India Bulls Project
India Bulls Project
India Bulls Project
H.T.NO. 227809672003
I hereby declare that this Project Report titled ONLINE TRADING DERIVARIVES submitted by me to the Department of Business Management, O.U., Hyderabad, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr.S.SATISH KUMAR, Relationship Manager, INDIA BULLS SECURITIES Ltd, Secundrabad, for giving me the opportunity to carry out the project work. I would like to give special acknowledgement to S. MOHAN RAO, Principal, Grahambell pg college support and motivation. I am grateful to Mr.S.R.PRASAD, HOD Associate professor in finance, Grahambell pg college for his technical expertise, advice and excellent guidance. He not only gave my project a scrupulous critical reading, but added many examples and ideas to improve it. I am indebted to my other faculty members who gave time and again reviewed portions of this project and provide many valuable comments. I would like to express my appreciation towards my friends for their encouragement and support throughout this project. for his consistent
Need for the study Objectives of the study Company profile Methodology Limitations
Chapter II
Chapter -III
Chapter -IV
Introduction :
In our present day economy, finance is defined as the provision of money at the time when it is required. Every enterprise, whether big, medium or small, needs finance to carry on its operations and to achieve its targets in fact; finance is so indispensable today that it is rightly said that it is the lifeblood of an enterprise. The term ownership securities also known as capital stock represents shares. Shares are the most universal forms of raising long-term funds from the market. Every company, except a company limited by guarantee, has a statutory right to issued shares. The capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts known as shares. According to Farewell .j, a share is, the interest of a shareholder in the company, measured by a sum of money, for the purpose of liability in the first place, and if interest in the second, but also consisting a series of mutual covenants entered into by all the shareholders interest. Section 2(46) of the companies act, 1956 defines it as a share in the share capital of a company, and includes stock except where a distinction between stock and shares expressed or implied. Share market is of two types. They are cash market and derivative market. Cash markets are the secondary markets where trading in existing securities is done. Listing of new issues for investment and disinvestments by savers/investors takes place. It imparts liquidity or encash ability to stocks and shares. Stock exchange is a market in which
securities are bought and sold and it is an essential component of a developed capital markets. The securities contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, defines Stock Exchange as follows: It is an association, organization or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling of business in buying, selling and dealing in securities. A stock exchange, thus imparts marketability and liquidity to securities, encourage investments in securities and assists corporate growth. Stock exchanges are organized and regulated markets for various securities issued by corporate sector and other institutions. Derivatives are a product whose value is derived from the value of one or more basic variables, called bases (underlying asset, index, or reference rate,) in a contractual manner. The underlying asset can be equity, fore ex. Commodity or any other asset. For example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their harvest at a future date to eliminate the risk of a change in prices by that date. Such a transaction is an example of a derivative. In the last 20 years derivatives have become notably important in the world of finance. Futures and options are now globally traded on many exchanges. Forward contracts, Swaps and many different types of options are regularly conducted by outside exchanges by financial institutions, fund managers and corporate treasurers in what is termed the over the counter market. Derivatives are also sometimes added to a bond or stock issue. Further, the very nature of volatility in the financial markets, the use of derivative products, it is possible to partially or fully transfer price risks by locking in asset prices. But these instruments of risk management are generally do not influence the fluctuations in the underlying asset prices. However, by locking asset prices, the derivative products minimize the fluctuations in the asset prices on the profitability and cash flow situations on risk to the investor.
The derivatives are becoming increasingly important in world of markets as a tool for risk management. Derivative instruments can be used to minimize risk. Derivatives are used to separate the risks and transfer them to parties willing to bear these risks. The kind of hedging that can be obtained by using derivatives is cheaper and more convenient than what could be obtained by using cash instruments. It is so because, when we use derivatives for hedging, actual delivery of the underlying asset is not at all essential for settlement purposes. The profit or loss on derivative deal alone is adjusted in the derivative market. Derivative contracts have several variants. The most common variants are forwards, futures, options and swaps. The following three broad categories of participants hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs trade in the derivatives market. Hedgers face risk associated with the price of an asset. They use futures or options markets to reduce or eliminate this risk. Speculators wish to bet on future movements in the price of an asset. Futures and options contracts can give them an extra leverage; that is, they can increase both the potential gains and potential losses in a speculative venture. Arbitrageurs and in business to take advantage of a discrepancy between prices in two different markets. If, for example, they see the futures price of an asset getting out of line with the cash price, they will take offsetting positions in the two markets to lock in a profit. Derivative fluctuations products in initially emerged prices, and as hedging devices against
remained the sole form for such products for almost three hundred years. Financial derivatives came into spotlight in the post-1970 period due to growing instability in the financial markets. However, since their emergence, these products have become very popular and by 1990s, they accounted for about two-thirds of total transactions in derivative products. In recent years, the market for financial derivatives has grown tremendously in terms of variety of instruments available, their complexity and also turnover.
In the class of equity derivatives the world over, futures and options on stock indices have gained more popularity than on individual stocks, especially among institutional investors, who are major users of indexlinked derivatives. Even small investors find these useful due to high correlation of the popular indexes with various portfolios and ease of use. The lower costs associated with various portfolios and ease of use. The lower costs associated with index derivatives vis--vis derivative products based on individual securities is another reason for their growing use. The first step towards introduction of derivatives trading in India was the promulgation of the Securities Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1995, which withdrew the prohibition on option in securities. The market for derivatives, however, did not take off, as there was no regulatory framework to govern trading of derivatives. SEBI set up a 24member committee under the Chairmanship of Dr.L.C.Gupta. on November 18,1996 to develop appropriate regulatory framework for derivatives trading in India. The committee submitted its report on March 17,1998 prescribing necessary pre-conditions for introduction of derivatives trading in India. The committee recommended that derivatives should be declared as securities so that regulatory framework applicable to trading of securities could also govern trading of securities. SEBI also set up a group in June 1998 under the Chairmanship of Prof.J.R.Varma., to recommend measures for risk containment in derivatives market in India. These instruments can be used to speculate or to manage risk in the equity markets. Derivatives are products whose values are derived from one of more basic variables called bases. These bases can be underlying assets such as foreign currency, stock or commodity, bases or reference rates such as LIBOR or US Treasury Rate etc. For example, an Indian exporter in anticipation of the receipt of dollar-denominated export proceeds may wish to sell dollars at a future date to eliminate the risk of exchange rate
volatility by the date. Such transactions are called derivatives, with the spot price of dollar being the underlying asset. Derivatives thus have no value of their own but derive it from the asset that is being dealt with under the derivative contract. For instance, look at an ashtray. It has no value of its own but gains its importance only when one smokes and gain if one wants to collect that ash at one place instead of dirtying the whole room with cigarette ash and its stubs. A smoker can hedge against the risk of stewing the cigarette stubs and ash all around the room. Similarly a financial manager can hedge himself from the risk of a loss in the price of a commodity or stock by buying a derivative contract. Thus derivative contracts acquire their value from the spot prices of the assets that are concerned by the contract. The primary purpose of a derivative contract is to transfer risk from one party to another i.e. risk in a financial sense in transferred from a party that wants to get rid of it to another party that is willing to take it on. Here, the risk that is being dealt with is that of price risk. The transfer of such a risk can therefore be speculative in nature or act as a hedge against price movement in a current or anticipate physical position. A derivative is an instrument whose value is derived from the value of one or more underlying which can either in the form of commodities, precious meat, currencies, bonds, stock and stock indices. As the price of the wheat derivatives would be determined or based on the prices of wheat itself. Given the fast change and growth in the scenario of the economic and financial sector have brought a much broader impact on derivatives instrument. As the name signifies, the value of this product is derived of based on the prices of currencies, interest rate (i.e. bonds), share and share indices, commodities, etc. Not going into very back, financial derivatives just came into existence in the early 1980s. Here the principal instruments, clubbed under the general term derivatives, include
1. Futures & Forwards 2. Options, 3. Swaps 4. Warrants 5. Exotic and are the modern tools of financial risk management. All pricing of derivatives is done by arbitrage, and by arbitrage alone. Here, there is a relationship between the price of the spot and the price in the futures. If this relationship is violate, then an arbitrage opportunity is available, and we people exploit this opportunity, the price reverts back to its economic value. Therefore, arbitrage is the basic requirement for pricing. The role of liquidity i.e. the low transaction costs is in making arbitrage check up and convenient. Derivative markets in Brazil are some of the largest markets in the world even first derivative dealing were started in USA. instrument. Derivative contracts have several variants. The most common variants are forwards, futures, options and swaps. A brief note on the various derivative that are used are as follows: Forwards. A forward contract is a customized contract between tow entities, where settlement takes place on a specific date in future at today pre agreed price. Futures. buy Or sell an asset at a certain time in the future at a certain price. Future contracts are Special types of forward contracts means that the former are standardized exchange Traded contracts. A future contract is an agreement between two parties to We can even know that as the prices of the forward contacts are based on future therefore it can even be termed as derivative
Options. Options are of two types, Calls option. to buy a Given quantity of the underlying asset, at a given price on or before a given future Date. Puts Option. Puts Option give the buyer the right, but not Calls give the buyer the right but not the obligation
obligation to sell a Given quantity of the underlying asset at a given price on or before a given date. Warrants. Longer dated options are called warrants and are generally Traded over the counter. Swaps. Swaps are private agreements between two parties to
exchange cash flows in the future according to a pre- arranged formula. They can be regarded as portfolios of forward contracts.
