CPM Handouts
CPM Handouts
CPM Handouts
CE Refresher
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT 8. Which of the following gives the normal duration of the project?
a. 22 days c. 24 days
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
b. 23 days d. 25 days
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. 9. Which of the following gives the critical path of the network?
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only. a. A-B-F-G c. C-D-G
b. A-E-G d. none of the above
10. Which of the following gives the normal cost of the project?
PERT / CPM and Crashing a. P22,550 c. P22,950
b. P22,250 d. P20,500
1. Under normal conditions, the activities for a project and the
corresponding duration are as follows: Situation 4: The activities, duration, and cost under normal and
accelerated conditions for a network diagram are shown in
Activity Duration (months)
the accompanying table.
0 – 1 (A) 6
0 – 2 (B) 9 Activity Node
Duration, days Cost, pesos
0 – 3 (D) 16 Normal Accelerated Normal Accelerated
1 – 2 (C) 8 A 1–2 10 7 3,000 3,450
2 – 3 (E) 3 B 2–4 8 6 2,600 3,400
3 – 4 (F) 6 C 1–3 6 6 2,000 2,000
2 – 4 (G) 10 D 3–5 12 11 4,800 5,100
E 2–5 13 10 3,900 4,500
Which of the following routes will give the critical path?
F 4–5 4 3 2,400 2,700
a. D-F c. A-C-E-F
G 5–6 2 2 1,800 1,800
b. A-C-G d. B-G
11. Which of the following gives the cost of the project if it is to be
Situation 1: The activities, duration, and cost under normal and
accelerated to its minimum duration?
accelerated conditions for a network diagram are shown in
a. P22,550 c. P22,950
the accompanying table.
b. P22,250 d. P22,650
Duration (days) Cost (pesos)
Activity Node 12. Which of the following is the activity that is most cost efficient in
Normal Accelerated Normal Accelerated
converting to the accelerated program?
A 1–2 3 2 6,800 7,200 a. A c. D
B 2–3 8 6 24,200 26,800 b. B d. E
C 2–4 4 4 8,000 8,000
D 4–3 6 3 6,000 6,900 13. If the budget for the project is P21,150, which of the following gives
E 3–5 2 2 5,800 5,800 the number of days to complete the project?
a. 23 days c. 22 days
F 5–6 5 4 7,200 7,550
b. 20 days d. 21 days
G 3–7 4 3 8,400 9,000
H 7–6 2 1 4,500 5,200 Mixture of Concrete
6–8 7 5 9,300 9,700 • Mix Design
J 3–9 6 5 5,300 5,900
K 9 – 10 10 7 29,100 32,100 Situation 5: A trial batch for normal weight concrete with an average
L 8 – 10 1 1 1,200 1,200 28th day compressive strength of 42 MPa is to be
M 10 – 11 3 2 8,700 9,000 proportioned based on the following:
Slump = 50 mm to 100 mm
2. Which of the following gives the critical path of the project?
a. A-B-J-K-M c. A-C-D-J-K-M Water-cement ratio by weight = 0.41
Specific gravity of cement = 3.15
b. A-B-G-H--L-M d. A-C-D-E-F--L-M
Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.68
3. Which of the following gives the minimum duration of the project? Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.64
a. 20 days c. 21 days Water (net mixing) = 200 kg/m3
b. 22 days d. 23 days Volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate = 0.64 m3/m3
Unit weight of coarse aggregate = 15.7 kN/m3
4. Which of the following gives the minimum cost of the project when
Unit weight of concrete = 23.6 kN/m3
the duration is minimum?
a. P132,450 c. P130,450 14. What is the required dry rodded weight of coarse aggregate?
b. P131,750 d. P132,350 a. 16 kN c. 20 kN
b. 27 kN d. 10 kN
Situation 2: Using the information given below:
15. Find the approximate combined weight of cement and water.
Normal Crash Immediately Normal Crash
a. 4.8 kN c. 6.7 kN
Activity Cost, Cost, follows duration, duration,
b. 2.0 kN d. 0.8 kN
pesos pesos activity days days
A 1,000 1,100 None 3 2 16. How much is the required weight of dry sand?
