0057 Primary E2L Stage 1 Scheme of Work - tcm142-595031

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Scheme of Work

Cambridge Primary
English as a Second Language 0057
Stage 1
This Cambridge Scheme of Work is for use with the Cambridge Primary
English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework published in
September 2020 for first teaching in September 2021.

Version 1.0
Copyright © UCLES 2020
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.

UCLES retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we
cannot give permission to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party, even for internal use within a Centre.

Contents.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Unit 1.1 Time for English........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Unit 1.2 Me............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Unit 1.3 My family................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Unit 1.4 My favourite things................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Unit 1.5 Our school and classroom..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Unit 1.6 Places around me................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Unit 1.7 Getting around........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Unit 1.8 My day...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Unit 1.9 People and animals................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Sample lesson 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Sample lesson 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work


This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge Assessment International Education for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Stage 1.

It contains:
 suggested units showing how the learning objectives in the curriculum framework can be grouped and ordered
 at least one suggested teaching activity for each learning objective
 a list of subject-specific language that will be useful for your learners
 sample lesson plans

You do not need to use the ideas in this scheme of work to teach Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Stage 1. Instead use them as a starting point
for your planning and adapt them to suit the requirements of your school and the needs of your learners. The schemes of work are designed to indicate the types of
activities you might use, and the intended depth and breadth of each learning objective. These activities are not designed to fill all the teaching time for this stage.
You should use other activities with a similar level of difficulty, for example, those from endorsed resources.

The accompanying teacher guide for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language suggests effective teaching and learning approaches. You can use this
scheme of work as a starting point for your planning, adapting it to suit the requirements of your school and needs of your learners.

Long-term plan
This long-term plan shows the units in this scheme of work and a suggested order for teaching the units. The suggested teaching time is based on
150 hours of teaching. The actual number of teaching hours may vary according to your context.

Unit and suggested order

Unit 1.1 Time for English
Unit 1.2 Me
Unit 1.3 My family
Unit 1.4 My favourite things
Unit 1.5 Our school and classroom
Unit 1.6 Places around me
Unit 1.7 Getting around
Unit 1.8 My day
Unit 1.9 People and animals
Total: 150 hours
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Skills approach
The learning objectives are organised into five strands which together support the development of knowledge, skills and understanding:
 Use of English
 Reading
 Writing
 Speaking
 Listening

The Use of English strand articulates the linguistic features learners need to be able to understand and use when engaging with the language productively and
receptively in the Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening strands.

It is expected that the integrated approach for the development of communicative skills in the classroom will be used, where the four skills in the acquisition of
knowledge of a second language can be taught in a coherent way, and practised together. Integrating the four language skills: enhances learners’ all-round
development of communicative competence; enables teachers to build a lesson around a theme or a topic relevant to the learners; motivates learners by building
more variety into the lesson; works at the level of realistic communication, where language tasks involve more than one skill; exposes learners to authentic
language; and challenges them to interact naturally.

Throughout this scheme of work there are examples of classroom activities that can be taught through skills integration.

Sample lesson plans

You will find two sample lesson plans at the end of this scheme of work. They are designed to illustrate how the suggested activities in this document can be turned
into lessons. They are written in more detail than you would use for your own lesson plans. The Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide
has information on creating lesson plans.

Resources for the activities in this scheme of work

We have assumed that you will have access to these resources:
 paper
 pens or pencils
 sticky tape, tack or glue
 scissors
 short stories
 audio clips
 photos and pictures (flashcards) from the internet or from magazines
 everyday objects (e.g. from the classroom).

Other suggested resources for individual units and/or activities are described in the rest of this document. You can swap these for other resources that are available
in your school.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Other support for teaching Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Stage 1
Cambridge Primary centres receive access to a range of resources when they register. The Cambridge Primary support site at
https://primary.cambridgeinternational.org is a password-protected website that is the source of the majority of Cambridge-produced resources for the
programme. Ask the Cambridge Coordinator or Exams Officer in your school if you do not already have a log-in for this support site.

Included on this support site are:

 the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework, which contains the learning objectives that provide a structure for your
teaching and learning
 grids showing the progression of learning objectives across stages
 the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide, which will help you to implement Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language
in your school
 templates for planning
 worksheets for short teacher training activities that link to the teacher guide
 assessments provided by Cambridge
 a list of endorsed resources, which have been through a detailed quality assurance process to make sure they are suitable for schools teaching Cambridge
Primary English as a Second Language worldwide
 links to online communities of Cambridge Primary teachers.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.1 Time for English

Unit 1.1 Time for English

Outline of unit:
This unit focuses on areas of language that form a basis for upcoming learning. Learners will practise skills and language in areas such as counting, the alphabet,
colours, time and, importantly, introducing themselves with their names.

They will practise writing their names and use their own name cards to introduce themselves to the class and to say which colour they like. They will organise
items in the classroom according to their initial letter sound. They will listen, follow, mime and say basic phrases of classroom language, which will support English
language use in lessons during the year. Learners practise writing colour words and using alphabet names to hear and read the spelling of these words. They
have the opportunity to hear and sing a numbers song and further practise numbers in time-telling in a fun game.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Wca.02 In this lesson, you may want to focus on letter-sound correspondences that your learners find more challenging, and/or those
Form upper and lower case that are common (e.g. vowels, consonants such as s, d, t, rather than x, z.) OR you can have learners choose a letter
letters. themselves, which will give them more ownership over the activity. You need one box per letter.

1Rd.01 Gather the items together. Learners sit in a circle with the items in the middle. Review or teach the vocabulary for these items.
Recognise, identify, sound and
name the letters of the Assign a letter to pairs of learners or ask learners to choose a letter. Ask them to write the letter in both upper and lower case on
alphabet. a label. Support learners as required.

Give each pair of learners a box. They stick their letter labels on the box.

Ask learners to find items that start with their letter sound in English and put them in their box.

Ask learners to tell the class which letter they have and what they have in their box. Correct learners as necessary, for example if
they have an incorrect item in their box. Ask the class for the correct box for that item.

You could keep the boxes in the classroom with classroom items in them, so that learners frequently go to the boxes to find
things in your lessons.

Resources: Large boxes (one per letter); various classroom items and (optional) those brought from home by learners. Items
should match the letters chosen. Coloured pencils/pens, labels.
1Sc.01 Ask each learner their name and write it on the board. This will probably be their first names, but depending on the level of your
Give basic information about learners and your context, this could be extended to family name as well. You could ask learners to write their names themselves
themselves using simple or give you the spelling of their names. Use names to review letters of the alphabet and the use of capital letters (big letters) at
words and phrases. the beginning of names.

1Wca.02 Give learners the resources for making name cards using coloured light material. You can prepare name cards with their names
Form upper and lower case so that they can trace the letters with a pen/pencil and then the glue. Alternatively, ask learners to write their names on the paper
letters. in large letters and trace over with the glue.

Ask learners ‘Do you like [pink]?’ (use gestures to show meaning if necessary) for the various colours of light material. Learners
choose a colour they like and stick the material of that colour onto their name cards. You may want to use newspaper and to
supervise this process to avoid too much mess.

Ask learners to sit in a circle. They hold up their name cards and introduce themselves: Hello! My name is xxx. I like blue. Some
learners may not be able to produce sentences at this stage. Offer plenty of gentle support to encourage learners to do this, but it
is best not to push them to produce more than single words at this stage of the year.

Resources: paper, glue, coloured light material (e.g. fine sand, confetti, various colours) which will stick to the glue; newspaper
to work on; (optional) prepared name cards for tracing
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ld.02 Introduce a range of instructions that you will use often in your classroom (e.g. Make pairs. / Sit in a circle. / Take out your colour
Understand, with support, a pens.) Limit this to 4 or 5 instructions, depending on the level of your class and give instructions using phrases you will use
limited range of short, simple throughout the year. Mime the instructions to demonstrate meaning.
Ask learners to listen to your instructions and mime. Then ask learners to listen, mime and repeat the instructions. Take this
1Sc.04 stage as slowly as your learners need.
Reproduce correctly a limited
range of sounds in simple, Ask learners to stand up. Explain through demonstration that you will give instructions which learners should only follow if you
familiar words and phrases. say ‘please’. Explain or elicit from learners why it is important to say ‘please’. You could continue to insist on this in classroom
language use in future lessons.

