Power Systems (Q-Bank-Ch3-Fault Analysis

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

1. The P.U reactance becomes ____________, if the capacity and voltages are doubled

(a) Same as original (b) Two times of original

(c) Four times of original (d) Half of the original

2. The power factor of the fault is

(a) Lagging (b) Zero p.f. Lagging

(c) Unity (d) Leading

3. In which of the following faults, all the sequence voltages are equal?

(a) LL fault (b) LLG fault

(c) LG fault (d) LLL fault

4. A short circuit fault on the alternator is given as IR1 = j8.5 p.u, IR2 = -j8.5 p.u & IR0 = 0, then
the fault is

(a) LG (b) LLG

(c) LLL (d) LL

5. The equivalent positive, negative and zero sequence reactance’s at fault point ‘F’ is

(a) 0.067, 0.067, 0.042

(b) 0.6, 0.6, 0.0825

(c) 0.67, 0.67, 0.72

(d) 0.67, 0.067, 0.0825

6. If a symmetrical fault occurs on a power system, the percentage reactance of the system
on 2500 base kVA is 25% if the full load current corresponding to base kVA is 20A. If the
base kVA is changed to 5000kVA, then the short circuit current becomes
(a) Doubles (b) Half of the original
(c) Remains same (d) None of these

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

7. A synchronous machine is directly connected to the load. The internal voltage of the
synchronous machine is 1.2 p.u, load voltage is 1.0 p.u and the synchronous reactance is 1.5
pu. The maximum real power transferred is __________________ p.u.

8. The per unit impedance of two synchronous machines is 0.242. If the base voltage is
increased by 1.1 times, then per unit impedance will be ___________.

9. The positive and zero sequence equivalent reactances of a transposed overhead

transmission line shown below are 18, 45 respectively. Find XS, Xm

(a) 27, 9
(b) 9, 27
(c) 27, 72
(d) 72, 27

10. Which of the following is true about the sequence reactance of transformer?

(a) Negative and positive sequence reactance’s are equal to the leakage reactance
(b) Negative sequence reactance is larger than positive sequence reactance
(c) Negative sequence reactance is smaller than positive sequence reactance
(d) None of the above.

11. A 3-phase transformer having zero-sequence impedance of Z0 has the zero sequence
network as shown in the figure. The connections of its windings are

(a) star-star
(b) delta-delta
(c) star-delta
(d) delta-star with neutral grounded

12. From the following statements which one is true?

(1) Short circuit current is generally calculated as symmetrical sinusoidal A.C. component and
it is expressed in R.M.S value.
(2) The severity of offset current is double at zero cross over point
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both (d) None

13. In which transformer the per unit reactance is same in both sides (primary and
secondary) referred

(a) Step up transformer (b) Step down transformer

(c) Ideal transformer (d) Any of the above

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

14. The direct axis reactance Xd of a synchronous generator is given as 0.4 pu based on
generator’s name plate rating of 10kV, 75MVA, the base of calculation is 11kV, 100 MVA.
The pu value of Xd of new base is ____________.

15. For the system shown in the diagram given below, the line to ground fault on the line
side of the transformer is equivalent to

(a) A line to ground fault on the generator side of the transformer

(b) A line to line on the generator side of the transformer
(c) A double line to ground fault on the generator side of the transformer
(d) A 3-phase fault on the generator side of the transformer.

16. When a line to ground fault occurs, the current in a faulted phase is 100 A. The zero
sequence current in this case will ___________________ A.

17. In a power system severe over voltages are developed in a grounded fault when

(a) Neutral is connected to ground by a inductive reactance

(b) Isolated neutral grounding of a synchronous generator connected by short transmission
(c) Floating neutral of a synchronous generator connected by long transmission line
(d) Neutral of synchronous generator connected to ground by a resistance.

