Water Energy Nexus Exploring The Interdependence of Water and Energy

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8Th Annual Clean Energy Conference (ACEC2023)

2 to 4 May, 2023,Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (NIT) , Babol, Iran.


Water-Energy Nexus: Exploring the Interdependence of Water and Energy Systems for
Sustainable Resource Management
Mohammad Azadmanjiri 1, Mohammadreza Shirvani2, Mohammad Hossein Sarrafzadeh 3

Mohammad Azadmanjiri, University of Tehran, Tehran; [email protected]
Mohammadreza Shirvani, University of Tehran, Tehran; [email protected]
Mohammad Hossein Sarrafzadeh, University of Tehran, Tehran; [email protected]

Abstract in the scientific community about the relationship

The relationship between water and energy is between water and energy on a global scale [2].
fundamental. For several decades, a considerable Research and understanding of the interconnection
amount of effort has been put toward explicitly between water and energy are receiving enormous
integrating water and energy across a variety of attention as part of the conservation effort, which is
industries. Think of a nexus as a system where two understandable given the rising global concerns for
water and energy networks are related because they water and energy security [3]. The ramifications of these
share one or more nodes that process energy in and interconnections for economic growth, human life, and
water out. At the most fundamental level, water is
well-being are enormous[4].The rapid population and
necessary for the production of electricity. Water
energy connections, already limited and uncertain due urban growth coupled with global economic
to climate change, have come into sharper focus. As a development will add tremendous pressure on the
result, renewable sources of energy are not only limited resources on our planet, including water, energy,
abundant but also clean and offer a potential alternative food, land and ecosystems [1].
for the generation of power. This research also Due to rising demand for local resources, pollution,
highlights water's potential role as a source of energy and climate change, droughts, floods, and natural
production and the energy requirements of the catastrophes are more likely[1]. Water management is
desalination process. Because of this, desalination is a key to reaching many Sustainable Development Goals
crucial option for addressing the issue of water scarcity [5]. Current policy and climate trends may increase
that exists on a global scale. Optimizing energy or water scarcity in many emerging nations undergoing fast
water systems is important when resource conservation growth and economic transition [6]. Water management
becomes a priority. For optimal water and energy usage regimes must use non-traditional technologies and
in an industrial unit, the UNESCO chair on water reuse source waters to meet demand and protect ecosystems
proposes the water closed-loop system, which employs and aquifers. Hence, seawater desalination is the main
some theoretical methodologies like pinch analysis. method for supplying coastal areas with fresh water.
Lastly, the case study is examined to determine the Seawater desalination provides a seemingly infinite,
ideal subsidy level that results in the lowest energy use steady supply of high-quality drinking water without
per water unit. harming natural freshwater habitats; However, it is
expensive and energy-intensive [7] and Desalinated
Keywords: Water-energy nexus, Source-sink network,
Power Generation, Desalination, Pinch analysis water's carbon footprint is higher than other
technologies[8]. Therefore, desalination increases
1. Introduction residential and business water costs. High prices prevent
Saving water and energy has become one of the essential required desalination plant investment. Without
premises of sustainable development worldwide. They government subsidies, customers won't buy this
are also interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Saving technology. Hence, aiming for minimum water
energy can lower pressure on water resources, as the desalination subsidy improves water resource planning
water required to produce the power can be saved or [8].
reallocated. Increasing water efficiency can also reduce Most water-energy nexus research use mathematical
the energy consumed to transport, heat and treat water modeling to optimize integrated water management
[1]. Based on the rise in demand and the relationships practices [9]. The purpose of this research is to identify
between water and energy, which are generally defined the appropriate subsidy for water desalination by
as the water-energy nexus, there is an interesting debate creating a graphical pinch analysis approach[8]. When

