Geopolitics, Geoeconomics

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Geo-Economics and Power Geo-economic power politics

Politics in the 21st Century An introduction
The Revival of Economic Statecraft Sören Scholvin and Mikael Wigell

Edited by
Mikael Wigell,
Power politiçs By éçonofmi means
States inçreasingly phctise power politics by economic means. Whether it is COLLEGE
Sören Scholvin about Iráns nucloaf programme or Russia's annexation of Crimea, Western
states prefetgoonomic sanctions to military force. In spite of sabre-ratling vis-à
and Mika Aaltola es North Korea, the Trump presidency also highlights this trend: the 2017
N¯ponáí Security Strategy of the United States difers from previous strategies
Dits emphasis on economic statecraft, stating that economic security is national KM.C.
security' (White House 2017, p. 17). A central means for President Trump in

trying to persuade others to follow US policies appears to be the deployment of
economic sticks. A recent example is Trump threatening to withdraw economic &
aid over the question of recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital, as reported by
the Washington Post (20 December 2017).
Other major powers put more emphasis on economic carrots: China is using
finance, investment, and trade as means to build alliances and gain influence in
countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Holslag 2016; Khanna 2016:; HINDU
Yu 2015). Brazil and South Africa have also become cunning agents of eco
nomic statecraft, using state-owned banks and stateowned enterprises to create
asymmetric relations with neighbouring countrnes in order to maintain (sub)con
tinental spheres of influence (Bond 2004; Flynn 2007; McDonald 2009). Oil-rich
)304 states, especially Qatar and Saudi Arabia, deploy chequebook diplomacy to
wield influence in regional affairs (Blackwill and Haris 2016). Russia is lever
aging its energy resources to cement political alliances and drive wedges within XEROX
counter-alliances. Its clever manipulation of energy flows is causing divisions in
the European Union's approach to Russia in general, and the Ukraine crisis in
particular (Vihma and Wigell 2016; Wigell and Vihma 2016). PRADEEP
Yet, the way states use economic power to pursue geostrategic aims remains
an understudied aspect of contermporary international relations. Deparing from
the key concept of geo-economics, this collaborative book project aims to shed
light on this alternative form of power politics. It shows how power and security
Routledge are no longer simply coupled to the physical control of teritory, but also to com
Taylor &Franco Group manding and manipulating the economic ties that bind states together. By
making use of the leverage provided by the asymmetric vulnerabilities inherent
An introduction 3
2 Sören Scholvin and Mikael Wigell

in these economic interconnectivities, geo-economics provide a way for states - Russian aspirations to uphold its historical sphere of influence in Eurasta
one different from teritory-based geopolitics - to conduct power politics. (Kaczmarski 2017: Raik and Saari 2016: see also Chapter 4in this volume). This
PRADEEP Indeed, as the chapters in this volume show, the ability to wield economic power clash is about the projection of economic power. It constitutes geo-economie
forms an essential means in the grand strategies of major powers. power politics.
Hence, while competition appears to be once again the predominant driver of The objective of Geo-economics and Power Politics in the 2lst Century 1s,
international relations, the means used by states to engage in this strategic com thus, to shed light on geo-economics, challenging the simple accounts of a return
XEROX petition are not predominantly military, as often assumed in academic debates to traditional, military-driven geopolitics, while not succumbing to any
(e.g. Mead 2014). Recent years have also laid bare the limitations of the liberal unfounded idealism based on the supposedly stabilising effects of interdepend
interdependence paradigm. In the aftermath of the Cold War, there was a central ence on international relations. In his classical but often-overlooked study
belief that as the world grew economically more interdependent, states would National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade (1945), Albert Hirschman
CENTER come to abandon power politics in favour of more cooperative foreign policies showed how international trade selations were used as an instrument of German
and integration into the liberal, ule-based world order (e.g. Ikenbery 1998; power. By exploiting asyrmetre, trade relations, Germany transformed trade
Mandelbaum 2002). These convictions remain attractive to many scholars (e.g. into a geostrategic togl. The onibutions to this volume derive from that
Ikenberry 201 1). Yet, what we have been witnessing for the past few years is the insight.They a vgne oirnderstanding of geo-economics as astrategie prac
HINDU simultancous increase in interdependence and strategic competition, even con tice and as an anáytical approach within the field of international relations (IR).
flict (Haass 2017; Wright 2017). It is a trend that resembles earlier periods of
time, such as the late nineteenth century, when Germany and Russia emerged as
COLLEGE continental powers with the potential to control the entire Eurasian landmass. The rise of geo-économics since the early 1990s
Back then, Halford Mackinder (1904), in a famous speech delivered at the Royal Angemgal article, Edward Luttwak (1990) used the term geo-cconomics to
Geographical Society in London, highlighted the importance of economic factors é_críbe how in the post-Cold War international system the main arena for
and technological progress for geostrategic ends, such as railway lines connect Vhty amongst states would be economic, rather than military. He (1993) elabo
ing Asia and Central Europe for access to natural resources. fated further on these ideas in a book published three years later. With the Soviet
&K.M.C. We argue that the strategic competition of today is largely driven by eco threat to Europe and the United States almost gone, Luttwak did not see any
nomic means. This is well demonstrated by the efforts of the Obama administra likely interstate military confrontation in the near future. In a similar vein, Hunt
tion to advance two economic mega-communities - the Trans-Atlantic Trade and ington observed how [..]in a world in which military conflict between major
Investment Partnership, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership - so as to boost US states is unlikely(] economic power will be increasingly important in determin
COLLEGE hegemony, cement the trans-Atlantic partnership and limit China's power, as ing the primacy or subordination of states' (1993, p. 72). Hence, in the view of
analysed by Kari Möuöl in Chapter 7of this book. And while there is, excépt these early geo-economists, the end of the Cold War did not equal any "end of
for the case of Russia and arguably also China, litle evidence of any filitác history' (Fukuyama 1992). Instead, they foresaw a transformation of the way
balancing amongst non-Western powers against the United Statesáye obseve conflict was being played out 'with disposable capital in lieu of firepower,
civilian innovation in lieu of military-technical advancement, and market pene
MOBILE efforts of soft balancing - that is, balancing through non-military, incuding e o
nomic, means (Flemes 2010; Pape 2005). Instead of challeggíe Westeir powers tration in lieu of garrisons and bases' (Lutwak 1990, p. 18). In the new geo
militarily, rising powers form alliances, such as BRIÇSin oxlefo,build altern cconomic era, states would still be pursuing adversarial goals but through
ative cconomic structures a 'world without theáWest Barma, Ratner and economic instead of military means.