Teacher says: Put your hand up, please. [Learners mime]

Teacher says: Make pairs. [Learners do nothing]

When a learner makes a mistake, they become the teacher and give the instructions. Support learners as much as they need it.

1Wca.01 After reviewing colour vocabulary, show learners the colour word cards and ask them to read the colour words aloud. Support
Write letters and words in a learners as necessary with this. Put and leave the word cards on the board.
straight line from left to right.
Give each pair/small group a set of blank word cards and coloured pencils. Ask learners to count and share these between them.
1Rd.01 They may need help in doing this.
Recognise, identify, sound and
name the letters of the Ask pairs/groups of learners to write one colour word on each card using the colour it describes (e.g. the word red in red pencil).
alphabet. Show learners how to do this.

Ask learners to sit in a circle. They spread all the cards out in front of them in the middle of the circle. Spell out a colour word
very slowly. Learners listen and guess the colour word as quickly as they can. When they guess the colour word, they should find
and touch or point to that word card. When learners have identified the word card, ask them to read and sound out the first letter
of the colour word (e.g. r for red) or the whole word (e.g. red: r – e – d), depending on their level.

Resources: Sets of 4 or 6 blank word cards (1 set per pair or small group); colour pencils (one pencil of each colour needed per
pair or small group); one set of colour word cards (i.e. word cards which say blue, green)
1Uv.01 Introduce or review any key vocabulary that is in the song (e.g. using flashcards). You may want to play a game or include an
Use cardinal numbers 1–20. activity to review numbers 1-10 at this pre-activity stage.

Review numbers using number flash cards. This lesson will focus on numbers 1-10, with higher numbers appearing later. Give
one card to each learner. Play or sing the song. Ask learners to listen and try to hear their number. Play or sing again and ask
them to hold up their number when they hear it and say the number. You could combine the first and second listening depending
on the level of your learners.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

This activity can be extended by asking learners to act out the song. If this is relevant and appropriate for the song you have
chosen (e.g. if the song is about ducks, then learners can move around, pretending to be the ducks). Play or sing the song again
as learners pretend and encourage them to sing along.

Resources: Numbers or counting song (this could be a resource you find online, a song you know or a song you make up);
number flash cards (one per learner, numbers that appear in the song).
1Uv.01 Review numbers to 12. Introduce the toy clock and model It’s x o’clock. Have learners practise telling you and each other what
Use cardinal numbers 1–20. time it is, using the toy clock. Introduce and practise the question ‘What time is it?’

At the end of the lesson, play a time game. Learners stand in a row at the back of the classroom. Stand at the front of the
1Ug.02 classroom. Learners chant What time is it? and move the number of steps of your answer (if you say It’s four o’clock then
Use common present simple learners move forwards four steps). Repeat until learners are at the front of the room, then answer It’s home/break time!
forms to give basic personal Depending on the level of your learners, you could nominate some learners to take the role of the teacher or learners could play
and factual information. this game in small groups (before the response It’s home time!). This would give more practise in using the present simple for
giving the time.

Learners can then collect their things and leave the classroom.

Adapt as necessary according to your context and timing.

Resources: Toy clock (digital or analogue, depending on the experience of your learners)
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.2 Me

Unit 1.2 Me
Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners practise language and skills needed for talking about themselves.

They will practice spoken language with puppets and a memory game. They will practise listening and reading for detail by focussing on descriptive language in
texts to identify people. They will follow up with a role play using props. Learners will also practise dialogues with self-made puppets and describe themselves
through pictures and in writing.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Sc.05 Ask learners to sit in a circle.
Produce short, isolated,
rehearsed phrases using Show the puppet and talk a little about him or her. Show the puppet’s name card and support learners as they read the name on
gesture and signalled requests the card. Use the puppet to say I’m xxx.
for help when necessary.
Spread the number cards on the floor in the middle of the circle. Review the numbers as necessary with your class. Have the
1Sc.06 puppet ask learners How old am I? Elicit some ideas using the number cards. Then use the puppet to say I’m xxx. Repeat I’m
Use a limited range of simple [name]. I’m [age].
grammatical structures,
allowing for frequent, basic Show learners the bag or box with name cards. Take one card out of the bag or box, show learners and encourage them to read
mistakes. the name. Give the name card to the learner whose name it is and support them in saying: I’m [name]. I’m [age].

Repeat for all learners. Encourage learners to ask for your help if they need it. If you have a large class, make more than one
circle after the demonstration.

Resources: The names of each learner on a card in a bag or box; number cards 1 – 20; a doll or puppet (of a young person,
aged 1-20) with their own name card
1Ld.05 Show the picture cards and review key vocabulary (facial features, adjectives, e.g. long, brown, big, small)
Understand, with support,
some specific information and Put the pictures round the room, for example on the notice boards or whiteboard.
detail of short talk.
Say a short sentence, e.g. I have brown eyes. Who am I? Learners go to a picture of a person with brown eyes. If there is more
than one picture with brown eyes, give another piece of information so learners can decide which person it is.

Ask learners to read and tell you the name of the person they guessed in the picture. Help learners read the names. Give
feedback as you go along by asking learners to tell you the name, and the description. They don’t need to give full sentences at
this stage, for example (He/It’s) Tom. / (He has) dark hair.

Repeat. You could ask some learners to take your role, or learners could play in groups. You can decide this based on how
much language learners are able to use when checking answers in the previous activity. If many are able to produce this
language, then you could have them play it in groups.

Resources: 4 or 5 picture cards showing different faces with different coloured hair and eyes, long/short hair. Add the name of
the person to each picture. You could also add their age if you would like to extend the activity.
1Ld.03 Show the learners your puppet and have the puppet introduce him/herself ‘Hi! I’m [name]. If you are using the same puppet as
Understand, with support, a before, you could see if the learners remember the name and age. ’ You could introduce the character a little bit more (e.g. He’s
limited range of short, simple very friendly! / He’s happy to be in our class today!) Ask learners to say hello and welcome him or her to the class.
questions which ask for simple
information. Tell learners they are going to make their own puppets. The puppets can be very simple, for example a sock with circles stuck on
it for eyes, or they can add more features. Give out the resources and help learners make their puppets.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Sc.01 Encourage learners to think of a name for their puppet. You may need to make suggestions. Help learners write name tags for
Give basic information about their puppets.
themselves using simple
words and phrases. Choose a learner to help you demonstrate the dialogue(s) using their puppets. This could be as one longer dialogue, or it could
be split into two. Give learners plenty of practice with the questions and answers as a class (such as by repetitive oral practice
but in a fun way, maybe using your puppet to model them and asking learners to use their puppets as they speak), so that they
are able to use the target language in the dialogue:

- Hi! I’m [name].

- Hi [name]. I’m [name.].

- How old are you?

- I’m [age]. How old are you?
- I’m [age].

Learners work in pairs to practise the dialogue using their puppets.

Choose some pairs to show the class their dialogues. Encourage the class to give peer feedback to other pairs as they perform
their dialogues, asking How did they do? Did they ask the questions clearly/well? Did you hear them ok? What is his/name? How
old is he/she?

Resources: Materials for making puppets (e.g. socks, glue, circles of cards; name tags); a puppet you have made, as a model
(this could be the same puppet you have used before)
1Wca.04 Review or introduce the adjectives using mime and copies of the worksheet showing the stylised adjectives to show written
Write familiar words. words. Encourage learners to read the words aloud as a class.

Elicit some sentences from learners about themselves, e.g. I have long hair (phrases or single words depending on the level of
1Ug.05 your learners). Review the written forms of the nouns describing people (e.g. hair, eyes).
Use common adjectives,
including colours, to say what Show learners how to complete the worksheet. They choose one adjective to use in a sentence describing themselves. They
someone/something is or has. colour this adjective and write or complete the sentence on the worksheet.

Finally ask learners to draw themselves on the worksheet. You could display learners’ work on a notice board and follow up with
a guessing game to encourage learners to look at each other’s work (e.g. Find two learners with long hair).

