Marine Engine Troubles
Marine Engine Troubles
Marine Engine Troubles
1. Read the abstract. Exchange your opinions about the engine operation and possible
“To ensure that a marine engine will run efficiently at all times,
a great deal of time, effort and resources must be invested,
whilst also considering the complexity and number of parts it
has. However, it is not uncommon to run into a few problems
that can cause complications when taking the ship from one port
to another. To be better prepared and remedy these setbacks, we
have compiled the most common problems you should be aware
of when it comes to dealing with marine engines.”
2 Answer the questions
1) What engine troubles do you know?
2) What are the basic causes for marine engines troubles?
1 2 3 4 5
4. Fill in the gaps
The material surface is impregnated to prevent the 1)________ 2)_________ when it comes
in contact with liquid media such as oil, water, or antifreeze
As the 3)_________gases produced after combustion are rich with oxygen, these partially
burnt carbon particles are discharged from the 4) _________ funnel as highly
dangerous 5)________.
The loss of 6)_______ 7)________ could lead to serious engine problems like excessive
friction, excessive wear and at the end possible 8)_______ of the piston in cylinder leading to
complete engine failure.
5. Tick the possible causes of the diesel engine problems. Justify your choice
___Diesel engine parts
___ slow sailing and frequent manoeuvrings
___ faulty alarms and sensors
___ incinerator operation
___ aged seals and gaskets
___ problems with sewage treatment
___ incorrect oil use
1 air a malfunction
2 fuel valve b fuel rack
3 sparks in c alarms and sensors
4 stuck d ME exhaust
5 engine e leakage
6 faulty f overheating
1 2 3 4 5 6
7. Read the text and title the paragraphs with the word combinations from 6ю
Because the air control is constantly in an open position when the engine is in use, leakages
in this area are often overlooked. Perform an intentional blackout for all the machinery to be
in the ‘stop’ position so that it will be easy to locate the hissing noise or the leakage. This
problem can be resolved by simply tightening or replacing the affected pipes or joints.
If there is an anomaly with the fuel treatment or the fuel temperature is not properly
maintained, it will lead to cracks and leakages in the fuel system, especially in the fuel valve.
To avoid this from happening, the ‘high-pressure leak off tank’ level and alarm must be
constantly supervised.
Due to the ships constantly slow sailing and frequent manoeuvrings, sparks from the main
engine’s exhaust may occur occasionally, which leaves soot deposits on the EGB boiler path.
Schedule a monthly cleaning of the exhaust gas boiler to avoid this issue.
There may be times when there is an alteration in the engines RPM or the engine will not
even start at all, especially with 2 stroke marine engines. This usually happens when the fuel
rack gets stuck, resulting in a lack of fuel supply to the concerned unit. To prevent this from
happening, ensure that the mechanical links are well lubricated and greased at all times.
The main engine is equipped with different sensors that measure and transmit actual data to
the alarm console. However, these sensors may crash due to factors such as vibration, high
temperature, humidity and dust. To avoid receiving false distress signals regularly check all
engine room sensors and alarms.
This process is commonly caused when an engine is pushed too hard, and can give rise to a
whole host of negative side-effects, including, but not limited to; damage to the bearings and
crankshaft, pistons expanding and scraping against cylinder walls (crushing the head gasket
in the process), and cylinder head swelling, distorting and breaking.
8. Read the text and complete the table. Exchange with your partner and share your ideas.
What happened? Why happened? What should be done?
2 a)Unscramble words.
Psark ________________________
Hiumydit ________________________
Feul vlaev ________________________
Ari stttaring vlvea ________________________
Lgeeaka ________________________
Aarlms ________________________
Feul rcak ________________________
Ggeaus ________________________
3)__________________________________ 4)__________________________________
5)__________________________________ 6)__________________________________
7)__________________________________ 8)__________________________________
6 Study the words in the box. Say your associations with the engine troubles
7 Read the texts and check your guesses. Name the problems using the words above
__________________ The governor controls the fuel pump delivery through a fuel rack,
which is a combination of mechanical links. Sometimes the fuel rack
__________________ gets stuck leading to lack of fuel supply in the concerned unit which
__________________ results in either fluctuation in the engine RPM if running or engine
will not start from standstill.
__________________ Any leakage from the starting air valve will lead to hot gasses going
back to the engine airline, which may contain thin oil film. Such
mixture of oil and film can lead to starting airline explosion.