:8130462424,9711491324 Weber 2014). Luttwak's ideas quickly fell out of fashion, though, as the new global order
The BRICS Bank is only one of many emetgipg tcoñomic institutions routing proclaimed by President George H. Bush (1991) and the Washington Consensus
around the Western-led order. The analyses by. Mikko Huotari (Chapter 10), HINDU seemed to have entrenched a more cooperative international system in which all
Mikael Mattlin and Bart Gaens (Chapter 11), as well as Mikael Wigell and Ana COLLEGE major powers bought into globalisation and the hope for a long period of eco
Soliz Landivar (Chapter 12) all show how China is using its growing financial nomic growth, creating mutual benefits that would lessen the chances of serious
leverage, setting up institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment conflict. The realist assumptions inherit in the early geo-economics paradigm did
Bank, to foster closer diplomatic ties with countries around the world and to
813 not appear useful for this liberal era, in which economic integration and
embed its global rise. Regionally, most major powers stillattempt to build their cooperation, not conflict, had become the most dominant features of international
own spheres of influence but instcad of conquering territory, they often attempt
to bind these regions to themselves economically. For example, the Eastern Part However, while the 1990s and even more so the 2000s saw a rapid increase
nership of the European Union and China's New Silk Road initiative clash with of economic inlerdependence on the international scale, so did the challenges
4 Sören Scholvin and Mikael Wigell An introduction 5

and risks, many of which are geo-economic in nature. As noted, interdependence Scholvin and Strkver 2013). Another relevant topic is the impact that unconven l491324
is often asymmetric, meaning that itentails sources of power in bargaining rela tional oiland gas resources in North America have had on US foreign policy, for
tionships. Risks that result from interdependence- and affect states asymmetri example with the world power losing interest in sub-Saharan Africa, which was
cally - include disruptions in global supply chains and illicit trade flows, as well
as the use of asymmetric vulnerabilities as strategic leverage (Aaltola et al. 2014,
projected to become a politically reliable provider of oil and gas in the immediate
post-9/11 period (Andreasson 2015).
World Economic Forum 2016). These vulnerabilities are propelling economic Severalchapters in this book take up these critical issues. Niklas Rossbach
security to the centre of the global agenda for the foreseeable future, and thus for analyses the impact of the shale gas revolution on the United States, focussing
geo-economic calculations to become paramount the concerns of both major on how the new resource endowment contributes to US power, and how it influ
and minor powers in their strategic calculus, as Christian Fjäder argues in his ences its foreign political grand strategy (Chapter 9). Hans Kundnani argues that
contribution to this book (Chapter 3). Germany, in particular with_egard to the Eurozone, pursues a strategy of 'neo
The concept of geo-economics has thus become increasingly fashionable in sci liberal geo-economics' usngmarkets to impose its political preferences MOBILE
cntific and semi-scientific debates. Yet, as Mattlin and Wigell (2016) observe, it is (Chapter 5). Pavel Bev logk[at the Russian pivot to the east, and the way it has
striking how many scholars use the term geo-cconomics as a catchword without focussed on usipgth¿gxpoftofhydrocarbons as strategic leverage (Chapter 6).
defining it clearly, or at least taking into consideration how others use it. The fol
lowing overview highlights how different contemporary understandings of geo
However, Gespite hat Lutwak expected, geo-economics has not entirely
replacednilitarý meafÁs of statecraft. Economic and military instruments coexist, cOLEGE
economics are, and how ditficult it would be to bring them together under a being usekby aaes depending on what they consider adequate for the specific
conmon frame. We start with authors who have an understanding of geo cháijenges tiey are facing. Blackwill and Harris therefore suggest that 'for today's
economics that is roughly compatible with Luttwak's and then proceed to varieties IDCUosisophisticated geo-cconomic actors, geo-economic and military dimensions of
of geo-economics that have little in common with Luttwak's conceptualisation, or
are outright incompatible with it. Afterwards, and building on these former
stafecraft tend to be mutually reinforcing' (2016, p. 9). Unfortunately, labelling
ist¯tes that refer to military means as geo-economic actors is an example for the
approaches, we present our own understanding of geo-economics, which consti often-confusing terminology that unfortunately marks the state of the art. While this
tutes the basis for the individual analyses in this volume. introduction is meant to clearly define geo-economics, and distinguish between geo
economics and geopolitics, the volume also addresses the co-occurence of eco
nomic and military means in power politics, particularly in the chapters by Braz
Geo- 20nomics in the tradition ofLutbwak Baracuhy (Chapter 2), Paul Rivlin (Chapter 8) and Sären Scholvin (Chapter l15).
Since the end of the Cold War, numerous scholars have studied ge0-economic Other researchers also conceptualise geo-economics and geopolitics - the latter
phenomena, explicitly or implicitly drawing on Luttwak's seminalrticte, being understood as the pursuit of strategic objectives by military means - as over
Hudson er al. (1991), for example, define geo-economics as strategie&of sétjto lapping strategies. In his study of the competition between China and India, Scott HINDU
rial control that are economically motivated and carried out byoconomiemeáDs, (2008) points out that the control over sea-lines of communication is essential to
most importantly investment and trade. Hsiung (2009) pdestandS geo geo-economics and geopolitics; so is access to vital resources. Grosse (2014) ana
cconomics as a shift from military to economic secury conçermí, especially
with regard to China's new role in global politiçs.s. Mattlin nd Wigell (2016)
lyses China's domestic capital accumulation and broader economic development,
arguing that increasing economic bases of national power enable the People's
suggest hat geo-economic strategies are typical"oEno Western powers Republic to change the structures of the global economy according to its prefer
Brazil, China and India - because they retfonhon-niliary means in their soft ences. Whereas Scott clearly distinguishes between geo-economics and geopolitics,
balancing vis-å-vis the United States. Grosse proposes that geo-economics is the merger of economic and geopolitical OX
Intheir aforementioned articles, Vihma andWigell examine the way Russia goals, and implies that there are hybrid strategies of economic and military power
has attempted to project power into its neighbourhood, not only by military projection. Huntington (1993) similarly suggests that states that increase their eco
means but also through economics, demonstrating the different strategic natures nomic bases of power are likely to gain advantages in technology and thus become
of geo-economics and geopolitics and the way they may undermine each other's stronger in military terms.
effectiveness when applied simultaneously. The very broad research on how The terminological muddle becomes particularly apparent in an article by
China has gained access to raw malerials and political influence through partner Sanjaya Baru, the former Director for Geo-economics and Strategy at the Inter
ships with developing countries and on how Germany has imposed its prefer national Institute of Srategic Studies. Baru (2012) defines geo-economics as the
ences in the European Union by leveraging its market power also stands in the mutual interplay of economics and geopolitics: economic developments, for
Luttwakian tradition, even if the term geo-economics is not always used in example the declining economic power of a specific state, have geopolitical
according publications (e.g. Alves 2015; Kärkk inen 2016; Kundnani 2011: impacts; geopolitical change such as territorial conquest influences economics. Yet
An introduction 7
6 Sören Scholvin and Mikael Wigell

elsewhere in the same text, geo-economic power appears as a status that derives Non-Luttwakian approaches to geo-economics
from successfully applied economic power, as Baru argues that Japan turned into an much less
PRADEEP Some publications that may un under the label of geo-economics are
economic power in the 1980s, but it never became a geo-economic power, having related to power politics than Luttwak's own work. or not at all.
