Application of SWOT Analysis To Justify The Strate

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UDC 728.5
JEL Classification: L83, M23, Z39
DOI: 10.15587/2706-5448.2023.274918


One of the important areas of action in Ukraine is the restoration of the sphere of activity of hotels with the
reduction of restrictions after COVID-19 in the conditions of the russian federation’s war against Ukraine. Using
the experience of hotels in other countries will be useful in restoring the tourism industry in Ukraine. Disadvantages
in the operation of hotels arise from the fact that management decisions are sometimes made intuitively, modern
innovative management methods, such as SWOT analysis, are not used.
The object of the research is the influence of the owner and management on the review of the business strategy
in the critical use of the hotel’s capabilities with the help of SWOT analysis. The problem of improving business
management was solved at the stage of considering options for improving the hotel’s operations. The results were to
show the chance of choosing the optimal business strategy when systematically considering options for management
decisions regarding the future of the hotel using SWOT analysis techniques. When applying a SWOT analysis, the
weaknesses and strengths of the hotel are modeled; but it requires special statistical knowledge.
In the paper, based on the processing of studied of the hospitality industry, examples of SWOT analysis experience
for the implementation of business strategy by hotels in countries with a developed tourism market are indicated.
Consolidated information is formed on the components of a SWOT analysis of a hotel business strategy according
to the authors’ proposals. The process of SWOT analysis in improving the activity of Ukrainian hotels at the stage of
planning and implementation of strategic directions is revealed. The formation of an information base is outlined with
an integrated approach in the process of implementation. Organizational measures for implementing the hotel strategy
according to SWOT analysis are indicated. Conclusions are drawn and directions for further research are shown.
The obtained results are the process of making management decisions based on a set of market data, which
determines the application of a certain sequence of recognized stages (algorithm). A SWOT analysis, which was
prepared by eliminating all the ideas of the participants and ranking them in order of importance, will combine
a large problem into a report that is more understandable to individuals and must be put into practice by them.
Keywords: SWOT analysis, hotel business strategy, tourism, innovative management methods, management deci-
sions based on SWOT analysis.

Received date: 11.01.2023 © The Author(s) 2023

Accepted date: 23.02.2023 This is an open access article
Published date: 28.02.2023 under the Creative Commons CC BY license

How to cite
Panteleiev, V. (2023). Application of SWOT analysis to justify the strategy of hotel business enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1 (4 (69)),
14–19. doi:

1. Introduction revealed through the specification of the results of scientific

research, the summary of information on the content of the
In order for tourism to become a global economic catapult components of SWOT analysis. The ability of the information
again after the recession of 2020–2022 and revival in 2023, complex to support the business strategy of hotels is indicated.
extraordinary commercial, financial and organizational mea­ A literary analysis showed that:
sures are being taken. Competitive advantages due to the – the researchers considered the SWOT analysis as part
full mobilization of internal potential and minimization of of a practical toolkit of hotel business enterprise develop­
the negative impact of external factors cause activation of ment strategies [1];
the factors of understanding the environment and managing – the SWOT matrix serves as a basis for choosing a mar­
the hotel. Justification of management decisions and evalua­ keting strategy [2];
tion of their results in the field of business strategy of hotels – an educational example of analyzing environmental
using SWOT analysis allows increasing the competitiveness of factors and developing a plan using SWOT analysis [3] is
Ukrainian hotels. Based on the use of the work of researchers considered;
and the best experience of hotels in countries with a develo­ – the evaluation of the market component of the innova­
ped tourist market, the functionality of SWOT analysis is tive potential can be carried out using the SWOT analysis



