A Theoretical Discussion and Survey of Network Automation For IoT Challenges and Opportunity
A Theoretical Discussion and Survey of Network Automation For IoT Challenges and Opportunity
A Theoretical Discussion and Survey of Network Automation For IoT Challenges and Opportunity
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Abstract—The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) and presented possible future research directions and challenges
massive machine-type communications has implied an increase that need to be tackled to progress in achieving full network
in network size and complexity. In particular, there is already automation.
a huge number of IoT devices in the market in various sec-
tors, such as smart agriculture, smart city, smart home, smart Index Terms—Autonomic networking, machine learning,
transportation, etc. The IoT interconnectivity technologies are multiagent system (MAS), network function virtualization,
also increasing. Therefore, these are increasingly overwhelming network management system (NMS), network softwarization,
the efforts of network administrators as they try to design, software-defined networking (SDN).
reconfigure and manage such networks. Relying on humans
to manage such complex and dynamic networks is becom- I. I NTRODUCTION
ing unsustainable. Network automation promises to reduce the
NTERNET of Things (IoT) is expected to interconnect
cost of administration and maintenance of network infrastruc-
ture, by offering networks the capability to manage themselves.
Network automation is the ability of the network to manage
I almost everything. It has various areas of applications,
such as smart cities, smart homes, smart agriculture, and
itself. Various standardization organizations are taking the ini- smart transportation. It brings immense value into our lives,
tiative in introducing network automation, such as European
Telecommunication Standardization Institute (ETSI). ETSI is touching areas, such as health monitoring, green energy, and
leading the standardization activities for network automation. environment monitoring. IoT connects sensors, cameras, cars,
It has provided different versions of reference architecture etc., creating an automated environmental ecosystem. The IoT
called generic autonomic network architecture (GANA), which devices communicate with each other using IoT connectiv-
describes a four-level abstraction for network-management deci- ity technologies. Therefore, measurement values and other
sion elements (DEs), protocol level, function level, node level, and
network level. In this article, we review and survey the exist- information traverse between IoT devices so that the over-
ing works before and after the introduction of software-defined all processes can be automated, without the need for human
networking (SDN) and network-function-virtualization (NFV). intervention.
We relate the main trending paradigms being followed, such as There are various types of IoT connectivity technolo-
SDN, NFV, machine learning (ML), microservices, multiagent gies, such as Lora, wireless fidelity (WiFi), narrowband-IoT
system (MAS), containerization, and cloudification, as a piv-
otal enabler of full network automation. We also discuss the (NBIoT), etc. While IoT is helping automate our environ-
autonomic architectures proposed in the literature. Finally, we ment, it is necessary to manage the network communica-
tion and connectivity, which interconnect the IoT devices.
Manuscript received December 4, 2020; revised February 16, 2021 and Network automation provides the automated management of
March 26, 2021; accepted April 22, 2021. Date of publication April 26, 2021; IoT networks.
date of current version July 23, 2021. This work was supported in part by the
NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme in the Framework The need for network automation is more pronounced when
of the Project “Dynamic Architecture based on UAVs Monitoring for Border we consider the requirements of a future network, such as IoT.
Security and Safety” under Grant SPS G5428, and in part by the German As indicated above, IoT is the interconnection of highly het-
Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) as part of
Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2050/1—Project ID 390696704— erogeneous networked entities and the networks that follow
Cluster of Excellence “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the- several different communication patterns, such as machine to
Loop” (CeTI) of Technische Universität Dresden. (Corresponding author: machine (M2M), human to human (H2H), human to thing
Sisay Tadesse Arzo.)
Sisay Tadesse Arzo, Claire Naiga, and Fabrizio Granelli are with (H2T), thing to thing (T2T), or thing to things (T2Ts). With
the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, newer wireless networks, superior sensors, self-healing soft-
University of Trento, 38122 Trento, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]; electronics, and revolutionary computing capabilities, the IoT
[email protected]; [email protected]).
Riccardo Bassoli and Frank H. P. Fitzek are with the Deutsche Telekom is the frontier in the race for technological advancement. IoT
Chair of Communication Networks, Institute of Communication Technology, also has a huge potential to revolutionize space exploration.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Centre for In all of these applications, network automation plays an
Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop, Cluster of Excellence, Technische
Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany (e-mail: riccardo.bassoli@ important role.
tu-dresden.de; [email protected]). In general, in the past decades, communication systems have
Michael Devetsikiotis is with the Department of Electrical and Computer experienced several technological advancements that have
Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA
(e-mail: [email protected]). facilitated an increase in the use of the Internet and the number
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075901 of devices [1]. As a result of this development, networks are
2327-4662 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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3) Planning action strategy is the procedural step needed networks. A dynamic inventory is also architected to be able
in order to execute the decisions, such as what kind to consume dynamically changing network data, providing a
of actions or configurations should be performed on real-time view to users and the wider system ecosystem. This
an element to have the required network behavior. For inventory architecture enables the processing of prodigious
example, once the decision is made to allocate resources, amounts of data about network state, performance, and health.
a configuration file needs to be prepared for execu- Recently, ETSI has taken a prominent role in auto-
tion in the network elements or devices. This allocates nomic architecture standardization and adaptation. An Industry
the required network resources, as agreed upon in the Specification Group (ISG) on autonomic network engineering
decision-making process. for the self-managing future Internet (AFI) has been estab-
4) Verification of planned action is the process of validat- lished under the ETSI [31]. Various versions of this model
ing the plan before executing it on the target network presented since its inception [32]–[34]. More recently, ETSI
elements or devices. These could be configuration files developed generic autonomic network architecture (GANA),
or steps, which have to be verified and checked for an autonomic network standard reference architecture [32].
