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Journal of Positive School Psychology

2022, Vol. 6, No. 10, 1490-1502

How Tiktok Addiction Leads To Mental Health Illness?

Examining The Mediating Role Of Academic Performance
Using Structural Equation Modeling
Dr. Muniba Fatima Zahra1 , Dr. Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi2 , Ashbeelah Shafaqat Ali3 , Dr.
Noor Hayat4 , Dr. Taimoor ul Hassan5

Assistant Professor, University of Central Punjab, [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Bahria University Islamabad, [email protected]
Lecturer, University of Central Punjab, [email protected]
Assistant Professor, University of Central Punjab, [email protected]
Professor, University of Central Punjab, [email protected]


TikTok is a popular social media networking site among students. The features of this application such
as collaborating videos, and duet has attracted and impressed billions of users all around the world and
in Pakistan too. This research has observed how TikTok addiction is affecting the mental health of
university students. This study has also explored the mediating role of academic performance between
the relationship of TikTok addiction and mental health of university students. Depression and anxiety
are taken as the parameters to measure the mental health of university students. Total 400 students
enrolled in University of Central Punjab selected through purposive convenient sampling technique were
surveyed to collect data. The results revealed that TikTok addiction affects the mental health of
university students. Furthermore, this study serves as a base to create awareness among the students that
TikTok addiction may be harmful to them in several ways. Students must be encouraged to limit time
on using TikTok and must focus on their education.

Keywords: TikTok addiction, mental health, academic performance, students.

Introduction eventually getting addicted to it. Consequently,

this addiction leads to low CGP’s and grades
A dramatic change has been observed in the
affecting their education performance (Sabir et
frequency of internet users globally from the
al., 2020).
year 2005 to 2014 (Freund & Weinhold, 2002).
Besides Internet, different platforms such as
Technological advancement has not only
YouTube, Facebook, TikTok etc. are evidently
changed the educational environment but social
overtaking the world and could be stated as a
and economic domains also. Innovation and
global consumer phenomenon (Camilia,
evolution in technology has changed the life of
Ibrahim, & Dalhatu, 2013).
students in certain ways (Mese & Aydin, 2019).
In the last decade, because of invention of social
As social media is a platform where ideas,
media, online world has changed drastically. It
views, feelings and information is exchanged
has become easier for people to exchange
easily. It includes Facebook, YouTube,
feelings, opinions, ideas, pictures, sharing
Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and
videos and all kind of personal information
Snapchat. Students spend most of their time
within no time. It has been studied that around
using different media applications and
73% of Americans use social media websites
1491 Journal of Positive School Psychology

