Em Tech 1ST Quarter Reviewer

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Introduction to Information - Security

- Quick to develop
Communication - Cheap to host
Information and
Communication Technology
Web 2.0
- is concerned with the use of
different communication - Also known as the “The
technologies, such as mobile Dynamic Web”
phones, telephones, the - The beginning of the wide use
internet, etc., to locate, store, and popularity of social media
send, and edit information. such as Twitter, Facebook, and
- Aims of ICT is to have a unified YouTube.
way of communicating. - The users can now interact,
- In economic terms, ICT has contribute, and create their
saved companies a lot of own internet space.
resources (time and money) - Internet is now available to
with the kind of everyone whether you are an
communication. expert or not. The internet now
is used to interact and
The current state of ICT communicate with other
people around the globe.
WEB 1.0
 Term coined by Darcy DiNucci
- Tim Berners-lee created the on January 1999
World Wide Web  Evolution of web 1.0
- First stage of the World Wide  The user is able to see a
Web (WWW) website differently than others
 Web 2.0 allows users to
- Age of Read-only Web
interact with the page
- Web pages, were static, which  Focused on communities
means that you can read the
text and look at the photos, Features of Web 2.0
but the user could not interact
with them to obtain more 1. Folksonomy – allows users to
information. categorize and classify/arrange
information using freely chosen
keywords (e.g. Tagging).
Popular social networking sites
use tags that start with the
pound sign (#) referred to as
2. Rich user experience –
content is dynamic and is
responsive to users input.
Advantage: 3. User Participation – the
owner of the website is not the
only one who is able to put technological advances to work
content. Others are able to towards a similar goal or task.
place content of their own by 2. Social media – a collection of
means of comments, reviews, web-based communication
and evaluations. tools and computer assisted
4. Long tail – services that are channels dedicated to enabling
offered on demand rather than users to interact,
on a one-time purchase. In communicate, and share
certain cases, time-based information in a virtual
pricing is better than file sized- community and network.
based pricing. 3. Mobile Technology – a form
5. Software as a service – of technology that is mostly
users will subscribe to a used in cellular communication
software only when needed and other related aspects. It
rather than purchasing them. uses a form of platform where
Ex. Google docs by many transmitters have the
6. Mass participation – Diverse ability to send data at the
information sharing through same time on a single channel.
universal web access. 4. Assistive touch – was the
first internet based service to
Advantages be designed ti help people with
 New content brings people visual and reading disablities
back to the site and helps in 6 Types of social media
the search engine.
 Can work as a system to A. Social Networks – These are
follow staff or users to the sites that allow you to
collaborate. connect with people of the
same interest or background.
Web 3.0 Example: Facebook and
- Also known as the “The Google+
systematic web” or “Data B. Bookmarking sites – These
driven web” are the sites that allow you to
- As the user interacts or store and manage links to a
responds, contributes, and variety of websites and
collaborates on the web, the resources. Example: Pinterest
user search context is and Stumbleupon.
processed by a programming C. Social News- These are sites
language to help the user by that allow users to post their
presenting options of what the news articles or links to other
user is interested in. news sources. Example: Reddit
- The ultimate goal of Web 3.0 is and Digg
to create more intelligent, D. Media Sharing – these are
connected, and open websites sites that allow you to upload
- All available information is and share media content such
based on real-time events. as images, music, and more.
Example: Youtube and
Ict Trends Instagram.
E. Microblogging – these are
1. Convergence – Technological
the sites that focus on the
convergence is the synergy of
user’s short updates. Example: Common details that are
Twitter/X and Plurk. dangerous to share online:
F. Blogs and Forums – these
websites allow users to post - Full name
their content. Example Blogger - Current and Previous Schools
and tumblr. - Cellphone Number
- Address
Netiquette - Birthday