18. The single diagram of a certain power network is shown below. At the same instant of
time the following faults are taking place at in given options. The maximum short circuit
current is calculated by consider the fault at

(a) Bus 1  L  G fault

(b) Bus 2  L  L fault
(c) Bus 3L L – L fault
(d) None

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

19. The single line diagram of power system is shown below. The zero sequence impedance
diagram will be

20. A 132 kV sub-station is having short circuit capacity of 4800 MVA in case of double line
fault at the bus. The negative sequence driving point reactance is

(a) 6.28 ohms (b) 1.81 ohms

(c) 3.63 ohms (d) 3.14 ohms

21. The positive sequence reactance network of a synchronous generator connected to an

infinite bus by a step up and step down transformer along with overhead line based on 100
MVA and 13.2 kV at generator is shown. The symmetrical RMS current supplied by generator
for a symmetrical short circuit at bus 2 is

(a) 4.37 kA

(b) 46.65 kA

(c) 17.5 kA

(d) 29.15 kA

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

22. A 3-phase 3-wire overhead transmission having a self-reactance of j0.5 PU and mutual
reactance at j0.1 PU. The positive sequence voltage of phase a is 1.530o PU. The sequence
current of phase b of abc phase sequence is

(a) 2.1490o (b) 3.75150o

(c) 2.14150o (d) 3.75180o

23. The reactance of a generator designed ‘X’ is given as 0.25PU based on the generator’s
nameplate rating of 18kV, 500MVA. If the base for calculations is changed to 20kV, 100MVA.
The generator reactance ‘X’ on new base will be
(a) 1.025PU (b) 0.05PU
(c) 0.0405PU (d) 0.25PU

24. The positive, negative and zero sequence currents of a star connected load for phase R
are given as
IR1 = (10) A ; IR2 = (5 + j15) A ; IR0 = (5  j15) A
The neutral current will be
(a) Zero (b) (15 + j24)A
(c) (15 –j24) (d) (15 – j24)A

25. An alternator having positive, negative and zero sequence reactance 0.2, 0.2 and 0.1 p.u
respectively. The ratio between double line to three phase short circuit fault current will be

(a) 1.155 (b) 1.20

(c) 0.866 (d) 0.433

26. Three phase fault current at the terminals of alternator will be reduced by

(a) by maintaining large air gap length between rotor & stator
(b) by maintaining smaller air gap length between rotor & stator
(c) by connecting series capacitor between alternator & bus
(d) by placing shunt reactor bank at alternator terminals

27. An alternator of 100 MVA, 18 kV has subtransient and steady state reactances
 0.1 p.u., x1d  0.25 p.u. and x d  1.0 p.u.. What is maximum dc component in fault current
for 3- short circuit occurs at terminals.

(a) 10 p.u (b) 14.14 p.u

(c) 20 p.u (d) None

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

28. A line to ground fault occurs on the terminals of an alternator, sequence voltages and
sequence currents during this fault are Va0 = 0.3 pu, Va2 = 0.4 pu, Va1 = 0.7 pu, Ia0 = Ia1 =Ia2
= j2.0 p.u. If zero sequence impedance is j0.05 p.u then what will be neutral to ground
impedance placed approximately

(a) 0.333 p.u (b) 0.033 p.u

(c) 0.05 p.u (c) 0.5 p.u

29. Four alternators are connected in parallel, each alternator of 11 kV, 10 MVA, 0.5 p.u
reactance. What is the current carried by CB if fault occurs at location ‘p’.

(a) –j2 p.u

(b) –j4 p.u

(c) –j6 p.u

(d)–j8 p.u

30. A generator supplies a motor through a Y /  transformer. The generator is connected to

the star side of the transformer. A fault occurs between the motor terminals and the
transformer. The symmetrical components of the subtransient current in the motor towards
the fault are Ia1 = 0.8  j2.6 p.u, Ia2 = j2.0 p.u, and Ia0 = j3.0 p.u, from the transformer
towards the fault Ia1 = +0.8  j0.4 p.u, Ia2 =  j1.0 p.u and Ia0 = 0. What is the type of fault

(a) LG (b) LL
(c) LLG (d) LLL

31. A 30 MVA, 3 phase 11 kV, 50 Hz alternator having the neutral solidly grounded is
operating at no load. It has a positive sequence reactance of 2.5 ohms and the negative and
zero sequence reactance are 80% and 30% of the positive sequence value respectively then
the current through ground is ____________ kA for LLG fault.

32. 10kVA, 400V/200V single phase transformer with 10% reactance draws a steady state
current of _____________ A.

