Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Are New Recruiters

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Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are New Recruiters

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · January 2020

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3521915

44 1,066

2 authors:

Nishad Nawaz Anjali Mary Gomes

The Kingdom University The Kingdom University


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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 9, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are New Recruiters

Nishad Nawaz1, Anjali Mary Gomes2
Department of Business Management, College of Business Administration, Kingdom University, Riffa, Bahrain

Abstract—The purpose of the paper is to assess the artificial functional areas, this will minimize the time and effort of
intelligence chatbots influence on recruitment process. The human resources, in other words artificial intelligence (AI)
authors explore how chatbots offered service delivery to attract will replace human routine work, enforced them to generate
and candidates engagement in the recruitment process. The aim strategies and become craft in the domain.
of the study is to identify chatbots impact across the recruitment
process. The study is completely based on secondary sources like Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots developed to make
conceptual papers, peer reviewed articles, websites are used to messages to provide assistants to the consumers for 24/7, to
present the current paper. The paper found that artificial answer all queries and acting like FB messenger, webchat, but
intelligence chatbots are very productive tools in recruitment the competitive environment enthusiastically looking for new
process and it will be helpful in preparing recruitment strategy added features in artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots to handle
for the Industry. Additionally, it focuses more on to resolve all the raised complex problems, therefore artificial
complex issues in the process of recruitment. Through the intelligence (AI) chatbots are much demanded in chatbot
amalgamation of artificial intelligence recruitment process is market. Additionally, chatbots present organization to be data
increasing attention among the researchers still there is driven and pivotal in the success of the business.
opportunity to explore in the field. The paper provided future
research avenues in the field of chatbots and recruiters. The paper is structured as follows, the literature is
reviewed, the purpose of the study and then discussion is
Keywords—Artificial intelligence; chatbots; recruitment presented. The paper dismisses with a conclusion and ideas for
process; candidates experiences; employer branding tool; future research studies.
recruitment industry
According to [5] recruitment process enhance quality with
In the new phenomenon of information technology and AI, it will assist employers to select suitable candidate with in
human resource management decades of decades have a second to ensure whether the candidate is suitable or not. AI
observed that, the embedded information technology and has constantly developed over the time to provide deeper
human resource management in new term as a human resource insights. This will ensure the organizations not only hire, the
information system, digital human resource management, right candidate for the organization but also with right skill.
automation human resource, enterprise resource planning IOT [6] main aim of the study is to explain digital technologies
(Internet of Things), data mining, [1], [2], [3], [4] and freshly influence HR organization. This paper throws light on how
artificial intelligence added to the old wine. Again, we can digital technologies have reconfigured the HR organization as
spot the vigor of information technology innovations in well as digital technologies transformation and support to the
business. The latest trouble shooters (solutions) developed by organizational effectiveness, talent strategy execution,
technology to the complex issues of all the various functions succession planning, monitoring operations, transactional case
of organizations are drawing more attention of the managers monitoring, recruitment process (robotics automation,
from different departments, areas and domains, not excluding artificial intelligence (chatbots), [7], workforce planning,
the human resource department. analytics, employee banding management, rewards and
The term artificial intelligence (AI), commonly used for engagement, employee relations and effectiveness of
software, machines, system and computers. First time, in the organization and finally concluded that digital technology
era of industrial revolution, Rossum’s Universal Robots forcing HR process and organization structure into the
(R.U.R) brought into picture by Czech Karel and it is named transformation and [8] through AI can identify right talent
as ROBOT. But, in the case of artificial intelligence term has leaders, they may easily procure deep insights of training
been introduced by John McCarthy (1956) appeared in the needs, how to cradle time consuming in screening the
academic conference and explained the term, as he suggested resumes, unbiased candidate screening and helpful in
artificial intelligence (AI) will contribute in future in the analyzing personality traits and finally concluded that conduct
following specializations, like applied science, psychology, onboarding via chatbots, this will enhance workforce
medical sciences, linguistics, biology, engineering and experience. AI is significantly improving in HR functions,
interdisciplinary programs. especially in performance management. Traditionally HR
managers are evaluating employees performance once in a
Firstly, we need to know, why HR emerging artificial year, but AI-driven performance management removing
intelligence (AI), because companies want to extend their unwanted delay in measurement of performance via real time
business operations to gain profit and new ventures across the points, face to face communication, chatbots and these
globe, it is possible via new technology. Therefore, the technologies providing daily performance, this will prioritize
organizations aiming to adopt automation process across the retention across HR [9].

