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International Journal of Instruction 20---1 1

Impact of Internet Users: Analysis on Social Interaction

Dian Permata Sari

Doctoral Program in Education, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung,
[email protected]

The development of internet technology that is increasingly modern and sophisticated
not only has a positive impact on its users but also has a negative impact on users,
especially among teenagers as students. One aspect that is influenced by the use of the
internet is social behavior. Internet use behavior is a form of development of
information and communication technology that changes a person's behavior in
activities. This study aims to determine the impact of internet use in this technological
era.This research was made in the form literature review using a database Google
Scholar and Publish or Perish (PoP) within the last 4 years (2018-2021) and can be
fully accessed. Based on the results of 9 studies, it was found that there was an
increase in internet use in Indonesia from 2018-2022. Internet users are mostly used
by teenagers or the Generation Z era group. Internet use is increasing during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Most teenagers access the internet just to have fun spending
time accessing social media, thus causing a lack of direct socialization with the
realworld environment.

Keywords: Internet, impact of social media, adolescent social behavior


The Internet is one of the greatest advances in the world of information technology
and has made the world global (Fatema et al., 2020). The internet is very useful and
contributes to human progress and prosperity in all fields (Diomidous et al., 2016).
Through the internet millions of people can participate and be involved in the
exchange of information (Soegoto & Tjokroadiponto, 2018). Internet users in
Indonesia in 2021-2022 will reach 77.02% of the total population, this figure is the
result of a survey from APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association) for
the period 2021-2022 (Q1). This internet user has increased from 2018 which only
reached 64.80%. The highest penetration at the age of 13-18 years is 99.16% and the
age of 19-34 years is 98.64% of the total population of Indonesia. With work as a
student and 99.26% students. I am a teenager. The results of many studies that have
been carried out also show that the most internet users are teenagers (Kwak et al.,
2022; Torre et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021).

Teenagers of this era have been exposed and affected by digital technology since the
beginning of their lives. This adolescent age is often referred to as Generasa Z or Gen
2 Title goes here

Z (Khrishananto & Adriansyah, 2021). Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in the
internet world, where the understanding of accessing information and thinking is not
the same as the previous generation (Adamson et al., 2018). Gen Z is a generation that
is very familiar with and uses advances in technology and information (Murad et al.,
2019). Gen Z is very easy to socialize through the internet, using the internet quickly,
so that technology can be efficient and innovative (Berkup, 2014). Gen Z has a
character who likes technology, is flexible, fast, and all digital (Rastati, 2018). Their
world is always active by spending a lot of time doing productive and creative
activities on the internet (Dass, 2021). Massive internet use indirectly affects their
character (Karina, 2021). (Wijoyo et al., 2020) The characteristics in question include
digital natives, expressiveness, multitasking, and being able to interact intensely
through social media.

The Internet has been elevated to an extraordinary extent as a communication

platform among the younger generation (Saha & Guha, 2021). As the internet and its
users increase, there is a growing concern about the risks associated with excessive
internet use (Balouch, 2019; Jamila et al., 2021). Apart from the positive impact of the
internet on academic performance, research findings show that excessive internet use
has a negative impact on social interaction (Ali et al., 2021, 2022; Biswas, 2021;
Lavrinenko et al., 2019). Student behavior (Talooki et al., 2017), Anti-social disorders
and anxiety disorders (Budiyati et al., 2021; Sa’ngadah et al., 2020; Surat et al., 2021) .
Increased social interaction can reduce the number of face-to-face interactions
between people (Ardi, 2017; Mythily et al., 2008; Subramaniam et al., 2016).
(Balouch, 2019; Khidri et al., 2022) stated that depression scores increased, this was
due to increased time spent on social networks. They use the internet every day which
causes their behavior patterns to change very quickly (Alfitri & Widiatrilupi, 2020;
Fatema et al., 2020; Kusumo & Jatmika, 2020; I. B. D. K. Putra et al., 2021; Sofita et
al., 2019).