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

33. Two identical generators are connected by a transmission line as shown below. The
positive sequence reactance of the generator is 0.25 p.u. The zero sequence reactance is
0.08 p.u. The neutral grounding reactance is 0.05 p.u. The positive sequence reactance of
transmission line is 0.1 p.u. A single line to ground fault is taking place at bus 1. The voltage
of neutral w.r.t ground in p.u of generator one is _________.

(a) 0.14
(b) 0.16
(c) 0.89
(d) 0.24

34. The zero sequence circuit of the three phase transformer shown in figure is

35. A single phase load of 100 KVA connected across line bc of a 3-phase supply of 3.3 kV.
The negative sequence component of line current is
(a) j12.24 A (b) j17.5 A
(c) j16.4 A (d) j18.2 A

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

36. A 3-phase, 50 Hz generator is rated at 500 MVA, 20 KV with X′′d = 0.2j pu. It supplies
pure resistive load of 400 MW at 20 kV. The load is connected directly across the terminals of
the generator. If all the three phases of the load are short circuited simultaneously, then the
initial symmetrical rms current in the generator in per unit on a base of 500 MVA, 20 kV is
(a) 2.24 pu (b) 4.23 pu
(c) 3.43 pu (d) 5.06 pu

37. A 10 MVA, 13.8 kV alternator has positive, negative and zero sequence reactance’s of
30%, 40% and 5% respectively. The value of resistance that must be placed in the generator
neutral so that the fault current for a line to ground fault of zero fault impedance will not
exceed the rated line current is
(a) 16.12  (b) 18.43 
(c) 17.16  (d) 20.24 

38. When a fault occurs in a power system the following sequence currents are recorded.
IZero = –j1.246 pu ; IPositive = j 2.046 pu ; INegative = –j 0.8 pu. The fault is
(a) line to ground (b) line to line
(c) line to line to ground (d) three-phase

39. The estimated short circuit MVA at the bus bars of a generating station A is 1500 MVA
and of another station B is 1200 MVA. The generated voltage at each station is 33 KV. If
these stations are inter connected through a line having a reactance of 1 Ω and negligible
resistance, the possible short circuit MVA on station A is

(a) 1970 (b) 2020

(c) 1980 (d) 2070

40. A 11 kV, 10 MVA alternator has 10% sub-transient reactance, transient reactance and
80% synchronous reactance XS. It is connected to a load through a circuit breaker and a
transformer. If under no load conditions a 3-phase fault occurs between the transformer and
the circuit breaker, then the maximum d.c. component of the short circuit current is

(a) 7.4 KA (b) 8.6 KA

(c) 8.4 KA (d) 7.1 kA

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

41. The following figure shows a synchronous generator whose neutral is grounded through
a reactance Xn. The generator has balanced emfs and sequence reactances X1, X2 and X0.
The value of neutral grounding reactance for which the LG fault current is less than the three
phase fault current is

(a) Xn   X  X0 
3 1
(b) Xn   X1  X 0 
(c) Xn   X1  X 0 
(d) Xn  X1  2X 0

42. Consider the power system shown in figure. An SLG fault occurs at Bus-2 at the far end
of the line. Consider the numerical data:
Gen-G: 3-phase, 50 MVA, 33 kV
X1 = X2 = 0.2 p.u; X0 = 0.1 p.u.
33 kV line: X1 = X2 = 10 ohms; Xo = 20 ohms

Determine the fault current magnitude, if the generator neutral is solidly grounded and fault
impedance is 0.1 p.u. on 50MVA, 33 kV.

(a) 812.1 A
(b) 843.16 A
(c) 921.61 A
(d) 994.83 A

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

43. The below given figure is a single line diagram of a 3-phase power system. Data for this
system is as follows:

G and M are generator and synchronous motor respectively, both rated 2500 kVA, 600 volts
with X” = X2 = 10% and X0 = 5%.
T1 and T2 are transformers each rated 2500 kVA, 600 V delta and 4160 V star, with leakage
reactance of 6%.
The transmission line reactance are X1 = X2 = 15% and X0 = 50% on a base of 2500 kVA,
A double-line to ground fault occurs on line ‘b’ and ‘c’ at point P in the system. Assuming
that synchronous motor is operating at rated voltage and neglecting pre-fault current. The
zero sequence current after the fault is _____________.