(Owusu-Acheaw & Larson, 2015). According January to March 2021 (Gulrez, 2021). After
to Lenhart et al., (2010), the age of most social that, on April 1 2021 the ban of TikTok
media users ranged between 18-29 years old application was lifted (AlJazeera, 2021).
and possess a personal account on different TikTok addiction has dramatically affected the
social media platforms. youth. They utilize most of their time in making
According to Owe (2008), the major portion of videos. They are not responsible towards their
Pakistan’s population consists of youth like studies. They waste their time on making
college or university going students. Around TikTok videos (The Nation, 2021). There are
60% of the total population is comprised of countless videos available on TikTok
youth which in number is 180 million. As per application, students watch videos and waste
Statistics, 36 million youth age ranged between their time, in this way they get addicted to the
20-24 years, and 50 million youth is of 18- 29 application and they do not spend time on
of age. studies, which shows decreased grades (Dawn,
TikTok is a social media application that allows 2021).
its users to create mobile videos and share them Addiction is normally associated with alcohol
with friends. Previously it was known as and drugs. Any activity which is not controlled has grabbed the attention of youth by human beings is known as addiction (Harris,
globally. Because of its diverse technology, Nagy, & Vardaxis, 2014). In a technological
design and usage TikTok has become one of the context, excessive use of the internet results in
most downloaded Apple iOS video application, technological dependency among the people
youngsters that comprised of half of the 500 (Kuss & Griffiths, 2012). With the passage of
million monthly users (Chen, 2018). A US- time, it has been observed that students are
based market intelligence firm Sensor Tower spending maximum time using social media
declared that TikTok has become the most that ultimately affects their academic
downloaded social application in Pakistan in the performance and mental health (Ishaq, et al.,
year 2019. Around 16.3 million people has 2019; Maguire & Pellosmaa, 2022). This
downloaded the application between 1 January ‘addiction’ results in affecting the physical
to 29 November 2019 (Shakeel, 2019, Hayat, et health of the students. Students who have
al. 2022). become addicted and dependents to social
A petition was filed by a citizen in Sindh to ban media, they think that their life is boring and
TikTok in Pakistan who stated that the medium empty without it. The outcomes of this
is being used to spread immoral and unethical addiction result in different physical and mental
content. On this complaint, The Sindh High health problems such as affecting eye eight,
Court (SHC) banned TikTok until the next feeling of aloneness, headache, stress,
hearing i.e., 8 July 2021. In response, the team depression and anxiety (Maguire & Pellosmaa,
of TikTok stated that the creativity and passion 2022; Nalwa & Anand, 2003). Students use
of our community has brought joy to social media excessively that affects their
households across Pakistan and provided a education (Deka, 2015, Mussrat, et al. 2022).
home for incredibly talented creators”. Anxiety, depression, and stress are three major
Moreover, they have added that they work factors, which depicts mental health illness (Ali
while keeping the rules and regulations to serve et al., 2021; Moore et al., 2016). Since CoVid-
millions of TikToker users and video creators in 19 has prevailed these mental health problems
Pakistan for whom it is a platform for creativity, are also on rise across all ages and genders (Ali
fun and vital economic opportunities in future. et al., 2021). Because of lock down the usage of
TikTok management took step to remove more social media app, also increase and people
than 6 million videos from the TikTok become addicted of the social media platform,
application in Pakistan in 3 months between resulted in decreased academic performance,
Dr. Muniba Fatima Zahra 1492

and increased mental health illness (Zahra et al., H3. There exists a positive relationship between
2021). TikTok addiction and anxiety.
H4. Academic performance mediates the
Problem Statement relationship between depression and TikTok
Several studies have explored the addiction addiction.
patters of digital media like Facebook, H5. Academic performance mediates the
YouTube and Instagram However, very few relationship between anxiety and TikTok
studies have to analyze the impact of watching addiction.
short-videos through TikTok and problems
associated with its addiction as TikTok (Su et Significance of the Study
al., 2021). Previous literature also explains the As TikTok users are increasing day by day so
relationship between TikTok mental health are the effects. This study provides a
while several studies claim the excessive use of comprehensive view how TikTok addiction is
social media apps has negative effect on the affecting the academic performance, depression
academic performance of students. However, and anxiety level of students and how academic
none of the research has explored the performance mediated the relationship between
relationship of TikTok addiction and academic TikTok addiction and mental health of
performance specifically. Therefore, this study university students. It also provides an
bridges the gap by exploring relationship opportunity for educational institutes as well as
between TikTok addiction and academic parents of university students to understand the
performance, TikTok addiction and mental impact of TikTok addiction on the academic
health problems and it further explores the performance of the students. Additionally, how
mediating role of academic performance in the this poor academic performance further create
relationship of TikTok addiction and mental certain mental problems.
health problems.
Literature Review
Objectives of the Study Herath and Hearth (2020) explored that
1. To explore the relationship between watching TikTok videos has a negative
TikTok addiction on mental health of influence on the students as they get addicted to
university students. it. Moreover, the researchers stated that more
2. To explore the mediating role of time spent on TikTok results in the poor
academic performance between the academic performance of the students; hence,
relationship of TikTok addiction and the students should keep time factor into
depression among students. consideration when using the application.
3. To explore the mediating role of Research conducted by Badri, Nuaimi, Guang,
academic performance between the & Al Rashedi (2017) observed the effect of
relationship of TikTok addiction and using social media applications like Facebook,
anxiety among students. WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok etc. on the
academic performance of the students. The
Hypotheses of the Study findings showed that usage of social media apps
H1. There exists a positive relationship between by the students have both positive and negative
TikTok addiction and the poor academic outcomes. However, this is heavily relied on the
performance of students. time of using social media. Those who spend
H2. There exists a positive relationship between more time using these apps have poor academic
TikTok addiction and depression among performance. In addition, the excessive use of
students. social media apps such as TikTok may affect
1493 Journal of Positive School Psychology

