QingQi QM-Series Motorcycles Owner's Manual PDF

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Important Cautions

About running-in of a motorcycle

The first 1000 km operation is very important in the entire service life of
a motorcycle. A correct running-in can guarantee both the longest service life
and the best performance of the vehicle. Proper running-in can polish
machined surfaces to form correct seals and mating surfaces.
Careful and patient running-in can make the motorcycle stable in riding
and optimize performance. It is important not to do any operation which may
overheat engine components.
For specific running-in method, please refer to "Running-in of a new

Please carefully read the manual and strictly observe all instructions or
Special attention should be paid to the contents emphasized with the
terms of "warning" "Precaution" and "note", etc.
Warning…… Concerns personal safety. Ignoring it may result in
Precaution…… Refers to operational methods that must be followed
or measures that should be taken, so as to prevent damage.
Note… … Refers to special explanations to make maintenance or
important descriptions more explicit.

The operation manual should be deemed as a permanent document of

the motorcycle. When transfer the vehicle to others, the instruction manual
should also be transferred to the new owner.

This manual pertains to the following models:

QM125GY-2 QM125GY-2B

QM125GY-2C QM200GY


The instruction manual takes QM200GY as example. There are some

differences among various models. For any unconformity between your
vehicle and the instruction manual, the real vehicle should prevail


Thank you for your choosing QingQi brand GY series motorcycles. In

design, development and manufacture this series, our company applies the
latest advanced technology and equipment to provide you with a motorcycle
that is reliable in performance, unique in design and elegant in appearance.
Motorcycle riding is one of the most exciting sports. Motorcycles are an ideal
means of transport and can give you infinite riding pleasure. Before riding
your motorcycle, please familiarize yourself with all stipulations and
requirements mentioned in this instruction manual.
The instruction manual deals in the correct use and maintenance of your
motorcycle. Observing the following guideline will help guarantee years of
trouble-free use. The distributor has skillful and well trained technical
professionals to provide the best maintenance and service to your motorcycle.

Executed standards:

Jinan QingQi Motorcycle Co. Ltd.

Chapter 1 User Instructions....................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 Installation Position of Parts ...................................................... 7
Chapter 3 Control Part .............................................................................. 8
Chapter 4 Instructions on Fuel and Engine Oil ......................................... 15
Chapter 5 Running-in of New Motorcycle ............................................... 16
Chapter 6 Inspection before Riding ......................................................... 18
Chapter 7 Riding Essentials .................................................................... 19
Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance .................................................... 23
Chapter 9 Measures to Reduce Pollution ................................................. 39
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting .................................................................... 40
Chapter 11 Storage Method..................................................................... 43
Chapter 12 Circuit Diagram .................................................................... 45
Chapter 13 Parameter List....................................................................... 46

Chapter 1 User Instructions

Instructions on safe motorcycle riding
There should be a condition for the motorcycle to serve your well. The
condition is paying attention to safety at any time. Therefore, please observe
traffic laws and follow the six points below.
Wear safety helmet
Safe riding starts from wearing a safety helmet. This is an important
factor in motorcycle riding. A high-quality safety helmet is the first thing of
personal protection in motorcycle riding. The most serious traffic accident is
head injury. Therefore, be sure to wear a safety helmet to drive a motorcycle,
and wear a pair of proper protective glasses.
Please be familiar with the vehicle structure
Your riding technique and your understanding of mechanical knowledge
are the basis of safe riding. Make exercises in a spacious place without other
vehicle and make yourself fully familiar with your motorcycle and control
method. Be sure to keep in mind that, skill comes from practice.
Understand the limit of your safe speed
Riding speed depends on road surface conditions, your skills and the
weather. Understanding the limit may prevent accident. At any time, accident
may be prevented as long as riding in the range of your skill.
Wear well-fitting dress
Loose and fancy dress may make you uncomfortable and unsafe in your
riding. Riding on the cradle, a well-fitting dress may give you freedom for
activities of your arms and legs. Gloves, boots and safety helmet will show
that you are qualified driver. High quality and tight dress shouldbe your
Pay more attention to safety during riding in rainy weather
Wet roads are dangerous. Please note that, in rainy days, the braking
distance is two times as much as that in dry weather. Stay away from manhole
covers, paint marks or oily surfaces to prevent slipping. Avoid abrupt steering
during acceleration. Be careful when drive over railways and bridges and keep
a safe distance with any vehicle in front.
Inspection before riding
Please carefully read all instructions in "inspection before riding" of the
manual to guarantee the safety of you and passengers.
Position of serial numbers
Chassis number (or VIN code) Engine number

Position of metal nameplate

Chassis number (or VIN code) and engine number is necessary for
registration of your motorcycle. Such numbers are needed with order
components or service, to allow the distributor to provide you with better
Chassis number (or VIN code) is on the head tube of chassis. Engine
number is on the left side of crankcase. Metal nameplate is on the head tube of
chassis, showing the main technical parameters, manufacturer and date of
production of the motorcycle.
Write the numbers in the spaces below, for future reference.
Chassis number:
Engine number:

Chapter 2 Installation Position of Parts

Handle bar instrument
1 Clutch lever
2 Left handlebar switch
3 Speedometer
4 Ignition switch
5 Tachometer
6 Right handlebar switch
7 Accelerator grip
8 Front brake lever
9 Rearview mirror

Left side view

1 Fuel tank switch
2 Carburetor
3 Gear lever
4 Side stand

Right side view

1 Rear brake pedal
2 Kickback start lever
3 Spark plug

Chapter 3 Control Part lights is damaged, the indicators on
the instrument panel and the turning
Key lights may be lit consistently, or may
flash fast or slow. Then, timely
locate the cause and carry out
Tachometer (4) It shows the engine
Two keys are provided. Please rotation speed in number of
use one key and put the other in a revolutions per minute.
safe place for future use. Trip meter (5) Trip meter is a kind of
Instrument panel odometer that can be reset. It is
installed in odometer. It is mainly
used to measure short distances or
for calculation of fuel consumption.
Reset knob (6) Turn it
counterclockwise to reset the
mileage number on the trip meter to

