Module 2 Importance of Quantitative Research
Module 2 Importance of Quantitative Research
Module 2 Importance of Quantitative Research
Researchers do research to find solutions, to almost everything, from problems to
solutions, improving or enhancing ways of doing things, providing a new hypothesis, or
simply to find answers to questions or solutions to problems in daily life. Research findings
have improved people’s lives, ways of doing things, businesses, laws, rules and
regulations, and others. Quantitative research, because of its emphasis on evidence,
rather than findings, has been extensively used in most areas of concern.
Research conducted with significant results were validated and brought positive
changes, improvement and addressed the existing problems in the society. As our society
undergoes industrialization, some aspects of society were compromised thus, the
emergence of new problems was faced by the following generation which calls for the
conduct of rigorous study and the conduct of research to address these things. Aside
from these, concerned people who are in the field of research and development and
education sectors in cooperation with the government continuously provide new
technology and develop new products to make life efficient through research.
In this module, you will learn the importance of research across the fields.
give the importance of quantitative research across fields.
recognize the contributions of quantitative research across disciplines
appreciate the importance of quantitative research across different
fields of study.
A. Study the pictures below. Identify which field of study of research each of the pictures
illustrates as well as its importance in the field.
Importance:________________________ Importance:________________________
Importance:__________________________ Importance:_________________________
Bernard (1994) as cited by Prieto et. al. (2017) says that there are five steps to
follow in conducting true experiments with people:
1. You need at least two groups, called the treatment group (or the intervention group or
the stimulus group) and the control group. One group gets the intervention (a new drug,
for example in treating Covid 19), and the other group (the control group) doesn’t).
2. Individuals must be randomly assigned, either to the intervention group or to the control
group to ensure that the groups are equivalent. Some individuals in a population may be
more religious, or wealthier, or less sickly, or more prejudiced than others, but random
assignment ensures that those traits are randomly distributed through the groups in an
experiment. The degree to which randomization ensures equivalence, however, depends
on the size of the groups created. With random assignment, two groups of 50 are more
equivalent than four groups of 25.
3. The groups are measured on one or more dependent variables (income, infant
mortality, attitude toward abortion, knowledge of curing techniques, or other things you
hope to change by the intervention); this is called the pretest.
The research studied 410 children, with ages ranging from six to eight years old
from Kuopio, Eastern Finland.
The researchers focused on the children’s physical activity and physical inactivity
and the concomitant impact on the children’s amount of adipose tissue (fat mass) and
endurance fitness. The study showed that children who did a strenuous exercise for 10
minutes daily had 26-30% less adipose tissue than their peers who were physically
inactive. It had also been found out that even light physical activity for the equivalent time
of passive sitting reduced the children’s adipose tissue by 13%. The study concluded that
physical activity affects effectively the children’s weight control. (Prieto et. al. 2017)
The selection of a research design for any study should be within the parameters
of the research questions as stated in the problem statement or hypothesis. In quantitative
research, the findings will reflect the reliability and validity (psychometric characteristics
of the measured outcomes or dependent variables such as changes in knowledge, skill
or attitudes used to assess the effectiveness of medical education intervention or the
independent variable of interest. (Prieto et. al. 2017)
2. Questions of differences
Mertens (2005) as cited by Prieto (2017) says that the dominant paradigms that
guided early educational and psychological research were positivism and its successor,
post-positivism. Positivism is based on the rationalistic, empiricist philosophy that
originated with Aristotle, Francis Bacon, John Locke, August Comte, and Immanuel Kant.
The underlying assumptions of positivism include the belief that the social world can be
studied in the same way as the natural world, that there is a method for studying the social
world that is value-free, and that explanations of a causal nature can be provided.
The following table was done by Doren, Bullis, and Benz, 1996, as cited in Mertens,
2005 then by Prieto (2017), to illustrate this view of positivism:
Method: Students with disabilities and their parents in two western states were
interviewed during the students’ last year in school and once again, when students
were 1 year out of school.
Participants: Participants were children with disabilities who were identified by the
school as in their last year of high school or who had dropped out of high school
sometime during what would have been their last year (Sample size=422)
Discussion: The greatest risk for victimization was for the group who had serious
emotional disturbance and low personal-social achievement. The authors recommend
increasing social skill training directed to this specific group in terms of appropriate
ways to behave in community settings where victimization could occur.
The methods employed in this type of quantitative social research are most
typically the sample survey and the experiment, a method that is particularly popular in
psychological research.
In the field of education, the teachers in higher education institutions are into
research. In response to the changing trends in education, teachers in basic education
are encouraged to conduct research to address problems in school in order to increase
the academic performance of the students and to cater to other needs of the students.
This is also done to manage the teaching institutions which includes governance, gender,
and development, inclusive education, teaching, learning, etc.
In order to increase the revenue and return of investments, the business sector
uses research to obtain higher profit but gives a quality of products and services. Through
research, analysis of the business and the market will be a basis on the proper time to
open a new business or a new branch in a certain location with a certain product or
service. Managers could also use research to determine the proper management styles
they need in order to run the company smoothly and to address the needs of the
employee and their clientele. Customer preferences and satisfaction could also be
determined through research so that business owners could adjust and develop products
and services which could match the customer’s taste and expectations.
Directions: Given the following fields of research, indicate research that you would like to
conduct a study on based on your track/ strand. Fill out the information needed inside the
box below:
1 Anthropology
2 Sports
3 Medicine
4 Natural Sciences
5 Behavioral sciences
6 Social Sciences
7 Education and psychology
8. Arts and Design
Field of research:
Description of the research that you want to conduct:
Directions: Through research how would you imagine your future community or society?
Illustrate it below.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer
Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and the
treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise.
Social science is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the
relationships among individuals within those societies.
Baraceros, Esther L., (2016). Practical Research 2, Rexbookstore, Inc., Quezon City,
Prieto, Nelia, (2017). Practical Research for Senior High School 2 (Quantitative
Research) Lorimar Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, Philippines