compared to other optimization methods, PA's benefit is When defining a phenomenon, quality takes
the clear documentation of its optimization technique. As precedence over number whenever the two are at odds.
a result, it is better able to comprehend people who Hence, a node is a water source (sink) if its net output
employ this method. Using PA, you may foresee a water flow or quality exceeds its net input. If the net
process's ideal performance even before its synthesis and output energy flow exceeds the net input energy flow, a
design have been implemented. It is most useful for node is an energy source (sink). Consider a basic nexus
helping make choices in the early phases of design. Over with three energy sources (E1, E2, and E3) and two
the past decade, PA has transitioned from an energy water sources (W1 and W2). As shown in Figure 1 the
conservation tool into an analytical tool for optimization nexus as a network, with red and blue circles
and process integration, and this benefit has been a key representing energy and water sources. Assume all
enabler of this shift [9]. In addition, it's important to flows are of same quality. Hence, only net positive
remember that various forms of energy are needed to run amounts determine sources. E1 provides 4 energy units.
the various desalination processes[10]. Its 5 water units make it a water sink. E1's energy
Because of its high energy intensity and contribution powers W1's 18-unit water production. W1 sends water
to global warming through greenhouse gas emissions to three sinks. E1 (5 units), E2 (4 units), E3 (3 units),
[11], desalination necessitates the exploration of and the external water grid (6 units). In this case, all
alternate energy sources. An emerging choice, renewable energy and water sources are sinks. E1, E2, and E3
energy is regenerated naturally and can be harvested produce 4, 6, and 9 energy units and use 5, 4, and 3
either directly or indirectly from the Sun or other water units, respectively. W1 and W2 produce 18 and 6
water units and use 5 and 7 energy units, respectively.
environmental acts and procedures [12]. Thus, it
Energy generated (19 units) exceeds water production
motivates researchers to look into using RES to power energy (19 units) (12 units). The nexus can supply 7
desalination plants [10]. One feasible approach[13] is the more units to the external energy grid. Water created or
use of renewable energy sources, which plays a crucial obtained from external inputs (24 units) exceeds water
role [14] due to its binding impact in coping with climate usage (12 units). The exterior water grid receives water
changes [15]. (12 units). The nexus processes natural resources to
This review study represents water-energy network produce all energy and water and the network does not
and illustrates its interdependency in power generation show them for simplicity. We assume no water or
plant. Subsequently, the water-energy nexus is utilized to energy loss during production or transit.
desalination, one of the largest industries. Pinch
Analysis, a step-by-step process that incorporates local
water pricing and supply and demand, computed the
appropriate subsidy for water desalination. Lastly,
desalination and RES are compared and evaluated.

2. Network demonstration of water-energy nexus

In the fields of energy and water management, the idea
of a nexus is essential. It alludes to the processing nodes
that act as bridges between the water and power grids.
These hubs improve water and energy efficiency by
facilitating inter-network resource sharing. The hub's
ultimate purpose is to provide these assets as exports to
other grids. The concept of a nexus can be extended to
networks of varying sizes, from those with a few nodes
to those with thousands. Nexus is more than just two
independent water and energy networks; the two must Figure 1. An inspiring case of the interdependence between
communicate with one another if sustainability goals are water and energy[16]
to be met [16]. Figure 1 shows water network flows in
blue and energy network flows in red. Circles denote Several sinks can receive from the same source, and
shared processing nodes. Each node receives and the same source can send to multiple sinks. The facilities
releases energy and water (multiple flows can be involved in a regional water-energy nexus are illustrated
combined to one without loss of generality). A node in Table 1. Connections between water and energy can
from an upper-level network can be part of two lower- be broken down into the production, transportation, and
level water and energy networks, demonstrating consumption categories, respectively, based on the
scalability. As such, it conforms to the idea that a nexus purposes of the various sectors. Network services in the
is a "system of systems"[17]. Net production or supply of water and energy are referred to as
consumption classifies processing nodes as sources or transportation. Services such as water and wastewater
sinks. A source gets an input and returns a higher- treatment, as well as energy transmission and
quality or quantity output. Sinks take inp uts and return distribution, fall into this category. The amount of water
lower-quality outputs. The grids can serve as or energy that is utilized but not immediately returned to
metaphorical sinks. its source is considered "consumption" in the water-