the learning attitudes and memory circuits, academic performance. Depression is the most
which if prolonged can be developed as a habit incurred problem among the students which has
among individuals (Hyman et al., 2006). affected their mental health due to poor
Undergraduate students involved in academic performance (Showalter, 2010).
pathological Internet usage have more Excessive use of social media apps result into
loneliness as compared to those who do not depression (Zaffar, Mahmood, Saleem, &
(Morahan-Martin & Schumacher, 2000). Zakaria, 2015). Researchers Chen, Rubin, & Li
Different studies conducted in Pakistan have (1995) conducted a longitudinal study in
shown that students enrolled in undergraduate Shangai. and the results revealed that poor
programs have higher chances of having academic performance could lead to depression.
loneliness due to excessive use of the internet A study conducted in rural China stated that
(Saleem, Waseem, Khan, & Ismail, 2015). poor academic performance results in
increasing of depression and anxiety among
TikTok addiction has a positive relationship students (Feng, et al., 2022). Kumar and
with depression, anxiety, and stress (Sha & Jejurkar (2005) inferred that academic
Dong, 2021). TikTok addiction links with performance was responsible for higher stress
higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress levels among undergraduates.
(Maguire, & Pellosmaa, 2022). Numerous
databases suggested that majority of the college Conceptual Framework
students underwent mental health problems The conceptual framework explains the
(Hunt, 2010). Different researches conducted independent, dependent and mediator variables
on mental health and academic performance in this research. TikTok addiction is an
earlier have observed that there is a positive independent variable, depression and anxiety
relationship between academic performance, are dependent variable, and academic
and mental health factors like depression, age, performance is a mediating variable.
gender and financial problems leads to poor

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Methodology through their responses to questions (Ponto,

Quantitate research design has been used in this 2015).
research. TikTok addiction is an independent
variable, and the mediating variable is academic Survey
performance, a survey (N= 400) was conducted The questionnaire consists of four sections i.e.,
from students. Survey research means the demographic information, TikTok Addiction
gathering of data or information from people Scale, Scale for Academic Performance, Scale
for Depression and Scale for Anxiety. After
Dr. Muniba Fatima Zahra 1494

