Lesson Plan in Multigrade Mathematics Grade 1 and 2

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Multigrade Lesson Plan Mathematics

Grade I – II
Grade I Grade II
Add two 1-digit number having sums of 6 Add 2- to 3-digit numbers with zero in any of
and less, 7 through 10 the addends with regrouping with sums up to
Skill: Adding two 1- digit numbers having Skill: Adding 2- to 3-digit numbers with zero in
sums of 6 and less, 7 through 10 any of the addends with regrouping with sum
Reference: BEC-PELC up to 999
Materials: Manipulative materials, pictures, Reference: BEC-PELC
sheets, counters Materials: Flip cards, Activity sheets, Chart,
Values: Active participation in class Activity Envelop, Flash cards
Values: Honesty
Preparatory Activities The students will add the numbers from the
1. Using colored Paper Strips, the pupils addition story problem read by the teacher.
will join the sets.
1 and 1 1. Ella has 2 pens, her mother bought her
2 and 3 another 2 pens, how many pens does
3 and 5 she have now?
4 and 1
5 and 5 2. Marie eat 5 freshly picked guavas in the
morning, She eat another 2 guavas in
the Afternoon, how many guavas dis
she eat today?

3. The first santol fruit has 4 niya seeds ,

the second santol fruits has 5 seeds,
what is the total number of seeds of the
two santol?

2. Review 2. Review
Write the addition number story for the Find the sum of the following.
given sets.



🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊+🍊🍊= 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊

“Adding Song”

Adding up to 10
One by one
Adding up to 10
One by one
Adding up to 10
One by one
Adding up to 10

Peer work Developmental activity

The pupils will answer the activity by pair. 1. Story problem
109 birds were sitting in a tree.
Draw the new set in the box. 125 birds flew up to the tree.
How many birds were there
altogether to the tree?
2. Discussion
2.🍦🍦+🍦🍦= What is asked in the story?
How many birds were sitting in
the tree?
3.🍭🍭🍭+🍭🍭= How many birds flew up to the
How are we going to find out
4.🍬🍬🍬🍬+🍬= how many birds were there in
the tree?

5.🍎🍎🍎+🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 Who can write the number


B. Complete the addition story. 109+125=

__ +__= 🌳🌳🍭🍭🍭
The teacher will use a place
value chart

__+__= 🍬🍬🍬🍎🍎🍎
Hundred Tens Ones
1 0 9
1 2 5

__+__= 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍊🍊 If we add the numbers in the place

value of ones how many ones are?

Should be write 14 in the place value

__+__=🍦🍦🍦🍦+🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝 of ones?

How many tens are we going to

__+__= 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤

What numbers are added in the place

value of tens?

What is the sum, do we need to

regroup? Why?
What is the sum of the 109 and 125?

When does regrouping takes place?

Developmental Activities Fixing Skills

1. Presentation The teacher will group the pupils into 3

a. Using popsicle sticks and the each group will select their
The teacher will give each pupil a leader, reporter and secretary.
popsicle stick.
The pupils will make an addition 1. Lucy bought a box of doughnot
number sentence out of the popsicle costs 178 pesos and on her
stick. way home she bought a kilo of
lansones cost 165 pesos. How
Discussion much money did she spent?
How many popsicle sticks do you have? 2. Adam drives to the gasoline
Who can write the number sentence? station in 158 seconds and go
What are the addends? to drives to his work place in
What do you call this symbol? (+) 236 seconds, how many
What do you call the answer? seconds did he consumes?
3. The 3 Truck of Potatoes
delivery is 255 kilos Added by
another 4 truck which has 575
kilos, how many kilos of
kamote where delivered?

What is the sum?

The teacher will ask the students how do they Add
1 digit to another digit.

Fixing Skills
In a group activity complete the number sentence in
the given worksheets.

Group 1
Sum of 2
__+2= 2

Group 2
Sum of 3

Group 3
Sum of 4

Group 4
sum of 5
__+3 =5

Group 5
sum of 6

B. The pupils will create a number sentence for

Group 1 sum of 7
Group 2 sum of 8
Group 3 sum of 9
Group 4 sum of 10
Group 4 sum of 10

Application Application
Find the sum. The pupils will do the activity by pair.
Add them regroup.
1) 2+5= 1. 167+65=
2) 6+2= 2. 156+689=
3) 5+3= 3. 770+45=
4) 4+6= 4. 918+53=
5) 3+4= 5. 732+99=
6. 145+862=
7. 659+89=
8. 567+48=
9. 864+129=
10. 387+467=

Evaluation Evaluation
Worksheets will be given to each pupils Worksheets will be given to each pupil

Add and write the sum Find the sum

1. 5+3=__ 1. 567+56=
2. 3+7=__ 2. 358+67=
3. 3+4=__ 3. 652+98=
4. 6+3=__ 4. 523+47=
5. 2+4=__ 5. 865+99=
6. 3+3= 6.521+69=
7. 7+2=__
8. 2+7+__
9. 2+2=__
10. 4+5=__

V. Assignment V. ASSIGNMENT
Write the missing number. Write combinations of two 3-digit
1) 3 and ___ are 6 numbers, having 0 in tens or ones
2) 5 and ___ are 7 place. Add them and write the sum.
3) 7 and ___ are 10
4) 6 and ___ are 9
5) 2 and ___ are 8

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