Resources: Worksheet with stylised adjectives (e.g. long written in a long way, short in short letters, small in small letters, big in
big letters etc.) and a template of a face, space for learners to write their names and to write or complete the sentence e.g. I
have ____ ______./ I have _____ hair.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ug.01 Ask learners to sit in a circle if you have a very small class, or in several small circles if you have a larger class.
Use familiar question words
and structures. Review common personal questions (and their answers) you have covered in class and introduce one or perhaps two new
simple questions if you feel your learners are ready. Example questions: What’s your name? / How old are you? / Do you have a
1Ug.02 sister?. You could use the puppet to demonstrate these questions and elicit answers from the learners to show you they have
Use common present simple understood the questions.
forms to give basic personal
and factual information. Model the questions and answers and have learners practise them by repeating and asking or answering them around the
circle(s). One learner asks the question to the learner on their right, who answers, then asks the person to his or her right.

Play a memory game around the circle(s), where learners should remember the information of each of their classmates around
the circle. This will require learners to change from first person (I’m 7 years old) to third person (She’s 7 years old). Support this
change by correcting and giving positive feedback as necessary, or allow learners to use single words or phrases if they are not
yet able to form sentences orally.

1Rd.03 Before the class, display the texts around the room.
Understand, with support,
simple words and phrases in Show the pictures of each of the children and elicit some information about each child. Use this to review any language your
short, simple, illustrated texts. learners might find difficult.

Give each learner a picture. Ask learners to move around the room and find the text that describes the child in the picture they
have. When they have found it, they should stand by it.

Ask learners to check their answers by comparing text coding, e.g. they all have a blue spot. Then check the answers by asking
questions relating to the text, e.g. What’s his name? / Is she tall?

Ask learners to read the texts again to be sure they can understand the details. They should aim to remember the information,
although not word-for-word.

Hand out craft resources. Learners cut out the picture and tape it to the wooden stick so it looks like a signpost.

Learners walk around the class and pretend to be the child in their picture. They should introduce themselves to classmates with
different pictures. Model the language you would like learners to use. It could be question-answer or self-introduction. Join in
with the activity and use this as an opportunity to evaluate learners’ progress informally.

Resources: A set of texts describing different children (6-8 depending on the size of the class), written in first person; pictures of
the children described in the texts, one per learner. Code these in some way, e.g. with a letter A-G or a coloured sticker;
scissors; sticky tape; small wooden sticks
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.3 My family

Unit 1.3 My family

Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners will develop skills to communicate about their families in different creative and interesting ways.
They will develop reading skills at word and phrase level through blending sounds of common words and simple names. They will develop spelling skills in writing
at word and phrase level, including labelling family images and completing sentences about their family to match a collage picture they have made. Learners use
descriptive language including adjectives and possessive adjectives, plural -s and present simple to talk about their and each other’s family in groups and pairs,
and learn to listen to each other and to the teacher and/or a recording, and to deduce meaning from context.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Rd.02 Introduce or review the vocabulary to describe immediate family (and other care givers, as necessary with your class), e.g.
Recognise, identify and blend brother, sister, mum, dad. Give the written word after introducing the words orally and encourage learners to sound them out to
sounds in individual words. read them. Guide them sound by sound and show them how to blend the sounds to help read the words. Leave the words on the
Spell some simple, high- Ask learners about their family Do you have brothers and sisters? Encourage learners to say full sentences if they are ready for
frequency words accurately this, or single words and phrases if not.
during guided writing activities.
Hand out the resources to each learner. Ask learners to cut out the pictures that represent their family. If they have a mum, dad
1Sc.02 and a sister, they cut out a woman, a man and a girl. They then stick the picture to the worksheet, in the house.
Describe people, places and
objects, and routine actions Ask learners to label their picture using the words on the board.
and events, using simple
words and phrases. Model language for learners to present their family using words, phrases or complete sentences as appropriate to the level of
your class. E.g. sister / my sister / I have a sister.

Learners work in groups to present their pictures to their classmates.

Resources: Small pictures of boys, girls, men and women (one set per learner); scissors; glue; paper; Worksheet with a large
outline of a house and space for writing labels (with lines for guidance on letter formation if necessary)
1Wc.01 Use the completed worksheet as an introduction to the activity and a review of key vocabulary. Ask learners questions such as
Write, with support, words and What can you see? / Look at the family. Who’s this? / Is they sisters? Read this sentence.
short, simple phrases to give
personal and factual Ask learners about their family and review key structures and vocabulary as necessary.
Hand out the worksheet and ask learners to complete the sentence about their own family. E.g. This is my family. Clara is my
sister and Jo is my brother. The sentence can include missing words or can be extended according to the needs and level of
your learners so that learners write single words, phrases or parts of the sentence(s).

First ask learners to draw the background scene to their picture on the worksheet. Then they can use the resources to make their
family members with sticks (e.g. lollypop sticks) and glue them to the picture.

Learners label the people in their pictures. You may need to help learners with spelling of the names.

Nominate learners to present their pictures to the class, or they could do this in groups. Encourage learners to ask questions
about each other’s worksheets, such as Who’s this? / How old is she? Consider displaying the pictures in the classroom.

Resources: Worksheet with missing words or lines for writing a sentence about a family and a space to draw a large picture.
You may want to use card for these worksheets, which is sturdier.; as a model, a completed worksheet – one with the sentence
completed, and which shows a picture of a scene (e.g. in a car, in a garden). Some family members are drawn on sticks with
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

hair, eyes etc. and stuck on the worksheet. The sentence is written on the worksheet about this family; colour pens; sticks; glue;
other resources if possible, e.g. wool, toy eyes, pieces of material
1Rd.02 Review key vocabulary in a fun activity, as is necessary with your class, including the written forms.
Recognise, identify and blend Learners work in pairs. Give each pair a worksheet. Ask learners to sound out and read the names together with their partner.
sounds in individual words. Support learners as they do this. Give feedback to learners on how they read the names.

1Sc.06 Model and give instructions for the pair work activity, review and practise the language needed for this activity, which focuses on
Use a limited range of simple grammatical accuracy in short sentences with be and have: Each pair has a set of cards, which they have face-down on the
grammatical structures, desk. Learners take it in turns to take a card, look at the information on the card and keep it hidden from their partner. They
allowing for frequent, basic describe the person based on the information on the card, for example:
He has short hair.
1Ug.02 He is seven.
Use common present simple
forms to give basic personal The partner listens to the description and looks at the picture on the worksheet to find which child is being described. They
and factual information. should say the name when they find the child.

Resources: Worksheet with a picture of a family with several children. Each child as a name badge or label. Names should be
English names which are simple to read and sound out, including blends of sounds learners have been working with; Sets of
cards which show the name of a child from the picture, plus the age and information about appearance which collocates with the
verb have (e.g. long hair, blue eyes)
1Ld.04 Show the picture on the worksheet to the class and elicit some information about the people in the picture.
Deduce meaning from context,
with support, of a limited range Introduce or review the plural forms of sister(s) and brother(s). Ask learners to tell each other and the class about the number of
of simple words. brothers and sisters they have. Focus on the appropriate use of plural s.

1Uv.07 Hand out the worksheets and ask learners to listen and point to the person in the picture you describe. This description should
Use common singular nouns, ensure learners have looked at the key information they will hear about in the listening activity.
plural nouns [plural ‘s’] and
proper nouns to say what Introduce the listening activity, and tell learners they will hear two children talking. They should listen and find one specific person
things are. (e.g. grandma or uncle).

The script should describe a family member(s) which learners are less familiar with in English, e.g. ‘grandma’ or ‘uncle’., e.g.
A: I like your photo. Who is this lady? Is she your mum?
B: No, she isn’t. She’s my grandma. She’s my mum’s mum. Look, she’s got grey hair and she’s quite old.
A: Oh, yes. She looks very nice.

Ask learners to check their answers with a partner after listening, before checking as a whole class.

Resources: Worksheet with a picture of a fairly large family; an audio file/script of a very short and simple conversation between
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

two children, where one child asks the other about the people in the picture, who are the second child’s family. B: She is. I love
her very much.
1Ug.05 Ask learners to draw a picture of two or three members of their family. They can just draw the head to save time, if necessary.
Use common adjectives, Learners cut out their pictures.
including colours, to say what
someone/something is or has. Put learners into groups of 4-6 and give each group a poster paper. Learners stick their pictures to the poster.

