Giya Lesson Plan Science 5 Q3
Giya Lesson Plan Science 5 Q3
Giya Lesson Plan Science 5 Q3
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to perform the activity sensibly
A. References
1. Teachers Guide MELC,Q3 Grade 5
A. Daily Routine
Prayer and Greetings
B.Reviewing previous lesson or Direction: Put check (/) if the objects are in motion and cross(x) if
presenting the new lesson not.
__1.Pulling a cart
__2.Picture frame hanging on the wall
__3.A boy running
__4.Pushing a tree
__5. A rolling ball
A. Establishing a purpose for the I have here a jumbled word , Arrange to form a write word
lesson ATEH
Why does a person use a cloth or mittens when holding a pan while
A person uses a cloth or mittens when holding a pan while cooking
because the pan get hot when it is over a fire.
Why does a pan become hot when heat is applied?
Materials: ceramic mug with hot water, metal spoon, plastic spoon,
paper clip, barbeque stick,
5. Arrange the container in one place.
6. Half fill the ceramic mug with hot tap water. Be careful in
handling hot objects.
7. Dip the metal spoon, then touch the handle.
What do you feel?
8. Do the same with other materials.
9. What materials conduct heat? Which do not?
10. Record your observation
Guide Questions:
1. Based from the activity, do all materials conduct heat?
2. How do you call materials/ objects that conduct heat?
3. Can materials that conduct heat also be a good conductor
of electricity? Why?
Not all materials conduct heat and electricity, but if they can ,what do
we call these materials?
CONDUCTORS -is a material that allows transfer of heat energy.
Most of the solids are better conductors than liquid and gases because
the particles in solids are closer, making it easier for the particles to
transfer energy.
Most conductors of heat are made of metals like stainless
Another example is this appliance that has iron and copper when this
appliance is plug the electricity flows easily through the copper going
through the iron and that makes this appliance to turn hot.
Other solids such as wood contain pocket of air trapped between their
particles. They conduct heat at a slower rate than metals. These
materials can be considered as
INSULATOR - materials that do not conduct or transfer heat and
some examples of insulator are
This insulator are very important to keep us safe from electricity and
hot object.
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment )
Now , we will have a game. GUESS ME!
I will present to you some real objects and you will identify if it is
conductor or insulator. I will group you into two groups. Winning
group will receive a prize.
G. Finding practical applications of Your younger brother and sister are playing near the electric socket.
concepts and skills in daily living They have lots of toys that made up of metal and iron. You know that
these are good conductor of electricity. What should you do to avoid
accident that involve electric shock?
What is insulator?
Materials that do not conduct or transfer heat and electricity
Prepared by:
Checked and Observed by:
Head Teacher