The fact that currency prices move constantly and businesses face new
Currency derivatives developed in response to the need to manage these risks. In other words the new system of variable exchange rates generated a need to find techniques to reduce the risks arising and simultaneously created opportunities for speculations. Thus financial derivatives develop as a vehicle for these two forms of economic activities. When an investor feels the market will fall, he can hedge this position by selling. Say, Nifty futures against his portfolio. Trading in derivatives in India was introduced in June 2000 on NSE market. The SEBI governs this market buy providing the necessary rules and regulations. Derivatives allow us to manage risks more efficiently by unbundling the risks and allow either hedging or taking only (or more if desired) risk at a time. During the present period, banks have increased their exposure to OTC derivative instruments at such a faster rate that supervisory authorities the world over are getting worried about the risks such exposures involve for the banks. The explosive growth in derivatives has been the result both of intense competition amongst major international banks (as the role have been changed to profitability) and the need of the corporate world, indeed the whole real economy, to hedge exposures in volatile markets. As the increase of players entering market which decrease the margins. Derivatives provide their important economic functions: (1)Risk management (2)Price discovery; and (3)Transactional efficiency The risk which are generally seen in derivatives are generally of four types: (1)Credit risk
(2)Market risk (3)Legal risk (4)Operations risk This should be the following measure to reduce disasters with derivatives: At the level of exchanges, position limits and surveillance procedures should be sound. At the level of clearing houses, margin requirements should be stringently enforced, even when dealing is with large institutions. At the level of individual companies with positions in the market, modern risk measurement systems should be established alongside the creation of capabilities in trading in derivatives. The basic idea, which should be steadfastly used when thinking about returns, is that risk also merits measurement. But why are derivatives such a big hit in Indian market? The derivatives products index futures, index options, stock futures and stock options provide a carry forward facility for investors to take a position (bullish or bearish) on an index or a particular stock for a period ranging from one to three months. The current daily settlement in the cash market has left no room for speculation. The cash market has turned into a day market, leading to increasing attention to derivatives. Unlike the cash market of full payment or delivery, you dont need many funds to buy derivatives products. By paying a small margin, one can take a position in stocks or market index. They provide a substitute for the infamous BADLA system. The derivatives volume is also picking up in anticipation of reduction of contract size from the current Rs.200, 000 to Rs.100, 000. Everything works in a rising market. Unquestionably, there is also a lot of trading interest in the derivatives market.
Company profile:
Indiabulls is Indias leading Financial, Real Estate and Power Company with a wide presence throughout India. They ensure convenience and reliability in all their products and services. Indiabulls has over 640 branches all over India. The
customers of Indiabulls are more than 4,50,000 which covers from a wide range of financial services and products from securities, derivatives trading, depositary services, research & advisory services, consumer secured & unsecured credit, loan against shares and mortgage & housing finance. The company employs around 4000 Relationship managers who help the clients to satisfy their customized financial goals. Indiabulls entered the Real Estate business in the year 2005 with its group of companies. Large scale projects worth several hundred million dollars are evaluated by them. Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The market capitalization of Indiabulls is around USD 2500 million (29thDecember, 2006). Consolidated net worth of the group is around USD 700 million. Indiabulls and its group companies have attracted USD 500 million of equity capital in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) since March 2000. Some of the large shareholders of Indiabulls are the largest financial institutions of the world such as Fidelity Funds, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Farallon Capital.
Growth of Indiabulls
Year 2000-01:
One of Indias first trading platforms was set up by Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd. with the development of an in-house team.
Year 2001-03:
The service offered by Indiabulls was increased to include Equity, F&O, Wholesale Debt, Mutual fund, IPO Financing/Distribution and Equity Research.
Year 2003-04:
In this particular year Indiabulls ventured into Distribution and Commodities Trading business.
Year 2004-05:
This was one of the most important years in the history of Indiabulls. In this year: Indiabulls came out with its initial public offer (IPO) in September 2004. Indiabulls started its Consumer Finance business. Indiabulls entered the Indian Real Estate market and became the first company to bring FDI in Indian Real Estate. Indiabulls won bids for landmark properties in Mumbai.
Year 2005-06:
In this year the company acquired over 115 acres of land in Sonepat for residential home site development. The world renowned investment banks like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs increased their shareholding in Indiabulls. It also became a market leader in securities brokerage industry, with around 31% share in Online Trading. The worlds largest hedge fund, Farallon Capital and its affiliates committed Rs. 2000 million for Indiabulls subsidiaries Viz. Indiabulls Credit Services Ltd. and Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. In the same year, the Steel Tycoon Mr. L N Mittal promoted LNM India Internet venture Ltd. acquired 8.2% stake in Indiabulls Credit Services Ltd.
Year 2006-07:
In this year, Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd. was included in the prestigious Morgan Stanley Capital International Index (MSCI). Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd. was benefited with the Farallon Capital agreeing to invest Rs. 6,440 million in it. The company also received an in principle approval from Government of India
for development of multi product SEZ in the state of Maharashtra. Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd acquired 100% of the equity share capital of Noble Realtors Pvt. Ltd. Noble Realtors is a Company engaged in the business of construction and development of real estate projects. Indiabulls Real Estate Business was demerged to become a separate entity called Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd. The Board of Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd., Resolved to Amalgamate Indiabulls Credit Services Ltd and demerge Indiabulls Securities Limited. Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd
Year 2008-09:
Several developments across its group companies have propelled indiabulls forward and are expected to continue to power the rise of this conglomerate. Indiabulls financial services limited has recently signed a joint venture agreement with sogecap, the insurance arm of Societe Generale (SocGen) for its upcoming life insurance venture. At the same time it has also signed a Memorandum of understanding with MMTC. On the asset management front, the company has received formal approval uhby7hbfrom SEBI and is expected to shortly launch its first NFO. Indiabulls enter in to Public issue for his Indiabulls power Ltd.
Since Indiabulls derives most of its revenues from the brokerage business, its fortunes are very much dependent on the Performance of the capital markets, i.e. debt, derivative and equity markets. The Indian equity markets have grown from strength to strength in the last decade with combined daily volumes of all segments on the BSE and the NSE touching Rs 232 bn in April 2004, from Rs 5 bn in FY96. Total shareholders in the country are over 20 m (2% of population) and this is the third largest after the US and Japan, in absolute terms. However, if one were to compare the percentage of all households in India that are invested in the stock markets, it is only about 1.9% as compared to an estimated 52%(including indirect ownership by way of mutual funds) of all households in the US. This highlights the long-term potential for the sector. to apply
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The Team:
Indiabulls Securities Ltd, main strength lies in its formidable team. This team comprising highly qualified and experienced personnel has been responsible for the overall management of the company and has provided direction in diverse areas of business strategy, operating management, regulatory reporting, human resources development and product development.