method, according to which the factors of the market Actions to restore the hotel business in Ukraine are
environment are divided into groups [4]; overdue.
– the basics of using SWOT analysis and brainstorm­
ing as analytical tools are given [5]; 3. Results and Discussion
– an assessment of the state of the hotel services market
is given [6]; 3.1. The contents of the SWOT analysis in the imple­
– reviewed tourism features [7]; mentation of the hotel’s strategy. Intentions to remain in
– assessed SWOT matrix [8]; the business environment and to win in the competition
– reviewed revenue recovery [9]; encourage enterprises to make informed management de­
– online booking analysis [10]; cisions. Among the directions of the company’s activity,
– evaluation of green hotels [11]; the leading place is occupied by its strategy. In general,
– reviewed various types of strategies [12]; strategy is understood as a set of plans, decisions and
– the tactics of combating COVID-19 are highligh­ tasks that must be implemented to achieve the organiza­
ted [9, 11]; tion’s goals. Economic theory considers various types of
– the researchers used complex mathematical tools [9]. enterprise strategies – analysis, generalization, globalization,
The detailed contribution of researchers in the ap­ search, competition, response, etc. [15]. Strategic areas of
plication of SWOT analysis in hotel business strategy is hotel management are considered to be:
outlined in the article below. At the same time, researchers – consolidation of hotels and the formation of associa­
have not paid due attention to the responsibility of us­ tions of hotels;
ing this method: companies should use SWOT analysis as – joining associations, including through the acquisi­
a guide, not necessarily as a recipe [13]. From this follows tion of a franchise of a leading hotel chain;
fundamental informational and methodical work at the – a significant increase in the level of service;
stages of preparation, implementation and implementation – price optimization;
of the results of this universal method into the business – the adoption of a master marketing plan;
strategy of each hotel. – optimization of the range of services;
The aim of research is to form a methodological and – a new hospitality strategy;
informational basis in the process of SWOT analysis and to – the transition from seasonal loading to year-round
argue for the modernization of the hotel sector of Ukraine operation of the hotel;
with the use of SWOT analysis based on the review of – the prerogative of a conference hotel;
scientific research materials on the practice of hotel ope­ – the formation of an eco-hotel, etc.
rations when they use SWOT analysis.
3.2. Benchmarking examples of the use of SWOT analysis
2. Materials and Methods in the implementation of the business strategy of hotels.
A SWOT analysis was conducted and the strategic pros­
2.1. Research methods. In order to achieve the purpose pects of expanding the hotel network in Kyiv were as­
set, the experience of using elements of SWOT analysis in sessed [6]. Considered the regional features of tourism
hotels of countries with a developed tourist market was on the sea coast in terms of competition with hotels in
used. And the following methods were used: neighboring countries, the SWOT analysis was used to
– historical-logical – to establish important predeces­ formulate hotel business strategy [7]. An overall assess­
sors of SWOT analysis in hotels; ment of the SWOT matrix for hotel business strategy is
– logical-abstract – expanding information from literary given, and SWOT analysis and other measures were used
sources and from experience on the issue, summariz­ to study perceived situations and trends in the industry,
ing researchers’ summaries about SWOT analysis is the theoretical approach to time measurement was con­
highlighted in this article; firmed. A significant statistical relationship was noted the
– analytical-synthetic – processing the received in­ relationship between the external and internal environment
formation and synthesizing the results in the form of and the dynamics of top management team members [8].
a table of consolidated information on the content of Strategies to restore hotel revenues, the impact of the
the SWOT analysis and summarizing the SWOT analysis COVID-19 pandemic were developed [9]. Conducted an
for hotels of Ukraine. analysis of online bookings, conducted a review of the
company’s position [10]. Through the application of SWOT
2.2. Presenting main material. In Ukraine, revenues analysis with a combination of the fuzzy analytical process
from the tourism industry to the state budget in the hierarchy (F-AHP) and the method «Order of prefe­rence
last three quarters of 2022, according to the tax service, by similarity to the ideal solution» (TOPSIS) made it
decreased by almost 34 % compared to the same period possible to develop strategies for restoring hotel revenues.
last year. Hotels paid more taxes – almost 673 million Hotel development strategies were considered in different
hryvnias. However, this figure is 35 % lower compared to scenarios of the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic [9].
the same period in 2021. At the same time, the indicators Based on the results of SWOT analysis, intensive and
of paid tax for nine months of 2022 increased in a number integrative strategies were considered by scientists [12].
of regions, in particular: The study reflects the initiative of using SWOT analysis
– Lviv (197 million against last year’s 151 million); to evaluate green hotels on the island of Bali (Indonesia).
– Ivano-Frankivsk (136 million – against almost Business practices of green hospitality, discounts, and dif­
104 million); ferent packages of tour products. The possibility of obtain­
– Kyiv region (120 million – against almost 89 mil­ ing an anti-COVID certificate as a means of promoting
lion) [14]. the readiness of the hotel to receive guests during the



