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Subject 1283

June 12, 2015


The following changes in requirements to the Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters,
UL 1283, are being proposed for preliminary review and comment only:

1. For Preliminary Review Only: Revise Section 27, Temperature, to be in line with IEC


This proposal is for review and comment only (no ballot at this time). Please note that comments on a
preliminary review document will not receive a response from the proposal author through CSDS.
Instead, the proposal author will be asked to review the comments and adjust the proposals and/or
supporting rationale as the author determines to be appropriate. The preliminary review process is an
informal mechanism that provides authors with the opportunity to refine their proposals before they
advance to the next stage in UL’s standards development process.

In some cases, the author of the proposals may choose to discontinue them. In this case, the author
need not do anything after preliminary review has ended. Normally, the next step in the process is the
more formal STP ballot and stakeholder review process. Only comments posted during the STP ballot
and stakeholder review process will be provided with a response in CSDS.

For your convenience in review, proposed additions to existing requirements are shown underlined and
proposed deletions are shown lined-out.

1. For Preliminary Review Only: Revise Section 27, Temperature, to be in line with IEC 60939


Proposal submitted by: Willi Furer, Schaffner EMV AG

To contact the temperature test at the rated current and frequency and at the maximum extreme
operating voltage specified for the supply system in ANSI C84.1 is not really state of the art.

It’s very cost- and time-intensive and in some cases impossible, especially by PCB-mounted filters, to
prepare special samples provided with separate leads for the application of the rated voltage to
capacitive elements where the rated current for the filter is supplied by a low voltage source.

Various test results show that applying the additional voltage to the capacitive elements has a negligible
influence to the temperature rise of the capacitors; it’s depending on the power-loss from discharge
resistors that maybe are connected across the capacitor connecting leads. See the file named
″Temp-rise_capvolt″ and ″Temp-rise_capvolt_2″ under “Supporting Documentation” on the Quick View
tab, which appears on the right-hand side of the STP 1283 CSDS work area.
SUBJECT 1283 -2- JUNE 12, 2015

Note from UL Project Manager: For proposed 27.1 (27.1.1) and all of sections 27.2-27.4; the following

©IEC. This material is reproduced from FDIS IEC 60939-3 with permission of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the International Electrotechnical Commission. All right reserved.
FDIS IEC 60939-3 is an IEC draft document that is subject to change without notice. It cannot be
referred to as an approved IEC standard.


27 Temperature

27.1 General A filter, when tested under conditions of maximum rated current load and frequency, shall not
attain a temperature at any point high enough to affect adversely any materials employed, or exhibit higher
temperatures at specific points than indicated in Table 27.1. The test shall be conducted at the rated
current and frequency and at the maximum extreme operating voltage specified for the supply system in
ANSI C84.1 (eg, 127 V for a nominal 120 V system). (Separate leads may be provided in test filters for
the application of the rated voltage to capacitive elements where the rated current for the filter is supplied
by a low voltage source.) The purpose of the test is to show that the maximum working temperature of
the internal insulation, or of the inductive, capacitive or resistive elements is not exceeded.

27.2 Ordinarily, coil or winding temperatures are to be measured by thermocouples unless the coil is
inaccessible for mounting these devices – for example, a coil enclosed in sealing compound – or unless
the coil wrap includes thermal insulation or more than two layers, 1/32 inch, (0.8 mm), of cotton, paper,
rayon, or the like. At a point on the surface of a coil where the temperature is affected by an external
source of heat, the temperature measured by means of a thermocouple may be 15°C (27°F) higher than
the maximum indicated in items 10 or 11 of Table 27.1 if the temperature of the coil, as measured by the
resistance method, is not higher than specified in Table 27.1.

Table 27.1
Maximum acceptable temperatures

Materials and components C F

1. Varnished-cloth insulation 85 185

2. Fuses other than Class CC, G, J, T 90 194
3. Fuses Class CC, G, J, T 110 230
4. Fiber employed as electrical insulation 90 194
5. Wood and other similar insulation 90 194
6. Any point on or within a terminal box 90 194
7. Any external surface not likely to be contacted in normal use 90 194
8. Enclosure surfaces likely to be contacted in normal use
Metallic 70 158
Nonmetallic 95 203
9. Operating devices and handles
Metallic 60 140
Nonmetallic 85 185
10. Class 105 insulation systems on coils or windings:
Thermocouple method 90b 194b
Resistance method 110b 230b

