Know About Mental Status Examination
Know About Mental Status Examination
Know About Mental Status Examination
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3 authors:
Gyanendri Tomar
All content following this page was uploaded by Pooja Godiyal on 21 October 2022.
Review Article
Know about Mental Status Examination
K. Chitra, Pooja Godiyal, Gyanendri Tomar
The mental status examination (MSE) is an ordered summary of observations, patient’s mental experiences, and behavior
at the time of interview. The major purpose of MSE is to make a thorough study about the patient’s behavior and to
make clinical diagnosis as per the impression. MSE helps to record the current and severity of symptoms to evidence
the diagnosis made. MSE needs to be documented in the desired format with detailed description added to that patient’s
verbatim, which shows the significant symptoms.
Address for correspondence: Mrs. K. Chitra, Department of Nursing, State College of Nursing, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
of affect, speech, and behavior, especially as they change questionnaires have a fairly significant false-negative
during the course of meetings. Frequent fluctuations may rate, especially in patients with cognitive dysfunctions.
be considered as crucial information throughout treatment. Especially in elderly population, with the education grade
MSE observations in other components are necessary even less than standard Nine, different cultural experience, may
in the patient with intact cognitive functions.[3,5] limit the usefulness of MSE screening questionnaires.
Unlike a detailed mental status examination, screening
Other Screening Exams questionnaires are less sensitive to subtle cognitive
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is probably
the best known. The MMSE tests orientation, immediate Conclusion
and short-term memory, concentration, arithmetic ability,
language, and praxis. It takes about 10 minutes to administer. MSE is a widely used tool for diagnosing the mental health
The cognitive capacity screening examination tests status of the patient as well as to compare the patient’s
orientation, serial subtraction, memory, and similarities. The condition from the time of admission to throughout the
neurobehavioral cognitive status examination is especially hospital stay and to the time of discharge.
good for medically ill patients; it focuses on consciousness,
orientation, attention, language, construction, memory, Acknowledgment
calculations, and reasoning. Montreal cognitive assessment
is scale similar to MMSE to assess orientation, attention, We would like to acknowledge our family members and
concentration, and memory.[3,5] friends for their immense support and understanding while
writing this research article.
Psychiatric Review of Systems
Source of Financial Support
Signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness are often
described in the history of present illness and the detailed Nil.
examination of Mental Status. The Review of System in
psychiatry includes all the details and notes for important
signs and symptoms. The Review of system in psychiatry Conflict of Interest
is a systematic inquiry, searching for pertinent positives
and negatives over a period of time preceding the time of None.
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Although MSE is well structured, screening questionnaires Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory
are still subject to interpretive bias and depend on the Examinations. 3rd ed., Ch. 207. Boston: Butterworths;
skill and experience of the interviewer. All screening 1990.