When there is a deviation in temperature of one unit, the fuel system,
__________________ especially the fuel valve needs to be checked. Overhauling and
pressure testing of fuel valve must be done as per PMS. If the engine
__________________ is maneuvered in diesel oil, there are chances of leakage from the
__________________ pump seals. Also if the fuel treatment is improper and the fuel
temperature is not maintained, it can lead to cracks and leakages in
high pressure fuel pipe.
__________________ Marine engineers normally experience getting a call from bridge
officer informing about sparks coming out from the funnel, which is
__________________ the main engine exhaust. Sparks from funnel occur due to slow
__________________ steaming and frequent maneuverings, which build unburnt soot
deposits on the EGB boiler path.
The control air supplies air to different parts and systems of the main
engine. It is always in open condition when the engine is in use.
__________________ Small leakages are normal and can be rectified only by tightening or
replacing the pipes or joints.
Air distributor is responsible for maintaining the air supply, which
_________________ opens the starting air valve in the engine cylinders. Since it is a
__________________ mechanical part, it is prone to malfunctioning, especially being stuck.
The main engine will not start if air distributor does not supply air to
__________________ open the starting air valves as no air will be present in the cylinder to
commence fuel combustion
It is always recommended to take the local readings rather than
__________________ remote readings. Often engineers find that one or two gauges
__________________ (pyrometer, pressure gauges, manometers etc.) installed in the main
engine are not working or in dilapidated condition. The reason for
__________________ such condition can be due to loose parts and connections, and even
__________________ The main engine is fitted with various sensors, which measure and
transmit actual data to alarm console. Due to factors such as
__________________ vibration, high temperature, humidity, dust etc. these sensors can
malfunction leading to false alarms
1) 5)
_________________&_________________ _________________&_________________
2) 6)
_________________&_________________ _________________&_________________
3) 7)
_________________&_________________ _________________&_________________
4) 8)
_________________&_________________ _________________&_________________
13 Complete the texts with the verbs in the appropriate voice and tenses. Guess the failures
corresponding to the solutions
Failures Solutions
All the mechanical links of the fuel rack must be well __________ and
_________ before starting the main engine. If after starting the main lubricate
1 engine, the engine rpm is constantly fluctuating even at lower speed in
calm weather, _______all the fuel rack as one or more of them must be
Normally, there is no remote monitoring of temperature for the air line
supplying air to starting air valve. The best way ________________ such determine
2 fault is ____________ the temperature of the air line manually during
maneuvering. This problem is to occur when the engine______________
frequently and not when engine is running continuously.
Any leakage in the main engine fuel oil system can be ______________
3 from the “high pressure leak off tank” level and alarm. determine
Frequent ________ (monthly) of the exhaust gas boiler to be preferred by
4 the ship staff _______ this problem.
When the Engine room machinery is in working condition it is difficult
______ any air leakage sound. The best way is to ________ all the air
lines and feeling all the connections/ joints by hand for air leakage. The
5 easiest way ______ air leakages is when there is an intentional black out
done for any job. At this moment all the machinery will be in “stop”
position and leakage sound (a hissing noise) will be loud and clear. Note
the leakage area ______the repairs later.
Many engines such as MAN B&W have their air distributor located at the
6 end, with inspection cover, which can be _______ when the engine is not
running for inspection and lubrication _________ this problem.
________ the faulty parameter gauges with new ones as early as possible.
7 replace
A routine checks needs to be __________ on all engine room sensors and perform
8 alarms. Different main engine safety alarms and trips also to be ______
out at regular basis and faults to be ________ immediately.
14 Discuss the questions
What parts of the engine are the most sensitive for damages and troubles?
What common ways to eliminate them in future?
Water in fuel
Interview your partner
What type of ships would you like to have a practice/ did you sail on?
What grade of fuel can be used on the engine?
What characteristics of the fuel do you know?
What can be the reason for getting water in fuel oil?
What troubles can you deal with if water is the fuel?
2 Label the pictures and guess what engine deficiencies due to improper fuel treatment.
3 Replace the words in italics with the appropriate words from activity 2.
1) You can see few water drops on the surface.
2) Have you checked the quantity of fuel in the big barrels
3) First you must check that warming of the bearing will be enough.
4) Use sawdust to prevent fuel flow on the deck.
