Female Workers ' Readiness For Retirement Planning: An Evidence From Indonesia

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Female workers’ readiness for Retirement

retirement planning: an evidence among female
from Indonesia
Linda Evelina Larisa, Anastasia Njo and Serli Wijaya
Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Received 20 April 2020
Revised 17 June 2020
Abstract 7 July 2020
Accepted 8 July 2020
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of demographical factors (age, education and
income); psychological factors which are future time perspective (FTP) and financial risk tolerance (FRT); along
with financial literacy on retirement planning among female workers in Indonesia.
Design/methodology/approach – This study applies a quantitative approach, where primary data was
acquired through online surveys to 529 workers in various locations in Indonesia. After data cleaning, the final
sample size was 304. The PLS-SEM technique was utilised to assess the structural model in the study.
Findings – The results of this study show that income affects an individual’s perspective towards the future.
Financial literacy is confirmed to have a direct effect on retirement planning activity. Furthermore, financial
literacy appears to be a significant mediator between demographical factors and FTP in affecting retirement
planning. An individual’s acceptance towards risk is also affected by financial literacy.
Practical implications – The general public, especially female workers group who have no retirement funds,
need to be educated on financial literacy. The government might need to encourage other parties and work
together to financially educate the public, specifically regarding investments for retirement planning.
Originality/value – Most previous studies on retirement planning focused on demographical factors in
general, and not specifically on a certain group. Filling the gap of existing studies, this study specifically
discusses retirement planning done by female workers in Indonesia. Women’s role as a workforce, with their
psychological conditions and financial literacy, makes for an interesting topic to be studied further in terms of
retirement planning.
Keywords Demographic factors, Future time perspective, Financial risk tolerance, Financial literacy, Female
retirement planning
Paper type Research paper

Retirement planning is an individual’s behaviour that aims to prepare for life in retirement
(Yeung and Zhou, 2017). It would enable individuals to have realistic expectations of changes
that will be experienced during the transition (Taylor et al., 2008) and set clear long-term goals
for their post-retirement life (Topa et al., 2009). Literature has indicated that in the retirement
period, women are seen to be more vulnerable to financial distress than men. Although
women have longer life expectancy than men, but they have a lower income (Almenberg and
Dreber, 2015), lower financial literacy (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2008; van Rooij et al., 2011a;
Almenberg and Dreber, 2015) and lower risk tolerance (Al-Ajmi, 2008; Croson and Gneezy,
2009; Dohmen et al., 2011; Almenberg and Dreber, 2015).
In the case of Indonesia, data from the Indonesian Women Coalition (2018) show that for a
position in the same sector, women are paid 15–33% lower than men. A national survey
undertaken by Financial Literacy and Inclusion in 2016 illustrated that the financial literacy
index of women was lower than men in all of the provinces in Indonesia. The mean value of
financial literacy index in men was 33.2% and 25.5% in women (Financial Services
Authority, 2017). According to the Statistics Indonesia (2019), women’s life expectancy is
longer than men’s (73.19 compared to 69.3 years old). Further, data from the National Survey
of Social and Economy (2017) reveal that 53% of the residents in Indonesia are above 65 years Review of Behavioral Finance
old (senior), where senior women are 14% more likely to be impoverished compared to senior © Emerald Publishing Limited
men. Senior women are more likely to be widowed (56%, compared to 15% for men) and more DOI 10.1108/RBF-04-2020-0079
RBF likely to live alone (15%, compared to 5% for men). At the same time, senior women tend to
have lower work opportunities and a higher tendency to be dependent on their family to
support their lives (76%, compared to 56% for men). In fact, retirement planning program has
apparently been regulated by the government. In the Presidential Regulation of the Republic
of Indonesia No. 109 of 2013 concerning the Stipulation of Participation in the Social Security
Program, it is clearly stated that employers are obligated to provide social security for their
employees. However, the implementation of employer-sponsored pension guarantee program
is only obligatory for medium and large scale businesses. There are a large number of
employees who have yet to receive a pension guarantee from their employers. On the other
hand, for the self-employed there is no party who is obligated to secure their retirement, so it is
very important for those without pension guarantee to have a good financial management
and independently plan their retirement.
Stawski et al. (2007) describe steps that can be taken to prepare for retirement, such as
gathering information and advice on life in retirement, designing a retirement plan whether
with family or with professional help and preparing needed savings. According to the
Financial Services Authority (2016), a source of self-financing for retirees can be savings
saved in banks or other places, leasing or selling assets, capital market investments, real
investments, insurance compensation and retirement benefits from retirement funds.
The importance of retirement planning drives the need for researches related to retirement
planning. Financial literacy is a factor related to retirement planning that has received a lot of
attention and has been proven significant in several studies. A person with a good financial
literacy tends to do more retirement planning (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2008, 2011b; van Rooij
et al., 2011a) and can do better retirement planning (Robb and Woodyard, 2011; Hassan et al.,
2016; Lusardi et al., 2017). From most studies of retirement planning associated with
demographical factors, many ignored the influence of psychological factors (Aluodi and
Njuguna, 2017). Hershey et al. (2007) state that although demographical factors influence
retirement planning decisions, the effects are mediated through psychological factors on the
decision to save.
Future time perspective (FTP) and financial risk tolerance (FRT) are psychological factors
that are often associated with financial planning and retirement. FTP is a distinct tendency in
individuals regarding thoughts about the future, namely, focus on opportunities or focus on
limitations (Betts, 2013). FTP is associated with the tendency to plan and save for the future
(Jacobs-Lawson and Hershey, 2005) whereas FRT refers to an individual’s willingness to
accept the risk of loss as a result of investing (Grable and Roszkowski, 2008). Which
investment is chosen and how much is invested relies heavily on FRT, whether the investor
tends to be a risk seeker or a risk averter (Grable and Joo, 1997).
This study was conducted to assess the relationship of demographics factors (age,
education and income), psychological factors (FTP and FRT) and financial literacy towards
retirement planning, especially in female workers in Indonesia, who do not obtain pension
guarantees from employers. In a literature review conducted by Kumar et al. (2018), it was
depicted that most of the studies on retirement planning were undertaken in developed
countries such as the US and Australia. In addition, there are only a few studies that focus on
the study of retirement planning behaviour specifically in women, such as Price (2002); Wong
and Hardy (2009); Noone et al. (2010); Damman et al. (2014). Given its scarcity, this current
study offers a better understanding about the underlying factors affecting retirement
planning within the context of developing country like Indonesia.

