Lesson 1: Introduction To ICT

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D. 3 Generations of World Wide Web

Lesson 1: Introduction to ICT a. Web 1.0 (read-only Web) - refers to the
first stage of the World Wide Web, which
Information and Communication was entirely made up of Web pages
Technology (ICT) deals with the use of different connected by hyperlinks.
communication technologies such as mobile b. Web 2.0 (participative social Web) – is the
phones, telephones, Internet to locate, save, send, evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic
and edit information. pages. The user is able to see a website
differently than others.
A. ICT in the Philippines ➔ Allows users to interact with the
- The Philippines is dubbed the ‘’ICT Hub of page; instead of just reading the
Asia” because of the massive growth of page, the user may be able to
ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, comment or create a user
Business Process Outsourcing, or call account.
centers. c. Web 3.0 (read, write, execute Web) – this
- The Philippines was named the world's platform is all about the semantic web (a
BPO capital after it employed 525,000 proposed development of the World Wide
people and generated $8.9 billion in Web in which data in web pages is
revenue. structured and tagged in such a way that it
- In data gathered by the Annual Survey of can be read directly by computers).
Philippines Business and Industries in ➔ Aims to have machines (or
2010, the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the servers) understand the user’s
total employment population preferences to be able to deliver
- According to the 2013 edition of web content.
Measuring the Information Society by the ➔ The term "Read-Write-Execute
International Telecommunication Union, Web" highlights the increasing
there are 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos capabilities of the web to not only
in the year 2012. deliver and receive information but
also to actively perform actions and
B. Terminologies in ICT tasks, driven by the integration of
1. Computer - is an electronic device for advanced technologies like AI,
storing and processing data, typically in semantic understanding, and
binary form, according to instructions given decentralized systems.
to it in a variable program.
2. Internet - is a vast network that connects E. Trends in ICT
computers all over the world. Through the 1. Convergence - is the synergy of
Internet, people can share information and technological advancements to work on a
communicate from anywhere with an similar goal or task. For example, besides
Internet connection. using your personal computer to create
word documents, you can now use your
C. Important Terms Related to ICT smartphone.
1. World Wide Web (WWW) - an information
system on the internet that allows 2. Social Media - is a website, application, or
documents to be connected to other online channel that enables web users web
documents by hypertext links, enabling the users to create, cocreate, discuss, modify,
user to search for information by moving and exchange usergenerated content.
from one document to another.
➔ There are currently 3 phases or Types of Social Media
generations of World Wide Web: 1. Social Networks - these are sites
The Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 that allow you to connect with other
2. Web Page - is a hypertext document people with the same interests or
connected to the World Wide Web. It is a background. Once the user creates
document that is suitable for the World Wide his/her account, he/she can set up a
Web. profile, add people, share content,
3. Website - is a collection of web pages that etc.
are grouped together and usually connected
together in various ways. Often called a
"website" or a "site."
2. Bookmarking Sites - sites that 5. Cloud Computing - distributed computing
allow you to store and manage links on the internet or delivery of computing
to various websites and resources. service over the internet.
Most of the sites allow you to create ➔ Instead of running an e-mail
a tag to others. program on your computer, you log
3. Social News - sites that allow users in to a Web e-mail account remotely.
to post their own news items or links The software and storage for your
to other news sources. The users account don’t exist on your computer
can also comment on the post and – it’s on the service’s computer
comments may also be rank. cloud.
4. Media Sharing - sites that allow you
to upload and share media content Three Components of Cloud Computing
like images, music and video. 1. Client computers - Client
5. Microblogging - focus on short computers are the devices that the
updates from the user. Those that end user interacts with the cloud.
subscribed to the user will be able to 2. Distributed Servers - Often servers
receive these updates. are in geographically different
6. Blogs and Forums – allow user to places, but servers act like they are
post their content. Other users are working next to each other.
able to comment on the said topic. 3. Datacenters - It is collection of
servers where application is placed
3. Mobile Technologies - The popularity of and is accessed via Internet.
smartphones and tablets has taken a major
rise over the years. This is largely because Lesson 2: Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and
of the devices capability to do the tasks that Etiquette
were originally found in PCs. Several of
these devices are capable of using a ● Hashtag - is a word or phrase preceded by
high-speed internet. Today the latest model the "#" symbol (also known as the pound
devices use 5G Networking (LTE), which is sign or hash symbol) used on social media
currently the fastest. and other online platforms to categorize
content and make it easily discoverable by
4. Mobile Operating System (OS) users interested in specific topics or
1. iOS - used in apple devices such as themes. Hashtags serve as a way to
iPhone and iPad. organize and label content, allowing users
2. Android - an open source OS to quickly find and engage with posts,
developed by Google. Being photos, videos, and discussions related to a
open-source means mobile phone particular subject.
companies use this OS for free. ● Folksonomy - is a portmanteau of the
3. Blackberry OS - use in blackberry words "folk" and "taxonomy," and it refers to
devices. a user-generated classification system or
4. Windows Mobile - first developed tagging system used to categorize and
by Microsoft for smartphones and organize digital content, typically on the
pocket PCs. internet. Folksonomy allows user to
5. Windows Phone OS - a categorize and classify information using
closed-source and proprietary freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging by FB,
operating system developed by Twitter, using tags that start with the sign #,
Microsoft. referred to as hashtag.
6. Symbian - the original smartphone ● Internet Safety - refers to the online
OS. Used by Nokia devices security or safety of people and their
7. WebOS - originally used in information when using the internet.
smartphone; now in smart TVs. ● Netiquette - Is network etiquette, the dos
and don’ts of online communication.
A. 10 Rules of Netiquette 8. Respect other people’s privacy.
1. Remember the human. - do not read other people’s mail
- you are talking to a real person without their permission.
- the internet brings people together - going through other people’s things
who would otherwise never meet could cost you, your job or you could
- when sending an email: would I say even go to jail
this to the person’s face?
9. Don’t abuse your power.
2. Adhere to the same standards online - do not take advantage of other
that you follow in real life. people just because you have more
- behave the same way online that knowledge or power than them
you do in real life - treat others as you would want them
- you can get caught doing things you to treat you if the roles were
should not be doing online reversed
- you are still talking to a real person
with feelings even though you can’t 10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
see them - do not point out mistakes to people
3. Know where you are in cyberspace. - you were once the new kid on the
- take a look around when you enter a block
new domain when surfing the web - you still need to have good manners
- get a sense of what the discussion even though you are online and
group is about before you join it cannot see the person face to face

