Recent Advances in Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Recent Advances in Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Recent Advances in Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Article in Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute · December 2013
DOI: 10.14190/JRCR.2013.1.3.163
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This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent advances in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). Fundamental
characteristics of UHPC are elaborated with focus on its material constituents, mixing, and formulation procedures. Use of
state-of-the-art materials such as carbon nanotubes or nano-silica is discussed as well, whose inclusion may enhance the performance
of UHPC. The review evaluates supplementary treatment methods (e.g., pressuring curing) and identifies applicable standard test
methods for determining the properties and behavior of UHPC. Site implementation is provided to link laboratory research with
full-scale application. Research needs are suggested to further develop UHPC technologies from technical and socio-economical
local materials. Limited research has been conducted to 2. CHARACTERISTICS AND IMPLEMENTATION
address these issues from a practical point of view. Technical OF UHPC TECHNOLOGY
challenges associated with the site application of UHPC are
as follows: 2.1 Design of UHPC
Typical concrete shows a compressive strength (f’c) from
- Readiness of formulation and implementation: special mix
20 MPa to 35 MPa. The need for high strength and improved
design and procedures are necessary to adequately
performance is emerging to build sustainable structures. The
formulate UHPC; however, there are no code provisions or
advent of reactive powder concrete with f’c ranging from 200
standards in the United States which makes enduser sector
MPa to 800 MPa overcomes the limitations of conventional
hard to enjoy the benefit of UHPC.
normal strength concrete (Reactive 2002). UHPC addresses
- Excellent performance with reasonable costs: although the
the following engineering characteristics: strength, elastic
material costs of UHPC have consistently been decreasing
modulus, abrasion, durability, permeability, chemical resistance,
since it was first introduced to the construction community,
impact, placement difficulty, and long-term maintenance
UHPC is still an expensive material to use. Positive approa-
costs. The strength range of UHPC mentioned above exceeds
ches to reduce costs are necessary. Use of regionally
the strength of high strength concrete by two to six times
available materials can decrease transportation expenses
(Lubbers 2003; Schneider et al. 2004). Table 1 compares
and the dependency of commercial products.
typical engineering properties of UHPC with those of normal
and high strength concrete. Although the theory of traditional
To accomplish the success of various construction projects
reinforced concrete may be used for the application of UHPC,
with the benefit of UHPC, these challenges must be thoroughly
care should be exercised because some empirical factors
addressed. It is important to note that the technical and
have been developed based on the behavior of conventional
economical issues identified are critical for those who are
concrete. No codified provisions are available for UHPC in the
interested in sustainable structures. This paper reviews the
United States. Therefore, experienced technical personnel can
state-of-the-art relevant to the practical application of UHPC
only assure the adequacy of UHPC design and construction.
and further elaborates critical research needs for improving
Optimal use of constituent materials is important for the
the design and implementation of UHPC. Emphasis is placed
implementation of UHPC. According to a comparative study
on material characteristics, design and implementation, supple-
(Blais and Couture 1999), steel fibers in UHPC (a length of 25
mentary treatment, applicable test methods, and site application.
mm and a diameter of 0.2mm) are equivalent to reinforcing
bars of 8 mm in diameter and 1000mm in length for normal
Table 1. Typical comparison of engineering properties of UHPC with normal and high strength concrete (compiled based on Ahlborn
et al. 2008)
concrete. Removal of coarse aggregate will reduce the UHPC is enhanced. A compressive strength of 97 MPa may
interfacial transition zone between the cementitous binder and be a good indicator of adequate hydration (FHWA 2011). Qian
aggregates and thus improve tensile strength (Mindess et al. and Li (2001) reported that the tensile strength and corres-
2003; Mehta and Monteiro 2006). Supplementary cementitious ponding strain of concrete increased with an increasing
materials such as silica fume fill micro-voids to produce a metakaolin content, whereas the elastic modulus of the concrete
dense mixture with low permeability. Limited effort has been was independent of metakaolin. UHPC mixed with silica fume
done on using nano-scale materials for the design and showed a higher compressive strength than that with high
practice of UHPC (Kowald 2004). reactivity metakaolin (Al-Azzawi et al. 2011). Due to the dense
mixture of the constituents, UHPC demonstrates low permeability
2.2 Material composition (Ahlborn et al. 2008). The performance of UHPC is enhanced
accordingly, such as freeze-thaw resistance and reduced
Most composition of UHPC is dry particles, while liquid-
corrosion of reinforcing steel. Permeability of concrete controls
oriented constituents are limited. UHPC is typically comprised
chloride penetration, thereby increasing the corrosion potential
of Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials,
of embedded reinforcing steel bars (Lubbers 2003; Ahlborn
quartz powder, water, fine aggregate, a superplasticizer, and
et al. 2008). UHPC effectively addresses this concern according
fibers. Use of fine aggregate and quartz powder increases
to experimental investigations (e.g., oxygen permeability less
density, whereas decreases porosity. The particle size of fine
than 3.9 × 10-12mm2, AFGC 2002). The water-cementitious
aggregate affects the homogeneity of UHPC (Richard and
binder ratio of UHPC (typically ≤ 0.25) is lower than that of
Cheyrezy 1995). Quartz is easily obtainable and has a very
normal concrete. A superplasticizer improves workability that
strong compressive strength (1,100 MPa) with an inexpensive
may be problematic because of such a low water-binder ratio.