accuracy and consistency. It is very important to ver- In [35], SDN enablers in the ETSI AFI GANA Reference
ify the action as the execution of the action may have Model for Autonomic Management & Control (emerging stan-
undesirable consequences on the target device and/or dard), and Virtualization impact. In [36], the implementation
the network behavior in general. Since the network is guide for the ETSI AFI GANA model is presented consider-
a dynamic environment and the process of settling for a ing a standardized reference model for autonomic networking,
given decision may take more time, the decision may be cognitive networking, and self-management. A Zero-touch
outdated or no longer useful, or suboptimal depending network and Service Management ISG (ZSM ISG) was estab-
on the scenarios considered. lished by ETSI. The ETSI ISG ZSM group was created
5) Executing the planned action is done through imple- to resolve the 5G E2E Network Slicing management issue.
menting the verified and accurate final action plan. It The visions are to enable full automation in terms of deliv-
could be a configuration path because of a requested ery, deployment, configuration, assurance, and optimization of
service, reservation of end-to-end network resources, network services. An example of an ongoing initiative recently
service isolation, or a part of QoS provisioning and launched in ETSI, [37] provides standardization of resilience
guaranteeing. & survivability, and autonomic fault-management, in evolving
6) Finally, monitoring the system behavior is analyzing the and future networks.
effect of the action on the overall system behavior. This Richard et al. [38] discussed a data and knowledge-driven
could be through loop-back control. intelligent network for future telecom transformation. The
In the decision organization of any network, control loops white paper presents the challenges and opportunities along
are a very essential part of a network administrator is with the autonomous network framework. In [39], the authors
to employ network automation. They provide information provided a specific full autonomic architecture for mobile
throughout different parts of the network in question thereby network realization relaying on NFV and SDN. In this work,
facilitating self-adaptation and later, self-management [29]. they extended the work in [39], providing a parallel auto-
They facilitate data collection from which decisions are made. nomic control plan for an SDN-NFV architecture. In the
However, loop-back control problems arise together with the proposed architecture, the control plane has a logical connec-
increase in the cost and complexity of the system. Another tion between different planes for data gathering and control
challenge exists, in the case of policy-based decisions where decisions exchange.
conflicts can arise from two policies with similar conditions GSMA [40] provided a high-level discussion for network
but different actions. automation. It is suggested that operators can use ML to
automate network operations, improve network planning and
strengthen security. The discussion is limited to the application
IV. S TANDARDIZATION OF N ETWORK AUTOMATION of either fixed rule automation or ML-based or a combina-
Significant standardization efforts are also taking place by tion of both. ML will enable cognitive functions that have
prominent standardization organizations, such as European not been possible before, supporting predictive maintenance,
Telecommunication Standardization Institute (ETSI), long-term network optimization, network planning, security,
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Internet and deployment automation.
Engineering Task Force (IETF), 3rd Generation Partnership The first project launched to develop a network automa-
Project (3GPP), tmForum, and Global System for Mobile tion model is autonomic network architecture (ANA) [41]. The
Communications Association (GSMA). project is aimed at designing an autonomic architecture to mit-
3GPP [30] is also undertaking a standardization effort for igate network complexity enabling protocols and algorithms to
network automation. Two versions of specification by 3GPP operate in an autonomic manner.
has been put forward about the management and orchestra- An Internet Research Task Force group [42] is working on
tion which specifies the levels of the autonomous network. standards for automated network management which aims to
This standard specification, TS 28.100, specifies how software improve and make more efficient management of networks as
enables to dynamically create, deploy, and automate the end- they continue to increase in size and complexity. IETF is also
to-end delivery of services across both physical and virtual working on standardizing protocols for autonomic networking,
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Darwin’s theory [60]. Monitoring of traffic and traffic paths was discussed. It is of great importance to analyze any auto-
results in higher accuracy and reduced overhead as network nomic network for anomalous network traffic. Ma et al. [76]
nodes share monitoring data [53]. A scheduling algorithm recommended that the compromised nodes are identified and
is proposed for light-trail wavelength division multiplexing that all nodes are designed with self-recovering capabilities.
(WDM) networks [64] where the nodes in the network request Autonomic diagnosis of anomalous traffic is done using adap-
for bandwidth. The requests are made in advance and sent to tive anomaly detection components [73] that are composed of
the centralized controller. an entropy estimator to predict the onset of such traffic and a
In wireless networks, transmission and reception of sig- supervised naive Bayesian classifier. Detection and classifica-
nals are facilitated by radio waves moving through free tion of traffic are performed through collaboration among all
space. This kind of communication network is very complex network components. Autonomic devices are based on com-
given the ever-changing conditions of the channel through puters and they have weak points (vulnerabilities) that can
which the signal propagates [65]. Signals under phenom- easily be exploited by an intruder. Autonomic networks and
ena, such as multipath, interference, collisions, shadowing devices can be secured, traditionally, using firewalls and vir-
among others. Loureiro and Ruiz [65] provides a discussion tual private network (VPN) tunnels. This motivated the design
of network automation in wireless networks for environments. of a virtual autonomic network (VAN) firewall with logging of
Services run in most if not all wireless networks were orig- events to provide knowledge about the kind of security risks
inally designed to run in the wired networks. A testbed and instant messaging for alerts [71] which was implemented
implementation for mesh networks is presented in [66]. The in an intrusion detection system.
authors evaluated the performance of ANM. To alleviate the Rebahi et al. [72] analyzed the security concerns of auto-
problem of managing a femtocell, Rui et al. [67] presented an nomic networks at the architectural level concerning the
automated configuration using information modeling. GANA [6] reference model. The study in [57] focuses only on
The current technology design must meet the constraints of developing autonomic network monitoring for decision mak-
the wireless networks. Autonomic networks can be employed ing through information gathering using a random number
at different levels of the wireless network, such as in-building, of monitoring devices. An agent-based self-recovery (ASBR)
urban, suburban, and global levels. A typical deployment use Model [76] for WSN guarantees that the network is checked
case of wireless networks is the wireless sensors which are for compromised nodes and self-recovers in time. After the
very important in data collection. Usually, these sensors are development of the GANA, it was necessary to analyze the
placed in remote areas, making maintenance difficult for the security concerns around autonomic networks [72] by raising
technicians. This also makes their management and control points, such as security should be looked at as a requirement
difficult. Autonomy solves these issues by providing self- as well as analyze new threats that may arise from the self-
awareness and self-knowledge properties to these sensors. management aspect, communication between nodes and policy
Braga et al. [68] proposed the use of an AEs in the nodes management.
of WSN. They evaluated memory consumption and energy In general, the automation in legacy networks was per-
consumption. An AE is the smallest unit of an autonomic formed for nearly a decade, from 2004 to 2013. Even if
network. the attempts to performing network administration, without
administrators’ conscious knowledge, have been researched
3) QoS Monitoring, Fault and Traffic Management: In
since 2004, little has been done for real implementation and
addition to specific network type, there are also works focusing
adaptation. Therefore, the way we manage and design legacy
on automating specific functionalities, such as QoS monitor-
networks have been changed, requiring the new perspective
ing, fault management, and traffic management security [14],
provided by SDN and NFV.
