Smart Hospital System Using Android With Facilities of Smart Ambulance Patient Assist Live Patient Status Medical Requirement Alert
Smart Hospital System Using Android With Facilities of Smart Ambulance Patient Assist Live Patient Status Medical Requirement Alert
Smart Hospital System Using Android With Facilities of Smart Ambulance Patient Assist Live Patient Status Medical Requirement Alert
and communication technology in the applications, the need for both rapid and
healthcare industry is the goal of intelligent efficient services is almost crucial in every
health, which aims to enhance the overall aspect. However, it is more critical when it
the efficiency of both the ambulance and emergency, patients are mostly
Global Positioning System (GPS) to find locations of ambulances and seeking their
the patient and assign the ambulance to the availability after an emergency. In the
patient in an emergency scenario, such as absence of such care and knowledge, there
when the patient presses the panic button. is a possibility that multiple people may be
Not only is the patient's location and killed. The User is faced with the challenge
information exchanged with the ambulance of determining the most efficient means by
driver, but the ambulance driver can also which they may verify the availability of
search for hospitals and transport thepatient the ambulance in order to locate their
to those hospitals. The patient will be cared specific position in the shortest amount of
for by the hospital, and the prescription and time. Therefore, it is the responsibility of
report will be uploadedinto the system so the ambulance diver to provide accurate
that the hospital can thoroughly grasp the information and location. So that neither the
healthcare report and the condition. A real- User nor the ambulance driver maybecome
store the data in real-time. each other. With the use of GPS signals, the
primary objective is to cut down on the
Key Words: Healthcare System,
amount of time spent on fraudulent calls
mergency Alert, GPS, Firebase.
and to make it simpler
ambulance drivers to identify fraud victims.
The Internet and mobile computer
technology have altered individuals' technologies include, for instance, GPS,
lifestyles. smartphones, laptops, and patient
monitoring. Using mobile devices by
In the context of the medical industry,
patients, researchers, and medical
mobile devices—such as tablets,
professionals to collect, distribute, and
smartphones, and personal digital assistants
access health information is called
(PDAs)—have gained widespread
"mHealth". It is a field that is just getting
acceptance among medical professionals.
started and developing quickly, but it is
These devices quickly replace traditional
crucial to change health care to raise the
ways of obtaining clinical information,
standard and increase its effectiveness—
especially for students and younger health
management and enhancement of healthand
professionals [1]. IOS and Android
wellness. However, many mobile
operating system users may access a range
applications are being created to provide
of medical resources through the Google
healthcare professionals with resources that
Play Store and the Apple App Store, which
will improve and streamline the patient care
are digital distribution channels for mobile
process [5]. A 2019 study on the global
apps [2].
market for mobile health found that the
According to the World Health following categories may be used to
Organization (WHO), developing apps for categorize the industry: Mobile health
the health domain aims to improve or applications, mobile health equipment, and
maintain healthy behaviours, people's connected medical devices make up thefirst
quality of life, and general well-being [3]. three categories of mobile health services
The profession of medicine and public [6].
health is referred to as "mHealth" or mobile
This work's main goal was to provide a
health. Robert Istepanian stated, "the
methodical assessment centred on
emerging use of mobile communications
exploring mobile applications for usage in
and network technologies for health" [4].
medical emergencies. Furthermore, the
The field of eHealth, which is concerned
mobile applications that are available for
with the use of information and
the iOS and Android operating systems are
communication technology for delivering
presented in this article [7–11]. The main
health and information services, has grown
contribution is synthesizing the existing
to include mobile health. These
body of knowledge to offer essential
insights and point out commonalities and
gaps to stimulate novel, challenging, and umbrella of this technology. Because of
exciting research methods. The medical this, we found a lack of interest in this
industry is rapidly adopting mobile apps, crucial subject, which might improve
and it is predicted that these applications patient care before hospitals by utilizing
will eventually have the power to transform modern technologies.
the way medicine is done [7] completely.
Using mobile applications can facilitate
Through these applications, users will be
communication and information sharing
able to seek emergency assistance, access
between medical staff members in the case
their health information, and have quick
of a possible health emergency. As such,
consultations for certain problems without
our analysis concentrates on two distinct
seeing a professional.
facets. We start by looking at the literature
Furthermore, they will support the as it is right now. Second, we examine the
management of long-term patients, the mobile apps that the primary online
improvement of medication administration merchants provide. Given the growing
safety, and the promotion of networking prevalence of mobile apps in this field,
among those going through similar evaluating the applications' contribution to
experiences. Professionals can also use advancing health care is critical.
specific resources and information while
establishing new patient interactions. A
prehospital medical care plan starts when The acronym "Automatic Ambulance
the incident happens, goes through the Rescue System Using Shortest PathFinding
transfer procedure, and ends when the Algorithm" is used in this sentenceand from
patient is admitted to the welfare institution. October to December of 2018, written by P.
