Urban Voodoo
Urban Voodoo
Urban Voodoo
A Beginner’s Guide to
Afro-Caribbean Magic
All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted, or
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or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher,
except for brief quotations in critical articles, books and reviews.
S. Jason Black
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
Note to the Reader: Shortly before this book went to press, a Santeria
Church in Florida took their case to the Supreme Court of the United States
and won the right to the undisturbed religious sacrifice of animals.
Be warned that police and Christian groups are expected to challenge this
at every opportunity—legally or not.
S. Jason Black
About a year ago I was leaving the Grand Central Market in downtown Los
Angeles. It was a rainy afternoon, and I was carrying about a zillion bags of
groceries, so the moment I was outside I huddled against the wall away
from the street as best I could. The Grand Central Market is an enormous
enclosed space that covers a city block and is more or less the equivalent of
a “farmers market.” The fresh vegetables and baked goods are incredibly
cheap so I made a habit of visiting it about once a month to stock up my
For the last twenty years or so, this particular section of downtown has
become increasingly occupied by shops and markets owned by, or aimed at,
the enormous Latin immigrant population of the area. These include not
only Mexican residents, but an ever-increasing presence from Central and
South America and from Cuba. If you hit the area on a Saturday or Sunday
afternoon, you get the distinct feeling of being in some Brazilian
At any rate, here am I, huddled against the wall by the corner, trying to
stay dry. Having my hands full, and with nothing better to do, I turn and
look at the display window of the drug store I was leaning against. My eyes
stray across cold remedies, mouthwash, tampons, Voodoo dolls…
Voodoo dolls?
I haul myself and my zucchini into the store.
The place that I walked into is called the Million Dollar Pharmacy, and is
on the corner of Broadway and Third. I suppose that it is indeed a
pharmacy, and it is certainly a drugstore in the ordinary sense, but mostly it
is something quite different.
Fully a third to a half of the store is taken up by what is politely referred
to in the yellow pages as “religious goods.” In other words, what was a
pharmacy on the outside, was, on the inside, a Botanica—a supply shop for
the practice of Voodoo and Brujeria.
There were racks of bagged dried herbs, candles in various recherché
forms and tiny little talismans made from stamped metal, some of which I
recognized, many of which I did not. There were floor washes and bath
soaps to attract money or to destroy evil influence, good cigars for ritual
use, racks of booklets in Spanish and Portuguese containing spells and
incantations, and endearing little statues of Eleggua (more on him later) for
home or office.
On the other side of the room were many seemingly orthodox items.
There were crucifixes of various sizes in the baroque Catholic style, one or
two rosaries and a glass case containing beautiful little statues of various
saints. I already knew my subject, however, so I wasn’t fooled by this show
of Christian piety. The saints were all the “masks” of the various daemons
of Afro-Caribbean magic, used as talismans and altarpieces by practitioners
who don’t want the local priest—or members of their family—to know
what they are really into.
Below these were some striking items that I had never seen before. They
were pyramid-shaped objects of cast Lucite containing carefully arranged
cultic and talismanic objects that gave effect of sculptures suspended in
colored air. These were obviously hand made and, upon study, I realized
that they were talismans, each made for a specific purpose, such as money
attraction. These seemed to be magical items, intended to be thought of as
paperweights by the uninitiated. In much the same vein, there were Chinese
Buddhas with similar magic symbols cast into them—another mask.
I walked out without buying anything—that time. While I was startled to
have discovered that little wonderland in such an accidental way, especially
after passing it a hundred times before, I wasn’t all that surprised. Traveling
between downtown and Hollywood—where I was living at the time—I
could count around ten botanicas just on Sunset Boulevard as it led through
the Boyle Heights district and Silverlake into Hollywood proper. In Los
Angeles, as in cities like New York and Miami, businesses catering to
Santeria and the various other Voodoo religions outnumber not only
“occult” shops, but Christian book stores about five to one.
The weird thing about this is that, except for sociologists and “cult
experts,” almost no one outside the religions themselves even know they
exist. This includes people who live cheek by jowl with these shops, and
individuals, such as big city journalists, who should know better.
Example: A couple of years ago, I was watching the local evening news
and the local anchorman appeared with a great big inverted pentagram
bluescreened behind him. “Oh boy!” I thought, “Here comes some fun.”
There followed a report of what the newsman and the police both referred
to as “Satanic rituals” being performed in the San Pedro area (a district near
Los Angeles harbor with a large Hispanic population). The evidence for this
included a rather sizable number of slaughtered chickens and maybe a goat
or two in a dumpster. I was shocked. Not because of the alleged sacrifice of
things people eat for lunch, but because they and the candles discovered
along with them were obviously the remains of a Santeria celebration. Any
magic that was involved was probably white as the driven snow. Yet, both
our beloved Los Angeles Police Department and the professional
journalists, both of whom should know better, never used any word but
Satanism throughout the report. This in reference to a religion that I would
guess conservatively to be half a million strong in Los Angeles county and
with a much richer history.
My outrage at this demonstration of bigoted Christian ignorance was
certainly in the minority, if not unique. Most of the W.A.S.P. population
certainly didn’t question the identification of this “outrage” (give me a
break) as Satanism. In the Christian population, even in Los Angeles, the
christening (sorry) of anything non-Christian as Satanism is a given. To a
large extent this is also true among people with no particular religious
affiliation or interest. Only a few people of European extraction are even
aware of Santeria and its kin, much less sympathetic to it as I am.
Let me make myself clear. I have absolutely nothing against Satanism. I
made it clear in a previous book (Pacts with the Devil, Falcon Press, Tempe,
AZ: 1993 also co-authored with Dr. Hyatt) that it is a perfectly valid system
of self-development and liberation along with the other forms of Goetic
occultism handed down from our European ancestors. I am offended by the
cowardly and emotionally crippling form of “Neo-Paganism” that today
claims to be witchcraft.
What horrifies me is the use of the term as a weapon against a religious
tradition who’s roots were old when the myth of Moses was just being
There are comparatively few books in English on the Voodoo
phenomenon from the point of view of the practitioner and most have been
in print in one form or another for many years—the excellent and
encyclopedic works of Migene Gonzalez-Wippler and Maya Deren, for
example. Almost without exception, these books, including Ms. Wippler’s,
tend to whitewash certain aspects of the Voodoo magician’s relationship to
the world around him and attempt to make it palatable and acceptable to
Christian society.
Dr. Hyatt and I have no such intention.
To begin with, we both know first-hand the futility of attempting to
appease a fascist religious philosophy whose stated purpose for the last
millennium has been the elimination of all other religions of the world.
Over the course of time, this campaign of destruction has been expanded to
include scholars, homosexuals, women, children, artists, and anyone
displaying any talent in the area of human psychic functioning. This leaves
a narrow spectrum of humanity—straight white males of no talent and small
intelligence—who are acceptable in the eyes of “God.”
If there is any question of what type I am referring to, just turn on the 700
Club or one of its clones and there they are.
That vision of ultra-conservative loveliness, Pat Buchanan, has said that
we are in the midst of a “cultural civil war.” We agree.
Western culture in general, and the United States in particular, are in a
situation that has struck Umberto Ecco as curiously similar to the Middle
Ages. By this I mean that there are currently two or more distinct cultures,
cultures with different goals, lifestyles, and religions that are incapable of
coexisting without violence.
Please understand, I am not referring to some “racial problem.” I am
referring to the attack by what is known as the “Christian Right” on the
civil rights—if not the very existence—of certain groups of people who will
no longer submit to psychological disfigurement.
What has this to do with Voodoo? Simply this: of all the techniques of
self-empowerment in history, there is practically only one that has survived
the Inquisitorial onslaught and remained essentially intact and in harmony
with its prehistoric roots: Voodoo.
Ripped by war and the slave trade from its ancient shores, it developed as
a form of occult guerrilla warfare against a religio-military plague that
spread across the planet. What we refer to as the “Voodoo religions”—
Haitian Voodoo, Santeria, and Macumba—are now collectively one of the
largest religions in the world.
And yet, in this country at least, almost no one has heard of it. In fact, on
a recent episode of “The Mclaughlin Group” there was a commentary on
the perennial troubles in Haiti. In a brief prologue they gave some statistics
on the island nation. Among other things it was referred to as simply 80%
This ridiculous lapse on a national news program (on which the lovely
Pat Buchanan used to appear) was obviously due to Christian bigotry, pure
and simple. Whoever had prepared the statistical segment couldn’t bring
themselves to call Voodoo a religion on television.
It is due both to this form of censorship and its own commitment to
secrecy that Voodoo remains invisible to the population at large (in America
at any rate).
We are talking about a secret society of sorcerers, with traditions old
enough and numbers large enough to challenge the Judeo-Christian tyranny.
This makes many of the segments of the “New Age” movement—whether
we talk about followers of Crowley or so-called “Wiccans”—look
irrelevant, something that the next several decades may ultimately prove
them to be. They are, taken together, only a few thousands strong. Large
enough to be noticed and persecuted, but not large enough to fight back.
Nor, from my own extensive experience of these movements, are any of
these people even remotely interested in the practice of magic, only in the
practice of self-deception.
On the other hand, as I write this, an Afro-Caribbean religious group in
Florida has brought their right to the religious sacrifice of animals before
the Supreme Court of the United States—and won. It should be noted, as an
aside, that at no time did the Jews have to appeal to the Supreme Court for
permission to have a rabbi cut the throat of a chicken or cow and offer the
blood to Jehovah. This, for those of you who don’t know, is how kosher
meats are made. So every time you bite into a Hebrew National hot-dog,
you are partaking in part of a blood sacrifice. What an outrage! Call the
Since the Christian Right has declared war, this book is intended, in part
at least, as a tool of guerrilla warfare.
Where the Judeo-Christian religions and most of the New Age movement
tell you to repress your emotions and desires and to (pretend to) think
“happy thoughts”, we say, along with the ancient Voodoo gods, that desire
is honorable, that anger may well be justified, that the will to power is
nothing to be ashamed of.
This book partly tells the story of my involvement in the traditions of
Voodoo and how it came about. There are stories to be told about “religious
experiences” and “psychic phenomena”, but each of these has, as its
ultimate objective, “getting things done.”
This book will not tell you that lust is “unspiritual” or that a money spell
is “low magic.” Nor will we tell you that curses are forbidden and will
“rebound on the sender.” All of this is rubbish promoted by failures who
use the trappings of “spirituality” as a sop for their own inferiority; thus to
them, lack of success, in a dizzying reversal, becomes proof of spiritual
The Voodoo gods are in the world, and to them the world is good, and so
are the desires the world produces.
Many of the books I have read on Voodoo have, in a well-meaning, but
pompous fashion, insisted that these practices should not be undertaken
without initiation. We flatly deny this. This book is written from the point
of view not of the Houngan—the community priest—but of the Bocor—the
sorcerer. It is for the outsider raised in another tradition who may never see
a Santeria priest in his life. It is for the lone practitioner, or the small group.