[53], [54], [56], [59], [60], [69]–[74]. For instance, in [69],
a discussion on a model-based approach is presented. The
model-based method is to equip the fault management system B. Network Automation After SDN and NFV
with autonomic capabilities. Tcholtchev and Chaparadza [70]
SDN and NFV introduced a dramatic change in the
studied network operation automation for fault-Management
legacy static network, paving the way for network inno-
and resilience while Mokhtar and Eltoweissy [75] analyzed a
vations. The most notable contribution is the change from
memory-enabled autonomic resilient networking. The works
hardware-based to SDN. These have effectively replaced
in [56] investigated the consistency of policy states in decen-
specific network devices with general hardware. Network soft-
tralized ANM. Liakopoulos et al. [53] applied distributed
warization enhances the possibilities of innovation due to
monitoring techniques in autonomic networks. An architec-
flexibility, programmability, virtualization, and slicing. From
ture for automated QoS management was presented in [54].
an architecture point of view, SDN also provides centralized
This work provides a special emphasis on wired networks. A
network provisioning and management capability considering
traffic-aware network management automation was presented
a global view of the network. Now, we focus on navigat-
in [59] and [60].
ing through the most recent literature that has been done
4) Automaton for Network Security Application: Some since the widespread acceptance of SDN and NFV. Ironically,
works also focused on security application of automation [14], after the introduction of SDN and NFV, there are relatively
[71]–[73]. For instance, in [71], an automated intrusion detec- few organized efforts in the research community for network
tion system for devices within a virtual automation network automation [32], [77]–[79]. However, some researchers have
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made efforts toward making improvements to the existing SDN layer—optical fiber, microwave links, Ethernet) and layer 3
and NFV concepts. (network layer—routers) of the open systems interconnect
1) Autonomic Network Architecture: Li et al. [8] presented (OSI) model. After this, the data is analyzed and decisions,
an autonomic management architecture for an SDN-based such as resource allocation are inferred from this analysis.
multiservice network. The first theoretical discussion for a van der Meer et al. [91] discussed the importance of network
software-based system is presented in [77]. The discussion automation in 5G networks in order to bring them to reality.
presents research and development with examples from differ- They also identify some of the areas where automation can
ent perspectives, such as biometric identification and tracking be applied in 5G networks. These include Radio access split,
systems, autonomic communications, and space exploration mobile edge computing (MEC), and C-RAN.
systems. Such works used an analogical approach to the bio- 3) Automating IoT Technologies: Here, are few works
logical autonomic nervous system. The study in [80] focuses focusing on automating IoT technologies. Asaamoning and
on two areas; data collection frameworks and a complete Mendes [85] analyzed a name-based coordination of auto-
refinement of the control plane as a functional split between nomic IoT functions. A more specific work, with a focus on
different control elements to enhance control flexibility, robust- enabling self-configuration, is dealt in [86]. Self-configuration
ness, and scalability. To handle real-time network changes, capability means providing a scalable and robust address for
Saadon et al. [81] also propose a dynamic architecture that future IoT networks. A control and management architecture
allows for reaction to such changes. They propose the intro- for optical transport networks is presented in [80]. The author
duction of a virtualization layer over the SDN controller with suggested an architecture to enable self-X capabilities using
its orchestrator. efficient network data collection and processing. They adopted
A specific work that focuses on wireless access networks the control plane functions in the ETSI NFV framework via
is presented in [82]. They developed a distributed generic dynamic instantiation. In [88], Abstraction and Control of
and autonomic management paradigm for decentralized the TE (Traffic Engineering) Networks refer to the set of
management of wireless access networks. More recently, virtual network operations needed to operate, control, and
Xilouris et al. [83] presented a demonstration of an open- manage large-scale multidomain, multilayer, and multivendor
source for MANO framework, an extension within the TE networks.
5GTANGO H2020 project scope. They discussed automated Very recently, an interesting application of artificial intelli-
service deployment considering policy-based service-level gence (AI) for IoT is introduced in [92]. The authors presented
agreement (SLA) provisioning and monitoring. frameworks of centralized and distributed AI-enabled IoT
Some works, network automation with a focus on specific networks. They argue that the AI-supported interconnected
scenarios, are also available in the literature [7], [39], [45], world will be the main part of future 6G wireless networks.
[84]–[88]. Granelli and Bassoli [45] provided a specific full This article further explored and discussed efficient and
autonomic architecture for mobile network realization, relay- overhead-friendly approaches using AI. They also identified
ing on NFV and SDN. In this work, they extended the work potential technical challenges for both centralized and dis-
in [39], providing a parallel autonomic control plan for an tributed. To address these challenges they suggested AI-based
SDN-NFV architecture. In the proposed architecture, the con- solutions.
trol plane has a logical connection between different planes for Industry 4.0 is the compilation of digital technology with
data gathering and control decisions exchange. Gifre et al. [84] a traditional production system. The Industrial IoT is adding
proposed a monitoring and data analytics (MDA) architec- abundant values in the production systems of companies in
ture. The architecture consists of centralized data storage addressing the current and future market competition and
along with data analytic capabilities and a generic node agent challenges [93]. IIoT is a subset of IoT which has shown
for monitoring. It provides support for disaggregation of a significant importance to businesses, safety, and lives. Unlike
multilayer network. An autonomic architecture for a con- other IoT areas of applications, the IIoT is focusing on con-
tent delivery network (CDN) is presented in [87]. Zhang and necting machines and devices in a diverse range of industries,
Wang [79] deliberated on an ANM scheme based on session such as manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and health.