price (about $150 per ton). Steel or organic fibers are
Collepardi et al. (1996) studied the efficacy of a superplasti-
commonly used for UHPC, including a fiber ratio from 1.0% to
cizer and silica fume on the compressive strength of UHPC.
2.0% (Al-Azzawi et al. 2011). Because of the embedded fibers,
Test results include that acrylic polymer demonstrated better
the crack width of UHPC is much less than that of conventional
performance than sulfonated melamine and sulfonated naphthalene.
concrete (FHWA 2011). The effect of fiber content influences
Strength gain at early age of UHPC is of interest. The reason
the post-peak behavior of UHPC in tension, while such an
is that UHPC exhibits a gradual decrease in strength with time
effect may not be critical for compressive strength (Ali 2007;
owing to a reduction in water content and the chemical reaction
Redaelli and Muttoni 2007; Al-Azzawi et al. 2011). Attention
associated with supplementary cementitious materials commencing
needs to be paid when the tensile strength of UHPC is
in a few days of concrete-casting (Al-Azzawi et al. 2011).
measured because the internal fibers can have an impact on
Although some research has been conducted as to the
the cracking response of the concrete such as strain-
behavior of UHPC with carbon nanotubes it is still inconclusive
hardening (FHWA 2011). Silica fume and high reactivity
(Wille and Loh 2010). For example, an increase in compressive
metakaolin are widely used materials (Ali 2007). Silica fume
strength over 12% was observed when multi-walled carbon
includes amorphous silica dioxide and reacts with calcium
nano tubes (MWNT) were included in a UHPC mix (Li et al.
hydroxide (Al-Azzawi et al. 2011). Metakaolin is white clay and
2005; Kowald et al. 2008); however, some experimental
is obtained by treating kaolin. Metakaolin (typically 0.005 mm
programs reported that the inclusion of MWNT caused the
in diameter) is an abundant material and its primary
reduction of strength (Musso et al. 2009). Alternative nano-
composition includes SiO2 and Al2O3 (Sabir et al. 2001). These
scale materials may be used for the mix of UHPC, such as
supplementary cementitious materials chemically react with
nano silica.
the hydration process of cement so that the performance of
2.3 Mixing, curing, and formulation procedures UHPC is improved (Lubbers 2003). To maintain the water-
cementitious binder ratio of an UHPC mix as designed, the
Mixing is an important component to attain the best
surface of the concrete should be covered immediately after
performance of UHPC. Fig. 1 shows typical procedures to mix
a casting event. It is important to note that water content
UHPC. The mix design and procedures of UHPC are different
affects the behavior of UHPC because the concrete requires
from those of normal concrete. Selected mix designs for UHPC
a hydration process. Inadequate hydration action causes
are summarized in Table 2. Improving the density of UHPC is
premature shrinkage cracks and degraded engineering
a critical factor to achieve high strength and durable perform-
properties accordingly (FHWA 2011). The low water-cementitious
ance when subjected to aggressive service conditions. The
binder ratio of UHPC may cause disintegration of the constituents
particle size of aggregate needs to be carefully determined
during mixing. Inclusion of nano particles may improve bond
because it governs the homogeneity of UHPC. Improved
between the steel fibers and cementitious binder of UHPC
homogeneity increases the reliability of UHPC (Lubbers 2003).