Internet users in Indonesia do not focus on finding information or learning but as a

means of social media entertainment, the results of the APJII survey 98.02% of
internet users access social media (including accessing
Facebook/Whatsapp/Telegram/Line/Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/etc). Studies
conducted by Studi yang dilakukan oleh (Iskandar & Isnaeni, 2019; Primasti & Dewi,
2017; Rismala et al., 2021; Saha & Guha, 2021) Instagram and Facebook are the most
frequently used social media platforms, (Junawan & Laugu, 2020) Youtube. The
COVID-19 pandemic has also brought significant changes to the number of internet
users, social media, and social interactions (Federick, 2020). The results of the study
(Dong et al., 2020) show that there is excessive internet use among children and
adolescents during COVID-19. (Amalia & Maknun, 2021; Intanuari, 2020; Risalah et
Author surnames go here 3

al., 2020) stated that COVID-19 has a negative influence in which learning becomes
less effective and can lead to addiction to playing social media so that dependence
appears unable to be away from gadgets.

The APJJI survey results show that internet users during the COVID-19 pandemic
reached 76.63%. Excessive use of social media can cause a decrease in socialization,
difficulty expressing oneself in the real environment, indifferent to the real
environment, lazy to adapt, identity crisis as a result of global thinking, and even
worse can be affected by internet addiction disorder(Levani et al., 2020; O. Putra &
Fitriani, 2019; Ratulangi et al., 2021; Septania & Proborini, 2020; Simanjuntak et al.,
2021). Thus, this study aims to determine the purpose of using the internet, the
positive and negative effects of the internet


This article uses a systematic review of reviews related to internet use and social
behavior. This systematic review focuses more on the impact of internet use on
adolescents who are students or college students. This approach provides a lot of
empirical study structure, so it was chosen as the right research method to answer
research questions. This review will review several articles based on authors, work,
and findings in the field of education. Reports are drawn from Scopus indexed
journals and Google Schooler databases. With the help of Publish or Perish (PoP)
software. The keywords searched were “Internet Users”, “Impact of Internet Users”,
“Adolescent Social Behavior”, and all articles reviewed in this study were published
between 2018-2021.

Article selection is refined by reading the abstract of the paper and identifying the
right keywords. The following article search results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Articles Related to Internet Use
No Name/Year Title Occupation Results
1. (Dong et al., Internet Student This study states that there
2020) Addiction and was excessive internet use
Related among Chinese children and
Psychological adolescents during the
Factors Among COVID-19 outbreak.
Children and
Adolescent in China
During the
Coronavirus Disease
2019 ( COVID-19)
4 Title goes here

No Name/Year Title Occupation Results

2. (Fernandes et The impact of students The results show that
al., 2020) COVID-19 lockdown adolescents in general have
on internet use and increased their use of social
escapism in media sites and streaming
adolescent services
3. (Fatema et Impact of Using the Students The results showed that
al., 2020). Internet on Students: around 56% of respondents
A Sociological used the internet for
Analysis at educational purposes, 24% of
Bangabandhu Sheikh them used the internet only for
Mujibur Rahman recreation and 44% were
Science and found to use the internet for
Technology educational purposes. internet
University, for browsing social
Gopalganj, networking sites
4. (Prakash & An online cross- Students The results indicate that the
Yadav, 2020) sectional study to average age of respondents is
assess the prevalence 18-25 years. The prevalence of
of Internet Addiction internet addiction was found
among people staying to be 50.29% mild, 18.29%
at their home during moderate,
Lockdown due to and 1.71% severe, while only
COVID-19 29.71%
were found as normal internet
A higher prevalence of
internet addiction was found
among young people (75.9%)
aged 14-25
years. From 192 students,
found 143 students
(74.5%) who have internet
5. (Puspita & The Impact of Students using the internet for social
Rohedi, 2018) Internet Use for media research results as
Students many as 82 respondents or
68.33% answered always and
50 respondents or 41.67%
answered often, used for
online game activities,
response 120 respondents 65
respondents or 54.17%
answered that they always use
the internet for online games,
50 respondents or 41.67%
answered that they often use
the internet for online games,
Author surnames go here 5