pandemic [11], the model of situational SWOT analysis of using SWOT analysis in practice. One should agree
was applied [9]. with the predictions regarding the practical consequences
The researchers expressed their views on improving of the fierce competition in the market of hotel services:
the SWOT analysis method. the presence of high occupancy of the hotel enterprise will
Let’s present in the form of a table the vision of experts increase the efficiency of tourist activity. Companies located
regarding the main characteristics of the business strategy in low-attractive resorts that are affected by reduced in­
of hotels based on a SWOT analysis, Table 1. vestment will record lower productivity and will have to
Table 1 reveals the peculiarities of the sphere of hotel adopt aggressive investment policies [7]. The lack of func­
activity, which is sensitive to threats from the natural tions of analysis, control, reserves, guarantees, and other
environment and human health hazards, political events. components of management attracts attention, which may
And, due to the human factor, requires the use of specific indicate a significant burden on the owner and management.
management techniques – hotel technologies and innova­ The task of realizing Ukraine’s interest in the develop­
tions, consideration of recreation safety, aesthetics, sanitary ment of high-quality hospitality infrastructure and the
standards, consideration of culture, provision of high-quality activation of domestic and inbound tourism is emerging.
services, and support from the state and community, imple­ A qualitative change in the market is noted: the appear­
mentation of certain compliance tactics and strategies. The ance of new groups of hotel guests: internally displaced
imperative influence of favorable weather conditions on persons, persons who have temporary work abroad, par­
a person is taken into account (air and sea temperature, ticipants in the implementation of cross-border projects
absence of factors of natural disaster and war, peace and for the development of small and medium-sized businesses,
confidence in safety, communication with nature and hu­ attention is paid to small hotels, in particular, hostels,
man culture). effective hotel management techniques are used, etc.
The information compiled by the researchers due to Let’s continue to consider the functionality of the SWOT
their statistical processing of the questionnaires of hotel analysis of hotels and by superimposing the logic of the
managers, despite the subjective factor, has value, because analysis of a real object in Spain on a possible object in
the professional respondents expressed their opinion a pos­ Ukraine, let’s reflect the line of SWOT analysis in the
teriori, that is, taking into account the acquired wisdom business strategy, Table 2.

Table 1
Consolidated information on the content of the components of the SWOT analysis business strategies
of the hotel according to the authors’ proposals

Strengths Opportunities

Positive market demand, growing participation of the business community, Convenient natural factors of the hotel, organization of attractive events at the
monopoly business, attractive sales points and landscapes [12], leadership beginning and end of the season [7].
in the tourism market [7], extensive experience and a wide field of busi- Provision of tax benefits, land concession for investors, Government measures,
ness [6], diversification of tourism offer and tourism products, flexibility formation of strategic alliances, establishment of new resorts [6].
and adaptability to the market, good value for money [7]. Diversification of tariffs and tourist packages [7].
Creation of package tariffs, placement of online advertisements, provision The trend of restructuring, strengthening and expansion of tourism activities,
of discounts, and promotion of ecological hotel practices [11]. expansion of the international market, promotion of the hotel abroad, develop-
Effective customer retention schemes, improvement of services, increase ment of regional strategies, attraction of foreign tourists by offering differentiated
of tourist loyalty to the company [6, 7], quality of staff service, standards tourist products, completeness and quality of hotel and resort infrastructure [7].
of hygiene and sanitation [9]. The possibility of doing promotions to satisfy vacationers, expansion of the
Strong real estate portfolio [6], heritage value [9], infrastructure for collabora- area of activity [7].
tion, appropriate superstructure to support facilities, security support [12]. Focusing on scientific research and development, development of information
Financial resources, patents/technology, competence in organization, manage- technologies [6, 7, 9, 11].
ment, research and development [6, 7], corporate culture, proper strategic Collaboration with celebrity green installations to attract guests to the green
planning system [7], High level of service due to technological integra- market [11]
tion [6, 9], willingness to try new approaches [12].
Strategic location of the hotel [7, 9, 12], the need to extend the tourist
season [7], support from the religious community [12]

Threats Weakness

Political instability [6, 9], dependence on the state budget [12]. A small share of the world market [6].
Natural disaster [12], weather events [7]. The economy affected by the The business environment is unfriendly to foreign investors [7], lack of politi-
pandemic [9, 11]. cal will [12].
Changes in the macroeconomic climate [6], unattractive to foreign investors, Lack of adequate flexibility due to the large size of the objects [6], old-fashioned
a small share of GDP [7]. building architecture [9], outdated tourist facilities, inadequate infrastructure [7],
Motivation for travel [7, 9], decrease in the number of domestic tourists [7]. lack of legal support [12].
Increasing competition, vulnerability to fluctuations in the business envi- Lack of qualified workforce [12].
ronment [7]. Lack of new financing [12], high level of indebtedness [6].
Loss of talent and key personnel [6], influence of the attractiveness of the In the high season, there are significant deviations in the competitiveness and
territory and the intensity of tourist flows [7]. quality of tourist services, competition with other resorts and hotels, and the
Competition environment in the hotel [9], outdated equipment, weak road lack of a clear strategy [7].
infrastructure [7]. Inefficient management at all levels, presence of high costs, improper manage-
Competitors with the same special packages [11], need to prevent crimes ment of existing assets [7]
against tourists [12]