(Wille and Loh 2010). Special procedures are required to
UHPC uses significantly smaller aggregates in comparison to
ensure consistent quality on site. Care should be exercised
other types of concrete (Richard and Cheyrezy 1995; Bonneau
when casting UHPC because of its extended setting time and
et al. 1997): cement particles (0.01mm to 0.08mm), quartz
potential segregation (i.e., discrete fibers may not function well
powder (0.01mm to 0.015mm), and silica fume (0.1 × 10 mm to
Reference Cement W/C ratio Fiber SCM Quartz powder Super-plasticizer Sand
B&C 28% 0.28 7%(S) 9%(SF) 8% 1% 40% 200 MPa
Bonneau 28% 0.27 6%(S) 9%(SF) 9% 2% 41% 190 MPa
HDR 37% 0.14 6%(S) 9%(SF) 0% 2% 41% 160 MPa
R&C 32% 0.19 6%(S) 7%(SF) 13% 1% 35% 200 MPa
W&L 32% 0.22 0.007%(CNT) 8%(SF) 8% 0.2% 44% 194 MPa
Ahlborn 26% 0.20 6%(S) Pre Pre 1% Pre 194 MPa
Fig. 2. Bridges with UHPC (photos are used with permission from ASPIRE): (a) Cat Point Creek Bridge in Warsaw, Virginia; (b) Jakway
Park Bridge, Aurora, Iowa; (c) State Route 23 over Otego Creek, Oneonta, New York
strength of UHPC as high as 70% (Bonneau et al. 1997). Typical electrical indication of concrete’s ability to resist chloride ion
conditions for such heat treatment include a temperature penetration) may be used to assess the degree of chloride ion
range between 50℃ and 90℃ in moisture for 48 hours penetration (ASTM 2012b). AASHTO TP-60-00 (Standard
(Bonneau et al. 1997; Reda et al. 1998). Heat treatment can method of test for coefficient of thermal expansion of hydraulic
reduce shrinkage and creep by improving the reaction of silica cement concrete) may be utilized to measure the coefficient
fume and a hydration process (Bouygues et al. 2002). It of thermal expansion (AASHTO 2007). If the long-term behavior
should, however, be noted that overheating may take place of UHPC is concerned, ASTM C512 (Standard test method for
when UHPC is mixed because of its longer mixing time creep of concrete in compression) will be useful for a creep
compared to conventional concrete (FHWA 2011). Improvement test (ASTM 2010b). The freeze-thaw durability of the concrete
in mix-procedures is necessary to preclude potential may be examined by ASTM C666 (Standard test method for
heat-induced residual damage in UHPC. Ahlborn et al. (2008) resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing) (ASTM
examined the effect of steam treatment on the strength 2008b).
variation of UHPC, including durability performance. Test
results showed that UHPC effectively resisted freeze-thaw and 2.6 Site implementation
chloride ion penetration. Additional pressure may be applied Potential application of UHPC is broad such as bridge
to reduce the porosity of UHPC that is caused by the structures, tunnels, nuclear power plants, and liquid storage
LeChatelier contraction (Aitcin 1998). The pressure applied facilities. UHPC is an ideal material for structures exposed to
during curing tends to decrease porosity by reducing abrasion environment. Several site projects using UHPC have
entrapped air and excessive water and hence the been completed, including Sherbrooke Footbridge in Canada,
compressive strength of the concrete increases (Blais and Footbridge of Peace in Korea, and Jakway Park Bridge in the
Couture 1999). United States (Blais and Couture 1999; Resplendino and
Petitjean 2003; Kollmorgen 2004; Schmidt and Fehling 2005;
2.5 Test methods Rouse et al. 2011; Planete 2012). Figure 2 illustrates some
Standard test methods are currently unavailable for selected examples of UHPC-based bridges in the United
measuring the properties of UHPC. The following test methods States: the depth and length of the girders shown in Fig. 2(a)
developed for concrete materials may be used for UHPC until and (b) vary from 838 mm to 1143 mm and 25.9 m to 26.5 m,
specific standards are published. ASTM C39 (Standard test respectively. Another application is given in Fig. 3 with the
method for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete details of installing UHPC joints connecting bulb-tee girders.
specimens) and C109 (Standard test method for compressive A comprehensive study of UHPC was recently published by
strength of hydraulic cement mortars) can be used for the the Federal Highway Administration (Graybeal 2006). Steel
compressive test of UHPC (ASTM 2011, 2012a). ASTM C469 fibers are widely used for site application, while polypropylene
(Standard test method for static modulus of elasticity and fibers can improve permeability, and abrasion and impact
Poisson’s ratio of concrete in compression) may be used to resistance (Toutanji 1999; Lubbers 2003). Considering the
measure the elastic modulus of UHPC (ASTM 2010a). ASTM reduced use of reinforcing steel, more versatile architectural
C1018 (Standard test method for flexural toughness and and structural design may be available. The increased
first-crack strength of fiber-reinforced concrete) will be a toughness of UHPC makes this material ideal for concrete
reference for examining the flexural strength of UHPC (ASTM structures in seismic regions (Reactive 2002). Although the
1997). ASTM C1437 (Standard test method for flow of hydraulic initial expenses associated with UHPC are more than those of
cement mortar) can measure the rheological characteristics of normal concrete, material costs are consistently decreasing
UHPC (ASTM 2007). ASTM C1202 (Standard test method for with more site projects.