It is for guerrilla spiritual warfare against fascist religions that want you
under their heels.
But especially, it’s for getting things done.
We want to bring real magic, the genuine experience of the psychic and
the supernatural, to the aspirant in the modern world. Here there is no need
to dress in costumes from the covers of fantasy novels, or to try to
“worship” deities fabricated by a potty old Englishman after World War II.
If you call, according to the formulae handed down from antiquity, I can
assure you from my own experience when something answers you will not
be able to write it off as “creative imagination” or “the experience of an
The magic works, and blends as nicely now, in the information age, as it
did in the time of the schooner.
Maybe better.
S. Jason Black
If all you want is peace and tranquillity, then die. Put an end to it now.
Save yourself the torture of enchantment and disappointment. Save
yourself the ecstasy and horror of meeting God in the flesh.
— The Curse of the Initiated
Three years passed before anything else happened along these lines. I was
out of town having a drink at a classy hotel one evening. A fairly attractive
black lady sat down on the stool next to me. She was a prostitute. She
started to talk and I offered her a drink. I was sort of between marriages and
thought—why not. I noticed that she had an accent. It sounded rather
strange, like something I had heard before. I asked her a few questions that
she readily answered. My mind flashed back to my patient and the “kitchen
witch.” I got excited and at the same time scared when I remembered the
Voodoo dolls my patient carried. I looked to see if she had a big purse.
When I saw that it was small I felt a sense of relief.
She began making her pitch. She had already asked me if I were I cop.
Finally we agreed on a figure when a thought popped into my mind.
“Instead of sex how about an interview. I’ll pay her for information,” I
Then I remembered what one of my University professors said about data
collected from prisoners and street people, “They are so sensitive that they
will do anything and say anything that will get them what they want.” I let
this thought slip away. I was excited by the prospect of having sex
We agreed to an hourly rate and I sensed that she had been paid to be
“perverse” in this way before. However, she was shocked when I started
talking about magic and prostitution.
She said, “What does a white man know of Voodoo?”
I said, “Very little, but I have studied Western magic.”
“Well,” she said, “I know little of what you speak, but mine is older.”
“Yes, I know,” I said. “I am interested in sex and magic and whether or
not you and other prostitutes practice any kind of magic, whether for self-
protection, good luck or revenge. I am also interested if you use sex to
make your magic stronger.”
“You want a lot for your money. But I won’t talk here. Do you have a
I said, “Yes,” and anxiously took her there. I turned on the TV and made
a couple of drinks. When I turned around she was lying on the bed looking
very sexy. I began to have thoughts about sex. I guess she would have also
preferred that. It would have been easier for her. But I was more excited
about being a voyeur—peeking inside of her head—even if it was only
listening to her lies.
She began, “Well, are you sure, honey that you would rather talk. I’m
really good—you’ll be surprised.” I started to doubt myself again but
“Just talk and tell me things,” I said.
“I was a young child when I left the Island, maybe five or six. I never
knew my father. My mother and two sisters came to New York to live with
my aunt. My older brothers stayed behind. My mother worked as a wash
woman, doing clothes, cleaning up after the white man. I stayed at home
with my older sisters. I went to school when I got older but never liked it.”
I interrupted, “Tell me about Voodoo—or Santeria or…?”
“My religious tradition is older than yours—and yours doesn’t even think
that mine is a religion. Many of us have adopted yours to survive in your
world. But it is not our world. We tolerate you—much as you need to look
down on us. I’m a black woman—beautiful it is true—and like your
ancestors you want me. Then you took me—now you must pay. I’m not
educated like you—but I know more than you and your kind know. I know
from experience—from the streets—and from learning how to tolerate
humiliation. Like many of my sisters, I know how to do this well.
“We have our own Gods and spirits. We do not worry about an afterlife
like you do—our religion is for living, for now. Our religion is power—to
give us what we want. You have fooled yourself into thinking that you do
not want power. You beg and pray, but like me you want power. You have
tricked yourself in many ways. The white-man is a liar—a trickster—not
only to others but to himself. He wants to think well of himself. You and
your kind are deceivers—you are deceiving yourself right now with me. I
can read your mind—you’re afraid of me sexually—so you want to talk.”
I replied, “Yes, in some ways I am fearful of being taken over by you and
I might add I also desire it. Much of what you say is true but there are half-
truths in what you say.”
“It doesn’t matter much,” she replied, “your time is running short and I
want to give you something.”
She opened her purse and gave me a drawing—more a scribble—that I
didn’t recognize. It was the sigil of a spirit or demon. I asked her what it
meant and she replied that it was a spirit that would help me conquer the
fears of love. I thanked her and asked for some more time. This time I
didn’t offer to pay.
She said, “If you pay more I’ll stay.” Secretly I was hoping that she
would stay for me. She knew that too because she smiled.
“You hoped I would stay because I like you? I know these things. I don’t
like you—you think too much of yourself—your kind always does, no
matter how kind and self-effacing you appear—I know your kind. I do not
have letters after my name—I don’t need them—you and your kind do. I
have screwed lots of your kind. I need to let them know how special they
really are—how really special—and how much I like and respect them—it
is easy to make your type jump. You feel so weak—you rely too much on
your weakest part. Your strength has been sapped.
“To tell you the truth I do use dolls with my men. I have taken revenge
on those of you who have harmed me. But dolls are Hollywood. Voodoo, as
you call it, does so much more. You are not a doer but a dabbler. You play,
you don’t believe because real Voodoo would terrify you. Your magic is
weak—full of self-importance like your type is. Your type cheats on his
wife and calls it something else. You think you have outwitted God. In
Voodoo we become the spirit. We are taken over by God. We become one.
You and your God live far from each other.”
I interjected, “But I am not married now.”
She replied, “You lie. You still love your last wife—you are married and
you feel guilty even for this. You are scared being here alone with me. You
feel you will lose your power with me. You would call this satisfying me,
but it is really you that you are concerned with. But I am just a prostitute. I
am not your mother or wife. In your mind they have to love you. All I have
to do is screw you. But you are so concerned—you talk instead.”
I looked at her with anger and respect. She began talking about
“‘Respectable’ blacks want to disown Voodoo. Voodoo is their heritage—
a black religion. But they prefer Christianity because it is the religion of
their masters. Christianity is respectable—Voodoo is not. It is now only for
the poor. Voodoo demeans those who wish to believe, they think. When a
person is possessed the spirit takes over the body. The person is no longer
himself. He or she is the spirit. He or she is someone else. This defiles your
clean religion where you pray and listen to priests lecture you.
“Unlike Christianity and your science, Voodoo doesn’t divorce spirit
from matter. The world is still alive for us. For you it is dead.”
We were both getting tired and I was becoming bored with her
superiority. I politely dismissed her but not before thanking her. She sensed
my insincerity and left.
After she was gone, I could still hear her voice in my head. It was as if I
were possessed, not by my own ancestral spirits but by hers. I began to feel
sorry that I didn’t make love to her—I consoled myself with the thought
that prostitutes don’t make love with their clients.
By the time she left I had spent close to five hundred dollars and didn’t
even get laid. For a moment I felt like a fool—and then I laughed.
I can’t say I learned anything new from her. I did gain a unique
experience of a twentieth century prostitute who was still, psychologically
speaking, living in a jungle.
Voodoo Death, W.B. Cannon, American Anthropologist, 44: 169–81, 1942.
For a detailed anthropological definition of Voodoo see: The Serpent and the Rainbow, Wade Davis,
Simon & Schuster, New York: 1985.
Even today hypnosis is regarded as evil and dangerous. Although many respectable and qualified
people practice hypnosis, it is still looked upon with suspicion. It wasn’t until the 1990s that
California repealed a law that prevented Marriage and Family Therapists from practicing
hypnosis without special training. This law was intended to prevent Marriage and Family
Counselors from using hypnosis to take advantage of their clients sexually. At least this is one
claim. Another is that many of the people involved in creating the Marriage and Family
Counselor licensing act were Christian Ministers at heart.
The authors are aware that some experts do not regard Voodoo as a religion at all but rather as pure
magic. It is our view that Voodoo is both religious and magical. For an interesting and
informative differentiation see Bronislaw Malinowski’s Magic, Science and Religion. Both
Malinowski and Frazer held that the move to spirits, demons and gods was a function of man’s
realization that his own magical abilities did not work well enough. Thus, religion is born of
impotency. Religion serves to provide hope and reduce fear. Many anthropologists believe that
the differences between magic and religion are, at best, fuzzy.
I had given up my academic interest in experimental psychology. There was no money in it and I
didn’t like the politics in the academic world. I was later to find out that the politics in the clinical
arena was much worse.
The pot was not the infamous Nganga pot referred to in, for example, Buried Secrets, Edward
Humes, Signet, New York: 1992.
The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie (Ethnobotany, Voudoun, and Tetrodotoxin), Wade E.
Davis, Harvard University: 1986.
The Serpent and The Rainbow, Wade Davis, Simon & Schuster, New York: 1985.
According to Freudian theory death wishes are common among children. During twelve years of
practice I found that at least one-third of my patients had difficulty admitting them. I believe that
the death wish is common to adults as well, but is well repressed.
The use of the word “primitive” is not intended to imply that modern religions are an advancement
over what preceded them. To the contrary, I believe they are not.
Often rational explanations ensue when power fails. Every ivory tower needs an army to protect it.
Psychotherapy is now an institution. Like all good things, once accepted by the establishment it
becomes a tool of the establishment. This is a real danger for occult groups—if they are accepted
by society.
See Painted Black, Carl A. Raschke, Harper & Row, San Francisco: 1990. This book is full of
references and arguments which prove little or nothing. However, the author does demonstrate
how a good writing style, together with an active imagination and fear, combine to support the
notion “whatever the believer believes, the prover proves.”
A word used to describe those who belong to the religion of Thelema which was based on
Crowley’s Book of the Law. The OTO was the first Order to embrace the Book of the Law, butthe
some of the rituals practiced in the Order are older and come from a different origin.
Magick in Theory and Practice, Aleister Crowley, Chapter XXI, pp.190–205. Magickal Childe
Publishing, New York: 1990.
Ibid. p. 193.
See Raschke’s horror in Painted Black.
Psychopathological states have been reduced to a numerical reference system. These have been
organized and published as the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM). Some psychologists and
psychiatrists want to create a Psychopathological category for possession—named, of all things—
Possessive States Disorder. The DSM helps professionals communicate with each other and
makes it possible for them to collect from insurance carriers. Unfortunately, they have, like most
of us, confused communication with truth.
While all analogies break down sooner or later, playing with analogies can be fun. The host culture
almost always attacks foreign material by destroying it, segregating it or assimilating it. This, of
course, is what appeared to happen to African religions in the New World. However, one method
of resistance is to take on the identity of the host while maintaining one’s self in secret. The
pantheon of Catholic Saints gave the slaves the opportunity to accomplish this tour de force.
