Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines: Rodrigo Orta Guerra
Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines: Rodrigo Orta Guerra
Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines: Rodrigo Orta Guerra
Following the modern trend for cleaner aero engines with higher efficiencies and low emissions has led to the development and
overtaking the idea of introducing intercooling during the compression process. Certain industrial gas turbines have used this
tool to reduce the temperature during the compression processes; hence less work is needed to archive certain pressure rise. The
main target of introducing a heat exchanger is to increase the specific power and thermal efficiency. Main constraints related to
the development and integration of cooling technologies in aero engines will be discussed in this paper among other features.
The increase on the engine weight due to heat exchanger arrangements and complex ducting to increase the heat transfer area,
pressure losses associated with driving the air flow through complex passages of the intercooler and the integration of new
mechanical components increasing maintenance and assembly operations are the penalties associated with the development
of this idea. Nevertheless, back in the end of 1960’s a three-spool turbofan was developed with the objective to reduce the
specific fuel consumption and emissions of small engines currently in operation. The unique configuration of this engine offers a
possibility to introduce intercooling in modern large turbofan concepts by offering an attractive core configuration to overcome
Keywords: intercooling, compressor cooling, reverse flow core, heat exchanger, turbofan
1. Introduction hence lower flame temperatures. This reduces the NOX emis-
sions and the specific fuel consumption of the engine. On
Gas turbine manufacturers have the task to develop en- the other hand for a specified NOX level and technology, the
vironmentally friendly equipment without jeopardizing the cycle overall pressure ratio can be augmented leading to an
efficiency and performance of gas turbines. This promotes the increased in thermal efficiency, low specific fuel consumption
development of new technologies and materials to enhance and low CO2 emissions, see Figure 1.
the efficiency of the components and reduce the specific fuel
consumption hence reduce emissions. The environmental
impact of the civil aviation over the last 20 years has growth
substantially. The expected increase of 5% per year [1] in
civil aviation traffic generates concerns about the boost in the
CO2 and NOX emissions.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) an
it’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP)
are encouraging the development of new aero engines that
ensure the reduction of CO2 and NOX . For airlines compan-
ies the constant increase in the prices of aviation fuels and
penalties associated with emissions legislations reduce their
profitability. This impels the manufacturers to investigate
novel aero engine concepts to fulfill the market requirements
by reducing the environmental impact as well operating cost
for their clients. Work funded by the European Framwork
6 Collaborative Project NEW Aero Engine Core concepts
(NEWAC)and the Techno-economic, Environmental, and Risk Figure 1: Thermal Efficiency of Different Gas Turbine Cycles[3]
Assessment for 2020 (TERA2020) have been used to investig-
ate the potential benefits of introducing intercooled cores for
future turbofan engine designs[2]. The application of intercooling in the industrial field is well
Intercooling provides lower combustor inlet temperature stablish. Nevertheless the size and weight heat exchanger is
38th Engine Systems Symposium ESS-38-91
Rodrigo Orta Guerra/Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines
not a limitation for industrial gas turbines. Technical con- 3. The Garret ATF3
strains must be overcome to allow intercooling to be integ-
rated in modern aero engines. A new approach in the design of small turbofan engines
Despite the challenges associated with the integration of was performed in the late 1960’s. The Garret ATF3 tur-
an intercooling system in an aero engine, around the end bofan engine brings to bear a unique three-spool design. This
of 1960’s Garret AiResearch develop the first three-spool, unique configuration provided an efficiency comparable with
reverse flow turbine, mixed flow turbofan engine, the Gar- the recent large turbofan engines at that time. The thrust
ret ATF3. This unique core configuration offers pontential capabilities of the large turbofan achieved values of 40,000 lb
benefits to overcome the main difficulties of introducing an (178 kN) and higher. Aircraft in the range of 20,00 to 50,000
intercooler in a large bypass turbofan. The introduction of gross weight used turbojet engines. Design techniques and
the first large turbofan engines provided and increase in the technologies applied in the large turbofan engines had not
performance of the propulsive systems. At that time small been applied to small engines to increase the pressure ratio
engines showed lower efficiency due to the low pressure ratio and bypass ratio.
values restricted by the turbine entry temperature. Executive The Garret ATF3 became the first three spool, reverse flow
and military small aircraft became important for the transport- turbine, mixed flow, turbofan concept to be develop in the
ation of business and military personnel. The small turbofan world[4]. The engine performance objective was to reduce
engine (Garret ATF3) provided a solution for small aircraft the specific fuel consumption at cruise operation to achieve
to achieve higher flight capabilities by reducing the specific nonstop cost-to-cost flight.
fuel consumption up to 40% at cruise thrust in comparison
for small engines currently in operation[4].