4. Respect other people’s time and B. Internet Security

bandwidth. Security Requirement Triad / CIA Triad
- people have other things to do ● Confidentiality - roughly equivalent to
besides read your email privacy; are designed to prevent sensitive
- you are not the center of their world information from unauthorized access
(aguy,,,) attempts
- keep your post and emails to ● Integrity - maintaining the consistency,
minimum by saying what you want to accuracy, and trustworthiness of data over
say its entire lifecycle; data must not be
- everyone won’t answer your changed in transit, and steps must be taken
questions to ensure data cannot be altered by
unauthorized people
5. Make yourself look good online. ● Availability - information should be
- be polite and pleasant to everyone consistently and readily accessible for
- always check your spelling and authorized parties; involves properly
grammar before posting maintaining hardware and technical
- know what you are talking about and infrastructure and systems that hold and
make sense saying it display the information

6. Share expert knowledge. Threat Consequence

- ask questions online ● Unauthorized Disclosure - an entity gains
- share what you know online access to data for which the entity is not
- post the answers to your questions authorized
online because someone may have ● Disruption - interrupts or prevents the
the same question you do correct operation of system services and
7. Help keep flame wars under control. ● Deception - may result in an authorized
- netiquette does not forgive flaming entity receiving false data and believing it to
- netiquette does however forbid be true
people who are flaming to hurt ● Usurpation - results in control of system
discussion groups by putting the services or functions by an unauthorized
group down entity
Threat Action (Attack) 3. Clandestine User - Individuals who have
● Exposure - sensitive data are directly supervision or administrative control over
released to an unauthorized entity the system and misuse the authoritative
● Interception - an unauthorized entity power given to them. The misconduct of
directly accesses sensitive data traveling power is often done by superlative
between authorized sources and authorities for financial gains.
● Inference - an unauthorized entity D. Key Terms
indirectly accesses sensitive data by 1. Cybercrime - a crime committed or
reasoning from characteristics or assisted through the use of the Internet.
byproducts of communications 2. Privacy Policy/Terms of Services (ToS) -
● Intrusion - unauthorized entity gains This tells the user how the website will
access to sensitive data by circumventing a handle its data.
system’s security protections 3. Malware - a file or code, typically delivered
● Incapacitation - prevents or interrupts over a network, that infects, explores, steals
system operation by disabling a system or conducts virtually any behavior an
component attacker wants. It is a short term for
● Corruption - undesirably alters system “malicious software”.
operation by adversely modifying system 4. Virus - a malicious program designed to
functions or data transfer from one computer to another in
● Obstruction - interrupts the delivery of any means possible.
system services by hindering system 5. Worms - a malicious program designed to
operation replicate itself and transfer from one file
● Masquerade - an unauthorized entity gains folder to another and also transfer to other
access to a system or performs a malicious computers.
act by posing as an authorized entity 6. Trojan - a malicious program designed that
● Falsification - deceives an authorized is disguised as a useful program but once
entity downloaded or installed, leaves your PC
● Repudiation - deceives another by falsely unprotected and allows hackers to get your
denying responsibility for an act information.
7. Spyware - a program that runs in the
C. Type of System Intruders background without you knowing it. It has
1. Masquerader - a person or entity that the ability to monitor what you are currently
pretends to be someone or something else doing and typing through key logging.
to deceive or gain unauthorized access to 8. Adware - a program designed to send you
