels and supports, Class 2 vessels
tion Report. The report shall include designed to NCD-3200 (see NCD-3131.1), or Class 2 or
(a) a summary of construction progress showing key Class 3 components designed to Service Loadings
dates of major construction activities greater than Design Loadings. A Class 2 Design Report
(b) a complete and detailed record of all containment shall be prepared for Class 1 piping NPS 1 (DN 25) or
acceptance testing


smaller that is designed in accordance with the rules of already included in the component design output docu-
Subsection NCD. ments.
(c) The Load Capacity Data Sheet. The Load Capacity (g) Reconciliation of Design Drawing Changes With
Data Sheet shall state the load capacity of the support Design Report. Any modification of any document used
and identify the tests and calculations used to establish for construction, from the corresponding document
the load capacity. The Load Capacity Data Sheet shall used for design analysis, shall be reconciled with the
adequately identify the support. The Load Capacity Design Report by the person or organization responsible
Data Sheet for supports for Class 1 components, Class for the design. A revision or addenda to the Design Report
MC vessels, and Class 2 vessels designed to NCD-3200 shall be prepared and [if required by (a)] certified to indi-
shall be certified by a Certifying Engineer on behalf of cate the basis on which this has been accomplished. All
the N or NS Certificate Holder. The Certifying Engineer such revised documentation shall be filed with the
shall be qualified by the N or NS Certificate Holder in accor- completed Design Report.
dance with the requirements of Section III Appendices, (h) Certification of Design Report
Mandatory Appendix XXIII. The Load Capacity Data (1) The Design Report for Class 1 components and
Sheet shall specify the organization responsible for supports, Class CS core support structures, Class
retaining the data substantiating the stated load capacity. MC vessels and supports, Class 2 vessels designed to
Such data shall be on file and available for review. NCD-3200 (see NCD-3131.1), or Class 2 or Class 3 compo-
(d) Certified Design Report Summary. For standard nents designed to Service Loadings shall be certified by
supports designed by analysis, a Certified Design one or more Certifying Engineers, on behalf of the N Certi-
Report Summary may be furnished in lieu of a Design ficate Holder. The Certifying Engineers shall be competent
Report when the manufacturer of the standard support in the applicable field of design and qualified by the N
provides their own Design Specification [see Certificate Holder in accordance with the requirements
NCA-3211.19]. The Certified Design Report Summary of Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII.
and the Design Report used to justify the Certified The Design Report shall be certified only after all
Design Report Summary shall be certified by a Certifying design requirements of this Section have been met.
Engineer on behalf of the N or NS Certificate Holder. The Such Certifying Engineers shall be other than the indiv-
Certifying Engineer shall be qualified by the N or NS Certi- iduals certifying the Design Specifications [see
ficate Holder in accordance with the requirements of NCA-3211.19(e)] but are not required by these rules to
Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII. The be independent of the organization holding the certificate.
Certified Design Report Summary shall include (1) (2) It is the intent of this Section that the certification
through (7) below. of the Design Report shall in no way relieve the N Certi-
(1) a description or sketch of the standard support ficate Holder of the responsibility for the structural integ-
including the manufacturer’s catalog item number or iden- rity of the completed item for the conditions stated in the
tification number Design Specifications.
(2) identification and location of the standard (i) Availability of Design Report and its Documentation
support manufacturer’s applicable Design Specification of Review. The N Certificate Holder shall make a copy of the
(3) identification and location of the standard completed Design Report, Load Capacity Data Sheets,
support manufacturer’s applicable Design Report Certified Design Report Summaries, and the drawings
(4) the classification (Class 1, 2, 3, or combination) of used for construction available to the Inspector.
the standard support (j) Provision of the Design Report to the Owner or Their
(5) a summary of allowable loads, temperatures, and Designee. The N Certificate Holder shall submit to the
associated Service Level Limits that the designer of the Owner or their designee a copy of the completed
piping system or other component may use in their design Design Report for all components and supports for
(6) applicable Code Editions and Addenda (if appli- review and documentation of review to the extent
cable) required by NCA-3211.20.
(7) the date of certification of the Certified Design (k) Filing the Design Report or Certified Design Report
Report Summary Summary. The N Certificate Holder shall file the Design
(e) Stress Analysis of Parts. When the N Certificate Report or Certified Design Report Summary at the site
Holder purchases parts from an NPT Certificate of installation.
Holder, it is the responsibility of the N Certificate
NCA-3211.41 Fabricating Parts. The NPT Certificate
Holder to provide or cause to be provided the calculations
Holder shall fabricate parts assigned to it in accordance
for the parts and to incorporate them into the design
with the Design Drawings, Construction Specification(s),
output documents.
and this Section.
(f) Stress Analysis of Appurtenances. The design output
documents for each appurtenance that is to be attached to
a completed component shall be provided unless they are


NCA-3211.42 Provision of Design Report for Appurte- NCA-3211.47 Compliance With Design Output Docu-
nances When Not Included in the Component Design ments. The NS Certificate Holder is responsible for
Report. The Design Documents for each appurtenance complying with the provisions of design output docu-
that is to be attached to a completed component shall ments (see NCA-3211.40).
be provided unless they are already included in the
NCA-3211.48 Supply of Supports Constructed to
component Design Documents.
Previous Boiler Code Editions and Addenda. The NS Certi-
NCA-3211.43 Completing a Certificate of Confor- ficate Holder may supply supports constructed to
mance previous Boiler Code editions and addenda without
stamping and ANI inspection.
(a) The NS Certificate Holder shall certify compliance
with this Section by signing the NS-1 Certificate of Confor- NCA-3211.49 Provision of a Design Report When One Is
mance for welded items (see Article NCA-8000). Required. The NV Certificate Holder is responsible for:
(1) Multiple supports of the same type can be listed (a) Preparation of Drawings. The drawings used for
by attaching additional sheets to the NS-1 Certificate of construction shall comply with the Design Specifications
Conformance. and the rules of this Section and shall be in agreement with
(2) The NS-1 Certificate of Conformance shall be the other design output documents.
forwarded to the Purchaser prior to or with the shipment. The drawings used for construction shall be in agree-
(3) Each welded support shall be traceable to the ment with the Design Report before it is certified and shall
NS-1 Certificate of Conformance using a permanent be identified and described in the Design Report. It is the
marking method that is not detrimental to the support responsibility of the NV Certificate Holder to furnish a
being supplied. Design Report for each component. The Design Report
(b) For those items not requiring an NS-1 Certificate of shall be certified by a Certifying Engineer when it
Conformance (i.e., nonwelded supports), a Certificate of is for Class 1 components, or Class 2 or Class 3 components
Compliance shall be supplied. designed to Service Loadings greater than Design
(1) The Certificate of Compliance shall include the Loadings.
Certificate of Authorization number and expiration (b) Preparation of Design Output Documents for Parts
date. When the Certificate Holder has design responsi- and Appurtenances
bility, the Certificate of Compliance shall include the (1) When the NV Certificate Holder purchases parts
number and revision level of the Design Report, the Certi- from an NPT Certificate Holder, it is the responsibility of
fied Design Report Summary, or Load Capacity Data Sheet. the NV Certificate Holder to provide or cause to be
(2) For organizations that are not certificate holders, provided the calculations for the parts and to incorporate
the Certificate of Compliance shall reference the Quality them into the design output documents.
System Program, revision level, and date to which the (2) The design output documents for each appurte-
work was performed that was approved by the organiza- nance that is to be attached to a completed component
tion to whom the supports are supplied. This shall be shall be provided unless they are already included in
considered the manufacturing organization’s certification the component design output documents.
that all activities have been performed in accordance with (c) Reconciliation of Design Drawing Changes With the
this Article. Design Report. Any modification of any document used for
construction, from the corresponding documents used for
NCA-3211.44 Supports for Piping Subassemblies or design analysis, shall be reconciled with the Design Report
Parts. The NS Certificate Holder is responsible for compli- by the person or organization responsible for the design. A
ance with NCA-1230 for supports supplied as parts or revision or addenda to the Design Report shall be
supports that are part of the piping subassemblies or prepared and [if required by (b)] certified to indicate
component, with the exception that no stamping is the basis on which this has been accomplished. All
required. such revised documentation shall be filed with the
NCA-3211.45 Fabrication of Supports. The NS Certifi- completed Design Report.
cate Holder is responsible for fabricating in accordance (d) Certification of the Design Report
with the Design Drawings, Design Specification(s), and (1) The Design Report for Class 1 components, or
this Section. Class 2 or Class 3 components designed to Service Load-
ings, shall be certified by one or more Certifying Engineers
NCA-3211.46 Providing a Design Specification. The NS competent in the applicable field of design and qualified in
Certificate Holder is responsible for providing a Design accordance with the requirements of Section III Appen-
Specification for standard supports in accordance with dices, Mandatory Appendix XXIII. The Design Report
NCA-3211.19 and, when required, preparation of shall be certified only after all design requirements of
design output documents for standard supports in accor- this Section have been met. Such Certifying Engineers
dance with NCA-3211.40. shall be other than the individuals certifying the


Design Specifications [see NCA-3211.19] but are not (b) The requirements of NCA-3300 set forth the quality
required by these rules to be independent of the organiza- system program requirements for manufacture and
tion holding the certificate. supply of nonmetallic material [other than in (c),
(2) It is the intent of this Section that the certification below]. The rules identified in Table NCA-3300-1 for
of the Design Report shall in no way relieve the NV Certi- Nonmetallic Material Manufacturers and Constituent
ficate Holder of the responsibility for the structural integ- Suppliers [other than those in (c), below] and the rules
rity of the completed item for the conditions stated in the of NCA-4350 though NCA-4358 are applicable to manu-
Design Specifications. facturers and constituent suppliers of concrete and
(e) Availability of the Design Report and Its Documenta- cement grout.
tion of Review. The NV Certificate Holder shall make a copy (c) The rules identified in Table NCA-3300-1 for Poly-
of the completed Design Report and the drawings used for ethylene Material Organizations and the rules of
construction available to the Inspector. NCA-4470 are applicable to manufacturers and suppliers
(f) Provision of a Design Report to Owner or Their of natural compound, pigment concentrate compound,
Designees for Review, and Documentation of Review. polyethylene compound, and polyethylene material.
The NV Certificate Holder shall submit to the Owner or
NCA-3311.2 Limitations. The following limitations
their designee a copy of the completed Design Report
apply to metallic material organization’s approved
for all components for review and documentation of
review to the extent required by NCA-3211.20.
(a) Approved suppliers shall not approve other
(g) Filing the Design Report. The NV Certificate Holder
suppliers of materials or services that affect materials.
is responsible for filing the Design Report at the site of
(b) Approved suppliers may adopt a limited scope
quality system program as approved by the Certificate
NCA-3211.50 Capacity Certification Tests. The NV Holder or Material Organization [see NCA-4255.3(b)].
Certificate Holder is responsible for completing capacity
NCA-3311.3 Exclusions. Metallic material falling
certification tests in accordance with the requirements of
within the exclusions of NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-2610 or
this Section (see NB/NCD/NE-7700).
material that is allowed by this Section to be furnished
with a Certificate of Compliance, is exempted from the
ð23Þ NCA-3300 MATERIAL ORGANIZATION’S requirements of NCA-3300, except
QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM; (a) Certified Material Test Reports or Certificates of
METALLIC MATERIAL, Compliance shall meet the requirements of NCA-1225.1
NONMETALLIC MATERIAL (b) for Class 1 construction only, material identification
and marking shall meet the requirements of NCA-4256.3
SUPPLIERS, AND POLYETHYLENE NCA-3312 Certification or Qualification
MATERIAL ORGANIZATIONS (a) The certified Material Organization that maintains
NCA-3310 ORGANIZATION OF NCA-3300 an ASME Quality System Certificate is also known as a
Quality System Certificate (QSC) Holder.
Table NCA-3300-1 identifies the types of Material Orga- (b) The Organization shall be certified by obtaining a
nizations and paragraph numbers. Where an “X” appears QSC issued by the Society verifying the adequacy of their
in the column under the type of Material Organization, the Organization’s Quality System Program.
paragraph reference on the left side of the Table is (c) The Polyethylene Material Organization shall
required for the associated Quality System Certificate. obtain a QSC issued by the Society verifying the adequacy
of the applicant’s Quality System Program.
NCA-3311 Certification or Qualification of
(d) A Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer or Nonme-
Material Organizations tallic Material Constituent Supplier may obtain a
NCA-3311.1 Scope and Applicability Quality System Certificate (Materials) issued by the
Society verifying the adequacy of their Quality System
(a) The requirements of NCA-3300 provide for various
entities known as Certificate Holders, Material Organiza-
(e) The Certificate Holder [see NCA-3211.1(d) and
tion’s (see NCA-3312), and approved suppliers (see
NCA-3211.1(e)] or, when included in its scope of activities,
NCA-4255.3). These entities are involved in the perfor-
the certified Material Organization [see (a)] may qualify
mance of operations, processes, and services related to
Material Organizations not certified by the Society by
the procurement and furnishing of metallic material,
evaluation of the organization’s Quality System
metallic source material, and unqualified metallic
Program in accordance with the requirements of
source material as defined in Article NCA-9000.


Table NCA-3300-1
Responsibilities of the Material Organization ð23Þ
Nonmetallic Material Manufacturers and Polyethylene
Metallic Material Constituent Suppliers Material
Paragraph Number Organization (Other Than Polyethylene) Organization
NCA-3310 X X X
NCA-3311.1(a) X
NCA-3311.1(b) X
NCA-3311.1(c) X
NCA-3311.2 X
NCA-3311.3 X
NCA-3312(a) X X X
NCA-3312(b) X X X
NCA-3312(c) X
NCA-3312(d) X
NCA-3312(e) X
NCA-3312(f) X
NCA-3312(g) X
NCA-3312(h) X
NCA-3312(i) X
NCA-3313(a) X
NCA-3313(b) X
NCA-3313(c) X
NCA-3314.1(a) X X X
NCA-3314.1(b) X X X
NCA-3314.1(c) X X X
NCA-3314.1(d) X X X
NCA-3314.1(e) X X X
NCA-3314.1(f) X X X
NCA-3314.2 X X
NCA-3315 X
NCA-3315.1 X
NCA-3315.2 X

(f) A Certificate Holder may furnish material when Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer shall be responsible
stated in the scope of its certificate. If not stated in the for ensuring that the constituents supplied meet the ap-
scope of its certificate, a Certificate Holder may plicable requirements of CC-2100 and CC-2200.
provide material to another Certificate Holder to be (i) A Constructor or Fabricator may furnish nonme-
used in the fabrication, assembly, or installation of an tallic material other than polyethylene when stated in
item that will be stamped by the original Certificate the scope of its certificate. In this case, a Quality
Holder who provided the material. In either case, a System Certificate is not required, nor is the user of
Quality System Certificate is not required, nor is the the material required to survey, qualify, or audit such
user of the material required to survey, qualify, or a Certificate Holder.
audit such a Certificate Holder.
(g) Alternatively, the Nonmetallic Material Manufac- NCA-3313 Responsibilities of Material
turer [other than in NCA-3311(c)] shall have their Organizations
Quality System Program surveyed and qualified by the
(a) The Material Organization shall be responsible for
Constructor or Fabricator of the concrete component.
establishing, documenting, implementing, and main-
(h) Alternatively, the Nonmetallic Material Constituent
taining a Quality System Program in accordance with
Supplier [other than in NCA-3311(c)] shall have their
the requirements of NCA-4250 and as applicable to its
Quality System Program surveyed and qualified by the
scope of activities.
Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer of the concrete. Addi-
tionally, both the Constructor or Fabricator and the


(1) establishing and maintaining measures for the stand the Program. Detailed technical procedures will
traceability of material or source material while under not be approved by the Society. The certified Material
its control (see NCA-4256) Organization shall keep a controlled copy of the
(2) controlling quality during manufacture, Manual on file and in a place and manner readily available
including control of testing, examination, repair, and treat- to the Society’s audit team.
ment of the material or source material (see NCA-4257, (f) The certified Material Organization shall obtain the
NCA-4258) Society’s review and acceptance of proposed revisions to
(3) evaluating, qualifying, and auditing Material the Quality System Manual prior to implementation.
Organizations (see NCA-3315), as provided by
NCA-3311.3(b), except when the party holds a Quality NCA-3314.2 Additional Requirements for Metallic
System Certificate that covers the operations performed Material Organization
(4) approving and controlling operations performed (a) When the applicant requests that the scope of the
by suppliers of source material and subcontracted Quality System Certificate include shipment of material
services (see NCA-4255) from qualified Material Organizations to parties other
(5) preparing Certified Material Test Reports and than the applicant, the control of this activity shall be
Certificates of Compliance (see NCA-1224) included in the Manual and will be reviewed by the Society.
(6) shipment of material (see NCA-4257.4) (b) When the applicant requests that the scope of the
(b) For additional responsibilities, see NCA-4300 for Quality System Certificate include qualification of noncer-
Nonmetallic Material organization’s [other than in (c) tified Material Organizations (see NCA-3315), this activity
below] Quality System Program Requirements. shall be included in the Manual and will be reviewed by the
(c) For additional responsibilities, see NCA-4470 for Society.
Polyethylene Material Organization’s Quality System (c) When the applicant requests that the scope of the
Program Requirements. Quality System Certificate include implementation of
NCA-4255.5, this activity shall be included in the
NCA-3314 Evaluation of the Program Manual and will be reviewed by the Society.
NCA-3314.1 Evaluation by the Society (d) When the applicant requests that the scope of the
Quality System Certificate include approval and control of
(a) The Society, when requested by the applicant on
suppliers (see NCA-4255.3), this activity shall be included
forms issued by the Society, will arrange for a survey
in the Manual and will be reviewed by the Society.
of the Organization’s Quality System Program for the
scope of activities at the locations listed on the application. NCA-3315 Evaluation by Parties Other Than the
The Program will be evaluated on the basis of its compli- Society
ance with the applicable material requirements of this
Section and NCA-4200, NCA-4300, or NCA-4470 as appli- NCA-3315.1 Qualification of Material Organizations
cable. The Quality System Certificate, which is issued for a (a) The qualification of Material Organizations by
3-year period, will describe and specify the scope and parties other than the Society shall be limited to the
limits of work and locations for which the applicant’s furnishing of source material, material, or subcontracted
Organization is qualified and will be subject to a services to the certified Material Organization or Certifi-
planned audit program by the Society. Not later than 6 cate Holder performing the evaluation, or their designee.
months prior to the expiration of the certificate, the certi- (b) When a Material Organization has been qualified by
fied Organization shall apply for a renewal evaluation and a certified Material Organization or Certificate Holder, it is
for issuance of a new certificate. not necessary for another party to requalify that organi-
(b) The applicant shall supply all information required zation for materials or services that are to be furnished to
by forms provided by the Society. the party that performed the evaluation.
(c) The applicant’s Quality System Program shall be
accepted by the Society prior to the issuance of a certi- NCA-3315.2 Evaluation of the Qualified Material
ficate. Organization’s Program by Certified Material Organiza-
(d) A controlled copy of the certified Material Organi- tions or Certificate Holders. Evaluation of a Material Orga-
zation’s Quality System Manual shall be filed with the nization’s Quality System Program by parties other than
Society. The Manual shall be the Society’s guide for the Society, as provided by NCA-3312(d), shall be
surveying and auditing the certified Material Organiza- performed in accordance with the requirements of (a)
tion’s continued compliance with the accepted Quality through (i) below.
System Program. (a) The Quality System Program shall be surveyed,
(e) The certified Material Organization shall make accepted, and audited by the party performing the evalua-
available for on-site review by the Society any procedures, tion on the basis of its compliance with the applicable
process sheets, or drawings as are necessary to under- material requirements of this Section and the require-
ments of NCA-4250.


