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BSc CE, APICQS ● +63 2 310 1073 ● 2F Herald Bldg, 61 Muralla St, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines ● [email protected]

Disclaimer …………………………………………………… 2
Ground Rules …………………………………………………… 3
Reinforcement …………………………………………………… 4

ICEC Accredited PICQS leading the way, the certified way 1

This document has been prepared by PICQS and no part of this
publication may be reproduced or copied, circulated, or exhibited in
part or in whole in any form without prior written permission from
PICQS, Inc. and the one who prepared this presentation material.

PICQS does not claim ownership of other institute’s or organization’s

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No copyright infringement intended.

This document is for guidance purposes only and may include

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Please do not circulate.

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▪ Please switch off your mobile phones – alternatively, put

them into silent mode;

▪ Do not be afraid to share your knowledge about the topic;

▪ Be attentive; and

▪ Ask when in doubt.

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Reinforcement 2 21

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General Rules of Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Tying wire, cutting, bending and other sundry work are held
to be included in the measurement.

▪ Location is required to be given in descriptions.

▪ For steel bars the grade of steel is to be given by one of the

following methods:

▪ ASTM Grade 40 (generally links, stirrups, binders,

spacers and chairs) and Grade 60 (other bars)

▪ Mild steel (comparable with Grade 40) and high yield

steel (comparable with Grade 60)

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General Rules of Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Fabric reinforcement is specified by reference to ASTM number and reference.

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Rebars can be measured in two ways:

▪ One way is by using a steel bar bending

schedule, where the shape, type, size,
number and length of reinforcement are
extracted direct from schedule for take

▪ Length of reinforcement is determine from

standard rebar shapes.

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Rebars can be measured in two ways (cont’d):

▪ The second way is when no reinforcement

schedule is given, the taker-off has to
calculate the lengths of rebars from the
drawing details given, using given figured
dimensions and specifications and
provisions for steel bar measurement.

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Provision for concrete cover

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Anchorage / Lap / Splice Lengths

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Anchorage / Lap / Splice Lengths

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Hooks

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Measurement - Reinforcement

▪ Hooks

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Drawing / Detail Interpretation

▪ Specific details as shown on plan or specific locations

will overwrite any general notes given.

▪ Notes specifically shown on drawings must be read

carefully and must be taken into consideration in your

▪ Check notes on revisions / amendments.

▪ Use given dimensions on plan and avoid scaling.

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Steps for measuring reinforcement

▪ Read the Specifications or General Notes and checked the notes on

all plans that you will use and all other relevant documents.

▪ Study carefully the drawing and details given.

▪ Check if there is enough information given for you to be able to

measure the lengths.

▪ Are there ambiguities in the details? If there is, send a query for

▪ Once the four steps listed above have been satisfied then you are
ready to take-off.

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)

▪ Mark bars for identification. Make sure you use the same steel shape /
designation when you input them in the computer.

The following are suggested bar designations:

For beams
▪ T1, T2, T3 (or TB1, TB2, TB3, etc. ) for top bars
▪ B1, B2, B3 (or BB1, BB2, BB3, etc.) for bottom bars
▪ SB1, SB2, SB3, etc. for side bars
▪ L1, L2, L3 for outer links or stirrups
▪ L1a, Lib, L1c, etc. for inner links

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)
The following are suggested bar designations (cont’d):

For slabs
▪ TH1, TH2, TH3, etc. for horizontal top bars (for laid our bars)
▪ TV1, TV2, TV3, etc. for vertical top bars (for laid our bars)
▪ BH1, BH2, BH3 etc. for horizontal bottom bars
▪ BV1, BV2, BV3 etc. for vertical bottom bars
▪ DB1, DB2, DB3, etc. for distribution/temperature bars
▪ TB1, TB2, TB3, etc. for trimmer bars
▪ T1a for flange bars on first side (vert) of slab S1 (for typical details)
▪ T1b for flange bars on second side (hor) of slab for slab S1 (for typical details)
▪ T1c for flange bars on third side (vert) of slab S1 (for typical details)
▪ T1d for flange bars on fourth side (hor) of slab S1 (for typical details)

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)
The following are suggested bar designations (cont’d):

For columns
▪ V1, V2, V3, etc. for vertical bars
▪ V1p, V2p, etc. for planted vertical bars
▪ V1c, V2c, etc. for cut-off vertical bars
▪ L1, L2, L3 for outer links
▪ L1a, L1b, L1c, etc. for inner links

For walls
▪ V1, V2, V3, etc. for vertical bars
▪ H1, H2, H3, etc. for horizontal bars
▪ L1, L2, L3, etc. for links and binders

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)

The following are suggested bar designations (cont’d):

For stairs
▪ T1, T2, T3 for top bars parallel to stairs
▪ TT1, TT2, TT3 for top bars perpendicular to stairs
▪ B1, B2, B3 for bottom bars parallel to stairs
▪ BB1, BB2, BB3 for bottom bars perpendicular to stairs

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)
▪ Measure lengths of bars using given specifications and typical details.

▪ Tick-off or loop bar marks of rebars that you have measured so that you can check if
all the reinforcement for that particular element has been measured.

▪ Highlight element marks on framing plans to check if everything assigned to you has
been measured.

▪ Check if you have made any assumptions while taking off and if you have, make sure
you put them in your take-off notes.

▪ Check if all queries made are answered and are incorporated in the measurement.