In all fairness, when I did a literature search on Voodoo and Santeria there were a number of
excellent articles describing the effectiveness of both as a treatment modality for believers. Some
researchers even suggest that Western intervention be combined with more traditional forms of
treatment. One researcher cautioned, however, that any form of Western intervention should be
very short in duration and that the practitioner should adopt an “authoritarian” posture.
Contemporary Afro-American Voodooism (Black Religion): The Retention and Adaptation of the
Ancient African-Egyptian Mystery System. Bobby Joe Neeley, University of California, Berkeley,
Dissertation Abstracts, p.1100, 1988.
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
We ultimately know the soul and spirit of a man by the way he defines his
relationship to The Numinous. To say this differently, we know the strength
of a man by the way he lives his life in relation to his idea of God. These
assertions rest on the assumption that The Numinous, the unknown, God(s)
is a primary need, not simply for protection, or for utilitarian needs, nor,
simply for “meaning” but for the “feeling of life” itself. Without The
Numinous—“the wild card”—life loses its enchantment.
If everything in the Universe could be known and controlled, man would
no longer exist as we know him. Thus, to know the nature of a man we
must ask how he defines The Numinous for himself and how he lives The
Numinous in his life. Thus, the God(s) of every culture, like the God(s) of
every man, are a sign of its strength or weakness—its joys and pains.
In this chapter we examine three types of Gods. The God of the
Christian, the Gods of Africa and a God of the early Greeks—Dionysus.
An example, using a number of seven point scales, may give us some
deeper insight.
Rate the Christian God:
Strong — — — — — — — Weak **Doesn’t apply
Orderly — — — — — — — Chaotic **Doesn’t apply
Lustful — — — — — — — Chaste **Doesn’t apply
Now ask yourself is this God primarily, forgiving, vengeful or “indifferent.”
Choose one.
Now rate the image of mankind as each particular God defines him.
Strong — — — — — — — Weak **Doesn’t apply
Orderly — — — — — — — Chaotic **Doesn’t apply
Lustful — — — — — — — Chaste **Doesn’t apply
Do this for your image of the “African Gods.”
Do this for Dionysus.
For the fun of it, and for a better sense of how this system works, do this
for Buddha and for the Jewish God.
This comparative method provides a map of how a culture or a man
conceives of himself in relationship to The Numinous.
Before we travel further on this adventure we must be prepared. We often
hear that human decency emerged from Christianity and that it may
disappear with its death2. Some even believe that modern civilization sprang
from the head of Christianity and that the decay of this Civilization is the
direct result of the weakening of Christianity’s hold over mankind.
On the other hand Satan, Lucifer, and the Devil are indecent and in the
service of the Anti-Christ incarnate. Of course, the Jews and just about
everyone else have been included in the indecent group. This includes the
Protestants who in turn regard the Pope as the Devil.
Dirt, darkness, hair, the sex organs, and, for that matter, anything to do
with the body is indecent and belongs to the realm of the Devil.
One can see the associations that the early slavers had to the Africans and
their religion and how easy it would be for them to associate both to Satan
and the Devil.
Voodooism was a sign of a demonic race and had to be bred out of the
slaves by torture. Although the Africans could not practice their religion
publicly, they continued in darkness. It is ironic that the African Gods are
taking revenge on the white man—as are the religions of the American
Indians which are “stealing” disciples away from the Christians with
It is also interesting to recall that Christians considered Rock and Roll to
be the work of the Devil and a direct influence of the African culture.
In much of the Western world, Christianity has been so successful that,
no matter what you call yourself, you are still obliged to follow the laws of
Christianity. Decency, from this point of view, was always followed by the
sword. Recently I watched a television program which claimed to
symbolize world peace. A band played “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
Apparently they had no idea what they were doing. The important point to
keep in mind is that Christianity has nothing to do with God and nothing to
with “decency.” In fact Christianity’s main purpose is to take over the world
and make it it’s slave. There are few other religions in the world which
concern themselves so much with conversions.
People concerned with decency often think of themselves as moralists, or
humanists. Anyone who dares think a little knows that human decency has
nothing to do with Christianity. To the contrary, Christianity was one of first
religions to take revenge upon the entire world—on life itself. It did this by
teaching that man and the world were fundamentally evil. It taught that the
body was nothing compared to the soul. Christianity had proof for its
assertion. And what was this proof? That there was misery and pain in the
world. This fact didn’t prove the verdict of guilt which the judge—Paul—
pronounced against the world. What it did demonstrate was the nature and
character of the judge himself.
Buddha, for example, saw the same misery, but did not pronounce the
world and mankind evil. His solution was more sound—treat the disease.
This is the difference between approaching something from a practical
point of view with a semblance of strength and dignity and from
approaching the same problem from the vile and dirty mind of a failure.
Who is more decent? Who is more gracious? Who is more generous?
Case 1
An associate of mine invested some money with a broker who said he could
earn a seventeen percent return on his investment. At that time, most other
people were only getting eight percent.
Being greedy and feeling very deserving—something which this person
enjoys denying about himself—he leaped at the opportunity. Reality was
suspended, much like a suicide victim’s thoughts about gravity on the way
down from the 30th floor.
He invested his money, received two or three payments and then received
nothing more. He was very depressed and disturbed, complaining that his
judgment about others was poor. I smiled and agreed, but added that his
judgment about himself was even worse. He angrily responded that the
broker was licensed, had a family and beautiful offices. He said that the
man lacked “human decency.”
In this context “decency” didn’t mean kindness, but meant obligation.
The broker was obligated to repay my associate for his own greed and
ignorance. He trusted him and was disappointed. Here we tease out the
meaning. He believed that his own greed, coupled with his sense of
uniqueness, would suspend reality—but it didn’t.
Reality emerged—and with disappointment came anger—with anger
came revenge—when revenge was frustrated came weakness and
impotency—with impotency came more moralizing—followed by
depression, self-flagellation and more anger. He began to discuss notions of
karma and other more abstract forms of punishment—his potency began to
return. I watched with amazement—I began to feel superior until I
remembered how I had done similar things.
The point which we must note is that morality takes the place of power.
And that the essence of this morality is impotency and revenge.
A similar thing happened to another associate of mine. This time I
suggested that we do a “spell” to cause his enemy harm.
Case 2
At first he felt excited about it—then claimed that it was wrong. When I
pushed him further he admitted that he was frightened—that he would
suffer more from doing harm to his enemy. I asked him how he would
suffer. He replied that whatever he wished on his enemies would come back
on him. (It is amazing how hedonistic moralists are.)
Finally, he challenged me that it wouldn’t work anyway. I told him that it
might, and anyway, what did he have to lose—at worst it would give him a
feeling of power for an hour or so.
I suggested that the spell could be seen as medicinal—therapeutic—
cathartic. He agreed, but as we began he became frightened. “For
something that couldn’t work why should you be scared,” I said. He stated
that it was wrong and that he would feel better if we stopped. I agreed to
stop but told him that I would proceed with the ritual alone later. He was
annoyed but didn’t tell me not to do the ritual.
What we have here is a Ph.D. who tacitly believes in magic but denies it,
moralizes about violence because he is scared he will be punished in an
afterlife (which he denies believing in) and then allows me to do the ritual,
so if his enemy is hurt he can enjoy it but it will be my fault. Clever fellow!
This is the essence of modern man.
I performed the spell for my associate as an experiment. I hoped that he
would ask me something about it. He didn’t—for years. One day he called
me and informed me that his enemy had been seriously injured in a car
accident. I anxiously waited for him to ask me about the spell—but he
didn’t. Instead he stated that he felt sorry for his enemy—and felt bad that
he had thought such terrible things about him. I couldn’t help myself—I
confessed. There was silence on the phone followed by—“that’s on your
head—not mine.”
We continued talking for a few moments and then ended the
conversation. We met for lunch two months later. He informed me that his
now ex-enemy was back on his feet but suffered from chronic back pain. I
asked him if he was glad. He said “no.” My associate is a decent person.
Revenge: “To impose or inflict injury in return for injury or insult.” My
associate had all the reasons in the world to harm his enemy. But, he didn’t.
He didn’t even proceed legally—it would have cost him too much money
and embarrassment. Yet, my associate had convinced himself that his
refusal to take revenge was based on his moral beliefs. He could now feel
superior as well as safe.
Shall we reward a man and call it virtue because he didn’t strike back out
of fear? Or shall we call it a virtue when a man can strike back with
impunity and doesn’t? Who is the Christian? Who is more virtuous? Who is
the powerful?
(Jason Black intrudes:
Regarding the above comment by Hyatt’s friend that it was on his head, that
is emphatically untrue in most traditional magical or religious systems. In
fact, in any of the Afro-Caribbean traditions it is always explicitly
understood that the person making the request is morally responsible for the
spell. The hands of the magician are clean. He cannot, after all, know if the
curse he is about to throw is “justified” or not, and must rely on the word of
the client. All the nonsense about “karma” and “rebounding spells” that you
see in modern occult literature is a seedy holdover from the last century and
the influence of Theosophy. It has nothing to do with tradition or real
psychic experience.
Regarding this man’s self-contradictory attitude toward magic, I have
two similar stories to tell:
A couple of years ago, I was sitting in a neighborhood bar. Someone I
had never seen before sat down beside me, apparently in the mood to talk.
He said he was a lighting technician for concert tours and this sparked my
interest since I used to do that sort of thing myself. After we talked for a
while somehow I began talking about trance phenomena in Haiti. His first
response was a derisive bark of laughter. He insisted that it was all faked. I
told him about the many instances of disbelieving strangers (like himself)
who were spontaneously possessed, spoke in languages they did not know
and performed psychic feats such as handling fire. When he asked how such
things could be, I began to talk about quantum theory. Rather to my
surprise, he knew all about this, and reluctantly agreed that modern
theoretical physics did allow for magic.
Here is where things got strange. He was a little tipsy by this time and his
defenses were coming down. He began to tell me a story. When he was
much younger he worked as a chef in a good restaurant, and he had his own
(expensive) set of knives. One day a particularly nice (and expensive) piece
turned up missing. He believed he knew who had taken it and was enraged.
The culprit came in to work and gave him sly little smiles throughout the
day, driving him to new heights of anger. At one point he was cutting meat
and thinking about the theft when he stabbed violently at the meat while
envisioning the thief. At that moment, he heard a scream from across the
kitchen and looked up to see his nemesis bent over, holding his arm which
was drenched in blood. At the moment of his vision, the other man, who
was also cutting something, severed one of his fingers and had to be rushed
to the hospital to have it reattached. When the man returned to work, he
walked up to my acquaintance, returned the knife without a word, and never
spoke to him again. Both men “knew” who was responsible for the injury.
I was flabbergasted. The rational materialist was actually hiding a fear of
the evil eye. By the time I left he was begging me almost in tears not to
practice “black magic.”
