Reviewwer Kan Maam EDRAGA
Reviewwer Kan Maam EDRAGA
Reviewwer Kan Maam EDRAGA
I. Topic Presentation/Discussion:
2. GOALS OF THE LEARNING PROCESS The successful learner, over time and with
support and instructional guidance, can create meaningful, coherent representations of
knowledge. Learners need to be goal-directed. Teachers have to guide learners in terms of
determining their personal goals. They need to set their goals, not dictated by others, to ensure
thei willingness to achieve them. Meaningful learning takes place when what is presented to
learners is very much related to their needs and interests. When learners have good
understanding of the concepts discussed in school, they can reach long-term goals most likely.
Indeed, it is challenging to motivate learners to succeed.
observations, and readings as the need arises. Sharing prior knowledge can be done in creative
strategies like concept mapping, group activities, and other collaborative techniques where
learners are also able to learn from each other's experiences.
4. STRATEGIC THINKING The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking
and reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning goals. Strategic thinking is a person's
ability to use knowledge in different ways to solve problems, address concerns and issues,
decrease difficulties in certain situations, and make sound decisions and judgments in varied
conditions. Strategic thinkers do not easily give up even in difficult situations. They are more
challenged to find ways to solve a problem no matter how many times they already failed. They
are not afraid to commit mistakes because they perceive them as meaningful leaming
experiences to continuously discover other ways of arriving at solutions. Teachers are supposed
to give them as many opportunities to learn, experiment, solve, and explore new ideas and
concepts. Thus, to motivate and encourage the learners to
be more creative and innovative in their ideas, opinions, and responses are musts for teachers.
A. Proximodistal Pattern – The muscular control of the trunk and the arms comes first earlier as compared to
the hands and fingers.
B. Cephalo-caudal pattern – During infancy, the greatest growth always occurs at the top – the head – with
physical growth in size, weight and future differentiation gradually working its way down from top to
. Cognitive process – Involves changes in the individuals thought, intelligence, and language.
. Socio-emotional process – Includes changes in the individual’s relationship with other people,
changes in emotion and changes in personality.
•Traditional Approach
Extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in late
old age.
•Life-span Approach
Emphasizes to the full process of human development from conception to death.