High beam indicator lamp (7) When

Odometer (1) ecords the total the head light is in high beam, the
distance that the motorcycle has indicator is lit.
traveled since it was used. Neutral gear indicator lamp (8) when
Speedometer (2) shows the moving the transmission is in neutral
speed in km per hour. position, the indicator will be lit.
Turning signal lamp (3) When left When any other gear is engaged, the
turning signal lamp is ON, the left indicator goes OFF.
turning signal indicator on the panel
" " and turning signal lamp Ignition switch
will flash.
When right turning signal lamp
is ON, the right turning signal
indicator on the panel " " and
turning signal lamp will flash.
If one of front and rear turning
The ignition switch has two Dimmer switch (1) When dimmer
positions: switch is turned up to " " (high
" " (OFF) position All circuits beam) position, the head light is in
are disconnected and the key can be high beam and the high beam
removed. indicator lamp on the instrument
" " (ON) position All igniting panel is lit. On contrary, when it is
circuits are ON and the engine can turned down to " " (low beam)
be started. The key cannot be position, the low beam is lit.
removed in this position. Lighting switch (2)
Steering lock " " ON position When the
switch is turned to this position, the
head light, front position light,
instrument panel light and rear tail
light will be lit.
" " parking light position
When the switch is turned to this
position, the front position light,
instrument panel light and rear tail
light will be lit.
To lock the steering handlebar, " OFF position All the head light,
turn the handlebar to left, insert the front position light, instrument panel
key and turn it clockwise. light and rear tail light go OFF.
Warning: Turning signal operation (3) When
When the steering handlebar is the switch is turned to left " "
locked, never move the motorcycle position, the left turning signal lamp
or you may lose balance. is lit and the indicator lamp on
Left handlebar control system instrument panel flashes. When the
switch is turned to right " "
position, the right turning signal
lamp is lit and the indicator lamp on
instrument panel flashes.
Whenever you are going to
change lane or make a turn, turn ON
the turning signal lamp. After lane
change or turning, timely turn the
signal light OFF. position, the starting circuit is
Horn button (4) Press " " button completely cut off and the starter
and the horn will sound. motor cannot be started. Do not put
Clutch lever (5) To start the engine the switch in this position during
or make a gear shifting, press the riding.
lever to release the drive system and Accelerator grip (3)
cut off the clutch. Accelerator grip is used to
control the engine speed. To
Right handlebar control system accelerate, turn the grip towards
yourself. To decelerate, turn the grip
away from yourself.
Electric start button (4)
Press" " button to turn on
the start motor circuit. During
starting, put in neutral gear position
to cut off transmission and guarantee
Front brake lever (1) The starter motor should be
To apply front wheel brake, operated not more than 5 seconds.
slowly press the brake lever on the Heavy discharge may cause overheat
right handlebar. As the motorcycle to circuit and starter motor. If
adopts hydraulic braking do not starting is failed after several
press it abruptly or forcefully. attempts, stop to check the fuel
When the brake lever is pressed, supply system and starting circuit
the brake light will be lit (refer to "Troubleshooting").
automatically. Fuel tank cap
Engine shutdown switch (2)
The switch is a rocker switch,
located on the tip of right handlebar
control panel, with the rockshaft at
the center of the rocker. When it is
pressed in " " start position, the
switch is turned and the engine can
be started. It is an emergency switch.
If the switch is pressed in " "
To open fuel tank cap, insert the Gear lever
key and turn it clockwise. Then, the
fuel tank cap can be removed
together with the key. To replace the
cap, align the arrow on the cap and
press the cap, together with the key,
into the fuel tank cap hole until a
click sound is heard. Then, remove
the key.

The motorcycle is provided

with a 5-speed gear transmission.
The gear lever connects to a ratchet
mechanism in the transmission.
After selecting a gear, the gear lever
returns to the home position so that
the next gear can be selected. The
(1) Gasoline level (2) Filler neutral gear is between the low gear
Warning and two speed gear. From neutral
Do not fill the tank excessively. position, press downs the gear lever
Never splash fuel to hot engine. No to engage a low gear. Raise the gear
fuel should be left on the upper part lever one step to move forward a
of the filler, or the fuel may gear. Owing to the ratchet
overflow when fuel temperature mechanism it cannot move two or
risess and expands, causing hazard. more gears up or down in one
During fuel refilling, shutdown operation. To shift from 2-speed gear
the engine and turn the key to OFF to low gear, or from low gear to
position. Smoking or lighting fire is 2-speed gear, it passes the neutral
strictly forbidden during fuel position but not stays there. To
refilling. engage to neutral gear stop it in the
middle of moving from low gear to
2-speed gear.
When the transmission is in
neutral position, the neutral indicator
lamp is lit on the instrument board.
Despite the lamp is lit, be careful to The vehicle is provided with a
release the clutch lever slowly to side stand on the left side.
make sure if the transmission is To support the motorcycle with
really in neutral position. the side stand, put your foot on the
When engaging into a low gear tip of side stand and press it
during high speed riding, the forcefully, until the stand rotates
engagement of clutch may make a fully and is blocked by the stopper.
sudden increase in engine speed.
Before engaging a low gear, slow Precaution
down the motorcycle to prevent When parking the motorcycle
unnecessary wear of components in on a slope, make sure the motorcycle
transmission system. is headed toward upper slope to
QM110GY adopts 4-speed gear avoid sliding of the side stand. It is
transmission. The operation is the also advisable to engage the first
same as mentioned above. gear to prevent the side stand from
Rear brake pedal sliding.

Before starting, check if the
side stand is retracted to normal
position, without loosing.

Carburetor enrichment lever

Press down this pedal to apply

rear wheel brake, and the brake
indicator light is lit.

To help starting, the vehicle is

provided with carburetor enrichment
system Equivalent vacuum
diaphragm carburetor To start a cold
engine, pull out the enrichment lever. lever to the end For wire type
After starting, push the lever to a enrichment carburetor, turn it to the
half way and allow the engine to front end.
warm up to a proper temperature, Warning
before pushing the enrichment lever After using the enrichment
to its home position. Plunger system, shutoff it timely to prevent
carburetor To start a cold engine, overheat that may damage the
raise the enrichment lever to the silencer elbow.
highest position. After starting,
lower the lever to a half way and Kickback start lever
allow the engine to warm up to a If your motorcycle has this
proper temperature, before returning device, please refer to the following
the enrichment lever to its home contents.
position. (3) Wire type enrichment
plunger carburetor: To start a cold
engine, put the wire handle forward
to the end position. After starting,
put the handle to a middle position
and allow the engine to warm up to a
proper temperature, before returning
the enrichment handle back to its
home position.
Note The kickback start lever is
The enrichment system is installed on the right side of the
designed for starting a cold engine. motor. Owing to motorial kickback
When temperature is low, the starting mechanism, the engine can
warming time be extended be started in any gear position
properly (if no warming is made, the provided the clutch is released.
speed transition may become poor). Warning
During riding, the enrichment After the engine is started,
system should be shutoff; otherwise check if the start lever has returned
the fuel consumption may be to its normal position.
increased. The correct enrichment Do not use the kick starter and
shutoff status is For vacuum electric starter at the same time.
carburetor, fully push in the lever
For plunger carburetor, lower the
Fuel switch Note
Every time after turning the
fuel switch to reserve position, refill
the fuel tank immediately to the
nearest gas station and return the
fuel switch to open position.