Theory development and hypotheses

Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is a theory introduced by Ajzen (1991). TPB has been
widely applied in previous studies in various behavioural contexts, including behaviour in
financial decision making and retirement planning (Heenkenda, 2016; Cucinelli et al., 2017; Retirement
Nosi et al., 2017; Ofili, 2017). According to TPB, a person is more likely to intend to follow a planning
particular course of action if the behaviour leads to a specific outcome he deems worthy, if the
person believes people think it is appropriate and if the person has the resource and
among female
opportunity to perform the behaviour. Someone who believes that behaviour can produce a workers
positive outcome will have a positive attitude (Ajzen, 1991). Retirement planning is associated
with higher post-retirement well-being. Wellness in retirement motivates a person to do
retirement planning (Wang, 2007). In retirement planning, the resources and opportunities
available greatly determine retirement planning, such as sufficient income and financial
literacy, as well as the remaining time available to plan for retirement.

Influence of demographical factors on future time perspective

Different demographical factors will shape different views of the future. The results of Zacher
and Frese (2011); Cate and John (2007) and Carstensen (2006) found that older people have a
lower FTP. While Hershey et al. (2007) found there is no significant influence between age
and FTP.
Kooij et al. (2017) found that higher education was associated with higher FTP (focus on
opportunities). Several previous studies also found that higher FTP is associated with a
higher level of education (Bortner and Hultsch, 1974; Rakowski, 1979; Glass and Kilpatrick,
1998). While Padawer et al. (2007) found a unique result on young female respondents, as their
level of education was not related to FTP.
Padawer et al. (2007) found a higher level of FTP among individuals with higher income.
Individuals with lower income have a limited resource that can be used for long-term
planning and tends to have a higher focus on daily issues (money management), so their FTP
will likely be lower (Hershey et al., 2007).
H1a. Age has an influence on FTP.
H1b. Education has an influence on FTP.
H1c. Income has an influence on FTP.