(a) j2.27 p.u.

(b) j3.1 p.u.
(c) j4.67 p.u.
(d) j3.5 p.u.

44. In the circuit shown one conductor of a three-phase line is open. The current flowing to
the  connected load through line ‘a’ is 10 A. With the current in line ‘a’ as reference and
assuming that line ‘C’ is open. The negative sequence current component in line ‘a’ will be:

(a) 5.7730o
(b) 4.7145o
(c) 4.9225o
(d) 7.2112o

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

1. Ans: (d)
Solution: XP.U  X  
KV 

X 'P.U  X     
4 KV  2

2. Ans: (a)
Solution: Due to resistance and reactance in the line the power factor of fault current is
lagging. If resistance of line is neglected then power factor is zero power factor lagging.

3. Ans: (b)
Solution: For LLG fault all positive, negative, zero sequence voltages are equal.

4. Ans: (d)
Solution: In LL fault IR1 = IR2 : IR0 = 0

5. Ans: (a)
Solution: For positive and negative sequence reactance
x1  x2   0.067

For zero sequence neutral reactance is also added,

 0.1 
then x0  3  0.05  0.1 ||    0.042
 2 

6. Ans: (c)
Solution: The short circuit current is independent of base kVA, therefore the short circuit
current remains the same.

7. Ans: 0.8
EV 1.0  1.2
Solution: The maximum real power transfer   0.8 p.u.
XS 1.5

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

8. Ans: 0.20
Kv 
2 2
1  1 
Solution: Z p.u.. New   Z p.u.. Old  0.242    0.200
Kv   1.1 

9. Ans: (a)
Solution: x0  xs  2xm .................. (i)
x1  xs  xm .................. (ii)
Solving (i) & (ii), we have xs  27 and xm  9

10. Ans: (a)

11. Ans: (b)

12. Ans: (c)

Solution: Short circuit current is sinusoidal ac current and it is calculated in sub-transient
region. For maximum momentary current it is almost double of symmetrical short circuit
current and it is called as doubling effect.

13. Ans: (d)

Solution: In any type of transformer per unit value is equal

14. Ans: 0.43 to 0.45

100  10 
Solution: Xdpu,new  0.4      0.44 pu
75  11 

15. Ans: (b)

Solution: Due to delta connection of Transformer on generator side there is no zero
sequence current on generator side and thus it acts like a L-L fault on generator side.

16. Ans: 33 to 34
Solution: Iao  f  33.33 A

17. Ans: (c)

Solution: Over-voltages are developed when neutral is isolated and line carries line charging
current so it must be an isolated neutral connected to a Long Transmission Line. This is
called as Arcing Fault.

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

18. Ans: (a)

Solution: The most severe fault when occurs on a Transmission Line is three phase fault but
LG fault is most severe when it occurs at the terminals of a generator.

19. Ans: (c)

Zero sequence impedance diagram:

20. Ans: (b)

Base MVA
Solution: SC MVA=
X1p.u  X 2p.u

kV 
SCMVA=  
BaseMVA BaseMVA X1   X 2 
X1   X 2  X1  X2  BaseMVA
kV  kV  kV 
2 2 2

132 

X1   X 2    3.63
2X1  3.63  X1  X 2 
X1    1.815 

21. Ans: (c)

Solution: For symmetrical 3 phase fault If  Ia  Ia1
Ea1 1.0
If  
Zeq  0.05  0.2 ||  0.1  0.05
1.0 0.4
If    10.667 p.u.
0.25  0.15 0.25  0.15
Current supplied by the generator

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

IF(G) (p.u.)  10.667   4.0 p.u.
0.25  0.15
IF(G)  4   17.54 KA
3  13.2K

22. Ans: (d)

Solution: X s  j0.5 , Xm  j0.1,
X1  Xs  Xm  0.5  0.1  0.4
Va1  1.530o
Ia1   3.75  60o

Ib1  2 Ia1  1240o  3.75  60o  3.75180o

23. Ans: (c)

2 2
 MVAnew   KVold   100   18 
Solution: Xnew(PU)  0.25        0.25        0.0405
 MVAold   KVnew   500   20 

