Decision Making On Course Selection Affecting The Influence of Support System Among Senior High School Students

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3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

Decision Making on Course Selection: Affecting the Influence of Support

System among Senior High School Students

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the course in Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Villanueva, Angelica B.

Bautista, Francez Sheena M.

Valdez, Hannah Faith

Marcelo, John Lester B.

Albino, Ehrica Claire

3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines


Background of the Study

Every year, students who are graduating from high school must choose their path of study. As they

must choose what they want to accomplish with their lives, they must make this decision. Students would

feel pressured by their decision because the course they choose will determine their future careers. While

some people feel certain in their choice, others are having difficulties.

The study's findings showed that According to Nazareno (2021), students were more likely to

enroll in a course because of their passion, which was also the most important factor in their decision-

making process. This is because they choose to pursue their interests passionately and feel a great sense

of excitement or enthusiasm for the course they have chosen. Personal interest is another factor, as the

student is drawn to a particular course; financial reasoning: some students would prefer a career because

of its high income; the people around them is another factor, as those people, whomever they may be,

whether they are family, friends, famous individuals, or a random stranger, strongly influence the students'


For students who wish to pursue higher education, selecting their courses for tertiary education

is an important decision. Nowadays, the responsibility of selecting a future vocation falls on Senior High

school pupils, particularly those in Grade 12. Given that they have the option to choose their Senior High

School Strand or concentration, we can assume that they have specific criteria and thoughts about the

courses they wish to take. The Senior High School (SHS) program has been very helpful in giving students

enough time and opportunity to identify and develop their skills and knowledge, which will be useful in

selecting a course to pursue and fulfilling employment. Many opt for profitable courses due to the return of

investment, even in cases when parents cover the cost of their children's post-secondary education. Not

only does studying for a class at school cost money, but it also takes up much of your time and energy.

We are all aware that students are an integral component of society, a good educational system
3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

must prioritize their success, academic progress, and mental health. For this reason, students must be

prepared to face and overcome obstacles in the classroom. It is well recognized that social support and

self-worth are important components of education and that they foster students' academic success. Despite

their significant attributions, research on the combined impacts of social support and the mediating function

of self-esteem on academic achievement has not yet been conducted.

Senior High school students who experience inadequate familial support frequently cause issues

at school, including bullying other pupils and developing poor well-being or health. Therefore, the purpose

of this proposal is to ascertain whether support system has an impact on local students' learning and

development. Many research on the learning and development of students were conducted, but they did not

focus on any particular area. In light of the aforementioned circumstances, the purpose of this study was to

investigate how students' social supports affect their learning and development, which may be concerning

given the state of society today. This is the setting in which the researcher carried out the study to assess

the students' social support system and how it influences their choice of courses. Therefore, it is imperative

that the study be conducted.

Statement of the Problem

This Study is aim to identify the influence of support system on course selection among G-12 Senior High

School Student in National Christian Life College S.Y. 2023-2024

1. How can support systems influence decision making in course selection?

1.1 Family

1.2 Friends

1.3 Career Guidance

2.What are the positive influences the support system gives in helping students with course selection?

3.How does the support system guide students in their course selection process?
3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

Assumption of the Study

When assessing the factors influencing grade 12 students' course selection, the researchers

made the assumption that the aforementioned institution offers a Senior High institution Program that is

open to both male and female students and has numerous strands or tracks. The population was presumed

to be a legitimate student who had completed the National Career Assessment Exam in their junior year of

high school and was able to recall at least their top choice for a career. It was assumed that they would

have guardians or parents. They were exposed to all the variables that could influence their decision-

making when selecting their courses of study. the students' thoughts on the environmental elements that

influence the decision are expressed. that the pupils would be prepared and eager to provide accurate


Scope and the Limitations

The processors who are most inclined to take part is the focus of this study, the researchers will

select people at random to participate in this study in order to collect information about the efficacy of

support system in one’s decisions among students provided in National Christian Life College. Throughout

the academic year 2024, this research was carried out or conducted at our school, located also at Marikina


Researchers delimit thei study to selected people who are most likely to experience the kind of

behavior or attitude presented by a said factors and variables regarding course decisions. In addition to this

disruption, the researchers fully understand that not everyone, even them, wants to engage in a study

where we, the researchers, would be able to see their statements and identities when we eventually allow

them to respond to our upcoming survey questionnaire through Google Forms. The researchers have

always chosen the best option in terms of restricting the scope, location, and respondents of this study

since it is also the safest way to be safe as we continue this study during the pandemic.
3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

As this study is bounded with insufficient and limited related literatures, the decision making on

course selection affecting the influence of support system among senior high school students, will be the

primary data of the researchers observing their accounts and contents starting from year 2020-2024

collected in line with the data screening of the researchers and observations. the study is descriptive-

qualitative research and the researchers will not extend to the causality of the variables. however, the

results of this study could be of a great help to spearhead and discontinue the gap of perspective,

challenges, and prospects in the influence of support system among senior high school students.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant because it provides new knowledge and seeks more information about the

Decision Making on Course Selection: Affecting the Influence of Support System among Senior

High School Students that may affect one’s decisions and their standard of living as a student. In addition,

this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students: The students would be aware of the effects of Having a support system in their wellbeing,

lifestyle and school situations so that they may take necessary steps how to minimize their usage intake

and also to know what solution they should do if it started to influence their own decisions.

Teachers. This study will be significant to teachers as their knowledge will not just expand but also serve

as a way on how students will use the support system in deciding their own course properly with purpose.

Parents. This study will benefit the parents so that they will guide and monitor their children’s’ behavior

when using different perspectives to decide and also for them to know what necessary measures they

would do to control their children’s mind when deciding what they should and shouldn't choose as they are

in their half of teenage life.

3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

School Administrations. The school officials would be aware how to discipline their youth and/or students

in this important matter, this can also help them to determine what rules and regulation they will put up to

minimize the youths' and teenagers' good and bad decisions in line with the support system they could be


Future Researchers. The study will benefit the future researchers in a way that this study will serve as

their basis or guide for their future research. It will also serve as an inspiration for them to expound their

knowledge in conducting a study better than this.

Definition of Key Terms

A thorough investigation was conducted to determine the factors that influence grade 12 students

at National Life Christian College's preference for a certain support system in decision making based on

senior high school (SHS) track. The following are the main variables that have a big impact on SHS track


Academic Performance: Students who excel in the classroom are more likely to choose a career in

academics. On the other hand, people who have difficulty in school are more likely to choose the TVL route


Profession Prospects: When it comes to choosing decisions, students' perceptions about their job

prospects are quite important. They frequently select courses based on their perceptions of which will result

in better career prospects down the road.

Personal Interests and Skills: This terminology means that Students' interests in particular tracks are

influenced by their talents and hobbies.

3 First St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Philippines

Parental Influence: This term means that parents have a significant impact on how students make

decisions. They frequently advise their kids to choose particular paths in accordance with their own

viewpoints and goals.

All of these elements influence students' decisions on their SHS courses. By having a better

understanding of these factors, policies and programs can be developed to improve SHS education and

assist students in making decisions on their future courses of study and careers.


(PDF) Factors Associated with Career Track Choice of Senior High School Students (

A Decision Support System for Predicting Student Performance | Request PDF (

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