MedicalProtozoology PPTPresentationIAUK
MedicalProtozoology PPTPresentationIAUK
MedicalProtozoology PPTPresentationIAUK
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All content following this page was uploaded by Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin on 11 May 2019.
• Size: most human parasites are less than 50 Microns;
smallest 1-10; largest 150
• Unicellular eukaryotes
• Nucleus: other than ciliates, nucleus is vesicular, with scattered chromatin
Vesicular nucleus contains central body, called endosome or karyosome
Ciliates: Micronucleus & Macronucleus (quite homogenous)
• Plasma membrane: Enclosing the cytoplasm 7 locomotory structures
(Pseudopoda, cillia, flagella)
• Cytoplasm: I.Ectoplasm : outer transparent layer.
II. Endoplasm: inner layer containing organells.
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
• Mouth:
I. Temporary mouth
II. Permanent mouth = Cytostome
I. Asexual reproduction:
1. Binary fission: (organells duplicated & ptozoan divides into
Two complete organisms)
A) Longitudinal BF (flagellates)
B) Transverse BF (Cilliates)
C) Irregular BF (Amoeba)
Trophozoite Cyst
• 10 – 50 micrometer, sluggish • 10 – 35 micrometer, non motile
movement • 1 – 8 nuclei
• Karyosome: Large, eccentric • Chromatoidals: Ends Jugged
• Chromatin: Clumpy, peripheral
• Cytoplasm: no RBC, except in the
rare case of patients with intestinal
haemorrhage" that leads to blood
in the stools of these patients.
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
3. Endolimax nana:
6 – 15 micrometer, sluggish movement
Karyosome: Large
Chromatin: little or not seen
4 – 14 micrometer, non motile
1 – 4 nuclei
Chromatidal bars: noting
6 – 20 micrometer,
non motile
1 Nucleus
Chromatidals: none
5. Entamoeba gingivalis:
Trophozoite: shape similar to E.hstolytica , size 5 – 35 micrometer
NO CYST Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
Chapter 3-3:
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
• Naegleria fowlerii: (Amebic meningoencephalitis)
• Three morphological forms:
1. A feeding amoeboid trophozoite stage
2. A transitional flagellate stage
3. A dormant cyst stage
(It is the only pathogenic free-living amoeba with a flagellate state)
Life cycle
1. In the free-living state, the amoeboid trophozoite feeds on bacteria
and other organic materials. It reproduces by binary fission.
2. When deprived of nutrients, the trophozoite transforms into flagellate
state. This form is usually pear shaped with two flagella emerging from
the narrow portion. The flagellate form does not divide or feed.
3. It will revert back into the amoeboid form when nutrients are restored.
When conditions become adverse, such as diminished food supply or
colder temperatures, the trophozoite transforms into a resistant cyst
stage. It is the trophozoite stage that is infective.
• Treatment:
• Amphotereicin B & Miconazole / cholorinated swimming pools
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
• Acanthamoeba:
Laboratory Diagnosis:
• Direct microscopic examination of faeces
Life Cycle:
• Direct life Cycle
• Only trophozoites
• Largely sexually transmitted
Laboratory diagnosis:
Laboratory diagnosis:
• Thick & Thin smear
• Using concentrated anticoagulated
• Aspiration from lymph nodes &
concentrated spinal fluid
• 2 subspecies are indistinguishable
• Pleomorphic, 12-42 micrometer long
(mean 30)
• Small kinetoplast, well developed
undulating membrane
• Posterior end is more rounded than
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
Clinical manifestations:
1. Initial chancre (lymph adenitis) > T.b rodesiense , seldom T.b gambiense
2. Enlargment the posterior cervical chain of lymph nodes
mostly in T.b gambiense (Winterbottom’s sign)
3. Lesions persist weeks > multiplication > Trypanosomes > Circulation >
Recurrent fever, Head ache, lymph adenopathy, spleenomegaly
Comma, Death.
Vector: Glucina species
1. In west Africa :
• Riverrine TSE TSE (Palpalis group) > living in Bush
• Man-Fly-Man Cycle , some times domestics
• Transmission Day time
• Vector: TSE TSE (Glusina species)
2. In East Africa:
• Open Savanah
• Animal-Fly-Human Cycle
• Vector: TSE TSE (Morsitans group)
Treatment Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
• Pentamidine & Arsenical suramin / control: insecticides
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
Leishmania: (Leishmaniasis)
1. L. tropica (Cutaneous Leishmaniasis)
2. L.donovani (Visceral Leishmaniasis)
3. L.braziliensis (Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis)
• Vector: Sandfly : Genera (Phlebotomus / Lutzomyia)
Life cycle:
Mature cyst ingestion
Shedding in small intestine
Sporozoa penetrate intestinal cells
Asexual reproduction: Merozoites
Sexual reproduction:
Micro + Macro gametes to Zygote
Zygote turns to Immature oocyst in
intestine lumen
6. Immature oocysts in feces
• Mechanism: not known
• Non invasive but host cells
are damaged
Protozoology lecture for Bsc. Students by
Dr. Farokh Rokhbakhsh Zamin
The morphology of Malaria parasites:
Plasmodium vivax
1. Early trophozoite (Ring form)
2. Late trophozoite with ameboid cytoplasm (very typical of P.vivax)
enlarged RBC with schuffner’s dots
3. Immature schizont
4. Mature schizont with Merozoites (18) and clumped pigment
5. Microgametocyte with dispersed chromatin
6. Macrogametocyte with compact chromatin
Plasmodium falciparum
1. Early trophozoite (accole or applique form, Ring form, headphone configuration)
2. Late trophozoite with normal size RBC with Muer’s dots
3. Immature schizont
4. Mature schizont with Merozoites (24)
5. Microgametocyte with dispersed chromatin
6. Macrogametocyte with compact chromatin
Plasmodium ovale
1. Early trophozoite (Ring form)
2. Late trophozoite in (enlarged RBC, fimbriated edges) with schuffner’s dots
3. Immature schizont
4. Mature schizont with Merozoites (8) arranged irrigularly
5. Microgametocyte with dispersed chromatin
6. Macrogametocyte with compact chromatin
• Clindamycin & Quinidine