24. Ans: (a)

Solution: IR  IR0  IR1  IR2  20A
In  IR  I Y  IB  IR  IR   120o  IR 120o
In  20 1  1  120o  IR 120o   20 1  1  120o  120o   0 A

25. Ans: (c)

Solution For double line fault I f   j 3 A ……….(1)
Z1eq  Z 2eq
For 3 phase fault I f  A ……………….(2)
(1) Z1eq  Z 2eq Z1eq 0.2
  3  3  0.866
(2) Ea1 Z1eq  Z 2eq 0.2  0.2

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

26. Ans: (b)

Solution: Length of air gap is inversely related with Xd.

27. Ans: (b)

1 1
Solution: I"f    10 p.u
xd 0.1

Idc(max)  2 I"f  1.414  10  14.14 p.u

28. Ans: (b)

Solution: Va0  Ia0 Z0  3Zn 
Va0 0.3
Z 0  3Zn    j0.15
Ia0  j2
Zn  0.033 p.u.

29. Ans: (c)

Solution: Fault current If    j8 p.u
Circuit can be redrawn as

ICB   j8    j6 p.u
j0.5 

30. Ans: (a)

Solution: Ifa1  0.8  j2.6  0.8  j0.4   j3.0
Ifa2   j2  j1   j3
Ifa0   j3  0   j3
as Ia1  Ia2  Ia0  faults is LG

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31. Ans: 4.4 to 4.6

Solution: X1  2.5
X0  0.3X1  0.75

X 2  0.8X1  2
For LLG fault,
Ea1 3
Ia1    2085.35A
X1  X 2 || X 0 2.5  0.545
IR1 X 2 2085.35  2
Ia0    A
X2  X0 2  0.75
Ia0  1.516 kA
In  If  3IaO  4.549 kA

32. Ans: 500

Solution: Ip.u   10 p.u
I(a) (hv)  10   25  10  250 A
I(a) (lv)  10   50  10  500 A

33. Ans: (d)

Solution: X1eq  X2eq 

0.08  3  0.05  0.08  3  0.05  0.1  0.145 p.u.
0.25  0.1  0.25
[For generator and transmission line X1=X2]

X0eq 
0.08  3  0.05  0.08  3  0.05  3  0.1  0.16 p.u.
0.08  3  0.05  0.08  3  0.05  3  0.1
( zero seq of line =3 times positive sequence of line )
If  IR0   2.2 p.u
0.145  0.145  0.16
IR0(G )  2.2   1.6 p.u
0.53  0.23
 
Vn  3 IR0G1 Xn  3  1.6  0.05  0.24 p.u

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

34. Ans: (d)

Solution: If the star neutral is grounded through reactor of impedance Zn, an impedance 3Zn
appears in series with Z0 in the sequence network.

35. Ans: (b)

100  1000
Solution: Ia  0 and Ib   30.3 A
3.3  1000
Ic  Ib  30.3 A

The negative sequence component,

1 1 1 30.3
I2     
I   2 Ib   I c  0   2 Ib   I c   I b  2   
3 a 3 3


j  1.732    j17.5 A

36. Ans: (d)

Solution: Let the base MVA be 500 MVA and the base voltage is 20 kV.
Load = 400 MW at unity power factor [load is pure resistive]
Iprefault   0.80o pu.
Terminal voltage, V0  20kV or V0  1pu
If   5 j
.2 j
Ifault  Iprefault  If = | .8  5j | 5.06

37. Ans: (b)

Solution: Let base MVA be 10 MVA, base kV=13.8 kV; Ea = (1 + j0) pu
base kV   13.8 

Base impedance =  19.044 

Base MVA 10
3Ea 31
Fault current I f   1
Z1  Z 2  Z 90  3Zn  3Zr j  0.3  0.4  0.05   3Rn
3R    0.75
2 2

3R   0.75 => 9  3Rn    0.75

2 2 2 2
3 n

Rn   0.968 pu  0.968  19.044
R n  18.43 

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

38. Ans: (c)

Solution: For LLG fault Ia1  Ia2  Ia0  0

39. Ans: (d)

Solution: Let the base MVA be 100.
% reactance 01 station A on the base MVA
Base MVA 100
%X A   100   100  6.67%
Short Circuit MVA 1500
% reactance 01 station B on the base MVA
%XB   100  8.33%
Single line diagram of the system
% reactance of Inter connector on the base MVA
Base MVA 1  100
%X I  Z  100   100  9.18%
Base KV  332