In turns, learners describe one picture on the poster paper, e.g. She has black hair. Other learners listen and, when it is their
1Ug.06 family member, they say That’s my xxx. They can then take the person off the poster (if using tac).
Use possessive adjectives to
describe objects. Continue until all the family members have been described and identified.

Give learners feedback using more possessive adjectives such as his and her by holding up some learners’ pictures and asking
the class who it is.

Resources: Posters, one per group; paper; colour pens; scissors; sticky tac or glue
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.4 My favourite things

Unit 1.4 My favourite things

Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners will think and talk about things they like, such as toys, activities, events and people we give gifts to.

They will draw and guess in a question game using articles a and the, and in filling a toy box with their favourite toys, which they then label and describe in writing.
Learners will mime and talk about what they like and don’t like doing, using a range of personal pronouns to talk about others as well. They will listen to and
participate in reading a story about an event or celebration and relate this to their own experiences, practising the preposition with. Lastly, learners will make a
present for a person they love and tell their friends all about it.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Wca.01 Review common words (spoken and written) for toys and ask learners to say what they like. If this language is new to your
Write letters and words in a learners, use an activity to introduce it at this stage. You can also use an activity like this to review the written forms of words for
straight line from left to right. learners to use later in the main activity.

1Us.02 Ask learners to draw 3-5 of their favourite toys in their notebooks. Help them to label these toys. You could ask learners who
Use demonstrative pronouns require more challenge to label more of their toys than those learners who need more support, or you could set a time limit
this, these to indicate things. during which they write as many as they are able.

Learners sit in groups. Give each group a magazine or page(s) of a magazine. Learners choose two or three items from the
pages and cut them out. Offer support at this stage if needed.

Give each learner a worksheet. Learners stick the pictures onto the page so that the toys are in the toy box.

Put the following sentences on the board or on a model worksheet:

This is my toy box.

These are my toys.

Read the sentences stressing the words this and these. Then say These are/is my toy box. Is that ok? Elicit the use of this.
Repeat this negative check with these (are my toys). Ask learners to read the sentences. Learners complete or write the
sentence on their worksheet.

Ask learners to label the toys in their toy box. Monitor and assist with spelling as necessary.

Resources: A worksheet with a large picture of a toy box. A line for writing. Learners can fill in the missing words This and
These; if available, magazines with pictures of toys; scissors
1Us.05 Introduce or review the activities by asking learners to look at the flashcards, mime and say the words.
Use like + verb + ing to
express likes and dislikes. Introduce or review language to talk about what learners like and don’t like doing using the flashcards. Do some flashcards for
yourself to act as a model. Make sure that all learners have had the chance to practise saying full sentences.
Use common personal subject Ask all the learners to stand up. Show an activity flashcard. Learners who like this activity should stay standing up, mime the
and object pronouns to give activity and say I like xxx-ing. Those who sit down should say I don’t like xxx-ing.
simple personal information.
Ask learners to work in groups to repeat the activity.

Play a memory game, where learners have to remember what their group members like and don’t like, using he or she likes…
Review language as needed by demonstration before this stage of the activity.

Resources: Flashcards for activities (e.g. playing, reading, doing puzzles); a set of same flashcards for each group
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Sc.04 Introduce and review useful vocabulary by modelling the activity.
Reproduce correctly a limited
range of sounds in simple, Learners work in pairs. In turns, they draw a picture of a favourite thing (e.g. a toy, a pet) on a piece of paper. They show the
familiar words and phrases. paper to their partner. The partner should guess what their favourite thing is from the picture:

1Us.01 Is it a cat? / Is it a teddy bear?

Use articles a, the to refer to
familiar objects. When the partner has guessed correctly, they put the paper aside and change roles. Ask each pair to repeat the activity three or
four times, depending on your class.
Use familiar question words Then ask learners to spread out picture cards in front of them, face up. In turns, they say something about one or two of the
and structures. pictures, e.g. The cat is nice. The teddy bear is big.

Resources: Picture cards

1Lm.01 Introduce or review key vocabulary from the story using pictures, questions or mime.
Understand, with support, the
main point of short talk. Ask learners to sit around you as you read the story to them. First introduce the story, asking learners to look at the front cover or
illustration(s) and tell you their predictions about the content.
Begin to deduce the meaning As you read the story to learners, engage them by asking questions about the pictures, the general meaning (main points), the
of a limited range of simple, characters, the events in the story. Ask learners to relate this to their own lives and experiences. These could be simple
familiar words, with support, by questions, such as Who’s this? What’s he doing?, or more challenging ones, such as What’s next? Can you read this word or
linking them to pictures. sentence for me? / Who’s he or she with?

1Uv.03 Encourage learners to read some words, phrases and sentences themselves. Help them to deduce the meaning of new words in
Use with to indicate this text by showing them the illustrations. Read the book in advance to identify sections which contain suitable words.
accompaniment and for to
indicate recipient. After the story, learners draw a picture of themselves with another person or people at a similar event that they enjoy.

In groups, learners present their pictures. Model language for this: It’s my birthday. I’m with my friends.

Resources: An age-appropriate, very simple illustrated story about a family celebration or event.
1Uv.03 Explain to learners that they are going to make a pretend present for someone’s birthday. This could be someone in their family,
Use with to indicate e.g. their mother. Elicit from learners some ideas about what they could give, and to whom. Talk to learners about why we give
accompaniment and for to gifts to our favourite people, perhaps in their language.
indicate recipient.
Hand out boxes, paper, scissors and tape to learners. Explain that this will be the box for a present. They can cover and
decorate the box as they wish. You may prefer to cover the boxes yourself before the class and just have the learners decorate
1Ug.06 them.
Use possessive adjectives to
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

describe objects. Ask learners to decide who the present is for and what they will give. They write the name of the person to receive the present on
the box. Give learners assistance if required.

Learners draw pictures of the present(s) to give, which they will put in the box. On the back of the picture, they write what the
present is. Assist as necessary. Learners then cut out the picture and put it in the box. They can then seal the box.

Model the language you want learners to use, then ask learners to tell their friends in groups about what the present is and who it
is for:
This is a present for my mum. It’s a big book.

Ask one or two learners to tell the class about their present. Learners could take their boxes home and give them to the person
they are intended for.

Resources: Empty boxes; plain and colour paper, if possible; sticky tape; scissors; colour pens
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.5 Our school and classroom

Unit 1.5 Our school and classroom

Outline of unit:
In Unit 5, learners will talk about their school and classroom in different ways and in different contexts.

They will listen to instructions in order to complete a map of a classroom, and write familiar words to label their map. They will practise reading and writing skills in
a classroom treasure hunt and listen for more instructions to find out how to do an egg and spoon race. After the race, they will practise ordinal numbers to report
on it. Learners will focus on classroom questions as they practise reading, speaking and writing skills. They will also focus on the adverbs here and there in a
game using classroom objects.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ld.02 Introduce or review the names of classroom furniture and fittings using real objects. Include a review or introduction of
Understand, with support, a prepositions at this stage (e.g. in, on, then next to, in front of).
limited range of short, simple
instructions. Play a game of ‘Run and touch, please’: Give instructions for learners to run, walk or hop and touch the board, a desk or the
door. Learners only follow the instructions if you say please. If you don’t say please, they should not move.
Write familiar words. Introduce the puppet or doll. Show learners a copy of the worksheet and explain that it shows the puppet’s or doll’s classroom.
The puppet or doll is going to tell the learners about the classroom. Explain that learners will listen and put the furniture into the
1Uv.04 classroom. Hand out the materials.
Use basic prepositions of
location and position (e.g. at, Using the puppet or doll, describe the classroom using a range of appropriate prepositions, e.g. The teacher’s desk is next to the
in, near, next to, on) to window. Learners listen and place the small pictures onto the outline on the worksheet. Include some instructions, such as Put
describe where people and two tables in front of the teacher’s desk.
things are.
Ask learners to check their worksheets with a partner, then repeat the instructions you gave to the learners in the activity so that
learners can check their answers. Learners work together to decide on the final position of the furniture before sticking the
pictures to their worksheets.

