Apc 40 Apc210116
Apc 40 Apc210116
Apc 40 Apc210116
Abstract. Networks have an important role in our modern life. In the network, Cy-
ber security plays a crucial role in Internet security. An Intrusion Detection Sys-
tem (IDS) acts as a cyber security system which monitors and detects any security
threats for software and hardware running on the network. There we have many ex-
isting IDS but still we face challenges in improving accuracy in detecting security
vulnerabilities, not enough methods to reduce the level of alertness and detecting
intrusion attacks. Many researchers have tried to solve the above problems by fo-
cusing on developing IDSs by machine learning methods. Machine learning meth-
ods can detect datas from past experience and differentiate normal and abnormal
data. In our work, the Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) deep learning method
was developed in solving the problem of identifying intrusion in a network. Us-
ing the UNSW NB15 public dataset we trained the CNN algorithm. The Dataset
contains binary types of ‘0’ and ‘1’ in general for normal and attack datas. The
experimental results showed that the proposed model achieves maximum accuracy
in detection and we also performed evaluation metrics to analyze the performance
of the CNN algorithm.
Keywords. intrusion detection, anomaly detection, deep learning, convolution
neural network, UNSW NB15.
1. Introduction
Networks play an important role in our current life, using the network we transfer datas
easily while transferring datas we can face many security threats to avoid any vulnera-
bilities we use cyber security. Cyber security is a technique which prevents anonymous
attacks in networks like anti-virus software, firewalls etc. But they are not strong enough
to detect a new type of attack. To improve the network security Intrusion Detection Sys-
tem(IDS) is introduced. IDS used to detect, monitor and analyze any vulnerabilities for
both software and hardware running during a network. The following Figure 1 shows
the overview of intrusion detection: here the firewall acts as Intrusion Detector; it stands
between networks and filters traffic that might be unhealthy. Network Security can be
1 Mahalakshmi G, Department of IST, Anna University, Tamil Nadu.
E-mail: [email protected].
2 Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network
By using IDS we can prevent this type of attack. IDS uses classification techniques
to form some sort of decision about every packet the network undergoes whether it’s a
Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network 3
traditional packet or an attack packet. Software to detect network intrusion and protect
the network from unauthorized users. Intrusion learning models are used to create a
predictive model to prevent attacks and it distinguishes the connection as “good” for
normal and “bad” for intrusion.
2. Related Work
This chapter gives a survey of literature work done by other researchers. I’ve learned
some existing techniques from their research work, few of them are discussed below.
Coelho et al, [1] used homogeneity of data cluster and label to form a semi-
supervised data for feature selection. This method enhances the performance of the fea-
ture selection process. Mutual Information is employed during a Forward-Backward
search process so as to gauge the relevance of every feature to info distribution and there-
fore the existent labels, during a context of few labeled and many unlabeled instances.
Gharaee and Hossein [2] proposed a genetic algorithm and SVM with a new feature
selection technique to improve the IDS. The new feature selection method based on
a genetic algorithm with innovative fitness function to increase the true positive rate
and reduce the false positive simultaneously reduces the time taken for execution. They
performed their work on KDD CUP 99 and UNSWNB 15 dataset.
Gul and Adali [3] proposed a feature selection process for Intrusion Detection. Fea-
ture selection is an important process before classification is performed. When selecting
the important feature it will reduce the execution time and increase the accuracy of the
Zhang and Wang [4] proposed an effective wrapper based feature selection to in-
crease the accuracy of the algorithm. The wrapper method feature selection is based on
Bayesian Network classifier.
Moustafa et al, [5] compared the signature based network intrusion detection that
Anomaly based detection is more efficient. Anomaly does not follow patterns like signa-
ture based detection. The Authors evaluate their classification algorithm with two bench-
mark datasets of Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) NSL-KDD and KDD99
and find out that the datasets may be lacking in accuracy because of poor recent attack
types, so the author used UNSW NB15 dataset. The author shows that evaluation of
UNSW NB15 is done in three aspects to find its complexity. Also the system designed
by [6] offered higher accuracy based on optimiztion in real time.
Intruders use more enhanced techniques to break the security so enhancement in
IDS is needed . Primartha and Tama [7] used three different (UNSW NB15, GPRS, and
NSL-KDD) datasets to perform classification process using Random forest, Naive Bayes,
and Neural Network to get high accuracy and low warning rate and K-cross validation is
Selvakumar et al, [8] proposed a novel intelligent intrusion detection for multi-class
classification data. They have used the KDD CUP dataset. The dataset is preprocessed
and FR algorithm is applied to get best features for classification. they get 99.7% accu-
racy for intrusion detection. Compared with existing models they achieved a high accu-
racy rate.
Belouch et al, [9] proposed a two-stage classifier supported RepTree algorithm and
protocol subset for network intrusion detection systems. To gauge the performance of
4 Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network
their approach, they used UNSW-NB15 and NSL KDD dataset. The feature technique is
used to reduce the get best features here they get 20 best features out of 40. They have
achieved detection accuracy of 88.95% and 89.85% on the UNSW-NB15 and NSL-KDD
Dhanabal and Shantharajah [10] used an NSL-KDD dataset and applied a differ-
ent classification algorithm to detect the effectiveness of the classification algorithm in
anomaly detection.