Tool kit

The vehicle is provided with

manual fuel valve. There are three
positions “ ” (Open)
“ ”(Reserve) “ ” (Close).
“ ” Open position
Generally, the fuel switch is in
this position. When the accelerator
grip is rotated, fuel flows from valve The tools box is below the
to carburetor. cradle on the rear left side of the
“ ” Reserve position motorcycle.
If the fuel level is too low, turn
the fuel switch to this position and a
certain amount of fuel in reserve can
be available.
“ ” Close position
Turn the fuel switch to this
position after the engine is
If the fuel switch is in “ ”
Open position for a long time, fuel
may overflow from carburetor to
engine. Fuel in engine may cause
serious mechanic damage during
engine starting

Chapter 4 Note!
Instructions on fuel If ethanol gasoline is exposed to
and engine oil water excessively, ethanol may be
separated, resulting in decrease of
1. Fuel gasoline octane number. Therefore,
! Warning the storage time should not be too
Gasoline is inflammable and long.
explosive. When handling gasoline, Before using ethanol gasoline for
attention should be paid to prevent the first time, make a through
burnt or accident. cleaning of the fuel supply system
In places where gasoline is and fuel tank.
stored or handled, shutdown the Always buy a proper amount of
engine, do not smoke, and keep ethanol gasoline. Once there is a
away from naked flame or poor fuel tank sealing or a long
spark. storage time, moisture content may
Refueling should be made in a increase, causing low octane number
well ventilated place. After and resulting in difficult ignition or
refueling, immediately clean off weak power.
any gasoline outside the fuel 2. Lubricant
tank. (Please refer to Regular
Please #93 or #95 Maintenance Table)
(GB17930-1999) unleaded gasoline. Use high quality 4-stroke
This may prolong the service life of engine oil to prolong engine life.
spark plug. Engine oil should be SE or SD
Note! product in API classification. Engine
If the engine produces ping oil of proper viscosity should be
noise, it may be caused by using of used according to local air
improper fuel. Replace with correct temperature. There are three
fuel. viscosity levels suitable for the
Ethanol gasoline engine, namely, SAE15W-40,
If ethanol gasoline is used, SAE10W-30 and SAE5W-30. Refer
please use #90 or higher conforming to the figure below:
to GB18351-2004. Do not use
methanol gasoline, even though it
may contain cosolvent and
anti-corrosion agent.
10W-30 or SF 5W-30 is
recommended. For temperature
Viscosity grade
below -35°C, the following use time,
API SG or higher class 5W-30
lubricant of notable brand is
Tem perature
F -2 2 -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 recommended.
API classification Inferior lubricant may cause
irretrievable loss to the engine and
SG High
seriously shorten the service life of
SD Low
SE or SF level SAE10W-30
4-stroke lubricant is recommended.
Note Chapter 5
Lubricant should be replaced Running-in of new
at 1000km or about one month for
the first time, every 3000km
The importance of correct new
thereafter. Oil volume is 850ml for
vehicle running-in was mentioned in
replacement or 1300ml after
Foreword. The correct running-in
method is as follows.
The quality of engine oil is a
Maximum speed
major factor affecting the service life
The maximum speed during
of engine. Replace engine oil
running-in period is shown in the
according to the maintenance period
stated in maintenance table (please
refer to Page 19). When riding in First 800 km <5000 rpm
dusty areas, engine oil should be At 1600 km <7500 rpm
replaced more frequently than the
stipulations in the maintenance table. After 1600 km <10000 rpm
Explanation: Changes of engine speed
During cold weather in Do not drive at a constant
northeast and northwest China, it is engine speed for a long time. For a
advisable for user to use high quality better running-in, properly increase
low temperature lubricating oil. SE and reduce the throttle opening.

Change engine speed from time to During running-in period, all engine
time to let various engine parts get parts have been run-in and other
"bearing" pressure. When the parts engaged. Then, all parts should
pressure is "unloaded", the engine be adjusted, all fasteners be
parts will cool down, helping the tightened, contaminated engine oil
fitting of different parts. During be replaced and filter element be
running-in period, engine load may replaced.
be properly increased. Apply some Timely making 1000 km
load to engine parts to guarantee maintenance can guarantee a long
good fitting. This is every important, engine life and the best engine
but do not apply excessive load to performance.
the engine. Precaution
Avoid riding at a low speeds 1000 km maintenance should
Running at a certain low engine be carried out according to the
speed (with light load) can only "Troubleshooting" in the manual.
polish the parts but cannot get a Pay special attention to the
good running-in. So long as the "precaution" and "warning" in the
upper limit of recommended throttle section.
opening is not exceeded, drive the
vehicle in various gears with proper
acceleration. However, never drive
at the maximum acceleration during
the first 1600 km.
Circulating oil before riding
After starting of warm or cold
engine and before applying load or
riding, let the engine run at idle
speed for an adequate time. This
allows lubricant to flow to all import
engine parts, so as to reduce wearing
and increase the service life. This
also helps the engine to warm-up
First maintenance inspection
The maintenance of the first
1000 km is the most important.
Chapter 6 Inspection before Riding
Before riding, make sure to carefully check the following items. Never
ignore the importance of the inspection.

Contents Purpose
1 Smooth
2 Free steering
3 No loose
Operate all lamps -- head light, tail light, brake light,
instrument board lighting lamp, turning signal lamps
Proper oil level
1 Adjust clearance of rear brake pedal and front brake
2 No "spongy" feeling
3 No leakage
Neutral gear, gear position, oil level indicators (or turning
signal indicators)
1 Proper free play in accelerator wire
Accelerator 2 Free fuel flow and reliable accelerator throttle valve
returning to closed position
1 Correct air pressure
Tires 2 Proper tread pattern depth
3 No injury or cut
Horn Correct function
1 Proper free play in clutch wire
2 Smooth operation and full releasing.
Fuel Adequate fuel for the distance to drive.