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 9, 2019

Artificial intelligence understands the human language and Internet search engines through Google, Google scholar were
not only command but learning from human conversion, utilized to identify and access the relevant working papers,
transforming like intelligent agent, chatbot is a computer reports, blogs and presentations were used to ensure
program the conversations through an auditory or methods of comprehensive coverage of the literature.
textual via natural language processing (NLP), natural
language understanding (NLU) and natural language IV. RESULTS
generation (NLG) for interacting humans like ALICE. [10]. The results identified that there is an increase in the
An automated mediator stimulate job-seeker to ask technology development in human resource management,
questions directly with recruiter about the salary, incentives, especially in the recruitment process that will have more
leave facilities, FAQ, workforce diversity, complex queries influence in the future. In past years companies used various
and other related questions [11]. Another piece of work done technologies for the recruitment such as social media,
in this direction chatbots eliminate the routine work in the employee portals, job portals, internal and external networks,
recruitment process, the RobRecruiters chatbots are social networking, peer referral, emails, mobile messages, cell
automating end to end recruitment process and doing regular phone communications are used to attract star performers, best
process of attendance tracking, goal tracking, reviews of talents for their teams to perform better in the organisation.
performance, surveys related employees, balance leaves and In the present transparent digital era, the recruiters, are
other activities, enables the HR managers and HR team to more experienced because the candidates are more tech-savvy
move towards success to place organization in top in in the mobile environment, and it reinforces the employment
digitalized era. [12]. brand, an organization employment brand is extremely
(Adams, 2018) chatbots are transforming and assisting in important, it will attract best performers into their talent pool.
recruitment process to know candidate experience, for Therefore, organizations always want to manage their
effective communication between candidate and recruiter, employment brand to pull candidate towards them.
questions and answers, in identification of qualified candidate There are many new implications, solutions and innovative
and to schedule conversation and finally chatbots taking all ideas around cognitive technologies, for instance, artificial
requirements from the candidate before his/her entry into the intelligence, natural language processing, natural language
organization. The modern recruiters having more additional understanding, natural language generation, machine learning,
responsibilities to have strategies to meet the assigned predictive algorithms and robotics process automation, after
business goals, keep tracking of competitors, keeping realistic introduction of Olivia, the chatbots become very popular in
challenges via benchmark, tracking of employees’ satisfaction the recruitment market and it is providing the guidelines to the
level in all the stages, for this chatbots are useful, because candidates, answer their questions. Moreover, facilitating
there is a daily conversation database, this will be useful to sequence questions to the applicant to answer.
resolve complex issues Joshi (2019).
The above technologies adopt smart methods for collecting
The artificial intelligence empowered chatbots to execute data of the candidate to make progress in various techniques
human conversation in messaging, the unique way of using [15] to identify possible candidate to apply, responding to the
words, shorthand, emotions, [13] at the end it will work on the unsuccessful candidate, screening the candidate, in sending
basis of natural language to support conversation process [14], job offer, and bringing selected candidate into company [16]
the studies are rare in the field of recruitment process. The in other way connecting & collecting all the information of
authors claim that our understanding of artificial intelligence employee into single database and it reveals a new insights
in recruitment process would benefit more intensive by across for better candidate profile to hire and improve the
all levels of recruitment process. In order to develop better effectiveness of the recruitment process [17].
understanding of the recruitment process in human resources
organizations in general, at the same time to have Against this reflection, the aim is to study AI chatbots
effectiveness in different areas of recruitment. Therefore, the impact in the recruitment process. More precisely, the present
authors have proposed the study of artificial intelligence study attempts, AI chatbots, significance across the
chatbots influence in recruitment process. recruitment process function. These are discussed below.


