PD-Assigment .Muskan Verma
PD-Assigment .Muskan Verma
PD-Assigment .Muskan Verma
2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks
Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION
TIMELINE: You can take upto One Week to submit the Assignments
emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. While there
Ques2. Define SWOT. How will you convert Weakness into Strength? (PASS)
Ans.In SWOT,S stands for strength, W stands for weaknesses, O stands for opportunity and T
stands for Threats. SWOT is an analysis framework which is used to evaluate or find the
Personality Development – Written Assignment
stand of the company and make a plan accordingly. SWOT is an acronym for Strength,
Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. It makes assessment of all internal and external
factors along with current and future prospects. The analysis of individual personal
growth can also be done using SWOT. The planning process has the power to convert
weaknesses into strengths, the weakness analysed can be converted into a strength by
identifying them and then making possible plans and actions for removing those
weaknesses. For instance, one may have the weakness of getting anxious if he is unable
to meet his deadline. This can be converted into a strength by breaking the work into
Ques 3. Which factor is important for development of one’s personality? Justify by giving
Examples. (PASS)
Ans.To shape a one’s personality, the environment plays an important role. Apart
from that, genetics and life experiences also play an important role say instance
parents, teachers and friends influence the development of person right from
Personality Development – Written Assignment
2. Positive Attitude- Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily
affairs of life. It brings optimisms into your life, and makes is easier to avoid
development person should apply empathy internally that means “put yourself
into other person shoes and think accordingly” empathy help to make understand
the characteristic of any action, belief or desire that makes their choice a
Ques 4. Define Perception, Emotional Intelligence and its impact in one’s Personal and
Professional Life. (PASS)
Ans.Perception of defines as individual. An individual’s perception about life and
things will make you understand his attitude towards life in general. Perception is the
which can help that person, read situations and react accordingly in professional life
simultaneously parent, child, spouse, friend, professional and so on. Now each role
needs slices of our time. So, we need to balance – which is not something we achieve
once and then maintain forever. This balance is more like walking on a rope a constant
Ques6. Talk about your daily Routine & make a DAILY HALF HOUR TIME LOG SHEET. (PASS)
Ans.A daily routine is what tasks i follow daily. It can include the simplest of things like
brushing your teeth, having breakfast and attending classes. A log sheet, in this case,would be a
document or a list that contains details of what the person has done from the
past half an hour. Here is a sample log sheet for the first half an hour of my days. 1 I
Ques 7. What are the Time wasters and how to overcome them? (PASS)
Ans.Ans.Time wasters are social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram etc. watch
television, video games. It is a said to watch TV only half an hour on a day not whole day.
One should use it in limited time only for refreshing not for hour
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ques8.During your class Activity how you manage your time, What Sort of Typical barriers you
face and how you overcome them. (PASS)
AnsDuring my class activities I short list the project makes perfect time table bring out
important materials like pen, notebook and smartphone. My smartphone with good
internet connection open zoom application joins the class and not talking with our
.friends and listen to the carefully.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. Effective leadership is based
upon ideas both original and borrowed that are effectively communicated to others in a
way that engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.
Ques 12.Why is leadership important? State the 5 reasons which make leadership
important. (PASS)
Ans.The team leaders are essential to executing your vision for your business and
setting the tone for your staff. Leaders offer guidance to all members of the team to
ensure they are fulfilling their roles. Effective team leaders ensure that team morale
remains high and that workers are motivated to perform well. Five important leadership
value of person. Someone who has no problem being social and communicating selfdisclosure.
And extroverted personality that called as an open self-personality.
Johari is represented as a common window with four panes. Two of these panes
represent self and the other two represent part unknown to self but to others. 1- Open
self: - Information about yourself that you and others know. 2- Blind self: - Information
you don’t know but others know about you. 3- Hidden self: - Information you know about
yourself but other don’t. 4- Unknown self: - Information about yourself that neither you
or others know
Personality Development – Written Assignment
relationships reflect and interchange between parental (critical and nurturing), adult
early in life. PAC P- Parent Ego State: - Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from
parents or parent figures. A- Adult Ego State. Behaviours, thoughts and feelings which
are direct responses to the here and now. C- Child Ego State. Behaviours, thoughts and
Ans.The four life stoke position are as follows. 1- I am ok, you are ok. 2- I am ok, you are
not ok. 3- I am not ok, you are ok. 4- I am not ok, you are not ok. While working in a team,
these four positions can be highly important because if a person is not satisfied, like that
from groups 2, 3 and 4, it can impact a job and that can be detrimental for a team. If
Personality Development – Written Assignment
there are more people from the group 1, a job can be completed more effectively and as
per desired.
