Ap Biology 2020 Practice Exam 1 MCQ Answers

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Notes on the AP Biology Practice Exam

Multiple-Choice Section
Course Framework Alignment and Rationales

Question 1
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, SYI-1.A: Explain how the Structure of
processes, and/or models in properties of water that Water and
applied contexts. result from its polarity and Hydrogen
hydrogen bonding affect its Bonding
biological function.
(A) Incorrect. Water does have a high heat capacity; however, this property
allows the body to rid itself of excess heat, not absorb it.
(B) Correct. Water has a high heat of vaporization. Sweat produced by
the body decreases the temperature of the body by absorbing a large
quantity of heat energy during the liquid to gas phase change.
(C) Incorrect. Water does have a high surface tension; however, this process
is not responsible for the temperature-reducing properties of sweat.
(D) Incorrect. Water does have a high melting temperature; however, this
process is not responsible for the temperature-reducing properties of

Question 2
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.A: Describe characteristics of ENE-2.H: Explain how Tonicity and
a biological concept, process, or concentration gradients Osmoregulation
model represented visually. affect the movement
of molecules across
(A) Correct. Distilled water from chamber B will move to chamber A
because chamber A has a higher solute concentration.
(B) Incorrect. This arrangement would result in no net movement of water
into chamber A.
(C) Incorrect. This arrangement would result in net movement of water into
chamber B, not chamber A. Distilled water from chamber A will move
to chamber B because chamber B has a higher solute concentration.
(D) Incorrect. This arrangement would result in no net movement of water
into chamber A.

AP Biology Practice Exam 1

Question 3
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, ENE-1.J: Explain how cells Photosynthesis
processes, and/or models in capture energy from light
applied contexts. and transfer it to biological
molecules for storage and
(A) Incorrect. The source of protons for the proton gradient is not only
water but also protons that were pumped, by components of the electron
transport chain, from the stroma to the interior of the thylakoids.
(B) Correct. Electrons are released from water molecules and donated to
photosystem II.
(C) Incorrect. Glucose is produced using carbon dioxide molecules from the
atmosphere, not stored carbon.
(D) Incorrect. NADH serves at the terminal electron acceptor for the
electron transport chain.

Question 4
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, ENE-2.K: Describe Cell
processes, and/or models in the membrane- Compartmentalization
applied contexts. bound structures of
the eukaryotic cell.
(A) Incorrect. Mitochondria did not evolve within a cell; they were
endosymbiotically incorporated. Additionally, cells that lacked
mitochondria were able to respire.
(B) Incorrect. Mitochondria did not evolve within a cell; they were
endosymbiotically incorporated.
(C) Correct. The evolution of a nuclear membrane that contains genetic
material allowed for cells to separate the copying of genetic material and
the production of proteins.
(D) Incorrect. Bacteria do not have compartmentalization of cellular

2 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 5
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.A: Describe biological concepts ENE-1.L: Explain how Cellular
and/or processes. cells obtain energy from Respiration
biological macromolecules
in order to power cellular
(A) Incorrect. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol, but the Krebs cycle occurs in
the mitochondrial matrix.
(B) Incorrect. The lysosomes are typically where cellular material is broken
down, not where the Krebs cycle occurs.
(C) Incorrect. Neither glycolysis nor the Krebs cycle occur in the nucleus.
(D) Correct. Pyruvate dehydrogenase plays a role in the Krebs cycle, which
occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.

Question 6
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or ENE-1.L: Explain how Cellular
graph, including- a. Identifying cells obtain energy from Respiration
specific data points. b. Describing biological macromolecules
trends and/or patterns in the in order to power cellular
data. c. Describing relationships functions.
between variables.
(A) Correct. This value is closest to the steepest slope of the curve under
condition 1.
(B) Incorrect. The approximate number of seconds it takes for the reaction
to produce the maximum amount of acetyl- CoA under condition
3 is 24.
(C) Incorrect. The maximum micromoles produced under condition 2 is 35.
(D) Incorrect. The maximum micromoles produced under conditions 1 and
3 is 65.

AP Biology Practice Exam 3

Question 7
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.B: Support a claim with ENE-3.B: Explain how Feedback
evidence from biological negative feedback helps to
principles, concepts, processes, maintain homeostasis.
and/or data.
(A) Correct. This observation is an example of a negative feedback
(B) Incorrect. This observation is an example of a positive regulatory
(C) Incorrect. The accumulation of acetyl-CoA in the experiment could be
affected by several factors, not just by regulatory feedback.
(D) Incorrect. The breakdown of acetyl-CoA does not address its regulatory

Question 8
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, ENE-1.L: Explain how Cellular
processes, and/or models in cells obtain energy from Respiration
applied contexts. biological macromolecules
in order to power cellular
(A) Incorrect. Lactic acid does not provide electrons for the electron
transport chain.
(B) Incorrect. Glycolysis does not produce lactic acid.
(C) Incorrect. Pyruvate dehydrogenase does not transport pyruvate.
(D) Correct. Pyruvate that cannot be broken down by the Krebs cycle will
be further metabolized by fermentation.

Question 9
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.C: Explain how biological SYI-1.A: Explain how the Structure of
concepts or processes properties of water that Water and
represented visually relate to result from its polarity and Hydrogen
larger biological principles, hydrogen bonding affect its Bonding
concepts, processes or theories. biological function.
(A) Incorrect. If the walls of xylem are nonpolar, polar water would not stick
to them through adhesion.
(B) Incorrect. Water is a polar molecule, which explains why it can adhere
to the polar surface of the xylem.
(C) Incorrect. Water and xylem are both polar and could form bonds with
one another.
(D) Correct. Water has a high surface tension as a result of the hydrogen
bonds that water molecules form between each other because both the
xylem and the water are polar.

