Assignement 1: Exercise 1
Assignement 1: Exercise 1
Assignement 1: Exercise 1
Assignement 1
Exercise 1
Schedule the following activities using CPM
Exercise 2
A project has been defined to contain the list of activities, in the following
table, along with their required times for completion:
Exercise 3
Here are the precedence requirements, normal and crash activity times, and
normal and crash costs for a construction project
Activity Preceding Required Time (Weeks) Cost
Activities Normal Crash Normal Crash
A 4 2 $10 000 $11 000
B A 3 2 $6 000 $9 000
C A 2 1 $4 000 $6 000
D B 5 3 $14 000 $18 000
E B, C 1 1 $9 000 $9 000
F C 3 2 $7 000 $8 000
G E, F 4 2 $13 000 $25 000
H D, E 4 1 $11 000 $18 000
I H, G 6 5 $20 000 $29 000
1. What are the critical path and the estimated completion time?
2. To shorten the project by three weeks, whish tasks should be shortened
and what would the final total project cost be?