initiation protocol (SIP) in a collaborative environment. The Besides, combining IIoT with the recent and prevalent
work in [89] presents an interesting experimental demonstra- blockchain technology is one of the treads in intelligent man-
tion of an autonomic system in a cloud environment for a live ufacturing. The blockchain may act as a distributed ledger
streaming application. They discussed performance analysis for beneficially establishing a decentralized autonomous trad-
and challenges for a test-bed implementation of an autonomic ing platform for IIoT networks [94]. The authors study the
cloud network to manage live streaming applications. resource management and pricing problem between the cloud
2) Network Automation for Specific Network Type: Network provider and miners to alleviate the power and computation
automation research work after the introduction of SDN and constraints. More explicitly, the interaction between a cloud
NFV, discussed here, covers application areas, such as trans- provider and miners as a Stackelberg game is modeled. In the
port network, mobile cellular network, security, and C-RAN. model, the leader (cloud provider) makes the pricing first. The
As networks evolve, monitoring of the network becomes miners then act as the followers.
a key area of interest, especially in the transport network. 4) Automation of C-RAN: C-RAN, also referred to as
The research provided in [90] considers the use of autonomic Centralized-RAN, takes advantage of the current technolog-
agents for monitoring and data collection at layer 1 (physical ical advancements, such as common public radio interface
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(CPRI) standard, low-cost Coarse or Dense WDM technolo- has been used in many areas [101] mainly focusing on works
gies to make the task of resource pooling very scalable, related to networking. We divide them by areas of application,
flexible, and efficient. With these technologies, resources are e.g., wireless, wireless mesh, security, mobility management,
offered within the shortest possible time, even over long dis- and NMS. A multiagent-based configuration in a ubiquitous
tances thereby providing a low cost and low latency network. wireless network is presented in [102]. The author showed how
van der Meer et al. [91] asserted that the C-RAN architec- agents are used in the RAN where the information is loaded
ture must allow for different automation approaches in order and fed back with the help of communication between various
to meet network requirements like low cost, low latency, agents. Q-learning technique is used to provide the agent with
reliability, spectral efficiency, etc. These approaches include cognitive abilities to make decisions on when to apply load
virtualization through NFV, centralization through SDN, man- balancing.
agement, and orchestration as well as coordination. A significant number of works exists utilizing agents for
5) QoS, Traffic Engineering, and Security: A specific func- WSN [103]–[110]. A multiagent-based system architecture
tion, such as QoS, Traffic engineering, and security are for WSN is proposed by [106] with four types of agents:
studied in [18], [23], and [95]–[97], together with SDN, auto- 1) interface; 2) regional; 3) cluster; and 4) query agents. In
nomic QoS management mechanism, and an autonomic and comparison to conventional client/server architecture, mobile
policy-based authorization framework for OpenFlow networks. agents have many advantages for WSN. In [103], a multiagent-
In [96], experimental validation of autonomic traffic engineer- based hybrid protocol is proposed, utilizing the advantages of
ing is studied. In [18] a survey on autonomic provisioning and combining value and decision fusion. The aggregation is per-
management of QoS in SDN networks is displayed. formed to avoid data redundancy before arriving at the sink.
As networks advance toward self-management, it is impor- Mobile agents perform the task of data aggregation at the
tant to consider the security aspects of these networks. The nodes rather than at the processing element resulting inef-
issue of security risks and vulnerabilities must be studied ficient bandwidth usage and improved network lifespan. A
with uttermost attention [14] and the duty of evaluating such source grouping along with a tree-based ordering mechanism
systems must move from being human dependent to the is proposed in [105]. Recently, Chen et al. [104] designed a
systems themselves. Systems must be empowered to know migration route planning algorithm based on mobile agents.
themselves and their missions, i.e., autonomic, to sense and Other related works in the area of WSN considered: a
decipher their situations, and to reply to occasions in an effort multiagent simulation [107] and performance comparison of
to protect themselves and to guarantee the coherence of mis- multiagent middle-ware platforms [110]. The mechanism for
sions they back [14]. Early expressions of this technique can Cooperation and consensus for multiagent networked systems
be seen in a few handled systems nowadays. is dealt in [108], [109], and [111]. Using the tuple space model,
Advanced network protection regularly highlights the capac- in [112], MAS architecture for intelligent home network is
ity to both evaluate the current state of network components presented.
and to reply promptly to distinguished concerns. DoS attacks Moreover, some other works focused on more specific appli-
are common in most networks. An attacker aims to make the cations, such as security, service discovery, and service migra-
network/service inaccessible for a given time. It is unreason- tion. Amudha et al. [113] proposed an approach for dynamic
able to undertake to dodge DoS attacks. Monitoring of network service discovery in service-oriented architecture based on
functionalities is very critical. This assists in revealing any a MAS using matchmaking technique. Patri et al. [114]
anomalies and plans for self-reconfiguration, self-healing, and developed a generic migration algorithm derived from a
self-protection. Scalable telemetry and network autonomics search-based rational agent decision process. Such an algo-
can be applied in abstraction and control [88]. rithm can deal with uncertainties to provide the migration
6) Recent Literature: Most recent literature focuses on the path. The migration is computed by using a maximized
utilization of network softwarization and machine learning tech- utility function. Several works also exist showing the use
nologies [17], [81], [98]–[100]. A demonstrating voice over an of intelligent autonomic agents for security applications,
autonomic network is elaborated in [98]. Stamou et al. [15] such as risk assessment [115], and network intrusion detec-
considered a survey of autonomic handover management for tion [116]. Zhang et al. [117] presented mobility management
heterogeneous networks in a future Internet context. Network over the satellite networks based on virtual agent clustering.
autoslicing supporting architecture is provided in [100]. Based Huang et al. [118] proposed the use of MAS methodology to
on software-defined infrastructure, adaptive load management facilitate the decentralized reconfiguration of power systems
of Web applications is presented in [99]. Saadon et al. [81] pro- to offer more flexibility and control as well as avoiding the
vided network virtualization and distributed orchestration-based problem of a single point of failure as witnessed in centralized
dynamic architecture for the management of the autonomic systems. Ma et al. [76] offered an ASBR model as a solution
network. A survey combining SDN, NFV, and ML is presented to DoS attacks in WSN. They describe a model in which a
in [17], for autonomic computing and communications in the network is able to monitor and identify nodes compromised
context of software-driven networks. by DoS attacks and self-recover in time.