computer systems, networks, or information. advertisement, mostly pop-ups.
9. Spam - unwanted email mostly from bots or
Masquerading can take several forms: advertisers.
a. Impersonation - pretending to be 10. Phishing - this form of masquerading
an authorized user, administrator, or acquires sensitive personal information like
system to gain access to sensitive passwords and credit card details.
information or perform unauthorized 11. Copyright - a type of intellectual property
actions that protects original works of authorship as
b. Spoofing - manipulating network soon as an author fixes the work in a
traffic or information to appear as if tangible form of expression.
it's coming from a trusted source or 12. Keyloggers - these are tools that record
identity what a person types on a device. While
c. Phishing - sending deceptive emails there are legitimate and legal uses for this,
or messages that appear to be from many use this for malicious purposes.
legitimate sources to trick recipients 13. Fair Use - this means that an intellectual
into revealing sensitive information property may be used w/o consent as long
like passwords as it is used in commentaries, criticism,
parodies, research, etc.
2. Hackers - individuals who gain 14. Rogue Security Software - a form of
unauthorized access to computer systems malicious software and internet fraud that
or networks to find vulnerabilities, exploit misleads users into believing that there is a
them, or manipulate the systems for various virus on their computer, and manipulates
purposes. them into paying money for a fake malware
removal tool.
Lesson 3: Contextualized Online Search and 7. Evaluate the results of your research
Research Skills - go through the materials you have
researched and check them for
● Development of contextualized research is usefulness, relevance to your
important so that the generations ahead research, reliability, and accuracy
would be able to take advantage of the
wealth of information on the internet. 8. Create a list of your references for
● Contextual search on the Internet is citation
different from the traditional way of getting - It is a good practice to keep your
information which returns a list of papers or sources updated for your footnotes
documents relevant to the request of the and bibliography; this will save time
user. going back to the net later for these
● Contextual search is an attempt to be
more precise in providing the list of B. Enhancing and Improving Research Skills
documents according to the words used by 1. Critical Thinking
the user to search the Internet. examples: - is a very important skill to develop in
1. Location-Based Search research since the internet is full of
2. Personalized Recommendations valuable data.
3. E-commerce Product - also means the ability to digest,
Recommendations reflect, and conclude from the
4. News and Content Suggestions information researched.
5. Social Media Feeds
6. Travel Booking 2. Analytical Skill
- the ability to look, verbalize,
A. Steps to Make Contextualized Online Search conceptualize, and gather data
1. Identify or choose a topic attuned to the context of the subject.
- choose something you are
interested in, new ideas, things, or 3. Problem Solving Capability
areas you talk with you classmates - the ability to present solutions or
and friends or a current news item. solve problems by presenting a
decision based on the given
2. Topic or task definition information.
- use the Google search or Wikipedia
or other sources. 4. Organized Data Mining
- a well-planned design of the
3. Identify methods of search database of all the research
- either perform experiments, explore materials either inside the computer
or get a survey of the subject matter or hard copies.
and textual content of the search.
5. Research Presentation
4. Identify resources of your research - part of a good research is writing
- reliable sources are very important skills, the ability to present ideas and
to obtain the rich and accurate draw conclusions from the research,
information for your research be able to explain in writing the
- check for the following: Author, purpose, steps, goals, and objective
Accuracy, Currency of the research.

