Discrete Math Module 1
Discrete Math Module 1
Discrete Math Module 1
Encouragement: It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be. -- unknown
Wilfred H. Maru
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Module Readings
dis·crete / dis’krët.
What is mathematics? The study of numbers? In part, but you also study functions
and lines and triangles and parallelepipeds and vectors and . . . . Or perhaps you
want to say that mathematics is a collection of tools that allow you to solve
problems. What sort of problems? Okay, those that involve numbers, functions,
lines, triangles, . . . . Whatever your conception of what mathematics is, try
applying the concept of “discrete” to it, as defined above. Some math
fundamentally deals with stuff that is individually separate and distinct.
The most fundamental objects we will use in our studies (and really in all of math)
are sets. Much of what follows might be review, but it is very important that you
are fluent in the language of set theory. Most of the notation we use below is
standard, although some might be a little different than what you have seen before.
For us, a set will simply be an unordered collection of objects. Two examples:
we could consider the set of all actors who have played The Doctor on Doctor Who,
or the set of natural numbers between 1 and 10 inclusive. In the first case, Tom
Baker is an element (or member) of the set, while Idris Elba, among many others,
is not an element of the set. Also, the two examples are of different sets. Two sets
are equal exactly if they contain the exact same elements. For example, the set
containing all of the vowels in the declaration of independence is precisely the same
set as the set of vowels in the word “questionably” (namely, all of them); we do not
care about order or repetitions, just whether the element is in the set or not.
A = {1, 2, 3}.
This is read, “A is the set containing the elements 1, 2 and 3.” We use curly braces
“{, }” to enclose elements of a set. Some more notation:
a ∈ {a, b, c}.
The symbol “∈” is read “is in” or “is an element of.” Thus the above means that a is
an element of the set containing the letters a, b, and c. Note that this is a true
statement. It would also be true to say that d is not in that set:
This is a strange set, to be sure. It contains four elements: the number 1, the letter
b, the set {x, y, z}, and the empty set ∅ = {}, the set containing no elements. Is x
in A? The answer is no. None of the four elements in A are the letter x, so we must
conclude that x ∉ A. Similarly, consider the set B = {1, b}. Even though the
elements of B are elements of A, we cannot say that the set B is one of the
elements of A. Therefore B ∉ A. (Soon we will see that B is a subset of A, but this is
different from being an element of A.)
Specification of Sets
c. {a, b, d, m}
a. {x/x ∈ of natural number and x < 8} means “the set of all x such that x is
element of natural number and is less than 8”
(1) 4 ∈ E
(2) If x ∈ E, then x + 2 ∈ E
Describe each of the following sets both in words and by listing out enough
elements to see the pattern.
1. {x : x + 3 ∈ N}.
2. {x ∈ N : x + 3 ∈ N}.
1. This is the set of all numbers which are 3 less than a natural number (i.e., that if
you add 3 to them, you get a natural number). The set could also be written as {−3,
−2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} (note that 0 is a natural number, so −3 is in this set because
−3 + 3 = 0).
2. This is the set of all natural numbers which are 3 less than a
as we move forward.
Special set
P(A) The power set of any set A is the set of all subsets of A.
Set Theory Notation.
an element of A.
Operations On Sets
Is it possible to add two sets? Not really, however there is something similar. If we
want to combine two sets to get the collection of objects that are in either set, then
we can take the union of the two sets. Symbolically,
C = A ∪ B,
read, “C is the union of A and B,” means that the elements of C are exactly the
elements which are either an element of A or an element of B (or an element of
both). For example, if A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 3, 4}, then
A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4}.
and say, “C is the intersection of A and B,” when the elements in C are precisely
those both in A and in B. So if A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 3, 4},
speak of all the elements which are not in a particular set. We say B is the
B= �
This is the set of all elements which are both elements of A and not elements of B.
What have we done? We’ve started with A and removed all of the elements which
were in B. Another way to write this is the set difference:
A ∩ B = A \ B.
1. Let A = {1, 4, 9} and B = {1, 3, 6, 10}. Find each of the following sets.
(a) A ∪ B.
(b) A ∩ B.
(c) A \ B.
2. Find the least element of each of the following sets, if there is one.
(a) {n ∈ N : n2 − 3 ≥ 2}.