1 s2.0 S1385894707005220 Main
1 s2.0 S1385894707005220 Main
1 s2.0 S1385894707005220 Main
Abstract The present work focuses on a strategy for optimizing mono pressure weak nitric acid plants. The optimization strategy addresses important processes which include oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide, heat recovery from product stream of ammonia oxidation reactor and absorption accompanied by complex chemical reactions of multi-component nitrogen oxide gases into water. In design and optimization of nitric acid process, it is essential to understand the rate controlling step for ammonia oxidation process, strategy to be adopted for heat exchanger network design, rates of mass transfer and chemical reaction for nitrogen oxide absorption and the combined effects of several equilibria. The work addresses these issues taking through the complexities in the above mentioned processes. The parametric sensitivity of few parameters such as ammonia to air ratio, excess oxygen/air, selectivity, power recovery based on the performance efciency of compressor and expander, inlet and outlet nitrogen oxide composition in condenser and absorption column have been a part of our investigation either explicitly or implicitly. Further, for the absorption column, the effects of geometrical parameters, excess air, extent of absorption, product acid concentration, temperature and pressure have been analyzed for the purpose of optimization of nitric acid plant. All parameters having major inuence on annualized cost of product acid have been analyzed and presented. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nitric acid manufacture; Optimization strategy; Ammonia oxidation; Platinum losses; Multi-component absorption; NOx absorption; HNO3 tray proles
1. Introduction In making nitric acid, as in most other products, there is no single right way. It would be difcult to cite a process so common to industrial chemical scenario and yet posing so severe a challenge to our comprehension of its fundamental mechanism as that of absorption of nitrogen oxides in water to produce nitric acid. The manufacture of nitric acid process comprises of oxidation of ammonia to produce nitrogen oxides, followed by gas phase oxidation of nitric oxide by oxygen, and subsequent absorption and reaction of the higher nitrogen oxides into water to produce nitric acid. In this work the focus is on mono high pressure processes. A typical process ow diagram is presented in Fig. 1 [1]. In a mono high pressure process, the absorption column plays a dual role: (a) HNO3 manufacture and concurrently (b) NOx abatement. Hence, the understanding of the mechanism of NOx absorption holds the key to nitric acid manufacture. Considerable research efforts have been expended [27]
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 22 414 5616; fax: +91 22 414 5614. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.B. Joshi).
to bring out the following aspects of NOx absorption: (i) NOx gases consists of several components NO, NO2 , N2 O3 , N2 O4 , HNO2 , HNO3 , etc. and the liquid phase contains two oxyacids (i.e. nitric acid and nitrous acid), (ii) several reversible and irreversible reactions occur both in gas and liquid phases, (iii) absorption of multiple gases is accompanied by chemical reaction, (iv) desorption of gases occur preceded by chemical reaction, (v) heterogeneous equilibria prevail between the gas and the liquid phase components, (vi) heat effects of the absorptions and the chemical reactions. All these aspects make the process of NOx absorption probably the most complex with respect to other absorption operations. In addition to these attempts made in the past [810], the following important features have been considered in the present model for absorber. (i) The rates of absorption of NO2 , N2 O3 and N2 O4 in nitric acid are different from those in water. The rates decrease with an increase in concentration of nitric acid. (ii) Carberry [11] in his work has shown that, for a given set of partial pressures of NO, NO2 and N2 O4 , there exists a certain limiting concentration of nitric acid beyond which no absorption of either N2 O4 or NO2 occurs. This heterogeneous equilibrium substantially reduces the rates of absorption of NO2 , N2 O3 and
1385-8947/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2007.07.064
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
Nomenclature a a Ci D e f Fi g G H k kb kf k1 Keq KH Kn K6 L Mi N pi P P Pf Q rNH3 rPtO2 R Rai Re S t T u V w x XN Yi YH2 O YN YNO z surface area per unit volume (m2 m3 ) concentration for species i (kmol m3 ) diameter (m) efciency friction factor molar ow rate for species i (kmol s1 ) acceleration due to gravity (m s2 ) inert molar ow rate (kmol s1 ) height of column (m) mass transfer coefcient (m s1 ) backward rate constant for reaction Eq. (5) (kmol kN1 s1 ) forward rate constant for reaction Eq. (5) (kmol kN1 s1 ) forward rate constant for nitric oxide oxidation (kPa1 ) equilibrium constant for reaction Eq. (5) heterogeneous equilibrium constant (kPa2 ) equilibrium constants for reactions tabulated in Table 1 (n = 25) (kPa2 s1 ) parameter dened by Eq. (2.22) (kPa1/2 ) molar ow rate of water (kmol s1 ) molecular weight of species i (kg kmol1 ) number of catalyst screens partial pressure of species i (kPa) operating pressure (kPa) power (kW) power factor ow rate (m3 s1 ) rate of mass transfer of ammonia on catalyst surface (kmol m3 s1 ) rate of platinum oxidation (kmol m3 s1 ) gas constant (kJ kmol1 K1 ) volumetric rates of mass transfer for species i (kmol m3 s1 ) reynolds number cross sectional area (m2 ) thickness (m) temperature of operation (K) uid approach velocity (m s1 ) volume (m3 ) weight percentage of nitric acid conversion of ammonia to nitric oxide moles of reactive nitrogen per mole of water moles of species i per mole of inert moles of water per mole of inert moles of reactive nitrogen per mole of inert moles of divalent nitrogen per mole of inert length (m) wire area per gauze cross sectional area (m2 m2 )
Subscripts G gas phase i inlet L liquid phase n stage number o outlet s screen S side stream Superscripts b heterogeneous equilibria value o bulk s surface
N2 O4 , and the extent of reduction increases with an increase in the nitric acid concentration and nally approaching the equilibrium value. (iii) Substantial quantity of nitric acid is formed in the gas phase, at high temperature and pressure. (iv) The heat effects due to absorption and oxidation. (v) 1/3 mole of NO desorbs for every mole of NOx absorbed. This shows that the rate of oxidation and absorption/desorption are linked. (vi) Absorption rate of NO is negligible, however in the presence of NO2 , the NO forms N2 O3 and subsequently HNO2 because of the presence of H2 O vapor in the gas phase. The rates of N2 O3 and HNO2 absorption are very high as compared with even NO2 . Therefore the presence of NO2 enhances the rate of absorption of NO. (vii) Maximum permissible concentration of nitric acid decreases with an increase in the mole fraction of nitric oxide. As the absorption continues, mole fraction of NO increases due to the absorption of N2 O4 , N2 O3 and HNO3. Therefore, multistage absorption is needed to get the desired concentration of nitric acid where, each stage comprises of an absorption section and an oxidation section. The plate spacing depends upon the gas phase composition and the desired extent of oxidation, also the extent of absorption on a stage is a variable. (viii) The effect of temperature is multifold. The rate of NO oxidation decreases whereas the rate of absorption increases with an increase in temperature. The equilibria (for the formation of N2 O4 and N2 O3 ) are favored at low temperature. Moreover, for a given NOx composition in the gas space, the maximum permissible nitric acid concentration increases with fall in temperature. (ix) Total pressure inuences both the rates: NO oxidation and the NOx absorption. In addition to the process of NOx absorption, ammonia oxidation and platinum losses from the catalyst screens also play a major role in optimization process. The heat recovery and power recovery are important aspects that need attention while developing a strategy for optimizing the process parameters for nitric acid process. The objective of the present work is to provide a strategy for improvement of production capacity and product quality in an operating plant, along with proposing an optimization strategy. The need was felt to develop models for all the units
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
Fig. 1. Process ow diagram (PFD) (A: steam turbine, B: compressor, C: expander, DL: heat exchanger, M: platinum lter, N: cooler/condenser, O: ammonia vaporizer, P: ammonia super heater, Q: absorber, R: oxidizer, S: reactor, T: static mixer, U: bleacher).
