Astm C1516
Astm C1516
Astm C1516
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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C1516 − 05 (2017)
11. Assessment of Condition of Substrates to Receive 11.7 Substrate Condition—There shall be no visible water.
Direct Exterior and Finish Systems 11.8 If furring or accessories are used, they shall be installed
11.1 The substrate shall be as required by the project plans in conformance with Specification C1063.
and specifications and as specified by the DEFS producer for 11.8.1 These members shall be properly attached, straight,
the particular system. and true unless required by the system design.
11.2 The substrate shall be inspected by the applicator and 11.8.2 All accessories shall be free of rust, oil, or other
general contractor to ensure that it meets the project plans and foreign matter or contaminants, which cause bond failure or
specifications and the requirements of 11.3 – 11.8.2. unsightly discoloration.
11.3 Sheathing materials shall be inspected to ensure that:
12. Reinforced Base Coat Application
11.3.1 The specified sheathing thickness has been installed
for the stud spacing used. 12.1 Inspect the substrate panel surface to ensure that it is
11.3.2 Fastener type and fastener spacing are as specified. clean, dry, free of all foreign materials, and damage of any
11.3.3 Water-resistant exterior fiber-reinforced gypsum type. Substrate panel planar irregularities of more than 1⁄16 in.
sheathing panels complying with Specification C1278/ (1.6 mm) shall be corrected. All panel joints shall be tightly
C1278M, shall be installed in accordance with the sheet abutted or shall be filled with recommended joint bedding
producer’s written installation instructions, which include de- material.
tails of framing type and spacing, fastener type and spacing, 12.2 Base Coat Preparation—All materials requiring field
and sheet orientation and spacing. preparation shall be mixed in accordance with the DEFS
11.3.4 Glass mat gypsum sheathing complying with Speci- producer’s specifications.
fication C1177/C1177M, shall be installed in accordance with
12.3 Base Coat Application—The prepared base coat shall
the sheet producer’s written installation instructions, which
be uniformly spread over the entire surface of the substrate
include details of framing type and spacing, fastener type and
spacing, and sheet orientation and spacing.
11.3.5 Fiber-cement sheets complying with Specification 12.4 Reinforcing Mesh—The single layer reinforcing mesh,
C1186, Type A, shall be installed in accordance with the sheet when specified, shall be fully encapsulated in the field of the
producer’s written installation instructions, which include de- wall, at corners, edges, and joints. Trowel from the center to the
tails of framing type and spacing, fastener type and spacing, edge of the reinforcing mesh to avoid wrinkles. The single
and sheet orientation and spacing. layer reinforcing mesh shall be continuous at all corners.
11.3.6 Fiber-mat reinforced cement sheets complying with NOTE 1—The recommended method is to apply the base coat in two
Specification C1325, type A, shall be installed in accordance applications.
with the sheet producer’s written installation instructions,
which include details of framing type and spacing, fastener 12.4.1 The surface shall be free of voids, projections, trowel
type and spacing, and sheet orientation and spacing. marks and other surface irregularities. The base coat thickness
shall be not less than 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) dry as measured from the
11.4 Alignment—All substrate surfaces shall be straight and surface of the substrate panel.
true within 1⁄4 in. in 10 ft. (2 mm/m). More stringent require-
ments by the DEFS producer shall supersede the above stated 12.5 Reinforcing Mesh Overlap—-- All reinforcing mesh
requirements. edges shall be overlapped not less than 21⁄2 in. (64 mm).
11.5 Suitability for Use—The substrate surface shall be firm, 12.6 Impact Layers—When required, higher impact perfor-
sound, and undamaged in order to receive the exterior finish. mance shall be achieved with multiple layers of reinforcing
11.5.1 Broken, cracked or delaminated substrate boards mesh or by incorporating heavier weight reinforcing mesh. All
shall be replaced or restored to a condition equal to adjacent areas requiring higher impact performance shall be detailed on
undamaged boards. the project plans and specifications. When overlapping of high
impact mesh is not required, a complete second layer of
11.6 Cleanliness—The surface of all substrates shall be reinforcing mesh shall be applied over the layer of high impact
clean and free from any foreign materials such as form release mesh.