None of the works considered an organized management
C. Application of Multiagents for Network Automation architecture, like in [119]–[121], for the overall network
There exist several research works emphasizing the appli- system management. Taoqing and Xiaoying [119] presented a
cation of the multiagent-based system in networking. MAS multiagent-based management system designed for distributed
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network. They developed an intelligent management archi- networks. The GANA model in Fig. 10 illustrates the concept
tectural framework. The architecture organizes agents into of network function atomization by splitting the architecture
three types: 1) center-layer agent; 2) region-layer agent; and into different levels based on the different DEs implemented
3) access-layer agent. The functions of each agent and cooper- therein, i.e., protocol level, function level, node level, and
ation mechanisms in the framework are discussed in this arti- network level. These DEs implemented at different levels in
cle. Some interesting work about control systems is presented the system offer a distributed model of networking toward the
in [122] from the control research community. Several works management of resources and other devices.
existing related to steady states of the closed-loop system and Since the SDN architecture does not specify the internal
study-state analysis of multiagent-based system [123], [124]. design or implementation of an SDN controller, it could be
possible to design the SDN as a single monolithic process
or as a confederation of identical processes arranged to share
the load or protect one another from failures or as a set of
The current technological trends in the research and indus- distinct functional components in a collaborative arrangement.
try are taking the direction of systems being distributed Controller components are free to be executed on arbitrary
and loosely coupled. This research journey can be sum- computing platforms, including computing resources local to
marized as the move from centralized and hardware-based a physical element. They may also execute on distributed and
toward distributed cloud-based and virtualization/softwarized possibly migratory resources, such as on VMs as a sequence
approaches. Before virtualization, applications were installed of VNFs in data centers [129].
as a complete system with its OS over some underlying
hardware. This, however, had several challenges, such as con-
strained mobility and difficulty running updates. As a result, B. Containerization and Cloudificaton
virtualization came along and offered the possibility of having Network automation could employ the concept of dis-
many applications, each in its virtual environment, but sharing tributed computing and centralized control. In a distributed
the same hardware infrastructure and resources. This greatly computing the solution to a problem is obtained through the
improved configuration and management of applications since division of tasks amongst a group of network management
VM are easy to clone and install in a different location. elements. This results in improved performance, flexibility as
Applications are designed to run in different isolated spaces tasks can be performed by different machines irrespective of
(e.g., containers, dockers, etc.) while utilizing the same their geographical location and reliability since a glitch in a
resources and OS. The concept of “containerization” [125] single element does not mean total DoS in the entire network.
comes with a number of benefits, such as efficient resource Distributed computing is employed in network automation
utilization, quick development and debugging of applications, through containerization, where different services of applica-
the possibility of fault isolation, and easier management. With tions are run in different containers while sharing the same
the network, automation arises the possibility for any network OS and other networking resources [125]. This happens in
to self-heal (fault isolation), self-configure in the shortest time an effort to implement virtualization of services, easy fault
possible, self-protect, and self-manage. isolation, and lower system costs.
Today, implementation is moving from on-premises applica- On the other hand, centralized network control is built
tions to cloud-based applications [126]. Applications can run around a single controller that manages all the major network
at the customer premises, i.e., in a server in some server room control. Network nodes or workstations connect to the cen-
in a building. This is becoming infeasible in terms of CapEx tralized controller and submit their requests to the central
and OpEx, scalability, and security (against theft and natural controller rather than performing them directly, depending
disasters like fires). Containerization alone does not imply on the required network control functions. The centralized
cloudification. Applications are hosted in the cloud and as long controller manages the flow by programming the devices to
as one has access (and an Internet connection), the services perform the required packet routing or management. The con-
are available. This has resulted in inefficient resource utiliza- troller directs traffic according to forwarding policies that a
tion, security against theft, and easy disaster recovery due to network operator puts in place. This minimizes manual con-
the availability of an off-site backup. The costs of migrat- figurations for individual network devices. The centralized
ing services and maintenance of equipment are significantly control will have a global information about the network.
lower than the potential OpEx [127] without virtualization and While maintaining a global view of the network and cen-
automation. tralized control principles, the controller could be designed
using a monolithic system or as a decoupled microservices or
A. Network Function Atomization MASs. The existing controller systems are designed as mono-
The concept of function atomization was introduced in [68], lithic systems, such as Ryu SDN controllers. However, very
where every node in the WSN is equipped with an auto- recently, a microserivce-based controller design is proposed by
nomic element (the smallest object in any autonomic network). the µONOS projectmicroONOS. It decomposes the controller
Besides, the idea in [128] was a considering the composi- functions into VNFs and deployed them as microservices in
tion of autonomic elements. This composition is intended to containers. The decomposition provides an independent imple-
include an autonomous overlay network management structure mentation of controller functions. Moreover, this approach
and a self-organizing composition against autonomous overlay provides flexibility in terms of dynamic scaling and backup
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Fig. 14. Cloud computing versus fog computing versus edge computing.
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Fig. 18. Atomized NMS for C-RAN. F. Intelligent Algorithms: Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning for Networking
to self-optimize and self-adapt to the changing network sit- Currently, there is a shift from MDNs to intelligent defined
uation. The node-level agents receive AB instructions from networks (IDNs) [11]. Operations, such as optimization and
the network-level agents and forward them to the function- configuration, in MDNs, are completely dependent on human
level agents. These in-turns forward the instructions to the intervention. Whereas the same operations in IDNs are not.
node-level agents. The function-level agents also implement The complexity introduced by network automation can be
BBU functions. At the protocol level, the agents receive the reduced by introducing ML technology into the network [140]
instructions and implement functions, such as error correction, thereby making it an intelligent network. Intelligent networks,
coding, decoding, and modulation. rather than following strictly defined policies/laws, can learn
from past data to guide new predictions or decisions.
