Empowerment Technologies Reviewer
Empowerment Technologies Reviewer
Empowerment Technologies Reviewer
Communication has improved and evolved to facilitate our • in a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine
daily activities. In the 21st century, everything related to Business and Industries, NSO, in 2010, the ICT industry
communication utilizes technology to ‘send out’ or shares 19.3% of the total employment population
disseminate information
to a wider audience. Information can be ‘sent out’ in many • Time Magazine in 2014 released “The Selfiest Cities
ways. The inventions of cellular phones, television and around the World” which included Makati and Pasig City at
other electronic devices are important in enhancing Rank 1 and Cebu City at Top 9.
The World Wide Web
Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a - invented by Tim Berners-Lee
process whereby information is exchanged between
individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions.
Previously, people communicated through sign or symbols, World Wide Web: Web 1.0
performing drama and poetry. With the advent of • the page cannot be manipulated by the user
technology, these ‘older’ • the content is also the same for all users
forms of communication are less utilized as compared to Examples of Static Websites
the use of the Internet, e-mail or video conferencing. •Documentation
•Developing Cache
INFORMATION •Website presentation
•Communication cache-scrapping buffer
Information refers to the knowledge obtained from •Forms
reading, investigation, study or research. •Newsletter Contents
•Disaster page
We need information to make decisions and to predict the •Recovery from disaster status
future. For example, scientists can detect the formation of •Landing page/scales
a tsunami using the latest •Blogs.
technology and warn the public to avoid
disasters in the affected areas. World Wide Web: Web 2.0
• the evolution of Web 1.0
TECHNOLOGY • the user is able to see a website differently than others
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience • allows users to interact with a page
and resources to create processes and products that fulfill
human needs. Technology is vital in communication.
4. Vagueness
~certain words are imprecise. FORMS OF CYBERBULLYING
5. Logic FLAMING
~since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for HARASSMENT
a computer to be able to predict what the user is referring DENIGRATION
to at a given time. -Sending or posting gossip or rumors
about a person to damage his or her reputation or
Trends in ICT friendships.
• Sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information
or images online
Is when one is intentionally or cruelly excluded from an
online group
Defines all types of crimes in which someone wrongfully
obtains and uses another person’s personal data in
someway that involves farud,
deception, typicaly for economic gain.
Sending emails purporting to be from reputable
companies in order to induce individuals to reveal
personal information such as passwords and credit card