2. Intercooling
Introducing intercooling in an ideal thermodynamic cycle
shows a remarkable increase in the output power. By lower-
ing the temperature during the compression process less work
provided by the turbine will be needed to achieve the same
overall pressure ratio, hence higher output power. Neverthe-
less this reduction in the temperature during the compression
process will impact the thermal efficiency of the engine. Since
heat is being removed from the engine, it must be replaced by
adding more fuel in order to achieve the same value of turbine
entry temperature hence lowering the thermal efficiency.
An alternative to improve the thermal efficiency for our
intercooled engine, without the addition of a recuperator,
is to increase the overall pressure ratio. By increasing the
overall pressure ratio of the compressor the temperature ratio
achieved in the compressor between the inlet and the outlet
will overcome the removed heat by the intercooler. For a
fixed value of turbine entry temperature, less fuel will be
needed in order to achieve the same temperature rise in the
There are usually three limitation that restrict the overall
pressure ratio of a simple cycles: The materials used for the
compressor and their heat resistance capabilities. The turbine
entry temperature restricts the optimum pressure ratio to be
achieve to obtain high efficiency. Cooling air supplied to the
turbine will be higher due to the increase in compressor exit
The mechanical complexity of introducing an intercooler
generates several constraints for the aero engine application.
A mechanism to increase the heat transfer rates relies in con-
ducting the flow through a large area in order to experience
exchange energy with the cooling flow. Pressure losses asso-
ciated with turning the flow in complex ducting systems and Figure 2: Specific Thrust vs Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption with
the intercooler cavities become an important factor for the Variable Turbine Entry Temperature and Pressure Ratio[4]
feasibility of this concept. Another constraint is the design
arrangement of the intercooler. It must be lightweight and
compact in order to be fitted either inside the core or between Figure 2 shows the impact of the turbine entry temperature
the bypass and the core of the engine. Mechanical integration and the pressure ratio on the specific fuel consumption and
becomes an important issue in the design stage in order to specific thrust at a see level standard day conditions (Temp =
ease the installation and facilitate maintenance operations. 15◦ C/59◦ F and P=101.325 kPa/14.695 psi) for a fixed value
Efforts on introducing this technology in modern aero en- of bypass ratio equal to 3. By achieving high turbine entry
gines are being performed. Apart from the environmental temperatures higher values of specific thrust can be obtained,
benefits by lowering the CO2 and NOX emissions, the reduc- nevertheless it will drop as pressure ratio increases. Specific
tion of the specific fuel consumption becomes an attractive fuel consumption will not show a considerably change above
feature for the civil aviation market. a pressure ratio of 14. In order to provide all the character-
38th Engine Systems Symposium ESS-38-91
Rodrigo Orta Guerra/Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines
istics and requirements previously mentioned, an unusual bustion process with a pressure drop of 3.4%. A maximum
approach was taken. wall temperature of 1600◦ F (871◦ C) is maintained by air
A reverse flow core configuration was selected. By this impinging on the internal cooling rings. Fuel is introduce by
unique configuration it is possible to gain the thermodynamic eight double heading injector consisting of an internal flow
advantages of a three-spool engine without the mechanical separator and two dual orifice spray atomizers positioned
disadvantages of three concentric shafts, and at the same radially around the wall. High turbulence and complete mix-
time to take full advantage of Garret’s years fabrication and ing combined with a lean fuel ratio with low flow velocity
design experience with high-speed radial compressors and provides enough time to the combustion process to occur
reverse-flow combustors. Disadvantage such as the increase resulting in a smoke and carbon free combustor. The reverse
of bearing thrust due to the reverse flow on the turbine. The flow annular combustor controls the unburned hydrocarbons ,
additional cost and weight of the complex ducting had to NOX and CO2 emissions to an acceptable levels. A combus-
be balanced with the advantages of the mixed turbofan and tor patter factor of 0.2 is obtained[4].