My second story regards a simple tarot reading I did for a friend many years
ago. He wanted to know if his relationship with his girlfriend would
continue or not. The cards said quite flatly, not. This ultimately turned out
to be the case. A mutual friend was present at the reading. He said he didn’t
believe any of it but would apologize to me if the reading came true. As I
said, it did, but apologize he did not. I later discovered that this “rationalist”
spread the story that I had cursed the relationship and caused the entire
series of events myself. This story was subsequently spread to many of my
friends. Thus I was transformed by the rationalist from a gullible crank into
a being of sinister and godlike power in one fell swoop. He has made no
effort, then or ever, to discuss the matter with me.
It was not the last time I had such an experience. I suppose I’m lucky
none of the local milk went sour.
I return you to Dr. Hyatt.)
One of the first things you learn in journalism is to ask and have answers
for the following questions: who, what, where, why, when, and how. This
method is ideal for finding out what is missing in any story as well as in any
Ask first—who is talking, what is he saying, “can it be tied down to
something factual,” where is this taking place, why is he talking, when is he
talking and how is he talking. Now ask, when does a person run for cover?
Where does he sneak in assertions? When does he become metaphysical?
How metaphysical does he become?
The Christian simply asserts and then “proves” by more assertions,
appeals and fear.
Pan never died. It is ironic that Panism is rearing its head again in the Citadel which claimed to
replace it—the modern Christian City.
Since Christianity developed later than Greek philosophy and Voodooism, it is often regarded as
superior to both. This reasoning is based on the assumption of progress: everything that follows
something is superior to what preceded it. This fallacy rests on the illusion that ‘developmental’
means ‘superior.’ Another error is based on Darwin’s notion of ‘fitness.’ It is believed that only
the fittest survive. Besides being a tautology, this assertion is not provable, and is based on the
assumption that the future is always ‘better’ than the past. It is also based on the belief the
‘higher’ evolves from the ‘lower.’ Each species is a species in itself. We are not ‘better’ than dogs
or fishes. We are different. All of these errors are based on a further assumption; that there is one
absolute starting point and one absolute ending point. A circular or spiral notion of time would
lead to totally different conclusions.
Much of Christian cosmology is based on a the idea of an absolute starting point and a absolute
ending point. A linear notion of time allows for convenient separations and absolute discrete
categories, such as Heaven and Hell—Good and Bad. This type of thinking can best be described
as Either/Or.
Nietzsche best sums up this distinction by his view on Christianity: “…Christianity was from the
beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life’s nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed
behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in ‘another’ or ‘better’ life. Hatred of ‘the world,’
condemnations of the passions, fear of beauty and sensuality, a beyond invented the better to
slander this life, at bottom a craving for the nothing, for the end, for respite, for ‘the Sabbath of
Sabbaths’—all this always struck me, no less than the unconditional will of Christianity to
recognize only moral values, as the most dangerous and uncanny form of all possible forms of a
‘will to decline’…” From The Birth of Tragedy, translated by Walter Kaufman, Basic Writings of
Nietzsche, Modern Library Edition, New York: 1968, p. 23. To call Christianity “progress” over
the Roman and Greek religions raises the question of the quality of thinkers who have been
influenced by Christianity.
According to (Clement, 2, 29–30) Dionysos wanted to descend to Hades but did not know the way.
A certain Prosymnos promised to show him in exchange for a sexual favor. Dionysos was
receptive to the request, promised to yield to him if he would set him on his way, and confirmed
his promise with an oath. After learning the way, Dionysos departed. On his return, he learned
that Prosymnos had died. To discharge his obligation to his lover, Dionysos went to the tomb and
committed a perversion. He cut off the branch of a fig tree, fashioned it into the shape of a male
member and sat on the piece, thus carrying out his promise to the dead man. As a ritual reminder
of this event, phalluses are set up to Dionysos throughout the world. From The God of Ecstasy,
Arthur Evans, St. Martin’s Press, New York: 1988.
See, for example, Count Zero by William Gibson, Ace Books, New York: 1987, as an interesting
example of this.
On the Genealogy of Morals. Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufman, In the Basic
Writings of Nietzsche, Modern Library Edition, New York: 1968.
Much of our definition of insanity is derived from religious beliefs. For example, demonic
possession and insanity have similar qualities. If our religion were Voodoo, we might believe a
person to be insane if he didn’t become possessed by a demon.
Goethe expresses this sentiments much better. In a letter to Frau von Stein, dated June 8, 1787 he
says, “Also, I must say myself, I think it true that humanity will triumph eventually, only I fear
that at the same time the world will became a large hospital and each will become the other’s
humane nurse.”
There are three components to the corpus of magic the world over: the
interaction of mind and mind, the interaction of mind and matter, and the
communication with discarnate organisms, i.e., “spirits.” Everything else,
from speculation about astral planes to the proper arousal of kundalini, are
details that sprout from these three subjects.
We were going to begin this chapter with a logical debate on the
existence (or not) of spirits. Because, however, our earlier book (Pacts with
the Devil, Falcon Press, Tempe, AZ: 1993) brought us some weird attacks
from unexpected sources, we thought it a propos to discuss the American-
European fear of the supernatural.
We are not just referring to the fear lodged at the heart of middle-class
Judeo-Christian America, but in esoteric/occult groups themselves. We have
a few “warnings” for prospective members of such groups based on our
extensive experience.
We have both given examples earlier in the book on the schizoid
response of individuals to spiritist phenomena. On the one hand, both
mainstream religions and esoteric traditions (with a few exceptions)
concern themselves with “life after death” in one form or another. This can
be the celestial housing tracts of the Protestants or some form of
reincarnation common to occult belief. Either one presupposes the existence
of spirits—there is simply no way around this. And yet, many occult
organizations in the U.S.—the kind that attract middle-class white types—
preach the idea of an afterlife, while at the same time dogmatically asserting
that the “initiated” person knows that “spirits” are really “Jungian”
archetypes or some sort of secondary personality split. This obvious
contradiction seems to pass right over the heads of most of them, whether
they are Wiccans, ceremonial magicians, or followers of Aleister Crowley.
These are all groups who claim to practice “magic” including the evocation
of invisible intelligences. After decades of experience with these groups we
can state that, for the most part, they do absolutely nothing of the sort.
Jason tells the story of once having a conversation with a member of a
“magical” group about poltergeists. This person asserted the hypothesis that
all poltergeist phenomena were caused by the “unconscious” (whatever he
meant by that) of disturbed adolescents living in the house. It was pointed
out to him that a significant percentage of recorded and investigated cases
occurred in places where there were either no children, as in the example
told earlier in this book, or were in places where no one lived at all and the
action was recorded on automatic cameras. The man’s response was to stalk
out of the room in a rage.
Why? What on earth is the cause of the emotional impact that this subject
has on so many people—not just the average ignorant person on the street
but individuals who claim to be seriously interested in “adeptship”? For
anyone raised in a culture that suppresses psychic phenomena, and reduces
serious discussion of non-human intelligences to “bible stories” (as
Christian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures do), coming face to face with actual
phenomena can be a catastrophic shock. The way such things are dealt with
in most esoteric groups is no different, for the most part, than in a church.
For such people, a single encounter with a “ghost”, or with a UFO, can be
the most devastating experience of a lifetime, because it changes
More than once, on reviewing material written by qualified psychical
researchers (psychologists, psychiatrists, physicists) we have run across
remarks to the effect that they avoid investigating the claims of practitioners
of the occult because “it’s all compensation behavior to cover feelings of
inferiority.” Unfortunately this is true for ninety-five percent of the people
involved in “magical” organizations. This is not to say that there aren’t
people who are intelligent and who seriously practice; there are, we have
met them. Some are wealthy, some are public figures. If they happen to
become associated with magical groups, they soon find there is nothing for
them and they leave.
In a nutshell, someone who convinces themselves that magic is
psychology and doesn’t really work anyway can look in the mirror in the
morning and see an adept. When confronted with people who have done the
work and experienced “supernatural” results that have physically enhanced
their lives, they can look in the same mirror and see a failure. It is easier to
react with hostility than to change your way of living.
For example, we have had many experiences with the Wicca community
in southern California. These groups were invariably dominated by
extremely obese, loud women—Israel Regardie used to call them “tent
women”—whose goal at any gathering seemed to be to push people around.
This was usually accompanied by the sort of verbal moralizing (“that’s
black magic” or “he’s incurring bad karma”) that many of us can remember
from Sunday school. These people claim to be nature mystics, but the
clinical obesity, poor hygiene, chain smoking and chronic bickering tell a
very different story. Jason was once shown a particularly pompous and
moralizing article in a “Neo-Pagan” magazine, and in annoyance he asked
(about the author), “Does she weigh four hundred pounds?” His friend
replied in some indignation that he knew her and she was quite thin.
Looking him in the eye Jason asked, “What’s wrong with her?” After a
moment’s silence: “Well, she’s kind of cross-eyed and has a neurological
It is not our intention to be cruel here, merely to point out some
unpleasant truths about the “New Age” or any other movement. If you join
a magical order—or a church—and at the first meeting find yourself in a
room full of people with only one eye, you’d better consider the possibility
that you have really joined a support group for one-eyed people. We have
picked on Wicca here, but we could have used almost any group—from
Theosophists to the various followers of Crowley or the Golden Dawn(s) or
LaVey—with only slightly different “common elements” for each group.
The point being, that the stated goal or agenda of many of these groups is
in no way the real one. On the one hand you have clinically obese chain-
smokers claiming to be “one with nature”; on another you have
Crowleyites, whose motto is “Do What Thou Wilt” but worry themselves
sick about whether old Aleister approved of abortion or even birth control.
The circle of psychic athletes that Crowley once envisioned is now
dominated by religious cranks who have found the messiah “and behold! he
is a dead Englishman who shaveth his head!” In groups of people whose
main goal is to stop feeling inferior the real pursuit of higher spiritual
abilities is not encouraged. It requires a lot of work—something else to be
avoided—and if someone does achieve something in this line “good
reasons” are always found to ease them out of the group.
Obviously, such people, even if truly interested, cannot handle the
emotional stress and sometimes quite justified fear produced by spirit
phenomena. The possible benefits are irrelevant as many of the people
described above have long resigned themselves to lives of borderline
poverty and working in the company mail room.
Another reason for hostility—or at least indifference—toward spirit
phenomena is that most of the members of these groups want nothing more
than to dress up on a Saturday night, do a little religious ritual and then
have a few beers. Nothing wrong with this if serious work is also included
in the curriculum, but it almost never is. In fact, psychic or supernatural
experience is the last thing they really want. Add to this an absolutely
cavernous ignorance of the literature of psychic phenomena—which one
would think would be of primary interest—and you have an “occult
movement” with all the substance of a hot-air balloon.