4 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 10
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.C: Explain how biological IST-2.A: Describe the types Regulation
concepts or processes of interactions that regulate of Gene
represented visually relate to gene expression. Expression
larger biological principles,
concepts, processes or theories.
(A) Incorrect. RNA splicing enzymes would not be found in the cytoplasm.
(B) Incorrect. Cell membrane proteins would be found in the cell membrane
and not in the cytoplasm or nucleus.
(C) Correct. The movement of Protein X from the cytoplasm to the nucleus
indicates that it is a transcription factor.
(D) Incorrect. Hormones produced by a cell would not be located
throughout the cytoplasm and would not translocate to the nucleus
following signal transduction.

Question 11
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, EVO-2.B: Describe the Evidence for
processes, and/or models in fundamental molecular Evolution
applied contexts. and cellular features shared
across all domains of life,
which provide evidence of
common ancestry.
(A) Incorrect. Convergent evolution results in similarly functioning traits
in different species, and prolactin does not function similarly across
different species.
(B) Correct. Prolactin is not highly conserved, because it has multiple
functions in different organisms. Therefore, its presence in these
organisms indicates a common origin.
(C) Incorrect. The passage does not indicate that prolactin always binds to
intracellular receptors.
(D) Incorrect. The passage indicates that different types of organisms, not
different organisms within a species, have varied uses for prolactin.

AP Biology Practice Exam 5

Question 12
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.A: Describe biological ENE-3.B: Explain how Feedback
concepts and/or processes. negative feedback helps to
maintain homeostasis.
(A) Incorrect. This is a negative feedback mechanism in which DMSP
is produced to prevent further environmental change as a result of
increasing water temperatures.
(B) Correct. This is a negative feedback mechanism in which DMSP is
produced to prevent, not encourage, further environmental change as a
result of increasing water temperatures.
(C) Incorrect. This is a negative, not positive, feedback mechanism that
prevents, not encourages, further environmental change.
(D) Incorrect. This is a negative, not positive, feedback mechanism that
prevents further environmental change.

Question 13
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or ENE-3.D: Explain how Responses
graph, including- a. Identifying the behavioral and/or to the
specific data points. b. Describing physiological response Environment
trends and/or patterns in the of an organism is related
data. c. Describing relationships to changes in internal or
between variables. external environment.
(A) Correct. The graphs show that both age groups of corals produce less
DMSP at 27°C than they do at 32°C.
(B) Incorrect. The graphs show that both age groups of corals produce less
DMSP at 27°C, not 32°C .
(C) Incorrect. The graphs show that the amount of DMSP increases in both
juveniles and adults at 32°C.
(D) Incorrect. The graphs show that the amount of DMSP increases in both
juveniles and adults at 32°C.

6 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 14
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.A: Perform mathematical ENE-3.D: Explain how Responses
calculations, including- a. the behavioral and/or to the
Mathematical equations in the physiological response Environment
curriculum. b. Means. c. Rates. of an organism is related
d. Ratios. e. Percentages. to changes in internal or
external environment.
(A) Incorrect. This answer compares the DMSP produced by adult corals to
juveniles at 27°C rather than 32°C.
(B) Incorrect. This answer compares the DMSP produced by juveniles to
adults, rather than adults compared to juveniles, at 27°C rather than
(C) Correct. The DMSP produced by adult corals at 32°C was
approximately 14 nmol/mm2, and the DMSP produced by juveniles was
approximately 3 nmol/mm2.
(D) Incorrect. This answer compares the DMSP in juveniles to adults 32°C
rather than the reverse relationship.

Question 15
Skill Learning Objective Topic
3.C: Identify experimental ENE-4.B: Explain how Community
procedures that are aligned interactions within and Ecology
to the question, including- a. among populations
Identifying dependent and influence community
independent variables. b. structure.
Identifying appropriate controls.
c. Justifying appropriate
(A) Incorrect. The passage states that the corals of the same species were
grown in the same laboratory conditions.
(B) Correct. This experiment is also measuring the difference between the
amount of DMSP produced by corals versus algae and corals together.
It is also looking at the difference in DMSP produced by different-aged
(C) Incorrect. This experiment is testing the effect of age, but the passage
states that the corals were grown in the same laboratory conditions.
(D) Incorrect. This experiment is also measuring the difference between the
amount of DMSP produced by corals versus corals and algae together
but is not measuring the difference between coral species.

AP Biology Practice Exam 7

Question 16
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.B: Use confidence intervals ENE-3.B: Explain how Feedback
and/or error bars (both negative feedback helps to
determined using standard maintain homeostasis.
errors) to determine whether
sample means are statistically
(A) Incorrect. The error bars at 32°C overlap between days 0 and 5,
indicating they are not statistically different.
(B) Incorrect. The error bars at 27°C overlap between days 0 and 5,
indicating they are not statistically different.
(C) Correct. The error bars for days 5 and 10 do not overlap between
temperature treatments, indicating that they are statistically different.
(D) Incorrect. The error bars for the temperature treatments on day 0
overlap. Therefore, the symbiont density was not statistically greater at
27°C than it was at 32°C through the entire experiment.

Question 17
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.D: Explain the relationship ENE-1.O: Explain how the Energy Flow
between experimental results activities of autotrophs and through
and larger biological concepts, heterotrophs enable the Ecosystems
processes, or theories. flow of energy within an
(A) Incorrect. The corals are less, not more, photosynthetically active at
higher temperatures. Even if higher temperatures are a function of more
sunlight availability, the algae are expelled from the coral and therefore
not able to provide energy.
(B) Incorrect. The corals are less, not more, photosynthetically active at
higher temperatures. The graphs do not indicate algae efficiency.
(C) Correct. The corals and algae have less photosynthetic ability at higher
temperatures because the algae density has been reduced.
(D) Incorrect. The corals do have less photosynthetic ability at higher
temperatures but not because of the amount of DMSP. The amount of
DMSP produced is a function of algae density.