Scholvin and
failed to convert its newfound economic clout into military and political power
(2012, p. 51). From an analytical perspective, it is problematic that only successful Draper (2012), as well as Scholvin and Malamud (2014), concentrate on he
policies qualify as geo-economics. Apart from that, if applied economic power turns impact of material structures in the geographical space on Brazil's and South
astate into a geo-economic power (as a status), or constitutes geo-cconomic power Africa's respective regional economic relations. Käpylã and Mikkola (2016)
XEROX explain that geographical conditions induce states to cooperate in the
(as a practice), what is the difference between a geo-economic and a geopolitical
power, considering that Baru defines geo-economics as the mutual impact of eco because open confrontation would risk everyone's economic objectives. As a
nomics and geopolitics? And why do, according to the above quote, geo-economic side note, this concept of geo-economics -geographical conditions shaping eco
CENTER powers refer to military means? Should one rather not speak of a geopolitical power nomic outcomes - equals the understanding of geopolitics historically held by
whenever the military is vital for power politics? geographers, who thought of gopolitics as political outcomes shaped by geo
The volume Connectivity Wars (2016) suffers from similar problems. In its
graphical conditions (Schoyin 20f6).
Others relate geo-etongmicre the rise of new actors that matter for eco
introduction, Leonard argues that there are three new arenas in which confiicts nomic and politiçal dynaraicSbeyond he national scale. For instance, Barton
HINDU amongst states are now being carried out: economics, international institutions
(1999) argues that tfethe era of geopolitics was about hegemonic states and
and infrastructure. Key to understanding international relations in the twenty stability. in ifßteatißnaf relations, the era of geo-economics is marked by highly
first century is interdependence: the very things that connected the world are flexiblon-stateactors and borderless transnational relations. Mercille (2008)
COLLEGE now being used as weapons' (2016, p. 15). This lcads to tactics by which state A SügBe_s hat while businesspeople act according to a geo-economic logic, the
seeks to make state B dependent on itself- through economic relations, institu
tional afiliations and infrastructures - in order to gain political leverage. fogic behiDd the actions of politicians is geopolitical. From a slightly different
perspective, Cowen and Smith (2009) suggest that the assemblage of
Although this concept seems convincing, the defining features of geo-economics BConomy and people under the authority of nation-states- key criteria of the era
&& addressed by Leonard do not say anything specific about how power is used. For of geopolitics is being recast, mainly because territorial borders
have lost the
K.M.C. example, bombing airports and power plants, which are infrastructures, is not defining role they used to play for the economy and society. The era of geo
geo-economics. Building hub airports on which entire,continents depend, and economics is marked by global production being more and more segmented,
establishing power stations that guarantee the electricity supply of neighbouring which comes along with the rise of transnational enterprises as key actors.
countries is geo-economics. Beyond that, Leonard does not explain what the geo Security threats such as terrorism are also not bound to territorial borders.
in geo-economics is about, turning geo-economics into an overly broad and Defining geo-economics via its particular territorial logic, Cowen and Smith
somewhat semi-scientific form of international political economy.
furthermore reason that geo-economics was crucial to international relations
Blackwilland Harris fail to properly explain the geo-dimension, too,Fhey y long before the end of the Cold War: the rise of the United States to global pow
to distinguish between geo-cconomics and geopolitics, arguing that the lätter erhood in the early twentieth century was about free trade, or rather "the accu
MOBILE 'explain[s] and predict(s] state power by reference to a host of geógrapbjc factórs mulation of wealth through market control' (2009, p. 42). The United States

(territory, population, cconomic performance, hatural resprors, milifary cap
abilities, etc.)". Geo-economics, meanwhile, is a parallel,acogitof how a state
builds and exercises power by reference to cconomifacto (20r6, p. 24). First,
economic factors somewhat confusingly appeajn both definitions, What is
arguably neglected territorial control, which was essential to the
strategies pursued by the European great powers of these days. Smith
accordingly suggests that the imperial liberalism pursued during the
of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and George W. Bush is a geo
more, cconomic performance and military capabtitjes are hot geographical economic project; albeit one that depends on the US military as some
sort of
factors. Unless one maintains that everything is gepgfaphical because everything global police force.
is located somewhere, geographical factors are limited to place-specific features
invasions, or *813402404 Another branch of research is characterised by defining geo-economics by its
-amountain range that serves as a natural barriet against military ends (and not by its means). Coleman (2005) and Sidaway (2005) investigate
vast energy resources that constiute the fundament for economic prosperity, for flows of finance and trade, taking into consideration political aspects behind
instance. Whenever such factors are taken into consideration in explanations of them. For Youngs, geo-economics revolves around the use of
statecraft for
foreign policy and intermational relations, it can reasonably be argued that geo economic cnds' (20l1, p. 14). 0'Hara and Heffeman (2006) understand geo
cconomics and geopolitics (instead of economics amd politics) are analysed. economics as being about the natural resources that a region contains, and the
Before retuming to these thoughts, the next section provides an overvi w of and
the'Lutwakian tradition. politics of controlling and exploiting these resources. However, as Blackwill
approaches to geo-economics that do not stand in
8 Sören Scholvin and Mikael Wigell
An introduction 9
Harris (2016) point out, defining different types of power politics by their Geo-economics as an analytical framework and 1491324
respective ends is not convincing: if a library is destroyed by cruise missiles, one strategie practice
would not speak of cultural warfare: ifa factory is destroyed the same way, one
would not call this economic warfare. What matters for classifying acts of In our understanding, geo-economics is botha strategic practice and an analytical
aggression is the means used by the aggressor. framework. As an analytical framework, geo-economics stands in the tradition
Whercas these approaches share a meta-scientifîic basis with the Lutwakian of IR realism,which emphasises how competition for relative power drives state
tradition, constructivist geo-economics fundamentally differs from all the articles behaviour. Lutwak accordingly wrote that states 'are inherently inclined to
and books referred to so far. Generally speaking, constructivists understand geo strive for relative advantage against like entities' (1990, p. 19). Yet, geo
economics as discourses. We have provided an overview of constructivist economics transcends IR realism insofar as it recognises that geographical fea
approaches to geo-economics elsewhere (see Scholvin and Wigell 2018). Con tures that are particular to plaçes and spaces shape international relations (and
sidering that constructivism does not matter to the contributions to this volume,
we will not repeat this overview here. While acknowledging that constructivist
foreign policies) - not only 4hedistribution of power amongst states. These geo
elements are seen as defermoantsjof national power, as best demonstrated by
approaches have enriched the academic debate, we would like to point out three Chapter 9 and 14 9fthis vófumé.