(b) The Quality System Manual (see NCA-4253.1) shall (1) The party performing the evaluation shall
be the party’s guide for surveying and auditing the qual- include the audit or performance assessment frequency
ified Material Organization’s continued compliance with in their Manual.
the accepted Quality System Program. (-a) Audit frequencies shall be commensurate
(c) The qualified Material Organization shall make with the schedule of production or procurement but
available for on-site review by the party performing shall be conducted at least once triennially during the
the evaluation any procedures, process sheets, or draw- interval in which materials are controlled or services
ings as are necessary to understand the Program. The are performed by the Material Organization being evalu-
qualified Material Organization shall keep a controlled ated.
copy of the Manual on file and in a place and manner (-b) The party performing the evaluation shall
readily available to the party performing the audit. supplement triennial audits covering all the elements
(d) The qualified Material Organization shall notify of a previously approved Quality System Program with
purchasers of material, source material, or subcontracted annual audits or performance assessments documenting
services accepting its Program of proposed revisions to its the effectiveness of the qualified Material Organization’s
Quality System Manual. The party accepting the Program Quality System Program.
shall evaluate and accept such revisions prior to the imple- (-c) When the supply of materials or services is
mentation of the revisions on purchased materials or dormant and audits or performance assessments are
services. not performed in the first or second year from the triennial
(e) When the qualified Material Organization’s scope of audit, an audit or performance assessment shall be used to
activities includes utilization of unqualified source mate- requalify the supplier.
rial (see NCA-4255.5), this activity shall be included in the (2) Audits shall meet the requirements of
Quality System Manual, and shall be reviewed by the party NCA-4259.1(a) through NCA-4259.1(c).
accepting the Program. (i) Performance assessments shall meet the following
(f) When the qualified Material Organization’s scope of requirements:
activities includes approval and control of suppliers (see (1) Assessments shall include a documented review
NCA-4255.3), this activity shall be included in the Quality of the qualified Material Organization’s history of condi-
System Manual, and shall be reviewed by the party tions adverse to quality, nonconformances, and corrective
accepting the Program. During surveys or audits of qual- actions.
ified Material Organizations, the party performing the (2) Assessments shall include a documented review
evaluation shall review objective evidence that the qual- of periodic testing performed since the last assessment to
ified Material Organization’s control of suppliers is demonstrate conformance of sample materials to selected
adequate to assure compliance with the applicable mate- requirements of the material specification. Such testing
rial requirements of this Section. shall be conducted during the period since the last assess-
(g) When the qualified Material Organization’s scope of ment by the party performing the evaluation.
activities includes shipment of material to parties other
than the party performing the qualification, control of this NCA-3800 METALLIC MATERIAL ð23Þ
activity shall be included in the Quality System Manual and
shall be reviewed by the party accepting the Program.
During surveys or audits of qualified Material Organiza- SYSTEM PROGRAM
tions, the party performing the evaluation shall review
objective evidence that the qualified Material Organiza- DELETED
tion’s control of shipments is adequate to assure compli-
ance with the applicable material requirements of this
(h) Audits and performance assessments by parties ORGANIZATION’S QUALITY
performing evaluations of qualified Material Organiza- SYSTEM PROGRAM
tions shall meet the following requirements:




NCA-4131 Material Organizations, Division 1 ð23Þ
(a) This Article sets forth the requirements for plan-
ning, managing, and conducting Quality Assurance The requirements of NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 apply.
Programs for controlling the quality of activities NCA-4131.1 Polyethylene Material Organizations. The
performed under this Section and the rules governing requirements of NCA-4470 apply.
the evaluation of such Programs prior to the issuance
of certificates for the construction, fabrication, manufac- NCA-4132 Material Organizations for Division 2 ð23Þ
ture, and installation of Class 1, 2, 3, CS, MC, and CC items.
NCA-4132.1 Material Organizations. The require-
The Quality Assurance requirements for Material Organi-
ments of NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 apply.
zations (Metallic) for all Classes of construction are
provided in NCA-3300. The Quality Assurance require- NCA-4132.2 Nonmetallic Material Organizations for
ments for Nonmetallic Material Organizations, Polyethy- Division 2. The requirements of NCA-3300 and
lene Material Organizations, and Constituent Suppliers for NCA-4300 apply.
all Classes of construction are provided in NCA-3300.
Certificate Holders are advised to consult other regula- NCA-4133 Owner’s Quality Assurance Program ð23Þ
tions for Quality Assurance requirements governing activ- NCA-4133.1 The Owner shall maintain a Quality Assur-
ities beyond the scope of this Section. ance Program. For this purpose, the Owner may use a
(b) As identified, modified, and supplemented in Quality Assurance program accepted by the regulatory
NCA-4120 and NCA-4134, Certificate Holders shall authority.
comply with the requirements of ASME NQA-1, Quality
Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applica- NCA-4133.2 The Owner shall maintain either a Quality
tions, Part I and when specifically stated, Part II.5 Manual or procedure accepted by the AIA that describes
(c) The Quality Assurance Program requirements for how the Owner will meet its Code responsibilities,
an NS Certificate Holder shall comply with Table NCA-3200, including control of its designee(s).
NCA-3200-1 and (b) above. Inspection by an ANI and
Certification Mark is not required for supports. NCA-4133.3 Owners performing activities that require
a Certificate of Authorization, NS Certificate, or Quality
NCA-4120 DEFINITIONS System Certificate shall include the requirements of
NCA-3300 or NCA-4100, as applicable, in its Quality Assur-
(a) The definitions in Article NCA-9000 shall apply. ance Program, and obtain the appropriate Certificate(s).
(b) The terms and definitions of NQA‐1 shall apply
unless defined in Article NCA-9000. NCA-4133.4 The Owner shall assure that organizations
(c) For the following terms, which are defined in both performing activities requiring a Certificate of Authoriza-
NQA-1 and Article NCA-9000, the definitions in Article tion, NS Certificate, or Quality System Certificate have a
NCA-9000 shall apply: Quality Assurance Program meeting the requirements of
(1) item NCA-3300 or NCA-4100, as applicable.
(2) Owner
(3) quality assurance NCA-4134 N, NV, NPT, NS, and NA Certificate
(4) repair Holders for Class 1, 2, 3, MC, CS, and CC
(5) rework Construction
(6) service
(7) use‐as‐is NCA-4134.1 Organization. The provisions of NQA‐1,
(8) nonconformance Requirement 1, shall apply.


NCA-4134.2 Quality Assurance Program NCA-4134.4 Procurement Document Control. The

provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 4, shall apply,
(a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 2, shall
except that
apply and the system used to meet these requirements
(a) procurement documents shall require suppliers to
shall be described in the Quality Assurance Manual.
provide a Quality Assurance Program consistent with the
The Quality Assurance Manual shall also include a state-
applicable requirements of this Section.
ment of policy and authority indicating management
(b) this requirement does not apply to Authorized
support. The specific responsibilities of the quality assur-
Inspection Agency services.
ance organization of the Certificate Holder shall also
include the review of written procedures and monitoring NCA-4134.5 Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings.
of the activities concerned with the Quality Assurance The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 5, shall apply.
Program as covered in this Article.
NCA-4134.6 Document Control. The provisions of
(b) In lieu of Requirement 2, para. 301, the qualification
NQA‐1, Requirement 6, shall apply. If electronic controls
of nondestructive examination personnel shall be as
are used, the Certificate Holder shall describe the review,
required by NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-5520.
approval, and control process to assure correct docu-
(c) The controls used in the Quality Assurance Program
ments are being used at the location where the activity
shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Manual. The
is performed.
Quality Assurance Manual may be hard copy or electronic,
provided the controls are described to assure approved NCA-4134.7 Control of Purchased Items and Services. ð23Þ
revisions are made available for use by the Certificate The requirements of NCA-3125 shall be used for subcon-
Holder personnel. The Program need not be in the tracted services. The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 7,
same format or sequential arrangement as the require- shall apply, except that
ments in this Article, as long as all applicable requirements (a) this requirement does not apply to Authorized
of this Article have been covered. A copy, including all Inspection Agency services.
changes that are made, shall be made available to the (b) in para. 300, Bid Evaluation, the decision to perform
Inspector. The Certificate Holder shall make available bid evaluation for materials to confirm conformance to
to the Inspector such drawings and process sheets as procurement documents shall remain the responsibility
are necessary to make the Quality Assurance Program of the Certificate Holder.
intelligible. (c) in para. 503, Certificate of Conformance, changes,
(d) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for waivers, or deviations are not acceptable unless they
advising its Authorized Inspection Agency of any meet the requirements of this Section.
changes that are proposed to be made to the Quality Assur- (d) in para. 503(c), Certificate of Conformance, the
ance Manual, and shall have acceptance of the Authorized resolution of nonconformances shall be in conformance
Inspection Agency’s Authorized Nuclear Inspector Super- with the requirements of this Section.
visor before putting such changes into effect. The Certi- (e) Other than as provided in NCA-4134.3, the use of
ficate Holder shall be responsible for promptly notifying NQA-1, Requirement 7, para. 700, Commercial Grade
the Inspector of such accepted changes, including Items and Services, is not permitted.
evidence of acceptance by the Authorized Inspection (f) documentary evidence that items conform to the
Agency, and for simultaneously reconciling copies of requirements of this Section shall be available at the
the Quality Assurance Manual. construction or installation site before use or installation.
Requirements for documentary evidence are satisfied for
NCA-4134.3 Design Control material when the applicable rules of NCA-3300 (for
(a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 3, shall Metallic and Nonmetallic Material Organizations) for
apply. material certification are met. For stamped items, the re-
(b) Measures shall be established to ensure that appli- quirements are satisfied by a Data Report.
cable requirements of the Design Specifications and of this (g) the requirements of NCA-3126 and NCA-3127 may
Section for items are correctly translated into specifica- be used.
tions, drawings, procedures, and instructions.
NCA-4134.8 Identification and Control of Items
(c) Design documents shall be verified for adequacy
and compliance with the Design Specification and this (a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 8, shall
Section. apply.
(d) Computer programs used for design analysis shall (b) Welding and brazing materials for all Classes of
meet the requirements of NQA-1, Part II, Subpart 2.7 when construction shall be controlled.
specified by NQA-1, Requirement 3, para. 401 for (c) All characteristics required to be reported by the
controlled programs. material specifications and by this Section shall appear
(e) Paragraph 601, Configuration Management of on checklists, and each such characteristic shall be exam-
Operating Facilities, is not applicable. ined by accepted procedures as required and the results


recorded. Characteristics included on Certified Material without the consent of the Certificate Holder’s represen-
Test Reports or Certificates of Compliance need not be tative or the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, as appropriate.
duplicated in the checklists. Checklists shall provide for
NCA-4134.11 Test Control. The provisions of NQA‐1,
a record that the Certified Material Test Reports and Certi-
Requirement 11, shall apply.
ficates of Compliance have been received, reviewed, and
found acceptable. When the results of the examination or NCA-4134.12 Control of Measuring and Test Equip-
test procedure conducted by the Certificate Holder are ment
necessary to show compliance with material specification
or other requirements, the checklists shall show the (a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 12, shall
required range of values. The checklists shall include apply.
spaces for: inclusion of document number and revision (b) The Certificate Holder may perform periodic checks
to which examination or tests were made; a signature, on equipment to determine that calibration is maintained.
initials, or stamp; the date of the examination performed When periodic checking is used, discrepancies need only
by the Certificate Holder’s representative; an Authorized be resolved to the prior check, provided the discrepancy is
Nuclear Inspector’s signature, initials, or stamp; and the discovered by the periodic check. The methods and
date on which those activities were witnessed. frequency of periodic checking, when used, shall be
included in the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance
NCA-4134.9 Control of Processes Program.
(a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 9, shall NCA-4134.13 Handling, Storage, and Shipping. The
apply. provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 13, shall apply.
(b) The Certificate Holder shall prepare instructions,
NCA-4134.14 Inspection and Test Status. The provi-
procedures, drawings, checklists, travelers, or other
sions of NQA‐1, Requirement 14, shall apply for inspec-
appropriate documents, including the document
tions and tests but not for operating status.
numbers and revisions to which the process conforms,
with space provided for reporting results of completion NCA-4134.15 Control of Nonconforming Items. The
of specific operations at checkpoints of fabrication, manu- provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 15, shall apply,
facture, or installation. The documents shall include space except that the definition of repair given in this Section
for: a signature, initials, or stamp; the date that the activity shall apply in lieu of repair and rework given in NQA‐1.
was performed by the Certificate Holder’s representative;
the Authorized Nuclear Inspector’s signature, initials, or NCA-4134.16 Corrective Action
stamp; and the date on which those activities were (a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 16, shall
witnessed. apply.
(b) The requirements shall also extend to the perfor-
NCA-4134.10 Inspection
mance of the subcontractor’s corrective action measures.
(a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 10, shall
apply, except for para. 700, Inspections During Opera- NCA-4134.17 Quality Assurance Records
tions. (a) General. The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 17,
(b) The Certificate Holder shall prepare process sheets, shall apply, except that the requirements of para. 400,
travelers, or checklists, including the document numbers Classification; para. 500, Receipt Control of Records;
and revision to which the examination or test is to be and para. 600, Storage, are not applicable. Such
performed, with space provided for recording results records shall be classified and maintained as required
of examinations and tests. The documents shall include by this Section.
space for: a signature, initials, or stamp; the date that (b) Records Index. The records shall be indexed. The
the activity was performed by the Certificate Holder’s records and the indices thereto shall be accessible to
representative; the Authorized Nuclear Inspector’s signa- the Owner, Owner’s designee, and Authorized Nuclear
ture, initials, or stamp; and the date on which those activ- Inspector.
ities were witnessed. The examination checklist for (c) Reproduction of Electronic and Digital Radiographic
construction of items shall be filled in and completed Images and Radiographic Film. Radiographic film and
by the Certificate Holder who applies the appropriate images may be reproduced provided the following re-
Certification Mark to the item. quirements are met:
(c) Mandatory hold points at which witnessing is (1) the reproduction process shall be subject to the
required by the Certificate Holder’s representative or Owner’s approval;
the Authorized Nuclear Inspector shall be indicated in (2) when radiographic film or images are repro-
the controlling documents (see NCA-4134.9). Work duced for either an Owner or Certificate Holder, the
shall not proceed beyond mandatory hold points Quality Assurance Program of the Certificate Holder
responsible for the reproduction process shall include


a system for controlling and monitoring the accuracy of (b) The establishment of the Program shall include
the process so that the image, when reproduced to its consideration of the technical aspects and provide for
original size, will provide the same information retrieval planning and accomplishment of activities affecting
capability as the original radiographic film or images; quality. The Program shall provide for any special
(3) procedures shall contain applicable require- controls, processes, test equipment, tools, and skills to
ments pertaining to exposure, scanning, focusing, attain the required quality and for verification of quality.
contrast, resolution, and distinguishing film artifacts or
system induced images that might appear as material NCA-4251.2 Scope and Applicability ð23Þ
discontinuities in the reproduced image. (a) The Quality System Manual shall define the specific
(d) Lifetime Records. For Classes 1, 2, CS, MC, and CC, the activities included in the scope of the work the Material
records listed in Table NCA-4134.17-1 shall be classified Organization proposes to perform, including any combi-
as lifetime records. For Class 3, only records 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, nation of
15, 16, and 20 in Table NCA-4134.17-1 shall apply. The (1) operations performed during the melting and
Certificate Holder shall be responsible for the retention heat analysis, affecting the mechanical properties, conver-
and maintenance of these records while they are sion from one product form into another product form
under its control. The Owner shall be responsible for including applicable dimensional requirements, and certi-
retention and maintenance of those records that are trans- fication to the applicable material specification
ferred to it. (2) testing, examination, repair, or treatments
(e) Nonpermanent Records. For Classes 1, 2, CS, MC, and required by the material specification or the specific ap-
CC, the records listed in Table NCA-4134.17-2 shall be plicable material requirements of this Section and certi-
classified as nonpermanent records. For Class 3, only fication of the results of such tests, examinations, repairs,
records 3, 7, and 8 in Table NCA-4134.17-2 shall apply. or treatments
The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for record (3) receipt, identification, verification, handling,
retention for the period specified in Table storage, and shipment of material or source material
NCA-4134.17-2. In no case need nonpermanent records (4) qualification of Material Organizations permitted
be retained for longer than 10 yr after completion of ap- by NCA-3312(e), including control of shipments of mate-
plicable Code Data Report. rial from Qualified Material Organizations to parties other
than the party performing the qualification
NCA-4134.18 Audits
(5) approval and control of suppliers of source mate-
(a) The provisions of NQA‐1, Requirement 18, shall rial or subcontracted services (see NCA-4255.3)
apply. (6) utilization of unqualified source material (see
(b) The Certificate Holder shall specify internal and NCA-4255.5)
supplier audit frequencies in their Quality Assurance (b) The Program shall include measures to comply with
Manual. The Certificate Holder shall schedule internal all requirements of NCA-4200 to the extent necessary to
audits such that each ongoing Code activity is audited assure compliance with the requirements of this Section.
at least once annually.
(c) Results of audits shall be made available to the NCA-4251.3 Organization
Authorized Nuclear Inspector. (a) The organizational structure for executing the
Program may take various forms, provided the persons
NCA-4200 METALLIC QUALITY SYSTEM and organizations assigned the quality system functions
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS have the required authority and organizational freedom.
(b) Persons or organizations responsible for defining
NCA-4250 QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM and measuring the overall effectiveness of the Program
(1) be designated
NCA-4251 Responsibility and Organization (2) be sufficiently independent from the pressures of
NCA-4251.1 General production
(3) have direct access to responsible management at
(a) The Material Organization shall establish a Quality a level where appropriate action can be initiated
System Program for the control of quality during manu- (4) report regularly on the effectiveness of the
facture or during other work it proposes to perform, and Program
for the traceability of material or source material under its
control. The Program shall be planned, documented,
implemented, and maintained in accordance with the re-
quirements of NCA-4250.


Table NCA-4134.17-1
ð23Þ Lifetime Quality Assurance Records
Record Record
1. Index to lifetime records (see NCA-4134.17) 12. Qualification test reports such as for concrete design mixes
2. Code Data Reports (see NCA-8400) (CC‐2460) and safety valves (NB‐7700)
3. Design Specification (see NCA-3211.29) [Note (1)] 13. Structural integrity test reports (CC‐6260)
4. Design output documents, Division 1 (see NCA-3211.29 and 14. Final hydrostatic and pneumatic test results (see NCA-5280)
NCA-3211.40) 15. Final nondestructive examination reports; final radiographic film
5. Design Report, Division 2 or images as specified by the Owner for Section XI applications
[Note (3)]
6. Overpressure Protection Report (see NB/NCD/NE/HBB-7200)
16. Repair records when required by Code (see NB/NCD/NE/
7. Construction Specification (see NCA-3211.28) NG-4130)
8. As‐built drawings [see NCA-3211.31(d)] 17. Weld procedures
9. Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR) and documentation 18. Construction Report [see NCA-3211.31(d)]
providing traceability to location used, when required (NB/NCD/
NE/NF/NG-4122) 19. NS‐1 Certificate of Conformance (see NCA-8440)
10. Records of post‐tensioning sequence, procedure, and loads 20. Certificate of Analysis (see NCA-4474.1) and Certified
Polyethylene Test Report (see NCA-4474.2)
11. Heat treatment records [Note (2)]

GENERAL NOTE: Nonconformance reports that affect those records listed shall be incorporated into the record or be retained with the records.
Records generated in compliance with Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B (referred to as HBB above) rules shall also comply with the record
requirements of the referenced Subsections that contain additional rules.
(1) For supports designed by load rating, the Load Capacity Data Sheet is the design output document to be maintained as a lifetime quality
assurance record. For standard supports designed by analysis and supplied with a Certified Design Report Summary, the Certified Design
Report Summary is the design output document to be maintained as a lifetime quality assurance record.
(2) Either heat treatment charts or certified summaries of time and temperature data may be provided. These data may be included as part of the
(3) Deterioration of radiographic film is expected and is not a violation of the requirement to provide protection. Radiographic film that has
deteriorated to the point where it no longer has value does not need to be maintained as a record by the Owner.


Table NCA-4134.17-2
Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records ð23Þ

Record Retention Period

1. QA Program Manual 3 yr after superseded or invalidated
2. Design procurement and QA procedures (see NCA-4134.5) 3 yr after superseded or invalidated
3. Installation and NDE procedures (see NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-5112) 10 yr after superseded or invalidated
4. Personnel qualification records (see NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-5520 and NB/NCD/ 3 yr after superseded or invalidated
5. Purchase orders 10 yr after superseded or invalidated
6. Audit and survey reports (see NCA-4134.18) 3 yr after completion of report
7. Final radiographs not covered in Table NCA-4134.17-1, Record 15 [Note (1)] 10 yr after completion
8. Calibration records (see NCA-4134.12) Until recalibrated
9. Process sheets, travelers, or checklists (see NCA-4134.10) 10 yr after completion
10. Rebar splice test reports (see CC‐4330) 10 yr after completion of report
11. Joint‐welder identification records when such records are used in lieu 10 yr after completion of report
of physical marking of welds (see NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-4322)
12. Certifying Engineer qualification records (see Section III Appendices, Mandatory 3 yr after superseded or invalidated
Appendix XXIII)
GENERAL NOTE: Nonconformance reports, which affect those records listed and are not incorporated into the record, shall be retained for the
retention period applicable to the record the nonconformance report affects.

NOTE: (1) Deterioration of radiographic film is expected and is not a violation of the requirement to provide protection. Radiographic film that
has deteriorated to the point where it no longer has value does not need to be maintained as a record by the Owner.

(c) The organizational structure, functional responsi- NCA-4252 Personnel

bilities, levels of authority, and lines of communication
NCA-4252.1 Indoctrination, Training, and Qualifica-
for activities affecting quality shall be documented.
tion of Personnel
Persons or organizations responsible for assuring that
an appropriate Quality System Program has been estab- (a) Measures shall be established to assure that all per-
lished and verifying that activities affecting quality have sonnel performing or managing activities affecting quality
been correctly performed shall have sufficient authority, are indoctrinated and trained. The assignment of person-
access to work areas, and organizational freedom to nel shall be at the discretion of the organization’s manage-
(1) identify quality problems ment. Indoctrination and training measures shall reflect
(2) initiate, recommend, or provide solutions to the following requirements:
quality problems through designated channels (1) Personnel to be indoctrinated or trained shall be
(3) verify implementation of solutions identified.
(4) assure that further processing, delivery, or use is (2) The extent of indoctrination and training shall be
controlled until proper disposition of a nonconformance, commensurate with the scope, complexity, and nature of
deficiency, or unsatisfactory condition has occurred the activity as well as the education, experience, and profi-
(d) Individuals or groups assigned the responsibility of ciency of the person.
checking, auditing, or otherwise verifying that production (3) Personnel shall be indoctrinated in the general
and quality control activities have been correctly criteria, applicable codes, standards, company proce-
performed shall be independent of the individual or dures, Quality System Program requirements, job respon-
group directly responsible for performing the specific sibilities, and authority as they relate to a particular
activity. Such persons shall not report directly to the function.
supervisor with immediate responsibility for the work (4) Training shall be provided, as needed, to achieve
being verified. initial proficiency, maintain proficiency, and adapt to
(e) Management shall regularly review the status and changes in technology, methods, and job responsibilities.
adequacy of the Program. (b) All nondestructive examination personnel shall be
qualified in accordance with NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-5521 of
the applicable Subsection.