Influence of demographical factors on financial risk tolerance

Demographical background plays a role in forming an individual’s tolerance towards risk.
Hallahan et al. (2004) and Grable et al. (2011) found that increasing age significantly affected
the decline in FRT in a non-linear relationship. The decrease of FRT along with the increase of
age is also found in the studies of (Al-Ajmi, 2008; Faff et al., 2008; Sultana, 2010; Dohmen et al.,
2011). However, several studies found no significant effect of age on FRT (Grable, 1997;
Grable and Joo, 1997; Wang and Hanna, 1998).
It is generally assumed that people with a higher level of education have a better
ability to assess risk and return of investment (van Rooij et al., 2011a). Other studies have
also found that an increase in educational level is associated with a significant increase in
FRT levels (Grable and Lytton, 1999a, b; Hallahan et al., 2004; Al-Ajmi, 2008; Grable et al.,
2011), while the study of Faff et al. (2011) found a unique result where the level of
education was not found to be a significant distinguishing variable in explaining FRT
in women.
Individuals with a higher income tend to have a higher tolerance for risk (Kannadhasan,
2015). Individuals with a high income have a larger stream of income, thus feeling more
capable of dealing with the possibility of loss and make them more willing to accept a higher
level of investment risk (Dulebohn, 2002). Other studies (Grable and Lytton, 1999a, b;
Barber and Odean, 2000; Hallahan et al., 2004; Al-Ajmi, 2008); (Grable and Lytton, 1999a, b;
RBF Hallahan et al., 2004; Al-Ajmi, 2008) also showed that an increase in income is associated with
a significant increase in FRT levels.
H2a. Age has an influence on FRT.
H2b. Education has an influence on FRT.
H2c. Income has an influence on FRT.

Influence of demographical factors on financial literacy

Demographical background plays a role in forming a person’s financial understanding and
financial ability. The study of van Rooij et al. (2012) found that age significantly affects
financial literacy because as age increases, so does the amount of experience and information
about finance (Ebiringa and Okorafor, 2010).
Scheresberg (2013) found that the level of education significantly affects financial literacy.
However, education is not a guarantee of financial literacy. There is a significant difference in
financial literacy, especially in accounting, between individuals with higher education and
lower education (Christelis et al., 2010).
Van Rooij et al. (2012) and Scheresberg (2013) found that income significantly affects
financial literacy. Moreover, Hershey et al. (2007) found that income has a significant
influence on FTP, financial literacy and the tendency to plan and save.
H3a. Age has an influence on financial literacy.
H3b. Education has an influence on financial literacy.
H3c. Income has an influence on financial literacy.

Influence of future time perspective on financial literacy

Individuals who have a high FTP will think they have great opportunities in the future and
strive to achieve their goals by developing and enhancing current skills (Simons et al., 2004;
Carstensen, 2006), including their knowledge of finance to learn how to support themselves in
retirement (Hershey et al., 2007).
H4. FTP has an influence on financial literacy.

Influence of financial literacy on financial risk tolerance

Christelis et al. (2010); van Rooij et al. (2011b), and Yoong (2011) showed that there is a positive
and significant effect of financial literacy level and cognitive capabilities on the decision to
invest in stocks. Lack of financial knowledge may explain low investment levels and low
participation in the capital market. Clark et al. (2014) further found that people with greater
knowledge of financial products and investments tend to invest their retirement savings in
high risk, high-return products.
H5. Financial literacy has an influence on FRT.

Influence of future time perspective on retirement planning

FTP is associated with the tendency to plan and save for the future (Jacobs-Lawson and
Hershey, 2005) and affects the decision to plan for retirement (Parker et al., 2013). Howlett et al.
(2008) also expressed a similar statement that a person with higher FTP is more likely to plan
for retirement than a person with lower FTP. However, with no financial literacy, FTP does
not affect the possibility of participating in retirement planning.
H6. FTP has an influence on retirement planning.
Influence of financial risk tolerance on retirement planning Retirement
Yuh and DeVaney (1996) found that retirement planning on individuals with a high FRT is planning
more likely to be bigger than individuals who avert risks. Later, Jacobs-Lawson and Hershey
(2005) found that individuals who have a high tolerance towards risk prefer to invest in high-
among female
risk investments such as stocks, while those who avert risks prefer to invest in bonds and workers
certificates of deposits. Similar findings also emerged from several studies that focused on
retirement investments (Sunden and Surette, 1998; Bajtelsmit et al., 1999; Hariharan et al., 2000).
H7. FRT has an influence on retirement planning.

Influence of financial literacy on retirement planning

Retirement planning is a very complex matter and requires a certain degree of financial
knowledge. The studies of Lusardi and Mitchell (2011) and van Rooij et al. (2011a) showed
that a person with good financial literacy is more likely to do retirement planning. Also,
individuals with good financial literacy are able to plan their retirement better (Hassan et al.,
2016) and be more confident in facing retirement (Robb and Woodyard, 2011).
H8. Financial literacy has an influence on retirement planning.
The research model used in this study is an adaption of the research model of Kumar et al.
(2018) and can be seen in Figure 1.