8 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 18
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.A: Perform mathematical EVO-1.K: Describe the Hardy-
calculations, including- a. conditions under which Weinberg
Mathematical equations in the allele and genotype Equilibrium
curriculum. b. Means. c. Rates. d. frequencies will change in
Ratios. e. Percentages. populations.
(A) Incorrect. This option multiplies the recessive allele frequency by itself
instead of 2 times p times q.
(B) Incorrect. This option multiplies the dominant recessive allele frequency
by itself instead of 2 times p times q.
(C) Incorrect. This option multiplies 2 times the recessive allele times itself
instead of 2 times p times q.
(D) Correct. This option correctly calculates the heterozygote frequency
from the dominant allele frequency.

Question 19
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.E: Predict the causes or effects IST-2.E: Describe the Mutations
of a change in, or disruption to, various types of mutation.
one or more components in a
biological system based on- a.
Biological concepts or processes.
b. A visual representation of a
biological concept, process, or
model. c. Data.
(A) Correct. The change in the gene code from a T to an A results in an
amino acid change from Glu to Val.
(B) Incorrect. The change in the gene code from a T to an A results in an
amino acid change from "Glu to Val, not Glu to Val.
(C) Incorrect. The change in the gene code from a T to an A results in an
amino acid change from Glu to Val, not Glu to Pro.
(D) Incorrect. The change in the gene code from a T to an A results in an
amino acid change from Glu to Val, not Pro to Val.

AP Biology Practice Exam 9

Question 20
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.C: Explain how biological IST-1.J: Explain deviations Non-Mendelian
concepts or processes represented from Mendel's model of the Genetics
visually relate to larger biological inheritance of traits.
principles, concepts, processes or
(A) Incorrect. The condition is not random and does have a recognizable
inheritance pattern in which all children of affected mothers also have
the condition.
(B) Incorrect. This condition is found in female offspring, which indicates
that it is not Y-linked.
(C) Incorrect. The condition is not passed on from affected fathers to their
female offspring, which indicates that it is not X-linked.
(D) Correct. This condition is inherited by all children of affected mothers,
regardless of sex, which indicates a mitochondrial inheritance pattern.

Question 21
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.E: Predict the causes or effects IST-2.A: Describe the types Regulation
of a change in, or disruption to, of interactions that regulate of Gene
one or more components in a gene expression. Expression
biological system based on- a.
Biological concepts or processes.
b. A visual representation of a
biological concept, process, or
model. c. Data.
(A) Incorrect. Reducing the number of ribosomes would reduce, but not
eliminate, the production of oncogene proteins and would also reduce
the production of all cellular proteins.
(B) Incorrect. Blocking transcription factor receptors would impact all cells,
not just tumor cells.
(C) Correct. If a transcription factor is bound to a chemical, it cannot bind
to the oncogene promoter, thus preventing gene expression that would
result in tumor formation.
(D) Incorrect. Producing transcription factors for tumor suppressor genes
may reduce the expression of oncogenes but may not completely
eliminate it.

10 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 22
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, SYI-1.C: Explain how a Structure and
processes, and/or models in change in the subunits Function of
applied contexts. of a polymer may lead Biological
to changes in structure Macromolecules
or function of the
(A) Incorrect. The bonds between nitrogenous base pairs are weak hydrogen
bonds, not strong covalent bonds.
(B) Correct. Hydrogen bonds, like those found between nitrogenous base
pairs, are weaker than covalent bonds and are easily broken by UV
(C) Incorrect. The covalent bonds between sugar-phosphate backbone
molecules are strong and not easily broken by UV radiation.
(D) Incorrect. The bonds between sugar-phosphate backbone molecules are
strong covalent bonds, not weak hydrogen bonds, and are therefore not
easily broken by UV radiation.

Question 23
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a EVO-3.C: Explain how Phylogeny
table or graph, including- a. a phylogenetic tree and/
Identifying specific data or cladogram can be used
points. b. Describing trends to infer evolutionary
and/or patterns in the data. relatedness.
c. Describing relationships
between variables.
(A) Incorrect. These species have more genetic differences than a pair of
species in another choice.
(B) Correct. These species have the fewest mitochondrial genetic
(C) Incorrect. These species have more genetic differences than a pair of
species in another choice.
(D) Incorrect. These species have more genetic differences than a pair of
species in another choice.

AP Biology Practice Exam 11

Question 24
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.C: Explain how biological ENE-3.C: Explain how Feedback
concepts or processes positive feedback affects
represented visually relate to homeostasis.
larger biological principles,
concepts, processes or theories.
(A) Incorrect. This choice describes a negative feedback mechanism in
which later stages in the signaling pathway inhibit earlier stages from
(B) Incorrect. This choice describes an observation that would not affect
the signaling pathway according to the information provided in the
(C) Incorrect. This choice describes a negative feedback mechanism in
which later stages in the signaling pathway inhibit earlier stages from
(D) Correct. This choice describes an observation in which the production
of estrogen stimulates systems at earlier stages in the signaling pathway
to produce hormones that further stimulate the ovaries.

Question 25
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or ENE-1.G: Explain how the Environmental
graph, including- a. Identifying cellular environment affects Impacts on
specific data points. b. Describing enzyme activity. Enzyme
trends and/or patterns in the Function
data. c. Describing relationships
between variables.
(A) Incorrect. Over the 60-minute experiment, the absorbance of tube 1 did
not change because DCPIP was not present in the solution.
(B) Correct. Over the 60-minute experiment, the absorbance of tube 2
decreased, indicating that DCPIP was reduced.
(C) Incorrect. Over the 60-minute experiment, the absorbance of tube 3 did
not change, indicating that DCPIP was not reduced.
(D) Incorrect. Over the 60-minute experiment, the absorbance of tube 4 did
not change, indicating that DCPIP was not reduced.