Table 27.1 Continued on Next Page

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Table 27.1 Continued

Materials and components C F

11. Class 130 insulation systems on coils or windings:

Thermocouple method 110b 230b
Resistance method 130b 266b
12. Class 155 insulation systems on coils or windings:
Thermocouple method 135 275
Resistance method 145 293
13. Class 180 insulation systems on coils or windings:
Thermocouple method 150 302
Resistance method 160 320
14. Phenolic composition employed as electrical insulation or as a part 150c 302c
whose malfunction would result in a fire or an electric shock condition
15. Insulated wires and cords 60c 140c
16. On the surface of a capacitor casing:
Electrolytic 65d 149d
Other types 90e 194e
a See 44.6.
bSee 27.2.
cThe limitations on phenolic composition and on wire insulations do not apply to compounds that have been investigated
and found to have heat-resistant properties.
d A capacitor operating at a temperature higher than 65°C (149°F) may be judged on the basis of its marked temperature
rating or, if not marked with a temperature rating, may be investigated to determine its acceptability at the higher
e A capacitor operating at a temperature higher than 90°C (194°F) may be judged on the basis of its marked temperature


27.3 Measurements are to be made until thermal equilibrium is attained. Thermal equilibrium is to be
considered to exist if three successive readings indicate no change when taken at the conclusion of each
of three consecutive equal intervals of time, the duration of each interval being whichever of the following
is longer:

a) 5 minutes, or

b) 10 percent of the total test time elapsed previous to the start of the first interval.

27.4 All values in Table 27.1 are based on an assumed normally prevailing ambient room temperature
not higher than 25°C (77°F). A test may be conducted at any ambient temperature within the range of 10
– 40°C (50 – 104°F), and the observed temperature corrected for a room temperature of 25°C (77°F).
Equipment intended specifically for use where the prevailing ambient temperature is consistently 40°C
(104°F) or more is to be tested at such higher ambient temperature unless the maximum acceptable
temperatures specified in Table 27.1 are reduced by the amount of the difference between test ambient
temperature and the rated ambient temperature. See 44.3.

27.1.2 27.5 Thermocouples consisting of 30 AWG (0.05 mm2) iron and constantan wire and a
potentiometer-type instrument are to be used whenever referee temperature measurements by
thermocouples are necessary.
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27.1.3 27.6 The thermocouples and related instruments are to be accurate and calibrated in accordance
with good laboratory practice. The thermocouple wire is to conform to the requirements specified in the
Tolerances on Initial Values of EMF versus Temperature tables in the Standard Specification and
Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples, ANSI/ASTM

27.1.4 27.7 A thermocouple junction and the adjacent thermocouple lead wire are to be securely held in
good thermal contact with the surface of the material whose temperature is being measured. In most
cases, acceptable thermal contact results from securely taping or cementing the thermocouple in place
but, if a metal surface is involved, brazing or soldering the thermocouple to the metal may be necessary.

27.1.5 27.8 To facilitate conducting the test on totally enclosed filters, thermocouples are to be attached
to coils and capacitors prior to the addition of potting materials and are to be routed through holes made
in the enclosure for this purpose.

27.2 Test method

27.2.1 The filters shall be mounted in the manner specified by the manufacturer. When the manufacturer
specifies a rated current for both, free air and heat sink conditions, the test shall be carried out in the free
air condition.

27.2.2 The filter shall be placed in a chamber maintained at the ambient temperature within ±3°C of the
rated temperature of the filter, and the rated current shall be applied. The duration of the test shall be
sufficient for the specimen to reach temperature stability.

27.2.3 The filters shall be placed in the test chamber in such a manner that due to close spacing no extra
heating of the filters occurs. In cases of doubt, a 25 mm spacing shall be used.

27.2.4 Alternatively, in case of filter sizes with bigger length, deep or height than 300mm, the terminals
included, the filter maybe placed outside the chamber. The difference between the room temperature and
the rated temperature has to be added to the measured temperatures.

27.2.5 After thermal equilibrium has been reached, the internal temperature of the filter and the
temperature of the case at its hottest point shall be measured.

27.2.6 The internal temperature of the filter shall not exceed the requirements as given in Table 27.1. The
case temperature shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified in the detail specification.
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27.3 Test description

27.3.1 If the filter has a non-zero maximum current at upper category temperature, half the specimens
shall be tested at the upper category temperature with the maximum current for that temperature and the
other half of the specimens shall be tested at the rated temperature with the rated current. If the maximum
current at upper category temperature is specified in the detail specification as zero then all the specimens
shall be tested at rated temperature with the rated current.