The present study is completely based on literature A. Simplify the First Stage
reviews. The collected literature provided basic understanding The present chatbots can accomplish a lot. They can
of artificial intelligence chatbots and its flow in the interpret resumes and request elucidations. Interacting with
recruitment process. To survive this purpose author’s selected applicants one to one, instant messaging conversations on
secondary data such as journals, websites and reports to platforms like Facebook Messenger and text messages,
develop the entire paper. chatbots can get some information about the applicant’s
Additionally, the authors have used library database such experience, answer usual inquiries, and gather a wide range of
as Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, Science Direct, Emerald, data and request for a human selection representative to
Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Springer and Wiley inderscience. analyze.
The main keywords used for the research include, artificial Once the application is received screening these
intelligence, chatbots, recruitment, recruitment process and applications is an incredibly tedious procedure. Recruiters

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 9, 2019

generally affirm which applicants are appropriate amid the persuade the applicant to click on the company’s career page
first round of pre-screening calls; while we do know this and submit their application as well. The solution is very
works, this can be a long procedure which needs revising. simple in the chatbots. By using an automated facebook
Chatbots are an extraordinary arrangement which can make messenger recruitment chatbot, any potential applicant could
this phase of the evaluation unmistakably increasingly be prompted to opt-in for job alerts and provide them with
effective! By conveying a text message to every potential their facebook profile information, as well as showing them
applicant that prompts a progression of short, pre- job openings, information about the process of application or
characterized questions, the appropriate applicants can be even videos about working at the company. The possibility of
effectively be sifted through from the unsatisfactory. submitting the application by the candidate increases many
folds if they are engaged right from the point of initial interest
Recruiters’ can convey several texts in a few minutes and as they’ve already had contact and established a rapport with
get reply speedily, as compared to the days or even weeks that the company
telephone calls and messages may take.
The shocking fact is that as per Jobvite Recruiting Funnel
B. Get the Right Data at the Right Time of the Right 2017 only 8.52 per centage of visitors to a career site literally
Candidate complete their application. Which means more than 91 per
All organizations dream of updating candidates’ database centage of potential candidates just leaves the site without
every day, replying to clients faster as well as creating a long leaving any information for the company, hence even if the
term relationship with the candidates. Its not a dream company wants to contact them in the future they cannot due
anymore, it is now possible with chatbot. Companies can to lack of information. This can be a very big problem to
deploy a chatbot connected to the database to regularly update companies trying to attract talented and skilled people for their
it. Companies can check their database information which is a job vacancies. To tackle this issue a chatbot can help by
key influence. With individual and automated discussions engaging candidates through a messenger, replying to any
companies can refresh applicants’ accessibility, their present questions regarding any misgivings they have which might
position, their mobility or even a new certification. Companies daunt them from submitting any application, it can also give
can add value to their database by deploying a chatbot within reminder to candidates to complete all the information in case
the preferred audience which can add value to the database. it is insufficient.
C. Qualifying Candidates F. Question and Answer (FQA)
Chatbots can perform an excellent job of filtering out the Before applying the applicants needs to know about the
good from the bad by asking questions to the applicants job, the company and various requirements and it is extremely
related to skills, qualifications, and past experiences which can frustrating if a candidate has to look for all these answers on
be otherwise a tedious and time consuming task for the an FAQ page. This can be completely changed with
recruiters. It can then effectively rank and qualify a whole implementation of chatbots. Companies can use chatbots to
group of candidates in terms with the required criteria of the answer FAQ by recognizing keywords mentioned by the
organization. applicant. It's crucial to make the answers understandable and
informative which will enable the applicant to acquire
With all the extensive administrative tasks that come with
knowledge and clear understanding promptly leading to
hiring a candidate, Chatbots can take off a lot of the load by
applicant’s satisfaction.
setting up inevitable calls and scheduling meetings keeping in
mind both the parties. Apparently, these stages of the process It is less intimidating communicating to a chatbot where an
require the human but chatbot ensures all requirements are applicant can be just themselves and stay calm and composed.
addressed before humans take over. Chatbots can respond to the applicants in a user-friendly way
and if the answer is not known it will refer the applicant to the
D. Get more Qualified Appliers into Job Offers
right person to create a contented experience. This is the age
Companies are aggressively forwarding emails to their of data driven decisions hence a chatbots could be linked to a
database to get more job applicants however the achievement platform which can gather important data. This type of
rate isn't as high as anticipated. With a chatbot on messaging platform will enable the company to tag how many times a
apps companies can draw in the applicants database and push particular question has been asked and what candidates want
them towards the right job at the opportune time. Applicants and are looking for. Chatbots are great assistance to recruiters
can apply without any difficulty through the chatbot. with their prompt replies and instant availability.
There is no signing in required to go on a website nor have G. Responding to the Unsuccessful
they to go through tedious application process. The job
According to Eyal Grayevsky, Mya “applicants who never
applicants will receive job offers on their messaging apps
get to hear back after submitting their applications from the
rather than receiving it through emails. At that point, they can
recruiter are approximately 85 per centage” this results in poor
apply for them without changing to another application or site.
applicant experience and a wrong impression of the company.
E. Increased Numbers of Applications This can also lead to loosing potential candidates which might
Due to the impact of social media, facebook recruitment be a critical issue, as they will not be motivated to reapply in
via facebook groups, posts are becoming extremely popular in the same company, who might be better suited for another
attracting new candidates. However, the problem is to position in that company in the future.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 9, 2019

