Miq-Sertifikasiya (Trial 1)
Miq-Sertifikasiya (Trial 1)
Miq-Sertifikasiya (Trial 1)
A) 6,3,8,5,2,4,1,7 B) 6,1,3,5,2,8,4,7
C) 6,1,3,8,2,5,4,7 D) 6,3,1,5,2,8,4,7
E) 6,3,1,5,7,2,8,4
40. Which of the options best restates the 42. Complete the dialogue.
sentence below?
Barbara: Isn't your mother taking special herbal
Over the years researchers have learned a lot medicines for her arthritis?
about how and why cancer forms. Mark: Yes, she decided to go the natural route
after reading about possible side effects of
A) Through their research into cancer, scientists
conventional medication.
have finally discovered the causes of the disease
Barbara: ..................
and suggested various forms of treatment.
Mark: Then I'd better speak to her and urge her to
B) For many years, scientists have carried out
see a specialist.
much research into different types of cancer and
are now able to discuss them fully.
A) If we lived in Britain, she wouldn't have to pay
C) It has taken a long time for scientists to find
to see an arthritis specialist under the National
out about various kinds of cancer and suggest
Health Service there. But here, cost is always a
different methods of treatment.
consideration, unfortunately.
D) For many years, cancer research has been a
B) I've always confused rheumatoid arthritis with
serious concern for researchers, who are now able
osteoarthritis. Which one does your mother have?
to explain the causes of this disease.
C) Many people believe they can better benefit
E) Those who are involved in cancer research
from herbs and minerals instead of drugs they
have, over time, come to know much about the
perceive to be risky.
ways and causes of the disease's development.
D) Yet, it has now been proved that many herbal
41. Choose the wrong variant. medicines and alternative therapies do nothing to
help people with arthritis.
1. How was the film? - It was amazing. E) What kind of side effects are you referring to?
2.What was the film like? - It was amazing. I think your mother has done the right thing.
3. What is your brother like? - Oh, he's fine,
thanks. 43. Complete the sentence with the best option.
4.What's your brother like? - Well, he's much
Even as early as 1900, scientists were saying … .
quieter than I am.
5.What does your brother look like? - He's taller A) it seems strange that million of years ago there
than me, and he's got dark hair. was none
B) about how to harness the energy that is inside
A) none B) 3,4 C) 4,5
the nucleus of an atom
D) only 3 E) 2,5
C) everyone how electricity and steam would
revolutionise things
D) everything about gravity had already been
E) that everything that could be invented had been
44. Complete the sentence with the best option. A-Judge a book by its cover.
B-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
… , but I think that he's just being paranoid.
C-Easy come, easy go
A) Jacob believes that the government is tapping D-Knowledge is power
his phone. E-Laughter is the best medicine.
B) The psychiatrist told me that my brother had
A) 1 -b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
some issues.
C) 1-e, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d D) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
C) During rehabilitation from drugs some people
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
D) I know that there was someone else in the
house Read the text carefully and do the tasks (47-
E) I think that you should all agree with me 50)
45. Complete the gap with the correct option. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases are the most
common diseases which affect many people in the
Herbs are plants grown for any purpose other than world. Approximately, 1 million people in the
food, wood or beauty. Such uses include culinary, world suffer from Parkinson's disease, a motor
medicinal, or in some cases even spiritual usage. disorder characterized by difficulty in initiating
The green, leafy part of the plant is typically used. movements and slowness of movement. Patients
General usage ______ between culinary herbs often have a masked facial expression, poor
and medicinal herbs. A medicinal herb may be a balance, and a flexed posture. Like Alzheimer's
shrub or other woody plant, whereas a culinary disease, which is characterized by confusion,
herb is a non-woody plant. memory loss, and a variety of other symptoms,
A) resembles B) differs Parkinson's disease is progressive, and the risk
C) demonstrates D) separates increases with age. The incidence of the
E) connects Parkinson's disease is about 1% at the age of 65,
and about 5% at the age 85. Parkinson's disease
46. Choose the correct proverb according to appears to result from a combination of
the situation. (One proverb is extra.) environmental and genetic factors. Evidence for a
1. I think their house is ugly, but they seem to like genetic role includes the fact that some families
it. … . with an increased incidence of Parkinson's
2. Racism is still a problem today, and it will disease carry a mutated form of the gene for a
continue to be that way until we learn not … . protein which is important in normal brain
3. I won $200 at the casino, and then I spent it on function. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease
a very expensive meal for me and some friends. result from the death of neurons in the mid-brain.
…. As a result, at present, there is no cure for
4. When we were kids, our parents taught us how Parkinson's disease, although various treatments
to swim. That helped me to save my cousin’s life can help control the symptoms.
when he was 5 years old. … .
47. According to the passage, Parkinson's 50. As clearly pointed out in the passage, there
disease … . is … .
A) has its adverse effects on the body's A) a great deal of protein deficiency in many
movements families prone to Alzheimer's disease
B) can easily be treated at an advanced age B) much evidence to claim that Parkinson's
C) can best be understood through a close study disease can be cured in the near future
of the memory C) a variety of treatments whereby the symptoms
D) can be cured provided that its symptoms are of Parkinson's disease can be controlled
taken into account at an early stage D) a need to develop a new technique whereby the
E) is a consequence of purely environmental movements of the body can be improved
factors E) much controversy among physicians in the
world on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
48. It is clear from the passage that Alzheimer's
disease … .
A) affects more people in the world than
Parkinson's disease
B) is a major genetic disorder that can today be
C) can be recognized through the patient's loss of
memory as well as a number of other symptoms
D) is common mostly among elderly people over
the age of 80
E) has attracted more medical attention in the
world than Parkinson's disease