4 Read the abstract and underline possible damages of the engines due to water in fuel.
Most engines can handle a certain amount of water in fuel without any obvious running
problems (excluding diesel bug contamination) but it will cause damage to the engine,
especially today’s high powered engines with common rail fuel injectors. These engines
have fine tolerances and rely on fuel as a lubricant, the water molecules reduce the
amount of lubrication given by the fuel causing additional wear. As well as injectors it can
damage pumps and cause corrosion. Critically there is the possibility of explosive damage
to the fuel injectors as the combustion process super-heats any water present.
5 Read the text and tick the machinery can be damaged by water presence in the fuel.
6 Scan the text and highlight the troubles due to water in fuel.
Water may get into the fuel by leakage through defective welding of tanks, through alternate
use of tanks for fuel oil and water ballast, or the fuel oil as delivered into the tanks may
contain considerable moisture that will settle out. The troubles then are cracked heads and
pistons, burned out exhaust valves, injection valve, H.P. fuel pumps.
Fuel oil must, during the refining process, be treated with sulphuric acid and this acid must
later be neutralized with soda. When the engine is opened up after running on the
insufficiently washed oil, the entire surface of the combustion spaces in the cylinders has a
coating of gritty material which is mostly sodium sulphate. It causes considerable wear of
piston rings and cylinder liners.
When this occurs the first possibility that should be investigated is hot bearings. Other is
failure of fuel to one or more cylinders, derangement of valves or valve gear or a fall in
cooling water temperature.
1. to contain A. a coating of gritty material
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
White Smoke
Water in fuel or combustion chamber. – Check up fuel. Find trouble and remedy.
Too much lubricating oil.
Leaks past piston rings.
Too low compression pressure.
Black Smoke.
Fuel injection advance angle is incorrect. – Adjust.
Engine is overloaded. – Reduce load.
Uneven fuel deliveries to cylinders. – Adjust pumping element deliveries.
Injector is faulty (low fuel injection pressure fuel dribble, needle valve sticking). – Adjust
injector pressure or replace injector.
Compression in cylinders is low. – See above.
Timing gears are improperly set after repair. – Set gears by marks.
Dark blue Smoke
Large amount of oil in combustion chamber:
a) Oil level in sump is higher than upper mark on oil dipstick. – Drain off excessive oil.
b) Piston rings are gummed up or worn out. – Clean or replace.
c) Excessive clearances between pistons and cylinder liners. – Replace worn parts.
p r e s s u r e k l
i n j e c t i o n r
s o u s t s m o k e
t e x h a u s t t d
o c y l i n d e r o
n o s l r i n g s u
d o r g e a r t k l
t i m i n g u s o l
w a t e r u n o i l
d i p s t s u m p y
To adjust worn pressure
To replace excessive by marks
To clean gears supply
To drain off engine oil
To set fuel in piston rings
To reduce troubles parts
To check piston loading
To find injector rings
Engine Knocks
Study the picture. Say about the importance to prevent noise.
2 Label the pictures and say what possible noise can be sounded when these parts are used.
a)______________________ b)______________________ c)______________________
Engine is knocking
Dull knock
Fuel injection angle is too advanced. a) Decrease advance angle.
Reduce load. After heating the engine
Nominal load is placed on cold engine. b)
bring load.
Metallic knock
Valve is knocking against piston head
(heard in upper part of block and in a) Find and correct trouble.
Ringing knock
In upper part of block heard at abrupt a) Replace worn parts.
change of speed (excessive clearance
between rod pin and bush).
Heavy knock
In lower part of block (main and
Immediately stop engine and replace
crankpin bearings are melted out or a)
bearing shells. Replace worn parts.
worn badly).
Rattling knock
Well heard over the entire height of
cylinder (pistons and cylinder liner are a) Replace worn parts.
worn out).
nodal point- вузлова точка twisting- скручування
Types of knocks 3)
Parts of diesel engine 4)
Actions to be taken by the 3)
engine room personnel 4)
1. fuel a. height
2. excessive b. engine
3. entire c. injection angle
4. cylinder d. change
5. cold e. liner
6. abrupt f. clearance
1 2 3 4 5 6
8 Situation. Make up a dialogue between the Chief Engineer and oiler. Oiler heard the noise
in the engine room. He wants the Chief engineer to check oiler’s assumptions of the noise.