the quick removal of the components to ease maintenance
38th Engine Systems Symposium ESS-38-91
Rodrigo Orta Guerra/Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines
4. Recent Attempts
Another potential problem with introducing intercooling
The New Aero Engine Concepts NEWAC project SP3 in- in a large bypass turbofan is that their smaller diameter cores
vestigated technologies to achieve high overall pressure ratio may be more flexible than those of conventional engines.
for a intercooled engine concept for long range and short The high pressure casing may suffer distortion due to thrust
range capabilities. Research activities in the SP3 project loads and manouvers leading to a possible increase in the
were related to aerodynamical, aero-thermal and mechanical tip clearance in both the compressor and turbine blades. An
design studies for intercooled systems. The main target was intercase design demonstrated that a stiffer structure will
38th Engine Systems Symposium ESS-38-91
Rodrigo Orta Guerra/Reverse Flow Core Intercooled Engines
reduce the tip clearance. Although a small penalty in weight [4] Van Nimwegen, R. R. (1971) Design features of the garret
increase had to be taken[8]. ATF3 turbofan engine. Tech. Rep. 710776, SAE International,
The intercooler design must ease the assembly to reduce Warrendale, PA.
maintenance operations and a low frontal area to reduce drag [5] Alves, M. A. d. C., Carneiro, H. F. d. F. M., Barbosa, J. R.,
losses without compromising the performance and effective- Travieso, L. E., Pilidis, P., and Ramsden, K. W. (2001) An in-
ness requirements to make this concept feasible. Optimiza- sight on intercooling and reheat gas turbine cycles. Proceedings
tion methods were applied to compressor blading. Improve- of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of
ments in the leading edge shape and camber distributions to Power and Energy, 215, 163–171.
minimize secondary losses. [6] Gunston, O. F., Bill (ed.) (1996) Jane’S-Aero Engines: 16.
To make intercooled engines truly competitive further de- Janes Information Group.
velopments are needed in the design and installation of com-
pact lightweight intercoolers and in enhance engine structures [7] Evans, J. C. (2013) ATF3 Engine Crosssection & Gas Path. The
Garrett AiResearch ATF3 Online Museum,
to minimise performance losses due to casing distortions. Al-
ternative intercooler designs and engine architectures will [8] ARTTIC and Partners, N. (2011) Newac publishable final activ-
be investigated in the LEMCOTEC programme currently in ity report.
operation[8]. [9] Norris, J. W., Epstein, A., Roberge, G. D., Costa, M. W., Berry-
ann, A. P., and Kupratis, D. B. (2012), Reversed-flow core for
5. Summary and Conclusions a turbofan with a fan drive gear system. U.S. Classification:
The Garret ATF3 was the first engine to integrate a novel [10] Research-Programmes-Rolls-Royce (2011) Significant CO2
configuration in order to achieve better fuel consumption and and NOx reductions targeted through ultra-high pressure ra-
lower the emissions at cruise operation for small aircraft. It tio core engine technology development. LEMCOTEC (Low
is still in operation and providing a great service to the U. S. Emissions Core Engine Technologies).
Coast Guard and the French Navy[7].
The challenge today is to incorporate a reverse flow core
engine concept[9] with an external intercooling system for
a large turbofan engine. The Garret ATF3 component dis-
tribution offers and attractive core concept for large bypass
intercooled turbofan engines. Pressure losses, mechanical
restrictions, aerodynamical constraints and mal-distribution
due to the turning of the flow still a concern for the design of
ducting system to connect the intercooler modules in the com-
pressor. Another attractive feature of this unique configura-
tion is its modular assembly configuration eases maintenance
operations lowering down times of the engine and costs.
The integration of an external intercooling system will
lower the temperature in the compression process in order to
achieve higher pressure ratios to overcome the heat removal
and still achieve higher values of turbine entry temperature
without increasing the specific fuel consumption and lower
CO2 and NOX emissions[10]. A reverse flow core intercooled
engine concept provides solutions to overcome some of con-
straints with the construction of an intercooled large turbofan
engine. For performance calculations for an intercooled core
ultra high bypass ratio engine concept see reference [2]. Even
doe the complexity of this configuration is challenging, the
benefits of introducing advance materials and new technolo-
gies expects to overcome the main difficulties of intercooling
in aero engines. Strong efforts of this configuration are still
under development, nevertheless is expected to overcome
mechanical and aerodynamical constraints in order to make
it feasible and available in the upcoming years.