agents, curing compounds, dust, dirt, frost, oil or grease,
efflorescence and laitance. 12.7 Corners—Reinforcing mesh shall not be lapped within
11.6.1 All substrate panels shall have all loose dirt and dust 8 in. (204 mm) of any corner.
removed by cleaning methods appropriate for the job and job 12.8 Wall Penetrations—All edges of the substrate panel
conditions. board at penetrations of the DEFS, such as at windows, doors,
11.6.2 Efflorescence and laitance on substrate panels shall Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) sleeves,
be removed prior to exterior finish application. Heavy deposits pipes, duct, electrical boxes, and at the base of the wall shall be
shall be removed using hand or power impact tools followed by wrapped with either the base coat and reinforcing mesh or trim,
washing with an appropriate cleaner. Light deposits shall be or as specified by the project plans and specifications. Wall
removed by washing with an appropriate cleaner. All loose openings such as doors, windows, HVAC sleeves, shall be
particles and cleaner residue shall be removed by washing with diagonally reinforced at corners with mesh not less than 9 in.
clean, potable water. The surface shall be allowed to dry. (230 mm) by 12 in. (305 mm).
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C1516 − 05 (2017)
12.8.1 The corners of returns to windows, doors, and similar folding shall be spaced a distance from the wall, consistent
wall openings shall have reinforcing mesh the full width of the with safety standards, that allows uniform texturing of the
return and extending not less than 21⁄2 in. (64 mm) on both finish without staging marks. On hot windy days, it shall be
sides of the corner. permitted to fog the wall with clean, potable water to cool the
12.9 Expansion Joints—All edges of the substrate panels at wall. Work shall precede the sun whenever possible. Water
expansion joints shall be wrapped with either the base coat and shall not be added to the finish once it is applied to the wall.
reinforcing mesh or trim as specified by the DEFS producer for Use the same tool and hand motion and match the texture of the
the particular system. The reinforcing mesh shall be fully surrounding area. The finish coat thickness shall be as specified
encapsulated. by the DEFS producer. Protect all finish work from damage
until fully dried.
12.10 Reinforcing Mesh—The reinforcing mesh shall be
fully encapsulated in the base coat throughout the field of the 13.4 Joints—The application of finish coat into the joints
wall, at corners, edges, and joints. The surface shall be free of shall be as required by the project plans and specifications.
voids, projections, trowel marks and other surface irregulari- 14. Curing Time Between Application Steps
14.1 Manufacturer’s recommendations for climatic
12.11 Special Architectural Shapes—When special EPS (ex- conditions, mixing and application practices to allow respec-
panded polystyrene) architectural shapes are installed, glass tive coats sufficient time to cure or dry before any subsequent
fiber reinforcing mesh encapsulated in the base coat shall be coats are applied shall be followed. Each application step shall
used. be permitted to cure or dry to prevent degradation to the system
13. Finish Coat Application integrity with subsequent steps.
13.1 The reinforced base coat shall be allowed to dry and 14.2 Auxiliary protection (tenting, supplemental heat, shad-
harden for not less than 24 h prior to finish coat application. ing) from adverse environmental conditions shall be utilized to
provide expected curing or drying conditions as recommended
13.2 Material Preparation—The finish coat shall be mixed by the DEFS manufacturer.
in accordance with the DEFS producer’s specifications. Only
clean potable water shall be added to adjust workability. 14.3 All substrates shall be sound and cured or dry before
Always add the same amount of water to each container within continuing on to the next application step.
a given lot of finish.
15. Clean Up
13.3 Execution—Reinforcing base coat and finish coats
15.1 Adjacent materials, surfaces and the work area shall be
shall be applied with a stainless steel trowel or appropriate
cleaned of foreign materials resulting from the work.
equipment as specified by the DEFS producer. Tools and
equipment shall be kept clean. Finish coat shall be applied 15.2 All excess DEFS materials shall be removed from the
continuously to a natural break such as corners, joints or tape job site.
line. Apply supplementary finishes to the exterior finish main-
taining a wet edge. Sufficient manpower and scaffolding shall 16. Keywords
be provided to continuously finish a distinct wall area. Scaf- 16.1 DEFS; direct-applied; exterior finish
(Nonmandatory Information)
These Appendixes give general information and also suggestions for inclusions to be made
elsewhere by the specifier. They are not part of this practice.