12 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 26
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.B: Support a claim with ENE-1.J: Explain how cells Photosynthesis
evidence from biological capture energy from light
principles, concepts, processes, and transfer it to biological
and/or data. molecules for storage and
(A) Correct. Tube 2 showed a reduction in absorbance while tube 3 did not,
which suggests that light was required for the reaction.
(B) Incorrect. This experiment does not address the source of the electrons
in the electron transport chain.
(C) Incorrect. This experiment does not address the source of carbon used
by plants for producing carbohydrates.
(D) Incorrect. DCPIP is an electron acceptor, not an electron donor.

Question 27
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.D: Explain the relationship ENE-1.G: Explain how the Environmental
between experimental results cellular environment affects Impacts on
and larger biological concepts, enzyme activity. Enzyme
processes, or theories. Function
(A) Incorrect. There is no evidence that DCMU acts as a buffer.
(B) Incorrect. Even if DCMU were also an electron carrier, some change in
absorbance over the course of the experiment is still expected.
(C) Incorrect. If DCMU were also an electron source, then a faster decrease
in absorbance rather than no change over the length of the experiment
is expected.
(D) Correct. The lack of change in absorbance over the length of the tubes
containing DCMU indicates that it prevents the flow of electrons. These
results are similar to those observed in tube 3, when the lack of light
prevent electrons from flowing.

AP Biology Practice Exam 13

Question 28
Skill Learning Objective Topic
3.C: Identify experimental ENE-1.I: Describe the Photosynthesis
procedures that are aligned photosynthetic processes
to the question, including- a. that allow organisms to
Identifying dependent and capture and store energy.
independent variables. b.
Identifying appropriate controls.
c. Justifying appropriate controls.
(A) Incorrect. Tube 2 did not serve as a calibration tube for the
(B) Incorrect. Tube 2 did not control for any changes in chlorophyll content
during the course of the experiment.
(C) Incorrect. Tube 2 did not control for light intensity.
(D) Correct. Tubes 4 and 2 differed only by the presence of DCMU so any
changes in the outcome of the experiment could be attributed only to

Question 29
Skill Learning Objective Topic
3.E: Propose a new/next ENE-2.J: Describe the Mechanisms of
investigation based on- a. An processes that allow ions Transport
evaluation of the evidence from and other molecules to
an experiment. b. An evaluation move across membranes.
of the design/methods.
(A) Incorrect. Increasing the solute concentration will not result in an effect
if the solute is incapable of diffusing through the membrane at any
(B) Correct. Small, nonpolar molecules are able to diffuse through cell
membranes, while large proteins are not.
(C) Incorrect. Increasing the temperature of the solution will not result in an
effect if the solute is incapable of diffusing through the membrane.
(D) Incorrect. Aquaporins are used to transport large volumes of water, not

14 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 30
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.A: Describe characteristics of IST-1.O: Describe how the Translation
a biological concept, process, or phenotype of an organism
model represented visually. is determined by its
(A) Incorrect. Retroviruses have an RNA genome, not a DNA genome.
(B) Incorrect. DNA is not directly translated into proteins.
(C) Correct. The genome of a retrovirus is composed of RNA. It must first
be reverse-transcribed into DNA and integrated into a host cell’s DNA
before it is transcribed and the RNA is translated.
(D) Incorrect. Retroviruses have an RNA genome, not a DNA genome, and
DNA is not directly translated into proteins.

Question 31
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.A: Describe biological ENE-1.A: Describe Elements of
concepts and/or processes. the composition of Life
macromolecules required
by living organisms.
(A) Incorrect. Lipids are made of hydrocarbon chains whose main
component is carbon, not sulfur. Additionally, plants obtain carbon
directly from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide and do not
fix it as they would nitrogen.
(B) Incorrect. Lipids are made of hydrocarbon chains whose main
component is carbon, not nitrogen. Plants do obtain nitrogen through
fixation, but this process is not used to obtain carbon from the
atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.
(C) Correct. Lipids are made of hydrocarbon chains whose main
component is carbon. Plants obtain this carbon directly from the
atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.
(D) Incorrect. Lipids are made of hydrocarbon chains whose main
component is carbon, not magnesium.

AP Biology Practice Exam 15

Question 32
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.B: Explain biological concepts ENE-2.C: Explain how Membrane
and/or processes. the structure of biological Permeability
membranes influences
selective permeability.
(A) Correct. The phospholipid bilayer allows for the transport of proteins
from inside the cell to outside through the use of vesicles.
(B) Incorrect. The phospholipid bilayer of a transport vesicle does not
connect the nuclear membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum.
(C) Incorrect. The phospholipid bilayer itself does not contain chemicals
that break down proteins.
(D) Incorrect. The phospholipid bilayer does not contain enzymes that
perform this process.

Question 33
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.A: Perform mathematical IST-1.F: Explain how Meiosis
calculations, including- a. meiosis results in
Mathematical equations in the the transmission of
curriculum. b. Means. c. Rates. chromosomes from one
d. Ratios. e. Percentages. generation to the next.
(A) Incorrect. This choice calculates the number of chromatids after the
G2 checkpoint instead of chromosomes. After meiosis, the diploid
chromosome number is halved to equal 39, not 78. After fertilization,
the chromosome number is doubled as a result of the combination of
the chromosomes from two gametes.
(B) Correct. This choice correctly identifies that although chromatids are
duplicated after the G2 checkpoint, they still form 78 chromosome
pairs. After meiosis, the chromosome number is divided in half. After
fertilization, the chromosomes from two gametes are combined to form
78 chromosomes.
(C) Incorrect. This choice calculates the number of chromatids after the G2
checkpoint as twice as many as would be expected.
(D) Incorrect. This choice correctly identifies that although chromatids are
duplicated after the G2 checkpoint, they still form 78 chromosome pairs.
This number is halved after meiosis, during gamete formation, and does
not remain the same. After fertilization, the number is doubled as the
chromosomes from two gametes are combined.