When a fault occurs on power station A (point F1), the total percentage reactance from
generator neutral upto fault point F1, is the parallel combination of (8.33 % + 9.18 %) and
6.67 %
17.51  6.67
i.e. Total % reactance upto fault point F1,   4.83%
17.51  6.67
100 100
 Short circuit MVA = Base MVA   100   2070
% Reactance 4.83

40. Ans: (a)

Solution: The initial sym. short circuit will be controlled by sub-transient reactance X"d .
X kV 

The sub-transient reactance, X  "

0.10 11kV 

X"d   1.21
I"d   5248.63A
3  1.21
Id.c(max)  2 "  2  5249  7.4 kA

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

41. Ans: (c)

Solution: Connection of sequence networks for a solid LG fault is shown below from which
we calculate the fault current as
3 Ea
If LG  [X1=X2 for generator]
2X1  X0  3Xn
Similarly for a solid three-phase fault
If 3 

We have, for LG fault current to be less than three-phase fault current, by

comparing above two expressions
3 Ea Ea

2X 1  X 0  3Xn X1
2X1  X 0  3Xn  3X1
Xn   X  X0 
3 1

42. Ans: (d)

Solution: Let Base MVA = 50 MVA

Base voltage = 33 KV
Base impedance =  21.78 
50  103
Base current   874.79 A
3  33
Line sequence reactance in p.u.
X1  X 2   j0.46 p.u.
X0   j0.918 p.u.
X1.total  X 2.total  0.2  0.46  0.66 p.u.
X 0.total  j1.018 p.u.
Total sequence reactance upto the fault location:
3Eph 31
If.SLG    1.1372 p.u.  994.83 A
X1.total  X 2.total  X 0.total  3X f 0.66  0.66  1.018  3  0.1

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

43. Ans: (c)

Solution: Let us choose base of 2500 kVA and 600 volts for low tension and 4.16 kV for high
tension side.
The positive, negative and zero sequence impedance diagrams are as shown in above Fig.(a),
(b), (c) respectively. It is clear that

0.16  0.31
Z1  Z 2  j  j0.106
0.16  0.31
0.56  0.06
Z0  j  j0.054
0.56  0.06

Z0 Z2 0.106  0.054
So that   j0.036
Z0  Z2 0.160
Referring to Fig.(d)
Ea 1 1
Ia1      j7.05 p.u.
Z0 Z2 j  0.106  0.036  j0.142
Z1 
Z0  Z2
Z 2  j0.106
Ia0 
Z0  Z2
Ia1 
  j7.05  j4.67 p.u.

44. Ans: (a)

Solution: The line currents are
Ia  100o A , I b  10180o and Ic  0A
1 1
Ia2 
   
Ia  a2Ib  aIc  100o  10 180o  240o  0   5.7730o A
3 

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

We recommend you to take the Chapter Test first and then

check the Solutions.

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

Chapter Test Solutions

1. Ans: (a)
Solution: The impedance of the network up to point F1 will be less so the fault current is
more for fault F1, so F1 is more severe.

2. Ans: (c)
Solution: In absence of ground connection at generator no current can flow into the ground
at the fault. The current in LL & LLG fault will be same in this case.

3. Ans: (b)
Solution: Maximum possible sub-transient current
Ic  Ia0  Ia1   2 Ia2
Ic  j2.5  11200   j5.75  12400  j3.25  8.64925.69 0 A

4. Ans: (c)
Solution: Xp.u. LV  0.121   0.1 p.u.
 
22K 

Xp.u.HV   Xp.u.LV   0.1

MVAnew  kVold 
100  220 
Xp.u.HV New  Xp.u.HV old    0.1    0.0229
MVAold  kVnew  400  230 

5. Ans: (b)

Solution: For symmetrical 3 phase fault

ER1 1.0 1.0
IR1 (p.u.)     1.45 p.u
X1  X 2  X 0  3X f 0.2  0.2  0.05  3(0.08) 0.69
IR1  1.45  kA  1.522 kA
3  11