5. Make your research strategies 6. Creativity and Developed Imagination

- list down all the keywords or specific - the ability to look for alternative
topics to search on the Internet solutions to the problems needed to
solve in the research and thinking
6. Compiling the research results not only within the context but also
- strategies of handling large amount beyond the usual approaches to the
of data is necessary for you to be research objectives.
able to shift through them for your
final analysis, either to keep or 7. Computer Literacy
delete them - skills in the use of software to write,
design, and present are also
Lesson 4: Developing ICT content for Specific C. Label Generation
Purposes - Label generation in mail merge refers to the
process of creating a set of labels or
A. Applied Productivity Tools with Advanced stickers with personalized information
Application Techniques for multiple recipients or items.
1. Mail merge and label generation - A common feature in word processing and
2. Custom animations and timing desktop publishing software, and it's often
3. Hyperlinking in presentations used for tasks like creating address labels
4. Integrating images and external material in for a mailing list or name badges for an
word processors event.
5. Embedded files and data
6. Advanced and complex formulas and D. Custom Animations and Timing
computations - Refer to the dynamic visual effects and
controlled timing of those effects in
B. Mail Merge presentations or multimedia content.
- A tool that is used in creating bulk emails, - These tools are used to enhance the visual
letters, labels, and envelopes. appeal and interactivity of presentations and
- Lets you create a batch of documents that multimedia content.
are personalized for each recipient. - You can use custom animations to make
- Example: a form letter might be text, images, or other elements appear,
personalized to address each recipient by disappear, move, or change in various ways
name. during a presentation.
- Timing controls allow you to dictate when
Two Components of Mail Merge: these animations occur, creating a more
1. Form Document engaging and informative presentation.
- It is generally the document that
contains the main body of the E. Hyperlinking in Presentations
message we want to convey or - Involves adding clickable links to other
send. slides within the same presentation,
- The main body of the message is external websites, files, or email addresses.
the part of the form document that - Provides additional context, navigation, and
remains the same no matter whom interactivity to your audience.
you send it to from among your list. - It allows you to seamlessly move between
- Included in the form document are different sections of your presentation,
what we call placeholders, also access external resources for further
referred to as data fields or merge information, or initiate actions like sending
fields. This marks the position on emails.
your form document where individual - Hyperlinks can make your presentations
data or information will be inserted. more dynamic and user-friendly.
From our sample document, the
placeholders are denoted or marked F. Integrating Images and External Material in Word
by the text with doubleheaded Processors
arrows - Involves inserting and formatting images,
(<< >>) on each side and with a gray tables, charts, and content from external
background. sources (such as web pages, PDFs, or
other documents) into your text documents.
2. List or Data Source - Helps in:
- This is where the individual 1. Enhancing document content:
information or data that needs to be Images and visuals can make your
plugged in (merged) to the form documents more visually appealing
document is placed and maintained. and informative.
- One of the best things about the mail 2. Incorporating external data: You can
merge feature is that it allows data include data from external sources
file to be created fro within the to support your document's content
Microsoft Word application itself, or it or provide references.
gets data from a file created in
Microsoft Excel or other data
3. Creating complex documents: 6. Row Heading – the row number
Tables, charts, and imported content 7. Cell Reference – the cell address of the cell
enable you to create comprehensive usually combine letter and number (ex. A1,
reports, research papers, and B4, C2)
documents that require various 8. Merge – combining or joining two or more
forms of data and visuals. cells
9. Cells Formula – is an expression that
G. Embedded Files and Data calculates the value of a cell
- Involves placing one file or dataset within 10. Functions – are predefined formulas and
another document or application in a way are already available in Excel
that the embedded content becomes an 11. Formula Bar – the bar that displays the
integral part of the host file. contents of a cell
- Serves several purposes:
1. Portability: It allows you to include C. Functions of Spreadsheet
necessary files or data within a 1. Basic Math Operations
document, ensuring they travel
=SUM(x,y) or returns the sum of x
together and remain accessible
=SUM(range and y or (all the
without separate files or links. numbers within the
2. Data integration: You can range)
incorporate spreadsheets, charts, or
other data files directly into reports, =PRODUCT(x,y) returns the product
of x and y
presentations, or documents,
maintaining data consistency. =QUOTIENT(x,y) returns the quotient
3. Security: Embedded files can be of x divided by y
password -protected or encrypted to
control access. =x-y returns the
difference of x
4. Ease of sharing: It simplifies sharing
subtracted by y
documents that rely on specific files
or data, as recipients don't need to =x+y returns the sum of x
search for or download separate and y
=x*y returns the product
of x and y
Lesson 4 Continutation: Advanced and Complex
Formulas and Computations =x/y returns the quotient
of x divided by y
A. Spreadsheet Software
- A tool that is used to store, manipulate, and 2. Other Functions
analyze data.
- Data in a spreadsheet is organized in a =ABS(x) returns the absolute
value of x
series of rows and columns and can be
searched, sorted, calculated, and used in a =AVERAGE(x,y) returns the average
variety of charts and graphs. of x and y
- Examples:
1. LibreOffice Calc =CONCATENATE( joins x and y
2. OpenOffice.org Calc
3. Google Sheets =IF(Condition, x, returns x if the
4. Apple iWork Numbers y) conditions is true,
5. Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets else it returns y
6. StarOffice Calc
=ISEVEN(x) returns true if x is
7. Microsoft Excel
an even number