energy nexus. The "consumption" category[18] include regulated to preserve wildlife habitat from unexpected
activities performed in close proximity to the final and severe water temperature fluctuations[22].
consumers, such as retail water and power provision, The majority of water used in power plants is for
wastewater treatment, and embedded generating. operational purposes, most notably cooling. Introducing
Processes such as Power Generation and Desalination - streams of cooler water into a process system is how
which all require water or energy in order to function - cooling towers, a typical type of heat transfer equipment,
are included in the "Production" category studied here. work. Hence, the overall water usage in the plant can be
The parts that follow will elaborate on these two distinct decreased by reusing and recycling water from other
economic sectors. plant operations or by employing cooling tower
blowdown to deliver water to other plant processes[22].
Table 1. Water-energy nexus examples of sources and Once-through cooling, recirculation/tower/pond cooling,
sinks[16] dry cooling, and hybrid cooling are the four main types
Water Energy Examples of thermal power plant cooling systems as follows [19]:
- Source
Fossil fuels, nuclear energy, • When using water from a body of water (such as the
Solar energy, Wind power ocean, a river, a lake, or a cooling pond) as the cooling
Rainwater, Surface water, fluid, one-through cooling (OT) is implemented[23].
Source -
Ground water Because cooling water only goes through the heat
Sink Domestic energy usage exchanger once, it retains its characteristic chemical
Sink - Domestic water usage makeup [24]. The OT systems typically do not use any
Natural gas, Wind Park, water from the plant's internal systems, but they do use
Sink Source
hydroelectric plant, biofuel crop water from the freshwater systems due to increased
Freshwater, wastewater evaporation from reservoirs and higher water
Source Sink treatment plant, desalination temperatures [25].
plant, rainwater collection • In an open recirculating cooling system, air is pushed
Source Source Geothermal spring through water that is withdrawn and reused within the
Agricultural activity, Food system rather than discharged. The concentrations of
Sink Sink
production minerals and pollutants in circulating water grow over
time because some of the cooling water is lost during
2.1. Power Generation recirculation due to evaporation and drift. To keep the
The water-energy nexus includes all the steps involved correct concentration, a 'blowdown' of cooling water is
in producing and distributing electricity as well as all the periodically removed. Water losses from evaporation,
processes that use water [20]. Water strains may be drift, and blowdown are offset by adding "makeup"
reduced by continuing to use the existing thermal power water to cooling systems [22].
generation from fossil sources. However, the fluctuating • In dry cooling, air is used as the primary coolant medium
nature of renewable electricity generation from sources instead of water, and heat is transferred through a surface
like solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, and run-of-river that isolates the circulating cooling fluid from the
hydro necessitates energy storage [19]. In the following, surrounding air. There is no need to drain or use any
we will examine two ways of using non-renewable and water because convective heat transfer is used instead of
renewable power generation sources. evaporation. Yet, environmental temperatures and
humidity have a major impact on the efficacy of dry
cooling. A dry cooling system is optimal for use in dry,
2.1.1. Power generation from thermal plants
tropical climates[22].
Over the course of several centuries, humans have
discovered and used conventional energy sources • Wet and dry cooling components can be used together or
including coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity independently in a hybrid system. A dry cooling tower
in power plants. The high energy density of these has the advantage of protecting working fluids from
sources is the primary advantage. However, their use ambient exposure and pollution, and a hybrid system's
results in the release of carbon and other greenhouse heat transfer performance is comparable to that of a wet
gases [21]. The water-related processes in thermal power cooling system [24].
plants are similar regardless of the fuel type. The
majority of water used by these plants goes toward 2.1.2. Power generation from renewables
cooling processes [19]. Thermal power plants are The planet's surface temperature is rising steadily. One
particularly vulnerable to water scarcity since they rely of the main causes of global warming is the excessive
on a steady supply of fresh water for their power output. consumption of fossil fuels. Using fossil fuels to
Water supply systems need reliable electrical energy generate electricity results in emissions of carbon
conversion since water pumping, processing, and dioxide and other greenhouse gases [26]. Reducing fossil
disposal require electricity. Recent climatic changes fuel use and increasing use of Renewable Energy
increase heat waves and droughts, which affect river Sources (RESs) in the energy sector are both crucial in
water temperature and availability. Such conditions have the fight against carbon emissions and global warming.
already damaged global electric power generation and RESs have a reputation for being clean and safe for the
prompted many thermal-power-generating unit environment. While RESs are preferable to fossil fuels,
shutdowns. Thermal discharge in rivers is strictly studies have shown they can still have negative