The type of research used in this study is causal research. Causal research is used to prove the
relationship between the cause and effect of several variables. In analysing the data in this
study, we used the PLS-SEM approach instead of the CB-SEM approach because the PLS-
SEM is more appropriate for causal-predictive analysis with a high enough complexity on the
relationship between the variables (Rigdon, 2012, 214). The population under study is the
female workforce in Indonesia. The sum of the female workforce in Indonesia is obtained from
the data on the state of the labour force in Indonesia from Statistics Indonesia in February

Age H3a Financial

H1a H8

H1b Future Time H6 Retirement

Education Perspective Planning
H2b Financial Risk
Income H2c (FRT)

Figure 1.
Research model
Source(s): Adapted from Kumar et al., 2018
RBF 2019. The data are the number of female residents aged 15 years and above, which comprises
the workforce, totalling 52,045,163 (Statistics Indonesia). Criteria for the sample selected
areas follows:
(1) Gender is female and is at the age of 15 years and above.
(2) Currently working in Indonesia as a laborer/worker/employee, professional or self-
(3) Does not get a pension guarantee from the employer, regardless of not having
retirement funds or has retirement funds from personal initiative.
Primary data collection was conducted through a survey with a questionnaire as the research
instrument. The questionnaire was created using Google form platform to make it accessible
online and to reach a wider audience. The questionnaire consisted of five sections. The first
section measured respondents’ demographics profiles asking questions of: age, education,
monthly average net income, city of residence and retirement fund ownership. The second
section measured respondents’ financial literacy, which consisted of 17 items of multiple-choice
questions adapted from Chen and Volpe (1998). It consisted of general knowledge, saving and
borrowing, insurance and investment. The third section measured respondents’ FTP, which
contained 10 items adopted from Carstensen and Lang (1996). The fourth section measured
respondents’ FRT, which contained 5 items adopted from Jacobs-Lawson and Hershey (2005).
The last section measured respondents’ retirement planning activity, which contained 12 items
adapted from Stawski et al. (2007). A 7-point Likert Scale was selected to measure FTP, FRT
and retirement planning concepts, ranging from 1 5 strongly disagree to 7 5 strongly agree.
The PLS-SEM technique was utilised to assess the structural model, confirming the
relationships between examined concepts in the research model and to test the hypotheses.

Online survey was completed within one and half months. A total of 529 responses were
received and after data cleaning process, 304 questionnaires met the criteria and were
analysed further.
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents are still relatively young, aged 20–30 years
(62.17%) and have completed their last education up to a high level of undergraduate (60.9%)

No Yes Total Mean SD Min Max

Age (years old) 20–30 143 46 189 32.247 9.650 20 64

>30–45 53 23 76
>45–55 15 13 28
>55 7 4 11
Education / Duration of study (years) Elementary 4 0 4 15.145 2.169 6 18
Junior high 6 1 7
Senior high 32 16 48
Diploma 28 5 33
Undergraduate 134 51 185
Postgraduate 14 13 27
Income (IDR in million) <5 89 7 96 10.283 14.943 1 150
5–10 106 43 149
>10–20 17 18 35
Table 1. >20–30 3 6 9
Retirement fund >30–40 1 2 3
ownership based on >40–50 1 4 5
age, education, income >50 1 6 7
and have a relatively low net income of 5–10m (49.01%) and under (31.58%) per month. Most Retirement
of the respondents (71.71%) do not have a retirement fund from personal initiative. Those planning
with the least personally-initiated retirement funding are the respondents aged 20–30 years
(24.34%). While the respondents with the most personally-initiated retirement funding are
among female
the respondents aged 45–55 years, with a postgraduate education level and an income of more workers
than 10m per month.
The average respondents in this study are 32.25 years old, who underwent study for 15.15
years and have a net income of IDR 10.28m. The youngest respondent is 20 years old, while
the oldest is 6 4 years old. The shortest duration of study is 6 years (thus elementary school
graduate) and the longest is 18 years (postgraduate). The lowest net income is IDR 1m per
month and the highest is IDR 150m per month.
From Table 2, it is known that the average respondent strongly agrees that many
opportunities are waiting ahead and hopes to set new goals in the future. It appears the