B. Key Terms =ISODD(x) Returns true if x is

1. Row – horizontal line of entries in a table an odd number
2. Column – vertical line of entries in a table
=COUNT(range) counts the number
3. Cell – the place where info. is held in a
of cells containing a
spreadsheet number within a
4. Active Cell – the selected cell range
5. Column Heading – the box at the top of
each column containing a letter
=COUNTIF(range, count the number =LOWER(x) returns x in
criteria) of cell that fits with non-capital form
the ciretia within the
range =TODAY() returns the current
=ISNUMBER(x) returns true if x is a
number =NOW() returns the current
date and time
=ISTEXT(x) returns true if x is a
***note: panoorin niyo to baka maka-help
=LEN(x) returns the length (https://youtu.be/Jl0Qk63z2ZY?si=26zdodsy
of characteristics in AqfrX86F) bka mamaya prinint niyo lang to
x ayan sige try mo pindutin
=PROPER(x) returns the proper
casing of x 3. Conditional Formatting
- A special feature (formatting feature)
=LEFT(x,y) returns the of Excel used to find unique and
characters of x duplicate values by formatting the
specified by y (from cells.
the left)
- Allows the users to format the cells
=RIGHT(x,y) returns the and their data based on some
characters of x conditions specified by the user.
specified by y (from - You can highlight a cell with a certain
the right) color and its content with a different
=PI() returns the value of
Lesson 5: Basic Elements of Graphic Design
=MIN(x,y) returns the smallest
number between x ● Graphic design is a creative and
and y professional field that involves the art and
practice of visual communication. It
=MAX(x,y) returns the largest
number between x encompasses creating and arranging visual
and y elements, such as typography, images,
colors, and other graphic components, to
=MIN(range) returns the smallest convey messages, information, or ideas to a
number within the specific audience.
● Layout refers to the process of planning
=MAX(range) returns the largest and arranging graphics or text in a page or
number within the book.
A. Basic Elements of Graphic Design
=POWER(x,y) returns the value of
1. Line
x raised to the
power of y - Lines are fundamental elements used to
create shapes, patterns, and divisions within
=ROUND(x,y) rounds x to a a design.
specified number of - They can be straight, curved, thick, thin, or
digits (y) varied in style to convey different feelings or
=COLUMN(x) returns the column messages.
number of x
2. Shape
=ROW(x) returns the row - Shapes are defined by their boundaries and
number of x can be geometric (circles, squares,
=SQRT(x) returns the square triangles) or organic (freeform).
root of x - They play a significant role in creating visual
interest and structure in a design.
=TRIM(x) removes extra
spaces in x