Note: created by the author based on [6, 7, 9–12]



Table 2
The process of SWOT analysis in ensuring the improvement of the activity of the Costa del Sol Hotel of Ukraine at the stage
of planning and implementation of the business strategy

Components of the process The content of the procedures for justifying a strategic decision and the function of SWOT analysis

Elevation of the hotel business based on the development of hospitality technologies as part of the ABC brand hotel group,
reflecting the nature of the brand: showcasing the latest trends and artistic creations on the local scene

The creation of an object with high historical and cultural value, the formation of a strong cultural identity of Ukraine, which
Business strategy
will help to form powerful sites/centers of leisure, conferences and business meetings

Previous phases

Formation of information and Consistency, unification and integration of historical and forecast information about the internal and external sides of the busi-
analytical support ness environment of the hotel, the involvement of a consulting and information agency

Brainstorming of the strategy by the executive team, assessment of the impact of factors, sub-factors and their combination
Discussion and evaluation of
on the project, taking into account the development of technologies, the behavior of society and the business community,
variants of SWOT-analysis
familiarization with positive cases from the SWOT analysis, the involvement of professional trainers, the use of the results of
factors and selection of the
business statistics, calculations of the proximity coefficient regarding the weighted value of SWOT factors and the ranking of
optimal variant
the effectiveness of the hotel’s business strategy

4 factors of SWOT analysis, Table 1 paper

Participation in state programs of Ukraine: rehabilitation of ATO participants, soldiers of the Armed Forces and military pension-
ers of Ukraine, provision of comfortable housing for temporarily displaced persons, support for war orphans, consideration of
VAT benefits, total introduction of energy-saving technologies, acquisition of natural space and full realization of competitive
Strengths advantages, by adhering to the standards of the ABC brand hotel group, successfully responding to the needs of new luxury
travelers and increasing competitiveness in the luxury segment, enhancing the quality of the destination: a conference center
and gym on the 1st floor, an outdoor heated infinity pool with a solarium, a bar and a restaurant will become the epicenter
of the hotel’s social life and cultural program

Recruitment/selection of highly qualified personnel, a chance to use rich local opportunities, to form the potential of tourism
with high added value, to stimulate the demand for tourism products

Intensification of competition with other participants of the hotel market, high vulnerability of the market to the decline of tourists
due to the pandemic and war, limited scope of the internal market of hotel services, significant risk of activity

Problems with payback and efficiency make it difficult for the hotel to implement innovations, the lack of high incentives for
the cost saving policy, the priority of traditional methods of evaluating the hotel’s activities

Final phase: implementation of the business strategy project at the Costa del Sol hotel (Sunny Beach)

Number of hotel rooms 128 rooms

Comfort level 4-star hotel

Start of construction 2nd quarter 2023

Commissioning 4th quarter 2024

Performers Construction companies of Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Ukraine and Finland

Note: created by the author according to [16]

3.3. The information base for the justification of the busi­ telecommunications system, sales and marketing, property
ness strategy based on the SWOT analysis. Proper provision operation and maintenance, utilities and management fees,
of users with data occurs through the formation of a reli­ non-operating expenses and interest payments, deprecia­
able information base. The sources of historical information tion/amortization, losses/profits from disposal of assets;
for the SWOT analysis are the existing hotel management – on a systematic basis, internal operational reports
information system: are created, in particular, on the implementation of
– the procedure for ordering (reserving) room stock activity budgets (sales, resources, cash flows, invest­
by hotel visitors (customer database), accounting and ment projects, innovations, etc.);
management accounting resources; – statistical data on hotel activity are also used, in par­
– in recent years, the Uniform System of Accounts ticular, statistical reporting on form No. 1-KZR [6, 17], etc.
for the Lodging Industry (USALI) has gained popular­ In addition to historical information, forecast informa­
ity, the hotel’s income is dominated by income from tion obtained from the involved information agencies and
accommodation of guests in rooms, provision of food services on a commercial basis is formed.
and drinks (restaurant), from other managed units; The formation of data for filling the fields of the SWOT
– accordingly, hotel expenses relate to maintaining com­ analysis matrix and their further use and interpretation
fort in rooms and providing food to restaurant visitors, takes place, which requires the classification and ranking of
administrative and general expenses, information and information according to pre-selected indicators (indicators,