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS - Quality control in UHPC production is an interesting issue
to warrant satisfactory in-situ performance, provided the
This paper has dealt with an overview of UHPC for civil history of UHPC is much shorter than that of normal
infrastructure. The state-of-the-art construction material concrete. Several field demonstration projects have exhibited
consists of Portland cement, mineral supplementary admixtures the successful implementation of UHPC. Longterm monitoring
such as silica fume or metakaolin, quartz powder, water, fine of field data are, however, unavailable at this time.
aggregate, a superplasticizer, and steel or organic fibers. The Structural health monitoring technologies are recommended
following characteristics of concrete are improved when UHPC to be along with UHPC construction.
is used: homogeneity, density, ductility, and micro-structural
integrity. Strength and durable performance of UHPC are 4. CURRENT CHALLENGES AND RESEARCH
primary considerations for building sustainable concrete NEEDS
structures. Integration effort with nano-scale materials has
recently been made to further enhance the property of UHPC. Despite the recent advancements in UHPC research,
The following is concluded: significant effort is still necessary to improve its engineering
properties and applicability on site. The following challenges
- UHPC has a number of advantages compared to conventional and research needs are proposed to be addressed technically
concrete in terms of strength, durability, resistance to and socioeconomically:
impact and abrasion, and permeability. Adequate mixing of
UHPC results in enhanced density and homogeneity that are - Design approaches dedicated to UHPC should be developed
beneficial to accomplishing reliable performance on site. so that those based on conventional concrete can be
- A very low water-to-binder ratio is used to increase the replaced to better facilitate the application of UHPC with
compressive strength of UHPC, typically less than 0.25. The corresponding technical benefits; for example, design
role of a superplasticizer is important to provide acceptable provisions on the minimum member depth of normal concrete
workability to such a densely mixed concrete. Optimal use may result in the over-design of UHPC members. Codified
of constituents is a crucial factor. Inclusion of fibers controls design provisions need to follow for practicing engineers.
the cracking behavior of UHPC, in particular its post-peak In so doing, uniform structural performance is anticipated
response. Care should, therefore, be taken when selecting with a consistent level of reliability.
fiber types. - Chemical reaction between the supplementary cementitious
- Given UHPC does not use coarse aggregate, the size of materials and aggregate requires further research from a
embedded constituents (e.g., fine aggregate, cementitious long-term durability perspective, including freeze-thaw
materials, and fibers) dominates the behavior of the concrete. and corrosion issues for UHPC-based concrete structures
Emerging materials such as nano-silica may be added in aggressive environmental regions. Self-healing
when designing UHPC, while the efficacy of nanoscale technologies may be incorporated with UHPC to improve the
materials is not conclusive yet. sustainability of constructed structural members.
- Various treatment methods can increase the effectiveness - Early age behavior needs more research because the initial
of UHPC, including heat treatment and pressuring during a hydration process of UHPC causes noticeable heat-dispersion
curing period. Currently available test methods may be used that can reduce the moisture content of the concrete.
for determining the properties of UHPC, whereas standard Premature shrinkage cracks may then develop. Disintegr-
test methods to meet the specific needs of UHPC shall be ation of fibers from the cementitious binder can be another
released. problem associated with the moisture issue. Microme-
chanical models will be useful for better elucidating the University of Technology, Bagdad, Iraq.
behavior of UHPC such as the interfacial transition zone ASTM. 1997. Standard test method for flexural toughness and
between the binder and mineral admixtures. first-crakcing strength of fiber-reinforced concrete using
- The cost of UHPC is one of the most notable challenges beam with third-point loading (ASTM C1018-97), American
interfering broad use of such a promising technology in Society for Testing and Materials, Conshohocken, PA.
practice. Inexpensive alternative materials should be ASTM. 2007. Standard test method for flow of hydraulic cement
incorporated into the design of UHPC to reduce material mortar (ASTM C1437-07), American Society for Testing and
expenses. Of interest are locally available constituents, Materials, Conshohocken, PA.
which will influence construction costs. ASTM. 2008b. Standard test method for resistance of concrete
- Development of non-conventional environmentally friendly to rapid freezing and thawing (ASTM C666-08), American
cementitious binders is urgent to address socio-economical Society for Testing and Materials, Conshohocken, PA.
issues related to energy consumption and greenhouse gas ASTM. 2010a. Standard test method for static modulus of
emission. Lifecycle cost analysis will be an important elasticity and Poissn’s ratio of concrete in compression
component to assess the feasibility of such a new approach. (ASTM C469-10), American Society for Testing and Materials,
Conshohocken, PA.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ASTM. 2010b. Standard test method for creep of concrete in
compression (ASTM C512-10), American Society for Testing
The writer acknowledges Professor Kyoung-kyu Choi at and Materials, Conshohocken, PA.
Soongsil University for inviting this article. ASPIRE has ASTM. 2011. Standard test method for compressive strength
provided permission to the pictures used here. of hydraulic cement mortars (ASTM C109-11), American
Society for Testing and Materials, Conshohocken, PA.
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