(c) Personnel who lead audits shall be qualified on the NCA-4253.4 Quality Assurance Records. Records that
basis of education, experience, training, audit participa- furnish documentary evidence of quality shall be speci-
tion, and examination in accordance with the organiza- fied, prepared, controlled, and maintained. Records
tion’s Quality System Program. shall be legible, identifiable, and retrievable. Records
shall be protected against damage, deterioration, or
NCA-4252.2 Personnel Records loss. Requirements and responsibilities for record trans-
(a) Records shall be maintained of the implementation mittal, distribution, retention, maintenance, and disposi-
of indoctrination and training of personnel. Records of tion shall be established and documented.
indoctrination and training may take the form of atten- NCA-4253.5 Records of Examinations and Tests. All
dance sheets, training logs, or personnel training records. characteristics required to be reported by the material
(b) Qualification records of all nondestructive exami- specification and this Section shall be verified and the
nation personnel shall be documented and maintained. results recorded. Records shall be traceable to the docu-
(c) Qualification records of personnel who lead audits ment and revision to which an inspection, examination, or
shall be documented and maintained and shall include test was performed.
education, experience, audit training and examination,
and audit participation used as the basis of qualification. NCA-4255 Control of Purchased Materials, Source
Materials, and Services
NCA-4253 Program Documentation
NCA-4255.1 General.
NCA-4253.1 Quality System Manual
(a) Measures shall be established to assure that all
(a) The Quality System Program shall be described and purchased material, source material, and subcontracted
summarized in a Quality System Manual that shall be a services conform to the requirements of this Section.
major basis for demonstration of compliance with the (b) Welding material used in the repair of material or
rules of this Section. source material shall be controlled in accordance with this
(b) The Program documented in the Manual shall be Section.
implemented by written procedures that are maintained (c) These measures shall be designed to prevent the use
either separately or in the Quality System Manual. of incorrect or defective material or source material, or
(c) Detailed technical procedures and processes, such materials that have not received the required examina-
as those for nondestructive examination, are not consid- tions or tests.
ered part of the Manual; however, the controls of such
procedures and processes shall be covered by the Manual. NCA-4255.2 Sources of Material, Source Material, and ð23Þ
(d) The Quality System Manual may be hard copy or Services
electronic, provided the controls are described to
(a) Material shall be furnished by a Material Organiza-
assure approved revisions are made available for use
tion [see NCA-3312(b)], or by a Certificate Holder [see
by the Material Organization personnel.
NCA-4253.2 Procedures, Instructions, and Drawings (b) Except as provided in NCA-4255.5, qualified source
material shall be furnished by a Material Organization, by
(a) Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by an approved supplier (see NCA-4255.3), or by a Certificate
and performed in accordance with documented instruc- Holder.
tions, procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate to the (c) Services including performance and certification of
circumstances. operations, processes, the results of tests, examinations,
(b) These documents shall include or reference appro- repairs, or treatments required by the material specifica-
priate acceptance criteria for determining that the tion or by this Section shall be furnished by a Material
prescribed activities have been satisfactorily completed. Organization, by an approved supplier, or by a Certificate
NCA-4253.3 Document Control. The preparation, Holder.
issue, and change of documents, including electronic docu-
NCA-4255.3 Approval and Control of Suppliers of
ments, that specify quality requirements or prescribe
Source Material and Services
activities affecting quality, such as Quality System
Program Manuals, purchase specifications, instructions, (a) The Material Organization or Certificate Holder
procedures, and drawings shall be controlled to assure shall be responsible for the approval of and control of
that the correct documents are being used at the location activities performed by suppliers of source materials
where the activity is performed. Such documents, and subcontracted services. Such control shall provide
including changes thereto, shall be reviewed for adequacy for source evaluation and selection, evaluation of objective
and approved for release by authorized personnel. evidence of quality, survey, audit, and examination of
items and services upon delivery, as applicable, in


accordance with requirements documented in the Mate- (3) At receipt inspection, the Material Organization,
rial Organization’s or Certificate Holder’s Program. approved supplier, or Certificate Holder shall be respon-
(b) The Material Organization or Certificate Holder sible for validating that the calibration supplier’s docu-
shall be responsible for establishing and verifying that mentation certifies
the supplier’s controls applicable to the activities (-a) that the subcontracted calibration was
performed are adequate by performed in accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC
(1) performing a survey of the supplier’s quality 17025 program and scope of accreditation and
system, and performing triennial audits covering applica- (-b) conformance to the procurement document’s
ble elements of the approved supplier’s established requirements.
quality system that is consistent with the requirements (4) This activity shall be documented in the Material
of this subarticle supplemented by annual evaluations Organization’s Quality System Program Manual, the
of the approved supplier’s quality system, including a approved supplier’s quality program, or the Certificate
review of the history of conditions adverse to quality, Holder’s Quality Program Manual.
nonconformances, and corrective actions, or (d) As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of
(2) having the supplier perform the activities in subcontracted testing services, a Material Organization,
accordance with controls established by the Material approved supplier, or Certificate Holder may accept
Organization’s or Certificate Holder’s Program. accreditation from accrediting bodies recognized by
(c) As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
subcontracted calibration services, a Material Organiza- (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), provided
tion, approved supplier, or Certificate Holder may the following requirements are met:
accept accreditation by accrediting bodies recognized (1) A documented review of the supplier’s accredi-
by the International Laboratory Accreditation Coopera- tation shall be performed and shall include verification
tion (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), (-a) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025,
provided the following requirements are met: “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing
(1) A documented review of the calibration and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accredited body
supplier’s accreditation shall be performed and shall recognized by the ILAC MRA and
include verification (-b) that the published scope of accreditation for
(-a) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025, the testing laboratory covers the needed testing services,
“General Requirements for the Competence of Testing including test methodology and tolerances/uncertainties.
and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accredited body (2) The procurement documents shall specify
recognized by the ILAC MRA and (-a) that the service must be provided in accor-
(-b) that the published scope of accreditation for dance with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and
the calibration laboratory covers the needed measure- scope of accreditation, and
ment parameters, ranges, and uncertainties. (-b) that the service supplier shall not subcontract
(2) The procurement documents shall specify the service to any other supplier, and
(-a) that the service must be provided in accor- (-c) that the Material Organization, approved
dance with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and supplier, or Certificate Holder must be notified of any
scope of accreditation, and condition that adversely impacts the laboratory’s
(-b) that the calibration certificate/report shall ability to maintain the scope of accreditation, and
include identification of the laboratory equipment/stan- (-d) additional technical and quality require-
dards used, and ments, as necessary, based on a review of the procured
(-c) that the calibration certificate/report shall scope of services, including, but not limited to, tolerances,
include as-found calibration data when calibrated accuracies, ranges, and industry standards.
items are found to be out-of-tolerance, and (3) At receipt inspection, the Material Organization,
(-d) that the service supplier shall not subcontract approved supplier, or Certificate Holder shall be respon-
the service to any other supplier, and sible for validating that the supplier’s documentation
(-e) that the Material Organization, approved certifies
supplier, or Certificate Holder must be notified of any (-a) that the subcontracted testing was performed
condition that adversely impacts the laboratory’s in accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC 17025 program
ability to maintain the scope of accreditation, and and scope of accreditation and
(-f) additional technical and quality requirements, (-b) conformance to the procurement document’s
as necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of requirements.
services, including, but not limited to, tolerances, accura- (4) This activity shall be documented in the Material
cies, ranges, and industry standards. Organization’s Quality System Program Manual, the
approved supplier’s quality program, or the Certificate
Holder’s Quality Assurance Program Manual.


(e) The Material organization or Certificate Holder (-b) the unqualified source material is traceable to
shall be responsible for assuring that all material and the source material test report
activities conform to all applicable requirements of this (-c) procurement documents require that
Section. suppliers of unqualified source material establish
written procedures for identifying source materials in
NCA-4255.4 Procurement Document Control a manner that provides traceability to the source material
(a) Procurement documents shall include require- test report
ments necessary to assure compliance with the require- (-d) the Material Organization reviews and
ments of this Section. accepts the supplier’s identification and traceability
(b) Except as provided in NCA-4255.5, procurement procedures and performs an on-site verification for
documents shall require material, source material, or compliance with the procedures at a frequency commen-
subcontracted services to be furnished in accordance surate with the schedule of production or procurement,
with the applicable requirements of this subarticle. but at least once triennially
(c) Procurement documents shall require approved (-e) upon receipt, the Material Organization shall
suppliers to reference the accepted quality system or verify by review of objective evidence, that the require-
controls established by the Material Organization or Certi- ments of the procurement document have been met
ficate Holder on documentation that accompanies the (4) If Certificates of Compliance [see NCA-1225.1(g),
source material or services furnished. NF-2130(b)] are acceptable, in lieu of (3) above, the Mate-
(d) Procurement documents that specify quality re- rial Organization may perform or subcontract all other
quirements or prescribe activities affecting quality requirements of the material specification on each heat
shall be reviewed for adequacy and approved for and lot of unqualified source material.
release by authorized personnel. (5) The provisions of (1) through (4) above are
performed in accordance with the Material Organization’s
ð23Þ NCA-4255.5 Utilization of Unqualified Source Quality System Program.
Material (b) The provisions of (a)(1) through (a)(4) above may
be performed by the Certificate Holder in accordance with
(a) As an alternative to NCA-4255.2(b), when included
its Quality Assurance Program.
in its scope of activities as permitted by the provisions of
this subarticle, a Material Organization may accept certi-
NCA-4256 Identification, Marking, and Material
fication of the requirements of the material specification
that must be performed during the melting, heat analysis,
and heat treatment of the material, and may use or furnish NCA-4256.1 General
unqualified source material, provided the requirements of
(a) Control shall be established to assure that only
(1) through (5) below are met.
correct and accepted material or source material is
(1) No welding with filler metal has been performed
used. Identification shall be maintained on these materials
on the unqualified source material. The organization that
or on documents traceable to these materials, or in a
establishes the material form and issues the source mate-
manner that assures that the identification is established
rial test report shall not perform any welding with filler
and maintained.
metal and shall confirm that no welding with filler metal
(b) Measures shall be established for controlling and
has been performed.
identifying material or source material, including that
(2) The Material Organization performs or subcon-
which is partially processed, throughout the manufac-
tracts a product analysis to verify the chemical composi-
turing process, during the performance of tests, examina-
tion of each piece of unqualified source material.
tions, repairs, and treatments, and during receipt, storage,
(3) The Material Organization performs or subcon-
handling, and shipment.
tracts all other testing and examination requirements of
(c) Identification marking shall be transferred to all
the material specification on each piece of unqualified
pieces when material or source material is divided.
source material. Alternatively, the Material Organization
may perform or subcontract all other testing and exam- NCA-4256.2 Marking Method. Materials and source
ination requirements of the material specification on each materials shall be marked by any method acceptable to
heat and lot of unqualified source material provided the purchaser that will not result in harmful contamina-
(-a) a source material test report is provided with tion or sharp discontinuities and will identify these mate-
the unqualified source material that attests that the mate- rials in accordance with the material specification.
rial is in accordance with the requirements of the material
specification that must be performed during the melting, NCA-4256.3 Identification of Completed Material ð23Þ
heat analysis, and heat treatment of the material, including (a) The identification of completed material shall
the actual results of all required chemical analyses, tests, consist of marking the material with the applicable spec-
and examinations as applicable to the product form. ification and grade of the material, the heat number or heat


code of the material, and any additional marking required using qualified procedures in accordance with specific re-
by this Section to facilitate traceability of the material to quirements.
reports of the results of all tests and examinations
NCA-4257.2 Manufacturing Process Control. Opera-
performed on the material.
tions shall be performed under a controlled system
(b) For those materials where Certificates of Compli-
such as process sheets, shop procedures, checklists, trave-
ance [see NCA-1225.1(g)] are allowed, heat‐number iden-
lers, or equivalent procedures. Measures shall be estab-
tification need not be indicated on the material or the
lished to ensure that processes, including heat treatment,
are controlled in accordance with the material specifica-
(c) A marking symbol or code may be used that
tion and the rules of this Section.
identifies the material, provided such code or marking
symbol is explained in the Certified Material Test NCA-4257.3 Welding. When welding is required in the
Report (see NCA-1225.1) or Certificate of Compliance repair of material or source material, it shall be performed
[see NCA-1225.1(g)], as applicable. in accordance with procedures and by welders or welding
(d) All requirements of the material specification shall operators qualified in accordance with this Section and
be met except where specifically exempted or superseded Section IX. The qualification of procedures and welders
by a provision of this Section. When special requirements or welding operators shall be documented.
or provisions of this Section conflict with the require-
NCA-4257.4 Handling, Storage, Shipping, and Preser-
ments of the material specification, the material specifi-
vation. Instructions shall be established for handling,
cation and grade number shall be followed with an
storage, shipping, and preservation of material or
asterisk (*) to indicate that the material specification
source material to prevent damage or deterioration.
has been revised as shown on the material certification.
(e) For nonferrous materials manufactured in accor- NCA-4258 Control of Examinations, Tests, and
dance with material specifications that do not provide
Nonconforming Material
for heat identification, the material shall be marked
with a symbol or code that identifies the lot, as NCA-4258.1 Inspection, Examination, and Test
defined in the material specification, with the Certified Control
Material Test Report. (a) Inspections, examinations, and tests shall be estab-
(f) Except as required by the material specification, lished to assure conformance with the requirements of the
bolts and nuts 1 in. (25 mm) nominal diameter and material specification and this Section.
smaller and other products where the largest space avail- (b) Inspections or examinations required to verify
able for marking is less than 1 in. (25 mm) in any one conformance of material, source material, or an activity
direction need not be individually marked, provided to specified requirements shall be planned. Characteris-
they are packed in packages or containers that shall be tics to be inspected or examined, and inspection or exam-
clearly identified by legible marking to ensure positive ination methods to be employed, shall be specified.
identification of the material. The markings on the Inspection or examination results shall be documented.
containers shall identify the material with the Certificate (c) Tests required to verify conformance to specified
of Compliance [see NCA-1225.1(g)] or Certified Material requirements shall be planned. Characteristics to be
Test Report (see NCA-1225.1), as applicable. tested and test methods to be employed shall be specified.
ð23Þ NCA-4256.4 Welding and Brazing Materials Identifi- Test results shall be documented and their conformance
cation. Welding and brazing materials shall be clearly with acceptance criteria shall be evaluated.
identified by legible marking on the package or container
NCA-4258.2 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
to ensure positive identification of the material. The
marking shall include the heat or lot number as applicable, (a) Procedures shall be in effect to assure that tools,
a control marking code that identifies the material with gages, instruments, and other measuring and testing
the Certified Material Test Report (see NCA-1225.1), and devices used to verify compliance with the material spec-
other information such as specification, grade and classi- ification and this Section are calibrated and properly
fication number, Material Organization’s name, and trade adjusted at specific periods or use intervals to maintain
designation. accuracy within necessary limits. Periodic checks on
equipment may be performed to determine that calibra-
NCA-4257 Process Control tion is maintained.
NCA-4257.1 General. Processes affecting quality of (b) Calibration shall be against certified equipment
materials, source materials, or services shall be controlled. having known valid relationships and documented trace-
Special processes that control or verify quality, such as ability to nationally recognized standards, where such
those used in welding, heat treating, or nondestructive standards exist. If no known nationally recognized stan-
examination, shall be performed by qualified personnel dards exist, the basis for calibration shall be documented.


(c) Control measures shall include provisions for (b) Audit results shall be documented by auditing per-
measuring and test equipment identification and for sonnel for review by management having responsibility in
determining calibration status by equipment marking the area being audited.
or on records traceable to the equipment. (c) Procedures shall include provisions for documen-
tation of corrective action taken in response to deficien-
NCA-4258.3 Discrepancies in Measuring or Testing cies. Follow‐up action, including re‐audit of deficient areas
Equipment where indicated, shall be taken to verify implementation
(a) When discrepancies in excess of tolerances for of such corrective actions.
measuring or testing equipment are found at calibration, (d) In addition to audits of Material Organizations and
appropriate corrective action shall be taken, and material suppliers, a comprehensive system of planned internal
measured or tested since the previous calibration shall be audits shall be performed at least annually to assure
reviewed to determine that all applicable requirements compliance with all aspects of the Quality System
have been met. Program and to determine the effectiveness of the
(b) When periodic checks on equipment are performed Program.
to determine that calibration is maintained, potential (e) Internal audits shall be performed in accordance
material or source material discrepancies need only be with the requirements of (a) through (d) above.
resolved to the previous check, provided
NCA-4259.2 Corrective Action
(1) the methods used and frequency of periodic
checking are described in calibration procedures, and (a) Measures shall be established to assure that condi-
(2) the calibration discrepancy was found by peri- tions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions,
odic check. deviations, defective material and equipment, nonconfor-
mances, and quality system deficiencies are promptly
NCA-4258.4 Inspection and Test Status. Measures
identified and reported to appropriate levels of manage-
shall be established so that the status and results of
ment. The measures shall also assure that the cause of
any required inspections, examinations, or tests can be
conditions adverse to established quality levels be deter-
determined at any time. Status shall be maintained
mined and corrected.
through indicators such as physical location and tags,
(b) The identification of significant or recurring condi-
marking, shop travelers, stamps, inspection records, or
tions adverse to quality, the cause of condition, and the
other suitable means. The authority for application and
corrective action taken shall be documented and reported
removal of such indicators shall be specified.
to appropriate levels of management.
NCA-4258.5 Control of Nonconforming Material (c) These requirements shall also extend to the perfor-
mance of the approved supplier’s corrective action
(a) Adequate control measures shall be established to measures.
prevent the use of material that does not conform to the
requirements of the material specification and this
(b) Material or source material with nonconformances MANUFACTURER’S AND
shall be identified, segregated when practical, and CONSTITUENT SUPPLIER’S
reviewed for acceptance, rejection, or repair in accordance QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM
with documented procedures. The responsibility and REQUIREMENTS
authority for the disposition of nonconformances in
these materials shall be defined. NCA-4350 QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM
(c) Repaired material or source material shall be reex- REQUIREMENTS
amined in accordance with applicable procedures.
(d) Measures that control further processing of NCA-4351 General
nonconforming or defective material or source material,
(a) A Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer or a Nonme-
pending a decision on its disposition, shall be established
tallic Material Constituent Supplier, hereafter referred to
and maintained. These control measures shall extend to
as the Material Organization, need not be a Certificate
notification of other affected organizations, as appro-
Holder, but their Quality System Program shall
conform to the requirements of NCA-4300 as applicable
to the scope of their work.
NCA-4259 Audits and Corrective Action
(b) Material supplied by a Nonmetallic Material Consti-
NCA-4259.1 Audits tuent Supplier shall meet all applicable requirements of
(a) Audits shall be performed in accordance with CC-2100 and CC-2200.
written procedures or checklists by personnel not
having direct responsibility in the areas being audited.


(c) The Material Organization shall establish a written (1) identify quality problems
Quality System Program for the control of quality during (2) initiate, recommend, or provide solutions to
manufacture or during other work it proposes to perform, quality problems through designated channels
and for the traceability of material or source material (3) verify implementation of solutions
under its control. The Program shall be planned, docu- (4) assure that further processing, delivery, or use is
mented, implemented, and maintained in accordance controlled until proper distribution of a nonconformance,
with the requirements of NCA-4300. deficiency, or unsatisfactory condition has occurred
(d) The Quality System Program shall include consid- (d) Individuals or groups assigned the responsibility of
eration of the technical aspects and provide for planning checking, auditing, or otherwise verifying that production
and accomplishment of activities affecting quality. The and quality control activities have been correctly
Program shall provide for any special controls, processes, performed shall be independent of the individual or
test equipment, tools, and skills to attain the required group directly responsible for performing the specific
quality and verification of quality. activity. Such persons shall not report directly to the
NCA-4351.1 Scope supervisor with immediate responsibility for the work
being verified.
(a) The Quality System Program shall define the spe- (e) Management shall regularly review the status and
cific activities included in the scope of the work the Mate- adequacy of the Program.
rial Organization proposes to perform, including any of the
following: NCA-4352 Personnel
(1) testing, examination, repair, or treatments
NCA-4352.1 Indoctrination, Training, and Qualifica-
required by the material specification or the specific ap-
tion of Personnel. Measures shall be established to
plicable material requirements of this Section and certi-
assure that all personnel performing or managing activ-
fication of the results of such tests, examinations, repairs,
ities affecting quality are indoctrinated and trained. The
or treatments
assignment of personnel shall be at the discretion of the
(2) receipt, identification, verification, handling,
organization’s management. Indoctrination and training
storage, and shipment of material or source material
measures shall reflect the following requirements:
(3) approval and control of suppliers and source
(a) Personnel to be indoctrinated or trained shall be
material or subcontracted services
(b) The Program shall include measures to comply with
(b) The extent of indoctrination and training shall be
all requirements of this subarticle, to the extent necessary
commensurate with the scope, complexity, and nature of
to assure compliance with the requirements of NCA-4300.
the activity as well as the education, experience, and profi-
NCA-4351.2 Organization ciency of the person.
(c) Personnel shall be indoctrinated in the general
(a) The organizational structure for executing the criteria, applicable codes, standards, company proce-
Program may take various forms, provided the persons dures, Quality System Program requirements, job respon-
and organizations assigned the quality assurance func- sibilities, and authority as they relate to a particular
tions have the required authority and organizational function.
freedom. (d) Training shall be provided, as needed, to achieve
(b) Persons or organizations responsible for defining initial proficiency, maintain proficiency, and adapt to
and measuring the overall effectiveness of the Program changes in technology, methods, and job responsibilities.
shall (e) Personnel who lead audits shall be qualified on the
(1) be designated basis of education, experience, training, audit participa-
(2) be sufficiently independent from the pressures of tion, and examination in accordance with the organiza-
production tion’s Quality System Program.
(3) have direct access to responsible management at
a level where appropriate action can be initiated NCA-4352.2 Personnel Records
(4) report regularly on the effectiveness of the
(a) Records shall be maintained of the implementation
of indoctrination and training of personnel. Records of
(c) The organizational structure, functional responsi-
indoctrination and training may take the form of atten-
bilities, level of authority, and lines of communication
dance sheets, training logs, or personnel training records.
for activities affecting quality shall be documented.
(b) Qualification records of personnel who lead audits
Persons or organizations responsible for assuring that
shall be documented and maintained and shall include
an appropriate Quality System Program has been estab-
education, experience, audit training and examination,
lished and verifying that activities affecting quality have
and audit participation used as the basis of qualification.
been correctly performed shall have sufficient authority,
access to work areas, and organizational freedom to


NCA-4353 Program Documentation NCA-4354 Control of Purchased Materials, Source

NCA-4353.1 Quality System Manual Materials, and Services
(a) The Quality System Program shall be described and NCA-4354.1 General
summarized in a Quality System Manual that shall be a (a) Measures shall be established to assure that all
major basis for demonstration of compliance with the purchased material, source material, and subcontracted
rules of this Section. services conform to the requirements of this Section.
(b) The Program documented in the Manual shall be (b) These measures shall be designed to prevent the
implemented by written procedures that are maintained use of incorrect or defective material or source material,
either separately or in the Quality System Manual. or materials that have not received the required examina-
(c) Detailed technical procedures and processes are tions or tests.
not considered part of the Manual; however, the controls
of such procedures and processes shall be covered by the NCA-4354.2 Sources of Material, Source Material, and
Manual. Services
(a) Services including performance and certification of
NCA-4353.2 Procedures, Instructions, and Drawings
operations, processes, the results of tests, examinations,
(a) Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by repairs, or treatments required by the material specifica-
and performed in accordance with documented instruc- tion or by this Section shall be furnished by an approved
tions, procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate to the supplier.
circumstances. (b) Source materials shall be tested for conformance to
(b) These documents shall include or reference appro- applicable requirements either
priate criteria for determining that the prescribed activ- (1) prior to shipment
ities have been satisfactorily completed. (2) upon receipt, prior to use
NCA-4353.3 Document Control. The preparation, NCA-4354.3 Approval and Control of Suppliers of
issue, and change of documents that specify quality re- Source Material and Services
quirements or prescribe activities affecting quality,
such as Quality System Program Manuals, purchase speci- (a) The Material Organization shall be responsible for
fications, instructions, procedures, and drawings shall be the approval and control of activities performed by
controlled to assure that the correct documents are being suppliers of source materials and subcontracted services.
used at the location where the activity is performed. Such Such control shall provide for source evaluation and selec-
documents, including changes thereto, shall be reviewed tion, evaluation of objective evidence of quality, audit, and
for adequacy and approved for release by authorized per- examination of items and services upon delivery, in accor-
sonnel. dance with requirements documented in the Material
Organization’s Program.
NCA-4353.4 Quality Records. Records that furnish (b) The Material Organization shall be responsible for
documentary evidence of quality shall be specified, establishing and verifying that the supplier’s controls ap-
prepared, controlled, and maintained. Records shall be plicable to the activities performed are adequate by
legible, identifiable, and retrievable. Records shall be surveying and auditing the supplier’s established
protected against damage, deterioration, or loss. Require- quality system that is consistent with the requirements
ments and responsibilities for record transmittal, distri- of NCA-4300.
bution, retention, maintenance, and disposition shall be (c) As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of
established and documented. subcontracted calibration services, a Material Organiza-
NCA-4353.5 Records of Examinations and Tests. All tion, approved supplier, or Certificate Holder may
characteristics required to be reported by the material accept accreditation by accrediting bodies recognized
specification and this Section shall be verified and the by the International Laboratory Accreditation Coopera-
results recorded. Records shall be traceable to the docu- tion (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA),
ment and revision to which an inspection, examination, or provided the following requirements are met:
test was performed. Certified Material Test Reports shall (1) A documented review of the supplier’s accredi-
be prepared by manufacturers, or obtained from material tation shall be performed and shall include
suppliers, as appropriate. (-a) the verification that accreditation is to ISO/
IEC 17025, “General Requirements for the Competence
of Testing and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accre-
dited body recognized by the ILAC MRA and
(-b) the published scope of accreditation for the
calibration laboratory covers the needed measurement
parameters, ranges, and uncertainties.