Variable Indicator Mean SD Min Max

Future time Belief of the abundance of opportunities ahead (FTP1) 5.826 1.254 1 7
perspective Hope to set many new goals in the future (FTP2) 5.816 1.138 2 7
Belief of a lot of possibilities ahead (FTP3) 5.737 1.168 2 7
Belief in having a long-spanning future (FTP4) 5.599 1.191 1 7
Belief of having an unlimited future (FTP5) 5.526 1.200 3 7
Belief of being able to do anything in the future (FTP6) 5.385 1.282 1 7
Belief of plenty of time left to make new plans (FTP7) 5.444 1.218 3 7
Belief of time is running out (FTP8) 5.355 1.206 2 7
Belief of there is a limited possibility in the future (FTP9) 5.368 1.154 2 7
Feeling as we get older, time is running out (FTP10) 5.260 1.083 2 7
Financial risk Willingness to risk financial loss (FRT1) 3.878 1.396 1 7
tolerance Prefers high-return investments although risky (FRT2) 3.809 1.510 1 7
Feels the overall potential growth of retirement 4.016 1.199 1 7
investments outweighs investment risk level (FRT3)
Willing to invest in risky investments to ensure financial 3.789 1.606 1 7
stability in retirement (FRT4)
Will never choose the safest investment when planning 3.727 1.539 1 7
for retiremet (FRT5)
Retirement Read articles/brochures on investments/financial 3.730 1.504 1 7
planning planning frequently (PP1)
Read one/more books on investment/financial planning 3.457 1.471 1 7
Visit financial planning sites often through the Internet 3.441 1.574 1 7
Collect/manage financial records (PP4) 4.079 1.362 1 7
Perform a comprehensive assessment of net wealth (PP5) 3.987 1.522 1 7
Identify specific spending plans for the future (PP6) 4.039 1.290 1 7
Discuss retirement plans with knowledgeable 3.911 1.512 1 7
acquaintances (PP7)
Have a savings account in bank/other places specifically 4.076 1.570 1 7
for retirement (PP8)
Own an asset or property that is specifically for rent/sale 3.648 1.534 1 7
for retirement (PP9) Table 2.
Invest in capital market (stocks/mutual funds/bonds) 3.391 1.463 1 7 Description of
specifically for retirement (PP10) respondents’ future
Own an insurance claimable after a certain age 3.638 1.560 1 7 time perspective,
(retirement) (PP11) financial risk tolerance
Own an inheritance that can be a source of income in 3.628 1.722 1 7 and retirement
retirement (PP12) planning
RBF average FTP of the respondents is quite high (5.260–5.826). Table 2 also gives the information
that the average respondent tends to choose safe investments or minimal-risk investments. It
appears that respondents’ FRT is quite low (3.727–4.016). Table 2 shows that most
respondents’ retirement planning activities include collecting or managing financial records,
identifying specific future spending plans, as well as preparing retirement funds in the form
of savings. On the other hand, the retirement planning activities with the least number of
participants include gathering information on investments and financial planning, both by
reading books and visiting financial planning websites online and investing in the capital
market (stocks/mutual funds/bonds). It is shown that the average level of retirement planning
activity done by respondents is relatively low (3.391–4.079).
Based on Table 3, it is known that most respondents have low financial literacy rate
(55.59%). Then, the percentage of correct answers for each question and each section is
calculated to find out what the average respondent understands and does not understand.
Table 4 provides information that the average percentage of the highest correct answer is
on general knowledge indicator (62.63%), while the average percentage of the highest

Correct answer (%) Level of financial literacy Frequency %

< 60% Medium 169 55.592%

Table 3. 60–79% Low 131 43.092%
Respondents’ financial ≥ 79% High 4 1.316%
literacy level Total 304 100.000%

Indicator Correct answer (%)

General Knowledge (LK1)