Contrast this with the Voodoo subculture’s attitude. Like all real magic it
developed to meet genuine physical and emotional needs. Whether a person
practices alone or is the client of a Santero, Palero or Bocor, solid results
are expected and often urgently needed. We have related some of our own
experiences regarding these—“help” was given even during the research for
this book. On several occasions, Jason was at a loss as to where to locate
the local botanicas that he knew existed. During each of these times, in
restaurants or social gatherings he encountered a stranger who would
without being asked, and in the middle of a totally unrelated conversation,
mention that he had seen a botanica at such-and-such a location. Jason
would note it down, and work on the book could proceed.
We will begin serious discussion of spirits with a quote from Carl Jung that
we have also used in Pacts with the Devil:
I once discussed the proof of identity for a long time with a friend of
William James, Professor Hyslop, in New York. He admitted that, all
things considered, all these metapsychic phenomena could be
explained better by the hypothesis of spirits than by the qualities and
peculiarities of the unconscious. And here, on the basis of my own
experience, I am bound to concede he is right. In each individual case,
I must of necessity be skeptical, but in the long run I have to admit that
the spirit hypothesis yields better results in practice than any other.
We believe that it becomes clear to anyone who reads material by and about
Jung—especially material not published until after his death, that he
believed not only in the literal existence of spirits, but in a substantial chunk
of what is traditionally considered occult. In other words, while you may
believe that Jungian archetypes are “all in your head” he most emphatically
did not.
For an overview of the history of investigation into spirit phenomena by
trained scientific researchers as well as a wealth of anecdotal material we
recommend a number of the works of British author Colin Wilson,
especially Poltergeist and Beyond the Occult. These are particularly useful
because of their encyclopedic nature and because of Mr. Wilson’s narrative
of how he came to the conclusion that spirits were not always mental
phenomena, but actually existed.
This is not to say that the distinction is always simple, it is not. If a spirit
appears to you in a dream, is it “real” or is it you? For the vast majority of
people the answer is determined strictly by cultural programming. For
example, our concepts of individuality seem natural, but in fact depend
entirely on where and how we are raised. For example, consider the view
that the Communist Chinese are “robotic.” We are just as robotic as they are
—just as much and just as little. We feel the center of consciousness inside
our skulls. We consider this to be a fact. We can physically feel it. And yet
other cultures historically have physically felt consciousness to be in such
places as the heart, solar plexus and even the liver. There is now some
controversy over whether the brain is actually the location of the “mind” or
whether this elusive thing has no single location in the body.
So, let us explore the complications of a mind and a personality without a
body (as we understand it), that is, a spirit. Almost every culture enumerates
different types and levels of spirits—a kind of non-physical ecology—with
predators, scavengers, parasites and other functionaries. This has often been
ridiculed as unsophisticated pantheism, but an overview of the case
histories of hauntings, possessions and weird spontaneous encounters
implies that the old models may be the most accurate we so far have.
When we say that both our experience and the evidence of history
supports the spirit hypothesis is definitely not to say that we literally
“believe” in the structure of either the Afro-Caribbean pantheon or the
European demonologies. Far from it. We have read books by several
“anglos” who have adopted the “pure” Ifa religion of the Yorubas lock,
stock and barrel, with moralisms and formalized mythology intact and
found them annoying. The great virtue of Voodoo in contrast to other paths
is direct experience and the pursuit of results.
What we do suspect, is that “magic names” work like any others: If you
keep calling, say, Baron Samedi in a graveyard to kill an enemy, something
eventually may come along that can kill your enemy and will consent to
answer to that name, not just for you, but eventually for others as well.
Whether this “something” is already there, or forms as the Tibetans
sometimes assert, is anyone’s guess.
Jason implied earlier that he feels that his involvement with Voodoo
came about because he was in the neighborhood where the spirits lived. As
someone born with “mediumistic” abilities, he acted as a kind of beacon
and “they” came to visit him. In other words, a spontaneous encounter with
entities that responded to Afro-Caribbean names is unlikely to have
occurred in Idaho or Taiwan, but might have more easily in Florida.
What is dealt with in Voodoo, and indeed in classical Paganism of the
Greek or Roman variety are not single “Gods”, but families of spirits of a
related nature. One estimate of the number of different Guedes (a death Loa
like Baron Samedi) that could be listed in Haiti was in the thousands. There
are a number of different Erzulies also, both good and “bad” and the
number of Eshus or Elegguas is astronomical if you combine Cuban and
Brazilian material. If you start examining the notion of spirits seriously, as
opposed to some kind of mythological symbol, you are dealing with a
proliferation, a multitude of beings of varying degrees of intelligence,
power, and usefulness ranging from an organism no smarter than a mouse to
the daemons and gods of religious thought.
In Voodoo (indeed in all traditional magic) spirits are dealt with as you
would any friend or business associate of flesh and blood. They are spoken
to clearly, greeted in a way that betokens respect, and paid for the requested
service. This is an important point that cannot be glossed over. Once you
discover that the phenomena is real and not a “psychodrama” (as Anton
LaVey liked to call it) you must ask yourself what sort of thing such an
organism would want. Tradition also answers this. Generally speaking it is
some kind of organic food, just like any other animal. The phobias in our
voracious meat-eating modern culture against blood sacrifice, most
commonly of chickens for heaven’s sake, is inconsistent, irrational, and
goes right back to the aforementioned fear of the supernatural.
The Los Angeles writer, Michael Ventura, in his excellent Introduction to
Santeria, A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic by Luis Manuel
Nunez (Spring Publications, 1992) points out that the horror of doing a
ritual for oneself, not just the possible result of such an act, contributes to
the fear reaction. He goes on to say that our Judeo-Christian culture has had
its relationship to the supernatural taken over for it by rabbis, priests and
ministers and aside from simple prayer (begging) most people feel that to
perform the full invocation of a “god” for oneself is in and of itself a sinister
This caught us off guard when we read it, because of our own decades-
long hands-on involvement with ritual. And yet, Jason can remember the
horrified reaction of a man toward the book, Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated
Goetia (Falcon Press, Tempe, AZ: 1992). One of the authors (Lon Milo
DuQuette) had described how he drew a magic circle on the ground and
proceeded to attempt to call up a spirit. It was not the alleged results that so
disturbed the reader, but the act of engaging in the ritual itself. Some sort of
a Baptist, he had never done anything but sing hymns and be talked at by
preachers in his life, thus to even attempt such a thing on one’s own behalf
was perversion. He kept shaking his head saying “I’d never do that, I’d
never do that.”
And how much more disturbing the blood sacrifice added on top of this.
By no means do all of the rituals or spells require such an thing, and when
they do, the blood is given to the “god” and the animal is usually cooked
and eaten by the participants. In addition, such things as fruit, vegetables
and grains are also common offerings, indeed, entire prepared meals. (The
reader should realize that the ancient Jews had no problems with offerings.
In fact to the horror of some modern Orthodox Jews is the fact that animal
sacrifice would begin immediately with the establishment of the Third
Temple. It is fascinating to realize that many of the 613 commandments
have to do with offerings, sex, marriage, slavery and violence. Few modern
Jews would feel comfortable associating with their religion in its authentic
Raw meat from a butcher shop can do as a substitute, but there are only a
few circumstances where it is the offering of choice.
We remind the reader of the description of the poltergeist haunting earlier
in the book. This, as all the ancient writers on the subject agree, implies the
existence of a body of some kind, since kinetic energy is produced and
physical matter is manipulated. Something similar can be said for the far
smaller energy required to influence another mind or make someone sick.
How much kinetic energy is required to create a blood clot, or transfer a
In light of the above, we would like to emphasize that when we speak of
an offering of whatever nature, in the practice of magic, it is not symbolic.
Magic is a technology of interacting with, and influencing the phenomenal
world on a desired level, physical or otherwise. Spirits are organisms, too,
and even if they don’t appear to eat something, they certainly want
something. This can sometimes be a certain action in which they
vicariously participate for their own enjoyment, like an act of sex, or cigar-
smoking. The magician receives gifts likewise. He partakes of the spirit’s
ability to transcend time and space through clairvoyance and divination.
Profound emotional changes and changes in “luck” and even intelligence
and talent have been achieved through evocation techniques.
We give them the benefit of the physical and they give us the benefit of
the ethereal. A fair exchange, not the slavish relationship so feared by the
Judeo-Christian-Islamic establishment.
We have said that magic is technology, and this is so, but not the sort that
our Victorian materialist culture understands, nor that of Quantum physics.
It involves a relationship between mind and matter that we do not accept,
except in the fantasy world of “faith.” While it is technology, it is also art,
just as sculpture and architecture are both art and technology. As an art, it
requires inborn talent, specifically some sort of psychic ability or
mediumship. With this in mind the following chapter is particularly
important, and serious effort should be made to master the techniques
described, especially the induction of trance states.
While divination is integral to all forms of magical practice, in the various
Voodoo traditions it is more important than most, since any divination is an
invocation of the gods.
In their original form many of the traditional African methods of
divination are complex beyond belief. This is complicated by the fact that
even in their new world forms much is still passed on verbally and therefore
genuinely secret and not just obscure.
As this book is aimed at the self-taught practitioner who is not raised in a
Santeria or Macumba community, we are limiting the methods to those that
are both effective and relatively simple.
There are five basic methods of divination used in the Afro-Caribbean
1. TAROT CARDS. These are used primarily by the magicians of Haiti,
although cards are used in Macumba and Santeria as well. There is also a
pack called “the Spanish playing cards” which evolved from the Tarot, but
have the trumps and queens removed, leaving only forty-eight cards. We
will not explain the Tarot here, as that would take an entire book. Those of
you interested may purchase a standard deck (the Rider/Waite deck is most
popular among beginners) and many books of instruction are available. For
those interested in advanced instruction on serious divination with the cards
and their magical connections refer to Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot: The Way
of the Secret Lover by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. and Lon Milo DuQuette
(Falcon Press, 1991).
2. THE PENDULUM. This tool is not normally associated with Voodoo.
In fact the pendulum was and is used for spirit communication in Africa,
and because of its versatility and simplicity, and because it can be used with
any other style of divination, we include it here.
3. THE OBI. These consist of four pieces of cola nut. Replacements for
this hard-to-find item will be suggested although those who live in New
York or Miami may be able to get the authentic item. One of the most basic
and simple methods of speaking with the spirits.
4. THE CARACOLES (COWRY SHELLS). This is the most complex
and ancient of the divination systems and is presented in a greatly
simplified form created especially for this book.
the most difficult thing for people in our culture to deal with. Here we will
concentrate on auto-hypnotic techniques, principally because spirit
possession tends to occur—and is only desirable—in group situations.
Possession phenomena will be mentioned, however, along with advice on
how to use it—and get rid of it.
We have seen pendulums for sale in occult shops aimed at the “new age”
audience that were made from quartz crystal points attached to a chain. In
our opinion these are nearly useless as they are off balance and too light.
We recommend that you take the trouble to find one that is professionally
made. They are inexpensive, usually costing U.S.$20.00 or less.