Ask learners to label at least two of the pictures on their worksheet, so that learners can label more or fewer depending on their
level. Provide partly completed labels to learners who need more support. Give as much support as is needed at this stage.

Resources: Worksheet with an outline plan of the classroom; Sets of very small pictures of classroom furniture and fittings (e.g.
tables, chairs, board, windows); glue; a puppet or doll
1Wca.05 Before the class, hide the items around the room, e.g. in the cupboard, behind the board.
Begin to use a limited range of
simple grammatical structures, Review key items of vocabulary including the spelling of the words reviewed so that learners will be able to read and write these
allowing for frequent, basic words.
Tell learners they are going to do a treasure hunt. Explain that they will try to find items in the classroom (or school, if
appropriate). Show learners the treasure hunt quiz sheet. Support learners in reading the questions together.
Use familiar question words Give each pair of learners a sheet with questions and space for learners to write their answer e.g. Where’s the red board pen?
and structures. Where are the English reading books? It’s ___ the ____. You could have different versions of this worksheet to allow for
They should read the questions and find the hidden items. When they have found the items, they can write the answer to the
questions on the quiz sheets.

Ask the whole class to give feedback by nominating learners to ask each other the questions and retrieving the items.

Resources: Treasure hunt quiz sheet with four or five questions, various items (e.g. classroom items, toys or some other kinds
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

of ‘treasure’)
1Uv.06 Use classroom objects to review or introduce relevant vocabulary.
Use common adverbs of place
(e.g. here, there) to indicate Play a game to consolidate the vocabulary, such as a guessing game where you place items around the room, near to you and
where things are. away from you. Describe the item in a simple way and say if it is here or there; learners guess the item.

Move the items in the room so that some are near and away from different learners. Learners repeat the guessing game activity
in pairs, including description (e.g. it’s blue) and position (e.g. It’s here [, on the table].)

Resources: Classroom objects

1Ld.02 You will need to clear some space in the classroom for this activity.
Understand, with support, a
limited range of short, simple Explain that learners will have a class sports event. Show learners the spoons and balls and explain that they are going to play a
instructions. game with them. They will have an egg and spoon race. The balls represent the eggs. In teams, learners run a relay race. They
must hold out the spoon with the egg (ball) balanced on it. If they drop the ball, they must stop immediately, pick it up and put it
1Uv.02 back on the spoon.
Use ordinal numbers 1st–10th.
Play the audio recording and ask learners to listen for the rules of the race. Ask questions using mime with the spoons and balls,
to check their understanding, such as Do they have teams? What do they carry? What do they use?

Divide learners into teams. Give each team a name, or ask learners to think of their own team name. Give each group a spoon
and a ball. Give learners time to practise balancing the ball on the spoon while running.

Learners race against each other and when they have finished, write the team names in order on the board. Elicit the ordinal
numbers from learners and have learners talk about which teams came first, second and third.

Learners run the race again, or they could compete within their teams. They report race positions to the class.

Resources: Audio recording or script of two children talking about how to play an egg and spoon race; spoons; small light/soft
1Sc.03 Introduce useful questions and other expressions that learners may want to use to ask about classroom routines, e.g. Can I have
Ask simple questions about a pen, please? What’s this? Can you help me, please? Use mime and gesture to support the meaning of these questions, and
classroom routines and to find introduce the pictures for each question.
out a limited range of personal
information and respond Ask learners to repeat the questions and mime as they say the questions. Show the pictures as learners practise the questions,
accordingly. then put them on the board.

1Rd.04 Ask learners to work in pairs or small groups. In turns, learners mime for their partner, who then guesses the language they are
Begin to deduce the meaning miming.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

of a limited range of simple,
familiar words, with support, by Give each pair or group a piece of paper with a question on it. Ask learners to try to read the question together. They go to the
linking them to pictures. board and retrieve the correct picture.

1Wca.01 Ask learners to copy out the question they have onto their poster paper. Some learners could copy directly while others might be
Write letters and words in a able to write some or all of the question from memory. Encourage learners to do whatever they can. They then stick the picture
straight line from left to right. onto the poster and put it on the notice board.

Gather all the learners around the notice board and read the questions together. Check learners understanding at this point
using mime.

Resources: Pieces of paper with questions written on them; Pictures to show mime for each question; poster paper; pens; glue
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.6 Places around me

Unit 1.6 Places around me

Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners will focus on the town and the places around them in their lives.

They will develop vocabulary through practising various skills in a spelling activity where learners read and dictate words to one another, matching them to
pictures. They will also play a guessing game, where they practise questions and talk about what they like doing. Learners further practise a range of skills in a role
play activity for which they prepare a shopping list and practise turn taking skills in the context of shopping at a market. They further practise speaking skills and
the use of prepositions and adverbs of place in a classroom game.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ld.01 Before the lesson, put the word cards around the room.
Recognise a limited range of
simple words that are spelled Use the picture flashcards to introduce or review the places in the town. Talk to learners about each place, asking questions
out slowly and clearly. about what we do and see there and so on.

1Wca.02 Use a pair of learners to demonstrate the activity. One learner sits at the table with the worksheet. The partner stands up and
Form upper and lower case looks for a word card in the room. When they find the word card, they read and remember the spelling of the word. Then they
letters. return to their partner, tell them the word and spelling. The partner listens and labels the appropriate picture on the worksheet.
They change roles. Learners continue until they have labelled all the places on the worksheet.
Recognise, identify, sound and Pairs check their answers with another pair. Check as a class by asking a learner to say the spelling of each word while the class
name the letters of the shows the picture it refers to.
Resources: Worksheet with pictures of places in the town and a line under each for labelling; word cards for each place on the
worksheet; picture flash cards for each place on the worksheet

1Us.05 Use the flashcards to review or introduce the places vocabulary. Ask learners if they like going to these places as you do this.
Use like + verb + ing to
express likes and dislikes. Model the question Do you like going to…? and answer Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. [Or alternatives, e.g. Yes, I love it!]
Ask learners to practise asking and answering it together and in pairs, using the flashcards as prompts.

1Ug.01 Give learners the worksheet. Learners work in pairs and ask each other whether they like going to the different places in the
Use familiar question words pictures. If their partner answers yes, they circle the picture. Some learners may find it challenging to produce full questions and
and structures. answers at this stage. Encourage them to do so, but don’t insist on full accuracy at this point.

When finished, learners change partners and ask a second partner the same question, circling pictures in the second series on
the worksheet.

Encourage feedback and ask some learners where their partners like going. At this stage, you can insist on full sentences from
some learners, but others may be able just to produce words and phrases still. In this case, encourage the use of the form like +
ing and the question words.

Resources: Worksheet with two series of small pictures showing places in the town that learners may like going to; Flashcards
showing these places
1Wca.04 Introduce or review the food items using the picture and word cards. Use the picture of the market to introduce the theme and
Write familiar words. talk to learners about local market(s), if applicable, and what people buy there. Focus on the use of articles at this point, although
there is no need to explain that some nouns are uncountable. Introduce the words as an apple and bread.
Take turns when speaking with Tell learners they will pretend to go to the market. Elicit some ideas from learners about what they can buy at the market. Have
others in a limited range of learners write their shopping list on the worksheet. Support learners with suggestions and in spelling words.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

short, basic exchanges.
Model a simple dialogue at the market using the props you have brought, e.g.
1Uv.07 A: Hello! Three apples and a pineapple, please.
Use common singular nouns, B: Yes. Here you are. [Anything else?]
plural nouns [plural ‘s’] and A: [Yes] Bread, please.
proper nouns to say what B: Sorry, I don’t have bread.
things are.
Set up the market stall(s) in the classroom and carry out the role play between you and some of the learners. Then ask learners
1Us.01 to carry out the role play in small groups and take turns to be customer and stall holder.
Use articles a, the to refer to
familiar objects. Resources: Real or pretend food; A worksheet with spaces to write four or five words; picture and/or word cards for some food
items and a market
Use connective and to link
words and phrases.