Regional Manager Dashmeet Singh Branch Manager Senior Sales Manager Sujeet Roy Chowdary
ARM Raja
Vision statement: To become the preferred long term financial partner to a wide
base of customers whilst optimizing stake holders value
Indiabulls Securities Ltd is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and its global depository shares are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Online trading potential is huge: Online trading accounted for 5% of overall market in FY04 as compared to an estimated 3% in FY03. Indiabulls currently has almost 20% market share of volumes in the Internet trading space. The table below indicates the growth in volumes of the Internet trading segment on the NSE over the
last few years. The growth is indicative of the potential of this segment, which we believe is likely to be robust going forward as well. This is primarily driven by increasing penetration of computers, significant decline in Internet charges, convenience of usage and cost advantage. To put things in perspective, the offline brokerage on equities is around 1.0% as compared to 0.5% in the online trading space.
CM: Cash Market, F&O: Futures and Options market * At the end of the financial year ** trading value for F&O segment compiled from June 2009
Advisory services:
Indiabulls is also into mutual fund and insurance advisory businesses. Though this field is extremely competitive and requires significant research skills, these are highly profitable business segments. Though these businesses currently account for an insignificant portion of overall revenues, considering the penetration levels of mutual funds and insurance in the country, prospects are promising.
Products provided
Power Indiabulls An online trading system designed for the high-volume trader. The platform provides enhanced trade information and executes orders on an integrated software based trading platform.
Investment Advisory and Broking? Division Project Syndication Division? Institutional Equity Broking? Division Institutional Debt Broking? Division
Retail Offerings:
? Wealth Management Services ? Portfolio Management Services ? Securities Broking-Equities and derivatives ? Depository & Custodial Service & Distribution of financial . Products. .
Indiabulls securities provides a wide range of services that include Power Indiabulls: An online trading system designed for the high-volume trader. The platform provides enhanced trade information and executes orders on an integrated software based trading platform. 1) Equities 2) Commodities 3) Wholesale debts 4) Futures and options 5) Depository services 6) Equity research services 7) Post Trade -Custodial, 8) Depository Services 9) Payment Gateway 10) Other back office support
ICICI BANK, IDBI BANK, CITI BANK. INCLUDEPICTURE " name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Company Achievements:
The Indiabulls Group is one of the top fifteen conglomerates in the country with businesses in several significant sectors. The Indiabulls Financial Services stock is the best performing stock in the MSCI Index the global benchmark for equity investments. Indiabulls Real Estate Limited partnered Farallon Capital Management LLC of the US to bring the first Foreign Direct Investment into real estate. Indiabulls Financial Services Limited was accorded the highest rating P1+ for short term debt and the highest rating of AAA (SO) by CRISIL for loan receivables securitization while Indiabulls Securities Limited is the only broker in India to be assigned CRISILs highest broker quality grading of BQ1. In December 2007, Indiabulls acquired Pyramid Retail including Piramyd Megastores and Trumart, their chain of lifestyle and convenience outlets INCLUDEPICTURE " name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE " name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Company competitors
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name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET Kotak Securities Ltd, ICICI Securities Ltd, HDFC Securities Ltd, Religare Securities Ltd, Birla Money, Indiainfoline Ltd. INCLUDEPICTURE " name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE " name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=1276a555e413e 077" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Financial position:
------------------- in Rs. Cr. -------------------
Share holding pattern 31/12/2010 30/09/2010 30/06/2010 as on : Face value 2.00 2.00 2.00 No. Of % No. Of % No. Of % Shares Holding Shares Holding Shares Holding Promoter's holding Indian Promoters 75368614 24.32 75368614 24.32 75368614 29.72 Sub total 75368614 24.32 75368614 24.32 75368614 29.72 Non promoter's holding Institutional investors Banks Fin. Inst. and 131800 0.04 41300 0.01 41300 0.02 Insurance FII's 141369414 45.62 147281983 47.53 82471653 32.52 Sub total 150775461 48.65 155954530 50.33 83290623 32.84 Other investors Private Corporate 9918855 3.20 5988096 1.93 3902722 1.54 Bodies NRI's/OCB's/Foreign 33301563 10.75 28467067 9.19 35648843 14.06 Others Others 15612572 5.04 23742559 7.66 39177681 15.45 Sub total 58832990 18.99 58197722 18.78 78729246 31.04 General public 24911235 8.04 20359934 6.57 16241286 6.40
Share holding pattern 31/12/2010 30/09/2010 30/06/2010 as on : Face value 2.00 2.00 2.00 Grand total 309888300 100.00 309880800 100.00 253629769 100.00
Brand Values
Indiabulls is amongst the largest non-banking financial services companies in India and enjoys strong brand recognition and customer acceptance.
The company attributes its dominant position in the brokerage industry to the preferential status it enjoys with investors Coupled with its forays into various segments; the Group believes that the bulk of its brand story is yet to be written. Indeed, when a case study on Indias youngest brands which have had a profound impact on the economy is crafted, Indiabulls will feature prominently in it. THINGS
Recent Developments
Several developments across its group companies have propelled Indiabulls forward and are expected to continue to power the rise of this conglomerate. Indiabulls Financial Services Limited has recently signed a joint venture agreement with Sogecap, the insurance arm of Societe Generale (SocGen) for its upcoming life insurance venture. At the same time it has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MMTC, the largest commodity trading house in India, to establish a Commodities Exchange with 26% Ownership held by MMTC. On the asset management front, the company has received formal approval from SEBI and is expected to shortly launch its first NFO.
The Board of Directors Following is the list of our Board Members as on November 4, 2009 . Mr. Sameer Gehlaut Chairman & CEO
Gagan Banga
Executive Director
Rajiv Rattan
Shamsher Singh
Aishwarya Katoch
Director Director
Saurabh K Mittal
Executive Director
Amit Jain
Company Secretary
Facts expressed in quantity form can be termed as data. Data maybe classified either as: i. Primary data ii. Secondary data i) Primary Data: Primary data is the first hand information that a researcher gets from various sources like respondents, analogous case situations and research experiments. Primary data is the data that is generated by the researcher for the specific purpose of research situation at hand. For this project the primary data will be collected from the personnel. This data can also be obtained through a questionnaire, based upon which some statistical techniques are applied.
Secondary Data: Secondary data is already published data collected for some
purpose other than the one confronting the researcher at a given point of time. The secondary data can be gathered from various sources like statistics, libraries, research agencies etc. In this case the secondary information is to be collected from newspapers like Business line and business magazines like Business Today and Internet.
The project may suffer from the following limitations: The required data may not be available due to which it cannot be accurate. Some of the important information is included because of time constraint. It was deliberately difficult to collect the data from the clients, as they are apparently busy
Capital Markets
Derivative Markets
Financial markets are in the forefront in developing economics. The vibrant financial market enhances the efficiency of capital formation. Well-developed financial markets enlarge the range of financial services. Thus, financial markets bridge one set of financial intermediaries with another set of players. The main functions of the financial markets are: To facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity. To serve as intermediaries for mobilization of savings. To provide financial convenience, and To cater to the various credits needs of the business houses. Types of Financial markets: On the basis of the maturity period of the financial assets, the market can be divided into:
A money market is a mechanism through which short-term funds are loaned and borrowed and through which a large part of the financial transaction of a particular country of the world are cleared. The money market is divided into 3 sectors namely organized sector, unorganized sector and Cooperative sector. Organized sector is comparatively well developed in terms of organized relationships and specialization of functions. It consists of the Reserve Bank of India, various scheduled and non-scheduled commercial banks. The development banks, other financial institutions like LIC, UTI, discount and finance house of India limited are all a part of the organized sector. The unorganized sector is more dominate in India. The only link between the organized and unorganized sectors is through commercial banks. consists of the indigenous bankers, Moneylenders, Nidhis and Chit funds. The cooperative sector consists of the state cooperative banks, primary agricultural credit societies, Central Cooperative banks, and State Land Development bank It
Stock Market
Primary Market
Secondary Market
Stock Exchanges
Cash Segment
Derivative Segment
Interest rate
Capital market is an organized mechanism for effective and efficient transfer of money capital of financial resources form the investing class i.e., a body of individual or institutional savers, to the entrepreneur class i.e., a body of individual or institutions engage in industry, business or service in the private and public sectors of the economy. Functions of capital market: The capital market is directly responsible for the following activities. Mobilization of National savings for economic development Mobilization and import of foreign capital and foreign investment capital plus skill to fill up the deficit in the required financial resources to maintain expected rate of economic growth. Productive utilization of resources Direction the flow to funds of high yields and also strives for balance and diversified industrialization. Constituents of capital market: The capital market comprises of mutual funds, development banks, specialized financial institutions, investment institutions, state level development banks, lease companies, financial service companies, commercial banks and other specialized institutions set up for the growth of capital market like SEBI, CRISIL.