in the plant as they are interrelated and the operating parameters are strongly interacting. 2. Mathematical model
below. The reactions that are considered while developing these models are listed in Table 1, along with the various rate constants, equilibrium constants and heats of reaction/formation. 2.1. Ammonia oxidation reactor
In order to develop an optimization strategy, it is important to identify various process parameters that inuence the cost of operation. The costing models consider pressure drops across various equipment, compressor power requirement, pumping power requirement for cooling water in condenser and absorber, raw material requirements, catalyst requirements, associated process water requirement and the power for refrigeration. The mathematical models for practically all the equipment (which decide the capital and operating costs) have been described
Catalytic oxidation of ammonia is commercially one of the most important reactions in heterogeneous catalysis. Oele [12] has shown that the overall oxidation rate is controlled by the transfer of NH3 from the bulk gas phase to the platinum surface. This claim has been veried, with respect to, the rate of chemical reaction model proposed by Fila and Bernauer [13]. In the range of parameters covered in this work (as presented in Table 2), it can be seen from Table 3, ammonia oxidation is
Table 1 Reactions considered in model development Reactions (A) Gas phase 4NH3 +5O2 4NO + 6H2 O 2NO + O2 2NO2 2NO2
K2 k1
Standard heat of reaction (25 C, kJ 103 ) H1 = 226.60 per kmol NH3 oxidized H2 = 57.11 per kmol NO oxidized H3 = 57.32 per kmol N2 O4 formed H4 = 39.98 per kmol N2 O3 formed H5 = 17.71 per kmol HNO3 formed H6 = 20.53 per kmol HNO2 formed Standard heat of reaction (25 C, kJ 103 ) H7 = 53.68 per kmol NO2 absorbed H8 = 50.41 per kmol N2 O4 absorbed H9 = 39.98 per kmol N2 O3 absorbed H10 = +23.90 per kmol HNO2 absorbed H11 = 39.19 per kmol HNO3 absorbed H12 = 41.45 per kmol HNO2 absorbed
N2 O4
NO + NO2
N2 O3
NO + NO2 + H2 O 2HNO2 3NO2 + H2 O Reactions (B) Liquid phase 2NO2 (g) + H2 O(l) HNO3 (l) + HNO2 (l) N2 O4 (g) + H2 O(l) HNO3 (l) + HNO2 (l) N2 O3 (g) + H2 O(l) 2HNO2 (l) 3HNO2 (l) HNO3 (l) + 2NO(g) + H2 O(l) HNO3 (g) HNO3 (l) HNO2 (g) HNO2 (l) 2HNO3 + NO
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577 Table 2 Process parameters used for model validations Units Production HNO3 as 100% basis Concentration of product acid Compressor discharge pressure Reactor Ammonia selectivity to nitric oxide Cooler condenser Condensate temperature Condensate concentration Absorption column Stages Diameter Absorption temperature Chiller zone temperature TPD % kPa %
sure drop across the screen was estimated using the following equation:
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
300 300 300 60.00 59.63 60.03 1183 1295 1241 90.0 35 50 41 49.16 38 3.2 40 20 33 49.63
ftu2 2 D s
where the friction factor for the screen is given by [15]: f = 8.61 + 0.52 Re (4)
% m C C
mass transfer controlled. This means that the value of ammonia partial pressure at the catalyst surface is zero. The overall rate is given by the following equation: rNH3 = kG a CNH3 (1)
In order to carry out the optimization exercise, it is imperative to evaluate the platinum losses occurring under various operating conditions in the plant. It has been known [16] that the observed volatility of the platinum group metals in the presence of oxygen is higher than that for pure metal and the enhanced volatility has been attributed to the formation of volatile oxides. At temperatures above approximately 1073 K, platinum oxidizes slowly to produce a volatile species PtO2 [17]. Also it has been shown [18] that the losses due to mechanical attrition are negligible. During the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, X-ray microanalysis [19] has shown that the rhodium oxide also gets formed on the surface of the Pt-Rh gauzes. The oxidation of platinum is a reversible reaction. However, the product PtO2 is transferred to the gas phase which favors the forward reaction: Pt + O2
kf kb
Assuming the gas phase to be back mixed the number of catalyst screens is given as: N= Fi,NH3 x kG CNH3 aS where a = aNS (2)
The mass transfer coefcient for woven wire screen catalyst [14], surface area per unit volume of screens, the equivalent pore diameter (0.24 mm) and the voidage (0.81) were evaluated using the procedures given by Armour and Cannon [15]. The presTable 3 Comparison of mass transfer and chemical reaction rates for ammonia oxidation Parameter Rate of ammonia oxidation (kmol/m2 s) Mass transfer controlling [12] Pressure (kPa) 900 1.25e-3 1100 1.25e-3 1300 1.25e-3 1500 1.25e-3 1700 1.25e-3 Chemical reaction controlling [13] 1.72e-3 1.92e-3 2.08e-3 2.24e-3 2.38e-3 % Increase of chemical reaction rate to mass transfer rate
Mass transfer coefcients [14] (for PtO2 ) have been calculated for specic geometries [15] and ow conditions of the catalyst screens. The equilibrium constant has been evaluated from the experimental data of Alock and Hooper [17]. The overall rate of mass transfer accompanied by the chemical reaction has been derived by Bartlett [20]. The platinum losses due to PtO2 formation can be given as [20]: rPtO2 = kG a(2MPtO2 RT )1/2 Keq CO2 {kG /RT + (2MPtO2 RT )1/2 } (6)
2.2. Heat exchanger network The gases leave the ammonia reactor/oxidizer at about 1173 K whereas the NOx absorber operates in the range of 328318 K. Therefore, the gases need to be cooled in such a way that the enthalpy is used advantageously for steam generation and for preheating various streams. These features need to be included in the heat exchanger network which contributes to the capital cost as well as operating cost due to pressure drop. The present model for heat exchanger network, addresses to all these aspects along with the chemical reaction taking place within the exchangers. The model uses appropriate methods for the estimation of pressure drop across the tube bank [21] which includes due consideration of the geometric layout for the tube banks [22]. The contribution to shell side pressure drop by, cross ow, bafe windows and end zones have been considered. The shell side heat transfer coefcient was corrected for segmental bafe window, bafe leakage, bypass, non equal inlet-outlet bafe spacing, etc. The shell side corrections over an ideal shell side pressure drop
37.60 53.60 66.40 79.20 90.40 63.20 66.40 69.60 72.80 69.17 67.46 66.40 64.80
Inlet temperature of ammonia oxidation reactor ( C) 210 1.25e-3 2.04e-3 230 1.25e-3 2.08e-3 250 1.25e-3 2.12e-3 270 1.25e-3 2.16e-3 Excess air to ammonia oxidation reactor (wt%) 7 1.27e-3 2.14e-3 9 1.26e-3 2.11e-3 11 1.25e-3 2.08e-3 13 1.24e-3 2.06e-3
Parameters considered for rate comparison (otherwise mentioned): capacity = 300 TPD (100% HNO3 basis); quality of acid = 60 wt% (HNO3 ); inlet temperature to ammonia oxidation reactor = 230 C; excess air = 11 wt%; operating pressure = 1300 kPa; selectivity of ammonia to nitric oxide = 90%.