1Uv.06 Before the lesson, arrange the tables so that they create a town, e.g. in a grid
Use common adverbs of place
(e.g. here, there) to indicate Ask pairs or small groups to think of their favourite place in town. They draw their favourite place on a piece of paper. Try to
where things are. ensure that you have a range of different places. Ask learners to put their pictures onto a table. Together, these will represent the
town. When learners come in the room, ask them to sit together away from the tables. Elicit some places they like going to.
Use basic prepositions of Demonstrate the activity and model the language learners will use. Ask learners to walk slowly around the room looking at, but
location and position (e.g. at, not touching, the pictures on the tables. Play music as learners do this. Periodically, stop the music and call out the name of a
in, near, next to, on) to place, e.g. the cinema. Learners who are near to the place should say The cinema is here! Those who are further away call out
describe where people and The cinema is there! (if they can see it). Next ask what we do at those places (e.g. watch films). Repeat so that you have
things are. covered all of the places in the room.

Ask learners to stand in pairs at the side of the room. Model the activity stage-by-stage, including the language they will need.
They should think about where they would like to go in the town. When they are ready, learners tell their partner: Let’s go to the
cinema. It is a good idea to decide which learner will suggest the place to go first before starting the activity.

Ask learners to tell you where they are e.g. We are at the cinema. Repeat so that the partners have at least one turn each.

Resources: Pictures of places in the town; some background music (optional)

Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.7 Getting around

Unit 1.7 Getting around

Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners will focus on the theme of transport and movement including the transport and movement of people as well as animals.

They will practise language through the four skills, for example spoken descriptions in a card game, where they match pictures to words. Learners will also develop
their reading skills through sounding out transport words and focussing on the blending of sounds. They will also play a miming guessing game, practising
questions with verbs of movement. The modal verb can is used in a circle card game. Learners will work collaboratively to create a classroom display which
presents the modes of transport learners use to come to school. They will focus on letter formation and numbers in this activity.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Rd.02 Use the flashcards to introduce or review the transport vocabulary. You could play a game such as listen and point or listen and
Recognise, identify and blend run to touch.
sounds in individual words.
Show learners an example of how to make a word out of sound cards, then ask one or two learners to help you with a second
example or more, depending on the level of your class.

Give each learner one sound card. Show the class how to move around the room to find a partner. They are looking for a learner
or learners who have a sound card that makes a complete word. E.g.
Learner A has b
Learner B has i
Learner C has ke
They group together to make bike.

When learners have found their partner(s), they sit with them. Give each pair or small group a complete set of sound cards. They
work together to make the transport words.

Ask learners to sound out the words for picture flashcards you show.

You could change the order of stages so that they work together with a partner on a whole set first, then move around the room.
If you have a large class, you could have them move around the room in large groups rather than as a whole class.

Resources: Sets of sound cards for transport vocabulary cut up into their sound units, e.g. bu + s / b + u + s (for bus), tr + ai + n
(for train); flashcards of the same transport
1Sc.02 Review key verbs using mime (e.g. fly, ride, drive). Use the flashcards and word cards to review or introduce the transport words,
Describe people, places and drawing connections to the verbs (e.g. A plane flies). Ask learners to sound out the words as they read them if necessary.
objects, and routine actions
and events, using simple Learners work in groups. Give a set of cards to each group. Ask learners to mix up the word and picture cards and place them
words and phrases. face-down on the table between them. They take it in turns to turn over one card. The learner looks at the card, says what it is or
says, e.g. (It’s a) bike. / (It says) drive. Then they say a corresponding verb/noun, e.g. (We) ride (a bike). / (We drive) a car.
1Rd.04 They then turn over another card to try to find the corresponding word or picture. If they find the matching card, they can keep
Begin to deduce the meaning the pair. The next learner has a turn. Continue until all the cards have gone.
of a limited range of simple,
familiar words, with support, by At the end of the activity ask each group who has the most cards. Then ask learners to hold up the relevant cards as you say a
linking them to pictures. word. They should then tell you the whole sentence, e.g. We drive a car.

Resources: Flashcards and word cards of transport (e.g. plane, car); sets of the same transport flashcards (pictures) and cards
which show verbs that collocate with the transport (e.g. picture flashcard of a plane + word card fly in)
1Ug.03 Introduce the target language as you review the vocabulary (action verbs) by asking learners to mime the actions. Then ask the
Use common present class Is he swimming? Is she running?
continuous forms [positive,
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

negative, question] to talk Learners work in groups and sit in circles. Give each group a set of verb papers (review these if necessary before the activity,
about present activities. focussing on reading the verbs).

1Sc.06 Ask one learner in each group to turn to face away from the others. Another learner in the group takes one verb paper. He or she
Use a limited range of simple reads the paper and mimes the verb. The learner who has turned away should guess what the action is by asking yes or no
grammatical structures, questions, e.g. Is (s)he running? Other learners answer Yes, (s)he is. ((S)he’s running. / No, (s)he isn’t (running). When the
allowing for frequent, basic learner who is still turned away from the group guesses correctly, then another learner can have a go.
Resources: Strips of paper with verbs of movement (e.g. run, walk) written on them, one set per group

1Ld.04 Review or introduce animal vocabulary (e.g. bird, duck, fish) and verbs (e.g. fly, swim).
Deduce meaning from context,
with support, of a limited range Ask learners to work in groups and sit in circles. Each group spreads a set of animal flashcards out in the middle of the circle. In
of simple words. turns, one learner stands up, mimes an animal movement (e.g. fly) and says I can fly. What am I? Learners should rush to take
the flashcard of the correct animal from the circle. Whoever takes the card first should give the name of the animal and say what
1Ug.04 it can do, e.g. A bird can fly. If correct, they can keep the card. If not, the learner who is miming keeps the card.
Use can/can’t to describe
ability. Resources: Flashcards of various animals, one set per group

1Wca.02 Review key verbs of movement using mime. Ask learners how they get to school. Ask learners to make groups according to how
Form upper and lower case they get to school, e.g. those who walk to school, those who come by car etc. Ask learners to count together the number of
letters. children in their group.

1Uv.01 Explain to learners that they are going to make a classroom display. Each group will make a poster or larger display to represent
Use cardinal numbers 1–20. how they come to school (e.g. A large cut out picture of a bus). They will stick photos or draw pictures of themselves on the
poster or display and write their names (e.g. one learner for each window of the bus). They should also label their poster or
display with the mode of transport (e.g. Bus). Depending on the level of your learners, they could write a full sentence (e.g. We
come to school by bus.)

Ask one member from each group to fill in the grid for their group by writing the mode of transport and the number of children.
Display this paper with the groups’ work in the classroom. You could ask one or more learners to help you make a header for the

Resources: Poster paper, colour pens, scissors; One sheet of paper with a grid to display the number of learners using each
mode of transport.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.8 My day

Unit 1.8 My day

Outline of unit:
Unit 8 is about daily routine. Learners will practice the four skills in a range of fun and interactive activities.

First, learners work with real objects relating to their daily routine. They ask questions about these items, making use of demonstrative pronouns using outlines
which they create and label. They listen and respond to a song about daily routine, focussing on personal pronouns. Learners make a clock face to help use
cardinal numbers and to ask and answer questions in the present continuous. They use a word search to help check each other’s spelling. Learners share what
they do on days of the week, focussing on ordinal numbers and prepositions of time.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ld.03 Introduce the real objects with a game or ask learners to find and point to the items as you say them. Introduce the written words
Understand, with support, a of the items as you do this.
limited range of short, simple
questions which ask for simple Show items of which you have more than one. Elicit and ask the questions, What’s this? / What are these?
Learners work in groups. Give each group a selection of items. Within the groups, pairs of learners choose at least three items,
1Us.02 one single item (e.g. a fork) and more than one of another item (e.g. two toothbrushes).
Use demonstrative pronouns
this, these to indicate things. Learners work in their pairs to trace around the item on their paper. They can colour and decorate the items if they wish.

1Uv.07 In the groups, learners talk to each other about their work What’s this? / What are these? // It’s a xxx / They are xxxs.
Use common singular nouns,
plural nouns [plural ‘s’] and Finally, ask the pairs to label their pictures: This is a xxx and These are xxxs.
proper nouns to say what
things are. You could display the pictures or use them for later lessons in this unit.