1 Proper tightness
Drive chain
2 Proper lubrication

Chapter 7 Riding Essentials
If it is the first time for you to drive this type of motorcycle, you are
advised to practice on a road away from highways, until you have completely
been familiar with the control and operation of the vehicle.
Before riding, make sure that the side stand is returned to the uplift
Do not make gear shifting or deceleration in course of turning. Slow
down to a safe speed before turning.
Do not shift into a low gear during turning.
It is dangerous to drive a motorcycle with a single hand. While riding,
take a firm but relaxed hold of the handlebar with both hands and put your
feet on the foot board. In any event, never free both hands from the handlebar.
On a wet road, the friction force is low and so is the brake force and
turning capability. Therefore, decelerate in advance.
Observe the traffic laws and speed limit.
Engine starting
Make sure the fuel switch is in open position and the engine shutdown
switch in " " position. Insert the ignition key in ignition switch and turn
it to ON position. If the transmission is in neutral position, the neutral
indicator lamp is lit.

Make it a habit to engage the neutral gear and firmly press the clutch
lever before starting the engine. This can prevent dash forward in case of
mistaking gear engagement.
1 Press the electric starting button for ignition. Never rotate the accelerator
grip when pressing the starting button.
After engine ignition, immediately release the starting button, to avoid
adverse effects to the engine.
If the engine is not started after 5 seconds, wait for 10 seconds before
making another attempt to prevent damaging the battery.
In case of failure in engine starting after two or three attempts, rotate the
accelerator grip for 1/8 or 1/4 turns and try again.
A motorcycle not used for a long time and poor atomizing fuel may
result in starting difficulty. In this case, do not rotate the accelerator grip, but
repeat starting.
2 Starting with the kickback start lever
When the battery is over discharged, the engine can be started by using
the kickback start lever.
Turn the ignition switch to ON position.
Forcefully kick the kickback start lever.
Cold engine
Put the carburetor enrichment handle (plunger carburetor) or lever
(vacuum carburetor) to the highest position (plunger) or pull it fully out
(vacuum carburetor), keep the accelerator closed, and press the electric start
button; After the engine is started, press the handle half way down (plunger)
or push the lever half way in (vacuum) and wait for the engine is adequately
warmed-up, before putting the handle or lever to the original position. The
colder it is, the longer warm-up time the engine takes. Otherwise, the
acceleration may be poor.
Warm engine
Rotate accelerator grip for 1/8 - 1/4 turns, and press electric start button
to start the engine. When the engine is warm, it is not necessary to use
carburetor enrichment system.
Never start the engine in a room with poor or no ventilation because
carbon monoxide gas is poisonous. Never leave the motorcycle unattended
with a running engine.
Do not allow the engine run for a long time without riding, or the
engine may get overheat causing damage to internal parts or chrome plating of
exhaust system.
Start riding the motorcycle
Start the engine with the transmission in neutral position, the clutch
engaged and driver riding in normal riding position.
Firmly press the clutch lever, wait a little moment, press down the gear
lever to engage the first gear, rotate the accelerator grip slowly to you and
smoothly and slowly release the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the
motorcycle will move forward.
To change into a higher speed gear, firstly decelerate a little, release the
accelerator and, at the same time, press the clutch lever, shift the gear lever to
the next higher speed gear position and release the clutch lever, slightly rotate
the accelerator. In this way, the highest gear can be engaged gradually.
For high speed riding, always avoid releasing the accelerator suddenly. it
is advised to wait a moment when the engine is running at 3000-5000rpm
before fully releasing the accelerator. This can prevent the engine from
shutdown due to abnormal combustion.
Use of transformation device
Transformation device is able to allow the engine running smoothly
within normal range of operation. The transmission gear ratio is carefully
selected for the engine performance. Driver should select gears suitable to
general conditions but should not use the clutch for the purpose of speed
control. To decelerate, shift to a low gear to allow the engine running in a
normal speed range.
The engine speed should not be in the red range of the tachometer in
any gear.
Riding on a slope
To shift from a high gear to a low gear, control the speed in a safe
speed range before gear shifting. Otherwise, abrupt deceleration (sudden rise
of engine speed) may happen, causing gear impacts, sever parts wearing, or
overbalance of the vehicle. it is dangerous.
Slope climbing:
When going up a steep slope, the motorcycle may decelerate due to
insufficient power. Then, immediately shift to a low gear to allow the engine
running a normal power range. Pay attention that, gear shifting should be
made quickly to keep adequate forward momentum of the motorcycle.
When going down a slope, use the engine for braking, by shifting
into a lower gear.
Be sure to keep in mind that, never drive too fast down a slope!
Never allow the engine to run a very high speed for a long time.
Use of brake and parking method
Rotate the accelerator grip outward to fully close the throttle.
At the same time, apply the front and rear brakes with even forces.
Use gear shifting to slow down.
Before the motorcycle is stopped, firmly press the clutch lever, shift into
neutral gear and observe the neutral indicator to make sure the neutral gear is
The faster the vehicle is driven, the longer the braking distance will be.
Be sure to make correct estimation of the distance between you and the
vehicle or object in front of you for adequate braking performance.
An inexperienced driver always uses the rear brake only. This will cause
premature wearing and too long a braking distance.
It is dangerous to use front brake or rear brake only. This may cause
slipping and out of control. On wet highway or other dull road surface and
during turning, be extremely careful to apply the brake gently. Hard braking
on rough or dull road surface is very dangerous.
The motorcycle should be parked on stable and flat ground.
To park your motorcycle on a gentle slope by using the side stand,
engage the first gear to prevent sliding off the side stand. Remember to shift to
neutral gear before starting the engine.
Turn the ignition switch to OFF position to shutdown the engine.
Remove the key from ignition switch.
Lock the steering bar for safety.