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Steps for measuring reinforcement (cont’d)

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Common abbreviations in Reinforcement

SS = single stirrup / link

DS = double stirrup / link
TS = triple stirrup / link
TL = torsional link
n legs= number of stirrups / links
Y = high yield reinforcement
T = high yield reinforcement
R = mild steel reinforcement
AP = alternatively placed
LV = length varies
AS = alternate and staggered
EF = each face
CC = concrete cover

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Reinforcement to
ordinary beams will
comprise of top bars,
bottom bars, links or
stirrups and
sometimes side bars.

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Beams (cont’d)
may be shown
in the following

▪ General Beam
detail and

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Beams (cont’d)
Beam reinforcement may be shown in the following

▪ Elevation

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Beams (cont’d)

Beam end details varies according to the designer. These may be anchorage lengths or hook lengths.

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Beams (cont’d)

Computation for length of outer stirrups / links / binders

Refer to a typical section of a beam:

The formula for the length of outermost stirrup is

L1 = 2* (w+d) – 8*CC + hook

w = width of beam
d = depth of beam
cc = concrete cover
hook = specified length as multiples of stirrup diameter

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Beams (cont’d)

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Beams (cont’d)

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Beams (cont’d)

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Slab reinforcement generally comprises of top bars and bottom bars and sometimes distribution
bars (tie bars)

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Slabs (cont’d)
One way slab – one way slabs are designed to transfer their loads to only two opposite support walls /
beams. From drawings this is normally represented by the symbol

Two way slab – two way slabs are designed to transfer their loads to all the four support walls / beams.
From drawings this is normally represented by the symbol

Slab reinforcement may be shown in the following ways:

▪ General slab detail or schedule
▪ Slab cut-sections
▪ Slab laid out rebar plans

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Slabs (cont’d)

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Slabs (cont’d)

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Slabs (cont’d)

Important notes for measuring slab reinforcement:

▪ Always check if distribution bars have been provided, especially for top bars. Unless top bars are
continuous from support to support, there will always be distribution bars to main top bars.

▪ Pay careful attention that spacing for bars are not interchanged between the two directions.

▪ Pay attention for slabs that have drops in them. Extra details may be provided or adjustments are to be

▪ Check locations for openings through slabs. Adjustment should be made and it may be necessary to
provide trimmer bars around their sides.

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Slabs (cont’d)
Adjustments to opening in slabs:

The best way to deal with the measurement of a slab with opening is to treat the slab as if there's no
opening in it, and later do the adjustments (true also for walls).

a) Compute for the length of adjustment along horizontal direction (top and bottom bars).

b) Compute for the number of bars for the adjustment (top and bottom bars).

c) Do the same for the other direction.

d) Compute for the trimmer bars (refer to typical details).

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Column reinforcement is made up of vertical bars and links.

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Columns (cont’d)

Computation for vertical bars

▪ always check the end conditions of the bars.

▪ check for location of laps / anchorage lengths.

▪ floor to floor height must be verified from framing plans, especially at termination points.

▪ always check where there is change in numbers of bars and when bar sizes changes – this would
mean that bars may need to be cut-off or planted at the location.

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Columns (cont’d)

Computation for links in columns

Length of links can be computed in similar way as the links in beams.

The computation for the number of links can be computed in the following conditions:

▪ when links are to be provided at clear height only.

▪ when links are provided at entire floor height including at intersections with other members.

▪ when links are to be measured at joint and confinement zones.

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Columns (cont’d)

For local projects we also have to pay careful attention to the notes given in the General Notes /
Specifications or Table of Splices.

The clause that we have to take note states “ NOT MORE THAN 33% OF THE BARS SHALL BE
SPLICED WITHIN THE REQUIRED LAP LENGTH”. Other designers will specify 50%.

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Reinforcement to walls is comprised primarily of horizontal bars and vertical bars. For thicker walls,
links or binders may be provided.

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Walls (cont’d)

We must checked the drawings for typical layout of the wall reinforcement. Measurement of vertical bars
sometimes also follows the convention of vertical bars to columns, i.e.


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Walls (cont’d)

Adjustment to openings in walls

▪ Always check from elevation or from framing plans for locations of wall openings like openings for
doors, windows, etc. and make sure that all necessary adjustments are made.

▪ When measuring walls with openings, treat walls as if there is no openings in it, and later make the

▪ Adjustment to opening in walls can be dealt with similarly to adjustments for slabs with voids or

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Reinforcement to staircases primarily consists of top bars and bottom bars similar to
suspended slabs.

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

▪ For top and bottom bars we should first determine how many same bars can be laid continuously from the
start of the first beam to the end of the last beam.
▪ For the length of the continuous bar we measure it from one end of the first beam to the other end of the last
beam with no allowances for laps unless the calculated length exceeds 12.00m.

▪ Every time the calculated length exceeds 12.00m we allow a lap length for every 12.00m length in excess.
For a 25.00m length we should be allowing two lap lengths.

▪ If the calculated length including the lap length exceeds 12.00m we allow an additional lap length.

For example, if the calculated length is 23.00m we add a lap length and after adding the lap length the new
calculated length exceeds 24.00m we add additional lap length.

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

J) Computing for L1 and L2 (links)

number of links = 2*(1+6)+roundup((7.00-2*(0.05+0.15))/0.25)-2

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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Measurement of Beam Reinforcement

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1. RICS New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) – Detailed measurement for building works, 1st edition

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THANK YOU ● +63 2 310 1073 ● 2F Herald Bldg, 61 Muralla St, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines ● [email protected] 68

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