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
and heat transfer coefcient were estimated according to the recommendations of Bell-Delaware [23]. The chemical reactions occurring in the heat exchanger train were considered according to the model presented later in the section on the oxidizer. Plug ow behavior was considered in the tubes of the heat exchanger, as the peclet number was found to be greater than 30. Details on mass balance, heat balance, gas equilibria and method of solution of the model equations have been given in Appendix A. 2.3. Condenser Condensers are generally large surface area heat exchangers. The process gas enters from the preceding heat exchanger which contains NOx gases, N2 , unreacted O2 and water vapor as a product of ammonia oxidation reaction. In the process design of nitric acid plant, the design of condenser is crucial for obtaining the desired concentration of product acid from the absorption section. A number of chemical reactions and chemico-physical phenomena; like (i) nitric oxide oxidation, (ii) formation of higher nitrogen oxides, (iii) water condensation, and (iv) absorption of nitrogen oxides; occur in condenser. The present model accounts for gas-phase reactions and equilibria, condensation, and the effect of heterogeneous equilibria on the condensate concentration. The model considers water entering the condenser in the form of vapor, majority of which condenses and then reacts to form nitric and nitrous acid in the liquid phase. The methodology for solving the material balance of the condenser is as follows: (i) concentration of nitric acid in condensate is assumed, (ii) the nitrogen mole fraction at the inlet is above 0.85. The outlet mole fraction is assumed which permits the estimation of total molar gas ow rate at the condenser exit (iii) from the nitric acid concentration and temperature of the condensate, the partial pressure of nitric acid and water in the gas phase were evaluated and which, in turn, enabled the estimation of the amount of water condensed, (iv) the oxidation of NO to NO2 in the condenser tubes was calculated using the models described in Appendix A, (v) the reactive nitrogen in the outlet gas was estimated from the difference of the reactive nitrogen at the inlet (to condenser) and the reactive nitrogen in the condensate, (vi) the individual composition of NOx gases at the condenser was estimated from the gas phase equilibria described in Appendix A, (vii) with known quantities of NO and N2 O4 , the equilibrium concentration of nitric acid leaving the condenser was evaluated using the procedure of Carberry [11], (viii) the HNO3 concentration obtained in step (vii) was replaced by the assumed concentration in the step (i) and all the steps were repeated for convergence so as to achieve complete balances at the elemental level on nitrogen, reactive nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, (viii) nally heat balance and pressure drop were estimated across the condenser. 2.4. Oxidizer or preconditioning zone The NOx gases leaving the heat exchanger train contains mainly nitric oxide and needs further oxidation prior to absorption. The oxidizer is usually a part of the absorption column
and occupies the volume beneath the bottom-most tray. The heterogeneous equilibrium between NO (g) and HNO3 (l) controls the nitric acid concentration for a given partial pressure of NOx gases. Therefore the oxidizer is important equipment for the manufacture of nitric acid with high concentration. A differential mass balance for the NO oxidation is given by:
dYNO S = [k1 (pNO )2 pO2 ] dz G
In addition to the formation of the nitrogen dioxide, other nitrogen oxides (N2 O3 and N2 O4 ) and oxyacids are formed according to the equilibria described in Table 1(A). Further, the heat balance effects of these reactions result into a temperature prole along the length of oxidizer. The method of solution of material balance across the oxidizer along with the heat balance is given in Appendix A. 2.5. Absorption column The literature shows the development phases which started with the graphical method [24] which involved a modied McCabe-Thiele method, considering only NO, NO2 and N2 O4 in the gas phase, the models thereafter developed accounted for (i) extensive heat balance [25], (ii) gas phase equilibria [26,27] and the gas phase oxidation of NO to NO2 , (iii) formation [28] of HNO2 and HNO3 , (iv) simultaneous absorption of NO2 , N2 O3 and N2 O4 with chemical reaction [29] with water and the dependence of these rates on nitric acid concentration and temperature, (v) heterogeneous gasliquid equilibria [30], (vi) HNO2 decomposition [26] in the liquid phase, (vii) desorption of NO preceded by chemical reaction [30]. The effect of low solubility of NO and the back pressure due to heterogeneous equilibria neglected previously [31,32] have been accounted in the model developed in this work. The increasingly stringent environmental protection regulations, has made it necessary to develop optimization strategies for keeping the NOx emissions within permissible limits. 2.5.1. Absorption stage on a plate In the present work a plate column having bubble cap trays has been considered. The following assumptions have been made (i) the liquid phase is completely back-mixed on a plate and the gas phase moves in a plug ow manner, (ii) liquid hold up is uniform throughout the plate, (iii) the gas follows an ideal behavior, (iv) column operates under steady state. The component balances for the gas and liquid phases are described in Appendix B. The overall material balance for an absorption stage is given by the following equations: Reactive nitrogen:
G(YN,n1 YN,n ) = Ln XN,n Ln+1 XN,n+1 LS XN,S
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
Fig. 2. Proles for a 300 TPD plant with 60% weight product quality for different cases as presented in Table 1: (A) pressure prole in plant at various locations. (B) Nitric acid concentration prole on trays. Case 1: ( ) reported, () simulated. Case 2: () reported, () simulated. Case 3: (+) reported () simulated. (C) Catalyst screen requirement and platinum losses for various NO selectivity. (D) Reactor outlet temperature and platinum losses for various NO selectivity. (E) Cost of product acid and catalyst screen requirement for various NO selectivity.
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
Fig. 3. (A) Optimum pressure and gas space height at 3% (wt) excess air. (B) Optimum excess air and gas space height at 1125 kPa total pressure. (C) Optimum gas space height for a wide range of excess air (315% (wt)) and total pressure (9001700 kPa). (D) Effect of xed capital contribution on optimum gas space height. (E) Effect of absorber tray temperature on optimum gas space height. (F) Effect of chiller zone temperature on optimum gas space height. (G) Effect of oxidizer volume on optimum gas space height.