Ques:1. Why is the open self personality important? How do you become an open self
personality? (MERIT)
Ans.Open self is important because it empowers you to confidently have trust and faith
in your capabilities and abilities to handle any situation, see and opportunity and
challenge around every corner, progress and grow with the times, mature into a strong
person, reliable, responsible, dependable and self-assured. Become and open selfpersonality –
1: - Be honest 2: - Don’t wall off important aspects of yourself. 3: - Let
people know what you think. 4: - Practice self-disclosure more often. 5: - Let yourself be
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ques2: Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you towards
achieving your goal. Justify your answer. (MERIT)
Ans:Motivation is a highly agreeable quality. we can compare motivation to fuel. As fuel
gives energy to a rocket to move through space to its destinations in deep space,
similarly, motivation gives mental and physical energy to people to reach their goals.
Success in any field is impossible without motivation. a. Internal motivation: - the force
that leads you to achieve a goal because of personal satisfaction or desire. Such as -
as it brings out the best in me and also makes me feel happy internally. b. External
motivation: - the driving force that triggers you in achieving your goal. Such as - A
simple smile and encouragement: - A simple smile and encouragement from my parents,
elders and teachers externally motivates me to achieve my goal and give my best.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ques 3: List any 3 positive emotions and 3 negative emotions. How can you creatively use each
to become more emotionally intelligent? (MERIT)
Ans:Three positive emotions are: - 1- Peaceful. 2- Loving. 3- joyful. Three negative
Peaceful, Loving and Joyful. On the other hand, the negative emotions are Anger,
Sadness and Hopelessness. Positive emotions can add happiness to one’s mind. The
negative emotions help to minimize the distractions in case of any acute situation.
confidence. In fact, motivations are widely used therefore it should operate for
successful operations and later do it for future growth. It has been used in several
places such as school, universities, hospitals and other social welfare activities.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ques: 5 List any three persons in your life who are most empathy oriented towards you. State
what is it that they do for you that makes you like them. (MERIT)
Ans:Three persons in my life are 1st FATHER 2ND MOTHER 3RD FRIEND Because they
always help and motivate to me, encourage in every time and teach me and make me
happy all the time.
Ques:6 How will you improve your time-management? State 5 areas in which you commit to
improve. (MERIT)
Ans:improve my time-management by: a. Prioritizing. b. Setting goals, achieving goals.
c. Doing it now. d. Organising my time. e. Breaking down task.f. Using time management
grid. g. Use wasted time. Five areas in which I commit to improve are: 1. Prioritizing
allow you to focus on what is important. 2. Good decision-making skills is the foundation
for time management. 3. Waste less time, never waste time, always utilise your time. 4.
Learn to plan efficiently. 5. Ability to beat procrastination and laziness is among the
Ques:7 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will you overcome them?
Ans: Following are the blocks to efficient time management: 1. Interruptions. 2.
say no. 6. Unexpected visitors. I can overcome them by: 1. Prioritize. 2. Schedule phone
calls with end times when possible. 3. Set goals, achieve goals. 4. Using time
management grid. 5. Do it now. 6. Avoid watching late shows as this will delay the day
Ques 8.Which leadership function do you think is most important and justify your choice.
Ans.The main function of leadership is responsibilities which a leader performs these
strategy. 5. Demonstrate that others learn throw their work. 6. Link between
management and workers. 7. Direction and motivation. 8. Coordination with the team. 9.