B 2,000 2,000 A 4 4 a. 13.5 kN c. 10.1 kN
C 1,600 1,600 B 4 4 b. 6.8 kN d. 5.9 kN
D 250 300 C 3 2 Situation 6: The basic data for proportioning trial batches for normal
E 500 600 A 2 1 weight concrete with an average compressive strength of
F 600 800 B, E 3 1 35 MPa at 28 days are as follows:
G 800 1,100 F, I 3 1
Slump = 71 mm to 100 mm
H 3,000 3,800 A 6 2
Water-cement ratio by weight = 0.48
I 400 700 H 2 1 Specific gravity of cement = 3.15
J 1,000 1,000 I 4 4 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.68
K 500 500 C, G, J 2 2 Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.64
L 500 1,000 D 2 1 Water (net mixing) = 180 kg/m3
M 600 600 K, L 2 2 Entrapped air = 1%
5. Which of the following gives the normal duration of the project? Concrete unit weight = 23.6 kN/m3
a. 15 days c. 19 days 17. What is the total volume of water, cement, coarse aggregate and
b. 17 days d. 21 days entrapped air, if the dry weight of coarse aggregate is 10.1 kN/m3?
6. Which of the following gives the normal cost of the project? a. 0.38 c. 0.12
a. P12,750 c. P10,760 b. 0.24 d. 0.69
b. P13,850 d. P15,550 18. For 10m3 of concrete, how much cement is needed?
a. 57.1 kN c. 36.8 kN
7. Which of the following gives the least cost of completing the job in
b. 18.4 kN d. 9.8 kN
the least possible time?
a. P15,200 c. P13,100 19. If the combined volume of cement, water, coarse aggregate and
b. P14,100 d. P16,200 entrapped air is 0.55 m3 what weight of dry sand is required?
a. 13.0 kN c. 25.9 kN
Situation 3: The activities, duration, and cost under normal and
b. 16.4 kN d. 11.6 kN
accelerated conditions for a network diagram are shown in
the accompanying table. Situation 7: A concrete mix has a ratio of 1:2:4 by mass. The properties
of the materials to be used are tabulated below.
Duration, days Cost, pesos
Activity Node
Normal Accelerated Normal Accelerated Materials Specific gravity
A 1–2 10 7 3,000 3,450 Cement 3.33
B 2–4 8 6 2,600 3,400 Sand 2.65
C 1–3 6 6 2,000 2,000 Gravel 2.67
D 3–5 12 11 4,800 5,100
Cement weighs 40 kg per bag. Use 24 liters of water per
E 2–5 13 10 3,900 4,500
bag of cement.
F 4–5 4 3 2,400 2,700
G 5–6 2 2 1,800 1,800
1 Dindo F. Esplana
CE Refresher
20. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of cement
solids per bag of cement?
a. 0.0240 m3 c. 0.0420 m3
b. 0.0210 m3 d. 0.0120 m3
21. Which of the following most nearly gives the required volume of
sand solids per bag of cement?
a. 0.0203 m3 c. 0.0401 m3
b. 0.0302 m3 d. 0.0104 m3
22. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of concrete
that can be produced per bag of cement?
a. 0.1061 m3 c. 0.1261 m3
b. 0.0661 m3 d. 0.1461 m3
Situation 8: It is required to produce 20 m3 of concrete using 1:2.50:5
design mix. The properties of the materials to be used are
tabulated below.
Materials Specific gravity Density
Cement 3.10 1,506 kg/m3
Sand 2.65 1,680 kg/m3
Gravel 2.50 1,525 kg/m3
Assume that 1 bag of cement has a volume of 1 ft3. Use 26
liters of water per bag of cement.
23. Which of the following most nearly gives the required number of
bags of cement?
a. 127 bags c. 117 bags
b. 110 bags d. 104 bags
24. Which of the following most nearly gives the required quantity of
a. 6.59 m3 c. 9.42 m3
b. 7.06 m3 d. 8.28 m3
25. Which of the following most nearly gives the required quantity of
a. 13.18 m3 c. 14.12 m3
b. 16.56 m3 d. 18.84 m3
• Yield Adjustment
Situation 10: A concrete mixture has the following composition:
34 bags at 40 kg/bag
Specific gravity = 3.15
Fine aggregates:
3,000 kg (dry basis)
Specific gravity = 2.67
1.60% absorption
Coarse aggregates:
6,000 kg (dry basis)
Specific gravity = 2.64
1.20% absorption
600 liters
26. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume occupied by
fine aggregates?
a. 0.60 m3 c. 2.27 m3
b. 1.12 m3 d. 0.43 m3
27. Which of the following most nearly gives the volume of concrete
a. 4.60 m3 c. 4.75 m3
b. 4.22 m3 d. 4.43 m3
28. Which of the following most nearly gives the adjusted volume of
a. 0.549 m3 c. 0.576 m3
b. 0.720 m3 d. 0.582 m3
2 Dindo F. Esplana