04 2520 Aliriad
04 2520 Aliriad
04 2520 Aliriad
Study purpose. This study aims to investigate motor skills and motivation to learn physical education through
traditional games.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted using an experimental method and involved 60 students from
primary schools in Purwodadi District, Grobogan Regency, Indonesia. Data were collected by measuring motor
skills and learning motivation through affective, cognitive and psychomotor tests that were examined for validity and
reliability. In addition, students’ character was also measured through observational tests of students’ basic movement
skills. The measurement of basic movement skills was carried out before and after the intervention, which lasted for
8 sessions over one month. Data analysis was carried out using the Anova technique, reinforced by regression of
research results using SPSS 22 software.
Results. The results showed that the traditional game approach had a significant effect on increasing students’
motivation to learn physical education. The traditional games approach also contributed positively to students’
learning outcomes. Through hands-on experience in these traditional games, students can develop motor skills,
coordination, speed, strength, as well as cognitive aspects such as strategy, spatial intelligence and situation analysis.
Conclusions. By participating in traditional games, students can understand and respect cultural heritage and
broaden their horizons about cultural diversity. Suggestions for future investigations include extending the research
and development activities by including a larger sample, which may provide greater statistical power to support
research findings in the area of traditional games.
Keywords: motor skills, motivation, physical education, traditional games, improved.
skills through practice and playing sports is essential to help Recreation (SUPER) program is designed to build life skills
students acquire expertise in performing physical activities through sports play activities. Strachan, Mac Donald, and
correctly and effectively. Cote (2016) argue that connect and respect sports (SCORE)
Physical education study motivation refers to a student’s are physical activities and education designed to develop
interest and passion for learning and participating in sports students’ attitudes and behaviours.
and fitness activities. International Physical Education This study aimed to obtain data and information on
Policy includes developing programs that motivate students the effectiveness of traditional games in improving motor
to participate in sports and fitness activities, such as teaching skills and student learning motivation in physical education.
important values, ensuring safety and health in every move, In addition, this study also aims to re-promote conventional
and providing opportunities to participate in international games as an effective means of enriching physical education
sports competitions (Limbu et al., 2017). activities in schools. Thus, this study is expected to provide
Motor skills and motivation to learn physical education significant benefits for teachers and students in improving
are essential in improving the overall quality of physical the quality of physical education in schools. Therefore, the
education (Chen, 2017). By developing motor skills and study’s results can help overcome gaps and provide verified
motivation to learn physical education, students can obtain solutions to enhance motor skills and motivation to study
more significant benefits, such as improving health and physical education.
fitness, social and team abilities, and academic achievement.
Therefore, it is essential for education systems around the Materials and methods
world to pay attention to the development of motor skills
and motivation for learning physical education in their Study participants
physical education policies (Adi et al., 2023).
Another study conducted on early childhood in Canada The study involved 60 male students from a local elemen-
found that physical education programs explicitly designed tary school in Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Grobogan,
to improve motor skills could significantly improve students’ Indonesia. The participants were not randomly assigned,
motor skills (Kjær, 2019; Rawat & Bangari, 2019). The and there was no control group in this experimental research
Program consists of various physical activities performed design with a one-group pretest and posttest design. The av-
under the supervision of trained educators and with sufficient erage height of the participants was 139.98 cm (SD = 5.52),
repetition and variety to strengthen the student’s motor skills and their average weight was 35.33 kg (SD = 6.78). The aver-
(Balaban, 2018). The results of this study show that physical age age of study participants was 11.6 years and a standard
education programs that focus on developing motor skills deviation of 0.89.
can significantly improve students’ motor skills and provide
other benefits, such as increasing self-confidence and self- Study organization
confidence in early (Chou et al., 2022; Valentini et al., 2016).
