EECE 655 Paper
EECE 655 Paper
EECE 655 Paper
Abstract— With the enormous increase of the protocols and of the main issues with misuse detection is that it cannot
applications, and the complexity of the Internet traffic, the identify unknown intrusions. Several algorithms have been
number of cyberattacks and intrusions has surged immensely. used to implement Intrusion Detection Systems, the most
This has led to an increased importance of intrusion detection famous ones being k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), Support
systems to insure security and privacy for private and Vector Machine (SVM) and Convolutional Neural Networks
governmental organizations. An intrusion detection system (IDS) (CNN). The objective of this paper is to analyze the results
is a system that monitors network traffic and provides alerts of implementing IDS with both kNN and SVM in terms of
when it detects suspicious activity. The intrusion detection
accuracy, recall, prediction and f1 score. In section (II), we
systems have shifted to deep learning models for better accuracy
will look at previous work regarding the use of deep learning
and faster detection. In this paper, we will be comparing different
deep learning models based on the precision, the recall, the f1 in implementing intrusion detection systems. In section (III),
score and the accuracy. Our focus here is on the most widely we will point on the comparison between the different
used models: KNN and SVM. Running DOS and port scanning models for implementing intrusion detection. In section (IV)
attacks in real time, and predicting the intrusion with these we will implement an intrusion detection system using both
models have shown a similar output for both models with a SVM and KNN models and compare the results in terms of
difference in the DDoS recall where it is higher in KNN. accuracy, precision, f1 score and recall in section (V).