Geo-econoncs askstraégic practice - or practical geo-economics - refers to
weaknesses of corresponding research. First, constuructivists start with the
assumption that geo-economic policy advice and research is ideological, the application Qtecorjomic means of power by states so as to realise geostrategic COLLEGE
meaning intended misinformation that serves disguised interests (Dalby 1990; ó objectivesor mor fornally, as the geostrategic use of economic power (Wigell
Tuathail 1998). This universal suspicion tends to lead conclusions that are 20t6, p. 1)/The geo-dimension in geo-economics means that the economic
hard to fathom - at least for readers who do not share the sometimes very parti tasespfyátional power must have decisive geographical features: resources being
san p litical convictions held by constructivist scholars. NDC Ulo ate at specific places, or sea-lines of communication taking specific routes. for
Second, constructivists have interpreted geo-economics as a securitising dis rasxámple. Alternatively, the objective of geo-economic strategies must be geo
course. The concept of securitisation, as developed particularly by the Copenha graphically delimited, as in the case of a sphere of influence that a hegemon con
gen Schoolof IR, highlights how security risks often become appropriated - or trols by keeping its neighbouring countries economically dependent on itself.
even discursively constructed as threats - so as to legitimise extraordinary
counter-mcasures (cg Buzan, Wever and de Wilde 1997). For example,
Allchapters in this book adhere to this definition of geo-economics. It is prob
ably best exemplified by the contributions by Martha Márquez and Smruti Patan
Morrissey suggests that the grand strategy of the United States in the Middle aik. Márquez analyses how Venezuela- during the era of Hugo Chávez applied
East has revolved around 'the discursive identification and positing ofhe its own domestic oil abundance to exert political influence in Latin America and
Persian Gulf as a precarious yet pivotal geoeconomic space' (2011, p874), the Caribbean, advancing a regional project directed against the hegemony of the
He argues that it is this perpetual scripting of the region as being 'pivétal foe th United States (Chapter 13). Pattanaik explains the use of economic means of power
effective functioning and regulation of the global political ecogany [thag legi inthe Indian-Pakistani rivalry in Central and South Asia, meaning in a cearly
mizes astrategic argument for the necessity of military ingerkentiopism(2011, delimited region that India and Pakistan seek to control (Chapter 14). These means
p. 879). Morissey does not find it necessary to analyse yhether the Persian Gulf - mostimportantly transport corridors to Afghanistan and to the post-Soviet repub
might actually hold a special relevance for the glota ecóhony. When seeing lics in Central Asia - also havea clear geographical dimension.
nothing but discourses. analysts fail to capture máfeal, surtetúres that influence Defining geo-economics and particularly its geo-dimension this way. we partly
intermational relations and are beyond the captrát of thosé whoshape discourses. detach ourselves from Lutwak's seminal article. Lutwak argued that the global
Third, constructivists usually keep quieapout fhe fact that the alternative flows of capital, data, goods and people penetrating sovereign state space do not
interpretations that they advance implicitly ae-at least from their own con mean that states change the territorial character. States regulate the economy in
structivis1 perspective - neither better/more correct nor worse/less correct numerous ways, for example by collecting taxes and providing public goods such
than the discourses that shape geo-economic practices. As Vibma notes, the
curious absence of the author in the text 'protects the critical scholar against as transport infrastructure. Being teritorially bound, states aim at nationally best
outcomes instead of outcomes that would be best for the global economy as a
charges that he himself (or she herself] has misread political events or whole. For Luttwak, this territoriality and he resulting competitive behaviour of
history' (2017, p. 12). And while analytical suspicion serves an important
function, he warning against geo-economic thought that constructivists states constitute the geo-dimension in geo-economics. He proposed that the
international economy [is] affected by that fraction of its life that is geo-economic
make by arguing that geo-economics helps to mask neoliberal agendas and rather than simply cconomic in character (1990, pp. 22-23).
securitisation projects raises the question of whether such considerations Yet, in our world of global fows and interconnectivities, the srategic impera
should limit the scholarly agenda. tives of state practice are changing. Allstates increasingly depend on these fuid
10 Sören Schohvin and Mikael Wigell
An introduction 11
circulationsof capital, data, goods, and people for their
welfare. States have to secure a steady access to positive national security and Barma, N., Ratner, E. and Weber. S, (2014) Welcome to a World without the West',
PRADEEP commercial and financial flows or technology networks - andflows for example
National Interest, 12 November. Available at: teature
ence vis-à-vis negative flows such as narcotics trade. States ensure their resili welcome-the-world-without-the-west-1 1651, accessed 9 February 2018.
viders but they increasingly need to provide remain security pro Barton, J, R. (1999) Flags of Convenience": Geoeconomics and Regulatory Minimisa
in addition to their national territory; and it issecurity
by controlling these flows
tion', Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geogrgfe, 90, 2, pp. 142-155.
economic mcans of Baru, S. (2012) 'Geo-economics and Strategy', Survival, 54,3, pp. 47-53.
XEROX military force - that in mnost cases appear suitable for this task power - not
Hamilton 2014). (Brattberg and Blackwil1, R. D. and Harris, J. M. (2016) War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and State
craft(Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universicy Press).
Given a frequent confusion of terms, we consider it necessary to stress Bond, P. (2004) "The ANC's "Left Tum" and South African Sub-imperialism", Review of
CENTER tical geo-economics is not a simple revival of mercantilism, at least not inthat prac African Political Economy, 102, pp. 599-616.
kian terms. Comparing the logic of geo-economics to the logic of Luttwa
mercantilism, Brattberg, E. and Hamilon, D. (2014) Introduction', in Bratberg, E. and Hamilton, D.
Luttwak pointed out that mercantilist states used military means as a supreme
force (eds), Global Flow Security: ANeg Security Agenda for the Transatlantic Community
to achieve their goals. The Portuguese dominated spice trade with India in 2030 (Washington: Center for Tnsatlantic Relations), pp. v-vii.
the early Bush, G. H. (1991) Address Before a Soint Session of the Congress on the State of the
HINDU Sixteenth century because they had sunk the dhows of their economically superior
Arab competitors. British piracy from the 1650s to the 1730s was effective against Union', 21 January.
30November 20 1. AVáalie at:, accessed
Spain's economic supremacy in trade with the Americas. The United States forced Buzan, B., Wgvér, GIAKK eWilde, J. (1997) Security: A New Framework for Analysis
Japan to open its domestic market to imports by sending a navy squadron into (Boulder, cOLy¡n Rienner).
COLLEGE Tokyo harbour in July 1853. In the era of geo-economics, military power does not Colemafi M. (200S)U.s. Statecraft and the US-Mexico Border as Security/Economy
trump economic power anymore: nobody would sink foreign export car ferries to NexusPolitic l Geography, 24, 2, pp. 189-205.
support domestic manufacturers or deliver import-restricted high-tech hardware by Gowe D.and Smith, N. (2009) After Geopolitics? From the Geopolitical Social to
airborne assaults to customers in need of them. Geoceonomics', Antipode, 41, 1, pp. 22- 48.
& What is more, Luttwak (1990, 1993) - and also Huntington (1993) - concen alby, S. (1990) Creating the Second Cold War: The Discourse of Politics (London:
K.M.C. trated on domestic policies that they considered characteristic of states that Pinter).
sought to increase their economic bases of power. These policies aim at strength Flemes, D. (2010) Brazil: Strategic Options in the Changing World Order', in Flemes,
D. (ed.), Regional Leadership in the Global System: ldeas, Interests and Strategies of
ening a state's own domestic economy through the selective provision of incen Regional Powers (New York: Routledge). pp. 93-112.