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
= Ln
1 + XN,n
1 + XN,S
LS (10)
HgQ (12) e For the estimation of power for cooling water, the pressure drops in the water line were suitably calculated. 3. Results and discussion
2.5.2. Empty section or space between plates The empty section or the space between plates acts as an oxidizer for NO and the oxidizer model has been given in Appendix A. The rise in temperature in empty section was based on the heat balance. The empty section plays an important role as it decides the relative proportion of tetravalent to divalent nitrogen oxides entering the next plate and hence it also decides the maximum permissible concentration of HNO3 leaving the plate. 2.5.3. Estimation of design parameters The design parameters such as fractional liquid hold up, fractional gas hold up, gas and liquid side mass transfer coefcients [33], dry tray and wet tray pressure drops for the bubble cap trays were estimated according to the procedures of Bolle and Dauphine [34]. 2.5.4. Heat balance The heat balance for the above two parts were modeled separately. In absorption on a stage, the heat balance is accounted for gas and liquid phase as: (i) rate of formation of N2 O3 from NO and NO2 , (ii) rate of formation of N2 O4 from NO2 , (iii) rate of formation of HNO3 , (iv) rate of formation of HNO2 , (v) rate of heat liberated due to oxidation of NO, and (vi) rate of water evaporation. In the empty section, heat balance was modeled as outlined for oxidizer. The values of heats of various reactions have been given in Table 1. 2.6. Compressor and expander For the estimation of compressor power an isothermal condition has been assumed (as the compression heat is removed during the stages) and is given by: P = Pi Qln Po /Pi ePf (11)
The models developed in this work are aimed at providing a strategy for optimization of the capacity and/or the HNO3 product concentration. The cost calculations are presented for per ton of product acid. The components of xed cost include: (i) reactor/catalyst, (ii) heat exchangers, (iii) oxidizer, (iv) absorption column, and (v) compressor or expander. The xed cost was annualized at 25% towards depreciation, interest, maintenance, etc. The operating cost includes (i) ammonia consumption, (ii) power required for compressor, (iii) chiller load, (iv) power for pumping, (v) catalyst loss, (vi) process water, and (vii) cooling water requirements. The power is recovered in the plant by the expander and the steam turbine. Additional operating expenses like, overheads, insurance, etc. were also included in the overall cost calculations. A typical weightage of various parameters contributing to total cost of production per ton of product acid is as follows: ammonia 45%, power 29.5%, water 2.2%, chiller 1%, catalyst replacement 7%, column 5.5%, heat exchanger 4%, catalyst 0.8%, and additional costs 5% which mainly includes overheads. It may be noted that the rst ve parameters are of recurring type whereas the next three are of capital in nature and have been suitably annualized.
Table 4 Plant simulation results Process parameter Reactor Conversion in NH3 reactor Number of screens in NH3 reactor Platinum losses in NH3 reactor Waste heat boiler Steam generation Condenser Heat duty Reactive nitrogen in gas outlet Reactive nitrogen in liquid outlet HNO3 concentration in condensate Absorber Cooling water Power Compressor power (consumption) Expander power (generation) Unit (per ton 100% HNO3 ) mg Reported value 90 28 Simulated value 90 24 40.24
Compressor efciency and power factor have been taken as 65% and 75%, respectively. The high pressure low temperature gases emitted at the exit of absorption column, are heated and passed through the expander for power recovery. A certain percentage of the power recovery (70%) was incorporated in the cost calculations. 2.7. Pump The process water required for the absorption and the cooling water required on trays are pumped to their respective locations. The pumping power requirement for the process water
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
Fig. 4. (A) Optimum excess air and equal divalent nitrogen conversion at 900 kPa total pressure. (B) Optimum pressure and equal divalent nitrogen conversion at 6.8% (wt) excess air. (C) Optimum divalent nitrogen conversion for a wide range of excess air (315% (wt)) and total pressure (9001700 kPa). (D) Effect of 75% and 80% power recovery on optimum divalent nitrogen conversion. (E) Effect of 85% and 90% power recovery on optimum divalent nitrogen conversion. (F) Effect of xed capital contribution on optimum divalent nitrogen conversion. (G) Effect of oxidizer volume on optimum divalent nitrogen conversion.
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
3.1. Plant simulation Table 2 presents the process parameters of an operating plant used for the model validation. The pressure prole predicted by simulation is compared with the plant data in Fig. 2A. A good agreement (within 3.5%) can be observed between the model predictions and the plant data. The comparison of model predictions for the HNO3 concentration with the plant data is presented in Fig. 2B. These predictions are also in good agreement with the plant data, within 5%. The other parameters obtained from the simulations have been compared with the plant data in Table 4, which shows an agreement within 10 to 15%. The effect of NO selectivity on platinum losses is depicted in Fig. 2C and Fig. 2D. It can be observed that the reactor outlet temperature drops with an increase in the NO selectivity. This observation has main effect on the catalyst screen requirement which increases with an increase in the extent of NH3 requirement for desired NO selectivity. Fig. 2E shows, the effect of percentage xed capital contribution to annualized product acid cost for various NO selectivity. It has been observed that, for a 300 TPD (100% basis of HNO3 ) and 60% product quality, NO selectivity above 92% makes the annualized catalyst cost to be prohibitively high.
3.2. Strategy for optimization Process parameters like pressure, excess air, absorber tray temperature and chiller zone temperature have a profound effect on the cost of production. Hence, it was thought desirable to develop an optimization strategy for designing a nitric acid plant with a capacity of 300 TPD (100% HNO3 basis) and 60% product quality. For this purpose the outlet NOx has been considered at 200 ppmV. Two strategies adopted for the optimum design of absorber have been discussed below: 3.2.1. Absorber with equi-spaced plates The empty space (here in after, termed as gas space) in every stage was considered to possess the same volume throughout the length of the absorber, in this discussion. Fig. 3A shows that the operating pressure plays a dominant role on the gas space volume. Low height increases the xed capital contribution as more number of stages is required to achieve the desired outlet NOx of 200 ppmV. As the height of the gas space increases, the conversion of divalent to tetravalent nitrogen oxide increases, which in turn, increases the absorption efciency thereby, reducing the number of stages. Further, increase pressure increases the operating cost and decreases the
Fig. 5. Effect of outlet NOx (ppmV) on optimum divalent nitrogen conversion: (A) 150, (B) 200, (C) 250, (D) 300.
I.B. Chatterjee, J.B. Joshi / Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (2008) 556577
capital cost because of the lower number of stage requirement. A comprehensive parametric sensitivity analysis has shown that for the case of 3% (wt) excess air, the optimum height of gas space is 0.50 m, the operating pressure is 1125 kPa, and this results into the product acid cost to be 75.05 $/ton. Fig. 3B shows that the optimum excess air was 6.5% (wt) and optimum height of empty space was 0.40 m, for an operating pressure of 1125 kPa. Increasing the percent excess air, increases the partial pressure of oxygen, leading to enhanced oxidation; thus reducing the number of stages required to achieve the constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at the absorber outlet. The total cost in this case works out to be 75.00 $/ton. In addition to the above two results, simulations were performed over a wide range of excess air (315% (wt)) and total pressure (9001700 kPa). The results are shown in Fig. 3C. For 7% (wt) excess air, the optimum height was found to be 0.42 m and the optimum pressure to be 1100 kPa, respectively. For this case the capital cost was annualized at the rate of 25%. However, if we take 20% as the basis, the optimum gas space height was found to be 0.5 m whereas for 30% case, the optimum height was 0.38 m, as shown in Fig. 3D. Therefore, for a 50% variation in the xed cost contribution, the variation in the optimum height of gas space works out to be 30% and the variation in the total product acid cost is 5%.