Communicate the end result in an understandable way. 10. Result oriented. 11. Provide
a clear vision. 12. Controlling. All above the points are most important functions for
leadership as a leader.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
setting is to have absolute belief and faith in the process. If you don’t
believe you can
absolutely transform your life and get what you want. 2. Purpose:
Knowing why you
instantly recognize why you want that particular goal and whether it’s
worth working
toward. 3. Visualize: What you want. Think of what you deeply desire in
your life or
financial, social and spiritual need to be addressed? The clearer you are
with each of
these dimensions will bring your vision into sharp focus. 4. Get it down:
Writing down
Personality Development – Written Assignment
your goals is key to success. By writing down your goals, you become a
creator. 5. No
time like the present: To show how committed you are to your goals;
think of something
you can do right now that will get you moving toward fulfilling your
goals. 6.
accountable unless you bring in outside help like a coach who provides
it for you. 7. Plan
of action: Being really clear about what you want, knowing your
purpose, writing your
goals down, committing, to them and staying focused gives you the
power of clarity to
write down a list of action steps. 8. Commit: This might sound obvious
to you but it’s a
step that has disastrous consequences when it’s taken lightly. Without
goals, you manifest. You may not know how you’ll reach your goals but
when you make a
daily practice of focus, they become easier to reach. 10. Review: Make
it part of your day
Personality Development – Written Assignment
to review your goals and take action. This keeps your goals alive and
top of mind.
Ques10.What are the patterns of communication? Give example for each. (MERIT)
Ans.Two patterns of communications are: 1. Horizontal communication. 2. Vertical
the employees, between the top managements. 2. Vertical communication: - From top
Ques:11. What are Ego states? Which Ego state do you operate most often? (MERIT)
Ans.Ego states are a consistent pattern of thinking, feeling and behaviour. Berne’s
Personality Development – Written Assignment
tripartite model is an explanation of three main events that happen to all of uschildhood, the
development of rational, logical thinking and exposure to parental or
significant others influence. Each and every human being behaving in different ego
states depending upon moment and person. PAC P-Parent ego state. A- Adult ego state.
C- Child ego state. Ego state which I operate most is – Adult ego state. a. With my
grandparents I am in adult ego state. b. With my senior I behave in adult ego state. c.
Ques12.List any 4 areas where you would like to be more persistent? How will you do it?
Ans.four areas in which I want to be more persistent are: 1. Compassion. 2. Trust. 3.
everyone, I will become more compassion. 2. Trust: I will show my trust on others. 3.
Modest: I will not show others what I am but let them know about me themselves. 4.
Generosity: I will start to think more and increase interaction with people as it will show
how generous I am.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
when it comes to polishing your skills and improving the possibilities are endless. If you
make good use of the resources, you can learn new skills and develop new ones, that is
why I want to improve my personality because I want to be best version of myself. I want
to develop a warmer personality by making good connections with others, learning new
Ques2.List 5 areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to positive
attitudes? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. I possess negative attitudes in the below five areas and also have listed out the
respective ways which I follow to change them into positive ones. 1. Lack of interest in
studies: Pay proper attention while teachers take class. 2. Overeating (Eat huge amount
of oily and deep-fried foods): Do regular exercise. 3. Saying lies: Control mind and
practice saying truth always in each situation. 4. Emotional (Get short tempered quickly):
Perform meditation. 5. Playing mobile games: Divert my mind and spend time in outdoor
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ans.I can motivate people by telling them to: a. Invest. b. Teach. c. Define. d. Do favours
in advance. e. Communicate. Example. a. Invest: Your time in your team. Find out what
your people’s goals, values, aspirations, and futures are all about. b. Teach: Your people
how to win. Work to align what you expect with what others want and care about. c.
Define: How each person fits within the group. This will create a stronger sense of role
you are in need, you will have others willing to help. e. Communicate: To others as they
initiative or sense of accountability, them reach out to each person in the way he or she
best understands.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ques4.What are the applications of Emotional Intelligence? Give examples explaining this
application? (DISTINCTION)
Ans.Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of express one’s emotion and to
Ques5 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will "YOU" overcome them?
Ans.Following are the blocks to efficient time management: 1. Interruptions. 2.
say no. 6. Unexpected visitors. I can overcome them by: 1. Prioritize. 2. Schedule phone
calls with end times when possible. 3. Set goals, achieve goals. 4. Using time
management grid. 5. Do it now. 6. Avoid watching late shows as this
will delay the day schedule.
Ques 6.What are the three factors essential for leadership to function effectively?