COLLEO tives and disincentives to domestic and foreign companies. The Flynn, M. (2007) Between Subinperialism and Globalization: A Case Study in the Inter
this volume conversely analyse how geo-economic power is applied, contributors to
nationalization of Brazilian Capital', Latin American Perspectives, 34, 6, pp. -27.
light on the way power politics in international relations is being pursuedsheddinga
in con Fukuyama, F. (1992) The End of History and the Last Man (New York: Avon Books).
temporary circumstances of interdependence. We therefore think that hihook Grossc, T. G. (2014) 'Geocconomic Relations between thec EUand China: The Lessons
does not only advance empirical knowledge on geo-economic from the EUWeapon Embargo and From Galileo', Geopolitics, 19, 1, pp. 40-65.
it also offers realist (and, in some chapters, institutionalist) statea tices,båt Haass, R. (2017) A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the
cepts for geo-economics as an academic discipline - a discipline apprQach¿,and cÑn Old Order (New York: Penguin Books).
more recognition in the pluralist canon of IR.
th merits Hirschman, A. (1945) National Power and the Strucure of Foreign Trade (Berkeley:
University of Califormia Press).
Holslag, J. (2016) Geoeconomics in a Globalized World: the Case of China's Export
References Policy', Asia Europe Journal, 14, 2, pp. 173-184.
Aaltola, M, Käpyl , J, Mikkola, H. and Behr, T (2Û14) Towards the Geopolitics Hsiung, J. C. (2009) The Age of Geoeconounics, China's Global Role, and Prospects of
of Flows: Implications for Finland, FIIA Report No. 40 (Helsinki: The Cross-strait Integration', Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14, 2, pp. I13-133.
Institute of International Affairs). Available at: Finnish Hudson, V. M, Ford, R. E., Pack, D. and Giordano,E. R. (1991) Why the Third World
the-geopolitics-of-Aows, accessed 10 January 2018. www.fhia.filen/publication/towards Matters, Why Europe Probably Won't: The Geoeconomics of Circumscribed Engage
Alves, A. C. (2015) 'China and Brazil in Sub-Saharan African Fossil Fuels: A ment', Journal of Stralegic Studies, 14,3, pp. 255-298.
Com Huntington, S. P. (1993) Why International Primacy Matters', International Security, 17,
parative Analysis, in Scholvin, S. (ed.), A New Scramble for
Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa(Fanham: Ashgate), pp.Afica?
The Rush for 4, pp. 68-3.
Andreasson, S. (2015) 'British and US Strategies in the Competition Ikenberry, G. J. (1998) Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Persistence of Ame. can
for Energy Postwar Order', International Security, 23, 3, pp. 43-78.
Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa', in Scholvin, S. (cd.), A New Seramble for Africa?
The Rush or Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa (Farnham: Ikenberry, G. J. (2011) Liberal Leviathan: The Origin, Crisis and Transformation of the
Ashgate)., pp. 13-31. American World Order (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press).
Geo-economics and its evolution 15

2 Geo-economics as a dimension of the geostrategic competition among great powers, acquiring relevance and
PRADEEP meaning in foreign policy. The prefix 'geo' indicates a clear geographical or
grand strategy spatial feature of what would otherwise simply be economics, politics and
strategy: a sphere of influence that great powerS seek to control, for example.
Notes on the concept and its evolution Grand strategy - "the intellectual architecture that lends structure to foreign
XEROX policy' (Brands 2014, p. 1), relating available means to larger objectives of the
Braz Baracuhy! state in the international system - unifes geo-economics and geopolitics. In
other words, ín a grand-strategic design of foreign policy, the competition among
powers can be pursued geo-economically and geopolitically. Thus, two concep
CENTER distinct yet interrelated and often simultaneous types of strategies are
av ahle to states:
Geopolitical strateies th gostrategic use of political power. In these
HINDU The study and practice of ge0-economics broadly understood as the use of eco
nomic means of power to achieve strategic objectives, involving a clear
strategies, political Tetders pursue geostrategic objectives by employing
diplomatic and military méans, as well as intelligence capabilities.
ical dimension (see Chapter I of this volume) have been rediscoveredgeograph in recent Geo-economicic strat gies, which, according to Wigell, are 'the geastrategic
COLLEGE times. This should not come as a surprise. Just like in other instances of the past, the use of ecotnomic power (2016, p. 135). Therein political leaders pursue
revival of geo-economicsappears to be associated with particular moments of power gedstrategi 6bjectives through the control over markets, resources, and
transition in the international systermn. Not by accident has the rise of a multipolar rles that shape international economic interaction.
system of cconomic power created ideal conditions for a renewed interest in geo
& economics. Lcading think tanks such as Chatham House, the Council of Foreign Brand strategy identifies and gives coherence to foreign-policy objectives.
K.M.C. Relations, the European Council of Foreign Relations, the International Institute for These objectives find their expression when being implemented in geographical
Strategic Studies as well as the Finnish Institute of International Affairs have carried space, as power capabilities and instrurments are strategically and tactically
out cxtensive rescarch on the topic. The supposed shiff from geopolitics to geo deployed by states in pursuit of their interests. Taken together, geo-economic
COLLEGE cconomics, which is one of the major motivations behind this volume, has been and geopolitical power projections define the strategic morphology of the
nicely demonstrated by the renaming of the Agenda Council on Geopolitical Risks world map.
of the World Economic Forum into the Agenda Council on Geo-economics in 204. The Asia-Pacific region provides a good example of geo-economics and geo
This chapter explores the field of geco-cconomics from a concepa d politics being applied simultaneously. By launching the Pivot to Asia' strategy
historical perspective. The first section defines geo-economics, di_tinguishe_ i in 2011, the United States under the Obama administration moved into the 'gates
MOBILE from geopolitics, and discusses different contemporary facets of the to the heartland', using an expression coined by Nicholas Spykman. The idea
emphasising the role of geo-cconomics as a key dimensionf grand concept, EROXE was for the United States to reorient its foreign-policy focus towards the Asia
The second section outlines the historical evolution of gea,eonomicstrategy.
showing their links to the discipline of geopolitics, This evlutionis divided into
four generations: classical geo-economics, wbich, eriergBed at the beginning
Pacific region, rebalance its military asscts, and reinforce its traditional diplo
matic partnerships. Under Obama, this strategy had a crucial geo-economic
component the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Though abandoned by the
the twentieth century, a second gencration fropÊoe 970s and 1980s, a third of COLLEGE Trump administration, the TPP was a US-led initiative that sought to regain a
generation from the 1990s, and contemporary approaches. In the conclusion of solid preponderance for the United States in regional rule-making for trade (see
also Chapter 7 in this volume). Aspiring to be more than a traditional free trade
this chapter, Iargue that geo-cconomics and geopolitics should be
under the framework of geostrategy. I also make the case for payingseen together
more atten agreement, the TPP was designed to regulate investment and standards beyond
tion to geo-economics in research on international relations. borders, and to create a favourable business environment for transnational cor
porations and their value chains. The underlying factor for the
ancing in the Asia-Pacific region - both geo-economically andgeostrategic rebal
Geo-economics in the context of grand strategy the rise of China and its central role in investments and trade,geopolitically - is
which has led to
Geo-cconomics and geopolitics are two sides of the same asymmetric interdependences among some of the regional countries.
different in their instrumental and operative logics, they are bothcoin. Although
expressions of
Seen by the time of its inception as a reaction to he TPP.