environmental effects [21]. Water is not directly used in electrical power needed for the desalination methods
the production of power by wind, marine technologies, indicates [32] shown in Table 2.
or solar PV. Compared to other energy sources,
especially wind and ocean-based technologies, they Table 2. Electricity required for water treatment intensity
utilise an extremely small percentage of the world's fresh factors[32]
water [19]. Process Energy intensity factor (kWh/gal)
Minimum Maximum
2.2. Desalination
By 2050, desalination will be one of the most important MSF 0.0352 0.0946
new water sources, along with agricultural water MED 0.0151 0.0360
consumption management[18]. Rainwater collection RO (Sea water) 0.0114 0.0322
facilities and sewage treatment plants are two examples
of desalination plants. These establishments are also
energy consumers and "sinks." In this way, a nexus node There are location-specific caps on how much can be
or facility can function as either a water source or an spent on each water source (surface water, ground water,
energy sink, or both[16]. Desalination, the water supply external water diversion, and reclaimed water). Another
method with the highest energy requirements, is used in supply option that draws on a practically infinite water
regions with extreme water scarcity. Desalination resource base is desalination of sea water. Nevertheless,
facilities can benefit from the generation of electricity as we've established, this choice also comes with
from ocean energy sources [36]. In addition, different significant expense. The prohibitive cost prevents its
desalination processes can be directly integrated with widespread use. This issue can be fixed with a well-
some forms of ocean energy (in the form of mechanical targeted subsidy. In order to guarantee a steady supply of
force, thermal resource, or chemical potential) (Figure 2) water, lower water costs and subsidies, and cut down on
[6]. energy-related emissions, it's crucial to identify the best
possible combination of these many water sources. In
order to find the most cost-effective combination of
water sources that results in the lowest amount of
desalinized water produced in China's Dongjiakou
Industrial Park (DIP), Jia, X., et al., 2019[8] devised a
pinch-analysis based technique.