Chapter 8 Inspection and Maintenance
The following table shows the interval of regular maintenance in travel
distance or number of months. At the end of an interval, be sure to carry out
the specified inspection, lubrication and maintenance. If your motorcycle is
used with heavy loads, such as high power riding in a dusty environment, the
maintenance should be carried out more frequently. Your distributor can give
your further guide. The parts of steering gear, shock absorber, bearings and
wheels are critical components, and require professional skills to repair. In the
light of safety, it is advisable to the inspection and maintenance done by your
distributor or qualified maintenance staff.
In regular maintenance, it may be necessary to replace one or more parts.
For part replacement, it is advisable to use genuine parts or equivalent
products. No matter if you are experienced in vehicle maintenance or not, the
items with * mark should be handled by your distributor or qualified
maintenance staff. For the items without such mark, you can do it by yourself
according to the instructions.
After correct running-in of 1000 km, maintenance is mandatory to
ensure the safety of your motorcycle and give it a full play of its performance.
Be sure to make regular maintenance thoroughly according to the
instructions in the manual.

List of Regular Maintenance
Interval: based on km 1000 4000 8000
odometer reading or Number
number of months 5 20 40
of months
*Battery (specific gravity of
Carburetor I I I
Spark plug I C R
Gasoline filter C - C
Clutch I I I
*Valve clearance I I I
Air filter - C C
*Fuel hose
Replace every 4 years
Engine oil and oil filter R R R
Oil filter screen C C C
*Chassis bolt and nut T T T
Transmission oil R R R
*Brake I I I
Front fork - I I
Tyres I I I
Drive chain
Clean and lubricate every 1000 km
*Steering gear I I I
*Rear shock absorber - I I
*Cylinder head nut and exhaust
pipe bolt
Note: Inspection: I, Tightening: T, Cleaning: C, Replace: R
Lubrication Table

Interval Every 6000 km or Every 12000 km or

Item 6 months 12 months

Accelerator wire Engine oil -

Clutch wire Engine oil -

Speedometer wire - Grease

Drive chain Lubricate every 1000 km

*Brake cam shaft - grease

Accelerator grip - grease

Brake wire Engine oil -

Speedometer gear case and

- grease
wheel bearing

Brake pedal Grease or engine oil -

Lubricate every two years or

*Steering gear
every 20000 km

To help you for regular Precaution
maintenance, a set of tools is Never damage, clog or alter the
provided in the tool box on the rear vent pipe for battery. Please make
left side of the vehicle. sure that the vent hose is connected
Battery to the vent fitting of battery, with the
Battery is normally stored other end kept always open. The
inside the guard board on the right vent pipe and battery should be
side of the frame. The battery for the installed correctly.
model may be of conventional type The polarity of battery wiring
or maintenance-free type. should be always correct. Connect
Direction for use of the red wire to positive (+) and the
conventional type battery: green wire to negative (-). Wrong
connection may damage the
charging system and battery.
MAX After the first 1000 km and
every 3000 km, have the specific
gravity of each battery cell checked
by your distributor, by using an
electrolyte hydrometer.
1. Safety
Electrolyte contains strong acid
and should be prevented from
Before using, fill electrolyte to contacting the skin. During
a level between the upper and lower operation, wear safety helmet
limits. During using, the fluid level and safety clothing.
must be kept between the upper limit In case that electrolyte gets in
and lower limit. eyes, immediately wash the
Warning eyes with plenty of clear water
Once the battery has been in for at least 15 minutes, before
use, no diluted sulfuric acid should going to hospital.
be added. If the fluid level drops In case that electrolyte is drunk,
below the lower limit, fill distilled drink a large amount of water
water to the upper limit. Never use or milk, and then milk or
tap water. vegetable oil containing
Keep away from reach by Spark plug

2. Electrolyte filling
Before filling electrolyte,
remove battery from the vehicle.
Check if the electrolyte
0. 6 - 0. 8 m m
conforms to specification
Direction for use of
maintenance-free battery:

After the first 1000 km and

every 3000 km thereafter, clean off
any carbon deposit from spark plug
No electrolyte filling is by using a small steel wire brush or
necessary before and after battery a spark plug cleaner. Readjust the
using. To prolong the service life, spark plug gap with a thickness
fully recharge it before using. feeler to keep it between 0.6 - 0.8
Note mm. Replace spark plug every 6000
No matter what type it is, the km.
battery may discharges and power When cleaning off carbon
may drop after a long store time. deposit, observe the color of the
After removing from the vehicle and ceramic tip of spark plug. The color
fully recharge, store it in a cool and can tell you if standard spark plug
well ventilated place. suit your usage. If a standard spark
When the vehicle is not used plug shows wet or very dark, it may
for a long time, remove the negative be better to use a spark plug with
(-) wire from battery. lower caloric value. A normal
working spark plug should be light
gray or cotton yellow. If a spark plug
is very white or even glowing, it Check engine oil level
means the spark plug was working
in overheated conditions. Replace it
with a spark plug of higher caloric
Spark plug should not be over
tightened to prevent the threads of
cylinder head from being damaged.
When spark plug is removed, Precaution
prevent any impurities from getting Engine oil window shows the
into the engine through spark plug oil level. When oil level is low,
hole. never start the engine. Fill oil until
Standard spark plug for the the oil level is just below the upper
motorcycle is carefully selected and limit of oil window.
suitable for most operations. If the
color of spark plug is found different Replacement of engine oil and oil
from standard spark plug, it is filter
advisable to contact your distributor Replace engine oil and oil
before replacing with spark plug in a strainer after the first 1000 km and
different heat resisting range. An every 3000 km thereafter. Oil
improper spark plug may cause replacement should be carried out
serious damage to the engine. A when the engine is still warm, so as
spark plug of other brand may result to thoroughly drain old oil from the
in operational difficulties. Therefore, engine. The method is as follows:
consult with your distributor before 1 Park the motorcycle by using the
selecting other brand spark plug. central stand.
Engine oil 2 Remove oil filler cap.
A long service life of the
engine depends on using high
quality engine oil and regular oil
replacement. Oil level check and
regular oil replacement are very
important tasks.