Benefits of personal financial knowledge 73.026
Knowledge of personal financial planning 64.474
Knowledge of asset liquidity 53.289
Knowledge of net asset 55.592
Knowledge of income and expenditure 66.776
Mean 62.632
Saving and Borrowing (LK2)
Compound interest calculation 54.934
Knowledge of deposit duration 72.368
Knowledge of credit cards 53.289
Knowledge of financial institutions 69.079
Mean 62.418
Insurance (LK3)
Knowledge of insurance premium 65.789
Knowledge of vehicle insurance premium 54.605
Knowledge of health insurance 71.711
Knowledge of life insurance 53.947
Mean 61.513
Investment (LK4)
General knowledge of investment asset 63.816
Knowledge of interest rates and bonds prices 45.724
Table 4. Knowledge of investment risk choices 51.316
Percentage of correct Knowledge of mutual funds 70.395
answers from financial Mean 57.813
literacy questions Note(s): Average of overall financial literacy with n 5 304 respondents: 61.184%
incorrect answer is on investment indicator (57.81%). This result shows that general Retirement
knowledge is the most understood and investment is the least by the average respondent (see planning
Table 4).
The outer model analysis as seen in Figure 2 was performed to ensure that the
among female
measurements used were valid and reliable. After eliminating one indicator with the lowest workers
outer loading (PP12), all indicators had a value of outer loading > 0.6. It can be said that all the
indicators met the criteria of convergent validity.
All the cross-loading value of indicators on the variables was also greater than the cross-
loading on other variables, thus meeting the criteria of discriminant validity. As seen in
Table 5, all indicators in each study variable also met the criteria for composite reliability,
AVE and Cronbach alpha, as they had > 0.7 for composite reliability, > 0.5 for AVE and > 0.6
for Cronbach alpha.
The result of the outer model analysis above was then followed by analysing the inner
model which aimed to evaluate the structural model and see the significance of the causal
relationship between latent variables. The inner model analysis included coefficient of
determination analysis (R2), predictive relevance (Q2) and goodness of fit (GoF) index. The
coefficient of determination describes how much the endogenous variable is described by
its exogenous variable. The R-square value of the retirement planning variable was 0.781,
which meant that it could be explained by demographical, psychographical and financial
literacy by 78.1%, while the rest was explained by other variables excluded in the
examined model. Q-square predictive relevance analysis measures how well the observed
values are generated by the model. In this study, the Q-square value obtained was 0.881,
meaning that the model has an adequate predictive relevance value. The GoF index result
obtained was 0.485, which means that overall the structural model has a large GoF
index (≥ 0.360).
Hypothesis testing was then performed, as well as indirect effects relationship analysis to
determine the relationship flow of the factors was studied. Table 6 shows the results obtained
from direct effects and indirect effects of relationship analysis:

The results of this study have revealed that between the three demographics factors analysed
in this study, only income significantly affects the FTP. In other words, the higher a person’s
income, his perspective of the future will also be higher (focus on opportunities). This is
because a high-income person has the resources to support the growth of confidence in future
opportunities. On the other hand, a low-income person has limited resources and is more likely
to highly focus on everyday financial issues (Hershey et al., 2007). Referring to the theory of
planned behaviour (TPB), a person is more likely to intend to follow a specific course of action
if they feel they have the resources and opportunity needed to perform said behaviour (Ajzen,
1991). In the context of retirement planning, resources and opportunity, an individual has will
also greatly determine retirement planning activity, such as financial resources (income) to
support the retirement fund investment and the time left to prepare for retirement. Good
financial resources will support a person to have a higher FTP (Hershey et al., 2007; Padawer
et al., 2007) and plan his retirement (Grable and Joo, 1997; Hershey et al., 2003).
Moreover, the results confirm that age, education and income significantly affects
financial literacy. That is, the older a person, the higher education level, and the higher the
income would lead to a better financial literacy. When a person gets older, he/she would tend
to have more experiences and know more information on financial issues (Ebiringa and
Okorafor, 2010). The higher the education level attained, the more knowledge of a person
would have, including knowledge of finance. In relation to financial knowledge, van Rooij
et al. (2011a) argue that highly educated people would tend to have a better financial

Figure 2.
Path diagram and
outer model values
capability to evaluate risk and return on investment than low-educated people. Further, Retirement
individuals with a high income, in general, have more unrestricted access to financial service planning
facilities and media of information providers on financial planning and investments, so
individuals with a high income have more experience and knowledge in finance than
among female
individuals with a low income. workers
Moreover, age, education and income appear to indirectly influence respondents’ planning
towards retirement as mediated by financial literacy level. That is, an individual whose age,
education and income are higher tend to have a better financial literacy, which in turn,
increase the likelihood to plan for her or his retirement (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2008, 2011b; van
Rooij et al., 2011a), even he or she is able to plan retirement in a better way (Robb and
Woodyard, 2011; Hassan et al., 2016; Lusardi et al., 2017). As explained by Ajzen (1991) in TPB
theory, a person is more likely to follow a specific course of action if said behaviour leads to a
certain desired results. A person who is sure that his or her behaviour results in a positive
outcome would have a positive attitude (Ajzen, 2005) . It is therefore could be concluded that a
person whose financial literacy is good, he/she would realize the importance of retirement
planning for his well-being in retirement. As stated by Wang (2007), wellness in retirement
motivates a person to plan for his retirement.