27.3.2 The filters shall be connected to a power-supply in such a way that all lines carry the test current
at the same time.

27.3.3 The test shall be conducted at the rated current and frequency and the filter is supplied by a low
voltage source.

Note: Filters for dc-applications could be tested with a.c. current equal to the a.c. value of the nominal

27.3.4 3-phase-filters could be connected either to a 3-phase-supply system or with all terminals looped
and connected in series to a single phase supply system. When testing 3-phase-filters, having an
additional neutral line that contains different winding data, two different test runs shall be carried out as

a) the test current shall be passed through all three phases (covers normal operation), neutral
excluded; and

b) the test current shall be passed through two phases and neutral [(covers the worst case:
one phase disconnected) (one phase excluded)].

27.3.5 The filter shall be placed in a chamber maintained at a temperature within ±3°C of the rated
temperature. The test a.c. current or a d.c. current equal to the a.c. value of the test a.c. current shall be

27.3.6 After thermal equilibrium has been reached, the internal temperature of filters with rated current
up to 36 A should be determined by using the resistance method. In addition, the temperature of terminals
and pins of appliance inlets, and components such as inductors, capacitors and varistors shall be
measured by means of the thermocouple method.

27.3.7 In case of filters with rated current >36 A, the thermocouple method shall be used to determine
the temperature of terminals and pins of appliance inlets, and components such as inductors, capacitors
and varistors. The resistance method for these filters is optional.

27.3.8 In agreement with the manufacturer, a specially prepared filter equipped with thermocouples may
be submitted for testing.
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27.3.9 The internal temperature (T2) at thermal equilibrium shall be calculated from the measured
resistance (R2) between the input and the output terminals at the temperature T2 and its measured
resistance (R1) at the test chamber temperature at the start of the test (T1) using the formula:

T2 = R2 / R1 (235 + T1) – (T3 – T1) – 235 (for copper);

T2 = R2 / R1 (225 + T1) – (T3 – T1) – 225 (for aluminum).

where T3 is the temperature of the test chamber at the end of the test and T1, T2 and T3 are expressed
in degrees Celsius.

27.3.10 Where other metals are used for the inductor windings or lead-through elements the appropriate
formula shall be stated in the detail specification.

27.3.11 The resistance R2 is measured either after switching off the supply, or without interruption of the
supply by means of the superposition method, which consists of injecting into the winding a d.c. current
of low value superposed on the load current.

27.3.12 The temperature of the hottest part of the case shall also be measured, preferably with an
attached thermocouple.

Note: As T2 is intended to be the internal temperature when the filter is operating in an ambient of the
rated temperature T1, the factor (T3 – T1) is introduced to correct for any change of temperature of the
ambient temperature which may occur during the course of the test.

27.4 Requirements

27.4.1 The requirements are the same for the test carried out at upper category temperature and at rated

27.4.2 The internal temperature T2 shall not exceed the temperature specified in the detail specification.
The detail specification may not specify a temperature higher than that specified in Table 27.1 for the
lowest class of insulation contained within the filter or higher than the upper category temperature of any
internal inductive, capacitive or resistive elements, and other components.

27.4.3 The temperature of the hottest part of the case shall not exceed the upper category temperature
or a higher temperature if this is prescribed in the detail specification.

Note: If a higher temperature is prescribed, this has implications for the temperature at which the
endurance test is carried out. See 31.2.
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Table 27.1
Maximum temperatures

Windings, if the winding insulation according to IEC 60085, Electrical
insulation – Thermal evaluation and designation, is:
class 105 (A) 90
class 120 (E) 105
class 130 (B) 120
class 155 (F) 130
class 180 (H) 155
class 200 (N) 180
class 220 (R) 200
class 250 220

According to the
Components relevant IEC and
UL standards

Pins of appliance inlets:

for very hot conditions 155
for hot conditions 120
for cold conditions 70

Bare terminals (Terminal material):

Bare copper 100
Bare brass 105
Tin plated copper or brass 105
Silver plated or nickel plated copper or brass 110
Other metals a

a Temperature-rise limits to be based on service experience or life tests but not to exceed 105°C.

Copyright © 2015 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

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