A licensed medical professional must also Arunmozhi and P. Joseph William, Volume
deliver it at all times. As a result,we think 07, Issue 04 The management of tidal flow
these apps are appropriate for usage in and trafficcongestion have been identified
medical situations. as critical issues in contemporary city
regions, both of which have resulted in
There is nothing to be found while
significant discomfort for the evacuation of
searching for "medical emergency apps" in
ambulances. Moreover, accidents have
the context of mobile health. It is crucial to
been occurring constantly around the city,
remember that all studies and reports focus
on mobile health and do not distinguish
between the subfields that fall under the
and the fact that there have been fatalities and to get to the hospital since the system in
due to these incidents adds a layer of place did not have a proper method for
complexity to implementing the AARS delivering notifications to ambulance
(Automatic Ambulance Rescue System) drivers. Many individuals might end up
plan. Providing a smooth flow for losing their lives as a result of this. This
ambulances to reach hospitals at the method would make it easier for the
appropriate moment and minimizing the ambulance to get to the hospital quickly and
amount of practical implementation is the make it easier for patients to keep track of
primary function this strategy is designed to the reports and prescriptions they have
accomplish. This plan is based on the processed.
concept of putting in place an intelligent
transportation system (ITS) that would
regulate the traffic lights in the ambulance's Using this mobile application, the User can
path. The MCU is in charge of the report the accident site to the administrator,
ambulance and is responsible for providing who will then get the address of the GPS
the shortest path to the ambulance. coordinates that the User provided. The
User of this application can place an
Additionally, it is responsible for
ambulance order. The ambulance driver
controlling the traffic light following the
will be informed of this specific location.
position of the ambulance, which allows it
After that, an ambulance driver will show
to arrive at the hospital. Additionally, the
up at the scene. The administrator will then
server can ascertain the precise position of
receive a communication from the
the accident site by utilizing the sensor
ambulance driver requesting him to visit the
systems installed in the car that was
hospital. The administrator will then notify
involved in the accident. As a result, the
the driver of the location of the local
server can walk through the ambulance to
hospital. The International Journal of
get to the precise place. Since this system is
Advanced Networking and Applications
automated, it can locate the location of the
(IJANA) special edition on page 163
accident, manage the traffic signals, and
describes how a motorist may change a red
assist in arriving at the hospital on time.
signal to a green signal, indicating that an
III PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION: ambulance is approaching. Here we have
Figure 1. Flow Diagram The application's
It was difficult for ambulance drivers to be
flow is explained in this diagram. The User
at the scene of an accident in a short time
will provide the administrator with the
location of an accident area, and the creating, running, and debugging Android
administrator will save this position in the programs more straightforward and faster.
database. The administrator will then locate
The Android Development Tool (Figure 2)
a driver in the vicinity and communicate the
ADT enhances Eclipse's functionality in
driver's position with the accident scene.
addition to enabling you to create new
The administrator will get a message from
Android projects quickly, create an
the vehicle after it has arrived at the
application's user interface (U.I.), add
accident scene, allowing them to obtain the
packages based on the Android Framework
hospital's position. Throughout the
API, debug your apps with the help of the
upcoming ambulance route, the driver
Android Software Development Kit (SDK),
controls the signalling system. 5. The
and export signed or unsigned code. This
software used in the application Android
will enable you to use APK files to
Studio is the official integrated
distribute your software.
development environment (IDE) for
Google's Android operating system. It was System design
created specifically for Android
development and is based on JetBrains'
IntelliJ IDEA program. It may be
downloaded for some operating systems,
including Linux-based computer platforms,
Windows, and macOS.It replaces the
Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)
as the foremost integrated development
environment (IDE) for creating native Architecture:
Android applications. Installing theAndroid
Development Tools (ADT) plugin, which A User Interface (U.I.) is a Patients can
offers integrated support for Android examine their medical information, arrange
devices and apps, is an option when using appointments, and get notifications through
emergency, this will assist the User in Mr. Pritesh Patel, “Application Of Google API
and KML to Draw Path From Source to
monitoring their medical state and ensure
Destination on Android Phone,” inInternational
they are admitted to the hospital. The User,
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the ambulance driver, and the hospital all
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