The use of the pendulum is quite simple in theory, but you may find it
takes some time and patience to “get it to work” for you. The temptation to
“make” the pendulum tell you what you want to hear must be resisted.
For the purposes of spirit communication we have found the best method
to be to have your arm (whichever you normally use to write with) solidly
anchored, elbow on a table, or, if you are sitting on the floor in a cross-
legged position, on your knee.
The classic method used to “train” the pendulum—or rather to train your
mind in the use of the pendulum—is to give it a little swing forward and
back away from you in a straight line. You then ask the pendulum to give
you a motion that indicated “yes” or “positive.” The response is generally a
clockwise circle, but this may vary. The process is repeated for “no” or
negative. In the event that this fails to work, an alternative is to tell the
pendulum that a clockwise circle is “yes” and deliberately swing the tool in
that direction, repeating the process with “no.”
Most people who try this will get a response that becomes more sure and
dependable with practice. A few will be instantly proficient. Others will feel
unable to use the pendulum at all. If this happens, put the pendulum away
until you feel some later “urge” to pick it up again. We have found that once
the suggestion is planted, some people who demonstrated no ability, will,
after some time suddenly find themselves proficient—with no intervening
The test of any divinatory system is the accuracy of the information it
provides. Until you have confidence in this or any other method the answers
should always be tested and not just assumed to be correct.
Another classic method of using the pendulum is with a kind of ouija
board set up, with the letters of the alphabet and numbers written in either
an arc or a circle with lines drawn from these to the center of the board. The
pendulum is held over this and questions are asked to which words are
spelled out in response. This can be quite time-consuming and a strain on
the arm. Occasionally boards like this can be found in stores ready made.
Also books on radiesthesia (the name for pendulum dowsing) sometimes
contain charts of this kind that can be copied for use with a pendulum.
The Obi consist of four flat objects that can be easily tossed. There must be
a difference between each side—generally one is darker than the other.
Traditionally the Obi have been four lobes of the cola nut, or four pieces of
fresh coconut. A good substitute are the flat glass beads used for floral
arrangements; these can be found in large import stores. White circles of
paper can be glued to one side to form the color differentiation (paint tends
to flake off glass). Alternatively, coins can be used.
A question is asked that can be answered in some positive-negative
fashion. This is actually more complex than “yes,” or “no,” and, if the Obi
are thrown several times in succession a rather complex prediction can be
There are five possible patterns in which the obi can fall in a single
throw, each with a title and a meaning:
Generally the Obi are thrown once for any specific question, although a
series of questions may be posed.
There are two exceptions to this: If Alafia (peace) or Etawa (struggle)
comes up you must throw a second time to complete the answer. This only
applies on a first throw. There are no more than two tosses. You may for
example throw Etawa and for the second throw get Alafia. That (struggle
becoming peace) is the answer. There are no further throws for that
particular question.
The basic process is quite simple: Place yourself in a meditative and
serious frame of mind, and cleanse the room in which you are working. In
some Brazilian methods a fine chain or cord is placed in a circle around the
area in which the Obi are to be thrown to define the sacred space. In
Santeria the Obi are often cleansed in a bowl of exorcised water to make
them pure. After asking the spirits, or a particular spirit to attend to your
question, the Obi are tossed and the answer noted. The Obi can also be used
in conjunction with the pendulum to gain more detail on the nature of the
You will also need a circular or square tray with a lip around the edge to
prevent the shells from flying off when tossed. The tray must be square or
circular and not oval or rectangular, as the flat area will be divided into four
equal parts when the board is finished. The tray should be something more
than a foot in diameter—eighteen inches to two feet is a good size. A
medium sized pizza tray works well and can be purchased any place that
sells kitchen utensils.
Paint the following design (or glue a copy of it) on the tray. (The colors,
divisions and signs were determined through a seance using the pendulum,
so this is a divination system produced through divination!)
In the upper left hand corner is the symbol of Legba, the lord of the
crossroads, who opens doorways and conveys information. His symbol is
painted white on a black background. This segment of the board represents
positive, or benign male energy, and is particularly important in questions
related to communication, travel, contracts and “white magic.”
In the lower left hand corner is the symbol of Erzulie. It is painted black
on an orange ground. This is positive female energy, and is important in
questions regarding relationships, inspiration and all things related to the
positive aspect of the astrological concept of Venus.
In the upper right hand corner is the symbol of Erzulie Dantor, also called
Erzulie Ge-Rouge (“the red eyed”). This is painted black on a white ground.
This quarter of the board is important to matters of anger, hatred, jealousy
and feelings of oppression. It is negative female energy.
In the lower right hand corner is the symbol of Baron Samedi, which is
painted black on red. This quarter represents negative or aggressive male
energy. It is important in matters of “black magic,” winning in
competitions, defeating enemies, and all questions regarding death.
Ironically Baron Samedi is also a healer, so this quarter of the board also
speaks of regaining health from illness.
The language is corrupt Yoruba, called Lucumi in Cuba. It is easier to speak
than it looks at first, since the chant is repetitive and quite musical. There
are no tricks to pronunciation and the words are spoken as they appear. The
“ache” referred to in the chant is the name of the primal vital force that is
found in all magical traditions. It is the same as the “prana” of the yogis, or
the “baraka” of the Arabs.
After any invocation it is customary to ask the spirit to do no harm to you
or yours, and to play you no mischief in the execution of the spell. Those of
you familiar with European magic will find this charge familiar.
There are several ways of representing one of these spirits during a ritual.
The simplest comes from Haiti where an equilateral cross is drawn on the
floor or ground with flour, corn meal or some similar substance. This is
done with various flourishes and curlicues depending on the spirit invoked
or the region in which the practitioners live (see, for example, the design for
the shell divination board in this book). In the United States, where the
Cuban form dominates, Eshu is usually called Eleggua or Elegba and is
represented by a bust usually made from hand-molded concrete with eyes,
ears and mouth of cowry shells. These figures are molded around a piece of
doweling that is removed to leave a hollow cylindrical space in the bottom.
When Santeria/Lucumi was still primarily a rural practice, the head was
“brought to life” by digging a hole in the center of a dirt crossroads and
lowering the head into it. A rooster had its throat cut over the hole and the
blood was drained onto the head. The rooster was laid into this hole and
buried with the bust for a prescribed number of days.
Even among the most serious practitioners, this can be impractical in a
modern urban setting. An alternative, which we have followed, is to
purchase an unconsecrated bust at a botanica (if there is one in your city),
perform a ritual involving the above invocation, the killing of a pigeon or
other easily obtainable bird over the head, allowing the blood to dry, and
asking the spirit of an Eshu to indwell the head. Seven stones or coins
representing the seven sacred planets of ancient astrology, as well as the
African powers connected to them, are placed in the hollow space and
permanently sealed up with putty or concrete. When dry, the figure should
be painted black (over the dried blood), except for the shell eyes and mouth,
and the figure is “charged.”
These “heads” are not expensive and are usually hand-made by Santeros
who practice in the area. The heads come in various sizes from nearly that
of a football to one that can fit in the palm of a hand and be easily hidden.
The appropriate resting place for such a talisman is usually in a corner, a
cabinet, or by a door. As always, the spirit should be asked through
divination what part of the house it wants to live in. A direct answer should
not be disregarded. This “personal” Eshu is responsible for your personal
magical rituals and the guarding of your home. It should be given candy
and (if it requests them) small toys, rum and cigars. For important
ceremonies Eshu prefers the fresh blood of sacrificed fowl.
As an alternative, if you live in an area where there are no botanicas and
don’t want to try to mold things from cement, a fresh coconut can be
obtained, the “top” cut off and the liquid poured out. Shells can be glued
onto the “face” to represent eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Consecration can
be done as above, but the seven stones should simply be dropped into the
hollow interior. It need not be painted. When spells are cast requiring
Eshu’s help, the requests or talismans may be placed inside this hollow
coconut head along with the proper rites.
In Brazil, Eshu is represented by the three-dimensional figure of a devil,
often made of iron. He, or rather, they, are also represented by graphic
A selection of the literally hundreds of individuals in this family of spirits
follows. Here are the twenty-one Eshus or Elegguas common in the
Santeria/Lucumi tradition. To our knowledge these have been unpublished
until recently. We obtained these names from a small booklet published by
an Anglo who was initiated into the Ifa religion in Africa (Esu—Elegba, Ifa
and The Divine Messenger by Awo Fa’lokun Fatunmbi, Original
Publications, New York: 1992). Migene Gonzalez-Wippler has also
published such a list, but the two do not match. We have selected this one
partly arbitrarily and partly because of its (seeming) coherence.
Eshu Oro—Eshu of the power of the spoken word.
Eshu Opin—The guardian of sacred space.
Eshu Alaketu—Master of divine sensuality.
Eshu Iseri—Eshu of herbs and healing.
Eshu Gogo—Eshu of payment and justice.
Eshu Wara—Eshu of relationships.
Eshu Ijelu—Master of the drums.
Eshu Aiyede—Who brings messages from the spirits.
Eshu Odara—Lord of transformation.
Eshu Jeki Ebo Da—Eshu of sacred offerings.
Eshu Agongon Goja—Eshu of clothing or appearance.
Eshu Elekun—The hunter or predator.
Eshu Arowoje—Eshu for those who travel the ocean.
Eshu Lalu—Eshu of the dance.
Eshu Pakuta Si Ewa—Creator and destroyer of beauty.
Eshu Kewe Le Dunje—Eshu of sweets and sweetness.
Eshu Elebara—Eshu of power.
Eshu Emalona—Eshu of “any means necessary” or unusual measures.
Eshu Laroye—Messenger of the love goddess Oshun.
Eshu Ananaki—Eshu of remembrance of the past.
Eshu Okoburu—The divine enforcer. Okoburu is Yoruban for
“wicked cudgel.”
What follows is from the truly enormous Brazilian pantheon (or
demonology) of Eshu. This is a mere selection, since these spirits have been
named and dealt with in the hundreds upon hundreds in Macumba (or
Quimbanda, if the magic is black). The sigils that accompany them may be
drawn on the ground, used as talismans, or painted large to be concentrated
on like a yantra.
Eshu Rei, as the name suggests, is the “king Eshu,” the most powerful
master spirit of his class. He is to be called up only for major celebrations
or operations. By reputation, if it appears at a ceremony without being
called, considerable effort must be made to appease it and cause it to leave
lest harm come to one and all. Conversely, if deliberately called, the reason
had better be very good, and not some petty personal affair.
The safest and most beneficial way to deal with this enormous and
dangerous being is to call him occasionally, offer sacrifice and ask for his
general favor and that of his “family.” His name can be used in invocations
as a word of power to other Eshus, taking care to make it clear you are not
actually calling him.