The temperature plays a pivot role in the equilibria of gas phase reactions, thereby, inuencing the composition of NOx gases. The equilibrium constant correlations provided in Table 1A shows that the gas phase equilibria are favored by low temperature operation. Fig. 3E shows the effect of absorber tray temperature for an operating pressure of 1125 kPa on the optimum gas space height. For a temperature of 40 C the value was 0.40 m and the excess air was 7% (wt). Similarly, for 50 C the optimum gas space height was 0.42 m and the excess air was 7% (wt). Also, for 55 C the optimum gas space height was 0.52 m and the excess air was 5% (wt). For a 10 C raise from 40 C to 50 C, the height increased by 5%; however, a 5 C raise from 50 C to 55 C showed an increase by 25%. It is therefore recommended to operate the absorber at tray temperatures below 50 C which is retainable easily obtainable by the cooling water from cooling towers. Fig. 3F shows the effect of chiller zone temperature on the optimum gas space height at an operating pressure of 1125 kPa. For a temperature range of 515 C, the optimum height was 0.50 m, however, when operated at 20 C the optimum height was 0.42 m. The reduction of temperature increases the rate of NO oxidation and hence reduces the empty space height. The xed capital contributing to the annualized product cost thereby reduces and compensates for the higher chiller operating cost
Fig. 6. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 150 ppmV NOx at outlet (60% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air for: (A) 300 TPD, (B) 310 TPD, (C) 320 TPD, (D) 330 TPD.
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at reduced temperatures. At 20 C, to meet the constrain of absorber outlet NOx, more stages were required, the decrease in chiller cost here was compensated by high xed capital contributed by increased stages, giving an optimum at reduced gas space height of 0.42 m. Fig. 3G shows the effect of oxidizer volume on the product acid cost. The importance of the role of oxidizer has been explained earlier. Higher concentration of tetravalent nitrogen oxides enhances the overall rate of absorption. This effect can be clearly realized from Fig. 3G. Higher oxidation volume helps in reducing the number of stages required for achieving a desired constraint of NOx. As the oxidizer volume is increased to about 3 times the original volume (i.e. 3.67 m3 ) that is 10.09 m3 , the optimum results work out to be 0.51 m for gas space height, 1100 kPa operating pressure and 7% (wt) for excess air. 3.2.2. Absorber with equal conversion of divalent nitrogen oxide in gas space It was thought desirable to keep the same extent of conversion in all the empty spaces. Fig. 4A shows that for an operating pressure of 900 kPa, for a range of excess air (39% (wt)), the optimum divalent nitrogen conversion that can be selected for designing the absorber was 25%. The optimum excess air as can be observed was 6.80% (wt). However, simulation stud-
ies carried out for a pressure range of 9001300 kPa for the 6.80% (wt) of excess air (Fig. 4B), gave an optimum conversion of 25% for an operating pressure of 1125 kPa. Hence, it was thought desirable to carry out the search for optimum divalent nitrogen conversion for operating conditions over a range of 9001700 kPa pressure and 315% (wt) excess air. Fig. 4C shows that for a compressor power recovery of 70%, the optimum cost of product acid was 74.83 $/ton, for the conversion level of 14%, 1300 kPa pressure and 3% (wt) excess air. The recovery of compressor power plays an essential role, as power contributes 29.50% to the annualized cost of product acid on the basis of 25% xed capital contribution per year. Fig. 4D and E show that the optimum divalent nitrogen conversion was in the range of 1416.20%, for a wide range of total pressure (9001700 kPa) and excess air (315% (wt)), over a 30% variation in power recovery thus, suggesting the inuence of power recovery on the change in optima to be negligible. Studies from Fig. 3C and D and Fig. 4CE suggest that designing the absorber by the method of equal conversion in gas space, helps to realize a lower cost of product acid as compared to the method of equi-spaced plates. By choosing the equal conversion method, the volume requirement for every stage needs to be estimated, thus providing a variable height of gas space for plate spacing to meet the constrain of NOx at outlet to absorber. How-
Fig. 7. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (60% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air for: (A) 300 TPD, (B) 310 TPD, (C) 320 TPD, (D) 330 TPD.
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ever, by following the method of equi-spaced plates, it may be pointed out that the resulting constant volume does not provide optimum level of conversion which is needed for the absorption on the next plate with its corresponding HNO3 concentration and temperature. Keeping the above discussion in view, the sensitivity of the per cent annualized xed capital was studied. It can be seen from Fig. 4C that the optimum levels of conversion, pressure and per cent excess air was 14%, 1300 kPa and 3% (wt), respectively. Further, in the range of 2030% rate of annualization, as shown in Fig. 4F, the optimum conversion can be seen to be in the range of 1513% respectively. Fig. 4G shows the effect of oxidizer volume on the product acid cost. As against the earlier study for equi-spaced case of absorber; as the conversion of divalent nitrogen is considered equal in every stage, hence we get a variable volume of gas space along the length of the absorber. Thereby, the effect of volume variation on the performance of the column is not pronounced as shown in the gure. Fig. 5AD show that as the demand for outlet NOx constrain becomes stringent, the optimum cost for product acid increases and so does the process conditions. For 150 ppmV outlet NOx constrain the optimum levels of conversion, pressure and per cent (wt) excess air were found to be 11%, 1400 kPa
and 3% (wt), respectively. So for 200, 250 and 300 ppmV the optimum divalent nitrogen conversion was 14%, 19% and 20%, respectively. The respective optimum values of other parameters were 1300 kPa pressure and 3% (wt) excess air, 1100 kPa pressure and 5% (wt) excess air; and 1100 kPa pressure and 3% (wt) excess air. Fig. 5 shows that, above 250 ppmV, the optimum divalent nitrogen oxide conversion practically remains constant (20%). Below this level of constraint from 250 ppmV to 100 ppmV, the optimum level of conversion was found to increase by 8%. 3.3. Strategy for capacity improvement A 300 TPD (100% HNO3 basis) plant, 60% by weight of product acid, was taken as a case study to assess the model to provide for the optimum operating conditions. The objective was, under otherwise identical conditions of the existing plant and the environmental constrain of ppmV NOx at the outlet, to seek the possibility of increasing the capacity and/or concentration of product HNO3 (herein after termed as quality). 3.3.1. Effect of outlet NOx concentration Fig. 6AD show, as the production of the plant is increased, for an absorber tray temperature of 40 C and chiller zone
Fig. 8. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (60% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air; at absorber tray temperature of 50 C for: (A) 300 TPD, (B) 310 TPD, (C) 320 TPD, (D) 330 TPD.