16 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 34
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.D: Explain the relationship ENE-1.L: Explain how Cellular
between experimental results cells obtain energy from Respiration
and larger biological concepts, biological macromolecules
processes, or theories. in order to power cellular
(A) Incorrect. The data indicate that products of the Krebs cycle other than
NADH are relatively unaffected by the pesticide.
(B) Incorrect. Transport proteins are not blocked from entering the
mitochondria; they are embedded in the mitochondrial membrane.
(C) Correct. The data indicate that NADH concentrations are significantly
increased in cell culture B.
(D) Incorrect. Glycolysis is occurring in the presence of rotenone, as
indicated by the buildup of NADH in cell culture B.

Question 35
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, IST-1.H: Explain how Meiosis and
processes, and/or models in the process of meiosis Genetic
applied contexts. generates genetic diversity. Diversity
(A) Incorrect. The presence of an extra copy of genetic material does not
inhibit its replication.
(B) Incorrect. Hybridization is not inhibited because of a lack of genetic
(C) Correct. If an organism has three copies of its genes, chromosomes
cannot properly pair and separate during meiosis.
(D) Incorrect. The presence of an extra copy of genetic material inhibits the
production of gametes.

AP Biology Practice Exam 17

Question 36
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.B: Explain relationships IST-1.P: Explain the use Biotechnology
between different characteristics of genetic engineering
of biological concepts or techniques in analyzing or
processes represented visually- manipulating DNA.
a. In theoretical contexts. b. In
applied contexts.
(A) Incorrect. The diagram indicates that the polymerase from T. aquaticus
is used during steps of PCR that reach temperatures above 68°C.
(B) Correct. The polymerase enzyme of T. aquaticus is used because it
evolved to function at temperatures close to boiling without denaturing.
(C) Incorrect. Polymerase from other organisms can be used repetitively,
but only the polymerase from heat-tolerant organisms like T. aquaticus
can be used in PCR, during which the polymerase is repeatedly used at
high temperatures that would degrade polymerase from other species.
(D) Incorrect. Polymerase is widely conserved across organisms, and its
functionality does not vary.

Question 37
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.B: Support a claim with EVO-1.G: Explain the Artificial
evidence from biological relationship between Selection
principles, concepts, processes, changes in the environment
and/or data. and evolutionary changes
in the population.
(A) Correct. Convergent evolution results in similarly functioning traits
whose structure differs as a result of genetic differences between
distantly related species.
(B) Incorrect. Convergent evolution results in similarly functioning traits
whose structure differs as a result of genetic differences between
distantly related species.
(C) Incorrect. Convergent evolution results in similarly functioning traits
whose structure differs as a result of genetic differences between
distantly, not closely, related species.
(D) Incorrect. Convergent evolution results in similarly functioning traits
whose structure differs as a result of genetic differences between
distantly, not closely, related species.

18 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 38
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.A: Describe characteristics of EVO-3.B: Describe the Phylogeny
a biological concept, process, or types of evidence that
model represented visually. can be used to infer an
evolutionary relationship.
(A) Incorrect. Xylem tissue is not the only shared characteristic between
ferns and pines.
(B) Incorrect. Pines have seeds and wood, but ferns do not.
(C) Correct. The cladogram shows that ferns and pines have two shared
characteristics: embryos and xylem tissue.
(D) Incorrect. Pines and ferns share embryos and xylem, but they do not
share seeds or wood traits.

Question 39
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.C: Perform chi-square EVO-1.K: Describe the Hardy-
hypothesis testing. conditions under which Weinberg
allele and genotype Equilibrium
frequencies will change in
(A) Correct. This is the critical value with 1 degree of freedom and a
significance level of .05. Since this Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
question involves only 2 alleles and the frequency of 1 allele determines
the frequency of the other allele, there is a single independent variable.
(B) Incorrect. This is the critical value with 2 degrees of freedom and a
significance level of .05. While there are 3 phenotypes, this Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium question involves only 2 alleles, and the
frequency of 1 allele determines the frequency of the other allele.
Therefore, there is a single independent variable and 1 degree of
(C) Incorrect. This is the critical value with 3 degrees of freedom and a
significance level of .05.
(D) Incorrect. This is the critical value with 4 degrees of freedom and a
significance level of .05.

AP Biology Practice Exam 19

Question 40
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.A: Make a scientific claim EVO-1.H: Explain how Population
random occurrences affect Genetics
the genetic makeup of a
(A) Incorrect. The loss of genetic diversity occurred as a result of the
population decrease and not the reverse relationship.
(B) Incorrect. The passage states that hunting caused the greatest decrease in
population size.
(C) Correct. The rapid decrease in population size as a result of hunting
likely caused a decrease in genetic diversity. This is an example of a
genetic bottleneck.
(D) Incorrect. The founder effect describes the low genetic diversity that is
found in populations that grow from a few migrated individuals and not
as a result of rapid population decline.

Question 41
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, ENE-4.B: Explain how Community
processes, and/or models in interactions within and Ecology
applied contexts. among populations
influence community
(A) Incorrect. This option correctly describes one effect of a density-
dependent factor, but algal blooms are a density-independent, not a
density-dependent, factor that negatively affects otter populations.
(B) Incorrect. This option correctly describes one effect of a density-
dependent factor, but algal blooms are a density-independent, not
density-dependent, factor that negatively affects otter populations.
(C) Correct. The effect of harmful algal blooms is a factor negatively
affecting otter populations that is independent of the otter population
(D) Incorrect. The effect of harmful algal blooms is a density-independent
factor, but it affects otter populations regardless of size, not solely in
larger populations.