Variable Composite reliability AVE Cronbach alpha

Age 1.000 1.000 1.000

Education 1.000 1.000 1.000
Income 1.000 1.000 1.000 Table 5.
FTP 0.925 0.552 0.910 Outer loading analysis
FRT 0.863 0.552 0.802 based on composite
Financial literacy 0.824 0.539 0.715 reliability, AVE and
Retirement planning 0.917 0.503 0.900 cronbach alpha

Relationship Path coefficients t-statistic

Direct effects Age → FTP 0.080 1.138

Education → FTP 0.003 0.041
Income → FTP 0.109 2.132*
Age → FRT 0.115 1.804
Education → FRT 0.124 1.717
Income → FRT 0.043 0.691
Age → Financial literacy 0.125 2.268*
Education → Financial literacy 0.200 3.241*
Income → Financial literacy 0.380 8.671*
FTP → Financial literacy 0.372 8.603*
Financial literacy → FRT 0.182 2.718*
FTP → Retirement planning 0.012 0.375
FRT → Retirement planning 0.007 0.263
Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.891 46.005*
Indirect effects Income → FTP → Financial Literacy 0.041 2.050*
Age → Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.111 2.245*
Education → Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.178 3.209* Table 6.
Income → Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.338 8.462* Path Coefficients and
FTP → Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.331 8.264* t-statistic direct and
Income → FTP → Financial literacy → Retirement planning 0.036 2.039* indirect effects
Note(s): significant at * t-statistic ≥ 1.960 relationship
RBF The results of this study also confirm that of three demographics attributes, only income
that indirectly influence respondents’ retirement planning through FTP and financial literacy
(Table 6). As stated by Hershey et al. (2007), a high-income person would have sufficient
resources to drive the confidence of future opportunities, while a person with such a
confidence would be more likely to strive to achieve his or her goal by developing and
enhancing the knowledge (Simons et al., 2004), including knowledge on finance and how to
support himself in retirement (Hershey et al., 2007). Thus, the higher an individual’s focus on
opportunities (FTP), the higher the financial literacy he/she has. Moreover, with good
financial literacy, because of the extra effort to improve financial knowledge from someone
with a high FTP, retirement planning is more likely to be done (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2008,
2011b; van Rooij et al., 2011a) and can be performed better (Robb and Woodyard, 2011;
Hassan et al., 2016; Lusardi et al., 2017).
The role of financial literacy is very crucial to mediate the impact of FTP on retirement
planning. That is, although individuals who highly focus on opportunities (FTP) are more
likely to plan for their retirement, without proper financial literacy, such focus on
opportunities (FTP) would not drive the eagerness to prepare for the retirement planning
(Howlett et al., 2008). The findings of this current study show that half of total respondents
agreed that there were many opportunities in the future, thus, respondents hoped for setting
new goals. This shows that the average respondent has a high FTP level. Nevertheless,
respondents’ retirement planning activity showed that most respondents had low retirement
planning activities. In this study, financial literacy rate was measured by adopting Chen and
Volpe’s (1998) measurement scale. The measurement showed that most respondents in this
study had low financial literacy rate. The low retirement planning of the respondents may be
due to their low financial literacy rate. In fact, despite having a high income and feeling they
have many opportunities in the future, a person with low financial literacy does not realize the
importance of retirement planning for his well-being in retirement and lacks sufficient
knowledge to plan for retirement, thus, is more likely to not plan for retirement.
With regard to the retirement planning activity, the findings showed that respondents
tended to set up retirement funds in the form of savings deposited in banks or elsewhere
although savings yield a very low return and do not exceed inflation. Investing in the capital
market (stocks/mutual funds/bonds) is one of the investments that can be an option in
preparing for retirement funds. However, it is also known that investing in the capital market
is a retirement planning activity that many respondents have not done. Based on the
measurements of financial literacy, it appeared that investment-related financial knowledge
was the least understood financial product. Suboptimal retirement planning from
respondents may be due to the low financial literacy of the respondents, particularly in
relation to investment. With good financial literacy, respondents should be able to choose the
most appropriate investment means to set up retirement funds, which count as long-term
financial planning.
In addition, the low financial literacy rate of respondents also significantly influences their
level of risk acceptance. With higher financial literacy, a person’s acceptance of risks will also
be higher. With good financial literacy, a person will have a good understanding of risks and
investments and adjust accordingly in making investment decisions, including investments
with relatively high risk such as the capital market (Yoong, 2011). On the contrary, with low
financial literacy, a person will not have a good understanding of risks and investments and
will be more likely to have low acceptance of risk. Based on the analysis of respondents’ FRT,
it is known that the average respondent has a low level of acceptance towards risks.
Respondents tend to choose safe investments or investments with minimum risk of loss. The
low level of risk acceptance of the respondents can also be a reason why respondents choose
savings that have low risk, despite providing very low returns.
The results of this study have revealed that financial literacy is a crucial factor in Retirement
determining retirement planning. Based on this study’s hypothesis testing, it is known that planning
only financial literacy has a significant impact on direct effects relationship towards
retirement planning. With higher financial literacy, retirement planning activity will also be
among female
higher. A person with high financial literacy will be more likely to plan for retirement (Lusardi workers
and Mitchell, 2008, 2011b; van Rooij et al., 2011a) and will be able to plan better (Robb and
Woodyard, 2011; Hassan et al., 2016; Lusardi et al., 2017). The significance of financial literacy
towards retirement planning is also supported by other studies conducted previously
(Lusardi and Mitchell, 2008, 2011a; Robb and Woodyard, 2011; van Rooij et al., 2011a, b;
Scheresberg, 2013; Hassan et al., 2016; Lusardi et al., 2017).
Low financial literacy rate and retirement planning activity in investments in most of the
respondents may be associated with respondents’ age and income level. Most of the
respondents are young aged group with low income. According to Suhartono and Qudsi
(2009), people aged between 20 and 30 have just started working, needing the cost of wedding
preparation or getting their first home. Most of the income of people in this age group is
generally spent on consumption rather than investment. People with limited income have
insufficient resources to plan their finance for the long term and likely to highly focus on daily
financial issues (Hershey et al., 2007). Young people are also less likely to have high financial
literacy (Dulebohn, 2002), as they have little to no experience and information on financial
issues (Ebiringa and Okorafor, 2010). Moreover, young people generally tend to not feel the
need to start planning for their retirement. It should be best to start retirement planning from
a young age because the sooner they invest, the longer the investment duration will be, and
the accumulated funds will be more significant. By preparing early, a person will have more
available financial instrument alternatives, easier financial management and be better at
managing risks to get higher returns.