Traditional games have many vital values, such as This study utilises an experimental method with a design
cooperation, discipline, patience, healthy competition, and consisting of one Pretest and Posttest group, without a control
respect for colleagues and opponents (Leddington Wright group and random subject placement. Data collection
et al., 2015; Sulistyaningtyas & Fauziah, 2019). One example involves assessment instruments for psychomotor, affective,
of a conventional game containing these values is “gobak and cognitive aspects in physical education learning.
sodor” or “gobak jalan”. In this game, the players work Validation of the instrument using Principal Component
together to knock the opponent off the line, which is the Analysis (PCA) showed a strong correlation (0.891) between
limit of the game. In the process, they must have discipline, traditional and motivational game variables. Reliability
patience in waiting for their turn, and cooperation to bring analysis with Cronbach’s Alpha yielded a value of 0.730,
down opponents together. There is healthy competition that indicating good consistency. The study involved 60 male
spurs the spirit to be the best but still respects colleagues elementary school students in Purwodadi Sub-District,
and opponents to play by not cheating or harming. By Grobogan Regency, Indonesia, with an average height and
playing traditional games such as “gobak sodor”, children weight reflecting the age range of 10-12 years. The study
can develop these critical values early on and apply them in intervention comprised eight sessions over one month,
everyday life (Kashyap, 2017). during which traditional games such as Gobak Sodor, sack
In a “sack race” or “tug of war” game, the players must race, and tug of war were employed.
work together and support each other to achieve a common
goal, such as capturing a flag or pulling a rope (Van Capelle Statistical analysis.
et al., 2017). In addition, they must also be responsible for
their respective duties and roles in the team. Activities like Statistical analysis is a mathematical method used to
this can strengthen the cultural values of cooperation and investigate and present relevant information from a study
responsibility in children and enhance the sense of solidarity or experiment. It involves several approaches, including
and togetherness in the group (Ahmed et al., 2021; Pang hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, analysis of
& Fong, 2009). It can also help build children’s character variance (ANOVA), chi-squared analysis, and descriptive
and independence to become resilient and responsible statistics. Hypothesis testing is used to determine the validity
individuals (Schembri et al., 2019). of a statement based on existing data samples. Regression
Physical education teaches personal and Social and correlation are statistical methods used to analyse the
Responsibility and aims to develop responsibility (Brock & relationships between variables and make predictions based
Hastie, 2017). The Sports Union to Promote Education and on patterns of these relationships. ANOVA is a statistical
ISSN 1993-7989. eISSN 1993-7997. ISSN-L 1993-7989. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. Vol. 24, Num. 1
test used to measure the significant difference between the used to collect data so that it is more accurate and systematic.
means of more than two groups, while chi-squared analysis To measure the effect of the traditional game approach on
is useful for assessing the relationship between categorical improving motivation and learning outcomes of Health
variables. Descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, Care Providers, some of the instruments used are: 1) study
mode, and standard deviation, are used to summarise and motivation questionnaire: to measure students’ motivation
present data more simply. Selecting the appropriate statistical levels before and after using the traditional game approach
method depends on the data type, research objectives, and (Amrullah et al., 2023). 2) Physical education learning
the questions to be answered. Statistical analysis is a crucial outcomes test: to measure the level of student learning
tool for comprehending data patterns, identifying trends, outcomes before and after using a traditional game approach.
and drawing dependable conclusions from available data The instrument will be used to collect data and measure
samples. the effect of traditional game approaches on improving
motivation and learning outcomes.