geo-economic strategy of One Belt-One Road - tapping resources, building
16 Braz Baracuhy
infrastructures, and creating economic interdependences in the heartland of
Eurasia - echoes Halford Mackinder'
article The Geographical Pivot s classical geopolitical formulation. his
of History (1904),
Geo-economics and its evolution 17
economics and geopolitics. Scholars who take
geo-economics as an area of studies close to or identical this viewpoint portray
central anxietyof international Mackinder touched upon a ical Economy, the intersection of economics and with International Polit
and resources could be organisedpolitics:
the fear that Eurasia's massive territory international politics. Baru, for
instance, proposes that
sequences of economic geo-economics
under the
which would be in a position to project powercontrol of a single continental power,
and influence globally, unmatched
is about studying he geopolitical con
phenomena' and 'the economic consequences
by sea powers. Mackinder foresaw three potential political trends'. He argues that of geo
redraing that geopolitical balance of power: Gemany, Russia well positioned for
argued hat a Chinese expansion towards Eurasia's and China. He naNIH both the notion of 'trade follows the flag'. that
oceanic frontage to the resources of the great continent, heartland 'would add an there are
sequences of the projection of national power, and the ideaeconomic con
an advantage as yet that the flag
denied to the Russian tenant of the pivot region' (1904, p. 437). follows trade', that there are geopolitical
consequences essentially eco
and Nye (2017), among others, have recently Kaplan (2017) nomic phenomena, yotd çònstitute the subject of
restated this idea.
Geo-economic power projection results from the available economic capabil
matter of geo-economics.
(2012, p. 2)
ities of a state. Economic power provides geostrategic
economic interdependences among countries. Economicleverage
in the context of In the same vén,
power is based on three ereksates that 'geo-economics encompasses boh the con
components: markets, resources, and rules that shape international economic version f econQgic ássets into political influence and the
interaction. Relevant features of markets are the economic ical, powet, to achieve economic goals through a mix mobilisation of polit
of competition and
tive state and its growth expectations, market access, weight theflows
of respec
intermational cÐÕperationg(2011, p. 28). Blanke and Kaspersen (2015). highlighting a new coU
investment and trade, and resulting interdependences. Resources cover theof Stenatio,of risks to global businesses, suggest that "we can no longer talk about
access to and control of financial, natural, and technological
refer to the ability to shape the institutions and regimes that resources. Rules
NDCU ge pofitics and economics in isolation; instead we must generate a deeper under
standing of geo-economics'.
define the inter This overlap of economics and geopolitics is not new. A state's economy
national economic order. In different compositions, these components are the pro
fundament of different forms of power, ranging from financial vides the horizon of possibilities for the projection of power for
and investment ends. States cannot keep their political power - from military forcesgeopolitical K
power to resource-supplying power to sanctioning power.
tion among great powers is at play whenever such fomsGeostrategic competi
of economic power
to diplo
matic and intelligence machines - without an underlying economic basis. There COLLEGE
refer to a gcographically defined objective - shaping the Asia-Pacific is indeed a quite dense literature on how the economic conditions of states affect
through a new set of nules, for instance. To avoid a common misunderstandiiy: regjón their political power and, as a consequence, their intermational standing. The
although economic diplomacy and economicstatecraft are essential far su cess farmous historian Paul Kennedy surveys five centuries of intermational history in
ful geo-economics, they are not identical. Economic diplomaçy, and éoonoitic
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, concentrating on the
between economics and political power. He demonstrates that 'there is a causal HINDU
statecraf lack a geographical dimension.?
The tern geo-economics gained notoriety with a pubycalion bybytie relationship between the shifts which have occurred over time in the general eco
t÷e geostrate nomic and production balances and the position occupied by individual powers
gist Edward Luttwak in 1990. His article From Gebpoiesp Geo-economics
(1990) reflects the anxiety about Japan's increasifg econontie power. supposedly in the international system' (1987, p. xxi). Another example is Zakaria's (1999) CENTER
challenging the hegemony of the Unitedas. láutWak suggests that geo study of the importance of budgetary appropriation for converting economic
economics has replaced geopolitics, becomag thekey strategy in the inter wealth into political power.
national arena. The United States should ada r its foreign policy accordingly. From a systemic point of view, the interaction between (geo)politics and
international economic relations also has a long tradition. Economic phenomena, hPROX
Notwithstanding his importance in forging the term geo-economics, Luttwak's such as the 2008 financial crisis, have always received attention with regard to
prescriptions rather re-cdit an old toolkit of mercantilist practices. Moreover, their impact on geopolitics (e.g. Burrows and Harris 2009). Economic globalisa
geo-cconomics as a foreign-policy practice is older than Luttwak's article tion - the process of growing economic integration and interdependences among
implies. Further below, Ishow that geo-economics and geopolitics both origi states through flows of investment and trade - relies on the configuration of
nated at the beginning of the twentieth century, and, as noted, interest in the two
diplomatic and military power. 'The pattern of trade', O'Rourke suggests, 'c¡n
sides of geostrategic competition has always reappeared when shifls in the inter only be understood as being the outcome of some military or political equilib
national balance of poweroccured. rium between contending powers' (2009, p. 8). The international economy
Contemporary perspectives on geo-economics vary. Common among most requires a favourable international power equilibrium, which provides order and
of them is the notion of geo-economics as a phenomenon at the confuence stability to the day-to-day operations of economic relations, making sure, for
18 Braz Baracuhy Geo-economics and itls evolution
example, that there are effhcient financial institutions, and that trade itself is ule Acting in concert with its allies, the United States enjoyed pre-eminence 1n pro
jecting its power worldwide. Thís unipolar situation safeguarded, for instance,
based and that trade routes are safe. Even scholars who adhere to pure raw
PRADEEP power capabilities in international relations recognise the relevance of rules for sea-lanes of communication, which are so vital to the global economy. Wngnt
the international economy, being convinced that these rules are made by the coined the term 'unipolar concert' to describe that the relationship among great
most powerful states. Waltz, for example, notes in this sense that "the inter powers in the 1990s 'rested on US unipolarity andhegemony as well as the col
national economy, like national economies, operates within a set of rules and lective willingness [of the other great powers] to work within it' (2015, p.distribu
XEROX institutions that have to be made and sustained' (2000, p. 53). By the end of the 2000s, a structural divergence between the global
In spite of this conceptual proximity to economics and (geolpolitics, geo tion of economic and political power became apparent, decoupling 8eo
cconomics is, in my understanding, distinct because of an underlying logic of economics and geopolitics. A multipolar economic power structure took shape
CENTER integrating geostrategic ends and economic means into a coherent grand strategy. in terms of innovation, investment, production, trade, and, of course, economic
The relationship between geostrategic ends and economic means that character growth. The centre of economiçgravity had moved away from the North Atlan
ises geo-economics can only be fully understood in the context of the grand tictowars other regions, especialay the Far East. Established poles of economic
strategic calculus of ends and means. Geo-cconomics adds a new dimension to power and major geo-egonomicactoys - France, Gemany, Great Britain, Japan
HINDU the competitive logic of great-power relations. As Blackwill and Harris define it, and the United States-f Sost withnew poles of economic power that have
geo-cconomics is the use of economic instruments to promote and defend become increasingly, acivéin (erms of geo-economics: Brazil, China and India
national interests, and to produce beneficial [...] results' (2016b, p. 20). This among others.
