Intrusion Detection Using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
Intrusion Detection Using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
Intrusion Detection Using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
Abstract Information security is an issue of serious global 11. Intrusion
concern. The complexity, accessibility, and openness of the
Internet have served to increase the security risk of information
systems tremendously. This paper concerns intrusion detection.
Intrusion can be defined as any set of actions that attempt
We describe approaches to intrusion detection using neural to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of
networks and support vector machines. The key ideas are to a resource. In the context of information systems, intrusion
discover useful patterns or features that describe user behavior refers to any unauthorized access, unauthorized attempt to
on a system, and use the set of relevant features to build access or damage, or malicious use of information resources.
classifiers that can recognize anomalies and known intrusions, Intrusion can be categorized into two classes, anomaly
hopefully in real time. Using a set of benchmark data from a intrusions and misuse intrusions.
KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) competition
designed by DARPA, we demonstrate that eficient and accurate
classifiers can be built to detect intrusions. We compare the Anomalies are deviations from normal usage behavior.
performance of neural networks based, and support vector Misuses, on the other hand, are recognized patterns of attack
machine based, systems for intrusion detection. [2]. While misuse patterns are often simpler to process and
locate, it is often the anomaly patterns that will help to locate
I. Introduction problems. As misuses are recognized patterns of attack, the
detection system tends to fail when novel attack methods are
implemented. Detection of anomaly patterns is
Information assurance is an issue of serious global concern.
computationally expensive because of the overhead of
The Internet has brought about great benefits to the modem
keeping track of, and possibly updating several system profile
society; meanwhile, the rapidly increasing connectivity and
metrics, as it must be tailored system to system, and
accessibility to the Intemet has posed a tremendous security
sometimes even user to user, due to the fact behavior patterns
threat. Malicious usage, attacks, and sabotage have been on
and system usage vary greatly.
the rise as more and more computers are put into use.
Connecting information systems to networks such as the
Internet and public telephone systems W h e r magnifies the A. Intrusion Detection
potential for exposure through a variety of attack channels.
The most popular way to detect intrusions is by using the
This paper concems intrusion detection, an important issue audit data generated by the operating system. Since almost all
in defensive information warfare. We present the use of activities are logged on a system, it is possible that a manual
neural networks and support vectors machines for intrusion inspection of these logs would allow intrusions to be detected.
detection of information systems. Since most of the intrusions It is important to analyze the audit data even after an attack
can be located by examining patterns of user activities, many has occurred to determine the extent of damage sustained;
IDSs have been built by utilizing the recognized attack and this analysis also helps in tracking down the attackers and in
misuse patterns. Using neural networks for intrusion recording the attack pattems for future detection. A good IDS
detection has been done within the security community that can be used to analyze audit data for such insights makes
[1,7,8,10,11]. In our experiments, the neural networks and a valuable tool for information systems.
support vector machines are trained with normal user activity
and attack patterns. The data we used originated from MIT’s The idea behind anomaly detection is to establish each
Lincoln Labs. It was developed for KDD competition by user’s normal activity profile, and to flag deviations from the
DARPA and is considered a standard benchmark for intrusion established profile as possible intrusion attempts. A main
detection evaluations. Our goal for intrusion detection is to issue concerning misuse detection is how to develop
detect both anomalies and misuses. The approach is to train signatures that include all possible attacks to avoid false
the neural networks or support vector machines to learn the negatives, and how to develop signatures that do not match
normal behavior and attack patterns; then significant non-intrusive activities to avoid false positives. Though false
deviations from normal behavior are flagged as attacks. We negatives are frequently considered more serious, the
begin by giving basic definitions and terms in the next section. selection of threshold levels is important so that neither of the
above problems is unreasonably magnified.
A . Support Vector Machines
VII. Conclusion
IX. References