Stock markets are the secondary markets where trading in existing securities is done. Listing of new issues for investment and disinvestments by savers/investors takes place. stocks and shares. Stock exchange is a market in which securities are bought and sold and it is an essential component of a developed capital markets. The securities contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, defines Stock Exchange as follows: It is an association, organization or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling of business in buying, selling and dealing in securities. It imparts liquidity or encash ability to
A stock exchange, thus imparts marketability and liquidity to securities, encourage investments in securities and assists corporate growth. Stock exchanges are organized and regulated markets for various securities issued by corporate sector and other institutions.
An organization in the form of an association or company A governing body to supervise and control its activities A framework of rules and regulations A common meeting place for purchasers and sellers Only members are allowed to conduct business in a stock exchange.
Ensures liquidity of capital Provides ready market for securities Directs flow of capital into profitable channels Evaluation of financial conditions and prospects of listed firms Facilitates speculation Promotes and mobilizes savings Promotes industrial growth and economic development Platform for public debt Clearing house of business information
The benefits of stock exchange can be studied under the following headings: 1. Advantages to the companies: Ready market for securities Increase in price Increase in goodwill Agent between companies and the investors
2. Advantage to the Investors Safety of investment and Best use of capital More collateral value Publication of price list of securities Powerful hedge against inflation
3. Advantage to the society: Helpful in industrialization Increase in rate of capital formation Savings are encouraged Inventive for efficiency Government can raise funds for important projects Provides a mirror to reflect general economic condition There are stock 23 exchanges in India. They are National Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange, Ban galore Stock Exchange, Ahmedabad Stock Exchange, Calcutta Stock Exchange, Delhi Stock Exchange, Hyderabad Stock Exchange, MadhyaPradesh Stock Exchange, Madras Stock Exchange, Cochin Stock Exchange, UttarPradesh Stock Exchange,Pune Stock Exchange, Ludhiana Stock Exchange, Guwahati Stock
Exchange, Mangalore Stock Exchange, Vadodara Stock Exchange, Rajkot Stock Exchange, Bhubaneshwar Stock Exchange, Coimbatore Stock Exchange, Jaipur Stock Exchange, Merrut Stock Exchange, Patna Stock Exchange, over the counter exchange of India. The most prominent among these are Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange,
The Executive Director as the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Exchange and the Chief Operating Officer and other Heads of Departments assist him. The Exchange has inserted new Rule No.126 A in its Rules, Bylaws & Regulations pertaining to constitution of the Executive Committee of the Exchange. Accordingly, an Executive Committee, consisting of three elected directors, three SEBI nominees or public representatives, Executive Director & CEO and Chief Operating Officer has been constituted. The Committee considers judicial & quasi matters in which the Governing Boarding has powers as an Appellate Authority, matters regarding annulment of transactions, admission, continuance and suspension of member-brokers, declaration of a member-broker as defaulter, norms, procedures and other matter relating to arbitration, fees, deposits, margins and other monies payable by the member-brokers to Exchange, etc.
Huge investor base Familiarity of investors with Bases operation. Large nationwide network of brokers and sub brokers. 120 years experience in equity trading. Expands its vast network to retain business.
Monopoly lent clout that is susceptible to competition. Lack of transparency Lengthy settlement period Close club culture prevails Government preference for National Stock Exchange.
Transparency and National reach. Equal access to all members Government patronage Institutional patronage Provides avenue for investment trading Hi-tech infrastructure FIIs more comfortable with screen based trading Specializing in derivatives Futures & Options
No track record. Screen based trading is a new concept Short run concentration in Mumbai Back up infrastructure like communication not in place. Prohibitive costs of entry for small brokers. Untested systems for large volumes of trade. BSEs established system, its network of brokers and sub brokers. Uneven track record of computerization in India.
National Stock Exchange operates two segments namely wholesale debt market and capital market.
1. WDM segment:
The WDM segment or the money market as it is commonly referred as, is a facility for institutions and corporate bodies to enter into high value transactions in instruments such as government securities, treasury bills, public sector nits (PSU) bonds, commercial paper certificates of deposit. On the WDM segment, there are two types of entities. Trading members who can either trade on their account or on behalf of their clients including participants? While participants are the organizations directly responsible for settlement of trades who settle trades executed on their own account and on behalf of those clients who are not direct participants.
A contract, which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of underlying securities. The derivatives are securities under the SCA and hence the trading of derivatives is governed by the regulatory framework under the SCA
1. Price discovery: prices. 2. Risk transfer: Derivatives instruments do not themselves involve risk they redistribute the risk between the market participants. The markets indicate what is likely to happen and
3. Market completion: With the introduction of derivatives the underlying market witnesses higher trading volumes.
Provide enhanced yield on assets. Reduce finding costs by borrowers Modify payment structure of assets to correspond to investors market views, Reflects the perception of market participants about future price of assets. Increase trading volumes by increasing confidence of investors Speculative trade's shifts to amore controlled environment. Acts as a catalyst for new entrepreneurial activity. Helps to increase savings and investment in the long run and promotes economic development as it depends on the rate of savings and investment. Helps to transfer the market risk i.e. called hedging which is a protection against losses resulting from unforeseen price and volatility changes. Thus derivatives are a very important tool of risk management.
Theoretical framework of derivative market.
Interest rate
A Future contract is a contract to buy or sell a stated quantity of a commodity or a financial claim at a specified price at a future specified date. The parties to the Future have to buy or sell the asset regardless of what happens to its value during the intervening period or what shall be the price of the date for which the contract is finalized.
2. Financial Future: These include financial claims such as shares, debentures, treasury bonds, and share index, foreign exchange. Futures are traded at the organized exchanges only. The exchange provides the counter-party guarantee through its clearinghouse and different types of margins
system. Some of the centers where Futures are traded are Chicago board of trade, Tokyo stock exchange.
Spot Price: The price at which an asset trades in the market. Future Price: The price at which the Future contract trades in the future market.
Contract Cycle: The period over which a contract trades. The index
Future contract on the NSE have one-month, two months, three-month expiry cycles which expire on the last Thursday of the month. On the Friday following the last Thursday a new contract having a three months expiry is introduced for trading. Expiry Date: It is the date specified in the Future contract at the end of which it will cease to exit.
margin call and is expected to top up the margin account to the initial margin level before trading commences on the next day.
Future, as a technique of risk management provide several services to the investor and speculators as follows: A) Future provides a hedging facility to counter the expected movement in prices.
B) Futures help indication the future price movement in the market. C) Future provides an arbitrage opportunity to the speculators. Pay off for Futures: A pay off is the likely profit/loss would accrue to a market participant with change in the price of the underling asset. Futures contract have linear pay offs. It means the losses as well as profits for the buyer and the seller of a Future contract are unlimited. Pay off for buyer of Futures: Long Futures The pay off for a person who buys a Futures contract is similar to the pay off for a person who held on asset. He has a potentially unlimited upside as well as a potentially unlimited downside. E.g.: An investor buys nifty Futures when the index is at 1320 if the index goes up, his Future position starts making profit. If the index falls his Future position starts showing loss
Pay off for seller of Futures: Short Futures They pay off for a person who sells a Future contract is similar to the pay off for a person who shorts an asset. He has potentially unlimited upside as well as a potentially unlimited downside.