Naquela encruzilhada tem um rei
Esse rei e seu Tranca Gira
Na outra encruzilhada tem outro reino
E do Lucifer e de Pomba Gira
Pomba Gira and her sisters are the female companions or colleagues of
Eshu (wife or consort would be the wrong word). Pomba Gira means
“spinning pigeon” because at Quimbanda ceremonies where she appears,
the person possessed begins the manifestation by dancing and spinning
drunkenly. The character of the Pomba Giras is for the most part lascivious,
promiscuous, pleasure-loving and free of all inhibitions. She has much in
common with the succubus of European demonology but without the
sinister overtones. We say this bearing in mind that she still has the
unpredictable personality of an Eshu.
She likes alcohol and sex and both can be indulged in her honor or used
as an offering. She can be used to cause the satisfaction of love, or, perhaps
more appropriately, lust and vice. In a more negative sense her power can
be used to cause others to lose control and disgrace or ruin themselves.
Dona Pomba Gira e moca bonita da encruzilhada.
Ela vem, Ela vem, Ela vem
Firmar pontos na madrugada.
Ela deixou sua figueira
Tatare Eshu mulher.
Ela e Pomba Gira da encruza
A mulher de Lucifer.
Eshu Marabo, like Eshu Tranca Ruas, is among the most “popular” of the
Eshus. His powers tend to be general, bringing luck or harm, with the
exception of the fact that he is known to specialize in illness. Not just in
terms of causing it but also of healing it. These qualities do nothing to
obviate the mercurial personality of his kind, and as always, care should be
taken that he is pleased with his payment.
Poeira, poeira,
Poeira de Eshu Marabo, poeira
Poeira de Eshu Marabo, poeira
Poeira da encruzilhada
Poeira, poeira.
Taebo and Kainde are the twin sons of Chango (the thunder god) and Oshun
(the equivalent of Venus) whose descriptions follow. The twins are
perpetually youthful, intelligent, playful and excellent at solving problems.
They are particularly talented at curing illness, most particularly mental or
emotional illness.
Taebo and Kainde are also good at causing luck at gambling, until they
get bored, and are often appealed to in a situation where a “miracle” is
needed. In such a situation, the supplicant creates an altar to the twins, with
either the figures of two identical boys or a picture of St. Cosmo and St.
Damian. Then a “party” is thrown in their honor, with cake, ice cream and
anything else that children would like. This can take the form of an actual
party with other guests if appropriate. If they are happy with the party, the
miracle will occur.
It is appropriate to offer a blood sacrifice only if it is specifically
requested. The correct offerings are usually identical plates of sweets or
cakes left before their images or talisman.
Their colors are those of their parents, Chango and Oshun.
Vamos comer caruru, dois, dois.
Na praia tem caruru.
Vamos comer caruru, dois, dois.
No bosque tem caruru.
Vamos comer caruru, dois, dois.
No terreiro tem caruru.
Vamos chamar as criancas
Pra comer munguaza
Vamos chamar as criancas
pra sarava no conga.
Vamos chamar o Joaozinho
Mariazinha e Cipriano
Vamos chamar o Zezinho
O Manezinho e o Mariano
This most masculine and macho of spirits has been rather hilariously
masked as the ethereal and feminine St. Barbara. This occurred simply
because of the presence of Chango’s symbols in her picture, just as St.
Patrick became the mask of Dambalah in Haiti for no other reason than that
there were snakes in the picture. His traditional image is that of a beautiful,
very muscular man who carries a double-headed ax.
His colors are red and white and his day is Friday.
Chango is possibly the most popular of all the spirits and he is
worshipped under the same name and with the same attributes from Los
Angeles to Haiti. He can bring luck, love, strength (physical and moral) and
sexual prowess. He likes to get drunk, but sometimes forbids his followers
to do the same. He is also a womanizer and a talented magician hence his
usefulness in love spells. He is a lord of thunder and fire and can cause
storms and tempests.
His usual offerings include the sweetest, reddest apples that can be found,
pomegranates and palm oil. Among the birds he prefers as blood offerings
are roosters, turkey, and quail. He also accepts turtles.
Abrindo a minha engira
Com Zambi e com Chango!
abrindo a minha engira
Com Zambi e com Chango!
Sarava, seu Alafim!
Sarava, seu Agoao!
Sarava seu Alafim!
Sarava seu Aganju!
Oshun is the love goddess of the Yorubas and the patroness of gold. She is
the mother of the Ibeyi twins and, because of her attributes, one of the most
popular spirits. She is invoked in love spells, particularly by women, and by
men in the acquisition of wealth. It is said that she is moody, and must be
kept satisfied, or she will take away all she has given. If you have made a
promise to her and do not keep it, you can make no greater enemy.
She also has power over that part of the human anatomy where the
stomach, digestive tract and reproductive organs are located, thus, she is
also appealed to in matters of fertility and any ailment of the stomach or
Her colors are white and yellow, her day is Saturday, and her mask is the
Virgin of Caridad del Cobre, the patroness of Cuba.
Her sacred place in nature, aside from the bedroom, is around fresh
flowing water, such as rivers or streams. Offerings or spells done in her
honor are especially effective if done at a river or stream. These should not
be done by the ocean, as that is the kingdom of her sister Yemanja.
She is envisioned as a beautiful woman with copper-colored skin and
long hair. Along with gold, her sacred metal is copper (which was also
sacred to the Greek Venus).
Mamae Oshun
Papai Ogum Beira Mar
Estavam brincando na areia
Com o rosario de Iemanja
Arue minha mae
Minha mae me ensinou a nadar
Minha mae e raihna do mar
Tem areia, Tem areia
Adociaba no mar
Mamae Sereia.
Ogun is the fighter-god, the war-god. He is lord of iron and patron of all
conflicts and competitions. His mask is usually St. Peter (in Brazil it is St.
George) and his day is Tuesday. He is lord of tools and weapons such as
machetes and hammers.
His colors are green and black. For ordinary offerings he is fond of cigars
and rum and his altar is decorated with miniature weapons and tools that are
sold in most botanicas. In Brazil he is often portrayed as a roman soldier,
and some similar figure would be an appropriate altar piece.
He is called upon to gain work for any matter regarding stone, metal or
heavy machinery. He safeguards from accidents and like all spirits can also
operate negatively in any of these areas.
Ogun, Ogun, de Timbire
Ogun de mana Zambe dao Luanda
As aves cantam quando ele vem de Aruanda
Trazendo pemba para salvar filhos de Unbanda
Oh japones, olha as costas do mar
Oh japones, olha as costas do mar.
Yemanja is the sea goddess. She is patroness of fertility and the abundance
of life. In Lucumi, she is masked by Our Lady of Regla, but in Brazil where
these spirits are far more publicly represented, she is pictured in statues and
prints as either a mermaid or a woman dressed in pearls and blue robes.
Her colors are blue and white in Lucumi and crystal in Macumba. As
offerings she accepts many types of fruits, especially watermelon. For
animal offerings, pigeons and live fish and crustaceans are most easily
In magic, she is called upon regarding any problem regarding the ocean
and can give great wealth from the sea, protecting those who work on it.
She is the ruler of all women’s affairs and is patroness of women in general.
She is also associated with the moon and has the attributes and gives the
gifts common to moon goddesses.
Sou filho do mar.
Das ondas do mar
Da espuma do mar
Minlia mae Yemanja
O, Virgem Maria,
Como es linda flor,
Celeste harmonia,
Dulcissimo amor.
Manda em nossos lares
Rinha dos mares,
Da Terra e dos Ceus,
Em risos encobres.
Maria os seus dons,
Tesouro dos pogres
Riqueza dos bons.
Manda em nossos lares
Rainha dos mares,
Da Terra o dos Ceus.
In nearly every recent account by sympathetic writers about Voodoo—
whether Haitian or Cuban or Brazilian—great effort is made to point out
that uninformed accounts of the subject malign it and the people who
practice it. They say that the tales of altars running with blood and the
casting of curses are the sensational accounts of ignorant journalists or
religious bigots.
This is usually true. It is also true that these same books often end with
tales of the very things they seek to play down. Like a priest’s fondness for
schoolboys or the proliferation of fundamentalist mental clinics, it’s one of
those things that is hard to completely ignore.
Most Americans have memories long enough to recall the invasion of
Panama that garnered General Noriega’s company in a federal prison. What
most of us did not notice, because the various media covered it only
fleetingly, was what the military discovered in the General’s mansion after
making the arrest.
When the army entered the house to collect evidence they found a large
room dominated by a long table covered with glass-encased candles,
strange statues, and little cloth bags among other obscure items. Upon
examination, the bags were found to contain powder of various kinds and so
they were taken for examination under the assumption that they were drugs.
When analyzed, the powder was found to be an inert (from their point of
view) mixture of herbs and incenses. The matter was largely forgotten,
though it came out later that the General had, in his employ, one or more
sorcerers of Brazilian, Cuban or Puerto Rican provenance.
The use of magic to attain and maintain power is not unusual. Americans
know very little about it only because most journalists consider it irrelevant
or are so ignorant they don’t know what they are looking at when they see
it. One of the recent presidents of Brazil (at least!) is said to have been a
devotee of Quimbanda; and the Duvaliers of Haiti are well known to have
practiced the black side of Voodoo and to have made alliances with its
secret societies.
Related to the above, I (S. J. Black) have a story to relate told to me by a
psychologist friend who went to Brazil just after “Baby Doc” Duvalier fled
Port au Prince. He told me that the former members of the notorious tonton
macoute had found a welcome haven in some parts of Brazil. Their off-
shore bank accounts no doubt helped. At any rate, he swore to me that he
had seen numbers of people who had either crossed them, or been poor
workers in their employ (he didn’t inquire too closely) in the “zombie”
condition. The toxic formula described by Wade Davis in his book had been
used on these people as was a formula of magical mind programming. He
told me that he saw these people daily, carrying burdens (it was a rural area)
or just standing around, utterly gone.
No secret was made of what had happened to these people, as it enhanced
the prestige of the former enforcers and saved them the trouble of having to
do it to too many others. I have never seen this story confirmed in any
article or media report, nor would I particularly expect to. I have it from the
person who claimed he saw it, and beyond that, I have no proof except that
in many parts of the world, such a thing is far from unusual.
The late unlamented Idi Amin of Uganda was also known to have
extensively employed black magicians. This was far more widely reported
because ritual cannibalism was involved.
I have read a published account by a supposed witness who claims that
Amin abducted someone who had offended him and that one of the most
powerful and popular sorcerers-for-hire in Africa strapped him to a table
and slowly skinned him alive during a ritual to capture his soul as a slave
for Mr. Amin. His body was mummified and kept in a chest as the “link” to
imprison his soul.
The immediate reaction by most people is that the above is the most
scurrilous and ridiculous kind of rumor. I do not know if this particular
story is absolutely true. What I do know is that what I described is a
genuine part of traditional African black magic that is practiced to this day.
In fact, a little more than a year ago, television network news reported that
helpless refugees from one of the African nations were being abducted and
killed in just such ceremonies.