20 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 42
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.C: Provide reasoning to justify a SYI-3.G: Explain how the Biodiversity
claim by connecting evidence to addition or removal of any
biological theories. component of an ecosystem
will affect its overall
short-term and long-term
(A) Incorrect. Otters are a keystone species, but their disappearance
negatively affected several species (eelgrass, herbivores, and predatory
fish at minimum), not just a single species.
(B) Correct. Otters are a keystone species because their disappearance
negatively affected the entire community.
(C) Incorrect. The information provided does not describe mutualism.
Additionally, the disappearance of otters negatively affected multiple
species, not just a single one.
(D) Incorrect. The information provided does not describe mutualism.

Question 43
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.E: Predict the causes or effects SYI-2.B: Describe human Disruptions to
of a change in, or disruption to, activities that lead to Ecosystems
one or more components in a changes in ecosystem
biological system based on- a. structure and/or dynamics.
Biological concepts or processes.
b. A visual representation of a
biological concept, process, or
model. c. Data.
(A) Correct. The passage indicates that ocean warming has allowed for
the introduction of nonnative species that could not previously live in
Elkhorn Slough.
(B) Incorrect. The passage states that the nonnative species are predatory
consumers, not herbivores.
(C) Incorrect. The passage states that harmful algal blooms are a result of
excess nutrient pollution, not climate change.
(D) Incorrect. The passage states that harmful algal blooms are a result of
excess nutrient pollution, not climate change.

AP Biology Practice Exam 21

Question 44
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.B: Explain relationships ENE-4.B: Explain how Community
between different characteristics interactions within and Ecology
of biological concepts or among populations
processes represented visually- influence community
a. In theoretical contexts. b. In structure.
applied contexts.
(A) Incorrect. An eelgrass population increase would be the likely result of a
sea slug population increase, not the reverse relationship.
(B) Incorrect. While the nonnative species are predatory, the passage does
not indicate that they are predating on the sea slugs.
(C) Incorrect. A decrease in algae would be a likely result of a sea slug
population increase, not the cause of it.
(D) Correct. An increase in the sea slug population is likely the result of a
decrease in their predator population, the crabs, as a result of increased
sea otter populations.

Question 45
Skill Learning Objective Topic
3.A: Identify or pose a ENE-4.B: Explain how Community
testable question based on an interactions within and Ecology
observation, data, or a model. among populations
influence community
(A) Correct. This question focuses on the role of the pheromone in prey
(B) Incorrect. This question focuses on pike ecology rather than prey
(C) Incorrect. This question focuses on pike ecology rather than prey
(D) Incorrect. This question focuses on pheromone detection by the prey,
not the predator.

22 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 46
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.B: Explain biological concepts SYI-1.B: Describe Properties of
and/or processes. the properties of the Biological
monomers and the type Macromolecules
of bonds that connect the
monomers in biological
(A) Correct. Phospholipids are oriented so the hydrophilic heads are on the
membrane exterior and can interact with water inside and outside of
the cell. The hydrophobic tails in the middle of the membrane create a
protective barrier for the cell.
(B) Incorrect. Phospholipids are oriented so the hydrophilic heads are on
the membrane exterior; however, this allows them to interact with, not
repel, water inside and outside of the cell. The internal hydrophobic tails
create the protective barrier.
(C) Incorrect. Phospholipid membrane layers are oppositely oriented,
not identically oriented, which allows them to interact with both the
internal and external environments while still providing a protective
(D) Incorrect. Phospholipid membrane layers are oppositely oriented, not
identically oriented. This orientation allows them to create vacuoles that
are able to be moved throughout a cell.

Question 47
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or ENE-1.B: Explain the effect Cell Size
graph, including- a. Identifying of surface area-to-volume
specific data points. b. Describing ratios on the exchange of
trends and/or patterns in the materials between cells
data. c. Describing relationships or organisms and the
between variables. environment.
(A) Correct. Diffusion happens very quickly in cells that have a high
surface area-to-volume ratio. The data in the table show that the simple
squamous cell has the highest ratio.
(B) Incorrect. Diffusion happens very quickly in cells that have a high
surface area-to-volume ratio. The data in the table show that the simple
cuboidal cell does not have the highest ratio.
(C) Incorrect. Diffusion happens very quickly in cells that have a high
surface area-to-volume ratio. The data in the table show that the simple
columnar cell does not have the highest ratio.
(D) Incorrect. Diffusion happens very quickly in cells that have a high
surface area-to-volume ratio. The data in the table show that the simple
spherical cell does not have the highest ratio.

AP Biology Practice Exam 23

Question 48
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.B: Explain biological concepts SYI-1.F: Describe the Cell Structure
and/or processes. structural features of a and Function
cell that allow organisms
to capture, store, and use
(A) Incorrect. The extensive folding significantly increases the surface area,
not the volume.
(B) Correct. The extensive folding provides more surface area for proteins
involved in energy transfer.
(C) Incorrect. The extensive folding does increase the area over which
diffusion of water can occur, but this is not the main advantage, and the
inner membrane is not on the surface of the mitochondria.
(D) Incorrect. The extensive folding does not provide greater insulation for

Question 49
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or SYI-3.B: Explain how the Environmental
graph, including- a. Identifying same genotype can result in Effects on
specific data points. b. Describing multiple phenotypes under Phenotype
trends and/or patterns in the different environmental
data. c. Describing relationships conditions.
between variables.
(A) Incorrect. The graph shows the relationship between average nest
temperature and hatchling sex ratio, not rates of hatchling survival to
(B) Incorrect. This cannot be inferred from the graph.
(C) Correct. The graph indicates that more female sea turtles are produced
in nests with a higher average nest temperature.
(D) Incorrect. The graph indicates that the sex of sea turtle hatchlings is
influenced by temperature.