E.g.: An investor sells nifty Future when the index is at 1320. If the index goes down, his Future position starts making profit. If the index rises, his Futures position starts showing losses.
Divergence of Futures and Spot Prices: The basis the difference between the Future price and the current price is known as the basis.
S= Spot Price
In a normal market the Future price would be greater then spot price and therefore, the basis will be positive, while in an inverted market, the basis is negative since the spot price exceeds the future price in such a market. The price of Future referred to the rate at which the Futures contract will be entered into.
1) Time involved
2) Rate of Interest
insurance cost and other costs incurred till the delivery date. Generally longer the time of maturity, the greater the carrying costs. As the delivery month approaches, the basis declines until the spot and Futures prices are approximately the same. The phenomenon is known as convergence.
Futures Price
THE NSE 50 indexes called NIFITY was launched by the national stock exchange of India Limited (NSE) in April 1996, taking as base the closing prices of November 3, 1995 when one year of operations of its capital market segment was completed. The base value of the index has been set to 1000. The index is based on the prices of shares of 50 companies chosen from among the companies traded on the NSE, each with a market capitalization of at least Rs.500 crores and having a high degree of liquidity. The methodology used for the computation of this index is market capitalization weight age as followed by the S & P Nifty, which is maintained by IISL i.e., India Index services, and products limited, a company set up by NSE and CRISIL with technical assistance from standard & poors. In the market capitalization weighted method, Current Market Capitalization Index = ---------------------------------------- * Base Value Base Market Capitalization Where Current market capitalization = Sum of (Current marketing Price * Outstanding Shares) of all securities in the index. Base market capitalization = Sum of (Market Price * Issue Size) of all securities as on base date.
In a short hedger sells Future contract when they have taken a long position on the cash asset, apprehending that prices would fall. A loss in the cash market would result when the prices do fall, but a gain would occur due to the short position in the Future. In a long hedge the hedger buys Futures contract when they have taken a short position on the cash asset. The long hedger faces the rise that prices may risk. If a price rise does not take place, the long hedger would incur a loss in the cash good but would realize gains on the long Futures position. When the asset whose price is to be hedge does not exactly match with the asset underlying the Futures contract so held is called as cross hedge. Hedge ration is the number of future contacts to buy or sell per unit of the spot good position. Optimal hedge ration depends on the extent and nature of relative price movements of the Futures prices and the cash good prices.
move with the index and sell them at a later date. b) Have funds long index Futures: Buy the entire index portfolio in their correct proportions and sell it at a later date. 2. When the markets are expected to do down. a) Short stock long index Futures: Sell selects liquid securities, which move with the index and buy them at a later date. b) Have portfolio, short index Futures: Sell the entire index portfolio in their correct proportions and buy them at a later date. Even when a stock picker carefully purchases stock his estimate may go wrong because the entire market moves against the estimate even though the underlying idea was correct. Hence when a long position is adopted away his index exposure.
Hence id you buy index Future you gain if the index rises and lose if the index falls. 3. Bearish Index short index Futures: When you think the market index is going to fall you can make a profit buy adoption a position on the index. This could be after a bad budget or
bad corporate results, instability. Using index Futures an investor can buy or sell the entire index by trading on one single security. Hence if you sell index Futures you gain if the index falls you lose if the index rises. To prevent large price movement occurring because of speculative excesses and to allow the market to digest any information which is likely to affect the Futures prices in a significant way for most Futures contract there are limits, (both minimum and maximum), on the daily movements of their prices. Every Future contract has a minimum limit on trade-to-trade price changes, which is called a tick say 5 pays or 10 pays. Normally trading on a contract stops one the contract is limit up or limit down. However exchanges ay change the limits when they feel appropriate.
Options are contracts, which provide the holder the right to sell or buy a specified quantity of an underlying asset at an affixed price on or before the expiration of the option date. Options provide a right and not the obligation to buy or sell. 1) The call option: A call option provides the holder a right to buy
specified assets at specified on or before a specified date. 2) The put option: A put option provides to the holder a right to sell specified assets at specified price on or before a specified date.
1) American Options: In the American option, the option holder can exercise the right to buy or sell, at any time before the expiration or on the expiration date. 2) European Options: In the European option, the right can be exercised only on the expiry date and not before. The possibility of early exercise of right makes the American option to be more valuable that the European option to the option holder. 3) Naked Option and covered Options: A call option is called a covered option is called a covered option if it is covered/written against the assets owned by the option writer. In case of exercised of the call option writer can deliver the asset or the price differential. On the other hand, if the option is not covered by physical asset, if is known as naked option.
Option Terminology:
Index Option: These Options have index as the underlying Stock Options: These Options are on individual stocks
Buyer of an option: Is the one who by paying the option premium buys the right but not the obligation. To exercise his option on the seller/writer.
Option Price: I s the Price, which the option buyer pays to the option
seller. Expiration Price: The date specified in the Options contract is known an expiration date, the exercise date, the strike date or the maturity.
Option premium: The buyer of the option has to but the right from
the seller by paying an option premium. The premium is one-time nonrefundable amount for awaiting the right. In case, the right is not exercised later, the option writer does not refund the premium. In-the-money option: If the actual price of the asset is more than the strike price of a call option, then the call is said to be in the money. In the case of put option, if the strike price is more than the actual price them the put is said to be in the money. At the money option: If the spot price is equal to the strike price the option is called at the money. It would lead to zero cash flow if it were exercised immediately. Out of the money option: If the actual price is less than the strike price the call option is said to be out of money. In the case of put option if the strike price is less then the actual price, then the put is said to be of money.
Option payoffs:
The optionally characteristics of Options results in a non-Linear payoff for Options. It means that the losses for the buyer of an option are limited, however the profits are potentially unlimited. For a write the payoff is exactly the opposite. His profits are limited to the option premium, however is losses are potentially unlimited.
The profit/loss that the buyer makes on the option depends on the spot price of underlying. Higher the spot price them the strike price, more is the profit he makes. His loss is limited to the premium he paid
for buying an option. E.g.: An investor buys Nifty Option when the index is at 1220. If the index goes up, he profits. If the index falls he looses.
The profit/loss that the buyer makes on the option depends on the spot of the underlying. Whatever is the buyers profit is the sellers loss. Higher the spot price, more is he loss he makes. I f upon expiration the spot price of the underlying is less than the strike price, the buyer lets his option expire unexercised and the writer gets to keep the premium E.g.: An
investor seller nifty Options when the index is at 1220. If the index goes up, he looses.
The profit/loss that the buyer makes on the option depends on the spot price of the underlying. If upon expiration, the spot price is below the strike price, he makes a profit. Lower the spot price more is the profit
he makes. His loss in this case is the premium he paid for buying the option. Ex: An investor buys nifty Options when the index is at 1220, if the index goes up he looses.
The profit/loss that the seller maker on the option depends on the spot price of the underlying. If upon expiration the spot prices happen to be below the strike price, the buyer will exercise the option on the writer. If upon expiration the spot price of the underlying is more than the strike
price, the buyer lets his option expire un-exercised and the writer gets to keep the premium. E.g.: An investor sells nifty Options when the index is 1220. If the index goes up he profits.
4. Price is zero; strike price moves moves 5. Both long and short at risk 6.Uncertainty in cash flows is more relatively flows
Is less relatively 7.Both parties have unlimited profits limited And losses gains Is unlimited profit of option? Writer is limited to the Premium received but loss is Unlimited to the premium paid but Loss of option holder is
Valuation of Option:
Option cannot be valued in terms of the series of inflow and outflows, required rate of return and the time pattern of inflows and outflows, in these terms because Options have characteristics that make them different from the securities. The valuation of an option depends upon a number of factors relating to the underlying asset and the financial market. Effect of Different factors on the valuation of Options SL.No. Factor Call Option Value Put Option Value
1. Increase in value of underlying asset Decreases 2. Extent of volatility in value of asset 3. Increase in strike price 4. Longer expiration time 5. Increases in rate of Interest 6. Increase in Income from asset Increases Decreases Increases Increases Decreases
The assumption that there are only two possibilities for the share price over next one year is impractical and hypothetical such a strategy may not work because of possibilities is reduce as the time period is shortened.