parameters, benchmarks, criteria, ratings and ranks, etc.). technique is confirmed by other researchers: SWOT analysis
Compilation of transition tables and the corresponding consists of two main stages:
classification is envisaged and defragmentation of raw data – SWOT determination and strategy formulation using
into forms that allow operating with business strategy the SWOT matrix;
information that is of a service nature. – there is an objective weighing of the factors and
Based on the importance of information support for sub-factors of the SWOT analysis [9], the result of the
project analysis and implementation, it is appropriate to SWOT analysis should be an action plan [18]. The final
use an integrated (holistic, combined) approach. When result of the SWOT analysis is the implementation of
integrating information systems, in general, a limited range the hotel’s business strategy, that is, the implementa­
of key provisions of the system is formed: tion of the chosen best investment project.
– management tasks (market share, portfolio of orders, Ultimately, hotel services are provided to visitors, hotel
retention and expansion of the circle of visitors, good products are consumed by guests, and the necessary ba­
management, and compliance with quality, profitability lance in hotel operations is achieved through the use of
and attractiveness of the hotel); SWOT analysis and its components, which are formalized
– advertising (target direction, special promotions, events); as Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
– clients (maintenance and expansion of the target Contribute to the achievement of the parameters of a per­
audience through new services); son’s comfortable stay in the hotel and, through proper
– employees (quality staff, level of training/retrain­ management and implementation of the chosen strategy
ing, keeping the best from leaving and attracting the of actions in the market of hotel services, to achieve the
best from the outside, maintaining dedication to the appropriate financial condition of the hotel. Through the
business, growth prospects); philosophical interpretation of initially opposing positions
– logistics and sales (techniques for placing orders, pre- and directions of influence on the hotel’s actions through
orders, supply of materials, stocks, goods, guarantees); wise perception and implementation of the optimal asset
– site (content, filling, updating, statistics of visits); vector of a well-founded business strategy, to seek com­
– document management (formation of primary, sum­ promises and try on polar views, and then by your actions
mary, regular, target information, reporting policy, clo­ to convince the elements and achieve victory in resolving
sed mode). the contradictions of human existence.
The procedure (algorithm) for implementing the ho­ SWOT analysis mobilizes internal potential and sources
tel strategy according to the modern method of SWOT of information (strengths and weaknesses of the hotel),
analysis can have the following 3 stages: makes external forces and risks (opportunities and threats)
1) preparatory stage: conscious. At the same time, to optimize the work requires
– determining the purpose of the research (formation the formation of all aspects of the business on one in­
of the leading idea-hypothesis); formation panel, which is accessible and actively used in
– conducting internal techno-, ecological-, energy-, taking real measures to manage the team of performers
socio-, financial audit; who were actively involved in the discussion of options.
– inventory of property for liabilities; The results of the study indicate the appropriateness
– formation of a team of performers (including persons of using SWOT analysis techniques in practice based on
who can and are capable of making decisions about the example of Ukraine in a state of war, in particular,
the future fate of the project); systematization of the conditions for analyzing business
– formation of an information system for the process strategies, providing information, good management, al­
of SWOT analysis (collection and systematization of gorithm of actions for the implementation of the hotel
historical information, formation of forecast information); strategy, putting forward strategy alternatives, specifying
– an objective detailed assessment of the sides of the criteria and critical aspects of activity. Restrictions for
activity, qualified as strong, weak; Ukraine are the danger to the lives of tourists, targeting
– an objective assessment of the opportunity and threat domestic tourists, lack of direction for different categories
of the hotel; of guests.
– the proper display of new analytical information,
based on a critical study of the situation with the 4. Conclusions
impact and consideration of risk;
– modeling of business strategy actions in each scenario; The paper notes that in view of the strategic impor­
2) drawing up the best version (variants) of a business tance of the hotel sector to ensure the country’s stability,
strategy in the format of a SWOT analysis table (Table 1), it is necessary to revive it through the business strategy
involving consultants or coaching, conducting a «brain­ of hotels at a new level. Taking into account the positive
storming» by a team of performers and obtaining fruit­ foreign experience, this is possible thanks to the comprehen­
ful ideas; sive implementation of modern management methodology.
3) coordination of operational (tactical) and strategic It has been shown that appropriate to substantiate
decisions and selection/implementation of the final sce­ the contribution of hotels to the GDP of Ukraine. And,
nario of the business strategy (action plan, allocation of to consider the model of situational SWOT analysis in
tasks, name of the measure, performance indicator, person the activity of hotels, field studies of the use of SWOT
responsible for performance, period of performance, ex­ analysis in hotels are needed, critical use of functions of
pected results, and controllers) and tracking the degree of analysis, control, formation of reserves, guarantees, other
implementation/over-implementation/non-implementation components of hotel management, suitable adjustments
of the strategy in the format of SWOT factors according should be made to the Tourism Development Strategy
to information system data (Table 2). This methodological of Ukraine.



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