(2) The procurement documents shall specify (-c) that the Material Organization, approved
(-a) that the service must be provided in accor- supplier, or Certificate Holder must be notified of any
dance with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and condition that adversely impacts the laboratory’s
scope of accreditation, and ability to maintain the scope of accreditation, and
(-b) that the calibration certificate/report shall (-d) additional technical and quality require-
include identification of the laboratory equipment/stan- ments, as necessary, based on a review of the procured
dards used, and scope of services, including, but not limited to, tolerances,
(-c) that the calibration certificate/report shall accuracies, ranges, and industry standards.
include as-found calibration data when calibrated (3) At receipt inspection, the Certificate Holder,
items are found to be out-of-tolerance, and Material Organization, or approved supplier shall be
(-d) that the service supplier shall not subcontract responsible for validating that the supplier’s documenta-
the service to any other supplier, and tion certifies
(-e) that the Material Organization, approved (-a) that the subcontracted testing was performed
supplier, or Certificate Holder must be notified of any in accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC 17025 program
condition that adversely impacts the laboratory’s and scope of accreditation and
ability to maintain the scope of accreditation, and (-b) conformance to the procurement document’s
(-f) additional technical and quality requirements, requirements.
as necessary, based on a review of the procured scope of (4) This activity shall be documented in the Material
services, including, but not limited to, tolerances, accura- Organization’s Quality System Program Manual, the
cies, ranges, and industry standards. approved supplier’s quality program, or the Certificate
(3) At receipt inspection, the Material Organization, Holder’s Quality Assurance Program.
approved supplier, or Certificate Holder shall be respon- (e) The Material Organization or Certificate Holder
sible for validating that the calibration supplier’s docu- shall be responsible for assuring that all material and
mentation certifies activities conform to all applicable requirements of this
(-a) that the subcontracted calibration was Section.
performed in accordance with the supplier’s ISO/IEC
17025 program and scope of accreditation and NCA-4354.4 Procurement Document Control
(-b) conformance to the procurement document’s (a) Procurement documents shall include require-
requirements. ments necessary to assure compliance with the require-
(4) This activity shall be documented in the Material ments of this Section.
Organization’s Quality System Program Manual, the (b) Procurement documents shall require material,
approved supplier’s quality program, or the Certificate source material, or subcontracted services to be furnished
Holder’s Quality Assurance Program. in accordance with the applicable requirements of
(d) As an alternative to survey and audit of suppliers of NCA-4300.
subcontracted testing services, a Material Organization, (c) Procurement documents shall require approved
approved supplier, or Certificate Holder may accept suppliers to reference the accepted quality system or
accreditation from accrediting bodies recognized by controls established by the Material Organization on docu-
the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation mentation that accompanies the source material or
(ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), provided services furnished.
the following requirements are met: (d) Procurement documents that specify quality re-
(1) A documented review of the supplier’s accredi- quirements or prescribe activities affecting quality
tation shall be performed and shall include verification shall be reviewed for adequacy and approved for
(-a) that the accreditation is to ISO/IEC 17025, release by authorized personnel.
“General Requirements for the Competence of Testing
and Calibration Laboratories,” from an accredited body NCA-4355 Identification, Marking, and Material
recognized by the ILAC MRA and Control
(-b) that the published scope of accreditation for
the testing laboratory covers the needed testing services NCA-4355.1 General
including test methodology and tolerances/uncertainties. (a) Control shall be established to assure that only
(2) The procurement documents shall specify correct and accepted material or source material is
(-a) that the service must be provided in accor- used. Identification shall be maintained on these materials
dance with the accredited ISO/IEC 17025 program and or on documents traceable to these materials, or in a
scope of accreditation, and manner that assures that the identification is established
(-b) that the service supplier shall not subcontract and maintained.
the service to any other supplier, and


(b) Measures shall be established for controlling and ification and this Section are calibrated and properly
identifying material or source material, including that adjusted at specific periods or use intervals to maintain
which is partially processed, throughout the manufac- accuracy within necessary limits. Periodic checks on
turing process, during the performance of tests, examina- equipment may be performed to determine that calibra-
tions, repairs, and treatments, and during receipt, storage, tion is maintained.
handling, and shipment. (b) Calibration shall be against certified equipment
having known valid relationships and documented trace-
NCA-4355.2 Marking Method. Materials and source
ability to nationally recognized standards, where such
materials shall be marked by any method acceptable to
standards exist. If no known nationally recognized stan-
the purchaser that will not result in harmful contamina-
dards exist, the basis for calibration shall be documented.
tion and will identify these materials in accordance with
(c) Control measures shall include provisions for
the material specification.
measuring and test equipment identification and for
NCA-4356 Process Control determining calibration status by equipment marking
or on records traceable to the equipment.
NCA-4356.1 General. Processes affecting quality of
materials, source materials, or services shall be controlled. NCA-4357.3 Discrepancies in Measuring or Test Equip-
Special processes that control or verify quality shall be ment
performed by qualified personnel using qualified proce- (a) When discrepancies in excess of tolerances for
dures in accordance with specific requirements. measuring or test equipment are found at calibration,
NCA-4356.2 Manufacturing Process Control. Opera- appropriate corrective action shall be taken, and material
tions shall be performed under a controlled system measured or tested since the previous calibration shall be
such as process sheets, shop procedures, checklists, trave- reviewed to determine that all applicable requirements
lers, or equivalent procedures. Measures shall be estab- have been met.
lished to ensure that processes are controlled in (b) When periodic checks on equipment are performed
accordance with the material specification and the to determine that calibration is maintained, potential
rules of this Section. material or source material discrepancies need only be
resolved to the previous check, provided
NCA-4356.3 Handling, Storage, Shipping, and Preser- (1) the methods used and the frequency of periodic
vation. Instructions shall be established for handling, checking are described in calibration procedures
storage, shipping, and preservation of material or (2) the calibration discrepancy was found by peri-
source material to prevent damage or deterioration. odic check
NCA-4357 Control Examinations, Tests, and NCA-4357.4 Inspection and Test Status. Measures
Nonconforming Material shall be established so that the status and results of
any required inspections, examinations, or tests can be
NCA-4357.1 Inspection, Examination, and Test
determined at any time. Status shall be maintained
through indicators such as physical location and tags,
(a) Inspections, examinations, and tests shall be estab- marking, shop travelers, stamps, inspection records, or
lished to assure conformance with the requirements of the other suitable means. The authority for application and
material specification and this Section. removal of such indicators shall be specified.
(b) Inspections or examinations required to verify
conformance of material, source material, or an activity NCA-4357.5 Control of Nonconforming Material
to specified requirements shall be planned. Characteris- (a) Adequate control measures shall be established to
tics to be inspected or examined, and inspection or exam- prevent the use of material that does not conform to the
ination methods to be employed, shall be specified. requirements of the material specification and this
Inspection or examination results shall be documented. Section.
(c) Tests required to verify conformance to specified (b) Material or source material with nonconformances
requirements shall be planned. Characteristics to be shall be identified, segregated when practical, and
tested and test methods to be employed shall be specified. reviewed for acceptance, rejection, or repair in accordance
Test results shall be documented and their conformance with documented procedures. The responsibility and
with acceptance criteria shall be evaluated. authority for the disposition of nonconformance in
these materials shall be defined.
NCA-4357.2 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
(c) Repaired material or source material shall be reex-
(a) Procedures shall be in effect to assure that tools, amined in accordance with applicable procedures.
gages, instruments, and other measuring and test
devices used to verify compliance with the material spec-


(d) Measures that control further processing of (b) The Constructor or Fabricator shall survey and
nonconforming or defective material or source material, qualify the Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer's Quality
pending a decision on its disposition, shall be established System Program if the Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer
and maintained. These control measures shall extend to does not obtain a Quality System Certificate (see
notification of other affected organizations, as appro- NCA-3314.1).
priate. (c) The Constructor or Fabricator shall perform any of
the functions required by NCA-4350 that are not
NCA-4358 Audits and Corrective Action performed and may elect to perform any other Quality
NCA-4358.1 Audits Program functions that would normally be the responsi-
bility of the Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer or the
(a) Audits shall be performed in accordance with Nonmetallic Material Constituent Supplier. It shall
written procedures or checklists by personnel not assure that nonmetallic material constituents have met
having direct responsibility in the areas being audited. applicable requirements of CC-2100 and CC-2200.
(b) Audit results shall be documented by auditing per- (d) The Constructor or Fabricator shall make all nec-
sonnel for review by management having responsibility in essary provisions so that the Authorized Inspector and
the area being audited. Authorized Inspection Agency can make the inspections
(c) Procedures shall include provisions for documen- necessary to comply with this Code.
tation of corrective action taken in response to deficien- (e) The functions performed by the Constructor or
cies. Follow-up action, including re-audit of deficient areas Fabricator shall be clearly defined and included in its
where indicated, shall be taken to verify implementation Quality System Program.
of such corrective actions.
(d) In addition to audits of Material Organizations and NCA-4362 Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer ð23Þ
suppliers, a comprehensive system of planned and peri-
odic internal audits shall be carried out to assure compli- (a) The Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer shall have
ance with all aspects of the Quality System Program and to its Quality System Program surveyed and qualified by the
determine the effectiveness of the Program. Constructor or Fabricator if the Nonmetallic Material
(e) Internal audits shall be performed in accordance Manufacturer does not obtain a Quality System Certificate.
with the requirements of (a) through (c) above. (b) The Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer, using the
constituents, shall survey and qualify the Quality System
NCA-4358.2 Corrective Action Program(s) of Nonmetallic Material Constituent Suppliers
if they do not obtain a Quality System Certificate (see
(a) Measures shall be established to assure that condi-
NCA-3314.1) and shall assure that the constituent mate-
tions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions,
rials have been tested and have met applicable require-
deviations, defective material and equipment, nonconfor-
ments of CC-2100 and CC-2200.
mances, and quality system deficiencies are promptly
(c) The functions performed by the Nonmetallic Mate-
identified and reported to appropriate levels of manage-
rial Manufacturer shall be clearly defined and included in
ment. The measures shall also assure that the cause of
its Quality System Program.
conditions adverse to established quality levels is deter-
mined and corrected. NCA-4363 Nonmetallic Material Constituent
(b) The identification of significant or recurring condi- Supplier
tions adverse to quality, the cause of the condition, and the
corrective action taken shall be documented and reported (a) The Nonmetallic Material Constituent Supplier
to appropriate levels of management. shall have its Quality System Program surveyed and qual-
(c) These requirements shall also extend to the perfor- ified by the Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer if the
mance of the approved supplier’s corrective action Nonmetallic Material Constituent Supplier does not
measures. obtain a Quality System Certificate.
(b) The Nonmetallic Material Constituent Supplier
NCA-4360 RESPONSIBILITY shall assure that constituent materials have been
tested and have met applicable requirements of
ð23Þ NCA-4361 Constructor or Fabricator
CC-2100 and CC-2200.
(a) The Constructor or Fabricator responsible for the
placement of nonmetallic materials (plastic concrete)
shall assure that the plastic concrete meets the require-
ments of the Construction Specification, and that tests
performed by the manufacturer and supplier of the
nonmetallic materials and constituents meet the require-
ments of Section III, Division 2.


NCA-4400 POLYETHYLENE MATERIAL NCA-4471.1 Additional Responsibility of Polyethylene

Source Material Manufacturers. The Polyethylene Source
Material Manufacturer’s Quality System Program shall
SYSTEM PROGRAM include the following, as a minimum:
(a) establishing and maintaining measures for the
traceability of polyethylene source material while
PROGRAM (b) controlling quality during manufacture, including
(a) The requirements of NCA-4470 provide for various control of testing and examination of polyethylene
entities known as Certificate Holders and Polyethylene source material
Material Organizations. Performance of operations, (c) evaluation of Polyethylene Service Suppliers for
processes, and services related to the procurement, manu- calibration, testing, and nondestructive examination in
facture, and supply of polyethylene source material and accordance with the requirements of NCA-4472.3
polyethylene material is limited to these entities. These (d) preparing Certificates of Analysis
terms, as well as other terms used in NCA-4470, are (e) shipment of polyethylene source material
defined in the Glossary, Article NCA-9000. NCA-4471.2 Additional Responsibility of the Natural
(b) The Polyethylene Material Organization shall Compound Manufacturer. In addition to the requirements
obtain a Quality System Certificate issued by the of NCA-4471.1, the Natural Compound Manufacturer shall
Society verifying the adequacy of the applicant’s be responsible for the following:
Quality System Program. (a) Providing the required data, including test results
(c) As an alternative to (b), the Polyethylene Material from a sample of polyethylene compound, and obtaining a
Organization shall have their Quality System Program listing for that sample’s material designation in accor-
surveyed and qualified by the holder of an ASME Certifi- dance with Plastic Pipe Institute standards listed in
cate of Authorization with responsibility for compliance Table NCA-7100-2.
with the rules of this Section. (b) Issuing the “Natural Compound Manufacturing and
(d) As an alternative to (b) or (c), the Polyethylene Testing Procedure.”
Service Supplier shall have its Quality System Program (c) Determining pigment concentrate compound that,
surveyed and qualified by the Polyethylene Source Mate- when combined with natural compound manufactured by
rial Manufacturer or Polyethylene Material Manufacturer the Natural Compound Manufacturer, shall produce poly-
using the services of the Polyethylene Service Supplier. ethylene compound that complies with a material spec-
(e) Subcontracting is restricted as provided in ification permitted by this Section. This shall be done by
NCA-4473(b)(2). either of the following:
(f) When requirements of NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 (1) providing procedures to the Pigment Concen-
are invoked, the term “Material Organization” in trate Compound Manufacturer for manufacture of
NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 shall apply to Polyethylene pigment concentrate compound
Material Organization. The term “material” in (2) testing pigment concentrate compound provided
NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 shall apply to polyethylene and identified by the Pigment Concentrate Compound
material and polyethylene source material. The term Manufacturer with a specific trade name
“source material” in NCA-3300 and NCA-4200 is not ap- (d) Providing documentation to the Polyethylene
plicable. Compound Manufacturer and Polyethylene Material
(g) A Certificate Holder may furnish polyethylene Manufacturer specifying, by trade name, pigment concen-
material when stated in the scope of its certificate. In trate compound that shall comply with a material spec-
this case, a Quality System Certificate is not required, ification permitted by this Section when combined with
nor is the user of the polyethylene material required the natural compound manufactured by the Natural
to survey, qualify, or audit such a Certificate Holder. Compound Manufacturer.
NCA-4471 Responsibility of Polyethylene Material (e) Certifying that natural compound is in compliance
with this Section and the “Natural Compound Manufac-
turing and Testing Procedure.”
Polyethylene Material Organizations shall be respon-
NCA-4471.3 Additional Responsibility of the Pigment
sible for establishing a Quality System Program in accor-
Concentrate Compound Manufacturer. In addition to the
dance with the requirements of NCA-4472 through
requirements of NCA-4471.1, the Pigment Concentrate
NCA-4474, as applicable to the scope of activities
Compound Manufacturer shall be responsible for the
performed. Guidance on activities and Quality System
Program responsibilities within the scope of a Polyethy-
(a) Issuing the “Pigment Concentrate Compound
lene Material Organization may also be found in Section III
Manufacturing and Testing Procedure.”
Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix DD.


(b) Manufacturing pigment concentrate compound (e) Controlling quality during manufacture, including
that shall comply with a material specification permitted control of testing, examination, and treatment of polyethy-
by this Section when it is combined with natural lene source material and polyethylene material.
compound manufactured by the Natural Compound (f) Evaluation of Polyethylene Service Suppliers for
Manufacturer. This shall be done by either of the calibration, testing, and nondestructive examination in
following: accordance with the requirements of NCA-4472.3.
(1) manufacturing pigment concentrate compound (g) Preparing Certified Polyethylene Test Reports.
in accordance with procedures provided by the Natural (h) Certifying that all polyethylene material is in
Compound Manufacturer compliance with this Section, a specific material specifi-
(2) manufacturing pigment concentrate compound cation permitted by this Section, and the “Polyethylene
that has been identified, by trade name, as acceptable Material Manufacturing and Testing Procedure.”
by the Natural Compound Manufacturer (i) Shipment of polyethylene material.
(c) Certifying that pigment concentrate compound is in
NCA-4471.6 Responsibility of Polyethylene Material
compliance with this Section and the “Pigment Concen-
Supplier. The Polyethylene Material Supplier’s Quality
trate Compound Manufacturing and Testing Procedure.”
System Program shall include the following, as a
NCA-4471.4 Additional Responsibility of the Poly- minimum:
ethylene Compound Manufacturer. In addition to the re- (a) establishing and maintaining measures for the
quirements of NCA-4471.1, the Polyethylene Compound traceability of polyethylene material while under its
Manufacturer shall be responsible for the following: control, including identification established per
(a) issuing a “Polyethylene Compound Manufacturing NCA-4471.5(a)
and Testing Procedure” (b) shipment of polyethylene material
(b) using pigment concentrate compound and natural
NCA-4471.7 Responsibility of Polyethylene Service
compound to manufacture polyethylene compound that
Supplier. The Polyethylene Service Supplier’s Quality
complies with this Section and a material specification
System Program shall include the following, as a
permitted by this Section
(c) manufacturing and testing polyethylene compound
(a) establishing and maintaining measures for the
in accordance with the “Polyethylene Compound Manu-
traceability of polyethylene source material and polyethy-
facturing and Testing Procedure”
lene material while under its control
(d) certifying that polyethylene compound is in compli-
(b) controlling quality, including control of testing and
ance with this Section, a material specification permitted
examination of polyethylene source material and poly-
by this Section, and the “Polyethylene Compound Manu-
ethylene material
facturing and Testing Procedure”
(c) evaluation of Polyethylene Service Suppliers
NCA-4471.5 Responsibility of Polyethylene Material providing calibration, in accordance with the require-
Manufacturer. The Polyethylene Material Manufacturer’s ments of NCA-4472.3
Quality System Program shall include the following, as a
minimum: NCA-4472 Evaluation of Quality System ð23Þ
(a) Establishing and maintaining measures for the NCA-4472.1 Evaluation by the Society
traceability of polyethylene source material and polyethy-
lene material while under its control. (a) The Society will arrange for a survey of the appli-
(b) Issuing the “Polyethylene Material Manufacturing cant’s Quality System Program for the scope of activities at
and Testing Procedure.” the locations listed on the application. The evaluation will
(c) Manufacturing polyethylene material that complies be conducted in accordance with the requirements of
with a material specification permitted by this Section. NCA-3314.1.
This shall be done by either of the following: (b) The Quality System Certificate that is issued, for up
(1) manufacturing polyethylene material using to a 3-yr period, will describe and specify the scope and
pigment concentrate compound and natural compound limits of work and locations for which the applicant is
as specified by the Natural Compound Manufacturer qualified and will be subjected to a planned audit
(2) manufacturing polyethylene material using poly- program by the Society.
ethylene compound as specified by the Polyethylene
NCA-4472.2 Evaluation by ASME Certificate Holders
Compound Manufacturer
(d) Manufacturing and testing polyethylene material in (a) Except for evaluation of Polyethylene Service
accordance with this Section, a material specification Suppliers, evaluation by parties other than the Society
permitted by this Section, and the “Polyethylene Material shall be performed by a Holder of a Certificate of Author-
Manufacturing and Testing Procedure.” ization.
(b) NCA-3315 applies, except for the following:


(1) The reference in NCA-3315,2 to NCA-4250 is (4) When design of polyethylene material is within
changed to NCA-4472 through NCA-4474. the scope of activities, design controls shall comply with
(2) The NCA-3315.2(h) allowance of performance the applicable requirements of ASME NQA-1, Quality
assessments in lieu of annual audits is prohibited. Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities. The appli-
cable version of NQA-1 shall be in accordance with
NCA-4472.3 Evaluation of Polyethylene Service Table NCA-7100-2.
Suppliers by the Polyethylene Source Material Manufac- (5) Audits shall include a review of the implementa-
turer or Polyethylene Material Manufacturer tion of all elements of the Quality System Program at the
(a) Evaluation of Polyethylene Service Suppliers may location of the work and shall be conducted at least
be performed by a Polyethylene Source Material Manufac- annually.
turer or Polyethylene Material Manufacturer using the (6) The “approved supplier” mentioned in NCA-3300
service. and NCA-4200 is not applicable and not allowed.
(b) NCA-3315 applies, except for the following: (7) Polyethylene Material Organizations are only
(1) The reference in NCA-3315,2 to NCA-4250 is allowed to qualify Polyethylene Service Suppliers. Poly-
changed to NCA-4472 through NCA-4474. ethylene Service Suppliers are only allowed to qualify
(2) The NCA-3315.2(h) allowance of performance other Polyethylene Service Suppliers performing calibra-
assessments in lieu of annual audits is prohibited. tion services.
(8) Polyethylene material shall be permanently
NCA-4472.4 Evaluation of Polyethylene Service marked with the following, as a minimum:
Suppliers Providing Calibration Services by Other Poly- (-a) Polyethylene Material Manufacturer’s
ethylene Service Suppliers company name.
(a) Evaluation of Polyethylene Service Suppliers (-b) Polyethylene material specification as
providing calibration services may be performed by Poly- permitted by this Section.
ethylene Service Suppliers using the calibration service. (-c) Polyethylene compound designation as listed
(b) NCA-3315 applies, except for the following: in Plastics Pipe Institute TR-4 (see Table NCA-7100-2).
(1) The reference in NCA-3315,2 to NCA-4250 is (-d) A lot number defined and described in the
changed to NCA-4472 through NCA-4474. Polyethylene Material Manufacturer’s Quality System
(2) The NCA-3315.2(h) allowance of performance Manual and the Certified Polyethylene Test Report that
assessments in lieu of annual audits is prohibited. identifies the following information:
(-1) the polyethylene source material(s)
ð23Þ NCA-4473 Quality Program Requirements (-2) the location of manufacture
(-3) the production equipment and personnel or
(a) The Polyethylene Material Organization shall shift
establish a Quality System Program for the control of (-4) the date of manufacture
quality during manufacture or during other work it (-e) Markings (-a) through (-d) above may be
proposes to perform and for the traceability of polyethy- abbreviated by trademarks or codes, provided the trade-
lene source material and polyethylene material under its marks or codes are defined and described in the Polyethy-
control. The controls used in the Quality System Program lene Material Manufacturer’s Quality System Manual and
shall be documented in a Quality System Manual. the Certified Polyethylene Test Report or an identified
(b) The Quality System Program shall be planned, attachment to the Certified Polyethylene Test Report.
documented, implemented, and maintained in accordance (9) Identification of polyethylene source material
with the requirements of NCA-4250, as applicable to the shall be by marking the containers or tags attached to
scope of activities performed except as follows: the containers and shall include the following, as a
(1) NCA-4251.2(a)(6), NCA-4255.1(b), minimum:
NCA-4255.3(a) and NCA-4255.3(b), NCA-4255.5, (-a) Polyethylene Source Material Manufacturer’s
NCA-4256.3(b) and NCA-4256.3(e), NCA-4256.4, and company name.
NCA-4257.3 do not apply, and those activities are prohib- (-b) Polyethylene source material designation as
ited. Provisions of NCA-4255.3(c) shall be limited to cali- listed in Plastics Pipe Institute TR-4 (see Table
bration services. NCA-7100-2).
(2) Any subcontracting shall be to Polyethylene (-c) Location of manufacture.
Service Suppliers. Subcontracting is allowed for testing, (-d) Lot number identifying the polyethylene
nondestructive examination, and calibration. Subcon- source material.
tracting of operations that affect compliance with the (-e) Markings (-b) through (-d) above may be
procedures, material property, and design requirements abbreviated by a trademark or code on the containers
of this Section is prohibited. or on tags attached to the containers, provided the trade-
(3) Repair is prohibited. marks or codes are defined and described in the


Polyethylene Material Manufacturer’s Quality System NCA-4474.3 Additional Certification Requirements

Manual and the Certified Polyethylene Test Report or
(a) The Certified Polyethylene Test Report shall
an identified attachment to the Certified Polyethylene
include the actual results of all required physical and
Test Report.
mechanical property tests. A certification that the poly-
(10) Certificates of Compliance are not applicable.
ethylene source material used was made from virgin poly-
(11) Welding and heat treatment are not applicable.
ethylene, not scrap or regrind polyethylene material, shall
NCA-4474 Certification Requirements also be included.
(b) When required tests or nondestructive examina-
NCA-4474.1 Certificates of Analysis. The Polyethylene tions are subcontracted, the approved Polyethylene
Source Material Manufacturer shall provide a Certificate of Service Supplier’s certification for the operations
Analysis performed shall be furnished as an identified attachment
(a) The Certificate of Analysis shall include polyethy- to the Certified Polyethylene Certified Test Report.
lene source material identification as required by (c) When operations other than tests or nondestructive
NCA-4473(b)(9), actual test and examination results, examinations that require maintenance of traceability are
and any other required certifications. subcontracted, these operations and the approved Poly-
(b) A certification shall be included that affirms that ethylene Service Supplier performing them shall be listed
contents of the Certificate of Analysis are correct and accu- on the Certified Polyethylene Test Report, or the approved
rate and that all test results and examinations performed Polyethylene Service Supplier’s certification for the opera-
by the organization and its subcontractors are in compli- tion may be furnished as an attachment to the Certified
ance with this Section and specified requirements. Polyethylene Test Report. Operations that affect design or
(c) Required Certificates of Analysis shall be trans- properties of the polyethylene source material and poly-
mitted at the time of shipment. ethylene material shall not be performed by Polyethylene
NCA-4474.2 Certified Polyethylene Test Reports. The Service Suppliers.
Polyethylene Material Manufacturer and Polyethylene (d) Reporting of actual dimensions and visual exami-
Material Supplier shall provide a Certified Polyethylene nation results is required.
Test Report for polyethylene material. (e) Polyethylene material identification shall be
(a) The Certified Polyethylene Test Reports shall described in the Certified Polyethylene Test Report.
include polyethylene material identification as required NCA-4474.4 Quality System Program Statement
by NCA-4473(b)(8), actual test and examination
results, and any other required certifications. (a) When the Polyethylene Material Organization holds
(b) A certification shall be included that affirms that a Quality System Certificate, the organization’s Quality
contents of the report are correct and accurate and System Certificate number and expiration date shall be
that all test results and operations performed by the orga- shown on the Certificate of Analysis and Certified Poly-
nization and its subcontractors are in compliance with the ethylene Test Report.
material specification and the specific applicable require- (b) When the organization has been qualified by a party
ments of this Section. other than the Society, the identification, revision, and
(c) The Polyethylene Material Manufacturer shall also date of the applicable Quality System Manual shall be
certify that the polyethylene material conforms to the ap- shown on the Certificate of Analysis and Certified Poly-
plicable dimensional requirements. ethylene Test Report.
(d) The Polyethylene Material Manufacturer and Poly- (c) The inclusion of the Quality System Certificate
ethylene Material Supplier shall transmit all required number and expiration date or reference to identification,
Certified Polyethylene Test Reports, including Certificates revision, and date of the applicable Quality System Manual
of Analysis from the Polyethylene Source Material Manu- shall be considered the organization’s certification that all
facturer, at the time of shipment. activities have been performed in accordance with the ap-
plicable requirements of this Section.



NCA-5100 INTRODUCTION NCA-5125 Duties of Authorized Nuclear Inspector

The responsibilities of the Authorized Nuclear
(a) This Article provides the requirements for the Inspector Supervisor include the requirements of (a)
inspection of items constructed in accordance with this through (i) below.
Section by the Authorized Inspection Agency. (a) Supervisors, in conjunction with Inspectors
(b) When preservice examinations are required by this employed by the same Authorized Inspection Agency
Section, inspection of the preservice examinations by the (see NCA-5121), shall participate in the Society’s
Authorized Inspection Agency shall be in accordance with review of the applicant’s Quality Assurance Program
Section XI, Division 1, Subsection IWA, IWA-2100, or (see NCA-8160). In those cases where the Supervisor
Section XI, Division 2, RIM-1.6, as applicable. performs the functions of the Inspector, the Supervisor
may represent both during the review of the Program.
NCA-5120 PERFORMANCE OF INSPECTION (b) A Supervisor designated by the Authorized Inspec-
NCA-5121 Authorized Inspection Agency tion Agency shall review and accept any proposed modi-
fications to Quality Assurance Manuals before they are put
(a) The Authorized Inspection Agency shall be accre- into effect.
dited by the Society in accordance with the provisions (c) The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor shall
set forth in ASME QAI‐1, Qualification for Authorized audit the Inspector’s performance at least twice per year at
Inspection. locations where the Certificate Holder is actively engaged
(b) The Authorized Inspection Agency shall notify the in Section III work.
Society when it enters into an agreement with an Owner or (d) The Supervisor shall be available as needed for
a Certificate Holder, or whenever an existing agreement is consultation and support of the local inspection staff.
terminated. The Authorized Inspection Agency shall also (e) The Supervisor shall maintain supervisory control
notify the enforcement authority having jurisdiction over over one or more Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and shall
the nuclear facility whenever an agreement with an Owner perform all of the functions and maintain the records
is written or an Owner’s agreement is terminated. required of the Supervisor in ASME QAI‐1, Qualification
for Authorized Inspection.
NCA-5122 Authorized Nuclear Inspector (f) The portion of a Certificate Holder's Quality Assur-
Supervisor ance Program that includes furnishing material [see
The Authorized Inspection Agency shall employ Author- NCA-3211.1(d)] shall be audited by the Supervisor at
ized Nuclear Inspection Supervisors qualified in accor- least once each year, except for the year the Certificate
dance with ASME QAI‐1, Qualification for Authorized Holder is surveyed by the Society.
Inspection, to supervise the Inspectors. (g) The NS Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance
Program shall be audited by the Supervisor at least
NCA-5123 Authorized Nuclear Inspector once each year, except for the year the NS Certificate
Holder is surveyed by the Society.
The Authorized Inspection Agency shall also employ (h) The Owner’s Quality Assurance Program shall be
Authorized Nuclear Inspectors qualified in accordance audited annually by the Supervisor. The Supervisor
with ASME QAI‐1, Qualification for Authorized Inspection, shall report the results to the Society for review and deter-
to perform inspections required by this Section. The mination as to whether the Owner’s Certificate shall be
inspections required by this Section shall be performed renewed.
by an Authorized Nuclear Inspector. Any reference to (i) The Certificate Holder’s or Owner’s (or its
Inspector throughout this Section shall mean Authorized designee’s) Certifying Engineer qualification activities
Nuclear Inspector. The Authorized Nuclear Inspector shall shall be audited by the Supervisor at least once each
not be in the employ of an N Certificate Holder. year, except for the year the Certificate Holder is surveyed
by the Society, to verify that the procedures are being


followed and that records exist to support the qualification result in construction that fails to conform with the re-
activities. quirements of this Section [see NCA-3211.19(b)].

PERSONNEL6 The duties of the Inspector shall include but not neces-
NCA-5131 Access to the Certificate Holder’s sarily be limited to those given in (a) through (m) below
Facilities (a) verifying the scope of work to be performed [see
(a) The Certificate Holder shall arrange for the Inspec- (b) monitoring of the Certificate Holder’s Quality
tion Agency Personnel to have free access at all times to Assurance Program including subcontracted activities
those locations where Code activities, including those (see NCA-5240)
concerned with furnishing material, are being performed (c) reviewing of Certificate Holder’s qualification
on an item, when so requested. The Certificate Holder shall records (see NCA-5250)
keep the Inspector informed of the progress of the work (d) verifying materials (see NCA-5260)
and shall notify the Inspector reasonably in advance when (e) witnessing or verifying in‐process fabrication,
the item will be ready for any required tests or inspections. nondestructive examination, and tests (see NCA-5270)
(b) The Certificate Holder shall provide personnel to (f) witnessing final pressure tests (see NCA-5280)
accompany the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (g) reviewing and signing Data Reports and Construc-
during the Supervisor’s required audits. tion Reports (see NCA-5290)
(h) reviewing drawings and inspecting in accordance
NCA-5132 Access to the Owner’s Facilities with them
The Owner shall arrange for the Authorized Inspection (i) assuring that Design Reports that are required by
Agency Personnel to have free access to the Owner’s facil- NCA-3211.29, NCA-3211.40, NCA-3211.42, and
ities as required to perform duties under the Owner’s NCA-3211.49 are available
Agreement with the Authorized Inspection Agency (see (j) assuring that capacity test data has been reviewed
NCA-5121). and accepted by an ASME designee before signing the
pressure and vacuum relief valve Data Report Form
NV-1 (Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V)
(k) monitoring the Code activities of the Owner [see
(l) performing all other duties specifically required in
(a) The Inspector who performs the detailed inspec- ASME QAI‐1, Qualification for Authorized Inspection, as
tions in compliance with this Section shall witness or applicable, and
otherwise verify all examinations and make all inspections (m) verifying all preservice examinations have
required by this Section. The Inspector shall also make any been completed to Section XI Division and Edition speci-
other inspections and witness or verify (including making fied [see NCA-3211.19(b)(3)]
measurements) any other examinations and additional
investigations that, in the Inspector’s judgment, are nec- NCA-5230 SCOPE OF WORK, DESIGN
essary to ascertain whether the item being inspected has SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGN
been constructed in compliance with the rules of REPORTS
this Section. Parts and piping subassemblies shall be in
accordance with the accepted documents [see (a) The Inspector shall verify that the scope stated in
NCA-3211.19(a)]. For Division 2, this shall include veri- the certificate includes the work to be performed.
fication that the items being inspected have been (b) The Inspector shall verify that the Design
constructed and installed in accordance with the Specification, Design Drawings, Construction Specifica-
approved Design Drawings and Construction Specifica- tions, Construction Reports, Design Reports, Load Capac-
tions. Tubes or other forms of sheathing used only for clad- ity Data Sheets, and Certified Design Report Summaries,
ding nuclear fuel or neutron control material are excluded when required [see NCA-3211.19(e) and NCA-3211.40],
from this Section. Refer to Article NCA-9000 for defini- are on file and that they have been properly certified in
tions.. accordance with NCA-3211.19(d), NCA-3211.20,
(b) The duties of the Inspector shall not be interpreted NCA-3211.32(b), NCA-3211.33, and NCA-3211.40(h).
by virtue of these rules to extend to any construction re- (c) The Inspector shall not be held responsible for the
quirements beyond those of this Section that may be set scope or adequacy of the Design Specifications, for the
forth in the Design Specification [see NCA-3211.19(a)] or completeness or accuracy of the Design Report or calcula-
on Design Drawings and Construction Specifications (see tions, or for the information reported in the Construction
NCA-3211.28). However, such requirements shall not Report, but shall verify that the certified document has


been certified by a Certifying Engineer. The Owner or its NCA-5252 Structural Concrete Placement
designee, Designer, or Certificate Holder, on whose behalf
the document has been certified, shall provide objective The Inspector shall assure that the procedures
evidence that the Certifying Engineer has been qualified employed in the batching, mixing, conveyance, placing,
by the Owner or its designee, Designer, or Certificate and curing of structural concrete have been approved
Holder, in accordance with the requirements of this under the provisions of the Construction Specification
Section. and as specified in this Section. The Certificate Holder
(d) The Inspector shall verify that Design Calculations shall submit evidence to the Inspector that these require-
have been prepared for those components and supports ments have been met.
not requiring Design Reports. The Inspector shall not be
NCA-5253 Welding Procedures
responsible for the accuracy of the calculations.
Inspectors shall assure themselves that the welding
NCA-5240 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMS procedures employed in construction have been qualified
under the provisions of this Section. The Certificate Holder
NCA-5241 Stipulation of Inspections Prior to
shall submit evidence to the Inspector that these require-
Issuance of Process Sheets or Controls ments have been met. When there is a specific reason to
Prior to the issuance of process sheets or controls question the welding procedure, the Inspector may
required by NCA-4134.9, the Certificate Holder shall require requalification as a requirement for the procedure
review them and the applicable drawings with the to be used on work subject to inspection.
Inspector, who shall then stipulate the inspections
intended to be performed in order to fulfill the require- NCA-5254 Welders and Welding Operators
ments of NCA-5210. Inspectors shall assure themselves that all welding is
performed by welders or welding operators qualified
NCA-5242 Monitoring of Quality Assurance under the provisions of this Section. The Certificate
Programs Holder shall make available to the Inspector a certified
(a) The Inspector shall monitor the performance of the copy of the record of performance qualification tests of
Certificate Holder for conformity to the requirements of each welder and welding operator as evidence that
their Quality Assurance Program accepted by the Society. these requirements have been met. When there is a spe-
The Inspector shall verify that all changes to the Quality cific reason to question the ability of the welder or the
Assurance Manual have been accepted by the Authorized welding operator to make welds that meet the require-
Inspection Agency before they are put into effect. ments of the specification, the Inspector may require re-
(b) The Inspector shall assure that the procedures qualification before the welder or welding operator is
employed in the batching, mixing, conveyance, placing, permitted to continue welding on work subject to inspec-
and curing of structural concrete have been approved tion. Inspectors shall also assure themselves that each
under the provisions of the Construction Specification welder and welding operator has been assigned an iden-
and as specified in Division 2. Certificate Holders shall tifying symbol and that such symbols are regularly and
submit evidence to the Inspector that these requirements consistently applied when required by this Section.
have been met.
(c) The Inspector shall monitor the Owner’s progress in NCA-5255 Examination Procedures
compiling supporting data needed to complete the ASME Inspectors shall assure themselves that the examination
Data Report Form N-3 (see Section III Appendices, Man- and testing procedures required by this Section have been
datory Appendix V). qualified. When there is a specific reason to question
whether the examination or testing procedure require-
ð23Þ NCA-5243 Process Control Checklist ments are being met, the Inspector may require requal-
The Inspector shall indicate concurrence on the Certi- ification of the procedure.
ficate Holder’s process sheets or checklist that compliance
has been attained at each stipulated point (see NCA-5241). NCA-5256 Nondestructive Examination Personnel
The Inspector has the duty to verify the qualification
NCA-5250 QUALIFICATION RECORDS and certification of nondestructive examination personnel
NCA-5251 Review of Qualification Records employed by the Certificate Holder and has the duty to
monitor the nondestructive examination activities and
The Inspector shall review the qualification records of require requalification of any personnel when there is
the Certificate Holder. reason to question the performance of that person. In
addition, the Inspector shall monitor the Certificate
Holder’s Quality Assurance Program as it relates to the


nondestructive examination activities of Material Organi- NCA-5290 DATA REPORTS AND CONSTRUCTION
zations and NDE subcontractors that the Certificate REPORTS
Holder qualified.
(a) The appropriate Data Reports prepared by the
NCA-5260 MATERIALS, PARTS, AND HEAT Certificate Holder shall be reviewed and signed by the
TREATMENT Inspector only after they have been certified by a respon-
sible representative of the Certificate Holder and after the
NCA-5261 Inspection of Materials for Compliance Inspector is satisfied that all requirements of this Section
Inspectors shall assure themselves that all materials have been met and that each Data Report certified is a
used comply with all applicable requirements of this correct record. For Division 2 items, certification by
Section. The Certificate Holder shall make available to the Designer is also required prior to verification by
the Inspector certified reports of the results of all tests the Inspector.
performed in accordance with (a) and (b) below (b) The Inspector shall review and separately verify
(a) the material specifications that the information contained in the Construction
(b) the requirements in the applicable materials Report for Division 2 construction is valid and corre-
Articles of this Section, including certified reports of sponds to the requirements of Division 2 and that the
the results of all required tests and examinations Designer’s review and certification of the Construction
performed Report have taken account of all requirements of this
NCA-5262 Dimensional Check (c) The N‐3 Data Report Form (see NCA-3220) shall be
reviewed and signed by the Inspector only after
Inspectors shall satisfy themselves (1) it has been certified by the Owner
(a) that the item is being constructed within the toler- (2) the Inspector has reviewed the N‐3 Form and
ance required by the Design Specification, Design Draw- verified that the Data Reports referenced on the N‐3
ings, and Construction Specifications, and this Section Form are on file and that such Data Reports verify
(b) that head and shell sections conform to the Code compliance of all components, parts, appurtenances,
prescribed shape and meet the thickness requirements supports, and core support structures incorporated into
(c) that nozzles and attachments to be welded to the the nuclear power system or that portion of the system
vessel fit properly to the curvature of the vessel surface. If covered by the N‐3 Form
required by the Inspector, the Certificate Holder respon- (3) the Inspector has verified that required docu-
sible for the vessel shall make available accurately formed ments for overpressure protection exist and are properly
templates for the Inspector's use. filed for that portion of the system covered by the N‐3
NCA-5263 Check of Heat Treatment Practice
Inspectors shall satisfy themselves that all heat treat- NCA-5300 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE
ment operations required by this Section are correctly AUTHORIZED INSPECTION
performed and that the temperature readings and gradi-
ents conform to the requirements. AGENCY
The responsibilities of the Authorized Inspection
NCA-5270 EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Agency shall include but not necessarily be limited to
The Inspector shall witness in‐process fabrication, those given in (a) through (k) below.
nondestructive examinations and destructive tests, (a) Maintain a staff of Authorized Nuclear Inspectors
when feasible. Alternatively, the Inspector shall check (see NCA-5123) and Authorized Nuclear Inspector Super-
the examination and test records to determine the accept- visors (see NCA-5122).
ability of the items involved. (b) Make agreements with Certificate Holders and
Owners for inspection service (see NCA-5121 and
NCA-5280 FINAL TESTS NCA-8130). Notify the Society whenever such agreements
are terminated (see NCA-5121).
The Inspector shall witness final hydrostatic, pneu- (c) Provide for participation in the Society’s review of
matic, or structural integrity tests required by this the applicant’s Quality Assurance Program (see
Section and examinations performed during such tests NCA-5125).
by the Certificate Holder. Hydrostatic, pneumatic, or struc- (d) Provide for the review and acceptance of any
tural integrity tests are not required for core support proposed modifications to Quality Assurance Manuals
structures or supports. before they are put into effect (see NCA-5125).