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

6. Ans: (c)
Solution: Equivalent reactance seen from the fault point

 j0.1  j0.2  j0.08    j0.1  j0.08   j0.12214
j0.1  j0.2  j0.08  j0.08  j0.1
1 1
Fault level current =    j8.187
X(PU) j0.12214

7. Ans: (d)
Solution: sub transient current for symmetrical fault If  IR 
1.0 1.0
X1    0.2
If 5
X 2  X1  0.2
X 0  0.2  0.2  0.04
For L-G fault
ER1 1.0 10
IR1     2.27
X1  X 2  X 0  3Xn 0.2  0.2  0.04  0 0.44

8. Ans: (c)
ER1 1.0
Solution: For 3 phase fault IF  IR  IR1  => X1p.u   0.2 p.u.
X1p.u 5
 X 2p.u  0.2 p.u.

X 0p.u  0.2  0.2  0.04 and X n  0

L  L  G Fault:
ER1 1.0
IR1    4.29 p.u.
X2  X0 0.2  0.04
X1  0.2 
X2  X0 0.24

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

9. Ans: (c)
Solution: Base MVA  150
X G New  0.2   0.3
Equivalent Reactance =  0.3  0.1 0.15  0.55pu
SC MVA =  272.72MVA

10. Ans: (c)

Solution: Base MVA = 6
Per unit impedance of transformer = 0.01 + j0.08
 9  j18  x6  0.04968  j0.09917 pu
Per unit impedance of feeder   

0.04968  j0.09917  = 0.02482+j0.049585 pu

Equivalent impedance of two feeders =
 
j0.2  6
Per unit impedance of load   j0.207
Single line impedance diagram of the system is,

If   7.452( 75)p.u.
.02484  .049585 j  .01  .08 j
If  7.452  6  44.72

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

11. Ans: 6.8 to 7.0

Solution: The earth fault is assumed to occur on the red phase. Taking red phase as the
reference, its phase e.m.f.

11  1000
ER   6351 V

For line to ground fault the equivalent circuit will be

%X  Base KV 

Base MVA   100
10  11 

X1   0.605 
20  100

5  11 

X2   0.3025 
20  100

30  11 

X0   1.815 
20  100

3ER 3  6351
If  
X1  X2  X0 j0.605  j0.3025  j1.815

I f   j6998 A
If  6998 A

12. Ans: (b)

Solution: Full load current of the alternator
10  106
I  524.86 A
3  11  103
% Reactive drop = 5%=  100%

So that X=

5  11000 / 3   0.605 
100  524.86
Let X' be the (external) reactance per phase to be
connected in series with the alternator.
ISC  8 I  8  524.86  4200 A

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

ISC   X '  0.90 
0.605  X '

13. Ans: (b)

Solution: Let base MVA equal to 1MVA
Line reactance,
0.05  1 MVA
Xline.p.u   0.258 pu
 440V 

Reactance of large system,

Base MVA
X p.u.
X system   0.125 pu
Operating voltage at motor bus before fault   0.909 pu
Short circuit current fed to fault at motor bus,
 1 0.909 
Isc    2   20.8
 0.125  0.258 0.1 
Base current, I base
  1.312kA
3  440
Short circuit current,
ISC  20.8  1.312  27.29 kA

14. Ans: (c)

 1000
Solution: Base impedance of circuit A=  19.044 
Impedance of load referred to circuit A  300  22  0.12  12 
per unit impedance of load referred to A   0.63 p.u.

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Power Systems (Fault Analysis)

15. Ans: 16 to 17
Solution: For a base of 25,000 KVA, 13.8 kV in the generator circuit, the base for the motor is
5000 KVA, 6.9 kV. The subtransient reactance of each motor is
 25000 
X"d  0.2     1 p.u.
 5000 

The voltage at the motors is 6.9 kV when a 3- fault occur at point ‘P’
 j
Z Th   j0.15  j0.10  ||    j0.125 p.u.
I"f    j8 p.u.
The base current in the 6.9 kV circuit is  2091.85 A
3  6.9
I"f  8  2091.85  16.735 kA

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