To remain competitive companies must attract the best high volume, it very well may be a major errand for a human
talent and skilled professionals. The companies can be to deal with. Proficiently that is, chatbot can intercede with
successful in this only if they are seen as someone who treats faster reply and speed up the procedure.
people with respect. With numerous numbers of applications
for one job position it is practically not possible for recruiters To emerge of the commotion, recruiters ought to possibly
to personally reject everyone, hence it makes the chatbots the change their recruitment strategy and make it more applicant
most suitable option. Chatbots can promptly respond to the driven. The time that applicants take to send resumes and
applicants once a decision is taken. The applicants recruiters hit them up ought to be short. Chatbots can get this
acknowledge this kind of swiftness and at the same time they going. Chatbots can return to the applicants quickly, making
don’t develop any negative feeling towards the organization as the applicants as well as the recruiters contented on that front.
they don’t go through the anxiety of waiting time. With a correct approach companies can make the job search
experience where conversation is concerned a more natural
H. Screening Candidates Application process.
Chatbots can initiate a conversation with the applicants In the present day’s marketing recruitment the experience
once they apply on a company’s job site. Chatbots may ask of the applicants is becoming extremely important. The
many questions while communicating with them. The applicants’ journey must be effortless, straightforward, and
questions can range from asking about work experience, inviting and this must be ensured by the talent acquisition
previously where they have worked, their areas of interest and leaders. Recruitment chatbots can connect with applicants in a
so on. When this process is over the chatbots assess the conversational trade as well as answer recruiting FAQs, a
applicant for relevancy of the unfilled position. The decision is boundary that prevents numerous applicants from applying.
taken by the recruitment chatbot based on the conversation With recruiting web chat arrangement like career chat,
that took place, resume details and assessing the job applicants can study the organization and draw in recruiters in
requirement if the candidate is best bit for the job. live agent modes and computerized modes.
I. Assess Candidates’ Recruitment Experience M. Candidate Experience Feedback
Companies must be aware about how the applicants feel Huge number of applicants have poor encounters while
regarding their recruiting experience. Its important to presenting their applications and resumes on the web. As a
differentiate from the competitors which is possible by getting rule, they don't get advised about whether an organization they
feedback and this way a strong relationship can be built. To have connected for has gotten their documents. This
enhance the retention rate of the company its important to ask vulnerability combined with the distress of sitting tight for
the applicants about how they feel. The chatbots can assist in input makes a negative impact on an organization's validity.
checking candidate’s feedback after interviews and get deep
insights about how companies create a bond with people Through the incorporation of selecting artificial
within the talents pool and useful in recruitment strategy as intelligence, many applicants can be obliged promptly and
well. advised with the outcomes of their interview once it's finished.
This brings down their nervousness and encourages them
J. Interview Scheduling of the Candidates proceed onward to discovering openings that are more
Scheduling the interview with the candidate is another appropriate for them. Organizations that make HR bots are
time-consuming task. Intellectual chatbots are capable of looking for better approaches to improve their process to
accessing the calendar of the recruiters to check if they are fulfill the requirements of clients around the world.
available and then schedule the date and time for the relevant Job pal perceives the requirement for organizations to
candidate. In today’s time it’s not very much effective to just begin connecting with applicants the minute they apply for
make calls to the candidate as most of them don’t answer to work/ job. With that, they have fabricated AI-controlled
unrecognized phone numbers. Also, it might be bothersome to chatbots to mechanize the correspondence among employees
call the candidate when they are working with their current and applicants accordingly accelerating the procuring
company or they have to request for a convenient time for procedure.
both the parties. This whole process could be very time
consuming. But for a chatbot this task will not be tedious, and N. Notation Feedback
they are great in this type of repetitive tasks. Structured inquiries that accompany predefined answers
K. Enhance Candidates On-Boarding will aid in real-time feedback. Instead of using forms the
applicants can have the privilege of dynamic interactive
The very first step for a candidate is on-boarding in an conversational interface to share their feedback. In the point of
organization which is also a long and key process. To improvement, Questions from the employers can be put
smoothen the process the organizations can deploy a chatbot forward to candidates such as, “where do you think we need to
to deliver significant information at the right time to the newly improve” to get an understanding of areas of improvement.
recruited employees. The feedback of the applicants could be shared with the
L. Candidate Experience recruiters to initiate necessary actions and filter the process to
It's nothing astonishing that one will need to get a chatbot best fit the human capital needs. Using these observations the
engaged with this piece of the procedure. With a new job companies can make sure of providing an engaging experience
opening numerous numbers of applicants will be pulled in a to candidates and help HRs in eradicating human bias and the
possibility for any error.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 9, 2019