(e) Review and accept the Certificate Holder’s method (h) Review and accept the Certificate Holder’s provi-
of securing the nameplate to components to which, sions of positive identification and traceability of items
because of size or other considerations, the nameplate from which nameplates are removed (see NCA-8240).
cannot be directly attached [see NCA-8220(b)]. (i) Determine by agreement with the Certificate Holder
(f) Review and accept the Certificate Holder’s alterna- the sequence for stamping and the completion of the Code
tive method of identification, including the unique method Data Report [see NCA-8310(c)].
of marking of components to which, because of size or (j) Review and accept the Certificate Holder’s proce-
other considerations, nameplates cannot be directly dure for providing traceability of parts for piping subas-
attached [see NCA-8220(b)]. semblies that are furnished without stamping (see
(g) Review and accept the Certificate Holder’s alterna- NCA-8330).
tive method of marking of parts, appurtenances, supports, (k) And all other duties specifically required in ASME
and piping subassemblies (see NCA-8230). QAI‐1, Qualification for Authorized Inspection, as



NCA-7100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The standards and specifications referenced in the text
of this Section are listed in Tables NCA-7100-2 (Division 1)
The dimensional standards for standard products that and NCA-7100-3 (Division 2). For Table NCA-7100-3,
are referenced in this Section are listed in Table when editions other than the referenced editions are
NCA-7100-1. Table NCA-7100-1 lists editions of dimen- used, the differences shall be reviewed to ensure that
sional standards for standard products referenced by all technical requirements of the Code are satisfied.
Section III, and earlier editions considered by Section Where reference is made to requirements of the ASME
III to be acceptable for Section III construction. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, they are not included
Compliance with these standards does not replace or in these Tables.
eliminate the design requirements for stress analysis
when required by this Section.


Table NCA-7100-1
ð23Þ Dimensional Standards
Section III Other Subsection
Referenced Acceptable Applicability
Standard ID Published Title Edition Editions [Note (4)]
Pipes and Tubes
ASME B36.10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe 2018 2015, 2004, 2000, NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
1996, 1985 HBB
ASME B36.19M Stainless Steel Pipe 2018 2004, 1985 NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,

Fittings, Flanges, and Gaskets

ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 2020 2017, 2013, 2009, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
2003, 1998, HBB
1988, 1981
ASME B16.9 [Note (1)] Factory‐Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings 2021 2018, 2012, 2007, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
2001, 1993, HBB
1986, 1981
ASME B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket‐Welding and Threaded 2016 2011, 2009, 2001, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
1996, 1980 HBB
ANSI B16.18 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure 2021 2018, 2012, 2001, NCD
Fittings 1984
ASME B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges: Ring‐Joint 2017 2012, 2007, 2000, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
Spiral Wound and Jacketed 1998, 1984 HBB
ASME B16.21 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 2021 2016, 2011, 2005, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
1992 HBB
ASME B16.22 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint 2021 2018, 2013, 2001, NCD
Pressure Fittings 1998, 1980
ASME B16.24 Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Flanged 2021 2016, 2011 NCD, NE
Fittings, and Valves: Classes 150, 300, 600,
900, 1500, and 2500
ASME B16.25 Buttwelding Ends 2017 2012, 1997, 1986 NB, NCD, NE, CC,
ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges 2020 2017, 2011, 2006, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
1998 HBB
SAE J513 Refrigeration Tube Fittings — General 1999 1981 NB, NCD, NE, HBB
MSS SP‐43 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings 2019 2013, 2008, 1991, NB, NCD, NE, CC,
for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant 1982 HBB
MSS SP‐87 [Note (2)] Factory‐Made Butt‐Welding Fittings for Class 1991 1982 NB, CC, HBB
1 Nuclear Piping Applications
MSS SP‐97 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet 2019 2012, 2006, 2001 NB, NCD, NE, HBB
Fittings — Socket Welding, Threaded and
Buttwelding Ends
ANSI/AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service — 2018 2013, 2001, 1994 NB, NCD, NE, CC,
Sizes 4 in. through 144 in. (100 mm Through HBB
3,600 mm)

ASME B18.2.1 [Note (3)] Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts 2012 2010, 1999, 1981 NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed WB, WC, HBB
Head and Lag Screws
ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 [Note (3)] Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) 2015 2010, 1987, 1972 NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
ASME B18.3 [Note (3)] Socket Cap, Shoulder, Set Screws, and Hex 2012 2003, 1998, 1986, NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
Keys (Inch Series) 1982 WB, WC, HBB


Table NCA-7100-1
Dimensional Standards (Cont’d)
Section III Other Subsection
Referenced Acceptable Applicability
Standard ID Published Title Edition Editions [Note (4)]
Bolting (Cont’d)
ASME B18.31.2 Continuous Thread Stud, Double-End Stud, 2014 … NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
and Flange Bolting Stud (Stud Bolt) (Inch WB, WC, HBB
ASME B1.1 [Note (3)] Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN, UNR, and UNJ 2019 2003, 1989, 1982 NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
Thread Forms) WB, WC, HBB
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 [Note (3)] Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) 2013 1983 NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,
ANSI B1.20.3 [Note (3)] Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) 1976 … NB, NCD, NE, NF, CC,

Standards Supports
ANSI/MSS SP-58 Pipe Hangers and Supports — Materials, 2018 2009 NF
Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application,
and Installation
ASME B16.34 Valves — Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End 2020 2017, 2013, 2009 NB, NCD, CC, HBB
(S2010), 1998,
1988, 1981
MSS SP‐100 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer 2020 2015, 2009, 2002, NCD
Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm 1997, 1988
Type Valves
MSS SP‐105 Instrument Valves for Code Applications 2016a 2010, 2005 NCD
GENERAL NOTE: Reaffirmed versions of the listed standards are also acceptable.
(1) Analysis per ASME B16.9, para. 2.2, is acceptable only for caps and reducers.
(2) Analysis per MSS‐SP‐87 is acceptable only for caps and reducers.
(3) These standards are referenced for dimensional purposes only. Any manufacturing or inspection requirements contained in item are not
mandatory. The SA or SB Material Specification specifies the applicable manufacturing and inspection requirements.
(4) HBB refers to Division 5, Subsection HB, Subpart B.


Table NCA-7100-2
ð23Þ Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 1
Section III
Referenced Other Acceptable Subsection
Standard ID Published Title Edition Editions Applicability
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME NQA‐1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility 2015 … NB, NCA
ASME PTC 25 Pressure Relief Devices Latest … NB, NCD, NE
ASME QAI‐1 Qualifications for Authorized Inspection Latest … NCA

American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

SNT‐TC‐1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in 2011 2006 NB, NCD, NE, NF,
Nondestructive Testing NG, NCA
ANSI/ASNT CP‐189 Standard for Qualification and Certification of 2006 … …
Nondestructive Testing Personnel

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

ASTM A275 Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination 2009a … NB
of Steel Forgings
ASTM A673 Standard Specification for Sampling Procedure for 1977 … NF
Impact Testing of Structural Steel
ASTM E8 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic 2021 1965 through NCD
Materials 2016ae
ASTM E23 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of 2002a … NB, NCD, NE, NF,
Metallic Materials NG
ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination 1977 … NG
ASTM E142 Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic 1977 … NG
Testing (Discontinued 2000, Replaced
by ASTM E94)
ASTM E185 Standard Practice for Design of Surveillance Programs for 1982 … NB, NG
Light‐Water Moderated Nuclear
Power Reactor Vessels
ASTM E186 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐Walled [2 in. 2010 1967, 1973, 1975, NB, NCD, NE, NG
to 41∕2 in. (51 mm to 114 mm)] Steel 1979
ASTM E208 Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop‐Weight Test 1991 … NB, NCD, NE, NF,
to Determine Nil‐Ductility Transition Temperature of NG
Ferritic Steels
ASTM E280 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐Walled [41∕2 2010 1968, 1972, 1975 NB, NCD, NE, NG
in. to 12 in. (114 mm to 305 mm)]
Steel Castings
ASTM E426 Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) 1988 … NB
Examination of Seamless and Welded
Tubular Products, Titanium, Austenitic Stainless Steel
and Similar Alloys
ASTM E446 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2010 1972, 1975, 1978 NB, NCD, NE, NG
2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness
ASTM E571 Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) 1982 (R1988) … NB
Examination of Nickel and Nickel Alloy
Tubular Products
ASTM E883 Standard Guide for Reflected‐Light Photomicrography 2002 … NB, NCD
ASTM E1921 Standard Test Method for the Determination of Reference 2016 … NB
Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels
in the Transition Range
ASTM F788 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of 2013 … NB, NCD, NE, NF,
Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series NG
ASTM F812 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of 2012 … NB, NCD, NE, NF,
Nuts, Inch and Metric Series NG


Table NCA-7100-2
Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 1 (Cont’d)
Section III
Referenced Other Acceptable Subsection
Standard ID Published Title Edition Editions Applicability
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Cont’d)
ASTM F3125 Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts 2019 … NF
and Assemblies, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated,
Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile
Strength, and Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040
MPa Minimum Tensile Strength

American Welding Society (AWS)

AWS A4.2 Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta 1991 … NB, NCD, NE, NF,
Ferrite Content of Austenitic and Duplex Ferritic‐ NG
Austenitic Stainless Steel

International Organization for Standardization

ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and 2017 … NCA
calibration laboratories

Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI)

PPI TR-3 Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic 2008 through … NCA
Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design 2017
Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength
Design Basis (SDB), and Minimum Required Strength
(MRS) Ratings for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or
PPI TR-4 PPI Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), 2008a through … NCA
Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design 2017
Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), and
Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings for
Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe


Table NCA-7100-3
ð23Þ Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2
Section III
Standard ID Published Title Edition
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
AASHTO T 336 Standard Method of Test for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion by Hydraulic Cement Concrete 2015 (R2019)

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI CT ACI Concrete Terminology 2013
ACI 211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy Weight, and Mass Concrete 1991 (R2009)
ACI 214R Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete 2011
ACI 304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete 2000 (R2009)
ACI 305R Guide to Hot Weather Concreting 2020
ACI 306R Guide to Cold Weather Concreting 2016
ACI 309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete 2005
ACI 347R Guide to Formwork for Concrete 2014
ACI 423.7 Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand Tendon Materials and Commentary 2014

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)

AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 2016
AISC N690 Specification for Safety Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities 2012

American Public Health Association (APHA)

APHA‐4500‐S2- Test for Determination of Water Soluble Sulfides (Methylene Blue Method) — Standards Methods 2011
for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) 2019

American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

SNT‐TC‐1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing 2006, 2011

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

ASTM A108 Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-Finished 2018
ASTM A240/A240M Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip 2020
for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
ASTM A416/A416M Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven‐Wire for Prestressed Concrete 2018
ASTM A421/A421M Standard Specification for Stress‐Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete 2021
ASTM A513/A513M Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing 2020
ASTM A519 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing 2017
ASTM A563 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Inch and Metric) 2021
ASTM A576 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot‐Wrought, Special Quality 2017
ASTM A615/A615M Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 2020
ASTM A673/A673M Standard Specification for Sampling Procedure for Impact Testing of Structural Steel 2017
ASTM A706/A706M Standard Specification for Low‐Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 2016
ASTM A722/A722M Standard Specification for Uncoated, High‐Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing Concrete 2018
ASTM A779/A779M Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Seven‐Wire, Uncoated, Compacted, Stress‐Relieved for 2016
Prestressed Concrete
ASTM A1034/A1034M Standard Test Methods for Testing Mechanical Splices for Steel Reinforcing Bars 2010a (R2015)
ASTM A1064/A1064M Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete 2018a
ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus 2019


Table NCA-7100-3
Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2 (Cont’d)
Section III
Standard ID Published Title Edition
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Cont’d)
ASTM B934 Standard Test Method for Effective Case Depth of Ferrous Powder Metallurgy (PM) Parts Using 2015
Microindentation Hardness Measurements
ASTM C31/C31M Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field 2021
ASTM C33/C33M Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates 2018
ASTM C39/C39M Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 2020
ASTM C40/C40M Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete 2020
ASTM C42/C42M Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete 2020
ASTM C78/C78M Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third Point 2018
ASTM C88/C88M Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate 2018
ASTM C94/C94M Standard Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete 2021
ASTM C109/C109M Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or 2020
50-mm Cube Specimens)
ASTM C114 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement 2018
ASTM C115/C115M Standard Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter 2013e1
ASTM C117 Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75–μm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by 2017
ASTM C123/C123M Standard Test Method for Lightweight Particles in Aggregate 2014
ASTM C127 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Coarse 2015
ASTM C128 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine 2015
ASTM C131/C131M Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small‐Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion 2020
and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
ASTM C136/C136M Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates 2019
ASTM C138/C138M Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete 2017a
ASTM C142/C142M Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates 2017
ASTM C143/C143M Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 2020
ASTM C150/C150M Standard Specification for Portland Cement 2020
ASTM C151/C151M Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Hydraulic Cement 2018
ASTM C157/C157M Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete 2017
ASTM C172/C172M Standard Practice of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete 2014a
ASTM C173/C173M Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method 2016
ASTM C183 Standard Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement 2016
ASTM C191 Standard Test Methods for Time of Setting Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle 2021
ASTM C192/C192M Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory 2019
ASTM C204 Standard Test Methods for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus 2018
ASTM C231/C231M Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method 2017a
ASTM C260/C260M Standard Specification for Air‐Entraining Admixtures for Concrete 2010a (R2016)
ASTM C266 Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic‐Cement Paste by Gillmore Needles 2021
ASTM C295/C295M Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete 2019
ASTM C311/C311M Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland- 2018
Cement Concrete
ASTM C403/C403M Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance 2016
ASTM C430 Standard Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the 45–μm (No. 325) Sieve 2017
ASTM C441/C441M Standard Test Method for Effectiveness of Pozzolans or Ground Blast‐Furnace Slag in Preventing 2017
Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali‐Silica Reaction
ASTM C469/C469M Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in 2014e1


Table NCA-7100-3
Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2 (Cont’d)
Section III
Standard ID Published Title Edition
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Cont’d)
ASTM C494/C494M Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 2019
ASTM C496/C496M Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 2011
ASTM C512/C512M Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression 2015
ASTM C535 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion 2016
and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
ASTM C566 Standard Test Method for Total Evaporable Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying 2019
ASTM C586 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks as Concrete Aggregates 2011 (R2019)
(Rock-Cylinder Method)
ASTM C595/C595M Standard Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cements 2021
ASTM C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete 2019
ASTM C637 Standard Specification for Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concrete 2020
ASTM C642 Standard Test Method for Density, Absorption and Voids in Hardened Concrete 2021
ASTM C937 Standard Specification for Grout Fluidifier for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete 2016
ASTM C939/C939M Standard Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method) 2016a
ASTM C940 Standard Test Method for Expansion and Bleeding of Freshly Mixed Grouts for Preplaced 2016
Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory
ASTM C943 Standard Practice for Making Test Cylinders and Prisms for Determining Strength and Density of 2017
Preplaced Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory
ASTM C953 Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Grouts for Preplaced Aggregate Concrete in the 2017
ASTM C989/C989M Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars 2018a
ASTM C1012/C1012M Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate 2018
ASTM C1064/C1064M Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete 2017
ASTM C1069 Standard Test Method for Specific Surface Area of Alumina or Quartz by Nitrogen Adsorption 2009 (R2014)
ASTM C1077 Standard Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction 2017
and Criteria for Testing Agency Evaluation
ASTM C1107/C1107M Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Nonshrink) 2020
ASTM C1157/C1157M Standard Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement 2017
ASTM C1218/C1218M Standard Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete 2020
ASTM C1240 Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures 2020
ASTM C1293 Standard Test Method for Determination of Length Change of Concrete due to Alkali-Silica 2008(R2015)
ASTM C1567 Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of 2021
Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method)
ASTM C1580 Standard Test Method for Water-Soluble Sulfate in Soil 2009e1
ASTM C1602/C1602M Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 2018
ASTM C1603 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Solids in Water 2016
ASTM C1610/C1610M Standard Test Method for Static Segregation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Column 2019
ASTM C1611/C1611M Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of Self-Consolidating Concrete 2021
ASTM C1621/C1621M Standard Test Method for Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete by J-Ring 2017
ASTM C1712/C1712M Standard Test Method for Rapid Assessment of Static Segregation Resistance of Self-Consolidating 2017
Concrete Using Penetration Test
ASTM C1758/C1758M Standard Practice for Fabricating Test Specimens with Self-Consolidating Concrete 2015
ASTM D92 Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester 2018
ASTM D516 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water 2016
ASTM D609 Standard Practice for Preparation of Cold Rolled Steel Panels for Testing Paint, Varnish, 2017
Conversion Coatings, and Related Coating Products


Table NCA-7100-3
Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2 (Cont’d)
Section III
Standard ID Published Title Edition
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Cont’d)
ASTM D610 Standard Practice for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surface 2008 (R2019)
ASTM D937 Standard Test Method for Cone Penetration of Petrolatum 2007 (R2012)
ASTM D938 Standard Test Method for Congealing Point of Petroleum Waxes Including Petrolatum 2012 (R2017)
ASTM D974 Standard Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color‐Indicator Titration 2021
ASTM D1298 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid 2012 (R2017)
Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method
ASTM D1411 Standard Test Methods for Water‐Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixtures in Graded Aggregate 2009
Road Mixes
ASTM D3867 Standard Test Methods for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water 2016 (R2021)e1
ASTM D4130 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines 2015
ASTM D4327 Standard Test Method for Anions in Water by Suppressed Ion Chromatography 2017
ASTM D4791 Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in 2019
Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D6184 Standard Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating Grease (Conical Sieve Method) 2017
ASTM E23 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials 2018
ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination 2017
ASTM E112 Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size 2013 (R2021)
ASTM E186 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐Walled [2 in. to 41∕2 in. (50.8 mm to 114 mm)] Steel 2020
ASTM E208 Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop‐Weight Test to Determine Nil‐Ductility Transition 2020
Temperature of Ferritic Steels
ASTM E280 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy‐Walled [41∕2 in. to 12 in. (114 mm to 305 mm)] Steel 2021
ASTM E328 Standard Test Methods for Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures 2013
ASTM E384 Standard Test Method for Microindentation Hardness of Materials 2017
ASTM E446 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness 2020
ASTM F436/F436M Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers 2019
ASTM F593 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs 2017
ASTM F788 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric 2020
ASTM F812 Standard Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Nuts, Inch and Metric Series 2012 (R2017)
ASTM F3125/F3125M Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies, Steel and Alloy Steel, 2019
Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and Metric
Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength

American Welding Society (AWS)

AWS A4.2 Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of 2020
Austenitic and Duplex Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Weld Metal
AWS A5.1/A5.1M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2012
AWS A5.5/A5.5M Specification for Low Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2014
AWS A5.18/A5.18M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding 2021
AWS A5.20/A5.20M Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding 2021
AWS A5.28/A5.28M Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding 2020
AWS A5.29/A5.29M Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding 2021
AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code – Steel 2020
AWS D1.4/D1.4M Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel 2011

International Organization for Standardization

ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories 2017


Table NCA-7100-3
Standards and Specifications Referenced in Division 2 (Cont’d)
Section III
Standard ID Published Title Edition
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI)
PTI M10.2 Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons 2017

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

CRD‐C 36 Method of Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Concrete 1973
CRD‐C 39 Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Concrete 1981
CRD‐C 44 Method for Calculation of Thermal Conductivity of Concrete 1963



NCA-8100 AUTHORIZATION TO PERFORM not necessary that the Program is or ever was imple-
(f) The Society may, at any time, impose requirements
NCA-8110 GENERAL concerning the issuance and use of certificates and Certi-
fication Mark as it deems appropriate, and all require-
Authorization to use the official Certification Mark or to ments shall become binding upon the holders of a
certify work by other means provided in this Section (see valid certificate.
Table NCA-8100-1) will be granted by the Society for a
3‐yr period pursuant to the provisions set forth in this NCA-8130 INSPECTION AGREEMENT REQUIRED
subarticle. Authorization to certify Owner’s Data
Report Form N-3 (Section III Appendices, Mandatory Certificate Holders and Owners shall possess an agree-
Appendix V), will be granted pursuant to the provisions ment with an Authorized Inspection Agency7 to provide
set forth in this subarticle. inspection and audit services. The agreement with the
Authorized Inspection Agency shall be made prior to
NCA-8120 SCOPE OF CERTIFICATES application for a survey or, in the case of the Owner,
an interview. Certificate Holders and Owners shall
(a) The Certificate (see NCA-3120) will identify the notify the Society whenever their agreements with an
shop or field facility covered and state the scope of activ- Authorized Inspection Agency are canceled or changed
ities for which authorization is granted. The Society may, to another Authorized Inspection Agency.
at its discretion, limit or extend the scope of an author-
ization to any types or classes of items or to a specific NCA-8140 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM
(b) A Certificate of Authorization will be issued by the
Society to an organization for the use of a Certification It is a requirement that a Certificate Holder have a
Mark, certifying a Data Report Form, or performing Quality Assurance Program (see NCA-4134) that has
welding or certifying joining. been evaluated and accepted by the Society. The
(c) The installation of items by mechanical means need Owner shall have a Quality Assurance Program in accor-
not be performed by a Certificate Holder. The responsi- dance with NCA-4133.
bility for the hydrostatic or pneumatic test of completed
components must be assumed by a holder of a Certificate
of Authorization and witnessed by the Authorized Nuclear An Organization desiring a certificate shall apply to the
Inspector regardless of the method of assembly. This does Society using forms issued by the Society describing the
not preclude an organization that installs items by scope of Code activities to be performed.
mechanical means only from obtaining a Certificate of
Authorization. NCA-8151 Field Operations
(d) A Certificate of Authorization (Corporate) will be The N, NA, NPT, or NS certificates may be extended to
issued by the Society to an organization for performing include field operations such as installation, completion,
Code activities other than those specified in (b) or (c) or repair of components, parts, appurtenances, or
above or for welding supports. supports constructed under that authorization. The NS
(e) A Quality Assurance Program Certificate with an Certificate may be extended to a field location;
appropriate scope may be issued by the Society to an however, the activities of NCA-1282 for the installation
Organization that has documented a Quality Assurance of supports at their final location in the system are not
Program and whose ability to staff, equip, or otherwise permitted to be performed by the NS Certificate
implement the described Quality Assurance Program Holder. The Society requires that an audit acceptable
has been evaluated and accepted by the Society. It is to the Society be performed at each field site to assure