check if the element is installed
3 Remove drain plug from firmly.
strainer cover on the engine bottom 6 Before reinstalling the filter
to drain oil. element cover, check for any
Note Be careful not to remove the mistake in installation of the spring
neutral gear positioning screwed and gasket of oil filter element.
plug to avoid dropping of neutral Precaution
gear cam pin and spring, resulting in The gasket should be replaced
difficult gear shifting. with a new one each time when the
element is replaced.
7 Install the filter element cover and
screw on the nut. Do not fasten the
nut excessively tight.
8 Tighten the oil drain ring and fill
fresh engine oil about 950 ml into
the oil filler, before gently tightening
the top cover.
4 Remove three screws from filter If only oil is changed without
element cover. replacing the element, the volume of
fresh oil is 850 ml.
9 Start the engine and allow it
running idle speed for several
Carefully check for any oil
leakage around the filter element
10 Shutdown the engine and wait
Cap nut Filter element cover for a minute before checking the oil
5 Remove filter element cover, pull level from engine oil window. The
out oil filter element and replace it oil should be kept on "F" (full) line.
with a new one. If the oil level is below "F" line,
Precaution replenish until it reaches the "F".
Insert the opening part of oil Precaution
filter element in the engine and Please use the engine oil
recommended in "Instructions on counterclockwise to adjust the free
fuel and engine oil". play to specified value.
2 After free play adjustment, lift
Brake the front wheel off the ground.
There are two types of brake Rotate the front wheel to check for
for the front and rear brake of the any resistance. At the same time,
motorcycle, i.e., drum brake and press the front brake lever firmly
disk brake. and there should be adequate
Check the brake after first 1000 clearance between the front brake
km and every 3000 km thereafter. lever and handgrip.
Correct braking operation is If the front brake is a disk brake,
very important to safe riding. Be the free play of brake lever
sure to carry out regular inspection measured at lever bracket should be
of brake system by qualified 5-10mm.
distributor. Hydraulic brake system
Warning should be checked everyday, as
Brake is related to personal follows:
safely and should be kept in good 1 Check for leakage in the front
order. wheel brake system.
If the brake system or brake 2 Check for any leakage or crack
lining needs repair, you are strongly in oil pressure pipe.
recommended to have the job done 3 The front brake lever should
by your distributor. They are have a certain back spring force.
equipped with complete tools and 4 Check wearing conditions of
proficient techniques and capable to front wheel brake lining.
do it in a safe and economical way.

Front brake
For the brake, the distance from
natural status to braking action is
known as "free play". If the front
brake is a drum brake, the free play
of brake lever measured at lever
bracket should be 10-20mm. Precaution
1 Rotate the adjusting nut of Wheel disk brake system is a
front brake clockwise or high pressure brake. For safety, the
replacement of oil pipe and
hydraulic oil should not exceed the
interval specified in the maintenance Brake lining
schedule in the manual.
Brake fluid
It is harmful if brake fluid is
drunk by mistake or contacts the
eyes or skin. If it is drunk by mistake,
spit it out by force. If it contacts skin
or eyes, wash with plenty of clear
water and go to hospital.
The vehicle uses ethanol series The essential of checking the
hydraulic oil. It should not be mixed front wheel brake lining is to see if
with silicate or petroleum fluid. the lining is worn to the limit mark.
Otherwise, the brake system may be If wearing exceeds the mark, the
seriously damaged. Never use brake lining should be replaced with
unpacked fluid or any fluid left over a new one.
in the last maintenance, because
moisture may get into the old fluid.
Only SAE J1703 brake fluid should
be used. Pay attention not to splash
hydraulic oil to paint or plastic
surface, to prevent corrosion.
Check the fluid level in the
brake fluid tank. Replenish with
Do not drive immediately after
specified hydraulic fluid if the level
replacing a new wheel disk brake
is low. Along with wearing of brake
lining. Press the brake lever several
lining, fluid in the tank may flow to
times to allow the brake lining to
the pipe and the level may become
fully extended, restore lever
low. Brake fluid replenishment
resistance, and circulate the brake
should be considered as an import
item in regular maintenance.

Free play
Front brake light switch

Adjusting nut
The switch of front brake light Wearing limit of brake lining
is located below the brake lever. The motorcycle is provided
Loosen the screw and move the with brake lining wearing limit
switch position back and forth to indicator in the rear brake. To check
find a proper point so that the lamp the wearing of brake lining, do as
is lit immediately when pressure is follows:
applied but before the lever is fully 1 Check for correct adjustment of
pressed. the rear brake.
Rear brake 2 Operate the brake and check if
Adjustment of rear-wheel brake the limit extension line is in the
If the rear brake is drum brake, allowed range, as shown in Fig.
to adjust the rear-wheel brake pedal, A.
set the pedal to the most comfortable
position for riding by rotating the
pedal adjustment nut. Then, rotate
the free play adjusting nut (2) to Ran ge
keep the free play (1) between

I ndex m ark

Fig. A Limit extension line is in the
allowed range
3 If the extension line exceeds the Rear brake light switch is
allowed range, as shown in Fig. located at the right side of chassis.
B, have the brake components Adjust rear brake light switch as
replaced by your distributor. follows: Lift or lower the switch, so
that, when the brake pedal is pressed,
the lamp is lit before feeling a


Fig. B Limit extension line is out of

the allowed range
If the rear brake is disk brake,
refer to the paragraphs for front
brake disk brake for maintenance.
To avoid being burnt, please
keep away from the motorcycle
silencer after extended periods of