24 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 50
Skill Learning Objective Topic
2.B: Explain relationships EVO-1.E: Describe the Natural
between different characteristics importance of phenotypic Selection
of biological concepts or variation in a population.
processes represented visually-
a. In theoretical contexts. b. In
applied contexts.
(A) Incorrect. This scenario would result in disruptive selection, not in the
stabilizing selection shown in the graph.
(B) Incorrect. This scenario would result in directional selection toward
mice that live on the ground, not in the stabilizing selection shown in
the graph.
(C) Incorrect. This scenario would result in directional selection toward
darker-colored foxes, not in the stabilizing selection shown in the graph.
(D) Correct. This scenario would result in stabilizing selection, as shown in
the graph.

Question 51
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.D: Explain the relationship IST-1.E: Describe the Regulation of
between experimental results effects of disruptions to Cell Cycle
and larger biological concepts, the cell cycle on the cell or
processes, or theories. organism.
(A) Incorrect. The cancer cells are producing fewer cyclins.
(B) Incorrect. The data provide no information about the plasma
(C) Correct. The data indicate that tumor cells treated with the drug are not
replicating their DNA and thus prevents the cells from passing the G2
(D) Incorrect. The data indicate that cyclin levels are low compared to the
levels in a healthy cell.

AP Biology Practice Exam 25

Question 52
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or IST-1.I: Explain the Mendelian
graph, including- a. Identifying inheritance of genes and Genetics
specific data points. b. Describing traits as described by
trends and/or patterns in the Mendel’s laws.
data. c. Describing relationships
between variables.
(A) Correct. Affected offspring were born to unaffected parents, and
unaffected males had affected offspring.
(B) Incorrect. Affected offspring were born to unaffected parents.
(C) Incorrect. An affected male was born to an unaffected male parent, and
an affected female was born to an unaffected male parent.
(D) Incorrect. Affected offspring were born to unaffected parents.

Question 53
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.A: Perform mathematical IST-1.I: Explain the Mendelian
calculations, including- a. inheritance of genes and Genetics
Mathematical equations in the traits as described by
curriculum. b. Means. c. Rates. Mendel’s laws.
d. Ratios. e. Percentages.
(A) Incorrect. Both parents must be carriers because individual III-6 is
affected. There is a 25% chance that III-5 inherited two recessive alleles.
This would be more likely to be true if there was no affected sibling.
(B) Correct. Both parents must be carriers because individual III-6 is
affected. There is a 25% chance that III-5 inherited two recessive alleles.
(C) Incorrect. This would require that at least one parent be affected and the
other parent be a carrier of the recessive allele.
(D) Incorrect. This would require that both parents be carriers and the
alleles that cause the disorder are dominant to the wild-type allele.

26 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 54
Skill Learning Objective Topic
4.B: Describe data from a table or IST-1.P: Explain the use Biotechnology
graph, including- a. Identifying of genetic engineering
specific data points. b. Describing techniques in analyzing or
trends and/or patterns in the manipulating DNA.
data. c. Describing relationships
between variables.
(A) Correct. Individuals with two different bands of DNA have two
different alleles. Individuals with one band of approximately 2500 base
pairs have two copies of the mutant allele, which is larger because of the
insertion mutation.
(B) Incorrect. Individuals with two different bands of DNA have two
different alleles. Individuals with two wild-type alleles would have only
one band of approximately 500 base pairs.
(C) Incorrect. Individuals with two wild-type alleles would have only one
band of approximately 500 base pairs.
(D) Incorrect. Individuals with two wild-type alleles would have only one
band of approximately 500 base pairs. Individuals with two different
bands of DNA have two different alleles.

Question 55
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.C: Explain biological concepts, IST-1.N: Describe the Transcription
processes, and/or models in mechanisms by which and RNA
applied contexts. genetic information flows Processing
from DNA to RNA to
(A) Incorrect. The structure is formed by DNA, not RNA, so it would not be
bound by ribosomes.
(B) Incorrect. Translation occurs with RNA, not DNA.
(C) Correct. The formation of a triple-strand structure prevents the binding
of RNA polymerase, which requires a single strand to bind to.
(D) Incorrect. The insertion of extra triplets would affect the primary
structure of the protein, except that, according to the information
provided, the GAA triplets are in a noncoding portion of the FXN gene.

AP Biology Practice Exam 27

Question 56
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.A: Describe biological concepts SYI-1.C: Explain how a Structure and
and/or processes. change in the subunits Function of
of a polymer may lead Biological
to changes in structure Macromolecules
or function of the
(A) Correct. Hydrogen bonds form between the bases on complementary
strands of DNA.
(B) Incorrect. Nucleotides on one strand of DNA are bound by polar
covalent bonds. They do not form between complementary strands of
(C) Incorrect. DNA molecules do not rely on ionic bonds.
(D) Incorrect. Nucleotides on one strand of DNA are bound by polar
covalent bonds. Nonpolar covalent bonds do not form between
complementary strands of DNA.

Question 57
Skill Learning Objective Topic
5.C: Perform chi-square EVO-1.K: Describe the Hardy-
hypothesis testing. conditions under which Weinberg
allele and genotype Equilibrium
frequencies will change in
(A) Incorrect. This choice incorrectly subtracts the observed number of each
phenotype from the expected number of each phenotype and divides by
the observed number of each phenotype instead of expected number of
each phenotype.
(B) Incorrect. This choice incorrectly divides by the expected number of
each phenotype rather than observed.
(C) Incorrect. This choice incorrectly subtracts the observed number of each
phenotype from the expected number of each phenotype.
(D) Correct. This choice correctly approximates the chi-square value from
the data.