Content Converge: Tips to stay safe online

- Online Security 1. Do not post any personal
- Internet Threats information
- Protecting Reputations Online 2. Know the security features of
- Copyright the social networking you use.
- Contextual online search and 3. Don’t give out your password
research skill 4. Be careful that you’re meeting
Internet safety – refers to the 5. Keep your privacy settings as
safety of people. high as you can
6. Avoid visiting untrusted
Netiquette – Combination of the
words network and etiquette and is
7. If you have Wi-Fi at home, turn
defined as a set of rules for
it into a private network by
acceptable online bahavior.
adding a password
8. Avoid downloading anything
from untrusted websites.
Ten rules of Netiquette 9. Buy the software, do not use
Rule no. 1: Remember the human pirated ones
10. Don’t reply or click links
Rule no. 2: Adhere to the same from suspicious emails.
standards online that you follow in
real life.
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in
cyberspace. Internet Threats
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s
time and bandwidth.
Malware – Stands for Malicious
Software, any program or file that is
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good harmful to a computer user
Spam – unwanted email mostly
Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge. from advertisers
Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars Phishing – it’s goal to acquire
under control. sensitive personal information like
Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s passwords and credit card details
Kinds of Malware:
Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power
1. Virus – Program designed to
Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other replicate itself and transfer
people’s mistake. from one computer to another.
2. Worm – A malicious program 3 WAYS TO OPEN A FILE
that transfers from one 1. Double click on the Desktop icon
computer to another by any
types of means.
3. Trojan – A malicious program
that is disguised as a useful
program but once downloaded
or installed, leaves your PC OR
unprotected and allows hacker
to get your information 2. Find “Microsoft Word” on the start
4. Spyware – Software that ruin menu
in the background without
knowing it
5. KeyLoggers – Used to record OR
the keystroke done by the user 3. Double click in a word file
6. Adware – A program designed
to send you advertisements,
mostly a pop-ups.


(how to create, edit, and print a
Microsoft word document)

What are Word Processor?

- Using a computer to create,
edit, save, and print
Why do we use word processor?
- Drafts
- Layout
- Images Moving Text:
- Flexibility
- Highlighting
Kinds of Word Processors: - Cutting and pasting/dragging
- Word Pad and dropping
- Corel The clipboard
- Word Perfect
- Microsoft Word Page Set up
- Google Docs Undo – Redo
HOW TO HIGHLIGHT: the built-in
1. click and hold
• Highlights a word if it can’t
2. drag
find a match
3. lift
• May highlight words that
are actually spelled
correctly because they are
not in the built-in
CUT: dictionary

1. Highlight the text • Cannot identify a

misspelled word if it
2. Go to the Edit Menu correctly spells another
3. Choose “CUT” word

PASTE: – E.g., from vs. form;

there vs. their
1. Move your cursor to where you
want to put the text. To check your file for spelling
2. Go to the edit menu
1. Go to the beginning of your
3. Choose “Paste” document
Click the Spell Checker button in
the toolbar

Save vs. Save As

Use Save As To add a word to the dictionary

• When you are saving your file 1. Right-click the highlighted

for the first time OR word

• When you’re are saving your 2. Click “Add to Dictionary”

file to a new place OR PLACING PICTURE FILES
• When you are saving your file 1. Click the mouse in the text
under a new name where you want the image
Use Save to appear.

When you have made a change to 2. Click the Insert tab; in the
your document Illustrations group, click
the Pictures button. ...
3. Locate the image file on
Spell Checker your PC's storage system.
• Finds (potential) spelling 4. Click to select the image.
errors in your document
5. Click the Insert button.
– Compares each word
against the words in
-or just copy the picture and COLUMNS
paste on the space you want the - Vertical arrangements of cells;
image to appear. identified by letters
- Horizontal arrangement of
WHAT IS A cells; identified by numbers


- A spreadsheet is a computer TYPE INTO A CELL
program that can capture,  Label = words or letters
display and manipulate data  Value = numbers
arranged in rows and columns  Formula= statement that
- Spreadsheets are one of the performs a calculation
most popular tools available
with personal computers. CELL ADRESS
- It is generally designed to hold
numerical data and short text - A column letter and row
strings. number combination, such as
- It is a program that displays A1, B2
data (text & numbers) in a NAME BOX
table called a worksheet
- The term worksheet is used - Displays the name of the
interchangeably with active cell or range
spreadsheet FORMULA BAR

WORKSHEET TAB - Displays the data or formula

- A tab that identifies each open stored in the active cell
worksheet in a spreadsheet
program, located in the lower
left corner of the screen A built-in formula that is a shortcut
for common calculations such as
USES OF SPREADSHEET addition and average.
 Prepare budgets
 Financial statements
 Inventory management WHAT IS AN ACTIVE CELL?
 Create charts
The cell in which you are currently
 Calculations
working (normally the cell is
surrounded by a black border)



- The intersection of a row and (*) Multiplication Addition (+)
CELL RANGE (/) Division Subtraction
- A group of cells that are closely (-)
HOW DO YOU KEY A FORMULA? Sort Descending – arranges
records from Z to A or largest to
You combine numbers / cell
addresses (references) &
Operation symbols and/or functions
Ex: =4 + 5; =B1 * B2 ADVANCED
Presentation Software
Parentheses Division
- is an application software that
Exponents Addition
allows users to create visual
Multiplication Subtraction aids for presentations to
communicate ideas, messages
and other info
Column Width Tool – changes the
- MagicPoint
width of the columns on a
- OpenOffice.org Impress
- LibreOffice Impress
Row Height Tool – changes the - Powerdot
height of rows on a spreadsheet - Microsoft Powerpoint