On the one hand, through learning from new data, the
E. Intelligent and Smart Network of the Future IDN can dynamically adapt to a changing situation of the
Network development has continuously been evolving since network and develop its intelligence with it. There are var-
its first inception, in the late nineteenth century [138], [139]. ious methods to extract information for given data. ML
Networks have evolved from being fully human dependent tools, such as fuzzy logic, case-based reasoning, evolutionary
toward a scenario where no human intervention will be computing, artificial neural networks, and intelligent agents
required. At different stages, the network has faced different provide powerful aids in solving difficult applied problems,
and complex management challenges. The main characteris- that are often real time, involving large amounts of dis-
tics of this evolutionary trend for networking are depicted in tributed data, and benefiting from complex reasoning. Through
Fig. 19 [138]–[142]. The figure shows the continuous network sophisticated user interfaces and visualizations, IDN may
evolution stages: a mechanical defined network (which is typ- also strive to help human-based decisions through prepro-
ically characterized by mechanical switching and full human cessing data and providing insights to users and network
involvement), digital electronic defined network (this stage administrators. Most intelligent networks employ machine
is peculiar with the introduction of electronic devices, such learning paradigms to predict/classify network traffic pat-
as transistors for switching and memory), SDN (which is terns, application patterns and later make decisions based on
a shift from electronic hardware to virtualization and soft- these predictions/classifications. The ML paradigms include:
warization), intelligent-defined networking (which is typically supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement
defined with the use of intelligent algorithms, such as ML learning [11]. These paradigms influence decisions how data
in the network management and operations), and quantum AI is collected, processed, and the inference of decisions from
defined networking (which will be the utilization of quantum the data.
computing and introduction of new communication paradigm, We continue to highlight some of the networking areas
such as teleportation). where machine learning paradigms have been applied. An
In the past, networks were termed as mechanical/manually interesting comprehensive survey paper on the application of
defined networks (MDNs) where all configurations or ML toward network automation is presented in [11]. ML
changes needed human intervention [140]. The operation and exploits information from the network and users’ data to
management of these networks were also human dependents. learn and perform the required changes to suit the demands.
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Fig. 19. Continuous network evolution stages: mechanical defined network, digital electronic defined network, software-defined network, intelligent defined
network, and quantum AI defined network [138]–[142].
Recently, using SDN’s capability in collecting an enormous upon several approaches, e.g., AI and ML. In this case,
amount of packet and traffic data, lots of research has been network administrators and operators face the hurdle of data
done to explore the applicability of ML in networking for traf- accusation management and storage.
fic analysis [143], [144]. In [145], an autonomic VNF place-
ment is discussed considering a three data center hierarchy
A. Network Automation Challenge
for workload offloading between the data centers depending
on the traffic load. Most of the recent work on ML-based VNF 1) Neither Fixed-Rule NOR Zero-Touch Automation: The
placement has focused on exploring ML for dynamic traffic- fundamental questions in network automation are: to what
aware VNF placements [2], [146]. Sciancalepore et al. [2] extent should the network be autonomic or independent of
presented a method called z-TORCH orchestration mecha- the network administrator? Does it mean zero involvement? If
nism that uses unsupervised learning to monitor VNF key this is the case, then how does the system know what to do
performance indicator (KPI) and reinforcement learning to at each stage of the network, either it is in a transition state
find a tradeoff solution for reliability and complexity of the or steady state? Two extreme scenarios should be considered.
monitoring system. Subramanya and Riggio [147] discussed a The network elements are assumed to be capable of interacting
classification approach to dynamic resource scaling and VNF and learning their working domain to perform a given func-
placement. They used a specific version of neural network with tion and form the overall network. In this sense, they could
multilayer perceptron to predict the required number of VNFs start with a predetermined set of rules. On the other hand,
at a given time using a data set collected from a commercial they could start with no rules at all. To elaborate further on
mobile network. Time series prediction for VNF placement is the previous questions let us see two extreme scenarios.
presented in [148]. Tang et al. [148] first analyzed the traffic 1) Let us say DEs, such as devices, agents, or microser-
characteristics of the data center and devised a traffic fore- vices, can act according to preset rules or fixed policy or
casting technique. Based on traffic forecasting, they develop a common network management knowledge (preset with-
deterministic algorithm to determine the VNF resource scaling. out violating the rigid rules). They act with full authority
The application of ML in network automation raises a few in their routine function. Assuming zero perturbation,
fundamental questions. To what extent should the network be such as no device failure or misbehavior from the rou-
autonomic or independent of the network administrator? Does tine tasks, the overall network performs its functions
it mean zero involvement? If this is the case, then how does and behaves properly without digressing from the nor-
the system know what to do at each stage of the network, mal behavior all the time. This is advantageous in terms
either it is in transition state or steady state? These are two of system stability. However, such systems are limited
extreme scenarios that should be considered. The network ele- in their capability to adapt to changing and evolving
ments are assumed to be capable of interacting and learning environments. They are unable to capture the dynamic
their working domain to perform a given function and form the nature of networks, users, and services.
overall network. In this sense, they could start with a prede- 2) All DEs or agents could start with an empty set of rules
termined set of rules. On the other hand, they could start with or common knowledge, like aliens or people from dif-
no rules at all. In order to realize full network automation, a ferent places with different knowledge even different
comprehensive approach for the cumulative decisions consid- languages. They could start developing a mechanism
ering the overall decision latency, reliability, consistency, and to communicate, coordinate and accumulate common
computational efficiency is a necessity. knowledge that evolves in time, to work together and
accomplish a given task or perform the overall network
function. This approach to DEs definition is extremely
VIII. C HALLENGES AND O PPORTUNITIES flexible, with a full degree of freedom. It could cap-
Achieving complete network automation remains an enor- ture the dynamic and evolving nature of the network.