Table NCA-8100-1
Certificates and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

Type of Division 1 Division 2 Data Report

Organization Scope Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class CS Class MC Class CC Form Notes

Vessel None None N‐1/N‐1A (9)

1 2 3 MC

Concrete containment None None None None None C‐1 …


Pump None None None NPV‐1 (1)

1 2 3
N Certificate Holder

Line valve None None None NPV‐1 (1), (6)

1 2 3

Storage tank None None None None N‐6 …

2 3

Piping systems None None None N‐5 (1)

1 2 3
Table NCA-8100-1
Certificates and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for Construction of Nuclear Power Plants (Cont’d)

Type of Division 1 Division 2 Data Report

Organization Scope Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class CS Class MC Class CC Form Notes
N Certificate Holder
Core support
None None None None None NCS‐1 (2)
Appurtenance (Design
None None None None None None N-2A (12)

Pressure and vacuum

NV Certificate Holder None None None NV-1 (1), (11)
relief valves

1 2 3

Tubular products
welded with filler None NM‐1 (1), (7)
1 2 3 2 2

(1), (4), (8),

NPT Certificate Holder Part N‐2
1 2 3 CS MC CC

(1), (4), (8),

Appurtenance N‐2A
(9), (12)
1 2 3 CS MC CC
Table NCA-8100-1
Certificates and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for Construction of Nuclear Power Plants (Cont’d)

Type of Division 1 Division 2 Data Report

Organization Scope Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class CS Class MC Class CC Form Notes
NPT Certificate Holder
(1), (3), (9),
Piping subassembly None None None NPP‐1
1 2 3

NA Certificate Holder All items None N‐5 (1), (9)

1 2 3 CS MC

Quality System
Material None None None None None None None (7), (9)
Certificate Holder
NS Certificate Holder Supports None None None None None None None (5)
Owners Owner None None None None None None N‐3 …

(1) Items within the containment system, excluding the Class CC and MC vessel and its supports, shall be stamped Class 1 or 2 in accordance with the classification stated in the Design Specification
or Construction Specification.
(2) A Data Report shall be filled out on Form NCS-1 (see Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V) by the Certificate Holder assuming overall responsibility. If this Certificate Holder also
performs the fabrication, the Form NCS‐1 shall be completed by this Certificate Holder and shall be certified by the Inspector for the core support structure to be stamped with the Certification
Mark with N Designator and no N‐2 Form is required. When a Certificate Holder is responsible for fabrication only, the Form N-2 (for a part) or N-2A (for an appurtenance) (Section III
Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V) shall be completed by that Certificate Holder and certified by the Inspector for core support structures, appurtenances, or parts which are to be stamped
with the Certification Mark with NPT Designator.
(3) Data Report Form NPP‐1 (see Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V) shall be forwarded in duplicate to the N Certificate Holder taking overall responsibility for the piping system and
the NA Certificate Holder installing the piping system.
(4) Data Report Form N‐2 for parts or N-2A for appurtenances shall be forwarded in duplicate to the Certificate Holder of the finished component or support.
(5) Welded supports shall be documented on an NS‐1 Certificate of Conformance or for non‐welded supports on a manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance. The certification documentation shall
be forwarded in duplicate to the Certificate Holder who performs the installation. A single Certificate of Conformance may be used for ten supports when each is of the same design and each is
identified on the NS‐1 Certificate of Conformance by serial number.
(6) A single Data Report may be used for each group of 25 line valves and pumps of the same size and design with inlet piping connection of 4 in. nominal pipe size and smaller when each is
identified on the Data Report by an individual serial number.
(7) Material (see NCA-1220) shall be documented by a Certified Material Test Report or a Certificate of Compliance in accordance with Articles NB/NCD/NE/NF/NG-2000 and CC-2000.
(8) A multiple number of parts or appurtenances for a single nuclear power plant may be included on the applicable Data Report (i.e., N-2 or N-2A), provided the parts or appurtenances are of the
same class, size, and design and that the parts or appurtenances are manufactured for the same N Certificate Holder and authorized by the Inspector for stamping on the same day. Each part or
appurtenance must be identified on the Data Report by an individual serial number.
(9) Miscellaneous items as described in NCA-1270 shall be stamped with the Certification Mark and listed on the appropriate Data Report Form when constructed as an “N” or “NPT” item or
installed under an “NA” Certificate. When furnished as material, an appropriate Certified Material Test Report or Certificate of Compliance is required in lieu of Data Reports and stamping.
Table NCA-8100-1
Certificates and Certification Mark Issued by the Society for Construction of Nuclear Power Plants (Cont’d)
NOTES: (Cont’d)
(10) A single Data Report may be used for each group of 25 braided flexible hose of the same nominal pipe size and design, provided each is identified on the Data Report by an individual serial
(11) The Data Report and nameplate, or marking information, shall be in conformance with NCA-8220 and NB/NCD-7800.
(12) An N Certificate Holder who designs an appurtenance that is fabricated by an NPT Certificate Holder is responsible for completing the design certification and design responsibility
certification on the N-2A Data Report and the NPT Certificate Holder fabricating the appurtenance completes the fabrication certification on the N-2A Data Report. When an NPT Certificate
Holder designs and fabricates an appurtenance, the NPT Certificate Holder is responsible to complete the fabrication certification, the design certification, and the design responsibility
certification on the N-2A Data Report.


that the Quality Assurance Program described in the (b) The Owner’s certificate [see NCA-3211.5(b)] shall
Manual is implemented and enforced. be applicable to each nuclear facility or nuclear power
Guidance for the elimination of surface defects and plant unit for which an application for a construction
repairs of stamped components prior to the completion permit or combined license has been docketed concur-
of Form N-3 Data Report is contained within Nonmanda- rently or filed concurrently with the regulatory authority.
tory Appendix NN.
NCA-8152 Shop Assembly
Each Certificate Holder shall have agreed that each
Shop assembly of components to components, or certificate and Certification Mark (if one is issued) is at
components to appurtenances and piping subassemblies all times the property of the Society, that it will be
or other items, may be by either NA or N Certificate used according to the rules and regulations of this
Holders if such activities are included within the scope Section, and that the certificate and Certification Mark
of their certificate. will be promptly returned to the Society upon demand,
or when the Certificate Holder discontinues the scope
NCA-8153 Code Activities Prior to Obtaining a of Code activities covered by its certificate. The holder
Certificate of a Certification Mark shall not permit any other
party to use its certificate or Certification Mark. The
Code activities performed prior to issuance of a certi-
Society reserves the absolute right to cancel or refuse
ficate shall be subject to the acceptance of the Inspector.
to renew such authorization, returning fees paid for
NCA-8160 EVALUATION the prorated unexpired term.

NCA-8161 Evaluation for a Certificate NCA-8180 RENEWAL

(a) Applicants for a new or renewed certificate for Class NCA-8181 Certificates of Authorization,
1, 2, 3, CS, CC, or MC construction require a survey of their Certificates of Authorization
shop or field facilities. The purpose of the survey is to (Corporate), and Quality Assurance
evaluate the applicant’s Quality Assurance Manual and Program Certificate Holders
the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program.
(b) The extent of the survey will be determined by the (a) Not later than 6 months prior to the date of expira-
Society based on a review of the applicant’s intended tion of any certificate, the Certificate Holder shall apply for
scope of Code activities described in the application. a renewal of such authorization and the issuance of a new
The acceptance by the Society of the Quality Assurance certificate.
Program shall not be interpreted to mean endorsement (b) A certificate issued for a specific field site, or a certi-
of technical capability to perform design work such as ficate that has been extended to a specific field site activity,
system design or stress analysis. Such capability is valid for the duration of the contract at the specified site
is implied for the specific component involved by the certi- or 3 yr, whichever occurs first.
fication of Design Reports [see NCA-3211.32(b) and
NCA-3211.40(h)] by a Certifying Engineer on behalf of NCA-8182 Owner’s Certificate
the N Certificate Holder. (a) Annually, the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Super-
(c) Authorization to apply a Certification Mark to an visor shall audit the Owner’s Quality Assurance Program
item will be granted only after a survey by the Society and report the results to the Society for review and deter-
has satisfactorily demonstrated the adequacy and imple- mination as to whether the certificate shall remain valid.
mentation of the Quality Assurance Program. (b) Triennially, the Authorized Nuclear Inspector
Supervisor shall audit the Owner’s Quality Assurance
NCA-8162 Evaluation for an Owner’s Certificate Program and report the results to the Society for
(a) The Owner, after an application for a construction review and determination as to whether the Owner’s
permit or combined license for a specific nuclear power Certificate shall be renewed.
plant unit or nuclear facility is docketed concurrently or (c) The Owner’s Certificate expires when all N‐3 Data
filed concurrently with the regulatory authority, shall Reports for the units listed on the certificate have been
obtain an Owner’s Certificate [see NCA-3211.5(b)] completed. The Society shall review the status of construc-
from the Society for each unit or facility to be constructed tion and determine whether the Owner’s certificate shall
prior to field installation. In lieu of a survey, the Owner will be renewed.
be interviewed for the Society to verify the Owner’s under-
standing of Code responsibilities (see Table NCA-3200-1)
and to obtain the Owner’s agreement to meet the require-


Figure NCA-8212-1 (2) The process controls for the method of marking
Form of Stamping With Certification Mark shall be described in the Quality Assurance Program and
shall be acceptable to the Authorized Inspection Agency.
(3) The external surface condition at the location
Certified by where the Certification Mark is to be applied shall be
clear, unpainted, and uncoated unless required by the
(Name of Certificate Holder) design specification.

(Serial number)
NCA-8213 Attachment of Nameplates ð23Þ
(a) The nameplate shall be attached by a method (ac-
ceptable to the Designer for Division 2 items) that will not
affect the structural integrity of the item.
(b) If the nameplate is marked before it is attached, the
ð23Þ NCA-8200 NAMEPLATES AND APPLICATION Certificate Holder shall assure that the nameplate with the
correct marking has been attached and the Inspector shall
OF CERTIFICATION MARK verify that this has been done. The Inspector may verify
NCA-8210 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS correct nameplate marking and attachment via objective
evidence provided by the Certificate Holder.
NCA-8211 Nameplates (c) When nameplates are attached with pressure sensi-
tive acrylic adhesive systems, in addition to the require-
Each item and installation to which a Certification Mark
ments of this Article, those of Section III Appendices,
is applied shall have a nameplate, except as otherwise
Mandatory Appendix XXI shall be met.
permitted by this subarticle. Marking shall be as required
by (a) through (f) below
(a) the applicable official Certification Mark, as shown
in Table NCA-8100-1 (a) The markings required by NCA-8210 shall be
(b) Class of construction and Designator applied to a separate nameplate attached to the compo-
(c) the statement “Certified by” nent. In the case of core support structures, the marking
(d) Certificate Holder’s name shall be applied directly to the support.
(e) Certificate Holder’s serial number and, if applicable, (b) If because of size or other considerations the name-
national board number and/or Canadian registration plates cannot be directly attached to the component, the
number Certificate Holder may secure the nameplate to the
(f) marking for line valves shall include the ANSI pres- component in a manner acceptable to the Authorized
sure class rating Inspection Agency and apply a unique identification
mark to the component that will serve to identify the
ð23Þ NCA-8212 Application of Certification Mark component with the appropriate Data Report. The
The selected method shall not result in any harmful marking shall be of a visible, permanent type and not detri-
contamination or sharp discontinuities, shall not mental to the component. The type, method, and manner
degrade the function or service life of the item, and of marking shall be described in the Certificate Holder’s
shall not be placed in a location prone to result in Quality Assurance Program or Procedure. The use of this
future obliteration of the marking. The arrangement of alternative method of identification, including the method
markings shall be as shown in Figure NCA-8212-1. The of marking, shall be reviewed by and found acceptable to
data shall be in characters not less than 3 ∕ 32 in. (2.5 the Authorized Inspection Agency (see NCA-5121) prior to
mm) high. implementation by the Certificate Holder.
(a) Stamping. The Certification Mark shall be stamped
on a nameplate attached to an item, except as otherwise
permitted by this subarticle. Stamping directly on items, MARK WITH NPT DESIGNATOR ITEMS
when used, shall be done with a blunt-nosed continuous or (a) Parts, appurtenances, and piping subassemblies
blunt-nosed interrupted dot die stamp. assembled by welding shall have a separate nameplate
(b) Alternate Methods. Acceptable alternate methods equivalent to that required for completed components
include etching (e.g., laser, plasma, or chemical) or when the size and use of the item will accommodate
engraving. The following requirements apply: such a nameplate. When the size or use of the item
(1) The applied ASME Certification Mark shall be will not permit the installation of a nameplate, the
permanent, clearly legible, and identical in size and config- marking shall consist of suitable identification of the
uration to the ASME-issued stamp. item until it has been incorporated into the finished
component or the other item stamped with a Certification


Mark with the NPT Designator. This alternative method of been satisfactorily completed. Pressure tests include
marking shall be reviewed with and found acceptable to hydrostatic, pneumatic, and structural integrity tests.
the Authorized Inspection Agency before being used by Hydrostatic or pneumatic tests are not required for
the Certificate Holder. core support structures.
(b) In the case of tubular products welded with filler
metal, nameplates are not required. The marking shall be NCA-8322 Application of the Certification Mark
applied directly to the material by etching or stamping. With N Designator at Field Sites or
Other Locations
NCA-8322.1 Application of the Certification Mark With
If nameplates secured as noted in NCA-8220 are N Designator at Field Sites or Other Locations for Items
removed from items that have been installed in a Requiring Pressure Test. The N Certificate Holder may
nuclear power plant system, the Certificate Holder apply the Certification Mark with N Designator to the
responsible for completion of the N‐5 Data Report component in the field, without having the N Certificate
shall verify and document that the required nameplate of Authorization extended to a field site or other locations,
had been attached to the item. Provisions of positive iden- under the following provisions:
tification and traceability of the items to a specific location (a) where the N Certificate Holder elects to substitute
and applicable Data Report shall be included in the Quality the system pressure test [see NB/NCD‐6221(a)] for the
Assurance Program or procedure of the Certificate Holder component pressure test, the test is conducted under
responsible for installation. This alternative shall be the responsibility of an N or NA Certificate of Authoriza-
reviewed with and found acceptable to the Authorized tion issued for that field site or other locations and is
Inspection Agency (see NCA-5121) before being used witnessed and accepted by the N Certificate Holder
by the Certificate Holder. responsible for the component, or
(b) where the N Certificate Holder elects to subcontract
NCA-8300 CERTIFICATION MARK the performance of the component pressure test, the
N Certificate Holder shall be responsible for supervising,
NCA-8310 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS witnessing, and accepting the pressure test and assuring
that the test is controlled in accordance with the suppliers’
(a) The Certification Mark shall be applied by the Certi-
approved program, or
ficate Holder only with authorization of the Inspector. In
(c) where the N Certificate Holder elects to perform the
any case, the Certification Mark shall not be applied until
component pressure test at a field site or other location,
completion of the required examination and testing.
the pressure test shall be controlled in accordance with
(b) Table NCA-8100-1 provides Certification Mark re-
the N Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program, or
quirements as related to type of certificates, scope of work,
(d) where the N Certificate Holder elects to subcontract
and class of construction. The class of construction shall be
the performance of the pressure test(s) outlined in NB/
indicated by the applicable number 1, 2, or 3, or letters CS,
NCD-6114.2(d), the N Certificate Holder shall be respon-
CC, or MC stamped below and outside the official Certi-
sible for supervising, witnessing, and accepting the pres-
fication Mark. For items to be certified as meeting a Section
sure test(s) and assuring that the test is controlled
III Edition or Addenda before the 2011 Addenda, the ASME
in accordance with the suppliers' approved Quality Assur-
Certification Mark is equivalent to and may be used in lieu
ance Program.
of the N, NA, NPT, or NV Stamp shown in the Section III
The completed shop fabrication portion of the Data
Edition and Addenda used for construction.
Report Form, together with the Inspector’s own inspec-
(c) The completed Code Data Report Form indicates
tions of the component, shall be authority for that field
that the Inspector has inspected the item and authorized
Inspector to witness the test and authorize stamping
the application of the Certification Mark. The sequence for
of the completed component.
stamping and the completion of the Code Data Report shall
be determined by agreement between the Authorized NCA-8322.2 Application of the Certification Mark With
Nuclear Inspector and the Certificate Holder. N Designator at Field Sites or Other Locations for Items
Not Requiring Pressure Test. The N Certificate Holder
NCA-8320 APPLICATION OF THE CERTIFICATION may apply the Certification Mark with N Designator
MARK WITH N DESIGNATOR to the component in the field or other locations,
without having the N Certificate of Authorization extended
ð23Þ NCA-8321 Authorization and Time of Stamping to a field site or other locations, under the following
The Certification Mark with N Designator shall be provisions:
applied only with the authorization of the Inspector
after the pressure test requirements have been satisfied
and all other examinations, tests, and inspections have


(a) When the N Certificate Holder subcontracts fabri- (a) by attaching each Data Report for items that make
cation and installation activities, the N Certificate Holder up that piping system, portion of a piping system, concrete
shall verify the activities are completed in accordance with containment, or nuclear power system to its respective
the supplier’s approved program. Data Report Form C‐1, N‐3, or N‐5; or
(b) The completed shop fabrication and field fabrica- (b) by assigning each Data Report for items that make
tion Data Report Forms, together with the Inspector’s own up that piping system, portion of a piping system, concrete
inspection of the component, shall be the authority to containment, or nuclear power system a unique identi-
authorize stamping of the completed component. fying number and listing the numbers on the Data
Report Form C‐1, N‐3, or N‐5; or
NCA-8330 PARTS AND PIPING SUBASSEMBLIES (c) by attaching a drawing that uniquely identifies each
FURNISHED WITHOUT STAMPING item that makes up that piping system, portion of a piping
WITH CERTIFICATION MARK system, concrete containment, or nuclear power system to
its respective Data Report Form C‐1, N‐3, or N‐5.
(a) An organization8 with separate or extended certi-
ficates may manufacture and ship items such as parts and NCA-8412 Availability of Data Reports
piping subassemblies without the Certification Mark with
NPT Designator for use at another of its facilities, provided All Data Reports and referenced supporting material
its Quality Assurance Manual includes the provisions of shall be available to the Inspector, regulatory authority,
(1) through (3) below. and enforcement authority having jurisdiction over the
(1) Requirements for legible and specific identifica- nuclear facility.
tion of each item. Identification shall be permanent and
not detrimental to the item. Identification shall be on the NCA-8420 OWNER’S DATA REPORT
item. The Owner who has obtained an Owner’s certificate
(2) Requirements for completing a transmittal form shall be responsible for completing one or more of
with each shipment of items. The form shall list all items Form N‐3. The Owner shall certify, by signing the
and their corresponding identification number, and shall form, that each Certificate Holder was the holder of
indicate that the items do not contain the Certification the appropriate certificate and that components and
Mark with NPT Designator. The form shall be signed installation comply with the applicable requirements of
by the Certificate Holder and the Authorized Nuclear this Section. Review of the completed Owner’s Data
Inspector prior to shipment. Report Form N‐3, including attached Data Reports for
(3) Requirements for receipt of items shipped all components and installation as required to verify
without the Certification Mark with NPT Designator. Re- Code Compliance, plus provision of the Overpressure
quirements shall include inspection upon receipt and Protection Report or the Overpressure Protection
maintenance and retention of transmittal forms. Analysis, when required, shall be the Inspector’s authority
(b) Neither a Certification Mark with NPT Designator, to sign the Owner’s Data Report.
nameplate, Code Data Report, nor transmittal form is
required on items manufactured and installed at the NCA-8430 DATA REPORTS, TUBULAR PRODUCTS,
same facility by the same Certificate Holder, provided AND FITTINGS WELDED WITH FILLER
that the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Program METAL
provides for control of these items through completion
of installation. (a) Each piece of tubular products or fittings with filler
metal shall be listed on a Data Report Form NM‐1. This
Data Report shall be completed by the Certificate Holder
and signed by the Inspector.
NCA-8410 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (b) Multiple items may be listed on a single NM‐1 Data
Report Form, provided they are from the same heat and lot
The appropriate Data Report,9 as specified in Table of material.
NCA-8100-1, shall be filled out by the Certificate (c) When tubular products welded with filler metal are
Holder or Owner and shall be signed by the Certificate used to manufacture fittings, all the fittings made from the
Holder or Owner and the Inspector for each item NPT stamped tubular product may be identified on one
(except as provided elsewhere in this Article) to be CMTR or NM‐1, as applicable, prepared by the fitting
marked with a Certification Mark. manufacturer, that lists all the operations it performed.
The fitting manufacturer shall provide a copy of its
NCA-8411 Compiling Data Report Records
CMTR or NM‐1, as applicable, and a copy each of the
Data Reports, that are the basis for approval of the C‐1, CMTR and the NM‐1 Data Report that were supplied
N‐3, and N‐5 Data Reports (see Section III Appendices), with the tubular product.
may be compiled in any one of the following methods:



Welded supports shall be listed on NS‐1 Certificate of Guidance for the elimination of surface defects and
Conformance. repairs of stamped components prior to the completion
of Form N-3 Data Report is contained within Nonmanda-
tory Appendix NN.