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temperature of 10 C, the production cost per ton of product acid reduces. Simulations have been carried out for a pressure range of 8001400 kPa and excess air range of 319% (wt). The shaded plane in the gures is the 150 ppmV outlet NOx constrain, and the 3D view of the gures give the operating conditions meeting the constrain. The optimum observed for 300 TPD is 72.79 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.88% (wt) excess air; for 310 TPD is 72.65 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 7.60% (wt) excess air; for 320 TPD is 72.55 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 8.40% (wt) excess air; and for 330 TPD is 72.39 $/ton operating at 1100 kPa and 4.18% (wt) excess air. Therefore, a 10 TPD capacity increase, improves prot by 4.22% and for a 10% rise in capacity to 330 TPD, prot margin improves by 12.71%; i.e. 1031 $/day. Fig. 7AD show the optimum for constrain of 200 ppmV outlet NOx. The optimum for 300 TPD is 72.20 $/ton operating at 900 kPa and 8.54% (wt) excess air; for 310 TPD is 72.11 $/ton operating at 900 kPa and 9.34% (wt) excess air; for 320 TPD is 71.83 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 4.32% (wt) excess air; and for 330 TPD is 71.67 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 4.80% (wt) excess air. Therefore, for a 50 ppmV reduction in the NOx outlet constrain and a 10% rise
in capacity to 330 TPD, improves prot margin by 13.47%; i.e. 1132 $/day. 3.3.2. Effect of absorber tray temperature Fig. 8AD show the effect of 10 C rise in absorber tray temperature for various capacities on the cost of production. For, a chiller zone temperature of 10 C, a constrain of 200 ppmV outlet NOx gives optimum for 300 TPD, as 72.96 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 4.98% (wt) excess air; for 310 TPD, as 72.75 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.46% (wt) excess air; for 320 TPD, as 72.58 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.91% (wt) excess air; and for 330 TPD, as 72.41 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.33% (wt) excess air. Therefore, if operated at 40 C instead of 50 C, reduction in operating cost by 1.1% per ton of product acid is possible; which translates into a prot enhancement of 4.74% for 300 TPD plant. Also, when capacity is increased by 10%, a reduction in operating cost by 1.8% per ton of product acid, is possible; which translates into a prot enhancement by 18.84% or 1511 $/day. 3.3.3. Effect of chiller zone temperature Fig. 9AD show, the effect of 10 C rise in chiller zone temperature for various capacities on the cost of production. For
Fig. 9. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (60% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air at chiller zone temperature of 20 C for: (A) 300 TPD, (B) 310 TPD, (C) 320 TPD, (D) 330 TPD.
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Fig. 10. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (300 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis). Effect of pressure and excess air for: (A) 60%, (B) 61%, (C) 62%, (D) 63%.
absorber tray temperature of 40 C and constrain of 200 ppmV, outlet NOx gives optimum for 300 TPD as 72.40 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.23% (wt) excess air; for 310 TPD as 72.19 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.69% (wt) excess air; for 320 TPD as 72.01 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.13% (wt) excess air; and for 330 TPD as 71.85 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.54% (wt) excess air. Therefore when operated at 10 C instead of 20 C, reduction in operating cost by 0.28% per ton of product acid is possible; which translates into a prot improvement of 1.20% for 300 TPD plant. Also, when capacity is increased by 10% (to 330 TPD), a reduction in operating cost by 1.02% per ton of product acid, is possible; which translates into a prot enhancement by 14.83% or 1232 $/day. 3.4. Strategy for quality improvement The market price for various concentration of nitric acid is presented in Table 5. 3.4.1. Effect of outlet NOx concentration Fig. 10AD show, as the quality of the HNO3 increases, for an absorber tray temperature of 40 C and chiller zone
temperature of 10 C, the production cost per ton of product acid increases. Simulations have been performed for a pressure range of 8001400 kPa and excess air range of 319% (wt). The shaded plane in the gures is the 200 ppmV outlet NOx constrain, and the 3D view of the gures shows the operating conditions meeting the constrain. For a 300 TPD, the optimum observed for 60% is 72.20 $/ton operating at 900 kPa and 8.54% (wt) excess air; for 61% is 73.70 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 4.12% (wt) excess air; for 62% is 75.31 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.23% (wt) excess air; and for 63% is 78.10 $/ton operating at 1100 kPa and 3.61% (wt) excess air.
Table 5 Cost of product acids Product acid quality (wt%) 60 61 62 63 64 66 68 98 Product cost ($/ton) 90 98 102 107 111 119 131 184
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Fig. 11. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 150 ppmV NOx at outlet (300 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis). Effect of pressure and excess air for: (A) 60%, (B) 61%, (C) 62%, (D) 63%.
Therefore, as quality increases, from 60% to 63% prot enhances by 3550 $/day for 61%, 4514 $/day for 62% and 5362 $/day for 63%. Fig. 11AD show, the optimum for constrain of 150 ppmV outlet NOx. For 300 TPD, it gives for 60%, 72.79 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.88% (wt) excess air; for 61%, 74.43 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 8.28% (wt) excess air; for 62%, 76.21 $/ton operating at 1100 kPa and 4.87% (wt) excess air; and for 63%, 79.66 $/ton operating at 1200 kPa and 4.93% (wt) excess air. Therefore, for a 50 ppmV reduction in the NOx outlet constrain, improvement in prot margin for 61% is 3191 $/day, 62% is 4079 $/day and 63% is 4619 $/day, taking the reference as; 60% product quality at 300 TPD and 200 ppmV outlet NOx constrain. The demand on outlet NOx constrain will increase the product cost for 6063%, by 0.82.0%. However, daily prot will drop by 10.11% for 61%, 9.64% for 62%, and 13.85% for 63%. 3.4.2. Effect of absorber tray temperature Fig. 12AC show the effect of 10 C rise in absorber tray temperature for various qualities on the cost of production. For 300 TPD and chiller zone temperature of 10 C, constrain of 200 ppmV outlet NOx gives optimum for 60% as 72.96 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 4.98% (wt) excess air; for 61%
as 74.93 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.93% (wt) excess air; and for 62% as 78.06 $/ton operating at 1100 kPa and 4.77% (wt) excess air. Therefore, if operated at 40 C instead of 50 C, a reduction in operating cost by 1.1% per ton of product acid is possible; which translates into a prot enhancement of 4.74% for 300 TPD plant and 60% product quality. Similarly, for 61% and 62% product quality, by operating at 10 C higher, loss of prot by 17.04% and 29.47%, respectively is observed with reference to operating 60% product quality at 40 C absorber tray temperature. Thereby, operating at 40 C absorber tray temperature, prot enhancement for 61% is 3550 $/day; and for 62% is 4514 $/day; for 300 TPD. 3.4.3. Effect of chiller zone temperature Fig. 13AD show, the effect of 10 C rise in chiller zone temperature for various qualities on cost of production. For absorber tray temperature of 40 C and constrain of 200 ppmV outlet NOx gives optimum for 60% as 72.40 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 5.23% (wt) excess air; for 61% as 73.91 $/ton operating at 1000 kPa and 6.08% (wt) excess air; for 62% as 75.57 $/ton operating at 1100 kPa and 7.44% (wt) excess air; and for 63% as 78.49 $/ton operating at 1200 kPa and 6.62% (wt) excess air.
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Fig. 12. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (300 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis). Effect of pressure and excess air at absorber tray temperature of 50 C for: (A) 60%, (B) 61%, (C) 62%.
