Communication Breakdown in KOL Subculture
Communication Breakdown in KOL Subculture
Communication Breakdown in KOL Subculture
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For this study, we chose the Key Opinion Leaders (KOL). KOL refers to a group of
people who have expertise in certain fields and their advices and opinions in these fields are
highly respected. Given that Key Opinion Leaders have specific niches, they usually have
segmented and specific audience whom they have authority over and can advise them
accordingly (Burns, 2019). Economically, Key Opinion Leaders have a great impact on specific
products as they are capable of advertising them and wooing their followers to make purchases.
The main reason behind this is the impact they have on consumer behavior. Many people fail to
differentiate between KOL and influencers. Despite being a slim, the main difference between
the two is that influencers mainly operates online via social media mainly through YouTube and
It is, however, important to note that influencers can become Key Opinion Leaders with
the help of brands. This is because when they help brands to advertise their products and make
huge sales they become ambassadors of the brands. In this way, they learn more about the
product and thus be able to advice their followers about the products. Other reasons why brands
collaborate with KOLs and influencers includes reaching as many people as possible in its target
market, and gain the customers’ trust thus earn credibility through the marketing done by the
chosen influencers. Many bands have resorted to this form of advertising opposed to traditional
advertising since the current population, the millennials, who are influence by word of mouth by
over 115% unlike traditional advertising. It is, therefore, clear that influencers make a living by
advertising and endorsing products and brands. On the contrary, KOLs do not depend on
advertising in order to make a living but instead have real jobs in their areas of expertise. They
are, therefore, trusted experts because of their knowledge in a given field rather than the
followers they have. KOLs exists in various fields and they can be doctors, academicians,
dentists, designers, professional advisors, and even politicians among many others (Burns, 2019).
Across the globe, there are specific KOLs in different regions. For example, in Hong
Kong the most prominent KOLs include Lily Wong, Alvin Chan, Moanna Shum, and Noel Li
among many others (Frost, 2020). These influencers with expertise in their designated fields
have played a great role in sharing information and giving advices to other people. For instance,
Alvin Chan is a great photographer, rapper, and influencer who have depicted great passion in
what he does thus helping people learn and get motivated. Sadly, not everyone has access to or
are registered on social media evident from Alvin Chan’s Instagram of only approximately 10,
000 followers. It is, therefore, clear that not everyone can access the valuable information shared
by KOLs on their social media pages (Frost, 2020). Information and valuable advices by the Key
Opinion Leaders have, therefore, faced great disconnect from the general population in Hong
With the bid to understand communication breakdown between the KOL subculture and
the mainstream culture, it is important to understand the communication breakdown between the
two. To achieve this, we conducted research and interviews to find first-hand information on the
communications styles used by the two cultures and thus unearth the differences. From this, we
found out that the two cultures have varied interests, customs, and beliefs thus the intercultural
communication barriers.
Communication Styles
1. High-context communication
From the research and interviews conducted, it was determined that Key Opinion Leaders
style refers to one that is mainly based on the underlying context, message’s tone, and meaning
rather than just the words or non-verbal cues (Shofner, 2020). KOLs are experts and thus need to
voice out their expertise in everything they say or do. They, therefore, have to make a good word
choice and good word articulation. The internet has a great memory as it never forgets.
Therefore, whatever anyone says or writes and posts in the internet is very sensitive and can be
used against the if not careful enough. This is very different from the mainstream culture in
The work of KOLs is to provide expert advice to people on specific disciplines majorly
through social media and the internet. KOLs, therefore, have to maintain a good online presence
so as to ensure that they portray a trustworthy image to their followers. Apart from that, the
meaning and underlying context of a message is important to the KOLs as it assures them that
their message has been well received and understood by their target audience. For example, if
they want to educate the audience on a given concept, KOLs would ensure that the word choice
is on point and relatable to the audience. It is, therefore, clear that the message, tone, and
2. Direct Communication
The research and study also depicted that KOLs use direct communication. Direct
and sends clear and easy to understand verbal messages to the receiver. In such cases, the
speaker usually has true intentions without any underlying or hidden message (Multicultural,
2020). Direct communication style is majorly preferred by people who are conveying a specific
message and they want the receiver to understand it plainly without any struggles due to its
nature of no underlying messages. KOLs’ main task is to advice people and provide them with
the necessary information in a given field. When trying to ensure that someone understands, the
communication style should always be straightforward as much as possible. Apart from that,
people’s concentration span online is very short and thus KOLs need to be brief and
straightforward to ensure that their target audience are not bored but instead gets the intended
The mainstream culture is, however, completely different as it is not conversant with the
social media thus uses indirect communication style. They value the use of body language and
gestures to elaborate and enhance the memorability of a message. Apart from that, the
mainstream culture depicted in Hong Kong is also characterized by use of words and languages
There are various barriers to effective communication. These barriers include lack of
internet access and the knowledge of social media. in the mainstream culture, many people do
not have access to the internet and also knows very little about the social media. It, therefore,
shows the problem where a KOL is a highly qualified and recognized person but has very small
following in the social media regardless. Also, the young people are the ones on social media
mostly thus disadvantaging the KOLs whose target audience in the old people who might not be
on social media.
the mainstream culture believes that their way of communication is the best and judges the social
media by pointing out its flaws without considering the benefits. Such judgements and
stereotypes have tainted the internet thus disadvantaging the KOLs who rely on the internet to
pass their messages and even advice people on their fields of expertise (Ahuja, 2019. P 12-13).
To counter the intercultural barriers, there is an array of strategies that can be put in
place. One of them is pointing out the benefits of a communication style such as the internet
rather than focusing on the cons alone (Chron, 2020). By doing this, the morale of KOLs will be
boosted and thus feel spirited to perform their tasks with ease. Another way of tackling
helps to appreciate the difference between various people and their cultures. This move enables
people to embrace their differences and learn to work together without much disorientations
(Chron, 2020). Finally, intercultural communication barriers can also be resolved by having a
everyone should be involved in the process to enable them embrace their differences and learn
about each other (Chron, 2020). In this way, they will do away with intercultural communication
The difference in communication styles between mainstream culture and KOL subculture
have caused communication breakdown which can be resolved using different solutions. One of
the recommendations is seeking guidance and exhibiting loyalty (Gleeson, 2016). KOLs should
accommodate and understand the mainstream culture who might not be conversant with social
media and the internet at all. This is enough for them to show loyalty to the mainstream culture
by tolerating their communication style and avoiding judgement as much as they can. Through
this, there will be understanding between the two cultures and thus foster understanding.
Consequently, the problems caused by different communicating styles will have been resolved.
Burns R. (22nd August 2019). What Are KOLs? Why You Need Key Opinion Leaders in Your
Chron (13th November 2020). Strategies for Dealing with Intercultural Communication.
Frost A. ((19th August 2020). KOLs: The what, who, where of influencers in Hong Kong.
Gleeson B. (29th November 2016). 3 Steps for Effective Communication and Dealing with
Influencer Marketing Hub. Key Opinion Leaders – What Are They And Why Should You Care?
Multicultural You (22nd June 2020). Direct and Indirect communication styles. Retrieved from