developing a questionnaire, a pilot study was scales i.e. Students Addictiveness to Social
undertaken to test the reliability of instrument. Network (The minimum value = 29 and
maximum value = 145 , Cronbach alpha = .79
Sample and Academic Performance (The minimum
An online survey was conducted from 400 value = 4 and maximum value = 20, Cronbach
students enrolled in the University of Central alpha = .84), Exposure of Students to Social
Punjab. The division of students who Media Network and their Academic
participated in a survey for collection of data Performance (The minimum value = 4 and
was 252 from the Bachelor program, 130 from maximum value = 20, Cronbach alpha = .82 )
the master’s program, and, 18 from the M.Phil. and Use of Social Media and Students’
program. Both genders; male and female were Academic Performance (The minimum value =
included as participants in the study. An online 4 and maximum value = 20, Cronbach alpha =
questionnaire was developed and circulated .91). Whereas two sub scales were excluded i.e.
among students in Lahore. Convenient ‘Gender usage of social media and ‘Age usage
sampling technique was used to select the of social media’ as they were not part of this
students. research to be examined. A total of 20 questions
were included in this scale. A 5-point Likert
Measures Scale ranging from 1= Strongly Disagree to 5=
The first part of the questionnaire was based on Strongly Agree was used to collect opinion
demographic information such as gender, from the participants. The minimum value was
enrolled program, university name, etc. The 20 and maximum value was 100. The value of
second part contained the questions related to Cronbach alpha was 0.84.
TikTok addiction and the opinions of the
students on them. The third and fourth portion Scale for Depression
of the questionnaire was based on the mediating The Center for Epidemiological Studies
role of academic performance; and depression Depression (CES-D) Scale by Radolff (1977)
and anxiety respectively among students in has been has been adapted for data collection
Lahore. Four scales used in order to collect data purpose, consisting0 of 20 statements. 5-point
are mentioned below: Likert Scale ranging from 1= Strongly Disagree
to 5= Strongly Agree was used to collect
TikTok Addiction Scale Student Scale opinion from the participants. The minimum
The TikTok addiction Scale Student Scale by value was 20 and maximum value was 100. The
Sahin (2018) has been adapted from Social value of Cronbach alpha was 0.91.
Media Addiction Scale. Likert Scale has been
used, comprising of total 29 statements ranging Scale for Anxiety
from 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree The scale adapted and used to measure anxiety
in this research. The minimum value was 29 and (Zimmerman, Chelminski, Young, &
maximum value was 145. The value of Dalrymple, 2010). A 5-point Likert Scale
Cronbach alpha was 0.79. ranging from 1= Strongly Disagree to 5=
Strongly Agree was employed to collect data
Scale for Academic Performance from respondents. The questionnaire is based on
To measure the academic performance of 20 statements. The minimum value was 20 and
students, The Scale for Academic Performance maximum value was 100. The value of
by Osharive (2015) has been adapted and Cronbach alpha was 0.77.
utilized in this study. Scale for Academic
Performance is further divided into five sub Data Analysis Procedure
1495 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Data was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 version for The demographic details of the respondents’
initial data screening. PLS was used to test the show that majority of respondents were male
hypothesis of the study. 224(56%) students, and majority fall 198
(49.5%) between the age bracket of 18-24 years.
Results and Discussions Majority of the students 252 (63%) were
studying in bachelors level.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Item Frequency Percent

Male 224 56%
Female 176 44%
18-24 198 49.5%
25-30 121 30.2%
31-36 81 20.2%
Bachelors 252 63%
Masters 130 32.5%
M.Phil. 18 4.5%

Findings regarding times spent on TikTok students spend more than 4 hours with TikTok
shows that majority of students 189(47.3%) (see figure 2).
spend 1-2 hours on watching TikTok videos.
Further analysis shows that very few 9(2.3%)

Time spent on TikTok

4 2.3

Less than 1 hour 1-2 Hours 2-3 Hours 3-4 Hours More Than 4 Hours

Figure 2: Frequency of Time Spent on TikTok

R2 value is helpful in evaluating PLS-SEM and 0.19 are considered as powerful, moderate
structural models. There are many assumptions and weak. In the below measurement model, R2
about the acceptancy level of R2 value. In the value of depression is 0.19, anxiety 0.23.
opinion of Chin (1998), R2 value of 0.67, 0.33
Dr. Muniba Fatima Zahra 1496

Figure 3: Assessment of Variance Explained in Endogenous Variables (Measurement Model)

The above measurement model was created loading of items of different constructs in the
through the PLS Algorithm depicting the values outer model, and R square values in constructs.
of path coefficients (β) in the inner model,

Table 2: Assessment of Convergent Validity

Constructs Cronbach's Alpha Reliability AVE
TikTok Addiction 0.934 0.921 0.548
Academic Performance 0.946 0.955 0.727
Depression 0.828 0.851 0.524
Anxiety 0.786 0.829 0.576

Cronbach Alpha is greater than .70. In addition,

Table 2 represents convergent validity of the the discriminant validity criteria are also
constructs. The acceptable reliability value for satisfied as shown in Table 3.
internal consistency reliability and composite This structural model depicts the values of path
reliability is .70 (Hair, Risher, Sarstedt & coefficients and P-values can be seen in the
Ringle, 2019). The results reveal that all the inner model and T-values in the outer model.
data is reliable and valid as the value of
1497 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Figure 4: Structural Model

