NRES2 Prelims Reviewer
NRES2 Prelims Reviewer
NRES2 Prelims Reviewer
shaped by the respondents and not by the • The page for the table of contents is usually
researchers’ bias, motivation, or interest written in Roman numeral and indicated at
the bottom of the paper.
• This refers to the probability that the study List of Tables
findings have meanings to others in similar • This follows the table of content and
situations. indicates the title of the tables in the research
• The process of member checks, that the paper.
experiences of one participant are the same • The caption should be exactly how it appears
experiences and meanings to other in the text.
participants • In numbering the tables, use Arabic
Objectivity = Confirmability
Sensitivity = Trustworthiness List of Figures
• Is composed of paradigms, diagrams,
Lesson 2 graphs and charts or flowcharts.
• The researcher should know not only the • An abstract is a short summary of the
parts in research process but also the forms completed research. Abstracts should be
and style in writing the research proposal self-contained and concise, explaining the
and the research paper research study as briefly and clearly as
PRELIMINARY PAGES • The Abstract of the thesis ought to be
Title page/ Title of the Study included in the copy to be evaluated and
• Is a phrase that describes the research defended. It consists of concise statements
study. (more or less 150 words) of:
• It should not be too long or too short as well o what the study is all about,
as too vague and general. o the methodology,
o the most important findings.
Endorsement Page
• Is a section wherein it states that the study MAIN BODY
has been examined and recommended for Chapter I
oral exam. • Introduction: This section refers to:
o “What this study is all about” or “What
Approval Sheet makes the researcher Interested in
• Is a section wherein it presents that the study doing the study”.
has o Purpose: to introduce the reader to the
• been approved by the Committee on oral subject matter.
examination o The introduction serves as a
springboard for the statement of the
Acknowledgement Page problem as stated by Dr. Barrientos-
• Is a section wherein the researcher Tan.
expresses his deep gratitude for those
persons who assisted and helped him to Chapter II
make the study a successful one. • Methodology, RRL
▪ Satisfy the following questions: ANOVA test to determine the influence that
a. Did the intervention work? independent variables have on the
b. What should be changed dependent variable in a regression study.
c. What should be the next step? • Example of How to Use ANOVA:
o A researcher might, for example, test
SUPPLEMENTARY PAGES students from multiple colleges to see if
• Bibliography – Books/ Online References students from one of the colleges
(Articles, Books) consistently outperform students from
• Appendices the other colleges. In a business
A. communication letters application, an R&D researcher might
B. Questionnaire test two different processes of creating
C. Validity Result of the questionnaire a product to see if one process is better
D. Grammarly Check Result than the other in terms of cost efficiency.
▪ Informed Consent Form o The type of ANOVA test used depends
▪ Approval Letter from LC REC on a number of factors. It is applied
▪ Interview Guide when data needs to be experimental.
• Curriculum Vitae Analysis of variance is employed if there
is no access to statistical software
Lesson 3 resulting in computing ANOVA by hand.
STATISTICS IN RESEARCH It is simple to use and best suited for
PERCENTAGE small samples. With many experimental
• One of the most frequent ways to designs, the sample sizes have to be the
represent statistics is by percentage. same for the various factor level
MEAN o ANOVA is helpful for testing three or
more variables. It is similar to multiple
• The mean is a parameter that measures
two-sample t-tests. However, it results
the central location of the distribution of
in fewer type I errors and is appropriate
a random variable and is an important
for a range of issues. ANOVA groups
statistic that is widely reported in
differences by comparing the means of
scientific literature.
each group and includes spreading out
• Mean implies average and it is the sum the variance into diverse sources. It is
of a set of data divided by the number of employed with subjects, test groups,
data. Mean can prove to be an effective between groups and within groups.
tool when comparing different sets of
data; however, this method might be PEARSON R /PEARSON CORRELATION
disadvantaged by the impact of extreme
values. • The Pearson correlation coefficient (also
known as Pearson product-moment
T TEST correlation coefficient) r is a measure to
determine the relationship (instead of
• A t-test is a type of inferential statistic used difference) between two quantitative
to determine if there is a significant variables (interval/ratio) and the degree to
difference between the means of two groups, which the two variables coincide with one
which may be related in certain features. another—that is, the extent to which two
• The t-test is one of many tests used for the variables are linearly related: changes in one
purpose of hypothesis testing in statistics. variable correspond to changes in another
• Calculating a t-test requires three key data variable.
values. They include the difference between • Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient:
the mean values from each data set (called o Pearson’s correlation coefficient is the
the mean difference), the standard deviation test statistics that measures the
of each group, and the number of data statistical relationship, or association,
values of each group. between two continuous variables. It is
known as the best method of measuring
ANOVA the association between variables of
• Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an analysis interest because it is based on the
tool used in statistics that splits an observed method of covariance. It gives
aggregate variability found inside a data set information about the magnitude of the
into two parts: systematic factors and association, or correlation, as well as the
random factors. direction of the relationship.
• The systematic factors have a statistical
influence on the given data set, while the Lesson 4
random factors do not. Analysts use the
STATISTICAL MEASUREMENTS IN NURSING Sampling error also occurs when
RESEARCH the sample does not accurately
STATISTICS reflect the population.