Resources: A range of real objects relating to daily routines (e.g. toothbrushes, hairbrushes, forks), some more than one
example, enough for groups to have several items to work with, paper for each pair
1Uv.02 Review or introduce days of the week through a song. Either as part of the song, or afterwards, review ordinal numbers. You
Use ordinal numbers 1st–10th. could do this by asking The first day of the week is Monday. What’s the second day? (depending on your context)

1Uv.05 Give each learner a word card. Ask learners to arrange themselves in seven groups, one for each day, in order, according to
Use prepositions of time (e.g. their word card. Ask learners Which is the first, second, third. day of the week? Include some impossible ordinal numbers, e.g.
on, in) to talk about days and tenth/eighth to elicit no response.
Ask learners to tell each other in their groups what they do on their day of the week. Model language: I go to school on Monday.
Learners should try to remember what each child in their group does on that day. You may need to support learners with ideas,
suggestions and language.

Learners in the group tell the rest of the class what each group member does on that day of the week. This involves a change
from 1st person (I) to 3rd person (s/he). Depending on the level of your learners, you may need to introduce and practise this or
you could avoid insisting on full sentences for others.

Resources: A song about days of the week; Word cards showing days of the week, one per learner
1Uv.01 Show a clock template and elicit the numbers at each point. Ask learners where numbers 13-20 belong on a clock (they do not
Use cardinal numbers 1–20. appear on the clock).

1Ug.03 Hand out a clock template to each learner. Ask learners to write the numbers on the clock face. Learners can work together in
Use common present pairs so that they can support each other. They will need one clock each.
continuous forms [positive,
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

negative, question] to talk Review or introduce the daily routine vocabulary using mime and the flashcards. Ask learners what time they do the routine
about present activities. activities as you introduce them.

1Sor.02 Show your model clock and talk about your daily routine. With a set of pictures, stick them to the clock face as you talk about
Take turns when speaking with your daily routine as a model for the activity.
others in a limited range of
short, basic exchanges. Give each learner a set of pictures. They stick the picture to the clock face on the number that shows the time they do this. You
could ask them to choose 3 or 4 activities to stick on their clock.

Nominate a confident learner to help you demonstrate the activity and support him or her in modelling the language for you.

Learners use their clocks in a pair speaking activity:

Learner A mimes an action on their clock.

Learner B asks What are you doing?
Learner A replies I’m xxx-ing.
Learner B looks at the clock and says It’s x o’clock.

Resources: Flashcards showing daily routine vocabulary for routines that take place at different times of the day; Sets of
pictures of the same cards, one per learner; template of a clock face with marks for the hours, but not numbers, plus one
complete clock as a model, with the routine activities stuck on; glue
1Wca.03 Review vocabulary orally as necessary.
Spell some simple, high-
frequency words accurately Ask learners to try to write the words in their books or on paper. You could ask them to write as many of the words as possible or
during guided writing activities. you could ask them to choose and write at least two depending on the different levels of ability in your class.

1Rd.01 Give out the worksheet. Learners search for the words in the word search and write them under the pictures. Encourage them to
Recognise, identify, sound and sound out the letter names to themselves as they do this.
name the letters of the
alphabet. Ask learners to work in pairs to check and correct each other’s spelling of the words in their books or on paper. Encourage
learners to give feedback to each other by saying the letter names as they do so.

Resources: Worksheet which has a letters grid, with routines vocabulary hidden in it (a word search), approximately 6 words.
Around the grid are pictures showing the routines vocabulary and a place to write the words underneath. You could use spaces
for missing words or mixed-up letters to support and/or challenge learners, perhaps giving different learners different worksheets
according to their level; Learners’ books or spare paper.

1Ld.05 Introduce or review through mime the relevant vocabulary. Focus on the possessive adjectives by asking questions, such as Do
Understand, with support, I brush my hair or your hair? etc.
some specific information and
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

detail of short talk. Play the song and mime the actions yourself to accompany the song. Encourage learners to listen and join in with you.

Ask learners what they can remember from the song. Ask them mime to actions they remember, in order if possible, and
1Ug.06 encourage them to say the words. Review any that they miss, especially if they are new, more difficult or complex phrases.
Use possessive adjectives to
describe objects. Play the song again. Ask learners to mime and encourage them to sing along.

Follow this with an activity for learners to practise the language. This will allow you to assess learning. The class could, for
example, play a hot seat game: Nominate a learner to come to the front – it is best to choose a confident learner at this point.
Show the learner a written instruction, e.g. brush your hair. The learner reads it then mimes to the class. The class should guess
what the learner is doing, e.g. brush your/her/his hair. This could be extended to S/He’s/You’re brushing her/his/your hair. There
are several changes learners will need to make to the language practised earlier. Many learners will need models and support in
making these changes. Make sure these changes are as simple or complex as your class can manage, and don’t insist on
accuracy or full sentences for learners who may find them too challenging.

Resources: A daily routine song, e.g. This is the way I brush my teeth.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Unit 1.9 People and animals

Unit 1.9 People and animals

Outline of unit:
In this unit, learners describe and have fun learning about people and animals. They will play a spelling and question game, where they hear words spelled out and
ask questions to guess the word. They describe their own and other’s pets using articles and possessive‘s and talk about their likes and dislikes for made-up pets
using personal pronouns. Learners create and write about monsters, connecting their sentences and using can and can’t to talk about their monster’s abilities.
Last, they are exposed to a longer text of around two sentences, which they read and identify similarities with another text with support of images.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Ld.01 Introduce the flashcards, giving and eliciting key vocabulary.
Recognise a limited range of
simple words that are spelled Play a game where you spell out a word related to a picture. Learners try to guess the word after each letter you spell out. When
out slowly and clearly. they guess, they should ask a question, e.g.

1Sc.03 Teacher: r
Ask simple questions about Learner: Is it big?
classroom routines and to find Teacher: No. a
out a limited range of personal Learner: Can it fly?
information and respond Teacher: No. b
accordingly. … until you say or the learners guess r-a-b-b-i-t

Have learners listen again to the spelling and point to or touch the flashcard and say the word rabbit.

Repeat as a whole class, then encourage learners to play the game in pairs or small groups if appropriate.

Resources: Flashcards of various people with animals (e.g. a boy with his pet rabbit, a policeman with his police dog); sets of
letter cards per pair or small group of learners
1Us.01 Use your picture to introduce the topic and task. Explain that this is your pet. Encourage learners to ask you questions or say
Use articles a, the to refer to sentences about your pet. Elicit the language to be used later.
familiar objects.
Learners work in pairs. They show each other their pet drawings or photos and use language available to them to talk about it to
1Uv.07 their partner. Encourage them to ask each other questions if possible.
Use common singular nouns,
plural nouns [plural‘s’] and Ask learners to put their photos or drawings around the room (or you could collect them in and arrange them yourself).
proper nouns to say what
things are. Give each learner several word cards. Ask them to read the words, move around the room and find a photo or drawing to match
each one to (different for each word if possible so that they look at more pictures). Be ready with some word cards to put on
pictures that end up with none.

Ask learners to take a picture which is not their own and read the words that have been put by it. They present the picture to the
class, e.g.

This is a cat. It’s Eliza’s pet. It’s small and brown.

The learner whose picture it is confirms the information.

Resources: Drawings or photos prepared in advance by learners of their pets (or a pet they’d like) with their name clearly written
on it. A picture of your pet (real or imagined) for modelling and introducing the topic. Word cards that describe common pets
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

(animal names, adjectives)
1Us.03 Learners work in groups. Give each group some pictures of animals so that there is at least enough for one animal per learner.
Use common personal subject Ask learners to cut them into thirds along the lines. They then mix up the parts of different animals.
and object pronouns to give
simple personal information. Learners take turns to take three segments to create a new kind of pet (e.g. the head of a cat, the body of a fish and the tail of a
rabbit). They ask the group’s opinion of it: Do you like my pet? Learners can answer: I love / like / don’t like it! and keep the pet.
Continue so each learner has at least one chance to create a pet.

Ask the groups to create a summary of their opinions of the different pets by pointing at them and saying, e.g. We love them. /
She doesn’t like it.