No Name/Year Title Occupation Results

while using the internet to
watch YouTube, 56
respondents or 46.67%
answered often use the
internet to watch youtube and
62 respondents or 51.67%
always use the internet to
watch youtube, the answers of
120 respondents 41
respondents or 34.17%
answered that they rarely use
the internet to study and find
6. (Rahayu et The Impact of Social Students The results showed there were
al., 2019) Media on Adolescent positive and negative impacts
Social Behavior in of social media.
Sleman Regency,
7. (Iskandar & Internet Use Among Students The results of the hypothesis
Isnaeni, 2019) Adolescents in test show that there is no
Jakarta effect
between the characteristics of
social media use and violent
behavior in adolescents
8. (Biswas, Negative effects of Students This study found a negative
2021) Internet on Student relationship between Internet
addiction and motivation to
learn. Students who reported
more internet addiction also
found it harder to organize
their learning weremore
anxious about upcoming tests.
9. (Soegoto & Effect of Internet on Student This research shows that
Tjokroadipont Student's Academic internet use for study purposes
o, 2018) Performance and and academic achievement is
directly proportional to each
other while inversely
proportional to student social
Lampiran 1
Changes in Internet Use During the COVID Pandemic -19
Research (Dong et al., 2020) found an increase in internet use during COVID-19. In
line with (Prakash & Yadav, 2020) which found that 74.5% of students have internet
addiction. Fernandes research says the COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant
6 Title goes here

impact on internet use. Increased use of the internet can potentially increase internet
dependence in the future. (Soegoto & Tjokroadiponto, 2018) Very high internet usage
will minimize students' social activities.

Purpose of Using the Internet

Currently the internet has become a global network, Humans use the internet in all
fields that are interconnected with each other. Of course the internet has a positive and
negative impact on the lives of today's teenagers. Teenagers use the internet for
various purposes. Internet use is one of the factors that affect academic achievement
and social life. (Soegoto & Tjokroadiponto, 2018) shows that the use of the internet
for study purposes and academic achievement is directly proportional to each other. In
(Fatema et al., 2020) research, it was identified that 56% of respondents used the
internet for educational purposes. However, unlike Puspita's research 68.33 % of
respondents use the internet for social media and only 34.17% use the internet to study
and find information. (Fernandes et al., 2020) also shows that in general, teenagers use
the internet to access social media and streaming services. They use social media not
as a means of learning/education or seeking information, but as a means of
entertainment and looking for (Iskandar & Isnaeni, 2019). From some of these
findings that they use the internet for various purposes

Impact of Internet Use on Social Life The

Internet is considered an important tool in this technological era, but the misuse of the
internet by students has a negative impact on their lives. Although its function is to be
broadly connected and confident, according to (Biswas, 2021) the use of social media
actually makes people feel anxious and lonely. supported by (Fernandes et al., 2020)
that excessive internet use will cause depression, loneliness, poor sleep quality, and
anxiety. high internet usage has an effect on their social life, the time spent outdoor
activities meeting with other people, face-to-face chat tends to be non-existent.
Supported by the (Fatema et al., 2020) that excessive internet use causes a lack of
face-to-face communication, wasting time, and depression. (Rahayu, 2019) also said
that the negative impact felt was that it made teenagers lazy and rarely socialized
directly with other people, so it had the potential to make teenagers anti-social.
however, there is no effect of the use of social media on violent behavior by
adolescents. Puspita internet use will become addicted and more likely to have a
negative impact and less supportive in learning activities


Internet use is one of the factors that affect the social life of adolescents. Most
teenagers spend their time accessing the internet such as social interaction,
Author surnames go here 7

communication, entertainment, education and information seeking. Internet use

certainly has positive and negative impacts. The use of the internet with a high amount
of time will affect their social behavior such as being anti-social because they have
more time to use the internet so that direct socialization with other people is limited.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, internet use by teenagers increases, this could lead
to internet dependency in the masses to come.

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