3. Desalinated price subsidy optimization

Based on the principles of the circular economy and with
the primary objective of conserving water, the UNESCO
Chair on Water Reuse has proposed the water closed-
loop system (WCLS) as a sustainable alternative. In
Figure 2. An illustration of different desalination processes,
order to implement the circular economy as a theoretical
linked to some types of ocean energy [6]
framework for managing water and waste water in
industrial units, the WCLS integrated system has been
Reverse osmosis (RO) with phase change and multi- proposed. The key benefit of combining process
stage flash (MSF) and multi-effect distillation (MED) engineering, wastewater treatment expertise, and process
without phase change are the two basic desalination integration analyses is the provision of crucial data for
technologies [35]. High-pressure pumps are used in the potential wastewater treatment plants, including the
RO process to separate fresh water from saline water. objective contaminant, desired treatment efficiency, and
The high pressure is applied to salt water, and the method of treatment, which is valuable information
subsequently the solution is pumped through for reducing the process costs. That is one of the primary
membranes. This procedure produces potable water by distinctions between WCLS and other industrial water
removing the solid salt from the salty solution [29]. consumption control techniques[33].
The MSF approach, in contrast to the RO method, Utilizing theoretical and technological tools like
involves a multi-stage process (as suggested by the pinch analysis, process integration techniques, water and
name)[27]. At first, the water is heated until it reaches a wastewater treatment technologies, and qualitative-
boiling point of 90-110 degrees Celsius, and then the quantitative analysis of the water and wastewater
pressure is gradually lowered. Then, at each level, some streams, the system's ultimate goal is to reduce water
of the water is swiftly evaporated and distilled, while the consumption and wastewater generation in an industrial
rest is moved on to the next evaporation stage. At the unit [27]. Pinch Analysis (PA) began as a method for
end of the process, when all the foregoing steps have determining optimal energy objectives[28], but it has
been taken, the evaporated waters are distilled to since been adapted to deal with a wide range of process
generate fresh water [30]. The MED approach, like the synthesis issues [8], including those pertaining to water
MSF approach, is carried out in a series of steps. In networks[28] and carbon management networks [34].
contrast, the steam produced at each stage of the MED 3.1. Approach
process is condensed in the subsequent stage before Finding the least energy consumption based on the
being evaporated and distilled once more [31]. The appropriate subsidy for desalinated water quantity

required to meet the requirements of the industrial park (kt/d) ($/t)

are the two main issues that have been tackled in this Demand
work. Table 3 organizes the parameters that need to be D1 Industrial 150 0.65
set. D2 Residential sector 70 0.36
D3 Commercial sector 45 0.94
Table 3. Parameters which are needed for PA[8] D4 Other use 10 1.05
Parameter Definition Total 275 175.5
Ns Water sources in the industrial park Source
Water demands, which are water S1 External diversion water 90 0.72
consumers in the industrial park S2 Reclaimed water 50 0.78
Fi Available quantity of water source (i) S3 Surface water 50 0.43
Pi Unit price of water source (i) S4 Ground water 20 0.55
Pdw The price of desalinated water Total 210
The subsidized price for desalinated
Sdw Table 5 shows that the DIP requires 275 kt/d of water
Consumers, divided into industrial, and spends 175.5 $/t on water infrastructure, while
j commercial, residential and other receiving 210 kt/d from all water sources combined
sectors (excluding desalinized water). The water needs of the
Fj Water demands for the consumer (j) industrial park have grown to exceed the availability in
Pj Corresponding expected water price (j) the area. Desalinated water can make up the difference
of 65 kt/d (= 275 - 210 kt/d). It is possible for the local
The Limiting Composite Curve (LCC) is produced in government to subsidize desalinated water production
this work using the findings of the Composite Table (1.15 $/t) in order to maintain rates low enough that
Algorithm (CTA), as indicated in Table 4. This work industrial plants can afford them. The goal is to find the
solves the problem. The values in Pi, Fj, and Fi denote the appropriate subsidy for desalinated water that will both
price per unit, demand, and supply, respectively. alleviate government subsidy pressure and cut down on
emissions caused by the production of that water's
Table 4. The first three columns in Generic structure of energy source. The CTA is completed with 3 more
CTA[8] columns which are the net water deficit (Fnet,k),
Price Demand (Fj) Source (Pj) calculated via Eq. 1,
P1 Fj Fi Nd,k Ns,k
P2 Fnet,k = F
j −  F , k= 1,2,3,...,n
i (1)

interval water cost (Costk) which is calculated by Eq. 2,

Cost k = Fnet,k (Pk+1 − Pk ), K = 1,2,3,...,n (2)

