Prog 6to Gradevcbgf
Prog 6to Gradevcbgf
Prog 6to Gradevcbgf
4. Simple past of the verb TO BE. Evaluate if the students are able to
Students will be able to identify 4.1 personal pronouns develop different activities such as:
different sort of vocabulary 4.2 Conjugation. Was/were. Participation
based on occupations, in the 4.3 Affirmative and negative statement. Dialogue
other hand they will be able to 4.4 Wh-yes/no questions. Reading
use the modal can appropriately Writing skills
in sentences. 5. Review for the test. Pair work/ individual.
6. Occupations.
6.1 Vocabulary. /wh question/
6.2 Review of verb BE.
6.3 Oral presentation.
will be able to use the simple The use of articles. engagement. Work in pairs.
present tense in order to 8.2 Oral presentation. Listening activities.
communicate in the simple To verify if the students use Wall papers.
manner. 9. Simple present tense. correctly the simple present and Oral presentations.
9.1 grammar rules.(third person singular) past tense of BE through writing Tape recorder.
Student will be able to 9.2 affirmative and negative sentences. activities. Reading
categorize vocabulary about comprehension.
parts of the house. 10 Review for the test. Writing activities.
To verify if the student uses the
Student will be able to describe 11. Parts of the house. vocabulary appropriately.
parts of the house by (Vocabulary)
using(this ,that, these ,those 11.1 Oral conversation.
Evaluate if the students are able to
The students will be able to use 12. Demonstrative pronouns (This, That, develop different activities such as:
prepositions of place to identify These, Those) Participation
objects 12.1 Oral conversation. Dialogue
13. Prepositions of place (in, on, under, Writing skills
Students will be able to etc.) Pair work/ individual.
categorize vocabulary related to 13.1 Where is/are..? questions Quiz.
14. Home appliances (Vocabulary).
14.1 Conversation based appliances at home.
Students will be able to
recognize (there is, there are) in
their singular and plural forms. 15. Review for the test.