Iji Model
Iji Model
Iji Model
The development of internet technology that is increasingly modern and sophisticated
not only has a positive impact on its users but also has a negative impact on users,
especially among teenagers as students. One aspect that is influenced by the use of the
internet is social behavior. Internet use behavior is a form of development of
information and communication technology that changes a person's behavior in
activities. This study aims to determine the impact of internet use in this technological
era.This research was made in the form literature review using a database Google
Scholar and Publish or Perish (PoP) within the last 4 years (2018-2021) and can be
fully accessed. Based on the results of 9 studies, it was found that there was an
increase in internet use in Indonesia from 2018-2022. Internet users are mostly used
by teenagers or the Generation Z era group. Internet use is increasing during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Most teenagers access the internet just to have fun spending
time accessing social media, thus causing a lack of direct socialization with the
realworld environment.
The Internet is one of the greatest advances in the world of information technology
and has made the world global (Fatema et al., 2020). The internet is very useful and
contributes to human progress and prosperity in all fields (Diomidous et al., 2016).
Through the internet millions of people can participate and be involved in the
exchange of information (Soegoto & Tjokroadiponto, 2018). Internet users in
Indonesia in 2021-2022 will reach 77.02% of the total population, this figure is the
result of a survey from APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association) for
the period 2021-2022 (Q1). This internet user has increased from 2018 which only
reached 64.80%. The highest penetration at the age of 13-18 years is 99.16% and the
age of 19-34 years is 98.64% of the total population of Indonesia. With work as a
student and 99.26% students. I am a teenager. The results of many studies that have
been carried out also show that the most internet users are teenagers (Kwak et al.,
2022; Torre et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021).
Teenagers of this era have been exposed and affected by digital technology since the
beginning of their lives. This adolescent age is often referred to as Generasa Z or Gen
2 Title goes here
Z (Khrishananto & Adriansyah, 2021). Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in the
internet world, where the understanding of accessing information and thinking is not
the same as the previous generation (Adamson et al., 2018). Gen Z is a generation that
is very familiar with and uses advances in technology and information (Murad et al.,
2019). Gen Z is very easy to socialize through the internet, using the internet quickly,
so that technology can be efficient and innovative (Berkup, 2014). Gen Z has a
character who likes technology, is flexible, fast, and all digital (Rastati, 2018). Their
world is always active by spending a lot of time doing productive and creative
activities on the internet (Dass, 2021). Massive internet use indirectly affects their
character (Karina, 2021). (Wijoyo et al., 2020) The characteristics in question include
digital natives, expressiveness, multitasking, and being able to interact intensely
through social media.
al., 2020) stated that COVID-19 has a negative influence in which learning becomes
less effective and can lead to addiction to playing social media so that dependence
appears unable to be away from gadgets.
The APJJI survey results show that internet users during the COVID-19 pandemic
reached 76.63%. Excessive use of social media can cause a decrease in socialization,
difficulty expressing oneself in the real environment, indifferent to the real
environment, lazy to adapt, identity crisis as a result of global thinking, and even
worse can be affected by internet addiction disorder(Levani et al., 2020; O. Putra &
Fitriani, 2019; Ratulangi et al., 2021; Septania & Proborini, 2020; Simanjuntak et al.,
2021). Thus, this study aims to determine the purpose of using the internet, the
positive and negative effects of the internet
This article uses a systematic review of reviews related to internet use and social
behavior. This systematic review focuses more on the impact of internet use on
adolescents who are students or college students. This approach provides a lot of
empirical study structure, so it was chosen as the right research method to answer
research questions. This review will review several articles based on authors, work,
and findings in the field of education. Reports are drawn from Scopus indexed
journals and Google Schooler databases. With the help of Publish or Perish (PoP)
software. The keywords searched were “Internet Users”, “Impact of Internet Users”,
“Adolescent Social Behavior”, and all articles reviewed in this study were published
between 2018-2021.
Article selection is refined by reading the abstract of the paper and identifying the
right keywords. The following article search results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Articles Related to Internet Use
No Name/Year Title Occupation Results
1. (Dong et al., Internet Student This study states that there
2020) Addiction and was excessive internet use
Related among Chinese children and
Psychological adolescents during the
Factors Among COVID-19 outbreak.
Children and
Adolescent in China
During the
Coronavirus Disease
2019 ( COVID-19)
4 Title goes here
impact on internet use. Increased use of the internet can potentially increase internet
dependence in the future. (Soegoto & Tjokroadiponto, 2018) Very high internet usage
will minimize students' social activities.
Internet use is one of the factors that affect the social life of adolescents. Most
teenagers spend their time accessing the internet such as social interaction,
Author surnames go here 7
Adamson, M. A., Chen, H., Kackley, R., & Micheal, A. (2018). For the Love of the
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Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 56(2), 29–36.
Alfitri, R., & Widiatrilupi, R. M. V. (2020). Dampak penggunaan internet terhadap
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Ali, F., Ali, A., Iqbal, A., & Ullah Zafar, A. (2021). How socially anxious people
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Biswas, S. D. (2021). Negative effects of Internet on Students. International Journal
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8 Title goes here
Khidri, F. F., Riaz, H., Bhatti, U., Shahani, K. A., Ali, F. K., Effendi, S., Rani, K., &
Chohan, M. N. (2022). Physical Activity, Dietary Habits and Factors Associated with
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10 Title goes here
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