Groups show their pets and present their summary to the class.

Resources: Pictures of animals that learners may have as pets, each of the same size and orientation so that they show head,
body, tail or rear end in similar places. Have a dashed line to mark these sections (thirds); Scissors; Glue; Paper
1Rd.03 Show the animal pictures. Elicit some detail about each one, including the information in the texts. Ask learners to tell you what
Understand, with support, each animal is. Write the word under the pictures.
simple words and phrases in
short, simple, illustrated texts. Give out the worksheets, one version to half the class and the other to the other half of the class. Ask learners to work with a
partner with the same text. They read the text and decide which animal it talks about.
Use common adjectives, Make groups of four by putting 2 sets of partners together, one with each worksheet version. Learners work together with the two
including colours, to say what texts to find what is similar about them.
someone/something is or has.
Ask the whole class to share their results.

Resources: Two different worksheet versions: each has a very short text (one or two sentences) describing an animal, without
naming it. Use descriptive adjectives in the texts. There is at least one similarity mentioned between the two animals, e.g. They
are both small.; Picture of each animal from the worksheet
1Wca.05 Review key language by showing your sample monster poster to the class and eliciting information about it including description
Begin to use a limited range of using two adjectives linked by and (e.g. It’s / He’s / She’s blue and hairy) and something it can do (e.g. It / He / She can fly) and
simple grammatical structures, something it cannot do (e.g. It / He / She can’t swim).
allowing for frequent, basic
mistakes. Explain to learners that they are going to make their own monsters. They can work in pairs. Allow them to choose the materials
to use to make their monsters. Each pair makes a monster on the poster, leaving room for a description. You could provide a
1Ug.04 template on a poster worksheet to guide them.
Use can/can’t to describe
ability. When learners have finished, review language they will need for describing their monsters. You could do this by eliciting words to
complete sentences with missing words on the board. Then ask learners to write a description under their monster, using two
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of Work

Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1Us.04 adjectives linked by and saying what the monster can and cannot do. They could also give their monster a name.
Use connective and to link
words and phrases. Learners present their monsters in groups. Choose a few to present to the class. Encourage the class to ask questions about the
monsters, e.g. What is its name? Is it a boy or a girl?
Link, with support, words and Display the monsters in the classroom.
phrases using basic
connectives. Resources: Various materials for making monster posters (e.g. foil, crepe paper, wool, buttons); glue; scissors; Poster paper or
worksheet; A sample monster poster to use as a model and to elicit language
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of W

Sample lesson 1



Learning objectives 1Uv.02

Use ordinal numbers 1st–10th.

Use prepositions of time (e.g. on, in) to talk about days and time.

Lesson focus Learners will review and consolidate days of the week and ordinal numbers.
They will talk about what they do on different days of the week. Some learners may
speak in full sentences, while others may produce phrases or parts of sentences.
Previous learning Learners will already have been introduced to the days of the week vocabulary and
ordinal numbers, but need more practice to consolidate these both as language and
They will be familiar with the present simple for routine actions and developing skills
in speaking at more than word level.

Timing Planned activities Notes

Beginning Routine: Learners sit in a circle and we sing the welcome song. Days of the week
Introduction: Tell the learners what they will learn about today. word cards (one
per learner)
10 minutes Ask learners to say what day it is today.
Elicit the days of the week. Clear space so
Give learners each a day of the week word card and check they can learners can stand
read and say it. or sit in a circle
Learners sit in a circle. Ask them to chant the days of the week in order
and as they do this learners stand up to say the day they have been
assigned and hold up the card.
Increase the pace of this drill to make it more fun.

Main activities Days of the week

Play the days of the week song. Learners hold up their word card as song
5 minutes they hear their day in the song. Play the days of the week song again.
Ask learners to sing along.

5 minutes Ask learners to arrange themselves in seven groups, one for each day,
in order, according to their day of the week word card. Ask learners
Which is the first, second, third day of the week? Include some
impossible ordinal numbers, e.g. tenth/eighth to elicit no response.

5-10 minutes Ask learners to tell each other in their groups what they do on their day
of the week. Model language: I go to school on Monday. Learners
should try to remember what each child in their group does on that day.
You may need to support learners with ideas, suggestions and

10 minutes Give each group some paper to make a poster. Assign a writer to write Poster paper;
the day of the week. Ask learners to draw a picture on the paper of what pens
they do on that day. They could do this on separate paper, cut it out and
stick it if the groups are large.

5-10 minutes Display the posters in order, eliciting the order from learners. Learners in
each group tell the rest of the class what each group member does on
that day of the week using their poster. Learners will need to use 3rd
person. Encourage learners to do this by themselves if possible, or
introduce it before beginning the activity.

Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of W

Timing Planned activities Notes

If there is time, consolidate and extend learning by asking questions
about the information in the posters the learners have made, e.g. What
do they do on Monday? Does Lucia go swimming on Saturday? Which
day do you like best?

End Days of the week

Give each learner a day of the week word card. Check they can all read word cards (one
Reflection the days. Model the activity: Learners move around the room and ask per learner);
their classmates What do you do on (day of the week)? They note the Notebooks or
Summary name and the activity in their book or on paper. You could set a paper
minimum target or give a time limit for this activity, which will allow
10 minutes confident learners to ask more classmates and less confident ones to
ask fewer. Ask learners to tell you about one of their classmates based
on the notes they have made.

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.

Were the learning objectives/lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things really went well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Next steps
What will I teach next based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?

Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of W

Sample lesson 2



Learning objectives 1Wca.02

Form upper and lower case letters.

Use cardinal numbers 1–20.

Lesson focus Learners will review and consolidate key verbs of movement and cardinal numbers
up to 20. Some learners may speak in full sentences, while others may produce
phrases or parts of sentences

Previous learning Learners will already have been introduced key verbs of movement (e.g.
come/go/walk to school) and ordinal numbers but need more practice to consolidate
these both as language and cognitively.
They will be familiar with the present simple for routine actions and developing skills
in speaking at more than word level.


Timing Planned activities Notes

Beginning Routine: Learners sit in a circle and we sing the welcome song. Write the transport
Introduction: Tell the learners what they will learn about today. words on the
board with mixed-
5 – 10 minutes Hold up a flashcard and ask learners to match it to a mixed-up word. up letters before
Nominate a learner to put the flashcard on the board with a magnet next to the lesson starts
the mixed-up word. Elicit the spelling of the word (learners use the mixed-up Flashcards of
letters to give the spelling). transport
Repeat for all flashcards and review with the whole class. Magnets
Main activities Review key verbs of movement using mime (e.g. come/go/walk to
5 - 10 minutes school / catch a bus) – elicit the vocabulary by miming and saying
What’s this? Then have learners mime and say the verb phrases.

5 - 10 minutes Ask learners how they get to school (bus, car, on foot). Ask learners to Transport word
make groups according to how they get to school, e.g. those who walk cards for different
to school, those who come by car. Give each group a corresponding groups
word card. Ask learners to count together the number of children in their

20 minutes Explain to learners that they are going to make a group classroom Poster paper,
display representing how they come to school. (e.g. a large cut out of a colour pens,
bus) scissors;
One sheet of
First learners each draw a picture of themselves. paper with a grid
to display the
Assign different roles for different learners: number of learners
using each mode
- To create the poster (e.g. of a bus) of transport.

- To stick the pictures of themselves on the poster (e.g. on the bus)

- To label the picture of the bus and the learners on the bus

- To write about the picture, e.g. We come to school by bus.

- To fill in the grid for their group, writing the mode of transport and the
number of children.
Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language (0057) Stage 1 Scheme of W

Timing Planned activities Notes

You could also ask one or more learners to help you make a header for
the whole display.

End Display the work in the classroom.

Ask learners to do a discovery task, where they find information from the
posters (e.g. ask How many learners walk to school?). Learners will
Reflection need to find and look at the relevant information in the posters to find the

Summary Ask learners to tell you something they learned in the lesson. Give
some positive feedback about the classroom display as well as about
10 minutes how the learners have worked in groups.

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.

Were the learning objectives/lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things really went well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Next steps
What will I teach next based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?

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