The success of research is primarily determined by the
research instruments used. Because the data obtained to The researchers have designed an assessment sheet
answer a study was obtained through research instruments. validated using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Research instruments can be defined as tools or facilities method. The results showed that traditional games and
Aliriad, H., Adi S, Manullang, J.G., Endrawan, I.B., Satria, M.H. (2024). Improvement of Motor Skills and Motivation to Learn Physical
Education Through the Use of Traditional Games
motivation variables have a high correlation coefficient of incorporating the “traditional game” variable can significantly
0.891, so the two variables can be used in factor analysis. influence the “motivation” variable. In this regression model,
Reliability analysis was performed using Cronbach’s Alpha. there are two variables, namely “traditional games” and
The results showed that the instruments used to measure “motivation”. The coefficients obtained from this regression
the two variables have a good level of consistency, with a analysis are constant (Constant): the coefficient value of
reliability value of 0.730. Thus, the results of validity and 20,361 with a standard error of 5,014. The value of the t-ratio
reliability of this study can be considered valid and reliable. obtained is 4.061 with a significance of .000. Traditional
The number of samples in this study consisted of 60 students. games: the value of the coefficient is 0.566 with a standard
This study has descriptive data on three variables: traditional error of 0.117. The value of the t-ratio obtained is 4.854
games, motivation, and learning outcomes. The number of with a significance of .000. The standard coefficient for this
samples used was as many as 60 respondents. Traditional variable is 0.537. In the context of the dependent variable
game variables have a range of values between 30.00 to 49.00, “motivation”, the results of the analysis show that there is
with an average score of 42.7000 and a standard deviation of a significant influence between the variables “traditional
5.04656. Meanwhile, the motivation variable has a range of games” and “motivation”. The value of the positive coefficient
values between 24.00 to 50.00, with an average motivation on the variable “traditional game” indicates that the higher
score of 44.5333 and a standard deviation of 5.31537. In the the score of “traditional game”, it will tend to increase the
variable learning outcomes, discounts range between 37.50 score of “motivation”. The significance obtained suggests
to 46.00, with an average score of 42.9167 learning outcomes that this relationship did not happen by chance. Thus, the
and a standard deviation of 2.12764. All data obtained from “traditional game” variable significantly contributes to
60 respondents were classified as valid (listwise) without predicting “motivation” in this model.
missing or incomplete data. Thus, this descriptive data
provides an overview of the variation of scores in traditional Table 5. Effect of traditional games on student motivation
games, motivation, and learning outcomes in the study Unstandardized Standardized
sample. The data can be seen in Table 3. Descriptive Statistics. Coefficients Coefficients
Model t Sig.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics Std.
B Beta
Variable N Mean Min Max (Constant) 20.361 5.014 4.061 0.000
1 Traditional
Traditional games 60 42.7000 5.04656 30.00 49.00 0.566 0.117 0.537 4.854 0.000
Motivation 60 44.5333 5.31537 24.00 50.00
Dependent Variable: Motivation
Learning outcomes 60 42.9167 2.12764 37.50 46.00
Valid N (listwise) 60 In Table 6, an ANOVA test was conducted to see the
effect of traditional game approaches on student learning
Effect of traditional game approach on student outcomes. The results showed that the regression model
motivation. In this Anova analysis, one model is reviewed, provides a sum of squares (sum of squares) of 41,928 with
namely the model with predictor variables “traditional degrees of freedom (df) of 1. The Mean square of the model
games” and target variables “motivation”. The analysis showed is 41,928. The value of F (F-ratio) obtained is 10,801, with
that the model gives a sum of squares (sum of squares) of significance (Sig.) as big .002a (less than 0.05). This shows a
481,512 with a degree of freedom (df) of 1. The Mean square significant influence between traditional game approaches
of the model is 481,512. The value of F (F-ratio) was obtained and student learning outcomes. The total sum of squares is
by 23,559, with significance (Sig.) as big .000a (less than 267,083, with 59 degrees of freedom. In Table 7, coefficients
0.05). The results of the ANOVA test showed a significant are obtained from regression analysis to see the effect of
influence between the predictor variable “traditional games” traditional games on student learning outcomes.
and the target variable “motivation”. The predictor variable
can explain several variations in the target variable. In this Table 6. Anova test of traditional game approach to
model, constants are also included as predictors. learning outcomes
Table 4. Anova test of traditional games on student Sum of Mean
motivation Model df F Sig.
Squares Square
Sum of Mean 1 Regression 41.928 1 41.928 10.801 0.002a
Model df F Sig.
