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Group two (2) Presentation.


1. Shadrack Osike – BTIT/687J/2022


User Experience Design: User Experience Design vis - a - vi human computer interaction, human
factors to user experience design.


 User experience

User Experience is the quality of experience a person has when interacting with a specific design. It
encompasses a range of design practices, including research, analysis, prototyping, and testing, with the
goal of improving the user's overall experience.

 Human computer interaction (HCL)

HCI focuses on the interaction between users and computers, while Human Factors takes a broader
approach to consider the interaction between humans and any system or environment. Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human Factors are related fields that also focus on designing interfaces
between humans and technology

What User Experience Include:

User Experience Honeycomb. This theory and diagram state that a website or piece of information
online must be:

Useful: Does your website content and design fulfill a need? Do your customers find the information on
your website to be useful?

Usable: In short, is your website simple to use? Is it intuitive?

Desirable: Does your website design appeal to your audience? Is it enticing to interact with? Does it grab
a user’s attention?

Findable: Can users find the information they need easily? Can your website be found quickly on the

Accessible: Is your website accessible by all? Does it accommodate users with disabilities?

Credible: Is the information on your website truthful? Will users believe what they find on your website?
It has been reported that judgments on website credibility are 75% based on a website’s overall
Valuable: With all of these factors combined, does your website content, design, and functionality
provide value for users?

Everything on your website, from the marketing copy to the URL structure, contributes to a user’s
overall experience with your brand.

What does human computer interaction, human factors to user experience design include?

Some of the areas that HCI and human factors cover in UX design include:

1. User research: HCI and human factors provide research methods to gather data about user
needs, behavior, and preferences.

2. Usability testing: HCI and human factors provide methods to test the usability of designs to
identify usability problems and evaluate their impact on the user experience.

3. User interface design: HCI and human factors provide design principles to create user interfaces
that are easy to use and understand.

4. Accessibility: HCI and human factors provide guidelines to ensure that digital products are
accessible to users with disabilities.

5. Ergonomics: HCI and human factors provide guidelines for designing products that are
comfortable and safe to use.

Differences and similarities between these three fields are:

User Experience Design Human-Computer Human factors


Focus Designing digital Designing interactive Improving performance

products or services systems that facilitate and safety by
that are intuitive, easy communication considering physical,
to use, and enjoyable between humans and cognitive, and
for users. computers. emotional factors that
influence the user's
Methodologies UX research, persona Task analysis, user Ergonomics, human
development, wire testing, cognitive error analysis, user-
framing, prototyping, modeling, interface centered design,
usability testing, etc. design, etc. anthropometry, etc.
Goal To create digital To understand how To design products and
products and services users interact with environments that are
that are not only digital products and optimized for human
functional and usable services and design use, taking into account
but also enjoyable and intuitive interfaces that physical, cognitive, and
satisfying for users. are easy to use. emotional factors.
Emphasis User needs and Interface design, Human performance,
expectations, emotional usability, efficiency, safety, comfort, health,
design, aesthetics, effectiveness. well-being.

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