and the cumulative water cost Costcum is determined in

the sixth column, by adding the water cost Costk for
Pn each interval. Table 6 illustrates the resulting CTA for
DIP. The LCC chart can be used to plot the Water
Supply Line with varying subsidy costs of desalinized
Some lines are drawn, as shown in the second and water. To create a tangent with the LCC, rotate the
third columns (Table 4), beginning at the cost associated Water Supply Line (desalinated water) counterclockwise
with each water resource and requirement and around the point of rotation (0, Sdw). The pinch point is
terminating at the flow rate of the respective supplies the tangent, and it shows the decision-maker in a very
and demands; this facilitates the identification of the net concrete way which consumers use desalinized water
water deficit in the subsequent step. Table 5 organizes and which do not. Only those with incomes below the
the water demand and resource sectors examined in the pinch point can afford to buy desalinated water.
DIP case study. The first three columns of CTA that Untapped water sources can be selected among those
pertain to DIP have been updated accordingly. found higher above the pinch point. Consumers located
below the pinch point are not permitted to draw water
from sources located above the pinch point. If not, the
system's cost will be sub-optimal and a cost penalty will
Table 5. Flow rate of water demands and water sources and
corresponding prices[8]
General Fj Pj


Table 6. Composite Table for optimal subsidy analysis in DIP[8]

Net water Interval Cumulative
Water Price
Demand (kt/d) Source (kt/d) deficit water cost water cost
($/t) `
(kt/d) (k$/d) (k$/d)

0.43 70 4.90 0

0.55 20 2.40 4.90

0.65 0 0 7.30

0.72 150 10.50 7.30

0.78 60 3.60 17.80

0.94 10 1.60 21.40

1.05 55 6.05 23

65 2 29.05

1.08 31.05
150 70 45 10 90 50 50 20
D1 D2 D3 D4 S1 S2 S3 S4

The minimal needs for desalinated water at various The lowest desalinized water flowrate required for a
subsidized prices are calculated so that the impact of the certain subsidy is equal to the slope of the water delivery
subsidized price of desalinated water on the total subsidy line divided by its reciprocal. If, for example, the per-
saving can be studied. Because the subsidized price of unit subsidized cost of desalinated water is 0.326 $/t,
desalinated water should not exceed the least price in the then the pinch point for its water supply line will be at
system, the minimum and maximum allowable prices are 0.78 $/t, with its origin at (0, 0.326) Figure 4. Thus,
set at 0 and 0.36 $/t, respectively; otherwise, a portion of 21.4 − 0
the water supply line would be positioned above LCC. 47.16 kt/d ( = ) of desalinated water is the
0.78 − 0.326
Figure 3 depicts the outcomes when the subsidized price
of desalinated water is increased from $0 to 0.36$/t. very minimum that can be expected to be needed. The
There is a breaking point for any given range of "pinch point" is $1.08/ton if the subsidized price of
subsidized price (Sdw). desalinated water per unit is $0.00. According to Figure
4, this results in a subsidy-supported desalinated water
31.05 − 0
demand of at least 28.8 kt/d ( = ) as shown in
1.08 − 0
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Limiting Composite for subsidy from 0 to 0.36 $/t[8]

Figure 4. Limiting Composite at a subsidized price of 0.326[8]

Figure 5 depicts how the discounted cost of

desalinated water affects the overall subsidy. As can be

seen in Figure 5, the subsidy is gradually reduced as the Nomenclature

subsidized price is raised from $0.00/t to $0.354/t. Jia, Ns Water sources in the industrial park
X., et al., 2019 [8] demonstrated that at a subsidized Water demands, which are water
price of 0.354 $/t, the corresponding subsidized consumers in the industrial park
desalinated water production rate is 64.47 kilotons per K interval
day. Hence, the lowest possible subsidy is $12,73 k/d. Fi Available quantity of water source (i)
The second part of the process is cutting down on energy Pi Unit price of water source (i)
usage as much as possible. Pdw The price of desalinated water
The subsidized price for desalinated
Consumers, divided into industrial,
j commercial, residential and other
Fj Water demands for the consumer (j)
Pj Corresponding expected water price (j)

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