Squares Square Residual 225.155 58 3.882
Regression 481.512 1 481.512 23.559 0.000a Total 267.083 59
1 Residual 1185.421 58 20.438 a. Predictors: (Constant), Traditional games
Total 1666.933 59 b. Dependent Variable: Learning outcomes
a. Predictors: (Constant), Traditional games
b. Dependent Variable: Motivation The nonstandard constant (constant) coefficient is
35,784, with a standard error of 2,185. The value of the
The total sum of squares is 1666,933, with 59 degrees t-ratio obtained is 16.375 with a significance of .000. For the
of freedom. Thus, based on this Anova analysis, a model variable “Traditional Games” (traditional games), the value
ISSN 1993-7989. eISSN 1993-7997. ISSN-L 1993-7989. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. Vol. 24, Num. 1
Table 7. Effects of traditional games on student learning Table 9. Interaction of traditional games on student
outcomes learning outcomes
Unstandardized Standardized Dependent Variable: Learning outcomes
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig. Type III Sum Mean
Source df F Sig.
B Std. Error Beta of Squares Square
35.784 2.185 16.375 0.000 Corrected Model 139.495a 15 9.300 3.207 0.001
0.167 0.051 0.396 3.286 0.002 Intercept 55961.750 1 55961.750 1.930E4 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Learning outcomes VAR00001 139.495 15 9.300 3.207 0.001
Error 127.588 44 2.900
of the coefficient is 0.167 with a standard error of 0.051. The
value of the t-ratio obtained is 3.286, with a significance Total 110777.500 60
of .002. The standard coefficient (beta) for this variable is Corrected Total 267.083 59
0.396. In the context of the dependent variable “learning a. R Squared = 0.522 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.359)
outcomes”, the analysis results show a significant influence
between traditional game approaches and student learning sum of squares is 110,777,500, with 60 degrees of freedom.
outcomes. The positive coefficient on the “traditional game” In both tables, the R-squared value indicates how much
variable indicates that the higher the traditional game variability in the dependent variable can be described by
approach, will improve student learning outcomes. The the model used. The R-squared obtained is .494 for student
significance obtained suggests that this relationship did not motivation and .522 for student learning outcomes. Adjusted
happen by chance. Thus, based on Table 6 and Table 7, the R-squared provides a revised estimate for the complexity
traditional game approach significantly influences student of the model, and a value is obtained of .321 for student
learning outcomes. motivation and .359 for student learning outcomes. Based
Table 8, 9 analyses the interaction between traditional on the results of the analysis in Table 6 and Table 7, there
games and student motivation to the dependent variable is a significant interaction between traditional games with
“motivation”. The results of the study showed that there is a student motivation and student motivation and student
significant influence on these interactions. Type III Sum of learning outcomes.
Squares for the exchange is 823,313 with a degree of freedom
(df) of 15. The Mean Square is 54,888. The F-ratio obtained is
2.863, with significance (Sig.) as oversized 0.003. This shows Discussion
that the interaction between traditional games and student This study aims to investigate the influence of traditional
motivation significantly affects motivational variables. games on student motivation and learning outcomes (Wang
The total sum of squares is 120660,000, with 60 degrees of et al., 2021). The analysis showed exciting findings regarding
freedom. Table 8 analyses the interaction between traditional the variables’ validity, reliability, and impact. The validity
games and student learning outcomes against the dependent and reliability of assessment instruments become essential
variable “learning outcomes”. in research. The number of samples in this study is as many
as 60 students. Descriptive Data showed score variation in
Table 8. Interaction of traditional games on student traditional games, motivation, and learning outcomes in the
motivation study sample. The average score for conventional games is
42.7000 with a standard deviation of 5.04656, the average
Dependent Variable: Motivation
score for a reason is 44.5333 with a standard deviation
Type III Sum Mean of 5.31537, and the average score for learning outcomes
Source df F Sig.
of Squares Square is 42.9167 with a standard deviation of 2.12764. All data
Corrected Model 823.313a 15 54.888 2.863 0.003 obtained from 60 respondents were classified as valid with
complete data. The effect of traditional games on student
Intercept 59223.024 1 59223.024 3.089E3 0.000
motivation and learning outcomes was tested using ANOVA
VAR00001 823.313 15 54.888 2.863 0.003 and regression analysis. The results of the ANOVA analysis
Error 843.620 44 19.173 showed a significant influence between traditional games
and student motivation, as well as between conventional
Total 120660.000 60
games and student learning outcomes. Regression analysis
Corrected Total 1666.933 59 showed a significant effect between classic games and student
R Squared = 0.494 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.321) motivation and traditional games and student learning
outcomes. Regression coefficients showed that the higher
The results of the analysis showed that there is a the score of conventional games, it will tend to improve
significant influence on these interactions. Type III Sum motivation scores and student learning outcomes.