means that geo-economics does not substitute geopolitics, as Luttwak argues. AlthoughKE gtnational political structure has remained predominantly
COLLEGE Rather, geo-economics and geopolitics are distinct yet related and com unipola it has ome increasingly under pressure because of geo-economic
plementary types of geostrategy. The French scholar Yves Lacoste, who has Aransfofiatjons. China in particular has gradually translated its economic
shaped academic geopolitics for decades, accordingly points out that 'géopoli aiçcesyinto diplomatic and military capabilities, a trend that could well lead to a
tique et géoéconomie se complètent parfaitement' (1997, p. 40). i-frultipolar political power structure in the future. Territorial disputes in the
& Great powers pursue grand strategies in the intemational system, as defned China Seas increasingly impact sea-lanes of communication, causing geopolhtt
K.M.C. by the geographic limits and reach of their times. The balance of power, as a
cal friction already today. Perhaps more importantly from a geostrategic point of
structural feature, encompasses the overall distribution of power. For analytical view, the new poles of economic power are decoupled from the United States in
purposes, it is helpful to distinguish two dimensions of this overall distribution terms of diplomatic commitments and security arrangements. By implication,
COLLEGE of power, linking the international system and the grand strategies of great
power: the distribution of political power for geostrategic use composes the geg» economic interdependences no longer coincide with security arrangements, as
political structure; the distribution of economic power for geostrategic use com they did for Germany and Japan in the Cold War era. Therefore. US dominance
poses the geo-economic structure. in the intermational security arena no longer translates into effective leverage in
the internatiönal economic arena' (Mastanduno 2009, p. 123)
The geo-economic power structure can decouple from geopotical pwer
MOBILE structure, having consequences for grand strategy and the confgurtjon ofhe
international system. The globalisation process of the 199s, was ssentially Four generations of geo-economics
based on the post-Cold War convergence of geo-eçonomigs nd geopolitics, Instead of further speculating on the future of geo-economics as a foreign-policy
:81304 meaning the hegemony of the United States in bothesphers. The North Atlantic practice, Iwould now like to provide an overview of he evolution of geo
was the economic centre of the world. The glotalistion process spread out of
that core to encompass the whole world through?ánvé[tment and trade. As a HINDU economics as an academic discipline, which has always had a strong policy ori
political institution. the G7 refected the global distíDbution of economic power. COLLEGE entation. It is a misconception to see geo-economics naturally evolving from
In the carly 1990s, the G7 generated 55 per cent of the world economic geopolitics, as Luttwak suggested in his seminal contribution to the feld. The
and were responsible for 53 per cent of global exports. The United States,output,
inter *8130 62424
two types of geostrategic analysis and practice share the same intellectual roots.
twining the major European powers and Japan as economic partners, hada clear Geo-economics is deeply connected with geopolitics in its classical origins, and
leading role within the G7, constructing and sustaining a rule-based system that therefore it is important to clarify what geopolitics is.
The tern is not univocal in the international literature, and its history is
smoothed innovation, investment, production, trade and, as a consequence, eco charged with controversies, as Schuman (1942) explains in detail. The Swedish
nomic growth.
Geopolitically, globalisation benefited from the post-Cold War unipolar political scientist Rudolf Kjellên introduced the neologism geopolitics in 1916.
power architecture, having the United States as the undisputable hegemon. Ever since then, the subject has essentially dealt with the relationship between
geographic space (geo) and power (politics). How such a relationship operates
20 Braz Baracuhy
has been highly disputed. One way to approach
of the two factors has the geopolitics is to examine which
Geo-economics and its evolution 21
The first generation of geo-economics also includes Albert
:8130462424,971 491324
or power being the definingpreponderant explanatory weight: Hirschman's clas
factor of foreign policy. In the firstgeographical space
case, geopolitical
sical study of Germany's geostrategy before World War II. In National
and the Structure of Foreign Trade, Hirschman showed how internationalPower
traditions range from different variants of classical trade
strongly materialist, to the immaterial representations ofgeopolitics, which was
geography that frame
relations were used as an instrument of German power. By exploiting asymmet
ric trade relations, Germany transformed trade into a geostrategic tool.
foreign-policy ideas according to present-day Accord
case is probably best exemplified by Brzezinski's post-structuralists. The second
The Grand Chessboard: Amer
ing to Hirschman, 'a system of international trade can very easily be
ican Primacy and Iis Geostrategic Imperatives (1997). Brzezinski identifies for purposes of national power policy (1980, p. x). Because of this potential for
Eurasia as the arena for great-power competition in the post-Cold strategic use, he advised that 'a textbook for he modem prince should indeed
stresses the outstanding relevance of Central Asia, which he picturesWar era, and contain, in addition to Machiavelli's classic chapters, extensive new sections on
conflict-laden and militarily and politically instable part of the world. What
happens in Central Asia derives from the power wielded by the United States
as the most the most efficient use of quotasexchange controls, capital investment, and other
nstruments of cconomicaaré(1980, p. ix).
The practical
and its challengers. betweenéconomics and geopolitics were not absent in
the minds of the rclitectsof he post-Second World War order. The Bretton
Even within the geo-oriented literature there are considerable differences.
Whereas German scholars such as Karl Haushofer and Friedrich Ratzel advanced
social-Darwinist models of the expansion of states, Anglo-Saxon adherents of
Woods SystemthëMarshál Plan, and the process of economic integration in
Europe démonstrate Kow geo-economics went along with geopolitics: the per COLLEGE
geopolitics like Mackinder, Spykman and also Alfred Mahan were interested in manent mitary pYesence of the United States in Europe and the foundation of
theayorth, ántic Treaty Organisation. It is revealing that the Containment
location as a key factor and the dynamics between military power and technolo
gical progress that shaped the geopolitics of their time (Scholvin 2016), Under N DCU
the current conditions of the international system, classical elements of geopoli
Stratégy,a role model of geopolitics and the Marshall Plan, which was geo
ecnomics in practice according to my understanding of the term, were geared
AOvards the same geostrategic objective: limiting Soviet influence in Europe.
tics are renewed: the distinction between continental and sea powers, the stra
The second generation of geo-economics emerged in the 1970s and 1980s
tegic importance of Eurasia in general and chokepoints such as the Strait of
Hormuz inparticular, and the relevance of raw materials.
In historical perspective, the challenge of rising powers in an evolving inter
under the conditions of a relative economic decline of the major Western powers
due to various factors ranging from oil price shocks to a deep crisis of the
Bretton Woods System to the trauma of the Vietnam War. Important transfoma
national system has consistently brought attention to geo-economics. In fact, tions of the global economy were taking place with the expansion of trans
classical geopolitics and contemporary approaches that make up this traditiog
John Mearsheimer's (2001) reference to "the stopping power of wate, fö,
example - overlap with geo-economics, which I divide into four gépepaíîns
national corporations from Europe and North America to other parts of the
world, the deepening economic integration in Europe, and the economic diplo
macy of the G7. It was in this context that scholars of intemational relations,
The first generation, which I callclassical geo-economics, is so,cdpse to assi al most importantly Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye (1971, 1977), resumed studies
geopolitics that Mackinder should actually be seen as argpréseaiative of both.