mous challenge as network administrators and operators are However, it is so flexible that the system could take a
struggling to create and simulate a proper network automation long time to converge in time. Moreover, we are not even
environment. The creation of this environment is dependent certain for the system to converge at all. Furthermore,
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in such a system even if they converge in time due to amount of computational resources is required to execute ML
the evolving nature of the knowledge and agent’s behav- models. These resources are scarce and expensive to acquire.
ior, the system may exhibit instability at any point of the 1) Data Set Using Existing Data: Data is regarded as pri-
network. This could be a limitation to apply for a critical mary or secondary. Primary data is collected by the intended
part of the network, such as an NMS. users for a specific purpose while secondary data is collected
As this fundamental question would continue to persist, a focus by someone else and accessed by the intended user through
on defining a high-level involvement of the network admin- storage facilities, such as government databases and research
istrator is needed. This means that the administrator just sets institutions. Existing data sets are oftentimes referred to as
high-level network policy as a starting point or updates the secondary data. While using this data has proven to be very
policies or injects a new set of policy, whenever necessary to economical, it poses several challenges. The major challenge
tune the network to the business need of the operator. Still, an of using existing data is that it may be outdated or inaccurate
exact definition of high-level policy should be prescribed for and it may not address the researcher’s needs. The data sets
the network operations. These policies are to be used by the may also be presented in an undesirable format thereby mak-
automated management system to respond in managing the ing them inaccessible or difficult to process for the intended
evolving network and services demand. This mostly involves purposes.
a routing and cyclic process. 2) Data Set Generation Using Simulation: Most ML mod-
els require a lot of data which is usually expensive to
mine and may also be scarce due to privacy concerns, espe-
B. Challenges of Application of Machine Learning cially for medical records. Today, we see a shift toward a
Techniques for Network Automation generation of data sets through simulation—hence synthetic
To train an ML model, a good, clean, and sufficient amount data [149], [150]. Synthetic data, however, comes with a price.
of data set are very important to produce an accurate model. It introduces biases in the system model. For applications that
There are numerous challenges in acquiring data sets depend- require high accuracy, such as autonomous vehicles, it is most
ing on the kind of model that we would like to develop. This likely that a lot of real data will be needed in addition to syn-
could be at the stage of data collection, storage, processing, thetic data. For situations where the degree of accuracy can be
training a model, and even the availability of the required data comprised without serious consequences, synthetic data is very
set for research. For instance, there is a lack of 5G traffic to helpful. Synthetic data is helpful but the ML models, based
produce a traffic composition and workload amount prediction on real training data, are much more robust and precise. Even
model Or there is the problem of or difficulty of finding real- in situations that require synthetic data, it is good practice to
time 4G data set which could be due to operator/user security mix it with real training data to have an understanding of the
and privacy. The lack of such a type of traffic data set to train real-world in which the system will operate [151].
an ML model is a very challenging prospect in adopting an 3) Big Data and Big Data Analytics: In this era, we have
ML model in the network automation process. ML techniques very large volumes of complex data, i.e., big data [152]. Big
require training on large, unbiased data sets. Often these data data analytics involves the use of software to understand pat-
sets take a lot of time to produce them but they often need a terns and trends in large volumes of data. This requires a
huge storage space to preserve them [7]. comprehensive data management plan in terms of the right
1) Inability to extract the required data in real time. tools and skilled staff. Without these, the data is useless.
2) Data can sometimes be extracted in an undesirable for- Analysis of big data requires a lot of computing resources
mat which requires some manual clean-up before it can that are always not readily available or are very expensive to
be used for network automation. acquire. Security is another major concern when it comes to
3) The need for storage repositories for large amounts of big data [153]. A company database with large quantities of
data. confidential data is prone to malicious attacks.
4) Access to data, i.e., user-assigned permissions in order Device-level security considering the application of ML is
to manipulate data files. presented in [154]. They explored the attack model for IoT
5) The need to ascertain data integrity. systems and reviewed potential security solutions. Specifically,
Another critical challenge of ML is the delay in training they discussed ML-based IoT authentication, access control,
a model. ML algorithms require ample time to let the algo- secure offloading, and malware detection schemes focusing
rithms learn and fulfill their task with considerable precision. on protecting data privacy. They also identified potential
This also requires enormous resources to work, i.e., additional challenges that should be addressed while implementing the
computing power and time requirements. Another big obsta- proposed ML-based security schemes considering a realistic
cle is the ability to interpret the algorithm-generated results IoT system. However, most interconnected IoT systems gen-
correctly. The greatest obstacle of using ML in networking is erate a very large amount of data from the IoT devices and
the fact that networking and ML are very different areas and the network interconnecting them. This poses a tremendous
require expertise in both areas [7]. challenge that needs techniques from big data analytics.
The computational complexity of an ML model could be an An interesting survey on big data analytics is presented
issue depending on the network type. For instance, it could be in [155]. This article summarizes different aspects of big data
computationally expensive for some IoT networks with low- analytics for cyber–physical systems. The authors have also
powered devices and little computational capability. A huge discussed possible tools for data analytics. They also discussed
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the security challenges of big data in a cyber physical system. (de)allocation, dynamic or variable coding/decoding, end-to-
Big data in a cyber–physical system requires protection against end QoS provisioning for services satisfying the dynamic
malicious attacks and unauthorized access. This is a tremen- demands. Each of these decisions affects the network state.
dous challenge, considering the enormous amount of data that Therefore, an organized approach has to be devised to have
are continuously generated in the network system. the best optimal behavior of the network.