Volatility, which is not mentioned, can be estimated on the basis of historical Data. . The model is not affected by the risk perception of the investor. . The model does not depend on the expected return on the share.
. The basic assumption that a risk less hedge can be set up in unrealistic. . The transaction costs are bound to be there is the form of brokerage and will Dilute the return. . The estimation of the proper volatility in put remains a serious problem. . The model also helps to calculate the value of put option, through I was Developed primarily to values the call Options.
. Seller Profits: Selling put options is like selling insurance to anyone who feels like earning revenues by selling insurance can set himself up to do so in the index Options market.
Index Options:
An index option provides the buyer of the option, the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the underlying index, at a pre-determined strike price on or before the date of expiration, depending on the type of option.
1. Buy a call: It is exercised if the index is above the strike price. The profit is unlimited. It is equal to the value of index minus break-even point. Where BEP = premium paid + strike price. The maximum loss is limited to the premium paid.
2. Sell a put: It is exercised if the index is below the strike price, the profit is limited to the premium received and the loss is equal to the difference BEP and the index.
Bull call spread: It contains of the purchase of a lower strike price call
and the sale of higher strike price call, of the same month. It is excursed if the index is above the strike prices. The maximum profit is limited to the difference between the two strike prices minus the net premium paid the loss is limited to the net premium paid.
3. Buy a put: It is exercised if the index is below the strike price. The maximum profit is equal to the difference between BEP ad indexes.
1. Long straddle: The purchase of a call and put with the same strike price, the same expiration date and the same underlying. Maximum risk is limited to the premium paid and the maximum profit is unlimited.
Long Strangle: The purchase of a higher call and a lower put that
are both slightly out of the money and have the same expiration date and are on the same underlying. Maximum risk is limited to the premium paid and the maximum profit is unlimited.
Stock Options:
A stock option is a contact, which conveys to its holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell shares of the underlying security at a specified price on or before a given date. After this given date, the option ceases to exist. The caller of an option is, in turn, obligated to the sell shares to the call option buyer or buy shares from the put option buyer at the specified price within the time period the option.
Protect stock holdings from a decline in market price by buying a put. Increase income against current stock holdings by writing a covered call. Fix buying price of a stock, by buying a call. Position for a buy market move-even when you dont know which way prices will move by buying a straddle or strangle. Benefit from a stock prices rise or fall without incurring the lost of buying or selling the stock outright by writing Options.
premium paid loss is equal to the difference between the BEP and the stock price. 4.Buy a put: When the market view is bearish a put is purchased. It is exercised if the stock price is below strike. Maximum profit is equal to the difference between BEP and stock price is below strike. Maximum profit is equal to the difference between BEP and stock price. Maximum loss is limited to the premium paid. 5. Protective Put: buying put when you are long on the stock does it. It helps to protect unrealized profits of the stock. Its is exercised it the stock price is below the strike price. Profit is unlimited while the loss is limited to the premium paid. 6. Covered Put: selling put when you are short on the stock when you have a bearish view of the market does it. It's exercised if the stock price is below the strike price. Profit is limited to the premium received and the difference between the strike prices is the put and the original share price of the short position. Maximum loss is unlimited. 7. Uncovered Put: If a put is sold without corresponding short stock position it is called as uncovered put. It is taken when there is a bearish view of the market. It is exercised if the stock price is below the strikeprice. Maximum profit is limited to the premium received while the loss is equal to the difference between BEP and stock price.
Practical aspects of Derivative Market .
Last Thursday
As per premium
3 months contract
The Futures and Options trading system of NSE, called NEAT- F&O trading system provides a fully automated screen-based trading on a nation wide basis and an online monitoring and surveillance mechanism. It supports on order-driven market and provides complete transparency of trading operations. It is similar to that of trading of equities in the cash market segment. The software for the F&O market has been developed to facilitate efficient and transparent trading Futures and Options instruments. Keeping in view the familiarity of trading members with the current capital market trading system so as to make it suitable for trading Futures and Options. Basis of trading: The Share khan limited provide trading facilities. The NEAT F&O system supports on order-driven market, wherein orders match automatically. Order matching is essentially on the basis of security, its price, time and quantity. time. When any order enters the trading system it is an active order. It tries to find a match on the other side of the book. If it finds a match, a trade is generated. If it does not find a match, the order becomes passive and goes and sits in the respective outstanding order book in the system. The exchange notifies the regular lot size and ticks size for each of the contracts traded on this segment from time to
either on their own account or on behalf of their clients including participants. The exchange assigns a trading members ID to each trading member who can have more than one use. But the maximum number of users allowed for each trading member is notified by the exchange from time to time. 2.Clearing
risk management activities and confirmation\ inquiry of trades through the trading system. 3.Participants: They are clients of trading members like the financial institutions. These clients may trade through multiple trading members but settle through a single clearing member. Corporate Hierarchy: In F & I trading software, a trading member has the facility of defining a hierarchy amongst users of the system. 1) Corporate Manager: The term is assigned to a user placed at the highest level in a trading firm. Such a user can perform at the functions such as order and trade related activities, receiving report for all branches of the trading member firm and also dealers of the firm. He can only define exposure limits for the branches of the firm. 2) Branch Manager: The term is assigned to a user who is placed under the corporate manager. He can perform and view order and trade related activities for all dealers under that branch.
3) Dealer: Dealers are users at the lowest level of the hierarchy. A dealer can perform a view order and trade relates activities only for oneself and does not have access to information on other dealers under either the same branch or other branches.
The cost of a leased line is around 3.5 lakhs. For installation it requires a dish antenna of 1.8 meters diameter. NSE Server Trading is done on Mainframe. Back office on mainframe on Unix servers with oracle database. System requirements include Branded Pentium or higher II, III, IV processors an EICON car (WAN Interface), which is around one lakh, provided by HCL Comet Server+4 nodes with Pentium or higher processor. Windows NT Operating System for all servers and nodes.
VSATs are connected through INSAT-3B satellite. NSE and BSE used leased lines in Mumbai for providing services to corporate members each line costs 1 lakh per year. VSATs are connected through INSAT-3B and in turn are connected to NSE Hub in Mumbai. With more than 3000 VSATs spread across to country. NSE is considered to be the top 10 on the world in providing services through VSATs.
It does not require maintenance up to 3 years, after 3 year in takes up to Rs.1000 per month for maintenance. HCL comnet provides all the maintenance for NSE and provides maintenance for BSE. An annual contract costs around 1.2 lakhs. Problems: Problems occur in connectivity due to heavy networking or sudden increase in network traffic because of market volatility / burst of orders. Log in procedure: On starting the NEAT application the log on screen appears with the following details: User ID, Trading Member ID, Password, New Password. In order to sign on to the system, the user must specify a valid user ID, Trading member ID and Password. A valid combination of the above is needed to access the system. After entering IDs and password, press the enter key to complete the procedure.
fundamental analysis and also any other information available to form their opinions on the likely price movements. 3.Arbitrageurs: They thrive on market imperfections. An arbitrageur profits by trading a given commodity, or other item that sells for different prices in different market. They take advantage of discrepancy between prices in two different markets. They make simultaneous purchase of securities in one market where the price thereof is low and sale in a market where the price is comparatively higher. Arbitrage may be (a) over space or (b) overtime.
Type of Derivatives:
The most commonly used derivatives contracts are forwards, Futures And Options.
Entities where settlement takes place on a specific date in the future at todays pre agreed price.