Ans .The three leadership essential factors are: 1. Grow relationships: (a) Take the
initiative to clarify misunderstandings and repair damaged relationships. (b) See people
as individuals rather than resources. 2. Set clear direction: (a) Eliminate low payoff
efforts. (b) Deploy the right people to the best opportunities. 3. Establish trust and
demonstrate integrity: (a) Do what you say you will do. (b) Safeguard sensitive
Ques7.What are the barriers you faced while improving your communication? What will you do
to overcome them? (DISTINCTION)
Ans.Barriers that I face are: a. The use of jargon. b. Language differences and the
unfamiliar accents – Try to adapt to the situation and learn language as soon as possible.
interaction will help me overcome this problem. d. Lack of attention, interest – Choose
gestures, posture and general body language can make communication more effective
and avoid phone calls, text messages and other communication methods that rely on
technology are often less effective than face to face communication.
7.Actions. 1. Reality and facts: There are reality and facts all around you and the first
step in the ladder of inference is to observe that information. Example: Employee shows
up 20 minutes late, looking frazzled and frustrated and stops by to thank the
receptionist for taking his call. 2. Selected reality: Here’s the thing though it’s not often
that we use all available, selected reality to make decisions. Example: Employee shows
up 20 minutes late.
Personality Development – Written Assignment
39. 3. Interpreted reality: Next up, we assign meaning to that information based on our
own past experiences, biases and beliefs. Example: Struggled with a previous employee
who had no respect for schedules or timelines and was really difficult to work with. 4.
Assumptions: When we assign meaning to that data that equips us to make assumptions
-to Ignore all of the other realities and facts and jump to conclusions about what’s
happening. Example: Current employee was late because he also doesn’t take schedules
seriously. 5. Conclusions: From there, we transform our own assumptions into firm
conclusions – again, without considering all of the facts and realities we could’ve been
reprimanded and reminded that they must show up to work on time. Otherwise, this will
snowball into an even larger problem. 6. Beliefs: Here’s where things can really become
problematic, based on those conclusions we drew, we adopt beliefs about the situations.
We then use those beliefs and experiences to shape future judgments about similar
scenarios. Example: Any employee who shows up late has no regard for schedules and
authorities and needs to be dealt with accordingly. 7. Actions: With all of that in mind,
we take action. But again, we are operation based on our own assumption rather than
Ques 9.Which of the five team life-cycle stages occurs after storming? (DISTINCTION)
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ans.The five stages that may occur after this storming are: 1. Conflict. 2. Competition. 3.
Ques10.What Barriers did you face during your Project work? How can it be translated to your
Desired Job? (DISTINCTION)
Ans..• A barrier or barricade is a physical structure which blocks or impedes something.
Barrier to entry, are obstacles that make it difficult to entering one of the major barriers
I have gone through is permission from the managers for my field activity Example:
When I went to coffee day the manager did not allow me to take the survey. He said he
• Types of barriers: There are three types of barriers which I had faced.
• Communication Barrier
• Physical Barrier
• Personal Barrier
Ehoical Barrier Physical Barriers consist of any sound that prevents a person from being
heard Physical noise interferes with a speaker's ability to send messages and with an
audience's ability to receive them Other physical blocks include mumbling, speaking too
fast, distracting gestures, noise inside the room such a ringing telephones etc.
below our personal radar The barriers that elude you are very clever
choices, but in reality they are nothing more than subtle methods of
Based on all these experiences I will try to improve in many factors that
• Type of approach
• Knowledge on market
Ques11.How your Inter personal skills will help you to achieve your goal?(DISTINCTION)
(a) With good interpersonal skills I will be able to work well in a team or
group and
of life at work, in education and socially. (b) This skill which I need is full
of information
interpersonal skills.
Ques12.What sort of moral values you are lacking and how you can develop the same?
Personality Development – Written Assignment
Ans.The moral values which I am lacking are: 1. Accountability: Youth is that stage of
life, where most of us makes some sort of mistake. But rarely somebody has the courage
to accept his / her fault. So, I will be accountable accept my mistakes. 2. Patience: Life,
nowadays, is moving at such a pace that the youth is becoming more and more
impatient. Desires are increasing at an alarming rate so I will work hard to get them