Not long ago, also nationally reported, the family of a Brazilian mayor
was nearly lynched by a mob when it was discovered that they were part of
a black magic circle responsible for the torture murder of a number of
young children (probably by skinning, but they tried to keep the details
quiet) and whose heads were then kept in cauldrons for use in magic. The
news media kept referring to it as “satanic” but it was nothing of the sort,
not in any historical sense. It was another dark form of Afro-Caribbean
And this brings us to the world of Palo Mayombe.
Palo Mayombe (or Palo Monte) is magic that has its roots in the Congo
region just as Lucumi is basically Yoruban and Haitian Vaudun is basically
Dahomean. It is by no means always black, but it always involves the
remains of the dead, as it is beyond anything else, a technique of
necromancy. Its initiated practitioners are called Paleros or Tata N’kisi
(which means father of the spirits).
In Cuba, an elaborate initiation ceremony is performed wherein the
aspiring sorcerer sleeps out of doors for a night and then digs up a corpse
from a graveyard. The skull, flanges of the fingers, and tibia are removed
and taken away to a ceremonial chamber where the spirit of the dead person
is conjured.
I will not go into metaphysical speculation on whether a human soul can
be bound after death.
If the spirit consents to serve the magician during his lifetime, a container
is prepared for the human remains to serve as a “home.” This is usually an
iron cauldron filled with a bed of graveyard earth and other ingredients
upon which the skull and other bones rest. “Primitive” as this sounds, the
details of the arrangement make it clear that within the cauldron is created a
microcosmic universe that could have been understood and appreciated by
any renaissance hermeticist. This cauldron is called either a nganga, from
the African, or a prenda, which is Spanish for “jewel”, representing how
precious it is.
Palo Mayombe is a complex and time-honored system of magic, and I
would like to emphasize that the vast majority of Paleros absolutely do
NOT participate in the kind of atrocity that I am about to describe.
Nearly ten years ago, a boy from Texas disappeared during a weekend
drinking trip to Matamoros, Mexico with some of his college buddies. As a
result of the search that followed, a mass grave was uncovered at an
isolated ranch outside of town. The boy’s body was there, as were many
others. Eventually, the story came out that for many years, a powerful
Palero from Florida had been working for the local drug-running families
providing not only magical protection, but organizational services as well.
His name was Adolfo Luis Constanzo, and his full story is told in a
fascinating book called Buried Secrets by Pulitzer prize winning author
Edward Humes (Signet, New York: 1992). He was (according to himself)
an initiated Palero of Cuban extraction who had been trained in blood
magic since he was a child. This fantastic personality was personal advisor
to some of Mexico’s most famous and powerful people, from movie stars to
high-level politicians.
He was also a monster who routinely skinned people alive on an altar in
order to feed the spirit servitor in his bloody nganga pot. I have read several
accounts of him and every author says repeatedly that the people who knew
him insist that his spells “worked.” What he foretold came to pass. If he did
a spell for luck, your fortunes skyrocketed. Mr. Humes is a highly respected
journalist, not a writer on “the strange world of psychic phenomena” yet he
was clearly impressed by the consistency of these stories.
It becomes clear that Constanzo was a genuine psychic prodigy who was
born into an environment where such talent could be focused and trained
properly, and he used that ability like the sorcerers of old—to gain wealth
and power. What was uncovered when he made the mistake of killing an
American was a public horror, but what was even worse is the clear
conclusion that if it was not for that error in judgment he might never have
been caught or interfered with. He was almost a modern Gilles de Rais. It is
amusing to compare the “magicians” and “witches” of American occult
lodges with this powerful and wealthy monster.
In Florida, which has been the focus for the influx of Voodoo
practitioners of all types, the police deal routinely with the involvement of
professional black magicians in the drug trade. In Miami, gangland “hits”
are often accompanied by Vaudun or Lucumi signs near the body. This is
not to say that they were human sacrifices. They were the victims of crime
rivalry with the added spice of having their souls captured or meddled with
as additional punishment. Paleros and Santeros also do a heavy trade
providing spiritual “luck” for cocaine traffickers.
It may surprise you that the fear of the werewolf is still very much a part of
the modern world. The explorer and documentary film-maker Douchan
Gersi in his book Faces in the Smoke (Jeremy P. Tarcher, Los Angeles:
1991) relates how he interviewed a number of people including military
men who swore that they had caught and killed a lycanthrope that had been
terrorizing the countryside. They told the classic story that when they
cornered the beast it was in the form of a monster, but after death reverted
to a man. Whatever the truth of the story, Mr. Gersi said that the wounds
were real and the deaths caused by the “beast” were real. And on top of that
he saw the corpse of the accused lycanthrope.
In Cuba, South America, Mexico and some parts of the southwestern
U.S. this rumor still persists, with multiple witnesses and sometimes
injuries and death to indicate that something happened. Those who are
prepared to accept the efficacy of a spell or the operation of telepathy may
draw the line at shape-shifting, but it is far better attested to than you might
think. Most accounts indicate that the “wolf” isn’t real, but an apparition
that is nevertheless capable of doing harm. The sorcerer is often in a trance
of some kind miles away, his spirit only in animal form. The writings of
Carlos Castaneda also touch on this sort of thing.
The world is not what we are taught it is, and when the veil is pulled
aside it can be weirder and more dangerous that anyone is willing to
In this chapter we create a basic outline for the practical working of spells
in the Voodoo tradition. Those familiar with the literature of magic will find
that the basic ingredients and techniques are very little different from
European witchcraft.
As this is intended to be a book that introduces outsiders to the practice
of Afro-Caribbean magic, we will avoid much that is culturally specific or
initially obscure. For example, the tradition of herbalism in all forms of
Voodoo is truly enormous, and the majority of it is still passed along only
by word of mouth. As an added complication, the names used for the herbs
are different than those commonly used in the U.S., even when the names
are in English.
Also note that there is no particular separation between, say, a Haitian
technique or one of Lucumi origin. In New York and Florida, for example,
there are Haitian immigrants who are initiates into Santeria, and Santeros
who are also Paleros. Voodoo is about function and not artificial divisions
based on meaningless sectarian symbolism. This, from our experience,
seems to be one of the hardest things for people raised in a white Christian
world to get past.
No Bocor or Palero would hesitate to use material from the Key of
Solomon or any other European Grimoire if he thought it would work, and
we urge you to take the same attitude. In this sense the Voodoo practitioner
is the ultimate pragmatist.
While the principle focus of the book has been on spirit names of a
Yoruban origin, there is no need to limit yourself to this.
The symbols used on the “board” created for the shell divination are
Haitian. The symbol for Legba is related to the family of the Eshus, the
symbol for Erzulie is related to Oshun, the symbol of Baron Samedi
represents a spirit like Eshu Da Capa Preta and Erzulie Dantor is sister to
Pomba Gira. Both Chango and Ogun are worshipped in Haiti under the
same names and qualities.
To begin with, like all basic magic, these spells operate under the concept
that what is similar to the mind or senses is similar in reality. This idea,
ancient beyond calculation is the basis for the “doctrine of signatures”
espoused by the Hermetic magicians and physicians of Europe.
Basically the same as the above, except that you need links for the two
people between whom you wish to cause a falling out. Place them in the
container and cover with vinegar instead of honey, and call upon one of the
more violent spirits, such as Eshu Da Capa Preta.
Select the appropriate spirit. Take a sum of money, preferably genuine
silver (not the rubbish minted nowadays) or a piece of quality jewelry. Pour
the blood of a sacrifice on the object in the name of the spirit, and place
some of the blood on a talisman inscribed with the sign of the spirit. Carry
the talisman on your person, and perform the invocation to the spirit at least
three nights a week.
This is done to rid yourself of bad luck or bad feelings. Cleanse the room in
which you sleep by splashing the four quarters of the floor with “Florida
water”—a mild, citrus smelling cologne that is available in botanicas and
stores catering to a Latin clientele. It will not stain, and the clean, pleasant
smell will soon evaporate. If this substance is not available, use incense or
another cologne of your choice. The American Indian incense sage has also
recently become widely available, and is traditionally used for this purpose.
Take either a live pigeon (if you consider the matter serious) or two eggs.
Pass these over your body from your feet, over your head, down to the other
side, and up and down the back and front of your torso. As you do this, ask
the spirits to take the impurities from your spiritual and physical body. Then
kill the bird by breaking its neck (do not cut its throat) and place it in a plain
paper bag—or place the eggs in a paper bag with six pennies. Leave the bag
at the corner of an intersection, unobtrusively against a building.
For a person who wishes to practice Voodoo and doesn’t want initiation or
can’t find a suitable means we present a method which has worked for us.
Keep in mind that you must decide what you can or can’t tolerate. We are
not responsible for what you do. You paid for this book—as such you paid
for our experiences and knowledge. What you do with this book is up to
you—it is your responsibility. Remember, even though there are millions of
people who follow Voodoo, this is no justification for irresponsible actions.
You must decide how serious you are and how much suffering you might be
willing to tolerate.
An intensive set of divinations are first necessary. Set up a circle, prepare
an altar, perform a sacrifice, obtain equipment, purify yourself, play music,
listen to sounds, choose colors, buy an image, prepare a talisman, perform a
ritual at least once a week for a month. Pay attention to dreams,
coincidences, etc. Keep a journal of your practices.
Without benefit of a “real” Santero or Houngan to initiate you, there is
another tradition of far greater age that can be adapted to the purpose for the
serious student.
According to shamanic lore, a person who has reason to believe that he
has been “called” to the practice of magic often goes into the forest by
himself and, by use of spontaneous trance states, learns the arts of magic
from the spirits themselves. In other words, they go off by themselves in a
state of ignorance and return with a body of knowledge obtained from
persons or things unknown. Parallels to this exist in every religious tradition
including the Christian.
Since we are discussing “Urban Voodoo,” going on a pilgrimage into the
forest may be inconvenient, so we have here a simple method based on
tradition. Its principle requirements are a commitment of time and a serious
willingness to a rather scary form of psychic openness.
For this you will need a very simple small devotional space or altar. You
will also need some form of crossroad spirit like an Eleggua who will be the
person you will principally address.
You should cover this space with a white cloth and have at least one
glass-encased candle and perfumed oil or Florida water to anoint the figure
or sigil.
This exercise should be done both morning and evening. Begin with a
ritual bath or washing. When the water is drawn, say this over it:
Immerse yourself in the water and imagine all mental and physical
impurities washed away.
Approach the altar and invoke Legba/Eshu. Ask for an introduction to the
spirits and the ability to speak with them. Use the techniques of self-
hypnosis to open yourself to this. Then retire to bed. Keep a dream diary for
the night.
This same technique can be performed in the morning, asking for signs of
the spirit’s presence. This sounds deceptively simple, but if you pursue it
for a month or more, you will be startled by the results.
A word of warning: you should also be prepared to have experiences that
may prove frightening, but if you have the courage to endure these, you will
find yourself greatly rewarded and your life changed for the better.
The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic, Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ: 1984, Vol. 1, p. 9.
Op. cit., pp. 10–11.