FILL HANDLE: Used to copy data & - is a single page of a presentation.
formulas to another cell; and create Collectively, a group of slides may be
a series known as a slide deck.
AUTOSUM: Automatically creates a Design Template
formula to add a series of numbers in
- pre-designed graphic styles
a spreadsheet
that you can apply to your
CHART Slide Show
- a collection of pages arranged in
- Graphic representations used
sequence that contain text and
to compare & contrast
images for presenting to an
worksheet data
 “F5”
to display slide show
- Organizing or rearranging data
in either ascending or
- is a set of effects which can be
descending order
applied to text or graphics within a
Sort Ascending – arranges records slide
from A to Z or smallest to largest
Transition Consider the size of your
are motion effects that when in Slide screen during presentation
Show view add movement to your
3. Simplicity
slides as you advance from one
The simpler a presentation is,
slide to another
the clearer and more
Hyperlink memorable it will be.
- allows you to jump to another
Normal View
- simplified layout of the page so 4. Visuals
you can quickly key, edit, and
5. Consistency
format the test.
6. Contrast
Notes Page View
- displays your slides on the top
portion of the page, with the
speaker notes for each slide in the
notes pane on the bottom of the
Outline View
- displays all of the text in a Things that you need to consider
PowerPoint slide show in outline when creating a web page
form regardless of the design,
objects and animations.
Slide Sorter View
- displays mini versions of slides and - the distribution of the visuals
allows you to re-arrange them. weight of objects, colors, texture,
and space. If the design was a scale,
these elements should be balanced
FILE INSERTION to make a design feel stable.

- Image TYPES:
- Illustrations SYMMENTRICAL BALANCE – the
- Links elements used on one side of the
- Text design are similar to those on the
- Media other side.
TIPS IN CREATING AN sides are different but still looked

1. Minimize RADIAL BALANCE – the elements

Keep slide count to a are arranged around a central point
minimum, presentation is just and may be similar
a visual aid
2. Clarity 2. EMPHASIS
Use a font style that is easy to - the part of the design that catches
read the viewer’s attention. Usually the
artist make one area standout by File formats:
constructing it with other areas. The
area could be diff in size, color,
texture, shape, etc.

- The path the viewers eyes takes
through the work of art, often to
focal areas. Such movement can
along lines, edges, shape, and color
within the work of art.


- the repeating of an object or HOW DO YOU CREATE AN
symbol all over the work of art. INFOGRAPHICS?
Repetition works with pattern to Step 1: Define your audience
make the work of art seem active.
The repetition of elements of design Step 2: Define your goals
creates unity within the work of art. Step 3: Gather your information
Step 4: Choose a type of infographic
5. PROPORTION Step 5: Create a logical hierarchy in
- the feeling of unity created when your data
all parts relate well with each other. Step 6: Pick and customize a
template that fits your message

6. VARIETY Step 7: Download, share or embed

your infographic
- the use of several elements of
design to hold viewer’s attention
The first impression: Gives the
- the feeling of harmony between all reader a first impression of what the
parts of the work of art, which text is going to present or argue
creates a sense of completeness
The story: What is the main
argument of the infographic?
8. INFOGRAPHICS (information The data: What are the supporting
graphics) details of the main arguments?
- used to represent information, The Strategy: Where does your eye
statistical data or knowledge in a travel?
graphical manner.
ONLINE PLATFORMS AS - The information shared can be
in the form of ideas, pictures,
TOOLS videos or anything that you
An online platform is a base of want to create and share to
technologies designed to run within virtual communities.
an online environment and provides
interactive online services
Online platforms currently include,
but are not limited to: - The storing, naming, sorting, and handling
of computer files
- Presentation or Visualization - Allows you to convert and manage files
- Cloud Computing without downloading the software tool.
- Social Media
- File Management MAPPING
- Mapping - Transformation taking the
- Web Page Creation points of one space into the
points of the same or another
- Uses GPS to detect location
PRESENTATION/VISUALIZATION and used for navigation
- Allows you to present and
share presentations,
infographics and videos with
other people.
- Use to communicate
information clearly and WEB PAGE CREATION
efficiently. - Encompasses a number of
Examples: Prezi, ZOHO, Slide important elements including
Share color, layout, and overall
graphical appearance.
- The platform does not require
CLOUD COMPUTING any web programming skill
they provide a drag and drop
- Simply called as “The Cloud” interface and free hosting as
- Access anytime, anywhere well.
- Instead of using your
computer’s hard drive, you can
store and access your data and
programs over the internet.
- The practice of using network
of remote servers hosted on
the internet.

- Computer-mediated tools that
allow large group of people to
create, share or exchange
information, and interest.

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