O. Building Rapport know chatbots influence on recruitment process, how it is

Correspondence is significant amid the recruitment improving performance of the recruiters. Additionally, it was
lifecycle. That is for both the job applicant and recruiter. The not studied why recruitment industry is very keen in adopting
informing perspective accessible with chatbots makes it a chatbots in recruitment in the present study.
simple and natural methodology. The chatbots are fueled VII. FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
through guidelines. They're savvy. A chatbot will pose
decision inquiries and ensure the discussion is appropriate. The papers discussed available facets of technology used
Continually recording subtleties prepared for the recruiter to in recruitment industry for recruitment process. The present
meet the job applicant. study presented fundamental base for future research work in
field of AI chatbots and recruitment process. In the future the
For instance, Mya is an excellent case of a viable chatbot. researchers can take privilege to add to new literature to above
Planned just for enrollment, it talks and draws in with job discussed topic. The researchers can conduct empirical studies
applicants through a messaging app. It records every one of with different perspective. The enthusiastic researchers can
the information and answers questions asked by the job take comparative studies before introduction AI chatbots and
applicant. Along these lines, it builds profitability as you can after in the recruitment process, industry wise, HR designation
qualify an expansive number of job applicants. wise also possible to study. The authors predicting that present
P. Employer Branding Tool study act like “food for brain” for researchers in the field of
artificial intelligence.
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