Table 3 Fornell-Larcker Criterion Analysis for Discriminant Validity

1 2 3 4
1. Academic Performance 0.853
2. Anxiety 0.133 0.759
3. Depression 0.176 0.270 0.597
4. TikTok addiction 0.121 0.240 0.250 0.740

Table 4 Results of Testing Hypotheses

Original Sample
Standard T P
Sample Mean
Deviation Statistics Values
(O) (M)
TikTok Addiction-> Academic
-0.121 0.074 0.097 4.246 0.001

TikTok Addiction -> Depression 0.371 0.020 0.103 4.459 0.03

TikTok Addiction -> Anxiety 0.271 0.058 0.075 3.541 0.01

Academic Performance ->

-0.182 -0.193 0.060 3.027 0.003
Dr. Muniba Fatima Zahra 1498

Academic Performance -> Anxiety -0.138 -0.146 0.060 2.290 0.022

TikTok Addiction -> Academic
0.29 -0.015 0.020 3.092 0.001
Performance -> Depression

TikTok Addiction -> Academic 0.21 -0.012 0.016 2.050 0.02

Performance -> Anxiety

The relationship between TikTok addiction and relationship with depression, anxiety, and
academic performance is significant (β = - stress. And are also inline with TikTok
0.121, t = 4.246, p = 0.001). This result clearly addiction links with higher levels of depression,
shows that as TikTok addiction increases the anxiety, and stress (Hunt, 2010; Maguire, &
academic performance of students’ decreases. Pellosmaa, 2022).
These findings have validated the H1 “There is The result of the table 4 shows that academic
a positive relationship between addiction performance and depression have negative
to TikTok and poor academic performance of relationship (β = -0.182, t = 3.027, p = .003).
students and are also consistent with the This result clearly shows that poor academic
findings of Badri et al., (2017) that excessive performance leads students towards depression.
use of social media apps such as Face Book, The findings further reveal the relationship
Instagram, TikTok etc. have negative effect on between academic performance and anxiety is
academic performance of students. It is also in negative (β = -0.00, t = 2.290, p = .022). This
line with the findings of Hyman et al. (2006) result clearly shows that poor academic
that excessive use of TikTok may affect the performance also create anxiety among
learning attitudes and memory circuits of youth, students.
which ultimately results in poor academic
performance. Academic performance is a significant mediator
The finding regarding the relationship between between TikTok Addiction and depression (β =
TikTok Addiction and depression among .29, t = 3.092, p = .001). These results highlight
students is significant (β = .371, t = 4.459, p = that academic performance mediates the
.003). Analysis of the findings show that relationship between TikTok addiction and
increased use of TikTok leads towards more depression. Thus, the hypothesis “Academic
depression. This result has clearly validated the performance mediates the relationship between
H2 that there exists a positive relationship depression and TikTok addiction” is validated
between TikTok addiction and by the findings of the study. Excessive use of
depression among students. The analysis of the social media apps result into depression (Zaffar,
findings regarding TikTok Addiction and Mahmood, Saleem, & Zakaria, 2015). Chen,
Anxiety depicted significant relationship Rubin, and Li (1995) concluded that poor
between both variables (β = .271, t = 3.541, p = academic performance could lead to depression.
0.01). This predicts that TikTok addiction leads
students towards anxiety. Thus, another Academic performance is a significant mediator
hypothesis of the study there exists a positive between the relationship TikTok addiction and
relationship between TikTok addiction and anxiety (β = 0.21, t = 2.050, p = .002). These
anxiety among students is validated by the results revealed that academic performance
findings. These findings are also consistent with mediates the relationship between TikTok
the findings of Sha and Dong, (2021) who addiction and anxiety. In this way, another
inferred that TikTok addiction has a positive hypothesis of the study academic performance
1499 Journal of Positive School Psychology

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