The Gender Pay Gap in Sports

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Here are all statistics used from internet:

 the returns generated by male players are higher than

what women generate.
 Men could work more hours than women (which they do)
 it’s not 28%. The gap closes to 5–8%
 In a study that analyzed over 460 occupations, athletes
have the worst gender pay gap. The average female
athlete makes $15,232 in comparison to male athletes who
make $38,008 on average, a 149.5% increase.
 revenue generated by their respective sports
 sponsorship deals
 Furthermore, the length of the seasons and the number of games played can also affect
the pay gap between male and female athletes. Male sports such as basketball and
football have longer seasons and more games, which means that male athletes have
more opportunities to earn money. In contrast, female sports such as soccer and tennis
have shorter seasons and fewer games, resulting in less revenue and fewer opportunities
for female athletes to earn money.
The Gender pay gap in sports: Why male athletes are paid
more than female athletes?

Hamza Daily Dawn News

Truth Of Gender Pay Gap in Sport Industry

Historically women participation of sports in 1900s came up as

a taboo idea in society and was not much supported until late
1950s where official women sports clubs came into being. More
female athletes starting to compete in different sports but were
not highlighted as much as men athletes. Not only fame but
female athletes were also deprived in financial sector of sports.
This demotivated many future and current female athletes to
persuade careers. The gender pay gap is as wide to such extend
that male athletes are paid 149.5% more than female athletes.
This is due to many reasons and gender discrimination is not
one of them.
“It’s absolutely disgusting how society is still quite regarding
gender pay gap in sports industry” says one of the most active
feminists in sports industry. But is the pay gap difference really
caused by gender difference? While talking to the owner of the
biggest sports club, Mr. Hamza, we came to know the reality. He
quoted, “Pay difference exist due to many reasons such as
sponsorship, hours worked, body physiques, and natural human
anatomy.” To explain this let us look at income sources of
athletes which are influenced by fame, audience, and brands.
Fame attracts audiences to fill large stadiums and sell more
tickets, which in return makes more profit. Male dominated
sports such as FIFA football which requires aggression and pain
tolerance attracts more adrenaline loving audience to a point
where you might be lucky to find a cramped-up seat in stadium
for thousands of dollars whereas Women Super League attracts
much less audience which in returns make less profit. This
influences brands to rather sponsor male athletes than female
athletes as they are more famous and have larger following. As
fact men are 15 times more likely for sponsorship by brands
than women. Moving on, nature is more responsible for this
cause than gender discrimination as men is built strong and
muscular naturally fit for sports. Sports such as basketball
requires height and strong arms which are more likely to be in
men than women. American football where intense strength is
required by punching, pushing, and blocking creates more
drama, which audience loves whereas barely any female
American footballer exists due to challenges faced by them.

Summing up our article, no doubt gender pay gap exists in

sporting industry to an extreme end due to sponsorships, fame,
biological cause, and nature of sports but rather fighting male
dominated athletes we should advertise female athletes more
and highlight society of their achievements as much as possible.
Female athletes are fighting in sports industry all by themselves
with bare financial support and it is our turn as society to
support them.

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