Futures: A Futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future in the future at certain price. These are standardized exchange traded contracts. Options: An Option gives the holder of the option the right to do someThing. The holder does not have to exercise this right. Options may be call option or put Options. Depending on this maturity the Options may be classified as Warrants longer dated Options having maturity of one year and are generally traded over the counter. LEAPS- long-term Equity Anticipation securities are Options having maturities of up to three years. BASKETS- Option on portfolios of underlying asset. Options. They underlying
asset is usually a moving average or a basket of assets like index SWAPS: These are private agreements between two parties to
a) Interest rates to swaps: These entail swapping only the interest related cash flows between the parties in the same currency. b) Currency Swaps: These entail swapping both principal and interest between the parties, with the cash flows in one direction being the different currency than those in the opposite direction.
S&P CNX Nifty S&P CNX Nifty is a well-diversified 50 stock index accounting for 24 sectors of the economy. It is used for a variety of purposes such as benchmarking fund portfolios, index based derivatives and index funds. S&P CNX Nifty is owned and managed by India Index Services and Products Ltd (IISL), which is a joint venture between NSE and CRISIL. IISL is Indias first specialized company focused upon the index as core products. IISL have a consulting and licensing agreement with Standard & Poors (S&P), who are world leaders in index services. The average total traded value for the last six months of all Nifty stocks is approximately 77% of the traded value of all stocks on the NSE.
Nifty stocks represent about 61% of the total market capitalization as on August 31,2004. Impact coast of the S&P CNX Nifty for a portfolio size of Rs.5 million is 0.10% S&P CNX Nifty is professionally maintained and is idea for derivatives trading.
Trading in Nifty
The National Stock Exchange o India Limited (NSE) commenced trading in derivatives with index futures on June 12,2000. The futures contracts on
NSE are based on S&P CNX Nifty. The Exchange later introduced trading on index options based on Nifty on June 4,2001. The turnover in the derivatives segment has shown considerable growth in the last year, with NSE turnover accounting for 60% of the total turnover in the year 2000-2001. Future details on index based derivatives are available under the Derivatives (F&O) section of the website.
Derivatives market is mainly useful for short-term investment where there can be a profit. This is because; one need not pay 100% at the time of buying. They can pay it in the form of MARGIN, which depends upon market volatile position. Market values increases per market volatile position. The other advantage is as mentioned above NIFTY can be traded. This is the best part of Derivative market which is even the sensex can be bought and speculated. The sensex is NIFTY. It is tradable. This opportunity is not available is cash market. E.g.: A person bought 100 Reliance shares worth Rs.50, 000(Rs.500 Per Share. Margin of 10-20% has been paid and he can start hedging or speculating. He need not pay 100% of whatever he bought.
As this is on contract, which is for a fixed period of time. The contract ends after certain period like 1 month, 2 months and 3 months. There it is only shot term or for a limited time.
Options is said to be the BEST, as the risk is limit. Advantage can be shown as follows: Risk Profit --------------------- Limited --------------------- Unlimited
E.g.: If the market price is in downwards then, put buy. If the market price is in upwards then, call buy. In case of put buy there is an amount paid know as PREMIUM. The premium depends upon the strike price. Premium is the amount paid which is expected increase amount of money on the scrip.
E.g.: If the market price of scrip is Rs.500 and the strike of price is decided as Rs.501. The extra Re.1 (501-500) is said to be premium. Strike Price: Price taken from the three strike upwards and three strikes downwards of the market price.
In this there is 100 percent risk involved. It depends upon the time values where the interest is calculated. The interest rate depends upon the market values of the scrip. The time values can be said as: E.g.: The number of days between the present day and the last day (contract ending day) is called as time value.
The present analysis is done on 50 clients of sharekhanLtd in Hyderabad. The objective of the analysis is to find out the awareness and utilization of derivative products namely future and Option by the client
Future and Options have been ruling the stock markets as far as the turnover is concerned. But unlike many other broking companies there is a lesser upraise in the F & O segment in Share khan
Limited. Hence the study makes an attempt to find out the reasons for the above by an investor survey.
Particular s No. Of responses
Percentag e
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 less than 20 yerars 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years more than 50 years
no of responses
no of responses
Age of the traders play an important role in their trading decision and outlook. Most of the traders lie in the middle-age between 31-40 and 41-50, which is 44% and 28% respectively. The market improves if the awareness
is created well among the age group 21-30, the market may improve due to rapid speculation of that age grouped people.
Educational Background:
Arts 2 8 5 15 Commerce 0 13 6 19 Science 0 10 6 16 Total 2 31 17 50 Percentag e 4% 62% 34% 100%
Educational backgrounds of the traders play an important role in there trading decision. 96% of the traders are graduates and post graduates of whom 38% are commerce background with B.Com and M.B.A. The large percentages of traders from Science and Arts stream 32% and 30% show that even without basic formal training in commerce it is easy to operate in
educational background helps one to react as per the conditions, sometimes that may not workout. Many a time experience workout and sometimes the knowledge works out where one can follow the media (CNBC TV est.) and grab the present situation of the market.
2. Membership:
Particulars Members Client Total No. Of responses 16 34 50 Percentage 32% 68% 100%
Sharekhan ltd. has many shareholders who also trade in the sock markets. But the number of clients who are not members is close to two-thirds i.e., 68%. In 2000 Share khan got approved as a Depository Participant of National Security Depository Limited, subsidiary of National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Having this facility, they have grater advantage to the valuable customers. Very few Trading members are having this facility as a one-stop service provider.
3. Exchange:
Particulars NSE BSE NSE & BSE Total N0. Of Responses 24 7 19 50 Percentage 48% 14% 38% 100%
The percentages of investors investing in NSE is 48% while that of BSE is only 14%, which shows the growing popularity of the NSE since its inception and its advantage of being the national stock exchange. The popularity and fame of the stock exchanges play a vital role. Here most of the investors are towards NSE than BSE. The reason may be all the derivative strategies are followed by the organization are NSEs.
4. Segment:
Particulars Cash Segment F & O Segment Both Cash and F & O Segment Total No. Of Responses 21 10 19 50 Percentage 42% 20% 38% 100%
Trading in cash segment is relatively more than the F&O segment and is also more popular because of its simplicity. This can be seen from the fact that 42% of traders trade in the cash segment while only 20% of traders trade in the F&O segment. Hence there is a need to increase awareness about derivatives, which is relatively a new concept with advanced strategies.
Came from other broking company to trade Hear Trading Started in SCSL Total
39 50
78% 100%
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Came from other broking company to trade Hear Trading Started in SCSL
The percentage of traders, who have already traded through some other brokers before shifting to is 22% which shows that the services provided by Share khan lid., are superior to the previous brokers. Moreover there are 78% of traders, who have started their trading activities by ShareKhanLtd with ., which speaks of its reputation as the best broker in Hyderabad.
6. Experience of Investors:
Particulars Less than 1 year No. Of responses 6 Percentage 12%
19 18 7 50
no of responses
20 15 10 5 0 Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years More than 10 years Series1
The study reveals the only 12 % of its clients have joined in the past 1 year. Hence the marketing activities of the company have to be more aggressive to widen its clients in the wake of new brokers and sub brokers coming up in the city. Aggressive publicity has to be done in order to stand against the new coming brokers.
Company Image Profitability All Three Profitability and Company Image Earnings Per Share And Image Earnings Per Share and Profitability P/E Ratio Total
10 11 7 5
3 50
6% 100%
The study reveals that investors use varied parameters to make their investment decisions, profitability and image of the company are the two prominent parameters used by most investors. The investors also use a combination of more than one parameter. Mostly one can rely on company image along with profitability but in order to be updated with the latest information once has to follow the media, which gives the exact information time to time.
8. Sources of Information:
Particulars News Papers Annual Reports Share khan review All three News Paper & Annual Reports News Channels Total No. Of Responses 16 14 5 7 5 3 50 Percentage 32% 28% 10% 14% 10% 6% 100%
In combination with other sources of information by Share khan, the study reveals that newspapers and annual reports are the most popular sources of information. Both of which used by 76% of the investors whither independently reviews and technical analysis from various web sites are also popular sources of information used by 26% of traders. Thought he newspapers give the information and the status, the Share khan reviews and the websites analysis along with the follow of media gives the running information.