Rear brake light switch

The fuse box is located inside

the guard board on the right side of
the chassis. A fuse is provided for all clogged by dust, the output power
the electrical system. In case of any may reduce and the intake resistance
trouble to electrical system, check may increase; The fuel consumption
the fuse first. If the fuse is blown out, will also increase. Therefore, the air
replace it with the spare fuse (15A) filter element should be checked and
in the fuse box. cleaned every 3000 km, as follows.
Precaution Precaution
Always replace the blown fuse If the motorcycle is working in
with a new one of the specified dusty conditions, the air filter should
amperage. Never use aluminum foil, be checked and cleaned more
steel wire or other things as frequently before schedule.
substitute for fuse. If a new fuse is 1 Remove the left side guard board.
blown in a short time, it means there 2 Unscrew the air filter outer cover
is a major electric trouble. Contact screw (1) and take out the air filter
your distributor immediately. sleeve (2).
Replacement of bulb
The rating of bulbs can be
found in Chapter 13 Parameter List.
Always replace a bulb with a new
one of the same rating. Otherwise,
overload to electric system and
premature bulb damage may be
The head light is generally 3 Take out the air filter foamed
reflection lamp. Do not touch the plastic sleeve shell.
reflector during bulb replacement, so 4 Separate the foamed plastic from
as to prevent reduction of service the outer frame.
life. Precaution
For turning signal light, tail During cleaning the filter
light and brake light, when installing element, check for any damage
light shield, do not excessively to the filter element and replace
tighten the fixing screws to avoid when necessary.
damaging the light shield. Never start the engine without
Air filter the filter element installed, or
If the air filter element is the engine wearing may be
increased. Cleaning of paper filter element
Cleaning method is as follows:
1 Remove the left side guard board.
Clean the foam type filter as 2 Remove the tensioning band
follows: screw of air filter connector. Pull out
the intake pipe and separate it from
the filter.
A 3 Take out the filter element
4 Pat the filter element while
rotating it, to remove dust, and blow
off remaining dust by using
compressed air.
5 The filter element is made of
1 Fill a pan of proper size with paper and cannot be cleaned by
incombustible cleaning solution. using any oil-based agent.
Immerge the filter element in Precaution
the cleaning solution and wash Before and during cleaning, pay
it. attention to check the filter element
2 Press the filter element with for any contamination, crack or
both palms to squeeze out damage. Replace it with a new one
cleaning solution. Never twist when necessary.
the filter element to avoid Reinstall the filter in reverse
damaging. order. Make sure the filter element is
3 Soak the filter element in engine firmly fixed in correct position and
oil tank and squeeze oil out, reliably sealed.
keeping it slightly wet. Precaution
Precaution Never start the engine without
Before and during cleaning, the air filter installed. The air filter
attention should be paid to check the element must be cleaned or replaced
filter element for any crack. Replace more frequently if the motorcycle is
it if any crack is found. used in dusty conditions. Never start
4 Reinstall the filter in reverse the engine without the filter element
order. Make sure the filter installed, or the engine wearing may
element is firmly fixed in be increased. Be sure to the air filter
correct position and reliably element is in good working
sealed. conditions, because this part is very
important to engine service life. be carried out while the engine is
fully warmed up.

Carburetor Adjustment of accelerator wire

A stable carburetor is the
basis of guaranteeing the engine
performance. Before leaving the
factory, carburetor has been adjusted
to the best condition. Any
unnecessary adjustment should be
avoided. Please note that, there are
two adjustment items for carburetor,
i.e., accelerator wire clearance and
idle speed. Carry out adjustment Locking nut Adjuster
after the first 1000 km and every 1 Loosen the locking nut.
3000 km thereafter, as follows. 2 Rotate the adjuster to make the
wire clearance between 0.5 - 1.0
Adjustment of carburetor idle mm.
speed RPM 3 After clearance adjustment,
tighten the locking nut once
After accelerator wire
adjustment, check the operation of
accelerator grip. Engine idle speed
should not increase due to the
adjustment, and the grip should
return to the closed position
1 Start the engine and allow it to automatically.
fully warmed-up without load.
2 Close the accelerator. Rotate the Adjustment of clutch
idle adjusting screw to keep the Clutch adjustment is made
engine running at 1500±100 through adjusting the tension of wire
rpm. rope for clutch lever. Before feeling
Precaution the gear disengagement by pressing
Idle speed adjustment should the clutch lever, the wire clearance
measured at clutch lever should be 4
mm. If the clutch wire clearance is
found incorrect, carry out adjustment
as follows.
Adjustment of drive chain

Adjusting bolt Locking nut

Mark Rear wheel shaft nut
To adjust:
1 Park the motorcycle with central
2 Loosen rear wheel shaft nut.
3 Loosen the locking nut.
4 Rotate the adjusting bolt left and
right to adjust the chain.
Loosen nut (2) and rotate the Note
lever tensioning ring (3) clockwise When a new chain is installed,
to the stop. Loosen the wire rope it is necessary to check both chain
adjusting ring lock nut (6), and wheels. Replace if necessary.
rotate the wire tensioning ring (5) The drive chain tension should
back and forth, until the lever be adjusted every 1000 km, to keep
clearance is about 4 mm. Lever a movable distance of 20 - 30 mm in
tensioning ring (3) can be used for the midpoint of the two chain
fine tuning. After the adjustment is wheels.
completed, tighten locking nut (2)
and (6), and cover them with
rubber sleeve (4).

time, to ensure maximal safety and
long life.
Tire pressure
A low tire pressure may
intensify tire wearing and badly
20-30 mm
affect riding stability, causing
difficulties in turning. But, a too
high tire pressure may reduce the
contact area between tires and road
The open end of drive chain
surface, causing wheel-slip and even
connection clip should point away
out of control. It is necessary to
from the direction of rotation.
always keep the tire pressure within
specified limit. Tire pressure
adjustment should be made when the
tire is cold.

Chain connector clip

Direction of rotation

Cleaning and lubrication of drive Tread pattern

chain When riding a motorcycle with
Dirt on drive chain may over-worn tires, the riding stability is
intensify the wearing of drive chain low and it may get out of control.
and chain wheels. Therefore, clean When the depth of front wheel tread
the drive chain every 1000 km with pattern is reduced to 1.6 mm or less,
cleaning solvent, and lubricate it it is advisable to replace the cover
with special chain lubricant or tire. When the tread pattern of rear
engine oil. wheel is reduced to 2 mm or less,
Tires replace the tire with a new one.
Check the tire air pressure and
tread pattern after first 1000 km and
every 3000 km thereafter. Besides
regular check, make it habit to check
the tire air pressure from time to

Problems may happen if no
standard tire is used. You are
sincerely recommended to use
standard tire.
Correct tire inflation pressure is
very important for normal vehicle Chapter 9
performance and riding safety. Measures to Reduce
Check the tire wear and inflation
pressure from time to time.
To reduce exhaust emission and
noise pollution, please follow the
several points below:
Use special purpose lubricant
Use unleaded gasoline
Observe any abnormal engine

keep away from any flame or heat
Smoking is strictly prohibited
during fuel system checking. Carry
out the work in a spacious place.