of Squares for the exchange is 139,495 with a degree of Furthermore, the interaction between traditional
freedom (df) of 15. The Mean Square obtained is 9,300. games and student motivation to student motivation and
The value of the F-ratio received is 3.207, with significance between conventional games and student learning outcomes
(Sig.) as oversized .001. This shows that the interaction is analyzed (Peebles et al., 2023). The analysis showed
between traditional games and student learning outcomes a significant interaction between traditional games and
significantly influences learning outcome variables. The total student motivation to student motivation and learning
Aliriad, H., Adi S, Manullang, J.G., Endrawan, I.B., Satria, M.H. (2024). Improvement of Motor Skills and Motivation to Learn Physical
Education Through the Use of Traditional Games
outcomes (Peng et al., 2023). This indicates that the level of activities.In addition, traditional games can also enrich
student motivation can influence the influence of traditional students’ learning experience through social interaction and
games on student motivation and learning outcomes (Hayati teamwork (O’Connor et al., 2022). In conventional games,
et al., 2017). The analysis showed a significant effect between students can learn about rules, strategies, and tactics that
traditional and classic games on student motivation and involve cooperation with teammates (Sembiring et al., 2020).
learning outcomes. This shows the importance of using It can develop students’ social skills, such as communicating,
traditional games in improving student motivation and cooperating, and building trust in basic motion (Jones et
learning outcomes (Pappous & Hayday, 2016). al., 2020). Furthermore, using traditional games in essential
The increased involvement and activity of students in motion learning can also facilitate contextual learning.
the learning process can explain the influence of traditional Through conventional games, students can experience
games on student motivation (Pan et al., 2019). Classic movement in real situations relevant to their daily lives. This
games can provide a fun learning experience, engage social can help students associate learned moves with their use in
interaction, and increase students’ intrinsic motivation everyday life, thereby strengthening their understanding of
(Martínez-Santos et al., 2020). The higher the standard game primary motion and improving the transfer of learning.
score, the higher the student’s learning motivation (Hartanto In this study, the influence of traditional games on
et al., 2021). Several factors can explain the influence of student motivation and learning outcomes was also
traditional games on student learning outcomes. First, classic supported by statistical analysis that showed a significant
games can improve students’ understanding of concepts and correlation between standard game variables and student
skills practically and interactively (Bakhtiar, 2014). Games motivation, as well as traditional game variables and student
allow students to apply the knowledge and skills learned learning outcomes (Kokstejn et al., 2019). These results
in real and exciting situations (Y. Zhang, 2021). This can indicate that essential motion learning utilizing classic
improve students’ understanding and retention games can increase students’ motivation and positively
of information. Second, traditional games can increase contribute to learning outcomes. In virtual motion learning,
student learning motivation (Fadillah et al., 2021). With a educators can use traditional games as an exciting and
fun and engaging learning experience, students are more effective strategy for teaching basic motion to students. By
motivated to participate in the learning process actively. integrating conventional games into meaningful motion
High motivation can affect students’ concentration and learning, students can be more engaged and motivated and
effort and contribute to better learning outcomes (Pezoa- have a significant learning experience.
Fuentes et al., 2023; F. Zhang et al., 2021). The analysis results This study can be synchronized with several relevant
also showed the interaction between traditional games and game theories, such as intrinsic motivation theory, the
student motivation to student motivation, classic games and theory of learning through play (play-based learning), and
student learning outcomes to student learning outcomes the theory of Constructivism (Pambudi & Widiyanto, 2019).