NCA-9100 INTRODUCTION certificate: a Certificate of Authorization, Certificate of

Authorization (Corporate), Quality Assurance Program
This Article defines selected terms used in this Section. Certificate, Quality System Certificate, or Owner’s certifi-
The definitions in this glossary shall prevail should a cate issued by the Society.
conflict exist with definitions found elsewhere in this
Section or other documents referenced in this Section. Certificate Holder: an organization holding a Certificate of
Authorization, Certificate of Authorization (Corporate), or
Quality Assurance Program Certificate issued by the
ð23Þ NCA-9200 DEFINITIONS Society. This does not include the holder of a Quality
approved supplier: a supplier that has been evaluated and System Certificate or Owner’s Certificate.
approved by a Material Organization or Certificate Holder Certificate of Analysis (as used in NCA-4470): a document
in accordance with the requirements of NCA-3300 to attesting that natural compound, pigment concentrate
supply qualified source material for conversion to mate- compound, or polyethylene compound is in accordance
rial, or provision of services, to the party performing the with specified requirements, including the actual
evaluation and approval. results of all required tests and examinations.
appurtenance: an item intended to be attached to a Certificate of Authorization: a document issued by the
completed and stamped component that has work Society that authorizes the use of an ASME Certification
performed on it requiring verification by an Inspector. Mark and appropriate designator for a specified scope of
audit: a documented evaluation performed to verify, by activity.
examination of objective evidence, that those selected Certificate of Authorization (Corporate): a document
elements of a previously approved quality program issued by the Society that authorizes the performance
have been developed, documented, and implemented of Code activities for a specified time and for a specified
in accordance with specified requirements. An audit scope of activity.
does not include surveillance or inspection for the
purpose of process control, or acceptance of material Certificate of Compliance: a written statement attesting
or items. that the materials are in accordance with specified
Authorized Inspection Agency: an organization that is
empowered by an enforcement authority to provide certification: the act of verifying and attesting in writing
inspection personnel and services as required by this that documents, processes, procedures, items, or the
Section. qualifications of personnel are in accordance with speci-
fied requirements.
Authorized Nuclear Inspector: an Authorized Nuclear
Inspector is an employee of an Authorized Inspection Certification Mark: an ASME symbol identifying a product
Agency who has qualifications for and has been properly as meeting Code requirements.
qualified for Division 1 or Division 2. Certification Mark Designator: a letter such as N, NA, and
Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor: an Authorized NPT to indicate what Certificate of Authorization was
Nuclear Inspector Supervisor is an employee of an Author- satisfied during fabrication.
ized Inspection Agency who has been assigned by that Certification Mark Stamp: a metallic stamp issued by the
agency to oversee and direct the work of one or more Society for use in impressing the Certification Mark.
Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and who has qualifications Certified Design Report Summary: a document that
for and has been properly qualified for Division 1 or summarizes the content of the Certified Design
Division 2. Report(s) for standard supports designed by analysis.
building structure: the structure whose purpose is to Certified Material Test Report (CMTR): a document
support, house, and protect nuclear power plant compo- attesting that the material is in accordance with specified
nents. Rules for construction of building structures are requirements, including the actual results of all required
outside the scope of this Section. chemical analyses, tests, and examinations.


Certified Polyethylene Test Report: a document attesting construction permit: a document issued by the regulatory
that polyethylene material is in accordance with specified authority that authorizes the Owner to construct a nuclear
requirements, including the actual results of all required facility.
tests and examinations. construction procedure: a written description of construc-
Certifying Engineer: an engineer or technically competent tion or fabrication methods the Constructor or Fabricator
professional qualified in accordance with the require- uses to ensure conformance with the requirements of the
ments of Mandatory Appendix XXIII as required by this Construction Specification, Design Drawings, and this
Section. Section.
Code Addenda: additions and revisions to individual Construction Report: a report prepared by the Constructor
sections of the Code published annually. (Addenda no that summarizes activities performed to construct the
longer issued after 2011.) component in accordance with the Construction Specifi-
Code Cases: documents issued by the Society to clarify the cation, Design Drawings, and the requirements of this
intent of existing Code requirements or to provide alter- Section.
native rules for construction. Construction Specification: a document prepared by the
Code Class: the classification, specified by the Owner (or its Designer that establishes requirements for the construc-
designee) and included in the Design Specification, that tion of a component.
establishes the rules for design and construction of items. Constructor: the N Certificate Holder in Division 2 respon-
Code Editions: documents issued at 2‐yr intervals by the sible for construction [see definition of construction (as
Society that include all revisions, additions, and correc- used in Division 2)] and stamping of a component.
tions included in Errata published since the previous containment system: an item that forms a structure that
Edition. encloses a nuclear power system or that may be connected
combined license: a license issued by the regulatory to other containment items and that is designed to provide
authority that authorizes an Owner to construct and a pressure-containing barrier for the primary purpose of
(with certain specified conditions) operate a nuclear containing, within leakage limits, or of channeling, for
facility at a specific site, in accordance with established containment or for controlled disposal, radioactive or haz-
laws and regulations. ardous effluents released from the system.

compliance: conforming to the Code, a specification, or a core support structures: those structures or parts of struc-
procedure. tures that are designed to provide direct support or
restraint of the core (fuel and blanket assemblies)
component: a vessel, concrete containment, pump, pres- within the reactor pressure vessel.
sure relief valve, line valve, storage tank, piping system, or
core support structure that is designed, constructed, and corrective action: measures taken to rectify conditions
stamped in accordance with the rules of this Section. adverse to quality, and, where necessary, to preclude
component support: a support for a vessel, pump, or
storage tank. A support that is attached to a valve may damper: a uniaxial or multiaxial dynamic restraint support
be classified as a component support when identified that permits the slow movements associated with thermal
in the Design Specification. expansion, but resists the rapid movement associated
with earthquakes and other dynamic events as well as
concrete constituents: cement, aggregates, admixtures, decreases the amplitude of operational dynamic oscilla-
and water. tions of a piping system or component.
concrete containment: a composite steel and concrete Data Report: a document that certifies that an item was
component that is designed as an integral part of the constructed in accordance with the requirements of this
containment’s pressure-retaining barrier that retains Section.
or controls the release of radioactive or hazardous efflu-
ents released from the nuclear power plant equipment Data Report Form: the form approved by the Society that is
that the containment encloses. used to record the required Code Data.

construction (as used in Division 1): an all‐inclusive term defective material: material that does not meet specified
comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, requirements.
testing, inspection, and certification required in the manu- Design Drawings: drawings that are prepared to illustrate
facture and installation of an item. the structural and mechanical details necessary to comply
construction (as used in Division 2): all operations required with the Design Specification and this Section.
to build an item in accordance with Design Drawings and designee: any organization that performs specified activ-
the Construction Specification. ities at the request of the Owner. The Owner retains the
responsibility for the activity performed by the designee.


Designer: the Division 2 organization responsible for fabrication: those actions required to manufacture
preparation of design output documents. components, parts, supports, and appurtenances. These
design input documents: documents that include those actions may include forming, machining, assembling,
criteria, parameters, bases, or other design requirements welding, brazing, heat treating, examination, testing,
upon which detailed final design is based. For this Section, inspection, and certification. Fabrication does not
these include the Design Specifications and any other include design.
documents referenced by it. fabricator (Division 2): an organization that builds one or
design limits: stress and stress intensity limits applicable more parts (see NCA-1231) for the components within the
to Design Loadings given in the Design Specifications. scope of Section III, Division 2 (see Table NCA-3200-1).
Design Loadings: the temperatures, pressures, mechanical full penetration weld: a nonstandard welding term for
loads, and other loading conditions specified in Design complete joint penetration.
Specifications that are the basis for design. hold point: a designated stopping place during or following
design output documents: documents defining technical a specific activity at which inspection or examination is
requirements for Section III items such as Certified required before further work can be performed.
Design Reports, drawings, calculations, Load Capacity hydrostatic test: the pressurization of an item to a test
Data Sheets, Certified Design Report Summaries, and pressure using water or other liquid as a testing
Construction Specifications. medium with the required examination prescribed by
design pressure: the pressures stated in the Design Speci- the Code.
fications for which design limits are applicable. identification and verification program: a documented
Design Report: the design document that shows that the system for the positive identification of material during
allowable limits stated in this Section are not exceeded for storage and handling and verification of the identity of
the loadings specified in the Design Specification. material on the accompanying Certified Material Test
Report at the time of shipment.
Design Specification (Division 1): a document prepared by
the Owner or Owner’s designee that provides a complete Inspector: the Authorized Nuclear Inspector as defined in
basis for construction in accordance with this Section. NCA-5123. The term Inspector, as used in this Subsection,
is the same as the term Authorized Inspector as used in
Design Specification (Division 2): a document prepared by Division 2.
the Owner or Owner’s designee that provides a complete
basis for design in accordance with this Section. installation: those actions required to place and attach
components to their supports and join items of a
discrepancy: a condition outside of an established toler- nuclear power system by welding or mechanical means.
ance or requirement.
instructions: detailed written directions provided to
document control: those measures established to control persons or organizations to ensure proper completion
the preparation, review, release, issuance, and disposition of a task.
of documents, such as design calculations, purchase
orders, specifications, instructions, procedures, and draw- intervening element: an element in the support load path
ings, including changes thereto, that describe or document that is constructed to rules other than those of this Section.
activities affecting quality. Intervening elements include, but are not limited to, diesel
engines, electric motors, coolers, valve actuators, instru-
energy absorber: a linear or nonlinear device that dissi- ment racks, and access structures.
pates the kinetic energy of pipe or component movements
through deformation or yielding of its parts. item: a product constructed under a Certificate of Author-
ization or NS Certificate of Authorization (supports) (see
enforcement authority: a regional or local governing body, NCA-3120), or material (see NCA-1220).
such as a state, municipality, or province, empowered to
enact and enforce boiler and pressure vessel legislation. joining: the act of connecting two or more items to one
another, by welding, brazing, bolting, or other mechanical
environmental conditions: those conditions to which the means.
item is subjected such as radiation, pressure, temperature,
humidity, site elevation, wind, and wind direction. jurisdictional boundaries: the physical limits of a Code item
that are identified to determine the applicability of Code
examination: specific actions by qualified personnel using rules for that item.
qualified procedures to verify that items, fabrication
processes, and preservice requirements are in confor- linear support (linear‐type support): a structural element
mance with specified requirements. This term, when acting under essentially a single component of direct
used in conjunction with qualification of personnel to stress. Such elements may also be subjected to shear
perform quality‐related activities, shall mean a written stresses. Examples of such structural elements are
examination. tension and compression struts, beams and columns


subjected to bending, trusses, frames, rings, arches, and ination, testing, inspection, certification, and stamping of
cables. items requiring a Certification Mark with N Designator.
Load Capacity Data Sheet: the design document used in N Certificate Holder (Division 2): the organization
lieu of a Design Report when a support is designed by assuming responsibility for constructing and stamping
Load Rating to verify that the requirements of Article of the component, including but not limited to installation
NF‐3000 have been met. of parts in accordance with the Design Drawings and
material: for Section III, Division 1, metallic materials Construction Specification.
manufactured to an SA, SB, SFA, or any other material nonconformance: a deficiency in a characteristic, docu-
specification permitted in Section III and that are manu- mentation, or procedure that renders an item or activity
factured, identified, and certified in accordance with the unacceptable or indeterminate.
requirements of Section III. For Section III, Division 2, nonmetallic material: material that is not metallic,
metallic materials, as well as nonmetallic materials, including, but not limited to, concrete, cement grout,
conforming to the specifications permitted in Section III. and materials made with polyethylene.
Material Organization, Certified: an organization certified Nonmetallic Material Constituent Supplier: an organization
by holding a Quality System Certificate issued by the that manufactures, produces, and supplies the concrete
Society to provide materials or services in accordance constituents for plastic concrete or grout in accordance
with the requirements of Section III, NCA-3300 (both with the Construction Specification.
Metallic and Nonmetallic Material Organizations).
Nonmetallic Material Manufacturer: an organization that
Material Organization (Nonmetallic): See Nonmetallic receives, stores, conveys, and combines the concrete
Material Manufacturer or Nonmetallic Material Consti- constituents to produce plastic concrete or grout in accor-
tuent Supplier. dance with the Construction Specification.
Material Organization, Qualified: an organization NPT Certificate Holder: the organization that fabricates
surveyed and qualified to provide materials or services parts, piping subassemblies, or appurtenances requiring
in accordance with the requirements of Section III, a Certification Mark with NPT Designator.
NCA-3300 (both Metallic and Nonmetallic Material Orga-
nizations) to the certified Material Organization or Certi- NS Certificate Holder: the organization holding a valid NS
ficate Holder that performed the qualification. Certificate of Authorization (issued by the Society with or
without design) that fabricates all classes of supports and
material specification: a document that establishes the re- all classes of standard supports. The NS Certificate Holder
quirements for a material. is not required to apply a Certification Mark.
monitor: observe or check compliance with this Section nuclear facility: the location where a nuclear power plant
and the Owner’s or Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance is constructed or spent nuclear fuel or high-level radio-
Program. This activity is not necessarily documented or active materials and wastes are processed, stored, or
required to be continuous. prepared for shipment or disposal.
monitoring and nondestructive examination (MANDE): a nuclear power plant: one or more nuclear power systems
term used in Section XI, Division 2 that includes the activ- and containment systems as well as other systems not
ities of monitoring, NDE, and use of surveillance speci- covered by the rules of this Section.
nuclear power system: a system that serves the purpose of
NA Certificate Holder: the organization that performs producing and controlling an output of thermal energy
those activities required to place and attach components from nuclear fuel and those associated systems essential
to their support structures and joins items requiring a to the functions and overall safety of the nuclear power
Certification Mark with NA Designator. system.
natural compound: a polymerized ethylene with como- nuclear power system item: an item that is designed to
nomer compounded with stabilizers. provide a pressure-containing barrier or is a pressure-
Natural Compound Manufacturer: an organization that retaining member in the system, or an item that is
manufactures natural compound in accordance with designed as a core support structure or a support.
this Section and that is certified by the Society or other- NV Certificate Holder (Division 1): the organization
wise qualified in accordance with the requirements of assuming responsibility for Code compliance with
NCA-4470. respect to material, design, fabrication, installation, exam-
N Certificate Holder (Division 1): the organization ination, testing, inspection, certification, and stamping of
assuming responsibility for Code compliance with pressure relief valves and devices requiring a Certification
respect to material, design, fabrication, installation, exam- Mark with NV Designator.


Owner: the organization legally responsible for otherwise qualified in accordance with the requirements
the construction and/or operation of a nuclear facility of NCA-4470.
including but not limited to one who has applied polyethylene material: polyethylene compound manufac-
for, or has been granted, a construction permit or oper- tured into a product form, without joining, meeting the
ating license by the regulatory authority having lawful requirements of this Section and a material specification
jurisdiction. permitted by this Section.
part: an item that is attached to or becomes a portion of a Polyethylene Material Manufacturer: an organization certi-
component or support before completion and stamping of fied by the Society, or otherwise qualified in accordance
the component or support. Parts have work performed on with the requirements of NCA-4470, that uses either poly-
them requiring verification by an Inspector. ethylene compound or natural compound combined with
penetration assembly: an electrical or mechanical part or pigment concentrate compound to produce polyethylene
appurtenance that permits piping, mechanical devices, or material in accordance with this Section.
electrical connections to pass through the pressure- Polyethylene Material Organization: Polyethylene Source
retaining boundary of a containment vessel. Material Manufacturer, Polyethylene Material Manufac-
performance assessment: for Section III, a documented turer, Polyethylene Material Supplier, or Polyethylene
evaluation of material supplied by a previously audited Service Supplier.
and accepted Quality System Program to verify continued Polyethylene Material Supplier: an organization certified
compliance with Code requirements. by the Society, or otherwise qualified in accordance
pigment concentrate compound: a compound made of with the requirements of NCA-4470, that procures,
polyethylene with high concentrations of additives, receives, stores, and ships polyethylene material but
including colorants or carbon black. (This compound is does not perform or subcontract any design, examination,
often called “master batch.”) testing, marking, or operations that affect the polyethy-
Pigment Concentrate Compound Manufacturer: an organi- lene material properties required by the material speci-
zation that manufactures pigment concentrate compound fication and this Section.
in accordance with this Section and that is certified by the Polyethylene Service Supplier: an individual or organiza-
Society or otherwise qualified in accordance with the re- tion certified by the Society, or otherwise qualified in
quirements of NCA-4470. accordance with the requirements of NCA-4470, that
piping subassembly: a section of piping system consisting furnishes nondestructive examination, testing, or calibra-
of fittings and pipes or tubes that are fabricated as subas- tion services in accordance with a procurement document
semblies in a shop or in the field before being installed in a and this Section.
nuclear power system. polyethylene source material: products used for conver-
piping support: a support for piping. A support that is sion to polyethylene material. Natural compound,
attached to an in‐line valve may be classified as a pigment concentrate compound, and polyethylene
piping support when identified in the Design Specification. compound are polyethylene source materials.

piping system: a piping system is an assembly of piping, Polyethylene Source Material Manufacturer: a Natural
piping supports, components, and, if applicable, compo- Compound Manufacturer, Pigment Concentrate
nent supports of one or more Code Classes, with a defined Compound Manufacturer, or Polyethylene Compound
function as described in the Design Specification for the Manufacturer.
piping system. product form: the physical configuration of material or
plate‐ and shell‐type support: a support such as a skirt or qualified source material that is manufactured in accor-
saddle that is fabricated from plate and shell elements and dance with a material specification permitted in Section
is normally subjected to a biaxial stress field. III, such as bars, rods, forgings, castings, plates, tubular
products, flanges, fittings, plugs, bolts, or nuts.
pneumatic test: the pressurization of an item to a test pres-
sure using a gas as the testing medium with the required product form conversion: the physical change from one
examination prescribed by the Code. product form to another, including its certification.
polyethylene compound: natural compound combined qualified procedure: a procedure that has been demon-
with pigment concentrate compound meeting the require- strated to meet the specified requirements for its intended
ments of this Section, including a material specification purpose.
permitted by this Section. qualified source material: metallic products produced by
Polyethylene Compound Manufacturer: an organization an approved supplier, Material Organization, or Certificate
that manufactures polyethylene compound in accordance Holder in accordance with the requirements of NCA-3300
with this Section and that is certified by the Society or or the output of the qualification process requirements of


quality assurance: as used in this Section, quality assur- snubber: a uniaxial piping or component support that
ance comprises all those planned and systematic permits the slow movements associated with thermal
actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that expansion, but resists the rapid movement associated
all items designed and constructed are in accordance with earthquakes and other dynamic events.
with the rules of this Section. source material: metallic products used by a Material
Quality Assurance Manual: a written document that Organization or Certificate Holder in a product form
describes a Quality Assurance Program. conversion process in the manufacture of material [see
Quality Assurance Program: a controlled system of NCA-4251.2(a)(1)] or in a qualification process based
planned and systematic actions required to provide on test and examination to the requirements of the
adequate confidence that items designed and constructed material specification [see NCA-4255.5(a)(2) and
are in accordance with the rules of the Code. NCA-4255.5(a)(3)]. Source material may be qualified
or unqualified.
Quality Assurance Program Certificate: a certificate issued
by the Society acknowledging that the Quality Assurance special process: a process, the results of which are highly
Program conforms to Article NCA-4000 QA requirements, dependent on the control of the process or skill of the
but the implementation of the QA Program has not been operator, or both.
demonstrated. standard support: a support consisting of one or more
Quality System Certificate: a Certificate issued by the units usually referred to as catalog items and generally
Society that permits an organization to perform specified mass produced.
Material Organization activities in accordance with Code supplier: any individual or organization that furnishes
requirements. materials or services in accordance with a procurement
Quality System Certificate Holder (Metallic): a Material document.
Organization that maintains an ASME Quality System support: a metal element, excluding an intervening
Certificate in accordance with the requirements of element, that transmits loads between nuclear power
NCA-3300. plant components and the building structure. A
Quality System Program: a documented system of actions support may be either a component support or a
required to provide adequate confidence that materials piping support.
conform to the requirements of the material specification survey: a documented evaluation of an organization’s
and the rules of Section III. ability to perform Code activities as verified by a deter-
regulatory authority: a Federal or National Government mination of the adequacy of the organization’s quality
Agency, such as the United States Nuclear Regulatory program and by a review of the implementation of
Commission, empowered to issue and enforce regulations that program at the location of the work.
concerning the design, construction, and operation of a testing: an element of verification for the determination of
nuclear facility. the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by
repair: the process of physically restoring a nonconfor- subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, envir-
mance to a condition such that an item complies with onmental, or operating conditions.
Code requirements. traceability: the ability to verify the history, location, or
rework: refer to repair. application of an item by means of recorded identification.

service: an activity performed by a subcontractor such as unqualified source material: source material not produced
designing, rigging, temporary bolting, and nondestructive by a Certificate Holder, Material Organization, or
examination. approved supplier in accordance with the requirements
of Section III, NCA-3300.
Service Limits: stress and stress intensity limits applicable
to Service Loadings given in the Design Specification. use‐as‐is: a disposition assigned an item previously iden-
tified as nonconforming after reconciling design output
shop and field drawings: drawings provided by the documents with the item’s as‐built condition and verifying
Constructor or Fabricator (Division 2) that describe that applicable requirements of this Section have been
construction, fabrication, and installation details, physical met.
dimensions, arrangements, and any significant engi-
neering features needed to establish conformance to verification: a review to ensure that activities have been
the Design Drawings, Construction Specification, and performed and documented in accordance with applicable
this Section. requirements.
Society: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.



1 Plant and system operating conditions are commonly referred to as normal, upset, emergency, and faulted.
2 The terms welding, welders, and welding operators when used in this Subsection include brazing, brazers, and brazing
3 For consideration of environmental effects resulting from these conditions, see Nonmandatory Appendix W, Envir-
onmental Effects on Components, for guidance.
4 As explained in Articles NB/NCD/NE-7000, an overpressure protection device or devices may be provided to protect
one or more components, portions of the nuclear power system, or portions of components, provided they are
designed and located so that the overpressure protection requirements of all protected components and systems are
fully complied with and that the safety relieving devices cannot be isolated from any component or system protected
by them while the component or system is operating.
5 ASME NQA-1, Part IV provides guidance for various applications.
6 Includes Inspectors and Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors.
7 A list of acceptable Authorized Inspection Agencies may be obtained from the Society.
8 In this usage, organization may be the same company at a single site, a multiplant company with separate certificates,
regardless of type, or a multiplant corporation with extended corporate certificates.
9 Samples of the forms referred to in this subarticle may be found in Section III Appendices, Mandatory Appendix V.
Copies of these forms may be obtained from the Society.



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