Therefore when operated at 10 C instead of 20 C, a reduction in operating cost by 0.28% per ton of product acid is possible; which translates into a prot improvement of 1.20% for 60% product quality. Also, when the quality is increased, a 10 C rise in chiller zone temperature reduces prot by 2.90% to 3447 $/day for 61%, by 2.78% to 4389 $/day for 62%, and by 3.47% to 5176 $/day for 63% product quality. 3.4.4. Effect of oxidizer volume The importance of NOx composition entering the tray column has been emphasized earlier. Higher concentration of tetravalent NOx is always desired for getting higher rates of absorption as well as the possibility of getting higher quality. In this context, the oxidizer volume gains an important role and, therefore, it was thought desirable to understand the sensitivity of the oxidizer volume on the capacity and quality of HNO3 under otherwise identical conditions. Fig. 14AD show, for a 300 TPD and 63% product quality, as the volume is increased from 3.36 m3 to 23.52 m3 , the cost of production shows a minima at 16.80 m3 oxidizer volume, where prot enhancement is 5576 $/day, with reference to a 300 TPD plant of 60%, with 3.36 m3 oxidizer volume. Further, Fig. 15AD show that for a 330 TPD and 63% product
quality, as the volume is varied between 3.36 m3 and 30.24 m3 , the cost of production shows a minima at 10.08 m3 and the prot enhancement is 7220 $/day, with reference to a 300 TPD plant of 60%, with 3.36 m3 oxidizer volume. As, the oxidizer volume is increased more nitrogen tetraoxide formation takes place, resulting in lower cost of production. However, after a certain oxidizer volume, as seen in the above gures; the cost of oxidizer, though marginal, adds to the cost of production; giving us minima for production cost for a range of oxidizer volumes. The reduction in volume for higher capacity is well understood from the optimum process parameters obtained under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at the outlet. For 300 TPD and 63% product quality the optimum conditions are 1000 kPa and 7.29 wt% excess air; while for 330 TPD and 63% product quality the optimum conditions are 1100 kPa and 9.56 wt% excess air. In both the cases the absorber tray temperature and chiller zone temperature are practically at their optimum of 40 C and 10 C, respectively. It is the effect of high pressure that reduces the volume of oxidizer for 330 TPD and 63% product quality. If a similar pressure condition is used for 300 TPD with 63% product quality, though the volume reduces, the cost of production was found to increase gradually, thereby reducing the envisaged enhancement of prot.
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Fig. 13. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (300 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis). Effect of pressure and excess air; at chiller zone temperature of 20 C for: (A) 60%, (B) 61%, (C) 62%, (D) 63%.
Fig. 14. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (300 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis and 63% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air; at chiller zone temperature of 10 C and absorber tray temperature of 40 C for oxidizer volume: (A) 3.36 m3 , (B) 10.08 m3 , (C) 16.80 m3 , (D) 23.52 m3 .
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Fig. 15. Optimum operating conditions under constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at outlet (330 TPD production 100% HNO3 basis and 63% product quality). Effect of pressure and excess air; at chiller zone temperature of 10 C and absorber tray temperature of 40 C for oxidizer volume: (A) 3.36 m3 , (B) 10.08 m3 , (C) 16.80 m3 , (D) 30.24 m3 .
4. Conclusions Models describing important unit operations and unit processes have been presented in earlier section. Additional details of modeling methodology and methods of solution have been outlined in Appendices A and B. For nitric acid plant simulation codes (FORTRAN) have been developed for individual equipment. The data processing was in MATLAB. The important ndings of this work are presented below: (1) The comparison of simulation code predictions with the plant data shows that the predicted plant pressure at four locations (1, 6, 3, and 12 as per Fig. 1) agrees with the plant data within 3.5%. Further, the HNO3 concentration with respect to tray number was predicted within 5%. These two results validate the simulation codes. (2) As the constraint on the NOx exit concentration increases, the optimum operating pressure was found to increase. For instance, for a capacity of 330 TPD the optimum pressure for 150 ppmV and 200 ppmV were found to be 1100 kPa and 1000 kPa, respectively. (3) An increase in the absorber tray temperature was found to demand high pressure or high excess air, to achieve the desired level of NOx at the outlet. Thus for 300 TPD
capacity, the optimum for 40 C and 50 C were found to be 900 kPa and 8.54 wt% excess air; and 1000 kPa and 4.98 wt% excess air, respectively. However, though optimum pressure for 330 TPD is 1000 kPa for both the temperatures, the excess air requirement was found to increase from 4.80 wt% to 6.33 wt% (the NOx constrain of 200 ppmV remaining the same in all cases). (4) For the objective of capacity improvement, it was observed that chiller zone temperature has minor inuence as compared to the absorber tray temperature. For a 300 TPD capacity, 10 C decrease in chiller zone and absorber tray temperatures, leads to cost reduction by 0.28% and 1.1%, respectively. (5) A strategy for capacity improvement has been developed. The optimum conditions to obtain a 330 TPD capacity for 60% product acid under a constrain of 200 ppmV NOx at the outlet, are 1000 kPa, 4.8 wt% excess air, 40 C absorber tray temperature and 10 C chiller zone temperature. This was found to result in a cost reduction of 0.74% per ton and prot enhancement of 13.47% per annum, which translates to 1132 $/day prot. (6) Process parameters like lower outlet NOx concentration, high chiller zone temperature and high absorber tray temperature inuence the cost of production and tend to bring
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down the achievable prot enhancements, for any desired increment in the quality. (7) Increasing oxidizer volume to 16.80 m3 can help in achieving a capacity of 300 TPD with a product quality of 63%. Also, an oxidizer volume of 10.08 m3 helps in achieving a capacity of 330 TPD with 63% product quality. The effect of pressure is very well observed in these sets of results. (8) Designing a plant by considering equal divalent nitrogen conversion in the gas space of absorber reduces the optimum product acid cost by 0.25% as compared to a design based on an absorber with equi-spaced plates. Moreover, the optimum design condition obtained by the former method is insensitive to 30% variation in power recovery and 50% variation in xed capital contribution. Appendix A A.1. Oxidizer model In the oxidizer or pre-conditioning zone, nitric oxide oxidation to nitrogen dioxide takes place in presence of oxygen. As can be observed from Table 1A, the nitric oxide oxidation is accompanied by formation of higher nitrogen oxides and oxy acids. The divalent nitrogen oxide accounts for (i) the unreacted NO, (ii) NO participating in N2 O3 formation (iii) NO participating in HNO2 formation; and (iv) NO being formed due to HNO2 depletion in the as phase. A.1.1. Oxidizer material balance Considering plug ow in the oxidizer, the component balances for divalent nitrogen is written as:
dYNO S = [k1 (pNO )2 pO2 ] dz G
The water per mole of inert which accounts for free water vapor and water in form of oxy acids is:
YH2 O = YNO + YN2 O3 + 0.5YHNO2 0.5YHNO3
The above Eqs. (1.3)(1.6) can be written in terms of the quantities YNO , YNO2 and YH2 O based on the equilibrium constants for gas phase reactions presented in Table 1A. This will lead to a set of four equations and four unknown terms YNO , YNO2 , YH2 O and YT , which can be solved simultaneously, by Newton-Rapson in conjunction with Gauss-Jordan, for known values of YN , Y , YH2 O , and YO2 . The values for NO YHNO3 , YHNO2 , YN2 O3 and YN2 O4 are evaluated from the equilibrium relations. Therefore, the oxidizer material balance, coupled with higher nitrogen oxides evaluation through gas equilibria, will give the values of all higher nitrogen oxides at the outlet of an oxidation section. A.1.4. Oxidizer energy balance Oxidation of nitric oxide, formation of higher nitrogen oxides and formation of oxy acids in presence of water vapor are all exothermic reactions. The standard heat of reaction are tabulated in Table 1A. Energy balance plays a vital role in oxidation section as it inuences the equilibrium constants for the rapid gas phase reactions and also, governs the extent of completion of nitric oxide oxidation. With the known quantities of component species at the inlet and outlet of the oxidizer section, evaluated from oxidizer material balance and gas equilibria, the heat of formation of various components can be evaluated based on the data presented in Table 1A. The summation of all heats of formations of the individual species over the integration length of the oxidizer will give the heat generated in oxidizer section. Appendix B B.1. Absorber model
A.1.2. Method of solution The above Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2), present a boundary value problem. Knowing, the inlet composition of gases entering the oxidizer, the above two equations are solved simultaneously by integrating till exit of the oxidizer, using Runge-Kutta 4th order. A.1.3. Formation of higher nitrogen oxides The formation of higher nitrogen oxides reported in Table 1A is computed by considering no formation or removal of reactive nitrogen within a gaseous system, so far phase change is not occurring. The total number of moles per mole of inert is expressed as: YT = YNO + YNO2 + YN2 O3 + YN2 O4 + YHNO2 + YHNO3 +YH2 O + YO2 + 1.0 (1.3)
The absorption on a stage is modeled by dividing the process into two parts (i) the gases bubbling through the pool of liquid, considering it to ow in plug behavior and (ii) the pool of liquid on the stage, considering it to be completely back mixed. B.1.1. Gases bubbling through liquid The material balance for the gases bubbling through the pool of liquid is written in terms of:
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task, the point rates of various components in the liquid phase is evaluated, based on two lm theory. The absorption of NO2 , N2 O3 and N2 O4 is accompanied by chemical reaction [7]. The volumetric absorption rates for various species are given as: RaNO2 ,L = a(HNO2 )3/2 2 (kD)NO2 3
(pi 2 pb 2 ) NO NO
(2.17) (2.2) RaN2 O4 ,L = a(HN2 O4 )[(kD)N2 O4 ]1/2 (pi 2 O4 pb 2 O4 ) N N RaN2 O3 ,L = a(HN2 O3 )[(kD)N2 O3 ]1/2 (pi 2 O3 pb 2 O3 ) N N RaHNO2 ,L = kL a (HHNO2 )(pi 2 pb 2 O3 ) N HNO (2.18) (2.19) (2.20)
Depletion of nitrous acid in the liquid phase leads to evolution of NO; hence, the volumetric rate for NO in the liquid phase is written as: RaNO,L = 4 2 1 2 RaN2 O3 ,L + RaN2 O4 ,L + RaNO2 ,L + RaHNO2 ,L 3 3 3 3 (2.21)
The point rates of various components in the gas phase is evaluated, based on two lm theory, considering mass transfer resistance to be dominant in the gas lm. The volumetric rates of gas phase mass transfer are given as: RaNO,G = (kG a)NO (pi po ) NO NO RaNO2 ,G = (kG a)NO2 (po 2 pi 2 ) NO NO RaN2 O3 ,G = (kG a)N2 O3 (po 2 O3 pi 2 O3 ) N N RaN2 O4 ,G = (kG a)N2 O4 (po 2 O4 pi 2 O4 ) N N RaHNO2 ,G = (kG a)HNO2 (po 2 pi 2 ) HNO HNO RaHNO3 ,G = (kG a)HNO3 (po 3 HNO pi 3 ) HNO (2.5) (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) (2.9) (2.10) (2.11)
In the above set of Eqs. (2.17)(2.21), there are eight unknown terms; however three terms can be expressed in terms of NO and NO2 from Eqs. (2.12)(2.16). Carberry [11] in his work has shown that for a given set of partial pressures of NO, NO2 and N2 O4 , there exists a certain limiting concentration of nitric acid beyond which no absorption of N2 O4 and NO2 occur; this is heterogeneous equilibrium. Mathematically it is presented in terms of parameter K6 : K6 = pb NO (pb 2 O4 ) N
The correlation [29] for the equilibrium constant is: log10 KH = 30.086 0.0693T (0.197 3.27 104 T )w +1.227 log10 For w < 5% by weight: log10 KH = 31.96 0.0693T + (3.27 104 T 0.4193)w (2.24) (100 w) w2 (2.23)
In the above Eqs. (2.5)(2.11), partial pressure of a species in the bulk gas is known, however, the interface partial pressure is unknown. In order to evaluate the interfacial partial pressures, with the help of equilibrium constants, the interface partial pressures are expressed in terms of NO, NO2 , H2 O and HNO3 . Thus, following equations result: pi 2 O3 = K3 pi pi 2 N NO NO pi 2 O4 = K2 (pi 2 ) N NO
2 0.5
In the above Eqs. (2.23) and (2.24), KH is related to partial pressures as: KH = pb NO (pb 2 ) NO
3 1.5 = K2 K6 (101.33)2
Though the ve unknowns of Eqs. (2.5)(2.11) are now converted to two unknowns (i.e. NO and NO2 ) and two known (i.e. HNO3 and H2 O); still the two unknown values need two simultaneous equations to be evaluated. In order to accomplish this
In order to solve, the two interface partial pressures of NO and NO2 , the following balances are written at the interface;
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(a) NO balance at the interface gives: (RaNO,L RaNO,G ) = (RaN2 O3 ,L RaN2 O3 ,G ) 1 + (RaHNO2 ,L RaHNO2 ,G ) (2.26) 2 (b) NO2 balance at the interface gives: (RaNO2 ,G RaNO2 ,L ) = 2(RaN2 O3 ,L RaN2 O3 ,G ) + 2(RaN2 O4 ,L RaN2 O4 ,G ) 1 + (RaHNO2 ,L RaHNO2 ,G ) 2 (2.27)
In the above two Eqs. (2.26) and (2.27), all values from Eqs. (2.5)(2.21) are substituted to nally get two equations and two unknowns pi and pi 2 , which are solved using NO NO Newton-Rapson in conjunction with Gauss-Jordan. Now, since NO desorbs rapidly from the liquid to the bulk gas, hence, pi = pb NO NO (2.28)
With the aid of Eqs. (2.28), (2.22) and (2.25) all, heterogeneous equilibrium pressure values are evaluated and Eqs. (2.12)(2.16) helps to evaluate the interfacial partial pressure values. This will enable in solving Eqs. (2.5)(2.11), which will nally help us evaluate the Eqs. (2.1)(2.4). The YN , Y , YH2 O , NO and YO2 thus evaluated will help us get the compositions of the various gas species, by following the gas equilibria solving procedure described in Appendix A. B.1.2. Liquid pool on a tray With the evaluations of all components in gas phase at inlet and outlet of the stage, the reactive nitrogen balance in the liquid for the stage is:
G(YN,n1 YN,n ) = Ln XN,n Ln+1 XN,n+1
B.1.3. Absorber energy balance With the known rates of volumetric mass transfer in gas phase from Eqs. (2.5)(2.11) and volumetric absorption in liquid phase from Eqs. (2.17)(2.21), the heat of transfer on an absorber stage can be evaluated from the tabulated data in Table 1B. The heat transfer on every stage is then summed up for the total number of stages in the column. References
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