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C1516 − 05 (2017)
authorities shall be notified about unacceptable conditions. The X1.3 Relief From Stress
unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected prior to the appli- X1.3.1 Where the DEFS and dissimilar types of substrates,
cation of the DEFS components. Unsatisfactory conditions materials and building components interface, provide for
shall be corrected by the party(ies) responsible for such appropriate size and location of expansion joints.
X1.3.2 Where roof elevations change, provide for appropri-
X1.1.5 The construction specifier shall describe, in the ate size and location of expansion joints.
proper section of the project specifications, the physical char-
acteristics of the surfaces to receive the DEFS. X1.4 Bonding Agents
X1.2 Design Considerations X1.4.1 Bonding compounds or agents are sometimes ap-
plied to a substrate panel surface to receive exterior finish.
X1.2.1 Guidance, for design professionals, for determining
Follow the DEFS producer’s instructions and specifications for
the suitability and use of direct-applied exterior finish systems,
their use.
as an exterior building wall, is contained in Guide E1825.
DEFS are attached to outside substrates of all types of X1.5 Mechanical Fasteners
structures to provide weather resistant and durable surfaces.
The surfaces will be subjected to various exposures such as X1.5.1 The types of mechanical fasteners used and the
abrasion, vibration, moisture, freezing, thawing, negative and methods of installation will vary depending on the framing to
positive wind loading , ultraviolet light, acid rain, thermally which the substrate panels are to be fastened.
induced expansion and contraction, and impact.
X1.6 Reinforced Exterior Finish
X1.2.2 Provide sufficient slope on faces of DEFS surfaces to
X1.6.1 The basecoat thickness is permitted to exceed 3⁄32 in.
prevent water, snow or ice from accumulating or standing. A
(2.4 mm) dry depending on the type of reinforcing mesh and
minimum 6 in. (152 mm) in 12 in. (305 mm) (1:2) pitch is
number of layers.
recommended. Length of sloped surfaces shall not be more
than 12 in. (305 mm). X1.6.2 A small amount of basecoat shrinkage is normal.
Bare mesh shall not be visible.
X1.2.3 Provide parapet cap made only from corrosion
resistant materials. The parapet cap shall extend not less than X1.6.3 The proper portioning of hydraulic cement-based
21⁄2 in. (64 mm) over the faces of the DEFS, not including material is important. The producer’s instructions shall be
wood blocking and include a drip edge detail. Detailed followed to ensure that the base coat cement is properly
requirements for furnishing and installing the parapet cap shall proportioned.
be in the appropriate section of the project specifications. X1.6.4 The minimum amount of mix water to form a
Parapet caps shall be clearly shown in large scale details. workable mix shall be used. Excess mix water causes the base
Parapet caps shall be installed as soon as practical after the coat to be porous and less weather resistant. Never add more
installation of the DEFS. water than recommended by the producer. Measure water in
X1.2.4 Provide for sealing of expansion joints, panel joints, containers of known volume.
system terminations and all interfaces of the DEFS with other X1.6.5 Mix materials only at low speed with paddles
building components. designed to reduce air entrapment.
X1.2.5 At soffits, window and door heads provide for a drip X1.6.6 Generally, the finish coat is applied after the base
edge. coat has sufficiently cured.
X1.2.6 Sills and headers shall be flashed.
X1.7 Finish Textures
X1.2.7 Windows installed in DEFS walls shall have sill pan
flashing of corrosion-resistant material. X1.7.1 Textures, as a description of surface appearance,
generally are identified with the method and tools used to
X1.2.8 The specifier shall evaluate the potential of the achieve the finish appearance. Texture is sometimes varied by
DEFS surface being subjected to abnormal stresses or impacts. the size and shape of the aggregate contained in the finish,
X1.2.9 Wall assemblies have properties that in certain equipment or tools employed, the consistency of the finish mix,
applications make a dew point analysis critical to ensure the condition of the base to which it is applied and by
successful performance of the wall system. The specifier shall decorative and protective treatments.
evaluate these conditions. X1.7.2 With almost limitless variations possible for finish
X1.2.10 Substrate panels must be continuous over floor appearance or texture, the same term sometimes does not have
slabs, intersecting walls, columns, beams and similar construc- the same meaning to the specifier, contractor or applicator.
tions. The DEFS shall not be installed over areas without Sample panels of sufficient size including components and
substrate panels. features specified shall be constructed using the methods, tools
X1.2.11 Where the substrate panel is interrupted or out of and techniques to be used in the actual construction.
plane, corrections must be made prior to DEFS application. If X1.7.3 To provide some guidance, the following categories
the substrate panel cannot be continuous, the installation of are generally understood and recognized to imply a particular
expansion joints shall be considered. method of application or finished appearance.