Chapter 10 1 Remove spark plug and connect

it with the high voltage cable.
Troubleshooting 2 Turn the ignition switch to ON
position and the engine
If the engine cannot be started, shutdown switch to " "
check the following items to locate position. Place the spark plug
the cause. near the engine, and start the
1 If there is fuel in fuel tank. engine. If the ignition system is
2 If fuel flows from fuel valve to in working order, there should
carburetor. be blue sparks jumping over the
3 Disconnect the fuel pipe from spark plug gap; If there is no
carburetor and turn the fuel spark, contact your distributor
valve to open position. Check if for repair.
there is fuel flowing out of the Warning
pipe. Do not make the above check
4 If it is confirmed that fuel can with the spark plug fixed near
reach the carburetor, take the carburetor to avoid fire hazard by
next step to check the ignition igniting the vaporizing fuel in
system. cylinder.
Warning To avoid electric shock, it is
Never allow fuel to flow advisable to put the metal part of
everywhere. Collect it in a vessel. spark-plug in contact to a metal part
Keep fuel away from hot engine and without paint on the vehicle body.
exhaust pipe. During the operation, To avoid disaster by electric shock,
any person suffering from heart
diseases should not do the check.
Engine shutdown
1 Check the fuel volume in fuel
2 Check sparks of ignition system.
3 Check no-load operation of the
Before any troubleshooting, it
is advisable to consult with your
distributor in advance. If the
motorcycle is still in warranty period,
be sure to contact your distributor
before making any attempt to repair
by yourself. Tampering with the
vehicle in warranty period may
invalidate the basis of warranty.

Table of Engine Troubleshooting
Trouble Cause Remedy
No fuel in fuel tank Refueling
Fuel tank valve not opened Open the valve
Fuel tank valve clogged Clean fuel tank and fuel tank
Engine cannot be started or stalls suddenly

No fuel in Float chamber needle valve valve

carburetor hole clogged Disassemble and clean the
Main jet orifice clogged carburetor
Disassemble and clean the
Sparking Oil stained spark plug Remove, clean and dry it
normal in Broken spark plug magnetic Replace spark plug
high voltage core or broken electrode Clean out carbon deposit
There is fuel in carburetor

cable and no Carbon deposit in spark plug Adjust the gap.

sparking in electrode
spark plug Incorrect spark plug gap
Leaking cylinder head gasket Tighten screw or replace gasket
Normal Loose spark plug Tighten spark plug
sparking to Seized piston ring Clean off carbon deposit in
spark plug, Excessively worn piston or piston ring and ring groove
poor broken piston ring Replace piston and piston ring
cylinder Serious cylinder wearing Replace cylinder body
Leaking intake pipe Tighten or replace rubber ring
compression Damaged crankshaft sealing Replace sealing
Serious worn out cylinder and Replace cylinder body and
piston piston
Serious worn out needle Replace bearing and relate parts
bearings in small and big ends Adjust ignition time
Abnormal noise
of connecting rod Clean out carbon deposit
from engine Premature ignition Replace spark plug
Excessive carbon deposit in
combustion chamber
Abnormal engine operation

Overheated spark plug

Water or dirt in carburetor Clean the carburetor
Clogged fuel passage Clean or replace fuel pipe
Leaking crankcase Replace sealing
Unstable engine
Leaking connection between Tighten screw
operation carburetor and engine Adjust carburetor
Over-rich or over-thin gas
Low gear riding over a long Change gear position and control
time time
Over loaded riding or extended Control load-carrying and rest
riding with heavy load from time to time for cooling
Over-rich or over-thin gas Adjust carburetor
Overheat engine mixture Replace with qualified engine oil
Unqualified engine oil or and fill oil to transmission case
insufficient transmission oil Adjust free play or replace
Slipping clutch clutch, friction lining and spring
Too tight chain Adjust tension
Unreleased brake Adjust brake clearance

Chapter 11 Storage Method

If the motorcycle is not used for a long time in winter or other seasons, it
is necessary to carry out special maintenance with appropriate materials,
equipment and techniques.
When a motorcycle is not used for a long time, make preparation before
storage: Wash the motorcycle, park it with the central stand on a solid and flat
ground and prevent it from rolling. Turn the handlebar of motorcycle to the
left side and lock it. Remove the ignition key. For safety, select a place
suitable for long time storage. To re-use the vehicle, carry out a complete
inspection to ensure normal performance of all parts of the motorcycle.
Before storing the motorcycle, empty the fuel tank. Gasoline used in
motorcycles is highly flammable and even explosive under certain conditions.
Therefore, never allow the motorcycle to get close to any fire. Never park the
vehicle in a place storing articles subject to spontaneous combustion (such as
grains, coal, cotton, etc.), because fire hazard may happen when the fuel in the
vehicle contacts naked flame.
Ensure tire inflation to normal pressure value. Keep the outside of tire
clean. Avoid exposing to sunshine or moisture for a long time. Avoid
contacting acid, alkali and oil to prevent tire corrosion.
When the vehicle is not used for a long time, remove the battery and
fully recharge it before storing it in a place out of reach of children. Then,
recharge it every month in summer and every two months in winter. If the
battery is installed on the vehicle for a long time, recharge it every month.
Steps during storage
For conventional batteries, check electrolyte levels every month. If the
fluid level is low, replenish it with distilled water or pure water to the highest
level mark. (Never use electrolyte or tap water)
Battery should be kept clean. Corrosion may happen if electrolyte is
splashed to the vehicle body, terminal or wires. In case of corrosion, wash
immediately with clear water and apply a coat of grease after drying off.
Insufficient power may cause difficulty in engine starting, weak horn
sounding and no flashing turning signal light. Then, immediately recharge the
battery for 15-20 hours. Note that, storing a low battery for a long time may
cause battery damage.
When a battery has whitened plate electrodes, low power or low fluid
level below the lower limit, and cannot restore the performance after a long
time storage even after recharging, it means the service life has been
Steps of returning service
1 Clean the entire motorcycle.
2 Remove spark plug; kick the kickback start lever to allow the engine
rotating for several turns, before reinstalling spark plug.
3 Reinstall battery.
Make sure to connect the positive connector before the negative one.
4 Adjust tire pressure according to the tire part of the manual.
5 Lubricate all parts that require lubrication according to the manual.
6 "Check before riding" as instructed in the manual.

Chapter 12 Circuit Diagram

The copyright and final power of interpretation of the manual belongs to
Jinan QingQi Motorcycle Inc. Without prior permission by Jinan Qingqi
Motorcycle Inc., no part of the manual should be reproduced, quoted or
All information, descriptions pictures and specifications in the manual
are the latest before publishing. Owing to improvement or other changes, the
contents of the manual may differ from actual conditions. Jinan QingQi
Motorcycle Inc. reserves the right of modification at any time.
Product specifications and parameters are subject to change without
Product configuration and spare parts supply may vary for different
countries or regions. For details, please consult with your local distributor!

Issued by: Jinan QingQi Motorcycle Inc.

Edited by: Jinan QingQi Motorcycle Inc.

All rights reserved Reproduction prohibited

First edition, 2008


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