Parasitology Lecture 2024 M1 Introduction To Parasitology
Parasitology Lecture 2024 M1 Introduction To Parasitology
Parasitology Lecture 2024 M1 Introduction To Parasitology
Temporary Parasite
• is an orgasnism that lives on or in a host organism and gets
• lives on the host only for a short period of time
its food from or at the expense of its host
• Ex. Ectoparasites
3 Main Classes:
Spurious Parasite
1. Metozoans (helminthes)
• is a free-living organism that passes through the
2. Protozoans
digestive tract without infecting the host
3. Ectoprasites (arthropods)
• Example:
o Entamoeba coli
o Hymenolepis diminuta: similar to a male’s private
• is a human or an animal where the parasite lives or gets its
part (etits for short)
nutrients/food from
HOST Nomenclature
• International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
Definitive or Final Host • Ex. Ascaris lumbricoides
• is one which the parasite attains sexual maturity • Genus = ascaris
• Species = lumbricoides
Intermediate Host
• harbors the asexual or larval stage of the parasite Classification
Metazoan & Protozoan
Paratenic Host
• parasites does not develop further to later stages but may Metazoan
still infect another susceptible host • Kingdom animalia
• Ex. Paragonimus westermani (raw wild boar meat) • Multicellular, macroscopic organisms
• Mainly undergo sexual reproduction
Reservoir host • Either helminths or arthropods
• allow the parasites life cycle to continue and become
additional sources of human infection Protozoan
• Ex. Balantidium coli (pigs) • Kingdom Protista
• Unicellular, microscopic organisms
• Mainly undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction
VECTORS • Provided with a nucleus, cytoplasm, an outer limiting
• are responsible for transmitting the parasite from one host membrane, organelles.
to another
Intestinal obstruction
• Ascaris lumbricoides
• causes “ascaris bolus”
• the process of inoculating the infective agent
Universal treatment
• Population-level deworming
• Proportion of the target population reached by an
• Effect of a drug against an infective agent
• Measure of the effect of a drug against an infective agent