Conclusions and recommendations

The purpose of this study was to explore female workers’ readiness in preparing their
retirement, in which the effects of demographical, psychological factors and financial literacy
on retirement planning were examined and tested. This study contributes to the existing
personal finance literature, first, by providing a novel insight about retirement planning issue
and its challenges from the perspective of a specific group of female workers in a developing
country like Indonesia. Second, by offering a more comprehensive investigation by
encompassing the presence of psychological factors of future time perspective and financial
risk tolerance as mediating variables, given the scarce examination on these factors in
previous studies.
The results of this study have confirmed the significant role of financial literacy, both
directly, and indirectly in influencing the retirement planning among female workers. In
indirect way, financial literacy was proven to mediate how workers’ age, education and
income level significantly influenced the group to prepare for their retirement. Financial
literacy also appeared to be a significant mediating variable of how future time perspective
affected pension plan. Meanwhile, income was the only demographical attribute which
significantly affected future time perspective. That is, income would determine female
workers be more optimistic about their future, and therefore set a plan for their pension plan.
The findings of this study have important implications for government and financial
service institutions. First, although financial literacy was found to play an essential role in
influencing retirement planning intention, the finding showed that financial literacy rate of
female workers was considered low. Having said this, female workers need to receive an
adequate support programs aiming to enhance the financial literacy rate of the group. Such
programs could be held by the relevant institutions for instances public financial and
RBF educational institutions. Training programs ranging from basic knowledge such as the
importance of pension plan preparation to more advanced training about various financial
products such as savings, investment (stocks, bonds and mutual funds) and asset products
(gold and houses). Second, the government needs to work together with other financial
institutions such as bankings, employees’ social security system and other pension plan
financial institutions to provide financial education programs for lower-middle workers.
The significant roles of demographical and psychological factors shown in this study offer
an opportunity for applying different research approach to get deeper insights from the
female workers. Further research, therefore, is recommended to apply qualitative research to
portray the underlying factors affecting retirement planning from the subjective and
interpretative viewpoints of the participants. Besides, demographical factors such as family
structure, marital status and ethnicity; and psychological factors such as retirement goal
clarity and locus of control and attitude towards retirement would offer appealing findings to
be revealed.

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