Tama et al [11] proposed hybrid feature selection and two-level classifier ensembles
algorithm to improve the IDS. They have used NSL-KDD and UNSW NB15 dataset
to perform their algorithm. In hybrid feature selection there are three methods(genetic
algorithm, particle swarm optimization, ant colony algorithm) used to reduce the size of
features in the datasets.
Selvakumar et al [12] proposed the FRNN approach to improve accuracy by reduc-
ing false positives in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). They have used a traced dataset
and applied Allen’s interval algebra for preprocessing and selected important features
using the Fuzzy algorithm. They have achieved 99.87% accuracy compared with existing
Vanthana et al, [13] proposed an optimal packet concept to increase the effectiveness
in the intrusion detection. They introduce an indexing technique to reduce complexity
and increase the accuracy in network intrusion detection. They use traced file datas.
Dahiya and Srivastava [14] proposed a framework during which a feature reduction
algorithm is employed for reducing the smaller features than applied the supervised data
processing techniques on UNSW-NB15 network dataset for fast, efficient and accurate
detection of intrusion within the Netflow records using Spark.
Osama Faker [15] combined big data and IDS to create an efficient IDS for a large
number of datas. Here, CICIDS2017 and UNSW NB15 datasets are used to perform the
classification. homogenetic metrics are used to select the best feature for classification
and there are three algorithms used for classification techniques are Deep Feed-Forward
Neural Network (DNN), Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Tree. They get a high
accuracy rate and 5-fold cross validation is done on Machine learning models.
3. Proposed Algorithm
In existing machine learning based IDS, always depending on the previous data may not
be effective for newly generated attacks. The proposed deep learning model is dynamic
and it can also be used for unusual patterns.
In this proposed work Convolution Neural Network (CNN) used as a learning model
for classification in IDS. Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) is designed to mimic the
human visual system (HVS). It is made up of several neurons with learning weights and
biases. CNN accepts a large number of inputs and takes the weighted sum of those inputs
and sends them to the activation function to give output. A CNN is stacked with alternate
convolution, activation pooling and fully connected layer. Figure 2 represent the CNN
and their Layers like convolutional and pooling layer
Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network 5
Figure 3 represents the system architecture. when the unsw nb15 dataset is given as an
input and the given input splitted into trained and test data. CNN algorithm applied to the
splitted data and we get a trained model. That trained model and test data are compared
and we performed evaluation metrics for that data.
4. Implementation
Here the dataset is taken from kdd.ics.uci.edu.The downloaded dataset contains train and
test data and the outputs are classified into different classes with binary value “0” and”1”
for normal and attacked data. The train dataset is considered as the train set and the test
dataset is considered as the test set. CNN is applied for the classification process in this
work and evaluates the algorithm with performance metrics.
6 Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network
The algorithm is trained using the UNSW NB15 public dataset. The dataset contains
1,75,341 recorded datas as training data and 82,332 recorded datas as testing data. It has
49 features and it is categorized into six groups like flow, time, content, etc. It recorded
9 different types of recent and common attacks like Dos, fuzzers,backdoors, worms, etc.
the output categorized into binary values as “0” and “1” for attack and normal data.
5. Result
The proposed work is done with a deep learning model to improve the Intrusion De-
tection System. Here, CNN deep learning model is used to find the accuracy of IDS
from UNSW NB15 dataset. The proposed work is done in python 3.7 with libraries of
Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network 7
keras, tensorflow, matplotlib and other mandatory files. Here we get 93.5% of algorithm
accuracy using CNN and Evaluation metrics calculated to find the performance of the
algorithm. The result shows that intrusion detection is efficient using CNN algorithm.
The Figure 4 shows the model accuracy of training and validation datas by using CNN
algorithm with 25 epoch. The Figure 5 shows the model loss accuracy of training and
validation set using CNN algorithm with 25 epoch. The Figure 6 shows the evaluation
metrics of CNN algorithm to analyze the performance of the model.
Evaluation metrics are used to survey the classification of the statistical learning
model. Evaluating the learning models or algorithms is consequential for any project.
There are many distinct types of evaluation metrics available to test a model. Mean
Square Error (MSE) is a mean of Squared Error it is the difference between actual and
predictive value. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) measures the difference between two vari-
ables and absolute error of each prediction error. R-Squared measures the goodness of
fit of a regression model. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) measures the square root of
MSE value. Accuracy is the total number of predicted values by Total number of original
8 Mahalakshmi G et al. / Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network
6. Conclusion
The proposed work is to improve intrusion detection efficiency though we have many
existing IDS mostly developed in the Machine learning algorithm that fails to provide
strong IDS to prevent from newly formed attacks because it mostly depends on pre-
vious data. Here, CNN deep learning model is used for developing the IDS. By using
UNSW NB15 network intrusion public Dataset we perform the classification technique
by applying CNN algorithm and we get 93.5% accuracy. The accuracy shows that CNN
is efficient in Intrusion detection and evaluation metrics also performed to analyse the
performance of the model.
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