28 AP Biology Practice Exam

Question 58
Skill Learning Objective Topic
3.A: Identify or pose a IST-3.F: Describe the Signal
testable question based on an different types of cellular Transduction
observation, data, or a model. responses elicited by
a signal transduction
(A) Incorrect. Investigating receptors would not provide direction
information about the signaling molecules themselves.
(B) Correct. Bacteria species likely have similarly structured signaling
molecules as a result of common ancestry.
(C) Incorrect. The function of the molecule is not necessarily related to
its structure. A variety of different molecules can evolve to perform a
similar function.
(D) Incorrect. A common ancestor does not need to be alive in the present
day for shared characteristics to be observed.

Question 59
Skill Learning Objective Topic
1.A: Describe biological concepts ENE-2.C: Explain how Membrane
and/or processes. the structure of biological Permeability
membranes influences
selective permeability.
(A) Correct. Carbon dioxide is a small molecule without a charge and so
can pass through a cell membrane by simple diffusion.
(B) Incorrect. Carbon dioxide is a small molecule without a charge and so
can pass through a cell membrane by simple diffusion and does not
require facilitated diffusion through membrane proteins.
(C) Incorrect. Carbon dioxide is a small molecule without a charge and so
can pass through a cell membrane by simple diffusion and does not
require active transport through membrane proteins.
(D) Incorrect. Carbon dioxide is a small molecule without a charge and so
can pass through a cell membrane by simple diffusion and does require
active transport through aquaporins.

AP Biology Practice Exam 29

Question 60
Skill Learning Objective Topic
6.A: Make a scientific claim IST-1.I: Explain the Mendelian
inheritance of genes and Genetics
traits as described by
Mendel’s laws.
(A) Incorrect. The passage states that the offspring produced were not
entirely identical to the parents, indicating that the alleles are not paired.
(B) Incorrect. Recombination between sister chromatids would not produce
new genetic variation because sister chromatids are identical copies of
one another.
(C) Incorrect. Alleles of the same gene would not typically be found on
nonhomologous chromosomes.
(D) Correct. A ratio of nine to one of offspring with yellow, round seeds to
those with green, wrinkled seeds is expected as a result of genes that are
independently assorted.

30 AP Biology Practice Exam

Answer Key and Question Alignment to Course
Multiple-Choice Answer Skill Learning Topic
Question Objective
1 B 1.C SYI-1.A Structure of Water and
Hydrogen Bonding
2 A 2.A ENE-2.H Tonicity and Osmoregulation
3 B 1.C ENE-1.J Photosynthesis
4 C 1.C ENE-2.K Cell Compartmentalization
5 D 1.A ENE-1.L Cellular Respiration
6 A 4.B ENE-1.L Cellular Respiration
7 A 6.B ENE-3.B Feedback
8 D 1.C ENE-1.L Cellular Respiration
9 D 2.C SYI-1.A Structure of Water and
Hydrogen Bonding
10 C 2.C IST-2.A Regulation of Gene Expression
11 B 1.C EVO-2.B Evidence for Evolution
12 B 1.A ENE-3.B Feedback
13 A 4.B ENE-3.D Responses to the Environment
14 C 5.A ENE-3.D Responses to the Environment
15 B 3.C ENE-4.B Community Ecology
16 C 5.B ENE-3.B Feedback
17 C 6.D ENE-1.O Energy Flow through
18 D 5.A EVO-1.K Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
19 A 6.E IST-2.E Mutations
20 D 2.C IST-1.J Non-Mendelian Genetics
21 C 6.E IST-2.A Regulation of Gene Expression
22 B 1.C SYI-1.C Structure and Function of
Biological Macromolecules
23 B 4.B EVO-3.C Phylogeny
24 D 2.C ENE-3.C Feedback
25 B 4.B ENE-1.G Environmental Impacts on
Enzyme Function
26 A 6.B ENE-1.J Photosynthesis
27 D 6.D ENE-1.G Environmental Impacts on
Enzyme Function
28 D 3.C ENE-1.I Photosynthesis
29 B 3.E ENE-2.J Mechanisms of Transport
30 C 2.A IST-1.O Translation

AP Biology Practice Exam 31

Multiple-Choice Answer Skill Learning Topic
Question Objective
31 C 1.A ENE-1.A Elements of Life
32 A 1.B ENE-2.C Membrane Permeability
33 B 5.A IST-1.F Meiosis
34 C 6.D ENE-1.L Cellular Respiration
35 C 1.C IST-1.H Meiosis and Genetic Diversity
36 B 2.B IST-1.P Biotechnology
37 A 6.B EVO-1.G Artificial Selection
38 C 2.A EVO-3.B Phylogeny
39 B 5.C EVO-1.K Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
40 C 6.A EVO-1.H Population Genetics
41 C 1.C ENE-4.B Community Ecology
42 B 6.C SYI-3.G Biodiversity
43 A 6.E SYI-2.B Disruptions to Ecosystems
44 D 2.B ENE-4.B Community Ecology
45 A 3.A ENE-4.B Community Ecology
46 A 1.B SYI-1.B Properties of Biological
47 A 4.B ENE-1.B Cell Size
48 B 1.B SYI-1.F Cell Structure and Function
49 C 4.B SYI-3.B Environmental Effects on
50 D 2.B EVO-1.E Natural Selection
51 C 6.D IST-1.E Regulation of Cell Cycle
52 A 4.B IST-1.I Mendelian Genetics
53 B 5.A IST-1.I Mendelian Genetics
54 A 4.B IST-1.P Biotechnology
55 C 1.C IST-1.N Transcription and RNA
56 A 1.A SYI-1.C Structure and Function of
Biological Macromolecules
57 D 5.C EVO-1.K Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
58 B 3.A IST-3.F Signal Transduction
59 A 1.A ENE-2.C Membrane Permeability
60 D 6.A IST-1.I Mendelian Genetics

32 AP Biology Practice Exam

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