(Luo et al., 2020). This indicates that the students’ motivation Intrinsic motivation theory: this study shows that using
level can influence conventional games’ influence on student traditional games in essential motion learning can increase
motivation and learning outcomes. Educators must pay student motivation. This is to the idea of intrinsic motivation,
attention to student motivation and ensure that traditional which states that humans naturally want to seek satisfaction
games are well integrated into teaching to maximize their and pleasure in their activities (Finlay et al., 2022).
benefits. Traditional games provide students with a fun,
In conclusion, this study shows that traditional games challenging, and meaningful experience in essential motion
significantly influence students’ motivation and learning learning (Wildani & Gazali, 2020). They feel engaged and
outcomes (Wallhead et al., 2014). These findings provide a motivated to actively participate in crucial motion learning
solid basis for considering using conventional games as a because they enjoy the games and challenges provided.
practical approach to improving students’ motivation and Theory of Learning Through Play (Play-Based Learning):
learning outcomes. Educators can utilize traditional games This study supports learning through play, emphasizing
in learning to create a fun, interactive, and meaningful the importance of games in learning. In traditional games,
learning environment for students (Hong et al., 2022; students learn through hands-on experience, social
Merino-Campos & del Castillo Fernndez, 2016). In addition, interaction, and exploration of their surroundings. They
this study also shows the importance of paying attention to develop basic motor skills, social skills and understanding of
student motivation in designing effective learning strategies. concepts indirectly through play. In the context of essential
In the context of essential motion learning, this study shows motion learning, traditional games have become an effective
that using traditional games significantly affects student tool to teach students basic motion in a fun and natural
motivation and learning outcomes (Merino-Campos & del way. Constructivism theory: this study also supports the
Castillo Fernndez, 2016). This can be related to learning principles of Constructivism theory, which emphasizes that
basic movements because basic movements often involve learning occurs through individuals’ active construction of
motor and physical interaction between students. knowledge. In essential motion learning using traditional
Traditional games can be a practical approach to essential games, students build their understanding of movement
motion learning, providing a fun and interactive learning through experience and interaction with their environment.
experience (Kurniawan et al., 2020). Students can actively They create mental representations about movement,
move through the game, develop basic motor skills, and test hypotheses, and refine their skills through in-game
improve their body coordination (Kesumawati et al., 2021). interactions. Through this process, students construct their
This positive learning experience can motivate students knowledge of basic movements and develop their motor
to participate in essential movement learning and try new skills.
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Мета дослідження. Це дослідження спрямоване на вивчення рухових навичок та мотивації до занять фізичною куль-
турою за допомогою традиційних ігор.
Матеріали та методи. Дослідження було проведено з використанням експериментального методу за участю 60 учнів
початкових шкіл району Пурводаді, регентство Гробоган, Індонезія. Дані були зібрані шляхом оцінки рухових навичок
та навчальної мотивації за допомогою афективних, когнітивних та психомоторних тестів, які були досліджені на предмет
валідності та достовірності. Крім того, за допомогою спостережень за основними руховими навичками учнів оцінювали
також їхній характер. Оцінювання основних рухових навичок проводилося до і після інтервенції, яка тривала 8 сесій про-
тягом одного місяця. Аналіз даних проводився із застосуванням методу дисперсійного аналізу (ANOVA), доповненого
регресійним аналізом результатів дослідження за допомогою програмного забезпечення SPSS 22.
Результати. Результати дослідження показали, що традиційний ігровий підхід має значний вплив на підвищення
мотивації учнів до занять фізичною культурою. Традиційний ігровий підхід також сприяв позитивному впливу на ре-
зультати навчання учнів. Завдяки практичному досвіду в цих традиційних іграх, учні можуть розвивати рухові навички,
координацію, швидкість, силу, а також когнітивні аспекти, такі як стратегія, просторове мислення та аналіз ситуації.
Висновки. Завдяки залученню до традиційних ігор учні мають можливість краще зрозуміти та поважати культурну
спадщину, а також розширити свій кругозір щодо культурного розмаїття. Рекомендації для проведення подальших до-
сліджень включають розширення науково-дослідницької роботи за рахунок включення більшої вибірки, що може забез-
печити більшу статистичну потужність для підтримки результатів дослідження у сфері традиційних ігор.
Ключові слова: рухові навички, мотивація, фізична культура, традиційні ігри, вдосконалений.