=UPPER(x) returns x in all

capital form
3. Form B. Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout
- This element is used to give a
three-dimensional quality or perception of The basic principles of graphic design
depth to two-dimensional visual are guidelines and concepts that designers follow
compositions. to create visually appealing and effective designs.
- Form can be thought of as the illusion of These principles help designers organize visual
three-dimensionality in a design, making elements and communicate messages clearly.
objects or elements appear as if they have
volume and occupy space, even though These principles are foundational to
they are essentially flat. effective graphic design. Designers often
combine and adapt them to create designs that
4. Images meet specific objectives and resonate with their
- Images whether photographs, illustrations, target audience, whether it's for print materials,
icons, or other visual elements, are websites, branding, or other visual communication
commonly used by graphic designers to projects.
convey messages, enhance aesthetics, and
create visual interest in various design 1. Balance - refers to the distribution of visual
projects. weight in a design.

5. Color There are three main types of balance:

- Color choices are essential in graphic 1. Symmetrical Balance: Elements
design as they evoke emotions and convey are evenly
information. distributed around a central axis,
- Understanding color theory, including creating a sense of stability and
concepts like hue, saturation, and value, is formality.
crucial for effective color selection. 2. Asymmetrical Balance: Elements
are unevenly distributed but still
Symbolic Color Meanings: achieve balance through contrast,
1. Red: Passion, Love, Anger. color, size, or positioning.
2. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality. 3. Radial Balance: Elements radiate
3. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. from a central point, often seen in
4. Green: New Beginnings, circular designs.
Abundance, Nature.
5. Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness. 2. Contrast - involves using differences in
6. Purple: Creativity, Royalty, Wealth. color, size, shape, texture, or other visual
7. Black: Mystery, Elegance, Evil. elements to make certain parts of a design
8. Gray: Moody, Conservative, stand out. It helps create visual interest and
Formality hierarchy.

6. Typography 3. Emphasis - focuses the viewer's attention

- Typography involves the selection and on a specific element or area of the design,
arrangement of fonts (typefaces), sizes, typically the most important or central
spacing, and formatting of text. message. It can be achieved through
- It's vital for readability and conveying the contrast or isolation.
tone and message of the design.
4. Hierarchy - establishes the order of
7. Texture importance within a design. It guides the
- Texture adds depth and tactile qualities to a viewer's eye by using variations in
design. typography, size, color, and placement to
- It can be actual (physical texture) or implied convey the relative significance of elements.
(visual texture created through patterns or
shading). 5. Proximity & Harmony - also known as
grouping, involves placing related elements
8. Space close together to show their connection and
- Space refers to the areas between and create organization within the design.
around elements in a design.
- Proper spacing and alignment help organize
content and guide the viewer's eye.
6. Alignment - ensures that elements are Lesson 6: Sources of Photos an Graphics
positioned consistently, either along a
horizontal or vertical axis, or within a grid. It Photos and graphics play a crucial role in
aids in creating a clean and organized graphic design, as they are the visual elements that
layout. help convey a message, create a mood, and
capture the viewer's attention.
7. Repetition - involves using consistent
visual elements (such as colors, fonts, or A. Advantages of Using Images in Your Design
shapes) throughout a design to create unity, - Visual Appeal
reinforce branding, and establish a cohesive - Enhanced Communication
visual identity. - Emotional Impact
- Storytelling
8. Scale and Proportion - Scale refers to the - Branding
relative size of elements within a design,
while proportion considers how elements B. Sources of Photos and Graphics
relate to each other in terms of size and
shape. Varying scales and proportions can 1. Personal and Professional Photos:
add visual interest and hierarchy. - Taken by amateur or professional
9. Consistency - ensures that all design - Downloaded and stored in the computer
elements, such as fonts, colors, and styles,
are applied uniformly across various 2. Scanned Images:
materials and platforms to strengthen - Photos transferred from printed photos and
branding and recognition. graphics
using scanning devices to your computer.
10. Variety - Variety means adding a change to
disrupt the monotony of a composition. It 3. Stock Photo Library:
creates visual interest in design. With - Photographs and created images that are
variety, you can draw attention and entice available for sale.
your audience with a few simple changes. - Comes in CDs or DVDs
- Royalty-free
11. Movement - refers to the visual impression
or illusion of motion or progression within a 4. Online Stock Photos:
design composition. Movement can be - Found in the World Wide Web (most
essential for engaging the viewer, creating dominant source)
flow, and conveying a sense of action or - May be subjected to copyright and fees.
C. Online Digital File Formats
C. Text - File format is a way of encoding and
- The text type should be: storing information to storage.
1. Legible - Different file formats are designed for
2. Appropriate font face specific purposes, and they can vary in
3. Left justified, Right justified, or terms of compression, quality, a
centered compatibility with different software
4. The flow of text should be easy to applications.
read. - Uses suffixes that are added to the end of
the filename File
- Examples of Name Extensions.
1. File Name Extensions = It is a
means of identifying the format of
the file with a period before it after
the file name.
Digital File Formats: Types of Roster Image Formats:
1. Proprietary Formats
- Owned and controlled by individuals or
File Description
corporations. Name
- File format specifications are not available Extensi
to the public. on
- Usually covered by copyrights.
.bmp • Bitmap Image File
(.dib) • Developed and used on Microsoft
2. Open Formats
Windows environment.
- AKA Free File Formats • It is stored in the graphic file format
- Free and can be used by the public. called Deviceindependent Bitmap
- Does not have copyrights or patents. (DIB).
- Sustained and maintained by a group of • Not common in www since it has a
individuals or organizations large file size.