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C1516 − 05 (2017)
X1.7.3.1 Sand Finish—A finish material devoid of coarse finish involves waiting until the applied finish has partially
aggregate applied in a thin coat completely covering the base dried and then lightly troweling the unevenly applied finish.
coat and floated to a true plane, yielding a relatively fine- The effects achieved are sometimes difficult for different
textured finish. applicators to duplicate.
X1.7.3.2 Trowel Texture—A freshly applied finish is given
various textures, designs or stippled effects by hand motion and X1.8 Conditions for DEFS Application
trowel used. The effects achieved are individualized and it is X1.8.1 The amount of water used to mix materials is to be
sometimes difficult for different applicators to duplicate. within the allowable range published by the DEFS producer.
X1.7.3.3 Standard Finish—A finish with various size Factors such as the drying conditions and finishing operations
aggregates, applied in a thin coat completely covering the base must be considered in determining water usage. The applicator
coat and floated in a random pattern. The applicators are is cautioned that the use of excessive water results in fall off or
cautioned to use the same type texturing tools to help ensure a slide off, excessive shrinkage, higher porosity, lower strength,
consistent texture. and inconsistent color.
X1.7.3.4 Exposed Aggregate—Varying sizes of natural or X1.8.2 Timing between coats varies with climatic condi-
manufactured stone, gravel, shell or ceramic aggregates are tions and types of materials used. Temperature and relative
embedded by hand or by machine propulsion into a freshly humidity extend or reduce the curing and drying times. Cold or
applied “bed coat.” The size of the aggregate shall not be more wet weather lengthens and hot or dry weather shortens these
than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) diameter. The size of the aggregate periods. Moderate changes in temperature and relative humid-
determines the thickness of the bedding coat. The bedding coat ity are overcome by providing additional heating during cold
shall be no less than one-half the thickness of the aggregate to weather and by pre-wetting the base during hot, dry weather.
be embedded.
X1.7.3.5 Spray Texture—A machine applied finish material. X1.8.3 Heated enclosures require adequate air circulation to
The texture achieved depends on many factors some of which prevent hot or cold spots that allow too rapid drying or
are the consistency of the sprayed mixture, the angle and freezing. When using heated enclosures it is important to
distance of the spray nozzle to the surface, the pressure of the control the relative humidity as well as the temperature.
machine, orifice size used, operator expertise, climatic condi- Maintain relative humidity at not more than 90 percent.
tions (wind specifically), and base coat conditions. X1.8.4 Staining and discoloration of finishes or other build-
X1.7.3.6 Miscellaneous Types—Similar to trowel textures ing components that are caused by free water draining from
except that the freshly applied finish is textured with instru- one plane to another, dissimilar materials, or other building
ments other than a trowel, such as swept with a broom or brush, components, are minimized by providing sufficient depth and
or corrugated by raking or combing. A variation of texturing a angle for drip caps and drip edges.
X2.1 The size and location of joints and selection of the jointly approved by the Architect and the sealant producer.
sealant to be used is responsibility of the Design Professional
and shall be consistent with project conditions and guidelines X2.4 Base the joint design and surface preparation on the
of the DEFS producer. sealant producer’s recommendations and project conditions.
X2.2 The sealant system must be tested for compatibility X2.5 Allow the DEFS material to cure prior to sealant
with the specified DEFS by an independent laboratory and system installation.
found to be compatible with the DEFS.
X2.3 The sealant system is recommended by the DEFS and
Sealant producer. Non recommended sealant systems must be
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C1516 − 05 (2017)
Committee C11 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue, C1516 – 02,
that may impact the use of this practice. (Approved October 1, 2005)
(1) Added Specification C1325 to Referenced Documents. (2) Added new paragraph 11.3.6.
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