• Statistics is a branch of mathematics used to b. Sampling distribution – Is a
summarize, organize, present, analyze and theoretical frequency distribution
interpret numerical data such as the based on an infinite number of
numerical characteristics of sample samples. The researcher never
parameters and the numerical actually draws an infinite number of
characteristics of a population. samples from a population.
• Statistics improve the quality of data with the c. Sampling bias – occurs when
design of experiments and survey sampling. samples are not carefully selected
Statistics also provide tools for prediction as in non-probability sampling.
and forecasting using data and statistical 2. Testing the null hypothesis
needs. Statistics is applicable to a wide
variety of academic disciplines including • Inferential statistics are techniques that allow
natural and social sciences, government, us to use these samples to make
business, and nursing. generalizations about the populations from
which the samples were drawn.
KINDS OF STATISTICS • Inferential statistics arise out of the fact that
1. Descriptive Statistics sampling naturally incurs sampling error and
• Statistical methods that can be used to thus a sample is not expected to perfectly
summarize or describe a collection of data. represent the population.
These are statistics intended to organize and
summarize numerical data from the 3. Use Decision Theory
population and sample. • This theory is based on the assumption
associated with the theoretical normal curve,
• Uses: used in testing for differences between
1. Measures and condenses data in groups with the expectations that all groups
a. Frequency distribution – scores are members of the same population. this is
are tested from highest to lowest or expressed as a null hypothesis and the level
from lowest to highest. of significance (alpha) is set at 0.05 before
b. Graphic presentation – data are data collection. According to this theory 2
presented in graphic form to make types of errors can occur when the
frequency distribution data readily researcher is deciding what the result of
apparent. statistical test means (Burns & Groove,
2. Measures of central tendency used to 2007)
describe the mean, median, and mode. • Types of errors:
A. Type I error – occurs when the null
• Descriptive statistics is the term given to the hypothesis is rejected when in reality is
analysis of data that helps describe, show or not. This occurs when the level of
summarize data in a meaningful way such significance is at 0.05 than with a 0.01
that, for example, patterns might emerge level of significance. Type 1 decreases
from the data. when the level of significance become
• They are simply a way to describe data. more extreme.
Descriptive statistics therefore enables us to B. Type II error – occurs when null
present the data in a more meaningful way, hypothesis is regarded as true, but it is
which allows simpler interpretation of the in fact false. A statistical analysis may
data. indicate no significant differences
between groups but in reality, the
2. Inferential Statistics groups are different. There is greater
risk of type II error when the level of
• These are concerned with population and the
significance is 0.01 than when it is 0.05.
use of sample data to predict future
4. Power analysis
• Uses: • This is the way to control type II error. Power
1. To estimate population parameter analysis will determine the probability of the
a. Sampling error – which is the statistical test to detect significant difference
difference between data obtained that exists. The research determines the
from a random sampled population sample size, the level of significance and the
and data that would be obtained if effect size on the outcome variable, (Cohen,
an entire population is measured. 1988)
5. Degree of freedom
• The interpretation of a statistical test, in most 5. ANOVA
cases depends on the number of values that • Test the differences between 2 means
can vary. Although DOF indicates the which can be used to examine data from
number of values that can vary, attention is two or more groups.
actually focused on the values that are not
free to vary. This is generally expressed by 6. Factor analysis
the df sign and a number that denotes • Examines relationships among large
significant level (e.g. Df= 0.01 or 0.05) number of variables and isolate those
relationships to identify clusters of
6. Frequency distribution variables that are most closely linked.
• This is the method to organize the research This is necessary in developing
data instruments to measure relate.
• Types:
1. Grouped frequency distribution –
these are used with nominal data or
when continuous variables are being 7. Regression analysis
examined such as age, weight, blood • Used to predict the value of one variable
pressure etc. when the value of one or more variables
2. Ungrouped frequency distribution – are known. The variable to be predicted
this is used when data are categorized din regression analysis is referred to as
and presented in tabular form to display dependent variable.
all numerical values obtained for a
particular variable. 8. Multiple regression analysis
• Us used to correlate more than two
7. Percentage distribution variables.
• This shows the percentage of subjects in a
sample whose scores fall into a specific 9. The complete randomized block design
group and the number scores in that group. • Is the same as the ANOVA except that
This is useful in comparing the present data complete blocks are used instead of
with findings from other studies that have items. For instance, use of different
different samples size. antibiotics per patient per room are
tested. The heterogeneity of
STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR TREATMENT OF respondents will give different results.
1. Percentage Lesson 5
• Is computed to determine the proportion ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA
of a part to a whole such as given • Data analysis is the most crucial part of any
number respondents in relation to the research.
entire population. • Data analysis summarizes collected data.
• Formula = • It involves the interpretation of data gathered
using analytical and logical reasoning to
2. Ranking determine patterns, relationships or trends.
• Is used to determine the order of
decreasing or increasing magnitude of Stage of Data Analysis
variables. The largest frequency is rank
1, the second 2 and so on
3. Weighted Mean
• Refers to the overall average or
responses /perceptions of the study
respondents. It is the sum of the scores
and its product of the frequency of
responses in a Likert 5-point Scale
4. T test
• Compares the responses of two
respondent groups in the study on the Lesson 6
phenomenon under investigation. This ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE DATA
is used to test for significant differences Thematic Analysis
between samples.
o Descriptive Statistics – are numerical
values obtained from the sample that
gives meaning to the collected data.