In general, along with the data access, security is always an Existing approaches are automating individual decisions
added concern as we go from hardware-based environment to using different ML techniques, such as an ML algorithm for
software into the cloud and further to the intelligence domain. automated channel allocation. This would be suboptimal if it
There are always ranges of security challenges arising from does not have a global view of the network as well as the
the network perspective, either be the traditional network secu- global decision. Moreover, such approaches are limited if we
rity challenges, such as intrusion, DDoS, and the anomaly or consider automating the overall n network system. Automating
additional challenges due to centralized control, in a cloud the overall system need to make a decision at all level of the
environment with the added intelligence. It is always a chal- network. Finding such cumulative algorithms and architectures
lenge that someone with a better intelligent algorithm(s) could should be active research. An example could be automat-
be able to miss use or enable to miss behave the network. ing every part of the network, such as functions, devices,
Exploring the challenges and providing solutions should be and networks. And a coordinating mechanism for each level
an interesting but demanding area to work on. should be defined as well as the decision domain. Some of the
4) Challenges of Decision Generation: Automatic gener- proposed techniques are hierarchically organizing decisions
ation of various decisions by analyzing and reasoning from per level of decisions for abstraction. Defining and elaborat-
the collected data is very critical. Understanding, defining, and ing this architecture requires a huge work that should be an
parametric measurements of complex and intertwined network interesting challenge and an active research area.
events are required to manage using an automated decision. 7) Challenges of for Accuracy of Automated Decisions: The
ML tools provide powerful aids in solving difficult applied outcome of an autonomic decision should be assessed accord-
problems that are often real time, involving large amounts of ing to both the process to and outcome of, decision making.
distributed data, and benefiting from complex reasoning. ML The process of decision making is very critical. And it should
tools could be fuzzy logic, case-based reasoning, evolutionary be assessed since it has a big implication on the time it takes
computing, artificial neural networks, and intelligent agents. to decide and the additional computation and communication
Currently, machine learning is the most adopted means overhead. The quality of a final decision is also very impor-
of extracting valuable information about users, services, and tant that should be assessed based on a defined criterion, which
networks. Networks involve a colossal amount of data to learn could be specific for a given management demand. Assessing
from. The goal of machine learning is to extract the hidden a decision requires defining measurement matrices.
knowledge about the network and users through training, using We need to have a mechanism to validate the final decision
a network data set. Investigating specific decision generation for consistency, accuracy, and optimality. The final decision’s
mechanisms are necessary for various level of DEs, events, measurement and verification mechanisms should consider
and scenarios. consistency in collective system behavior. That is, because, in
5) Challenges of Network State Measurements a cumulative decision, individual decisions may not be the best
Understanding the network state is necessary to make or optimal one, since multiple factors should be taken into con-
decisions. Measuring the environment provides information siderations. It is important to model desired network behavior
about the network behavior in a reactive or proactive manner, pattern for proper evaluation of the performance of the automa-
based on continuous observation of the constituent network tion techniques. Typically, healthy network behavior initially
elements. Observation of the internal state can be a continuous is decided by a network service provider or network admin-
measurement of network state indicative metrics or service istrator, through a set of behavior constraints. The accuracy,
QoS metrics, such as latency, reliability, congestion, and time, and robustness of measurements have to be investigated
throughput. Network state measurements at each layer, such from network automation perspectives.
as the Physical, data link layer, and network layer have to 8) Challenges of Decision Execution: In network automa-
be performed. The challenges of accurate measurement of tion, action or decision execution is needed to fulfill network
network state are very necessary. The measured data have to management demands. An action could be network reconfig-
be timely available for processing and understanding to make uration, network state database updating, end-to-end network
automated decisions. Moreover, the size of the measurement path recomputing, and resource allocation, service authenti-
data also has a huge implication in the data accusation, cation, authorization, and network monitoring. The outcome
processing, and decision extraction process. There are various of decision generation needs to be applied to the system to
existing techniques of data measurement and accusation. change the part of an (overall) network system to fulfill ser-
However, contextualizing from the network automation vice or management demands. The network’s behavior change
perspective has to be investigated. comes by applying the final verified decision to change the
6) Organization of Automated Decisions: Several decisions network environment so that it behaves as per the network
have to be made to perform service admission, processing, management demands. The response to the change has to be
network configuration, and network maintenance. These dif- done appropriately and timely. This is very critical. A sim-
ferent decisions have to be made, such as dynamic channel ple example could be when we make a decision to route a
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flow based on the currently available path. The path status or complexity of the network as a huge number of users, includ-
available resource changes very quickly, which may invalidate ing IoT devices, are joining the communication networks.
or outdated the decision. This is mostly because, in network Autonomics is the means of network management that is
automation, the aim is to develop a context-aware response aimed at reducing its overall complexity and its need for man-
to the demands. Decision execution as a part of the auto- ual/human intervention. In this work, we provided a global
mated process is also a vast and challenging area that needs view of research in network automation, to identify different
to be explored. A loopback control mechanism is the most challenges and opportunities surrounding the idea of automa-
applied method in most automation systems. An investigation tion. We identified the key enablers of network automation as
of the effective loop back controlling algorithms that would SDN, NFV, and ML. Moreover, we classified existing literature
be applied in network automation is active research. At the about network automation in terms of research done before
various level of a network system, measurements mechanism and after the introduction of SDN and NFV. We also recog-
are also an active research area to observe the effect of the nized the efforts of different stakeholders in the standardization
executed decisions. of different architecture for network automation that include:
9) Network Decision Element Communication: Various MAPE-K, GANA, and ANIMA reference models. This arti-
DEs may be involved to make a given decision. For instance, cle also discussed the possible research direction in network
if we consider the ETSI hierarchical organization of DEs, automation, e.g., the shift from on-premises services to virtu-
we will have various elements at each level. These elements alized services toward cloudification. This shift is driven by
could be implemented independently using software containers concepts, such as SDN, NFV, containerization, cloudification,
and deployed in a distributed environment. To have a com- ML, and MAS. Moreover, we highlighted the need for ML
plete system function communication between such devices is and its fundamental contribution to network automation.
needed. Effective communication mechanism has to be devices
for each type of communication. The common communication
between each element is remote procedural call (RPC), great R EFERENCES
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Electron., vol. 2, pp. 144–150, Apr. 2019. with the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, Portugal, and a Visiting
Researcher with Airbus Defence and Space, Élancourt, France.
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