.gif • Graphic Interchange Format File

Digital File Formats Major Groups: • It is very popular in www because of
1. Uncompressed or Raw Format its portability (Small file size) and
- It is used for storing original file format. support for animation.
- It is a flexible form but needs bigger • It is ideal for images with large areas
memory to store. of uniform color, small images, images
with text, navigation buttons.
• It supports only a small 8-bits per
2. Lossless File Format pixel
- It is a file format that was compressed to color scheme.
replicate the original quality but at a reduced
file size. .jpg • Standardized by Joint Photographic
- It is ideal for storing important files (images, Experts Group (JPEG).
• It is a common method for
audio, or video).
photographic images as well as
- (Ex. .zip, .rar, .png, .flac) transmission of photos on the www.
• It supports 24-bit per pixel color
3. Lossy File Format scheme.
- It is a file format that was compressed as an • Not ideal use on line art.
approximation of the original file but is good
.png • Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
• It is a free, open-source bitmap image
- It has better compression rate requiring the format made to improve on GIF.
least memory. • It supports 24-bit per pixel color and
- (Ex. JPEG, MP3, MPEG) true color
(16 million colors).
D. The Concept of Pixels • It does not support animation.
- Pix = Picture; El = Element • Employs lossless compression.
- It is the smallest information of an image. .psd • Photoshop Document (PSD)
- It is represented by dots or squares that are • It is a native file format for Adobe
arranged and added together to form a Photoshop.
picture. • Photoshop has the ability to read all of
the other
E. Image File Formats formats and edit them.
- These are means of storing and organizing
digital images, photos, and illustrations.

Two Types:
1. Raster/Bitmap Image Files
- AKA Bitmap Image
- It is representing digital images in bits of
information for storage, which translates to
PIXELS when viewed on screen.
- Majority of raster images are LOSSY.
- It is the common format you will encounter
in the internet
2. Vector Graphics Files
- AKA Vector Format or Graphic.
- These are lossless files created using
mathematical geometric equations to
represent images in digital computer
- It retains the quality of the images in any
desired image size.
- It is the preferred format for those who
desire quality prints and display of images.

Types of Vector Image Formats:

File Description

.ai • Adobe Illustrator File

• It is the file extension for graphics
created using Adobe
• It is created using paths and lines
connected by points
instead of bitmaps (objects, color, and

.drw • Drawing File

• It is a generic drawing created and
stored in a vector format
that uses lines or paths to represent
• Apple Appleworks, Microsoft Picture
It, CorelDraw, & Corel
Paint Shop Pro.

.dxf • Drawing Exchange Format File

• It is a drawing format developed and
introduced by
Autodesk, the maker of AutoCAD.
• It is used for computer-aided design
(CAD) vector images.

.ps • PostScript
• It is a Page Description Language
(PDL) developed by Adobe.
• It is a language for printing documents
on laser printers and
image setters used to produce camera
ready copies.
• Can be changed in size without image
quality loss.

.svg • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

• Most common vector graphic format
in the internet.
• It was developed by The World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C).
• It can be opened by Adobe, Corel,

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