10 . Favorable scrips for investment: Particulars INFOSYS NTPC TISCO RIL Andhra Bank Miscellaneous Total No. Of responses 12 5 7 10 5 11 50 Percentage 24% 10% 14% 20% 10% 22% 100%
According to their own personal judgments and investment objectives investors have varied views regarding the most favorable scrip for
investment. But Infosys, Reliance Industries Limited, NTPC and TISCO are considered to be a profitable investment by majority of the investors.
11.Purpose of Use: Particulars Speculation Hedging Arbitrage Total No. Of responses 26 18 6 50 Percentages 52% 36% 12% 100%
Derivatives are primarily used for speculation, hedging and arbitraged. The most popular use of derivatives is speculation with more than 52% of the traders speculating in the markets using futures and options. While only 36% of the traders used derivatives for hedging their risk of cash market and 12% traders using it for arbitrage to profit from the different market segments. Due to lack of knowledge in arbitrage people are not able to participate actively. Though the hedging is bit better, that also as very little people who does hedging. In order to in these areas there
should be some classes conducted by sharekhanltd., so that the people are aware of what they are doing and what they have to do.
12.Category of Derivatives: Particulars Futures Options Total No. Of responses 23 27 50 Percentage 30% 70% 100%
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Futures Options
Options are less risky than futures because the maximum loss is limited to the premium paid and the profit potential is unlimited. This is supported by the study which reveals that 70% of the investor trade is more in options than in futures. As futures are 100% risk, people are not going for futures though it ahs 100% profit, as risk involved is more. Options are encouraged much. In the same way if futures are also encouraged then improvement of it can be seen. But some changes he to make as the risk involved in this is very high.
13.Category of contract: Particulars 1 Month Contract 2 Months Contract 3 Months Contract Total No. Of responses 38 7 5 50 Percentages 76% 14% 10% 100%
Trading in futures and options is done in contracts with three different expiry dates. Out of which trading in one-month contracts is more popular because of the relatively predictable fluctuations of the near future. It is very difficult to speculate on prices two months and three months later, which accounts for the low percentages of trades of 14% and 10% in these contracts. One-month contracts works out well here as everything closes in one will know their status in that particular area. So, one-month contracts are in well used. Two month and Three month are also good but risk is involved which most of the clients do not want to face.
14.Knowledge of strategies:
Particulars No knowledge No. Of responses 0 Percentage 0%
36 14
72% 28%
40 30 20 10 0 N o k n o w le d g e Y e s (o n ly b a s ic Ye s (a d va n c e s S tra te g ie s ) S tra te g ie s a ls o
Knowledge of trading strategies of futures and options is very important for profitable trading in this segment. 72% people have knowledge on only the basic strategies, which are easy to understand, and implement of which 28% have the knowledge of the more complex and advanced trading strategies. With the basic knowledge people are speculating well, if they are given a better training classes by Share khan for the advanced strategies they will go in deep further strategies.
15.Investor rating: Particulars Good Better Best No. Of responses 28 9 13 Percentage 56% 18% 26%
People are Very happy with the performance of Share khan. They say it is good at most of the times and best at times. If Share khan follows some new strategies like maintenance of the people which means the operator should have not more 4-5 people so that every one can involve easily in speculation. And some new counters where the clients can take the help in the areas they are uneducated. New counters to explain and understand the strategies etc.
Disciplined Mgt. Regular Trading Information Low Commission Good Maintenance Did not respond Total Delivery Office 2 1 1 8 50 4% 2% 2% 16% 100%
The study reveals the reasons for which Share khan limited is rated as one 0 of the best broking firms in Hyderabad. gt.The company charges mlow S er vice D isciplin ed M Infor m ation C om ission brokerage and is prompt in pay-in and payout of shares and funds. It provides good facilities and services to its clients and the management is very disciplined and co-operative. It provides regular trading information to its clients trough Share khan and guides the clients in their trading activities.
Low B ro ker ag e G o od fa cilities a nd C oo perative & R egular T ra ding Low D eliver y
G oo M a in
Stock exchanges are the pivot of capital market. They serve as the channels through which primary issues are offered to the investing public and they provide the mechanism through outstanding securities are traded. While there we only 9 recognized stock exchanges in 1980, the number had gone up to 23 by the end of 2006. Minimize Disasters with derivatives At the level of exchanges, position limits and surveillance procedures should be sound. At the level of clearinghouse, margin requirements should be stringently enforced, even when dealing with a large institution like Baring. At the level of individual companies with positions on the market, modern risk measurement systems should be established alongside the creation of capabilities in trading in derivatives. The basic idea, which should be steadfastly used when thinking about returns, is that risk also merits measurement. Options margining work: In the case of futures, both short and long are charged initial margin, and after this, both sides pay daily mark-to-mark margin. This is not how options work. In the options market, the long pays up the full price of the options on the same day, and the short puts up initial margin. After this, the long is relieved of all responsibilities to his position, and the short pays daily mark-to-market margin.
The initial margin of the option short is the largest loss that he can suffer with a one-day price change that goes against his. This is calculated using theoretical option-pricing formulas. Derivatives allow a shifting of risk from a person who does not want to dear the risk to a person who wants to dear the risk. The only investment decision that can be made is whether to be in a certain area of business or not. For example, if a garment exporter dislikes currency risk, the only choice that he faces (in a world before derivatives) is whether to be in garment export or not. Which derivatives, he has the ability and choice to insure against currency exposure. And he is able to do this by trading this exposure with others in the economy that is equipped to deal with it. Both futures and options markets have a significant impact upon the informational efficiency of financial markets. In the case of futures: 1. The simplest and most direct effect is that the launch of derivatives market is correlated with improvements in market efficiency in the underlying market. This improved market efficiency means that the market prices of individual securities are more informative. 2. Once futures markets appear, a certain de-linking of roles in the two markets is observed. The cash market caters to relatively nonspeculative orders, and the futures markets takes over the major brunt of price discovery. The futures market is better suited for this role, because of high liquidity and leverage. Whenever news strikes, it first appears as a shock in the futures market prices, which arbitrage then carries into the cash market. 3. Another unique feature applies for the market index. In todays economy, speculation on the level of the index is difficult, because a tradable index does not exist.
Hence informed speculators might try to take positions on individual securities in order to implement views about the index, but this is difficult because of higher transactions costs. 39 Index futures will hence improve the informational quality of the market index. In the case of options: 1. Options are important to the market efficiency of the underlying in much the same way that futures are important. 2. In addition, options play one unique role of revealing the markets perception of volatility. High-quality volatility forecasts have serious ramifications for decisions in portfolio optimization, production planning physical investment decisions, etc. By using the option price in the market, it is possible to infer the markets consensus view about volatility through a simple formula. This is a completely unique role that options play that neither the cash market nor the futures markets can possibly play. This is a very important reason why security options are important. I f options of TISCO existed; the entire market would be able to observe the price of options on the market, and infer a very good forecast about volatility on TISCO in the coming weeks and months.
To succeed trade in futures and options, a thorough understanding of concepts and trading strategies is important, sharekhanltd May put in some special efforts to educate its clients.
sharekhanltd May conduct seminars for its clients and prospective clients for derivative market.
4.In which exchanges do you trade in NSE (), BSE (), HSE (), Any Other -----------5.In which segments do you trade in Cash Market (), Futures and Options (), Mutual Funds () 6.Have you traded through any broker(s). Yes () / No () If yes, Names: _______________________________________________ 7.Since how many years have you been trading? ______________ Years 8. On what basis do you select scrip for trading? EPS (), Company image (), Profitability () OR Any other _______________________________________________
9. From where do you gather information about the scrips? News papers () Annual reports () India Bulls review ()
10.which would you recommend as the three most favorable scrips for Investment? __________________________________________________________-
Book Reference
Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities
-Hull John C. Modern portfolio theory and Investment Analysis Eiton Edwin.j. And Gruber Martin j. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT V K Bhalla.