The shifing balance of power inEurope in the late nigetcenth cerury and its
geostrategic repercussions were central drivers of classicál gee onomic think
of economic asymmeries as sources of power. Intemational regimes for finance
and trade were also examined with regard to their relevance for power in inter
national relations (e.g. Krasner 1976). Cooper noticed 'the intnusion of trade
ing. Germany and Russia, being emerging continefttpowes that could poten problems into "high foreign policy" (1972, p. 18). He argued that the Bretton
tially control the entire Eurasian landmass,ye seen as a threat to the British
Empire and its global hegemony, which was based on sea power. Mackinder
Woods System was successful in suppressing the political elements of financial
and trade negotiations, encapsulating them into technical discussions within an YFROX
highlighted the importance of cconomic factofs and technological instruments institutional framework. Rosecrance anticipated the coming commercial com
for geostrategic ends. The strategic importance of railways connecting Asia and petition among states in The Rise of the Trading State (1986).
Central Europe for access to natural resources and military purposes is a major The third generation of geo-economics appeared in the 1990s with the power
leature in Mackinder's 1904 speech at the Royal Geographical Society. James transition at the end of the Cold War. These studies, including Lutwak's famous
Fairgrieve's Geography and World Power (1915) and The Galeways of Com article, focussed on policy advice for the United States with regard to two chal
merce (1921), co-authored with Ermest Young, are two other examples of studies lenges: how to deal with the economic compeition of a rising Japan, and how to
in classical geopolitics that could also be labelled geo-economics. The first book navigate the process of economic globalisation in a unipolar world. The central
is about geographical conditions shaping civilizations throughout history. The argument in these publications was the importance of economic power for the
second book derives geostrategic imperatives for Britain from the global distri rise and fall of great powers. In addition to the competition with Japan, the
bution of resources and economic production. expansion of market democracy during the presidency of BillClinton, economic
22 Braz Baracuhy Geo-economics and its evolution 23
regionalism, negotiations on fee trade, new trade issues such as intellectual
property rights and the reshaping of the multilateral system with the establish The fourth generation of geo-economics revitalises many elements from classi
PRADEEP ment of the World Trade Organisation marked these debates. Luttwak and also cal geo-economics so much so that it could perhaps be branded 'neo-classical
geo-economics'-obviously withinanew context of shifting balances of power: the
the French scholar Pascal Lorot emphasised that military power had lost its pre
eminence in intermational relations. Strongly contradicting the optimism voiced geopolitical consequences of economic phenomena., economic interdependences
by Francis Fukuyama in The End ofHistory? (1989), Lorot and Luttwak repres and their use for geostrategic purposes, and the strategic relevance of Eurasia. This
ented those who were convinced that competition and conflict among states generation of geo-economics has gained traction due to the 2008 financial crnsis,
XEROX and the crisis of the Euro zone. as well as the conseguences that both crises have
would continue to reign in the post-Cold War world, albeit in the shapeof geo had for the economic power and related role in international politics of major Euro
economics - "the admixture of the logic of conflict with the methods of com pean powers and the United States. The key topics of according studies are:
merce' (Luttwalk 1990, p. 19).
CENTER More recent publications by Lorot and Luttwak are useful to understand what emerging cconomies (mostimportantly Brazil, China and India) (e.g
geo-economics is not. In a study on China, Luttwak (2012) distinguishes between 0»Neill 2011),
economic protectionism and geo-cconomics. Lorot also goes beyond trade instru China's One Belt One Roadtrategy (e.g. Zhao 2015 and Chapter 4 in
ments, and defines geo-economics as 1'analyse des stratégies d'ordre économique this volume),
HINDU -notamment commercial- décidées par les Etats dans le cadre de politiques visant the new balaríse,ogcoomic power on the global scale and its consequences
à protéger leur économie nationale [et] à aider leurs "entreprises nationales" » for globál goverFane a l y he BRICS as a new bloc and the changing
(1997, p. 14). A careful reading reveals that both authors identify geo-economics roles o f R and G20 (e.g. Baru and Dogra 2015; Grevi 2011),
COLLEGE with economic policy or, to be more precise, with a type of commercial and indus curfency intenationalisation, sovereign wealth funds, new development
trial policy, mercantilist in nature that has also been discussed as state capitalism banks_uch as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Devel
(e.g. Bremmer 2008). This original confusion is relevant, because this identifica opaent Bank, and other forms of financial South-South cooperation (e-g
tion of geo-cconomics with a type of economic policy - using national power for Burows and Harris 2009; Kirshner 2005; Wheatley 2013 and Chapters 10
& cconomic goals via interventionism in the economy, for example through protec and 11in this volume),
K.M.C. tionism - can still be traced in academic and policy debates. Russia's use of its energy resources for geostrategic ends (e.g. Wigell and
Geo-economics,of course, is not a synonym of mercantilism and state capit Vihma 2016),
alism. Lorot's and Luttwak's thinking ended up being included in the literature global supply chains from a perspective of international relations and power
on competitiveness, popular in the 1990s, and target of much criticism. Paul (e.g. Aaltola et al. 2014; Khanna 2016), and
COLLEGE Krugman, for instance, opposes the idea of states competing just like compani sg Germany's geo-economic strategy in Europe (e.g. Kundnani 2011 and
do. He points out that authors using the competitiveness label are actually talkYng Chapter 5 in this volume).
about productivity and protectionism. This way, Krugman identifies an-isyeaf
political economy: certain interest groups appropriate the term copmetitiveñess, Conclusion
MOBILE seeking protectionism and diverting attention from the true c¡uses ofeconormic
productivity. In Krugman's own words, the major nation_orthe worl@are not The four generations of geo-economic studies share, as an underlying process, eco
in any significant degree in economic competition wih c chgther". Yet he EROXSATIOD
nomic power transitions in the international system. Authors from the four genera
admits that 'there is always a rivalry for status and ower cqufítries that grow tions have consistently highlighted the interelationships between economics and
:8130462424,9711491324 faster will see their political rank rise' (1994, s). 5). This
T shows how geo geopolitics. In a world of competing states, geo-economics and geopolitics are two
cconomics differs from protectionist policies. complementary dimensions of the foreign policy of great powers. The renewed
The challenge for geo-economics - ranslatoq fom foreign-policy analysis COLLEGE importance of the study and practice of geo-economics - geostrategic competition
and policy advice into foreign-policy practices - is to align good economics and by wielding economic power - refects the contemporary moment of power rans
good foreign-policy. Geo-economics as a practice has to be conscious of the ition in the international system. Although scholars who stand in the tradition of
long-term foreign-policy interests that it serves, and, at the same time, promote
or at least avoid hurting the country's cconomic interests so as to win the support O1304511 Lutwak woulddisagree, I suggest that states, pursuing the strategic pursuit of their
interests in the international arena, must combine geo-economics and geopolitics in
of key domestic interests groups (Bergsten 2016). Even though I do not have their respective grand strategies.
Geo-economics makes use of economic tools. Economic factors markets,
enough space here to elaborate further on this issue, I would like to stress that I
doubt that the policy advice given by the proponents of the third generation of resources and rules - are the fundament for gaining influence in geostrategic
geo-economics leads to positive economic outcomes. competition among states, including the shaping of the institutional framework

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